diff options
authorMurray Stokely <murray@FreeBSD.org>2005-10-07 04:16:35 +0000
committerMurray Stokely <murray@FreeBSD.org>2005-10-07 04:16:35 +0000
commit025410d251f17401fb734d9e9fa3813083884819 (patch)
parentdaa55ca421f67861565668ff269d38b867915af3 (diff)
Add article: Why you should use a BSD style license for your Open
Source Project by Bruce R. Montague, with prodding/encouragement from Dru Lavigne.
Notes: svn path=/head/; revision=25925
2 files changed, 596 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/bsdl-gpl/Makefile b/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/bsdl-gpl/Makefile
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+# $FreeBSD$
+# BSDL vs GPL article.
+DOC?= article
+FORMATS?= html
+SRCS= article.sgml
+URL_RELPREFIX?= ../../../..
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+ The FreeBSD Documentation Project
+<!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//DTD DocBook V4.1-Based Extension//EN" [
+<!ENTITY % articles.ent PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//ENTITIES DocBook FreeBSD Articles Entity Set//EN">
+ <title>Why you should use a BSD style license for your Open Source Project</title>
+ <articleinfo>
+ <authorgroup>
+ <author>
+ <firstname>Bruce</firstname>
+<!-- middle initial: R. -->
+ <surname>Montague</surname>
+ <affiliation>
+ <address><email>brucem@alumni.cse.ucsc.edu</email>
+ </address>
+ </affiliation>
+ </author>
+ </authorgroup>
+ <pubdate>$FreeBSD$</pubdate>
+ <legalnotice id="trademarks" role="trademarks">
+ &tm-attrib.freebsd;
+ &tm-attrib.cvsup;
+ &tm-attrib.intel;
+ &tm-attrib.xfree86;
+ &tm-attrib.general;
+ </legalnotice>
+ </articleinfo>
+<sect1 id="intro">
+ <title>Introduction</title>
+ <para>This document makes a case for using a BSD style license for
+ software and data; specifically it recommends using a BSD style
+ license in place of the GPL. It can also be read as a BSD versus
+ GPL Open Source License introduction and summary.</para>
+<sect1 id="history">
+ <title>Very Brief Open Source History</title>
+ <para>Long before the term Open Source was used, software was
+ developed by loose associations of programmers and freely
+ exchanged. Starting in the early 1950's, organizations such as
+ <ulink url="http://www.share.org">SHARE</ulink> and <ulink url="http://www.decus.org">DECUS</ulink> developed much of the
+ software that computer hardware companies bundled with their
+ hardware offerings. At that time computer companies were in the
+ hardware business; anything that reduced software cost and made
+ more programs available made the hardware companies more
+ competitive.</para>
+ <para>This model changed in the 1960's. In 1965 ADR developed the
+ first licensed software product independent of a hardware
+ company. ADR was competing against a free IBM package originally
+ developed by IBM customers. ADR patented their software in
+ 1968. To stop sharing of their program, they provided it under an
+ equipment lease in which payment was spread over the lifetime of
+ the product. ADR thus retained ownership and could control resale
+ and reuse.</para>
+ <para>In 1969 the US Department of Justice charged IBM with
+ destroying businesses by bundling free software with IBM
+ hardware. As a result of this suit, IBM unbundled its software;
+ that is, software became independent products separate from
+ hardware.</para>
+ <para>In 1968 Informatics introduced the first commercial killer-app
+ and rapidly established the concept of the software product, the
+ software company, and very high rates of return. Informatics
+ developed the perpetual license which is now standard throughout
+ the computer industry, wherein ownership is never transfered to
+ the customer.</para>
+<sect1 id="unix-license">
+ <title>Unix from a BSD Licensing Perspective</title>
+ <para>AT&amp;T, who owned the original Unix implementation, was a
+ publicly regulated monopoly tied up in anti-trust court; it was
+ legally unable to sell a product into the software market. It was,
+ however, able to provide it to academic institutions for the price
