diff options
authorFernando Apesteguía <fernape@FreeBSD.org>2024-09-23 12:26:39 +0000
committerFernando Apesteguía <fernape@FreeBSD.org>2024-09-23 16:12:21 +0000
commitc6f45f005306d23f396e1ec9ddff165312aad867 (patch)
parentaf92816e18893fd4d6caa44a39ac63a1f2f9a5e5 (diff)
[documentation]: Fix more links
* Add description for some missing crossref macros. * Remove a couple of dangling anchors * Remove spurious '.' at the beginning of some descriptions * Fix misspelled macro name
29 files changed, 111 insertions, 112 deletions
diff --git a/documentation/content/en/articles/building-products/_index.adoc b/documentation/content/en/articles/building-products/_index.adoc
index 7f6007aa0a..30c7355e55 100644
--- a/documentation/content/en/articles/building-products/_index.adoc
+++ b/documentation/content/en/articles/building-products/_index.adoc
@@ -106,14 +106,14 @@ The rest of the article is structured as follows:
FreeBSD makes an excellent foundation on which to build products:
* FreeBSD source code is distributed under a liberal BSD license facilitating
- its adoption in commercial products crossref:building-products[Mon2005] with minimum hassle.
+ its adoption in commercial products crossref:building-products[Mon2005,"Why you should use a BSD style license for your Open Source Project"] with minimum hassle.
* The FreeBSD project has excellent engineering practices that can be leveraged.
* The project offers exceptional transparency into its workings, allowing organizations using its code to plan effectively for the future.
* The culture of the FreeBSD project, carried over from the Computer Science
Research Group at The University of California, Berkeley
- crossref:building-products[McKu1999-1], fosters high-quality work. Some features in FreeBSD define the state of the art.
+ crossref:building-products[McKu1999-1,"Why you should use a BSD style license for your Open Source Project"], fosters high-quality work. Some features in FreeBSD define the state of the art.
-crossref:building-products[GoldGab2005] examines the business reasons for using open-source in greater detail.
+crossref:building-products[GoldGab2005,"Innovation Happens Elsewhere: Open Source as Business Strategy"] examines the business reasons for using open-source in greater detail.
For organizations, the benefits of using FreeBSD components in their products include a shorter time to market, lower development costs and lower development risks.
=== Building with FreeBSD
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ FreeBSD's in-kernel Netgraph (man:netgraph[4]) framework allows kernel networkin
FreeBSD supports a number of filesystems, and its native UFS2 filesystem
supports soft updates, snapshots and very large filesystem sizes (16TB per
- filesystem) crossref:building-products[McKu1999].
+ filesystem) crossref:building-products[McKu1999,"Why you should use a BSD style license for your Open Source Project"].
FreeBSD's in-kernel GEOM (man:geom[4]) framework allows kernel storage modules to be composed in flexible ways.
* Over {numports} ported applications, both commercial and open-source, managed via the FreeBSD ports collection.
@@ -186,10 +186,10 @@ Conflict resolution is performed by a nine member "Core Team" that is elected fr
FreeBSD does not have "corporate" committers.
Individual committers are required to take responsibility for the changes they introduce to the code.
The extref:{committers-guide}[FreeBSD Committer's guide]
-crossref:building-products[ComGuide] documents the rules and responsibilities for committers.
+crossref:building-products[ComGuide,"Committer's Guide"] documents the rules and responsibilities for committers.
FreeBSD's project model is examined in detail in
+crossref:building-products[Nik2005,"A project model for the FreeBSD Project"].
=== FreeBSD Release Engineering Processes
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ The release engineering team publishes a link:https://www.FreeBSD.org/releng/[ro
The dates laid down in the road map are not deadlines; FreeBSD is released when its code and documentation are ready.
FreeBSD's release engineering processes are described in
+crossref:building-products[RelEngDoc,"FreeBSD Release Engineering"].
== Collaborating with FreeBSD
@@ -227,7 +227,8 @@ Using open-source code is best viewed not as a one-off activity, but as an __ong
The best projects to collaborate with are the ones that are __live__; i.e., with an active community, clear goals and a transparent working style.
* FreeBSD has an active developer community around it. At the time of writing there are many thousands of contributors from every populated continent in the world and over 300 individuals with write access to the project's source repositories.
-* The goals of the FreeBSD project are crossref:building-products[Hub1994]:
+* The goals of the FreeBSD project are
+ crossref:building-products[Hub1994,"Contributing to the FreeBSD Project"]:
** To develop a high-quality operating system for popular computer hardware, and,
** To make our work available to all under a liberal license.
@@ -246,11 +247,11 @@ A common mistake that companies make when venturing into the open-source world i
monetary rewards entering the picture. The factors that motivate individuals are
complex, ranging from altruism, to an interest in solving the kinds of problems
that FreeBSD attempts to solve. In this environment, "elegance is never
+optional"crossref:building-products[Nor1993,"Tutorial on Good Lisp Programming Style"].
*The Long Term View.* FreeBSD traces its roots back nearly twenty years to the work of the Computer Science Research Group at the University of California Berkeley.footnote:[FreeBSD's source repository contains a history of the project since its inception, and there are CDROMs available that contain earlier code from the CSRG.] A number of the original CSRG developers remain associated with the project.
-The project values long-term perspectives crossref:building-products[Nor2001]. A frequent acronym encountered in the project is DTRT, which stands for "Do The Right Thing".
+The project values long-term perspectives crossref:building-products[Nor2001,"Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years"]. A frequent acronym encountered in the project is DTRT, which stands for "Do The Right Thing".
*Development Processes.* Computer programs are tools for communication: at one level programmers communicate their intentions using a precise notation to a tool (a compiler) that translates their instructions to executable code.
At another level, the same notation is used for communication of intent between two programmers.
@@ -259,7 +260,7 @@ Formal specifications and design documents are seldom used in the project.
Clear and well-written code and well-written change logs
(crossref:building-products[fig-change-log, A sample change log entry]) are used in their place.
FreeBSD development happens by "rough consensus and running
+code"crossref:building-products[Carp1996,"The Architectural Principles of the Internet"].
@@ -297,10 +298,8 @@ For example:
*Track FreeBSD source code.* The project makes it easy to mirror its SVN repository using extref:{committers-guide}[svnsync, svn-advanced-use-setting-up-svnsync]. Having the complete history of the source is useful when debugging complex problems and offers valuable insight into the intentions of the original developers. Use a capable source control system that allows you to easily merge changes between the upstream FreeBSD code base and your own in-house code.
-crossref:building-products[fig-svn-blame, An annotated source listing generated
-using `svn blame`] shows a portion of an annotated listing of the file
-referenced by the change log in crossref:building-products[fig-change-log, A
-sample change log entry].
