PORTNAME= gxplugins DISTVERSION= 0.9 CATEGORIES= audio PKGNAMESUFFIX= -lv2 MASTER_SITES= https://github.com/brummer10/GxPlugins.lv2/files/6329721/ DISTNAME= GxPlugins_${DISTVERSION} MAINTAINER= yuri@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Set of LV2 plugins from the guitarix project LICENSE= GPLv3 LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE BUILD_DEPENDS= lv2>0:audio/lv2 USES= compiler:c++11-lang gettext-runtime gmake gnome localbase \ pkgconfig xorg USE_GNOME= cairo USE_XORG= x11 USE_BINUTILS= yes # linking needs some GNU features, fails on 12 without this, see https://github.com/brummer10/GxPlugins.lv2/issues/9 MAKE_ENV= PATH=${LOCALBASE}/bin:/usr/bin:/bin CXXFLAGS="${CXXFLAGS}" # 'ld' needs to be first in the path on 12, -B{path} isn't sufficient for some reason LDFLAGS+= -B${LOCALBASE}/bin # Use ld provided by USE_BINUTILS for GNU features, otherwise GNU ld isn't called post-patch: # SIMD level is wrongly determined during build, not during run: https://github.com/brummer10/GxPlugins.lv2/issues/8 @${REINPLACE_CMD} -E ' \ s|shell cat /proc/cpuinfo|shell echo ""|; \ s| -fstrength-reduce||; \ s| -O2||; s| -Wl,-z,nodelete||; \ s|INSTALL_DIR = .*|INSTALL_DIR = ${PREFIX}/lib/lv2|' \ ${WRKSRC}/*/Makefile .include