+ of media.</para>
+ <para>Universities rapidly adopted Unix after an OS conference
+ publicized its availability. It was extremely helpful that Unix
+ ran on the PDP-11, a very affordable 16-bit computer, and was
+ coded in a high-level language that was demonstrably good for
+ systems programming. The DEC PDP-11 had, in effect, an open
+ hardware interface designed to make it easy for customers to write
+ their own OS, which was common. As DEC founder Ken Olsen famously
+ proclaimed, <quote>software comes from heaven when you have good
+ hardware</quote>.</para>
+ <para>Unix author Ken Thompson returned to his alma mater,
+ University of California Berkeley (UCB), in 1975 and taught the
+ kernel line-by-line. This ultimately resulted in an evolving
+ system known as BSD (Berkeley Standard Distribution). UCB
+ converted Unix to 32-bits, added virtual memory, and implemented
+ the version of the TCP/IP stack upon which the Internet was
+ essentially built. UCB made BSD available for the cost of media,
+ under what became known as the BSD license. A customer purchased
+ Unix from AT&amp;T and then ordered a BSD tape from UCB.</para>
+ <para>In the mid-1980s a government anti-trust case against ATT
+ ended with the break-up of ATT. ATT still owned Unix and was now
+ able to sell it. ATT embarked on an aggressive licensing effort
+ and most commercial Unixes of the day became ATT-derived.</para>
+ <para>In the early 1990's ATT sued UCB over license violations
+ related to BSD. UCB discovered that ATT had incorporated, without
+ acknowledgment or payment, many improvements due to BSD into ATT's
+ products, and a lengthy court case, primarily between ATT and UCB,
+ ensued. During this period some UCB programmers embarked on a
+ project to rewrite any ATT code associated with BSD. This project
+ resulted in a system called BSD 4.4-lite (lite because it was not
+ a complete system; it lacked 6 key ATT files).</para>
+ <para>A lengthy series of articles published slightly later in
+ Dr. Dobbs magazine described a BSD-derived 386 PC version of Unix,
+ with BSD-licensed replacement files for the 6 missing 4.4 lite
+ files. This system, named 386BSD, was due to ex-UCB programmer
+ William Jolitz. It became the original basis of all the PC BSDs in
+ use today.</para>
+ <para>In the mid 1990s, Novell purchased ATT's Unix rights and a
+ (then secret) agreement was reached to terminate the lawsuit. UCB
+ soon terminated its support for BSD.</para>
+<sect1 id="current-bsdl">
+ <title>The Current State of FreeBSD and BSD Licenses</title>
+ <para>The so-called <ulink url="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php"> new BSD
+ license</ulink> applied to FreeBSD within the last few years is
+ effectively a statement that you can do anything with the program
+ or its source, but you do not have any warranty and none of the
+ authors has any liability (basically, you can't sue anybody). This
+ new BSD license is intended to encourage product
+ commercialization. Any BSD code can be sold or included in
+ proprietary products without any restrictions on the availability
+ of your code or your future behavior.</para>
+ <para>Don't confuse the new BSD license with <quote>public
+ domain</quote>. While an item in the public domain is also free
+ for all to use, it has no owner.</para>
+<sect1 id="origins-gpl">
+ <title>The origins of the GPL</title>
+ <para>While the future of Unix had been so muddled in the late 1980s
+ and early 1990s, the GPL, another development with important
+ licensing considerations, reached fruition.</para>
+ <para>Richard Stallman, the developer of Emacs, was a member of the
+ staff at MIT when his lab switched from home-grown to proprietary
+ systems. Stallman became upset when he found that he could not
+ legally add minor improvements to the system. (Many of Stallman's
+ co-workers had left to form two companies based on software
+ developed at MIT and licensed by MIT; there appears to have been
+ disagreement over access to the source code for this software).