+crossref:building-products[fig-svn-blame, An annotated source listing generated using `svn blame`] shows a portion of an annotated listing of the file
+referenced by the change log in crossref:building-products[fig-change-log, A sample change log entry].
The ancestry of each line of the source is clearly visible.
Annotated listings showing the history of every file that is part of FreeBSD are https://svnweb.freebsd.org/[available on the web].
@@ -345,7 +344,7 @@ The http://www.bsdcertification.org/[BSD Certification Group] offers certificati
For less critical needs, you can ask for help on the link:https://lists.freebsd.org/[project mailing lists].
A useful guide to follow when asking for help is given in
+crossref:building-products[Ray2004,"How to ask questions the smart way"].
Publicize your involvement::
You are not required to publicize your use of FreeBSD, but doing so helps both your effort as well as that of the project.
diff --git a/documentation/content/en/articles/ipsec-must/_index.adoc b/documentation/content/en/articles/ipsec-must/_index.adoc
index 361b6c007c..dbca759c6e 100644
--- a/documentation/content/en/articles/ipsec-must/_index.adoc
+++ b/documentation/content/en/articles/ipsec-must/_index.adoc
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ crossref::ipsec-must[code, Maurer's Universal Statistical Test (for block size8
We also need a way to capture the raw network data.
A program called man:tcpdump[1] lets you do this, if you have enabled the
-_Berkeley Packet Filter_ interface in your crossref::ipsec-must[kernel].
+_Berkeley Packet Filter_ interface in your crossref::ipsec-must[kernel,src/sys/i386/conf/KERNELNAME].
The command:
diff --git a/documentation/content/en/articles/ldap-auth/_index.adoc b/documentation/content/en/articles/ldap-auth/_index.adoc
index edffbd10ea..7fc7543484 100644
--- a/documentation/content/en/articles/ldap-auth/_index.adoc
+++ b/documentation/content/en/articles/ldap-auth/_index.adoc
@@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ If it does, your database is properly configured to be used as an LDAP authentic
== Client Configuration
The client should already have OpenLDAP libraries from
-crossref:ldap-auth[ldap-connect-client], but if you are installing several client machines you will need to install package:net/openldap26-client[] on each of them.
+crossref:ldap-auth[ldap-connect-client,Configuring the Client], but if you are installing several client machines you will need to install package:net/openldap26-client[] on each of them.
FreeBSD requires two ports to be installed to authenticate against an LDAP server, package:security/pam_ldap[] and package:net/nss_ldap[].
diff --git a/documentation/content/en/articles/pam/_index.adoc b/documentation/content/en/articles/pam/_index.adoc
index 307690be04..7f6ffe249b 100644
--- a/documentation/content/en/articles/pam/_index.adoc
+++ b/documentation/content/en/articles/pam/_index.adoc
@@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ It is essential to understand that PAM's configuration system is centered on cha
=== Breakdown of a Configuration Line
-As explained in crossref:pam[pam-config-file], each line in [.filename]#/etc/pam.conf# consists of four or more fields: the service name, the facility name, the control flag, the module name, and zero or more module arguments.
+As explained in crossref:pam[pam-config-file, PAM Policy Files], each line in [.filename]#/etc/pam.conf# consists of four or more fields: the service name, the facility name, the control flag, the module name, and zero or more module arguments.
The service name is generally (though not always) the name of the application the statement applies to.
If you are unsure, refer to the individual application's documentation to determine what service name it uses.
diff --git a/documentation/content/en/books/design-44bsd/_index.adoc b/documentation/content/en/books/design-44bsd/_index.adoc
index b3b86c58b7..08af1a53e6 100644
--- a/documentation/content/en/books/design-44bsd/_index.adoc
+++ b/documentation/content/en/books/design-44bsd/_index.adoc
@@ -172,10 +172,10 @@ The software that is machine dependent includes
|HP/UX compatibility |4,683 |2.3
-crossref:design-44bsd[table-mach-indep] summarizes the machine-independent software that constitutes the 4.4BSD kernel for the HP300.
+crossref:design-44bsd[table-mach-indep, Machine-independent software in the 4.4BSD kernel] summarizes the machine-independent software that constitutes the 4.4BSD kernel for the HP300.
The numbers in column 2 are for lines of C source code, header files, and assembly language.
Virtually all the software in the kernel is written in the C programming language; less than 2 percent is written in assembly language.
-As the statistics in crossref:design-44bsd[table-mach-dep] show, the machine-dependent software, excluding HP/UX and device support, accounts for a minuscule 6.9 percent of the kernel.
+As the statistics in crossref:design-44bsd[table-mach-dep, Machine-dependent software in the 4.4BSD kernel] show, the machine-dependent software, excluding HP/UX and device support, accounts for a minuscule 6.9 percent of the kernel.
Only a small part of the kernel is devoted to initializing the system.
This code is used when the system is _bootstrapped_ into operation and is responsible for setting up the kernel hardware and software environment (see Chapter 14).
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ Important components of the kernel state are described in Chapter 4.
image:fig1.png[Process lifecycle]
The process lifecycle is depicted in
-crossref:design-44bsd[fig-process-lifecycle,.Process lifecycle].
+crossref:design-44bsd[fig-process-lifecycle,Process lifecycle].
A process may create a new process that is a copy of the original by using the _fork_ system call.
The _fork_ call returns twice: once in the parent process, where the return value is the process identifier of the child, and once in the child process, where the return value is 0.
The parent-child relationship induces a hierarchical structure on the set of processes in the system.
@@ -567,7 +567,7 @@ A hierarchy of directories and files is thus formed, and is called a _filesystem
image:fig2.png[A small filesystem]
-a small one is shown in crossref:design-44bsd[fig-small-fs].
+a small one is shown in crossref:design-44bsd[fig-small-fs, A small filesystem].
Directories may contain subdirectories, and there is no inherent limitation to the depth with which directory nesting may occur.
To protect the consistency of the filesystem, the kernel does not permit processes to write directly into directories.
A filesystem may include not only plain files and directories, but also references to other objects, such as devices and sockets.
diff --git a/documentation/content/en/books/dev-model/_index.adoc b/documentation/content/en/books/dev-model/_index.adoc
index 6d621f6a29..9ab3a3491f 100644
--- a/documentation/content/en/books/dev-model/_index.adoc
+++ b/documentation/content/en/books/dev-model/_index.adoc
@@ -691,7 +691,7 @@ The committer who recommended the new committer will, in the general case, take
When a contributor is given their commit bit, a
crossref:dev-model[tool-pgp, Pretty Good Privacy]-signed email is sent from either
-crossref:dev-model[role-core-secretary], crossref:dev-model[role-ports-manager, Ports Manager], or nik@freebsd.org to both admins@freebsd.org, the assigned mentor, the new committer, and core confirming the approval of a new account.
