path: root/handbook/ppp.sgml
blob: f79c249291ca9b4173a57bf4aab93e8d0a44fa4e (plain) (tree)






















<!-- $Id: ppp.sgml,v 1.8 1996-07-18 20:42:01 joerg Exp $ -->
<!-- The FreeBSD Documentation Project -->

<sect><heading>Setting up kernel PPP<label id="ppp"></heading>

<p><em>Contributed by &a.gena;.</em>

Before you start setting up PPP on your machine make
sure that pppd is located in /usr/sbin and directory /etc/ppp

pppd can work in two modes:
<item> as a "client" , i.e. you want to connect your machine to outside
world via PPP serial connection or modem line.

<item> as a "server" , i.e. your machine is located on the network and
used to connect other computers using PPP.
In both cases you will need to set up an options file (<tt>/etc/ppp/options</tt>
or <tt>~/.ppprc</tt> if you have more then one user on your machine that uses

You also will need some modem/serial software ( preferably kermit )
so you can dial and establish connection with remote host.

<sect1><heading>Working as a PPP client</heading>

<p>I used the following <tt>/etc/ppp/options</tt> to connect to CISCO terminal
server PPP line.
crtscts		# enable hardware flow control
modem		# modem control line
noipdefault	# remote PPP server must supply your IP address.
		# if the remote host doesn't send your IP during IPCP
		# negotiation , remove this option
passive		# wait for LCP packets
domain ppp.foo.com	# put your domain name here

:<remote_ip>	# put the IP of remote PPP host here
		# it will be used to route packets via PPP link
		# if you didn't specified the noipdefault option
		# change this line to <local_ip>:<remote_ip>

defaultroute	# put this if you want that PPP server will be your
		# default router

To connect:
<item> Dial to the remote host using kermit ( or other modem program )
enter your user name and password ( or whatever is needed to enable PPP
on the remote host )

<item> Exit kermit. ( without hanging up the line )

<item> enter: 
/usr/src/usr.sbin/pppd.new/pppd /dev/tty01 19200
( put the appropriate speed and device name )

Now your computer is connected with PPP. If the connection fails for some
reasons you can add the "debug" option to the <tt>/etc/ppp/options</tt> file
and check messages on the console to track the problem

Following <tt>/etc/ppp/pppup</tt> script will make all 3 stages automatically:
ps ax |grep pppd |grep -v grep
pid=`ps ax |grep pppd |grep -v grep|awk '{print $1;}'`
if [ "X${pid}" != "X" ] ; then
        echo 'killing pppd, PID=' ${pid}
        kill ${pid}
ps ax |grep kermit |grep -v grep
pid=`ps ax |grep kermit |grep -v grep|awk '{print $1;}'`
if [ "X${pid}" != "X" ] ; then
        echo 'killing kermit, PID=' ${pid}
        kill -9 ${pid}

ifconfig ppp0 down
ifconfig ppp0 delete

kermit -y /etc/ppp/kermit.dial
pppd /dev/tty01 19200

<tt>/etc/ppp/kermit.dial</tt> is kermit script that dials and makes all
necessary authorization on the remote host.
( Example of such script is attached to the end of this document )

Use the following <tt>/etc/ppp/pppdown</tt> script to disconnect the PPP line:
pid=`ps ax |grep pppd |grep -v grep|awk '{print $1;}'`
if [ X${pid} != "X" ] ; then
        echo 'killing pppd, PID=' ${pid}
        kill -TERM ${pid}

ps ax |grep kermit |grep -v grep
pid=`ps ax |grep kermit |grep -v grep|awk '{print $1;}'`
if [ "X${pid}" != "X" ] ; then
        echo 'killing kermit, PID=' ${pid}
        kill -9 ${pid}

/sbin/ifconfig ppp0 down
/sbin/ifconfig ppp0 delete
kermit -y /etc/ppp/kermit.hup 

Check if PPP is still running (<tt>/usr/etc/ppp/ppptest</tt>):
pid=`ps ax| grep pppd |grep -v grep|awk '{print $1;}'`
if [ X${pid} != "X" ] ; then
        echo 'pppd running: PID=' ${pid-NONE}
        echo 'No pppd running.'
set -x
netstat -n -I ppp0
ifconfig ppp0

Hangs up modem line (<tt>/etc/ppp/kermit.hup</tt>):
set line /dev/tty01	; put your modem device here
set speed 19200
set file type binary
set file names literal
set win 8
set rec pack 1024
set send pack 1024
set block 3
set term bytesize 8
set command bytesize 8
set flow none

pau 1
out +++
inp 5 OK
out ATH0\13
echo \13

<p>Here is an alternate method using <tt>chat</tt> instead of

<em>Contributed by &a.rhuff;.</em>

<p>The following two files are sufficient to accomplish a pppd

 /dev/cuaa1 115200

crtscts		# enable hardware flow control
modem		# modem control line
connect "/usr/bin/chat -f /etc/ppp/login.chat.script"
noipdefault	# remote PPP server must supply your IP address.
		# if the remote host doesn't send your IP during
		# IPCP negotiation, remove this option
passive		# wait for LCP packets
domain <your.domain>	# put your domain name here

:		# put the IP of remote PPP host here
		# it will be used to route packets via PPP link
		# if you didn't specified the noipdefault option
		# change this line to <local_ip>:<remote_ip>

defaultroute	# put this if you want that PPP server will be
		# your default router


(This should actually go into a single line.)