+ Stallman devised an alternative to the commercial software license
+ and called it the GPL, or "GNU Public License". He also started a
+ non-profit foundation, the <ulink url="http://www.fsf.org">Free
+ Software Foundation</ulink> (FSF), which intended to develop an entire
+ operating system, including all associated software, that would
+ not be subject to proprietary licensing. This system was called
+ GNU, for "GNU is Not Unix".</para>
+ <para>The GPL was designed to be the antithesis of the standard
+ proprietary license. To this end, any modifications that were
+ made to a GPL program were required to be given back to the GPL
+ community (by requiring that the source of the program be
+ available to the user) and any program that used or linked to GPL
+ code was required to be under the GPL. The GPL was intended to
+ keep software from becoming proprietary. As the last paragraph of
+ the GPL states:</para>
+ <para><quote>This General Public License does not permit
+ incorporating your program into proprietary
+ programs.</quote>[1]</para>
+ <para>The <ulink url="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php">GPL</ulink>
+ is a complex license so here are some rules of thumb when using
+ the GPL:</para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem><para>you can charge as much as you want for
+ distributing, supporting, or documenting the software, but you
+ cannot sell the software itself.</para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para>the viral rule-of-thumb states that if GPL source
+ is required for a program to compile, the program must be under
+ the GPL. Linking statically to a GPL library requires a program
+ to be under the GPL.</para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para>the GPL requires that any patents associated with
+ GPLed software must be licensed for everyone's free
+ use.</para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para>simply aggregating software together, as when
+ multiple programs are put on one disk, does not count as
+ including GPLed programs in non-GPLed
+ programs.</para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para>output of a program does not count as a derivative
+ work. This enables the gcc compiler to be used in commercial
+ environments without legal problems.</para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para>since the Linux kernel is under the GPL, any code
+ statically linked with the Linux kernel must be GPLed. This
+ requirement can be circumvented by dynamically linking loadable
+ kernel modules. This permits companies to distribute binary
+ drivers, but often has the disadvantage that they will only work
+ for particular versions of the Linux kernel.</para></listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ <para>Due in part to its complexity, in many parts of the world
+ today the legalities of the GPL are being ignored in regard to
+ Linux and related software. The long-term ramifications of this
+ are unclear.</para>
+<sect1 id="origins-lgpl">
+ <title>The origins of Linux and the LGPL</title>
+ <para>While the commercial Unix wars raged, the Linux kernel was
+ developed as a PC Unix clone. Linus Torvalds credits the existence
+ of the GNU C compiler and the associated GNU tools for the
+ existence of Linux. He put the Linux kernel under the GPL.</para>
+ <para>Remember that the GPL requires anything that statically links
+ to any code under the GPL also be placed under the GPL. The source
+ for this code must thus be made available to the user of the
+ program. Dynamic linking, however, is not considered a violation
+ of the GPL. Pressure to put proprietary applications on Linux
+ became overwhelming. Such applications often must link with system
+ libraries. This resulted in a modified version of the GPL called
+ the <ulink url="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php">LGPL</ulink>
+ ("Library", since renamed to "Lesser", GPL). The LGPL allows
+ proprietary code to be linked to the GNU C library, glibc. You do
+ not have to release the source to code which has been dynamically
+ linked to an LGPLed library.</para>
+ <para>If you statically link an application with glibc, such as is
+ often required in embedded systems, you cannot keep your
+ application proprietary, that is, the source must be
+ released. Both the GPL and LGPL require any modifications to the
+ code directly under the license to be released.</para>
+<sect1 id="orphaning">
+ <title>Open Source licenses and the Orphaning Problem</title>
+ <para>One of the serious problems associated with proprietary
+ software is known as <quote>orphaning</quote>. This occurs when a
+ single business failure or change in a product strategy causes a
+ huge pyramid of dependent systems and companies to fail for
+ reasons beyond their control. Decades of experience have shown