+crossref:dev-model[role-core-secretary, Core Secretary], crossref:dev-model[role-ports-manager, Ports Manager], or nik@freebsd.org to both admins@freebsd.org, the assigned mentor, the new committer, and core confirming the approval of a new account.
The mentor then gathers a password line, crossref:dev-model[tool-ssh2, Secure Shell] public
key, and PGP key from the new committer and sends them to
crossref:dev-model[role-admin, Admin].
diff --git a/documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc b/documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc
index 212b54a22d..081c6d10b5 100644
--- a/documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc
+++ b/documentation/content/en/books/handbook/advanced-networking/_index.adoc
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ Such routes only show up on the host that supports the alias and all other hosts
The final line (destination subnet `224`) deals with multicasting.
Various attributes of each route can be seen in the `Flags` column.
-crossref:advanced-networking[routeflags,.Commonly Seen Routing Table Flags] summarizes some of these flags and their meanings:
+crossref:advanced-networking[routeflags,Commonly Seen Routing Table Flags] summarizes some of these flags and their meanings:
.Commonly Seen Routing Table Flags
@@ -656,7 +656,7 @@ This can be particularly useful when a FreeBSD machine is acting as a gateway to
==== Basic Settings
Before configuring a FreeBSD machine as an AP, the kernel must be configured with the appropriate networking support for the wireless card as well as the security protocols being used.
-For more details, see crossref:advanced-networking[network-wireless-basic].
+For more details, see crossref:advanced-networking[network-wireless-ap-basic, Basic Settings].
@@ -757,7 +757,7 @@ The client machine found the AP and can be associated with it:
This section focuses on setting up a FreeBSD access point using the WPA2 security protocol.
More details regarding WPA and the configuration of WPA-based wireless clients
-can be found in crossref:advanced-networking[network-wireless-wpa].
+can be found in crossref:advanced-networking[network-wireless-wpa, WPA with EAP-TLS].
The man:hostapd[8] daemon is used to deal with client authentication and key management on the WPA2-enabled AP.
@@ -826,7 +826,7 @@ wlan0: flags=8943<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,PROMISC,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> metric 0 mtu 1
Once the AP is running, the clients can associate with it.
-See crossref:advanced-networking[network-wireless-wpa] for more details.
+See crossref:advanced-networking[network-wireless-ap-basic, Basic Settings] for more details.
It is possible to see the stations associated with the AP using `ifconfig _wlan0_ list sta`.
diff --git a/documentation/content/en/books/handbook/audit/_index.adoc b/documentation/content/en/books/handbook/audit/_index.adoc
index 9bd9c84cc5..0672981480 100644
--- a/documentation/content/en/books/handbook/audit/_index.adoc
+++ b/documentation/content/en/books/handbook/audit/_index.adoc
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ Selection expressions are used in a number of places in the audit configuration
Expressions contain a list of event classes to match.
Selection expressions are evaluated from left to right, and two expressions are combined by appending one onto the other.
-crossref:audit[event-selection,.Default Audit Event Classes] summarizes the default audit event classes:
+crossref:audit[event-selection,Default Audit Event Classes] summarizes the default audit event classes:
.Default Audit Event Classes
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ crossref:audit[event-selection,.Default Audit Event Classes] summarizes the defa
These audit event classes may be customized by modifying the [.filename]#audit_class# and [.filename]#audit_event# configuration files.
Each audit event class may be combined with a prefix indicating whether successful/failed operations are matched, and whether the entry is adding or removing matching for the class and type.
-crossref:audit[event-prefixes,.Prefixes for Audit Event Classes] summarizes the available prefixes:
+crossref:audit[event-prefixes,Prefixes for Audit Event Classes] summarizes the available prefixes:
.Prefixes for Audit Event Classes
@@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ The change will take effect once [.filename]#/etc/crontab# is saved.
Automatic rotation of the audit trail file based on file size is possible using
`filesz` in [.filename]#audit_control# as described in
+crossref:audit[audit-auditcontrol, The audit_control File].
As audit trail files can become very large, it is often desirable to compress or otherwise archive trails once they have been closed by the audit daemon.
The [.filename]#audit_warn# script can be used to perform customized operations for a variety of audit-related events, including the clean termination of audit trails when they are rotated.
diff --git a/documentation/content/en/books/handbook/basics/_index.adoc b/documentation/content/en/books/handbook/basics/_index.adoc
index 4351d68819..99d927b772 100644
--- a/documentation/content/en/books/handbook/basics/_index.adoc
+++ b/documentation/content/en/books/handbook/basics/_index.adoc
@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ This software provides activity logging and allows the administrator to configur
FreeBSD provides a variety of different commands to manage user accounts.
The most common commands are summarized in
-crossref:basics[users-modifying-utilities,.Utilities for Managing User Accounts], followed by some examples of their usage.
+crossref:basics[users-modifying-utilities,Utilities for Managing User Accounts], followed by some examples of their usage.
See the manual page for each utility for more details and usage examples.
@@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ It also creates a home directory for the new user, copies in the default configu
This utility must be run as the superuser.
The man:adduser[8] utility is interactive and walks through the steps for creating a new user account.
-As seen in crossref:basics[users-modifying-adduser], either input the required information or press kbd:[Return] to accept the default value shown in square brackets.
+As seen in crossref:basics[users-modifying-adduser, Adding a User on FreeBSD], either input the required information or press kbd:[Return] to accept the default value shown in square brackets.
In this example, the user has been invited into the `wheel` group, allowing them to become the superuser with man:su[1].
When finished, the utility will prompt to either create another user or to exit.
@@ -494,9 +494,9 @@ When the user exits from the editor, the user database is updated with the new i
This utility will prompt for the user's password when exiting the editor, unless the utility is run as the superuser.
-In crossref:basics[users-modifying-chpass-su,.Using `chpass` as Superuser], the superuser has typed `chpass jru` and is now viewing the fields that can be changed for this user.
+In crossref:basics[users-modifying-chpass-su,Using `chpass` as Superuser], the superuser has typed `chpass jru` and is now viewing the fields that can be changed for this user.
If `jru` runs this command instead, only the last six fields will be displayed and available for editing.
-This is shown in crossref:basics[users-modifying-chpass-ru,.Using `chpass` as Regular User].
+This is shown in crossref:basics[users-modifying-chpass-ru,Using `chpass` as Regular User].
.Using `chpass` as Superuser
@@ -1271,7 +1271,7 @@ If the partition is the last one on a virtual disk, and the disk is expanded, th
File systems are contained in _partitions_.
Disks are divided into partitions using one of several partitioning schemes;
-see crossref:basics[bsdinstall-part-manual].
+see crossref:bsdinstall[bsdinstall-part-manual, Manual Partitioning].
The newer scheme is GPT; older BIOS-based computers use MBR.