 CONNECT "" TIMEOUT 10 ogin:-\\r-ogin: <login-id>
 TIMEOUT 5 sword: <password>

Once these are installed and modified correctly, all you need to
do is


<em> This sample based primarily on information provided by: Trev Roydhouse
&lt;Trev.Roydhouse@f401.n711.z3.fidonet.org&gt; and used by

<sect1><heading>Working as a PPP server</heading>

crtscts				# Hardware flow control
netmask		# netmask ( not required )  # ip's of local and remote hosts
				# local ip must be different from one
				# you assigned to the ethernet ( or other )
				# interface on your machine.
				# remote IP is ip address that will be 
				# assigned to the remote machine
domain ppp.foo.com		# your domain
passive				# wait for LCP
modem				# modem line

Following <tt>/etc/ppp/pppserv</tt> script will enable ppp server on your
ps ax |grep pppd |grep -v grep
pid=`ps ax |grep pppd |grep -v grep|awk '{print $1;}'`
if [ "X${pid}" != "X" ] ; then
        echo 'killing pppd, PID=' ${pid}
        kill ${pid}
ps ax |grep kermit |grep -v grep
pid=`ps ax |grep kermit |grep -v grep|awk '{print $1;}'`
if [ "X${pid}" != "X" ] ; then
        echo 'killing kermit, PID=' ${pid}
        kill -9 ${pid}

# reset ppp interface
ifconfig ppp0 down
ifconfig ppp0 delete

# enable autoanswer mode
kermit -y /etc/ppp/kermit.ans

# run ppp
pppd /dev/tty01 19200

Use this <tt>/etc/ppp/pppservdown</tt> script to stop ppp server:
ps ax |grep pppd |grep -v grep
pid=`ps ax |grep pppd |grep -v grep|awk '{print $1;}'`
if [ "X${pid}" != "X" ] ; then
        echo 'killing pppd, PID=' ${pid}
        kill ${pid}
ps ax |grep kermit |grep -v grep
pid=`ps ax |grep kermit |grep -v grep|awk '{print $1;}'`
if [ "X${pid}" != "X" ] ; then
        echo 'killing kermit, PID=' ${pid}
        kill -9 ${pid}
ifconfig ppp0 down
ifconfig ppp0 delete

kermit -y /etc/ppp/kermit.noans

Following kermit script will enable/disable autoanswer mode 
on your modem (<tt>/etc/ppp/kermit.ans</tt>):
set line /dev/tty01
set speed 19200
set file type binary
set file names literal
set win 8
set rec pack 1024
set send pack 1024
set block 3
set term bytesize 8
set command bytesize 8
set flow none

pau 1
out +++
inp 5 OK
out ATH0\13
inp 5 OK
echo \13
out ATS0=1\13	; change this to out ATS0=0\13 if you want to disable
		; autoanswer mod
inp 5 OK
echo \13

This <tt>/etc/ppp/kermit.dial</tt> script is used for dialing and authorizing
on remote host. You will need to customize it for your needs.
Put your login and password in this script , also you will need
to change input statement depending on responses from your modem
and remote host.
; put the com line attached to the modem here:
set line /dev/tty01
; put the modem speed here:
set speed 19200
set file type binary		; full 8 bit file xfer
set file names literal
set win 8
set rec pack 1024
set send pack 1024
set block 3
set term bytesize 8
set command bytesize 8
set flow none
set modem hayes
set dial hangup off
set carrier auto		; Then SET CARRIER if necessary,
set dial display on		; Then SET DIAL if necessary,
set input echo on
set input timeout proceed
set input case ignore
def \%x 0			; login prompt counter
goto slhup

:slcmd				; put the modem in command mode
echo Put the modem in command mode.
clear				; Clear unread characters from input buffer
pause 1
output +++			; hayes escape sequence
input 1 OK\13\10		; wait for OK
if success goto slhup
output \13
pause 1
output at\13
input 1 OK\13\10
if fail goto slcmd		; if modem doesn't answer OK, try again

:slhup				; hang up the phone
clear				; Clear unread characters from input buffer
pause 1
echo Hanging up the phone.
output ath0\13			; hayes command for on hook
input 2 OK\13\10
if fail goto slcmd		; if no OK answer, put modem in command mode

:sldial				; dial the number
pause 1
echo Dialing.
output atdt9,550311\13\10		; put phone number here
assign \%x 0			; zero the time counter

clear				; Clear unread characters from input buffer
increment \%x			; Count the seconds
input 1 {CONNECT }
if success goto sllogin
reinput 1 {NO CARRIER\13\10}
if success goto sldial
reinput 1 {NO DIALTONE\13\10}
if success goto slnodial
reinput 1 {\255}
if success goto slhup
reinput 1 {\127}
if success goto slhup
if < \%x 60 goto look
else goto slhup

:sllogin			; login
assign \%x 0			; zero the time counter
pause 1
echo Looking for login prompt.

increment \%x			; Count the seconds
clear				; Clear unread characters from input buffer
output \13
; put your expected login prompt here:
input 1 {Username: }
if success goto sluid
reinput 1 {\255}
if success goto slhup
reinput 1 {\127}
if success goto slhup
if < \%x 10 goto slloop		; try 10 times to get a login prompt
else goto slhup			; hang up and start again if 10 failures

; put your userid here:
output ppp-login\13
input 1 {Password: }
; put your password here:
output ppp-password\13
input 1 {Entering SLIP mode.}

echo \7No dialtone.  Check the telephone line!\7
exit 1

; local variables:
; mode: csh
; comment-start: "; "
; comment-start-skip: "; "
; end:

Gennady B. Sorokopud ( gena@NetVision.net.il ) 24/10/94 12:00