+ that the momentary size or success of a software supplier is no
+ guarantee that their software will remain available, as current
+ market conditions and strategies can change rapidly.</para>
+ <para>The GPL attempts to prevent orphaning by severing the link to
+ proprietary intellectual property.</para>
+ <para>A BSD license gives a small company the equivalent of
+ software-in-escrow without any legal complications or costs. If a
+ BSD-licensed program becomes orphaned, a company can simply take
+ over, in a proprietary manner, the program on which they are
+ dependent. An even better situation occurs when a BSD code-base is
+ maintained by a small informal consortium, since the development
+ process is not dependent on the survival of a single company or
+ product line. The survivability of the development team when they
+ are mentally in the zone is much more important than simple
+ physical availability of the source code.</para>
+<sect1 id="license-cannot">
+ <title>What a license cannot do</title>
+ <para>No license can guarantee future software
+ availability. Although a copyright holder can traditionally change
+ the terms of a copyright at anytime, the presumption in the BSD
+ community is that such an attempt simply causes the source to
+ fork.</para>
+ <para>The GPL explicitly disallows revoking the license. It has
+ occurred , however, that a company (Mattel) purchased a GPL
+ copyright (cphack), revoked the entire copyright, went to court,
+ and prevailed [2]. That is, they legally revoked the entire
+ distribution and all derivative works based on the
+ copyright. Whether this could happen with a larger and more
+ dispersed distribution is an open question; there is also some
+ confusion regarding whether the software was really under the
+ GPL.</para>
+ <para>In another example, Red Hat purchased Cygnus, an engineering
+ company that had taken over development of the FSF compiler
+ tools. Cygnus was able to do so because they had developed a
+ business model in which they sold support for GNU software. This
+ enabled them to employ some 50 engineers and drive the direction
+ of the programs by contributing the preponderance of
+ modifications. As Donald Rosenberg states "projects using licenses
+ like the GPL...live under constant threat of having someone take
+ over the project by producing a better version of the code and
+ doing it faster than the original owners." [3]</para>
+<sect1 id="gpl-advantages">
+ <title>GPL Advantages and Disadvantages</title>
+ <para>A common reason to use the GPL is when modifying or extending
+ the gcc compiler. This is particularly apt when working with
+ one-off specialty CPUs in environments where all software costs
+ are likely to be considered overhead, with minimal expectations
+ that others will use the resulting compiler.</para>
+ <para>The GPL is also attractive to small companies selling CDs in
+ an environment where "buy-low, sell-high" may still give the
+ end-user a very inexpensive product. It is also attractive to
+ companies that expect to survive by providing various forms of
+ technical support, including documentation, for the GPLed
+ intellectual property world.</para>
+ <para>A less publicized and unintended use of the GPL is that it is
+ very favorable to large companies that want to undercut software
+ companies. In other words, the GPL is well suited for use as a
+ marketing weapon, potentially reducing overall economic benefit
+ and contributing to monopolistic behavior.</para>
+ <para>The GPL can present a real problem for those wishing to
+ commercialize and profit from software. For example, the GPL adds
+ to the difficulty a graduate student will have in directly forming
+ a company to commercialize his research results, or the difficulty
+ a student will have in joining a company on the assumption that a
+ promising research project will be commercialized.</para>
+ <para>For those who must work with statically-linked implementations
+ of multiple software standards, the GPL is often a poor license,
+ because it precludes using proprietary implementations of the
+ standards. The GPL thus minimizes the number of programs that can
+ be built using a GPLed standard. The GPL was intended to not
+ provide a mechanism to develop a standard on which one engineers
+ proprietary products. (This does not apply to Linux applications
+ because they do not statically link, rather they use a trap-based
+ API.)</para>
+ <para>The GPL attempts to make programmers contribute to an evolving
+ suite of programs, then to compete in the distribution and support
+ of this suite. This situation is unrealistic for many required
+ core system standards, which may be applied in widely varying
+ environments which require commercial customization or integration
+ with legacy standards under existing (non-GPL) licenses.