GPT supports division of a disk into partitions with a size, offset, and type.
It supports a large number of partitions and partition types, and is recommended whenever its use is possible.
@@ -1321,13 +1321,13 @@ This letter is appended to the device name, so "da0__a__" is the `a` partition o
Finally, each disk on the system is identified.
A disk name starts with a code that indicates the type of disk, and then a number, indicating which disk it is.
Unlike partitions and slices, disk numbering starts at 0.
-Common codes are listed in crossref:basics[disks-naming,.Disk Device Names].
+Common codes are listed in crossref:basics[disks-naming,Disk Device Names].
When referring to a partition in a slice, include the disk name, `s`, the slice number, and then the partition letter.
-Examples are shown in crossref:basics[basics-disk-slice-part,.Sample Disk, Slice, and Partition Names].
+Examples are shown in crossref:basics[basics-disk-slice-part,Sample Disk, Slice, and Partition Names].
GPT partitions include the disk name, `p`, and then the partition number.
-crossref:basics[basics-concept-disk-model,.Conceptual Model of a Disk] shows a conceptual model of a disk layout using MBR slices.
+crossref:basics[basics-concept-disk-model,Conceptual Model of a Disk] shows a conceptual model of a disk layout using MBR slices.
When installing FreeBSD, configure the disk slices if using MBR, and create partitions within the slice to be used for FreeBSD.
If using GPT, configure partitions for each file system.
@@ -1423,7 +1423,7 @@ device /mount-point fstype options dumpfreq passno
-An existing device name as explained in crossref:basics[disks-naming,.Disk Device Names].
+An existing device name as explained in crossref:basics[disks-naming,Disk Device Names].
An existing directory on which to mount the file system.
@@ -1684,7 +1684,7 @@ Typing a `t` and pressing kbd:[Tab] again is enough to let the shell determine w
Another feature of the shell is the use of environment variables.
Environment variables are a variable/key pair stored in the shell's environment.
This environment can be read by any program invoked by the shell, and thus contains a lot of program configuration.
-crossref:basics[shell-env-vars,.Common Environment Variables] provides a list of common environment variables and their meanings.
+crossref:basics[shell-env-vars,Common Environment Variables] provides a list of common environment variables and their meanings.
Note that the names of environment variables are always in uppercase.
diff --git a/documentation/content/en/books/handbook/boot/_index.adoc b/documentation/content/en/books/handbook/boot/_index.adoc
index 86cc778922..60bf37b486 100644
--- a/documentation/content/en/books/handbook/boot/_index.adoc
+++ b/documentation/content/en/books/handbook/boot/_index.adoc
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ The loader will then read [.filename]#/boot/loader.rc#, which by default reads i
Finally, by default, loader issues a 10 second wait for key presses, and boots the kernel if it is not interrupted.
If interrupted, the user is presented with a prompt which understands the command set, where the user may adjust variables, unload all modules, load modules, and then finally boot or reboot.
-crossref:boot[boot-loader-commands,.Loader Built-In Commands] lists the most commonly used loader commands.
+crossref:boot[boot-loader-commands,Loader Built-In Commands] lists the most commonly used loader commands.
For a complete discussion of all available commands, refer to man:loader[8].
@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ To load an automated kernel configuration script:
=== Last Stage
Once the kernel is loaded by either loader or by boot2, which bypasses loader, it examines any boot flags and adjusts its behavior as necessary.
-crossref:boot[boot-kernel,.Kernel Interaction During Boot] lists the commonly used boot flags.
+crossref:boot[boot-kernel,Kernel Interaction During Boot] lists the commonly used boot flags.
Refer to man:boot[8] for more information on the other boot flags.
diff --git a/documentation/content/en/books/handbook/bsdinstall/_index.adoc b/documentation/content/en/books/handbook/bsdinstall/_index.adoc
index f16c82569c..9745d4001d 100644
--- a/documentation/content/en/books/handbook/bsdinstall/_index.adoc
+++ b/documentation/content/en/books/handbook/bsdinstall/_index.adoc
@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ The following options are available.
* `Cons`: Allow to continue the installation by `video`, `serial`, `Dual (serial primary)` or `Dual (Video primary)`
* `Kernel`: Loads a different kernel.
* `Boot Options`: Opens the menu shown in, and described under,
- crossref:bsdinstall[bsdinstall-boot-options-menu,.FreeBSD Boot Options Menu].
+ crossref:bsdinstall[bsdinstall-boot-options-menu,FreeBSD Boot Options Menu].
.FreeBSD Boot Options Menu
@@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ Several options can be toggled using this menu:
After making the needed selections, press kbd:[1] or kbd:[Backspace] to return to the main boot menu, then press kbd:[Enter] to continue booting into FreeBSD.
A series of boot messages will appear as FreeBSD carries out its hardware device probes and loads the installation program.
Once the boot is complete, the welcome menu shown in
-crossref:bsdinstall[bsdinstall-choose-mode,.Welcome Menu] will be displayed.
+crossref:bsdinstall[bsdinstall-choose-mode,Welcome Menu] will be displayed.
.Welcome Menu
@@ -362,14 +362,14 @@ When finished, press kbd:[Enter] to save the selection and move onto the next sc
=== Selecting the Keymap Menu
Before starting the process, bsdinstall will load the keymap files as shown in
-crossref:bsdinstall[bsdinstall-keymap-loading,.Keymap Loading].
+crossref:bsdinstall[bsdinstall-keymap-loading,Keymap Loading].
.Keymap Loading
image::bsdinstall-keymap-loading.png[Keymap loading]
After the keymaps have been loaded, bsdinstall displays the menu shown in
-crossref:bsdinstall[bsdinstall-keymap-10,.Keymap Selection Menu].
+crossref:bsdinstall[bsdinstall-keymap-10,Keymap Selection Menu].
Use the up and down arrows to select the keymap that most closely represents the mapping of the keyboard attached to the system.
Press kbd:[Enter] to save the selection.
@@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ If the choice of keymap is not clear, [.guimenuitem]#United States of America IS
In addition, when selecting a different keymap, the user can try the keymap and
ensure it is correct before proceeding, as shown in
-crossref:bsdinstall[bsdinstall-keymap-testing,.Keymap Testing Menu].
+crossref:bsdinstall[bsdinstall-keymap-testing,Keymap Testing Menu].
.Keymap Testing Menu
@@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ The FreeBSD Ports Collection takes up about {ports-size} of disk space.
=== Installing from the Network
-The menu shown in crossref:bsdinstall[bsdinstall-netinstall-notify,.Installing from the Network] only appears when installing from a `-bootonly.iso` or `-mini-memstick.img`, as this installation media does not hold copies of the installation files.
+The menu shown in crossref:bsdinstall[bsdinstall-netinstall-notify,Installing from the Network] only appears when installing from a `-bootonly.iso` or `-mini-memstick.img`, as this installation media does not hold copies of the installation files.