+ Real-time systems are often statically linked, so the GPL and LGPL
+ are definitely considered potential problems by many embedded
+ systems companies.</para>
+ <para>The GPL is an attempt to keep efforts, regardless of demand,
+ at the research and development stages. This maximizes the
+ benefits to researchers and developers, at an unknown cost to
+ those who would benefit from wider distribution.</para>
+ <para>The GPL was designed to keep research results from
+ transitioning to proprietary products. This step is often assumed
+ to be the last step in the traditional technology transfer
+ pipeline and it is usually difficult enough under the best of
+ circumstances; the GPL was intended to make it impossible.</para>
+<sect1 id="bsd-advantages">
+ <title>BSD Advantages</title>
+ <para>A BSD style license is a good choice for long duration
+ research or other projects that need a development environment
+ that:</para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem><para>has near zero cost</para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para>will evolve over a long period of
+ time</para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para>permits anyone to retain the option of
+ commercializing final results with minimal legal
+ issues.</para></listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ <para>This final consideration may often be the dominant one, as it
+ was when the Apache project decided upon its license:</para>
+ <para><quote>This type of license is ideal for promoting the use of
+ a reference body of code that implements a protocol for common
+ service. This is another reason why we choose it for the Apache
+ group - many of us wanted to see HTTP survive and become a true
+ multiparty standard, and would not have minded in the slightest if
+ Microsoft or Netscape choose to incorporate our HTTP engine or any
+ other component of our code into their products, if it helped
+ further the goal of keeping HTTP common... All this means that,
+ strategically speaking, the project needs to maintain sufficient
+ momentum, and that participants realize greater value by
+ contributing their code to the project, even code that would have
+ had value if kept proprietary.</quote></para>
+ <para>Developers tend to find the BSD license attractive as it keeps
+ legal issues out of the way and lets them do whatever they want
+ with the code. In contrast, those who expect primarily to use a
+ system rather than program it, or expect others to evolve the
+ code, or who do not expect to make a living from their work
+ associated with the system (such as government employees), find
+ the GPL attractive, because it forces code developed by others to
+ be given to them and keeps their employer from retaining copyright
+ and thus potentially "burying" or orphaning the software. If you
+ want to force your competitors to help you, the GPL is
+ attractive.</para>
+ <para>A BSD license is not simply a gift. The question <quote>why
+ should we help our competitors or let them steal our work?</quote>
+ comes up often in relation to a BSD license. Under a BSD license,
+ if one company came to dominate a product niche that others
+ considered strategic, the other companies can, with minimal
+ effort, form a mini-consortium aimed at reestablishing parity by
+ contributing to a competitive BSD variant that increases market
+ competition and fairness. This permits each company to believe
+ that it will be able to profit from some advantage it can provide,
+ while also contributing to economic flexibility and
+ efficiency. The more rapidly and easily the cooperating members
+ can do this, the more successful they will be. A BSD license is
+ essentially a minimally complicated license that enables such
+ behavior.</para>
+ <para>A key effect of the GPL, making a complete and competitive
+ Open Source system widely available at cost of media, is a
+ reasonable goal. A BSD style license, in conjunction with
+ ad-hoc-consortiums of individuals, can achieve this goal without
+ destroying the economic assumptions built around the
+ deployment-end of the technology transfer pipeline.</para>
+<sect1 id="recommendations">
+ <title>Specific Recommendations for using a BSD license</title>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem><para>The BSD license is preferable for transferring
+ research results in a way that will widely be deployed and most
+ benefit an economy. As such, research funding agencies, such as
+ the NFS, ONR and DARPA, should encourage in the earliest phases
+ of funded research projects, the adoption of BSD style licenses
+ for software, data, results, and open hardware. They should
+ also encourage formation of standards based around implemented
+ Open Source systems and ongoing Open Source
+ projects.</para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para>Government policy should minimize the costs and
+ difficulties in moving from research to deployment. When
+ possible, grants should require results to be available under a
+ commercialization friendly BSD style license.</para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para>In many cases, the long-term results of a BSD
+ style license more accurately reflect the goals proclaimed in
+ the research charter of universites then what occurs when
+ results are copyrighted or patented and subject to proprietary
+ university licensing. Anecdotal evidence exists that
+ universities are financially better rewarded in the long run by
+ releasing research results and then appealing to donations from
+ commercially successful alumni.</para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para>Companies have long recognized that the creation
+ of de facto standards is a key marketing technique. The BSD
+ license serves this role well, if a company really has a unique
+ advantage in evolving the system. The license is legally
+ attractive to the widest audience while the company's expertise
+ ensures their control. There are times when the GPL may be the
+ appropriate vehicle for an attempt to create such a standard,
+ especially when attempting to undermine or co-opt others. The
+ GPL, however, penalizes the evolution of that standard, because
+ it promotes a suite rather than a commercially applicable
+ standard. Use of such a suite constantly raises
+ commercialization and legal issues. It may not be possible to
+ mix standards when some are under the GPL and others are not. A
+ true technical standard should not mandate exclusion of other
+ standards for non-technical reasons.</para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para>Companies interested in promoting an evolving
+ standard that can become the core of other companies' commercial
+ products should be wary of the GPL. Regardless of the license
+ used, the resulting software will usually devolve to whoever
+ actually makes the majority of the engineering changes and most
+ understands the state of the system. The GPL simply adds
+ additional legal friction to the result.</para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para>Large companies in which Open Source code is being
+ created should be aware that programmers appreciate Open Source
+ because it leaves the software available to the employee when
+ they change employers. Some companies encourage this behavior as
+ an employment perk, especially when the software involved is not
+ directly strategic. It is, in effect, a front-loaded retirement
+ benefit with potential lost opportunity costs but no direct
+ costs. Encouraging employees to work for peer acclaim outside
+ the company is a cheap portable benefit a company can sometimes
+ provide with near zero downside.</para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para>Small companies with software projects vulnerable
+ to orphaning should attempt to use the BSD license when
+ possible. Companies of all sizes should consider forming such
+ Open Source projects when it is to their mutual advantage to
+ maintain the minimal legal and organization overheads associated
+ with a true BSD-style Open Source project.</para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para>Non-profits should participate in Open Source
+ projects when possible. To minimize software engineering
+ problems, such as mixing code under different licenses,
+ BSD-style licenses should be encouraged. Being leary of the GPL
+ should particularly be the case with non-profits that interact
+ with the developing world. In some locales where application of
+ law becomes a costly exercise, the simplicity of the new BSD
+ license, as compared to the GPL, may be of considerable
+ advantage.</para></listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+<sect1 id="conclusion">
+ <title>Conclusion</title>
+ <para>In contrast to the GPL, which is designed to prevent the
+ proprietary commercialization of Open Source code, the BSD license
+ places minimal restrictions on future behavior. This allows BSD
+ code to remain Open Source or become integrated into commercial
+ solutions, as a project's or company's needs change. In other
+ words, the BSD license does not become a legal time-bomb at any
+ point in the development process.</para>
+ <para>In addition, since the BSD license doesn't come with the legal
+ complexity of the GPL or LGPL licenses, it allows developers and
+ companies to spend their time creating and promoting good code
+ rather than worrying if that code violates licensing.</para>
+<sect1 id="addenda">
+ <title>Addenda</title>
+[1] http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
+[2] http://archives.cnn.com/2000/TECH/computing/03/28/cyberpatrol.mirrors/
+[3] Open Source: the Unauthorized White Papers, Donald K. Rosenberg, IDG Books,
+ 2000. Quotes are from page 114, ``Effects of the GNU GPL''.
+[4] In the "What License to Use?" section of
+ http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/opensources/book/brian.html
+This whitepaper is a condensation of an original work available at