Since the installation files must be retrieved over a network connection, this menu indicates that the network interface must be configured first.
If this menu is shown in any step of the process, remember to follow the
instructions in crossref:bsdinstall[bsdinstall-config-network-dev, Configuring Network Interfaces].
@@ -536,7 +536,7 @@ The next menu shows a list with the available partition scheme types.
GPT is usually the most appropriate choice for amd64 computers.
Older computers that are not compatible with GPT should use MBR.
The other partition schemes are generally used for uncommon or older computers.
-More information is available in crossref:bsdinstall[partition-schemes,.Partitioning Schemes].
+More information is available in crossref:bsdinstall[partition-schemes,Partitioning Schemes].
.Select Partition Scheme
@@ -625,7 +625,7 @@ Multiple file system partitions can be created. Some people prefer a traditional
Note that `/tmp` can be added later as a memory-based file system (man:tmpfs[5]) on systems with sufficient memory.
-See crossref:bsdinstall[bsdinstall-part-manual-splitfs,.Creating Traditional Split File System Partitions] for an example.
+See crossref:bsdinstall[bsdinstall-part-manual-splitfs,Creating Traditional Split File System Partitions] for an example.
The `Size` may be entered with common abbreviations: _K_ for kilobytes, _M_ for megabytes, or _G_ for gigabytes.
@@ -870,7 +870,7 @@ Select the interface to configure.
image::bsdinstall-configure-network-interface.png[Menu showing the different network interfaces to configure.]
If an Ethernet interface is selected, the installer will skip ahead to the menu
-shown in crossref:bsdinstall[bsdinstall-configure-net-ipv4,.Choose IPv4 Networking].
+shown in crossref:bsdinstall[bsdinstall-configure-net-ipv4,Choose IPv4 Networking].
If a wireless network interface is chosen, the system will instead scan for wireless access points:
@@ -1088,7 +1088,7 @@ Select btn:[Yes] to add new users.
image::bsdinstall-adduser1.png[Menu requesting if a user want to be added to the system.]
Follow the prompts and input the requested information for the user account.
-The example shown in crossref:bsdinstall[bsdinstall-add-user2,.Enter User Information] creates the `asample` user account.
+The example shown in crossref:bsdinstall[bsdinstall-add-user2,Enter User Information] creates the `asample` user account.
.Enter User Information
@@ -1175,7 +1175,7 @@ When finished, press kbd:[Scroll-Lock] again to unlock the display and return to
To review these messages once the system has been up for some time, type `less /var/run/dmesg.boot` from a command prompt.
Press kbd:[q] to return to the command line after viewing.
-If sshd was enabled in crossref:bsdinstall[bsdinstall-config-serv,.Selecting Additional Services to Enable], the first boot might be a bit slower as the system generates SSH host keys.
+If sshd was enabled in crossref:bsdinstall[bsdinstall-config-serv,Selecting Additional Services to Enable], the first boot might be a bit slower as the system generates SSH host keys.
Subsequent boots will be faster.
The fingerprints of the keys are then displayed as in the following example:
@@ -1261,7 +1261,7 @@ More information about the boot loader can be found in crossref:boot[boot-synops
== Using the Live CD
The welcome menu of bsdinstall, shown in
-crossref:bsdinstall[bsdinstall-choose-mode,.Welcome Menu], provides a btn:[Live CD] option.
+crossref:bsdinstall[bsdinstall-choose-mode,Welcome Menu], provides a btn:[Live CD] option.
This is useful for those who are still wondering whether FreeBSD is the right operating system for them and want to test some of the features before installing.
The following points should be noted before using the btn:[Live CD]:
diff --git a/documentation/content/en/books/handbook/config/_index.adoc b/documentation/content/en/books/handbook/config/_index.adoc
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--- a/documentation/content/en/books/handbook/config/_index.adoc
+++ b/documentation/content/en/books/handbook/config/_index.adoc
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ FreeBSD base system configuration is located at the [.filename]#/etc# directory,
and the [.filename]#/usr/local/etc# directory contains all the configuration files of the applications installed on the system through the ports collection and packages.
The kernel state configuration is located in [.filename]#/etc/sysctl.conf#.
-In the section crossref:config[configtuning-sysctl], the operation of man:sysctl[8] will be explained in more detail.
+In the section crossref:config[configtuning-sysctl, The sysctl utility], the operation of man:sysctl[8] will be explained in more detail.
For more information about the FreeBSD file system structure refer to man:hier[7].
diff --git a/documentation/content/en/books/handbook/cutting-edge/_index.adoc b/documentation/content/en/books/handbook/cutting-edge/_index.adoc
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--- a/documentation/content/en/books/handbook/cutting-edge/_index.adoc
+++ b/documentation/content/en/books/handbook/cutting-edge/_index.adoc
@@ -834,7 +834,7 @@ Determine which version of FreeBSD is being used with man:uname[1]:
-Based on crossref:cutting-edge[updating-src-obtaining-src-repopath,.FreeBSD Versions and Repository Branches], the source used to update `13.2-RELEASE` has a repository path of `releng/13.2`.
+Based on crossref:cutting-edge[updating-src-obtaining-src-repopath,FreeBSD Versions and Repository Branches], the source used to update `13.2-RELEASE` has a repository path of `releng/13.2`.
That path is used when checking out the source:
@@ -845,7 +845,7 @@ That path is used when checking out the source:
<.> Move the old directory out of the way. If there are no local modifications in this directory, it can be deleted.
-<.> The path from crossref:cutting-edge[updating-src-obtaining-src-repopath,.FreeBSD Versions and Repository Branches] is added to the repository URL. The third parameter is the destination directory for the source code on the local system.
+<.> The path from crossref:cutting-edge[updating-src-obtaining-src-repopath,FreeBSD Versions and Repository Branches] is added to the repository URL. The third parameter is the destination directory for the source code on the local system.
=== Building from Source
diff --git a/documentation/content/en/books/handbook/disks/_index.adoc b/documentation/content/en/books/handbook/disks/_index.adoc
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--- a/documentation/content/en/books/handbook/disks/_index.adoc
+++ b/documentation/content/en/books/handbook/disks/_index.adoc
@@ -773,7 +773,7 @@ In order to mount a data CD, the data must be written using `mkisofs`.
To duplicate an audio CD, extract the audio data from the CD to a series of files, then write these files to a blank CD.
-crossref:disks[using-cdrecord] describes how to duplicate and burn an audio CD.
+crossref:disks[using-cdrecord, Duplicating an Audio CD] describes how to duplicate and burn an audio CD.
If the FreeBSD version is less than 10.0 and the device is ATAPI, the `atapicam`
module must be first loaded using the instructions in crossref:disks[atapicam, Supported Devices].
diff --git a/documentation/content/en/books/handbook/firewalls/_index.adoc b/documentation/content/en/books/handbook/firewalls/_index.adoc
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--- a/documentation/content/en/books/handbook/firewalls/_index.adoc
+++ b/documentation/content/en/books/handbook/firewalls/_index.adoc
@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ The FreeBSD installation includes several sample files located in [.filename]#/u
Refer to the http://www.openbsd.org/faq/pf/[PF FAQ] for complete coverage of PF rulesets.
To control PF, use `pfctl`.
-crossref:firewalls[pfctl,.Useful `pfctl` Options] summarizes some useful options to this command.
+crossref:firewalls[pfctl,Useful `pfctl` Options] summarizes some useful options to this command.
Refer to man:pfctl[8] for a description of all available options:
.Useful `pfctl` Options
diff --git a/documentation/content/en/books/handbook/l10n/_index.adoc b/documentation/content/en/books/handbook/l10n/_index.adoc
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--- a/documentation/content/en/books/handbook/l10n/_index.adoc
+++ b/documentation/content/en/books/handbook/l10n/_index.adoc
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ LanguageCode_CountryCode.Encoding
The _LanguageCode_ and _CountryCode_ are used to determine the country and the specific language variation.
-crossref:l10n[locale-lang-country,.Common Language and Country Codes] provides some examples of __LanguageCode_CountryCode__:
+crossref:l10n[locale-lang-country,Common Language and Country Codes] provides some examples of __LanguageCode_CountryCode__:
.Common Language and Country Codes
@@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ To test keymaps without rebooting, use man:kbdmap[1].
The `keychange` entry is usually needed to program function keys to match the selected terminal type because function key sequences cannot be defined in the keymap.
Next, set the correct console terminal type in [.filename]#/etc/ttys# for all virtual terminal entries.
-crossref:l10n[locale-charset,.Defined Terminal Types for Character Sets] summarizes the available terminal types.:
+crossref:l10n[locale-charset,Defined Terminal Types for Character Sets] summarizes the available terminal types.:
.Defined Terminal Types for Character Sets
@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ crossref:l10n[locale-charset,.Defined Terminal Types for Character Sets] summari
For languages with wide or multibyte characters, install a console for that language from the FreeBSD Ports Collection.
-The available ports are summarized in crossref:l10n[locale-console,.Available Console from Ports Collection].
+The available ports are summarized in crossref:l10n[locale-console,Available Console from Ports Collection].
Once installed, refer to the port's [.filename]#pkg-message# or man pages for configuration and usage instructions.
@@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ When configuring Xorg for localization, additional fonts and input methods are a
Application specific i18n settings such as fonts and menus can be tuned in [.filename]#~/.Xresources# and should allow users to view their selected language in graphical application menus.
The X Input Method (XIM) protocol is an Xorg standard for inputting non-English characters.
-crossref:l10n[locale-xim,.Available Input Methods] summarizes the input method applications which are available in the FreeBSD Ports Collection.
+crossref:l10n[locale-xim,Available Input Methods] summarizes the input method applications which are available in the FreeBSD Ports Collection.
Additional Fcitx and Uim applications are also available.
diff --git a/documentation/content/en/books/handbook/mail/_index.adoc b/documentation/content/en/books/handbook/mail/_index.adoc
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--- a/documentation/content/en/books/handbook/mail/_index.adoc
+++ b/documentation/content/en/books/handbook/mail/_index.adoc
@@ -871,7 +871,6 @@ Enter the ISP's outgoing mail relay in place of `mail.example.com`.
Some ISPs call this the "outgoing mail server" or "SMTP server".
Make sure to disable Sendmail, including the outgoing mail service.
-See crossref:mail[mail-disable-sendmail] for details.
package:mail/ssmtp[] has some other options available. Refer to the examples in [.filename]#/usr/local/etc/ssmtp# or the manual page of ssmtp for more information.
diff --git a/documentation/content/en/books/handbook/security/_index.adoc b/documentation/content/en/books/handbook/security/_index.adoc
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--- a/documentation/content/en/books/handbook/security/_index.adoc
+++ b/documentation/content/en/books/handbook/security/_index.adoc
@@ -870,7 +870,7 @@ PubkeyAuthentication yes
Once the configuration is done, the users will have to send the system administrator their *public key* and these keys will be added in [.filename]#.ssh/authorized_keys#.
-The process for generating the keys is described in crossref:security[Key-based Authentication].
+The process for generating the keys is described in crossref:security[security-ssh-keygen, Key-based Authentication].
Then restart the server executing the following command:
diff --git a/documentation/content/en/books/handbook/serialcomms/_index.adoc b/documentation/content/en/books/handbook/serialcomms/_index.adoc
index 7ecebe9e0d..bcb2993ca0 100644
--- a/documentation/content/en/books/handbook/serialcomms/_index.adoc
+++ b/documentation/content/en/books/handbook/serialcomms/_index.adoc
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ The documentation for the hardware should describe the type of cable required.
These two types of cables differ in how the wires are connected to the connector.
Each wire represents a signal, with the defined signals summarized in
-crossref:serialcomms[serialcomms-signal-names,.RS-232C Signal Names].
+crossref:serialcomms[serialcomms-signal-names,RS-232C Signal Names].
A standard serial cable passes all of the RS-232C signals straight through.
For example, the "Transmitted Data" pin on one end of the cable goes to the "Transmitted Data" pin on the other end.
This is the type of cable used to connect a modem to the FreeBSD system, and is also appropriate for some terminals.
@@ -112,8 +112,8 @@ A null-modem cable switches the "Transmitted Data" pin of the connector on one e
The connector can be either a DB-25 or a DB-9.
A null-modem cable can be constructed using the pin connections summarized in
-crossref:serialcomms[nullmodem-db25], crossref:serialcomms[nullmodem-db9], and
-crossref:serialcomms[nullmodem-db9-25,.DB-9 to DB-25 Null-Modem Cable].
+crossref:serialcomms[nullmodem-db25, DB-25 to DB-25 Null-Modem Cable], crossref:serialcomms[nullmodem-db9,DB-9 to DB-9 Null-Modem Cable], and
+crossref:serialcomms[nullmodem-db9-25,DB-9 to DB-25 Null-Modem Cable, DB-9 to DB-25 Null-Modem Cable].
While the standard calls for a straight-through pin 1 to pin 1 "Protective Ground" line, it is often omitted.
Some terminals work using only pins 2, 3, and 7, while others require different configurations.
When in doubt, refer to the documentation for the hardware.
@@ -502,7 +502,7 @@ ttyu3 "/usr/libexec/getty std.115200" dialup off secure
When attaching a terminal to one of those ports, modify the default entry to set the required speed and terminal type, to turn the device `on` and, if needed, to change the port's `secure` setting.
If the terminal is connected to another port, add an entry for the port.
-crossref:serialcomms[ex-etc-ttys,.Configuring Terminal Entries] configures two terminals in [.filename]#/etc/ttys#.
+crossref:serialcomms[ex-etc-ttys,Configuring Terminal Entries] configures two terminals in [.filename]#/etc/ttys#.
The first entry configures a Wyse-50 connected to [.filename]#COM2#.
The second entry configures an old computer running Procomm terminal software emulating a VT-100 terminal.
The computer is connected to the sixth serial port on a multi-port serial card.
@@ -693,7 +693,7 @@ vq|VH57600|Very High Speed Modem at 57600,8-bit:\
For a slow CPU or a heavily loaded system without 16550A-based serial ports, this configuration may produce `uart` "silo" errors at 57.6 Kbps.
The configuration of [.filename]#/etc/ttys# is similar to
-crossref:serialcomms[ex-etc-ttys,.Configuring Terminal Entries], but a different argument is passed to `getty` and `dialup` is used for the terminal type.
+crossref:serialcomms[ex-etc-ttys,Configuring Terminal Entries], but a different argument is passed to `getty` and `dialup` is used for the terminal type.
Replace _xxx_ with the process `init` will run on the device:
diff --git a/documentation/content/en/books/porters-handbook/flavors/_index.adoc b/documentation/content/en/books/porters-handbook/flavors/_index.adoc
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--- a/documentation/content/en/books/porters-handbook/flavors/_index.adoc
+++ b/documentation/content/en/books/porters-handbook/flavors/_index.adoc
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ nox11_PKGNAMESUFFIX= -nox11
Here is a slightly edited excerpt of what is present in package:devel/libpeas[],
-a port that uses the crosref:flavors[flavors-auto-python,Python flavors].
+a port that uses the crossref:flavors[flavors-auto-python,Python flavors].
With the default Python 2 and 3 versions being 2.7 and 3.6, it will automatically get `FLAVORS=py27 py36`
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ The `configure` script has to run in [.filename]#${WRKSRC}#, but we are only int
Hint about the correct Python 3 config script path name.
The packing list is different when the built with Python 3. As there are three
possible Python 3 versions, set `PLIST` for all three using the
diff --git a/documentation/content/en/books/porters-handbook/makefiles/_index.adoc b/documentation/content/en/books/porters-handbook/makefiles/_index.adoc
index 2759aa7d32..e94fd4091a 100644
--- a/documentation/content/en/books/porters-handbook/makefiles/_index.adoc
+++ b/documentation/content/en/books/porters-handbook/makefiles/_index.adoc
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ From time to time, some software will use a version scheme that is not compatibl
When updating a port, it is possible to use man:pkg-version[8]'s `-t` argument to check if the new version is greater or lesser than before.
-See crossref:makefiles[makefile-versions-ex-pkg-version].
+See crossref:makefiles[makefile-versions-ex-pkg-version, Using man:pkg-version\[8\] to Compare Versions].
@@ -1577,7 +1577,7 @@ GH_TAGNAME= c472d66b
This creates a versioning scheme that increases over time, and that is still
-before version `0` (see crossref:makefiles[makefile-versions-ex-pkg-version] for details on man:pkg-version[8]):
+before version `0` (see crossref:makefiles[makefile-versions-ex-pkg-version, Using man:pkg-version\[8\] to Compare Versions] for details on man:pkg-version[8]):
@@ -1622,7 +1622,7 @@ USE_GITHUB= yes
This creates a versioning scheme that increases over time (well, over commits), and does not conflict with the creation of a `0.7.4` version.
-(See crossref:makefiles[makefile-versions-ex-pkg-version] for details on man:pkg-version[8]):
+(See crossref:makefiles[makefile-versions-ex-pkg-version, Using man:pkg-version\[8\] to Compare Versions] for details on man:pkg-version[8]):
@@ -1660,7 +1660,7 @@ Multiple values are added to `GH_ACCOUNT`, `GH_PROJECT`, and `GH_TAGNAME`.
Each different value is assigned a group.
The main value can either have no group, or the `:DEFAULT` group.
A value can be omitted if it is the same as the default as listed in
-crossref:makefiles[makefile-master_sites-github-description,.`USE_GITHUB` Description].
+crossref:makefiles[makefile-master_sites-github-description,`USE_GITHUB` Description].
`GH_TUPLE` can also be used when there are a lot of distribution files.
It helps keep the account, project, tagname, and group information at the same place.
@@ -1752,7 +1752,7 @@ post-extract:
This is functionally equivalent to
-crossref:makefiles[makefile-master_sites-github-multi,.Use of `USE_GITHUB` with Multiple Distribution Files], but using `GH_TUPLE`:
+crossref:makefiles[makefile-master_sites-github-multi,Use of `USE_GITHUB` with Multiple Distribution Files], but using `GH_TUPLE`:
@@ -1964,7 +1964,7 @@ crossref:makefiles[makefile-master_sites-gitlab-multiple, Fetching Multiple File
Multiple values are added to `GL_SITE`, `GL_ACCOUNT`, `GL_PROJECT` and `GL_COMMIT`.
Each different value is assigned a group.
-crossref:makefiles[makefile-master_sites-gitlab-description,.`USE_GITLAB` Description].
+crossref:makefiles[makefile-master_sites-gitlab-description,`USE_GITLAB` Description].
`GL_TUPLE` can also be used when there are a lot of distribution files.
It helps keep the site, account, project, commit, and group information at the same place.
@@ -2058,7 +2058,7 @@ post-extract:
This is functionally equivalent to
-crossref:makefiles[makefile-master_sites-gitlab-multi,.Use of `USE_GITLAB` with Multiple Distribution Files], but using `GL_TUPLE`:
+crossref:makefiles[makefile-master_sites-gitlab-multi,Use of `USE_GITLAB` with Multiple Distribution Files], but using `GL_TUPLE`:
@@ -2227,7 +2227,7 @@ Each site listed in `MASTER_SITES` is then followed by a colon, and the group th
For example, consider an application with the source split in two parts, [.filename]#source1.tar.gz# and [.filename]#source2.tar.gz#, which must be downloaded from two different sites.
The port's [.filename]#Makefile# would include lines like
-crossref:makefiles[ports-master-sites-n-example-simple-use-one-file-per-site,.Simplified Use of `MASTER_SITES:n` with One File Per Site].
+crossref:makefiles[ports-master-sites-n-example-simple-use-one-file-per-site,Simplified Use of `MASTER_SITES:n` with One File Per Site].
.Simplified Use of `MASTER_SITES:n` with One File Per Site
@@ -2247,7 +2247,7 @@ DISTFILES= source1.tar.gz:source1 \
Multiple distribution files can have the same group.
Continuing the previous example, suppose that there was a third distfile, [.filename]#source3.tar.gz#, that is downloaded from `ftp.example2.com`.
The [.filename]#Makefile# would then be written like
-crossref:makefiles[ports-master-sites-n-example-simple-use-more-than-one-file-per-site,.Simplified Use of `MASTER_SITES:n` with More Than One File Per Site].
+crossref:makefiles[ports-master-sites-n-example-simple-use-more-than-one-file-per-site,Simplified Use of `MASTER_SITES:n` with More Than One File Per Site].
.Simplified Use of `MASTER_SITES:n` with More Than One File Per Site
@@ -2344,9 +2344,9 @@ MASTER_SITES= alpha:DEFAULT,SOME_SITE
elements, if the postfix immediate preceding character is not a `/` then `:n`
will be considered a valid part of the element instead of a group postfix
even if an element is postfixed with `:n`. See both
- crossref:makefiles[ports-master-sites-n-example-detailed-use-master-site-subdir,.Detailed Use of `MASTER_SITES:n` in `MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR`]
+ crossref:makefiles[ports-master-sites-n-example-detailed-use-master-site-subdir,Detailed Use of `MASTER_SITES:n` in `MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR`]
- crossref:makefiles[ports-master-sites-n-example-detailed-use-complete-example-master-sites,.Detailed Use of `MASTER_SITES:n` with Comma Operator, Multiple Files, Multiple Sites and Multiple Subdirectories].
+ crossref:makefiles[ports-master-sites-n-example-detailed-use-complete-example-master-sites,Detailed Use of `MASTER_SITES:n` with Comma Operator, Multiple Files, Multiple Sites and Multiple Subdirectories].
@@ -2440,7 +2440,7 @@ Sites are listed in the exact order they will be used.
This has been simplified as much as possible.
-crossref:makefiles[ports-master-sites-n-example-detailed-use-master-site-sourceforge,.Detailed Use of `MASTER_SITES:n` with SourceForge (`SF`)].
+crossref:makefiles[ports-master-sites-n-example-detailed-use-master-site-sourceforge,Detailed Use of `MASTER_SITES:n` with SourceForge (`SF`)].
.Detailed Use of `MASTER_SITES:n` with SourceForge (`SF`)
@@ -2459,7 +2459,7 @@ DISTFILES= something.tar.gz:sourceforge
All examples were done with `MASTER*` but they work exactly the same for
`PATCH*` ones as can be seen in
-crossref:makefiles[ports-master-sites-n-example-detailed-use-patch-sites,.Simplified Use of `MASTER_SITES:n` with `PATCH_SITES`].
+crossref:makefiles[ports-master-sites-n-example-detailed-use-patch-sites,Simplified Use of `MASTER_SITES:n` with `PATCH_SITES`].
.Simplified Use of `MASTER_SITES:n` with `PATCH_SITES`
@@ -2490,7 +2490,7 @@ PATCHFILES= patch1:test
with their matching group elements within both `MASTER_SITES` and
`PATCH_SITES` which use matching group elements within both
- crossref:makefiles[ports-master-sites-n-example-detailed-use-complete-example-master-sites,.Detailed Use of `MASTER_SITES:n` with Comma Operator, Multiple Files, Multiple Sites and Multiple Subdirectories].
+ crossref:makefiles[ports-master-sites-n-example-detailed-use-complete-example-master-sites,Detailed Use of `MASTER_SITES:n` with Comma Operator, Multiple Files, Multiple Sites and Multiple Subdirectories].
** `fetch-list`: works like old `fetch-list` with the exception that it groups just like `do-fetch`.
** `master-sites` and `patch-sites`: (incompatible with older versions) only return the elements of group `DEFAULT`; in fact, they execute targets `master-sites-default` and `patch-sites-default` respectively.
@@ -2622,13 +2622,13 @@ If it is not an OSI approved license it must also document any restrictions on r
A short name for the license or licenses if more than one license apply.
-If it is one of the licenses listed in crossref:makefiles[licenses-license-list,.Predefined License List], only `LICENSE_FILE` and `LICENSE_DISTFILES` variables can be set.
+If it is one of the licenses listed in crossref:makefiles[licenses-license-list,Predefined License List], only `LICENSE_FILE` and `LICENSE_DISTFILES` variables can be set.
If this is a license that has not been defined in the ports framework (see
-crossref:makefiles[licenses-license-list,.Predefined License List]), the `LICENSE_PERMS` and `LICENSE_NAME` must be set, along with either `LICENSE_FILE` or `LICENSE_TEXT`.
+crossref:makefiles[licenses-license-list,Predefined License List]), the `LICENSE_PERMS` and `LICENSE_NAME` must be set, along with either `LICENSE_FILE` or `LICENSE_TEXT`.
`LICENSE_DISTFILES` and `LICENSE_GROUPS` can also be set, but are not required.
-The predefined licenses are shown in crossref:makefiles[licenses-license-list,.Predefined License List].
+The predefined licenses are shown in crossref:makefiles[licenses-license-list,Predefined License List].
The current list is always available in [.filename]#Mk/bsd.licenses.db.mk#.
@@ -5305,7 +5305,7 @@ post-install:
These macros do not add the installed files to [.filename]#pkg-plist#.
They must be added manually.
For optional documentation (`PORTDOCS`, see
-crossref:makefiles[install-documentation]) and examples (`PORTEXAMPLES`), the `%%PORTDOCS%%` or `%%PORTEXAMPLES%%` prefixes must be prepended in [.filename]#pkg-plist#.
+crossref:makefiles[install-documentation, Install Additional Documentation]) and examples (`PORTEXAMPLES`), the `%%PORTDOCS%%` or `%%PORTEXAMPLES%%` prefixes must be prepended in [.filename]#pkg-plist#.
=== Install Additional Documentation
diff --git a/documentation/content/en/books/porters-handbook/pkg-files/_index.adoc b/documentation/content/en/books/porters-handbook/pkg-files/_index.adoc
index 90d2cf755d..96606622ed 100644
--- a/documentation/content/en/books/porters-handbook/pkg-files/_index.adoc
+++ b/documentation/content/en/books/porters-handbook/pkg-files/_index.adoc
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ The message is delimited by double quotes `"`, this is used for simple single li
Multiline strings use the standard here document notation.
The multiline delimiter _must_ start just after `<<` symbols without any whitespace and it _must_ consist of capital letters only.
To finish a multiline string, add the delimiter string on a line of its own without any whitespace.
-The message from crossref:pkg-files[porting-message-ucl-short-ex,.UCL Short Strings] can be written as:
+The message from crossref:pkg-files[porting-message-ucl-short-ex,UCL Short Strings] can be written as:
diff --git a/documentation/content/en/books/porters-handbook/plist/_index.adoc b/documentation/content/en/books/porters-handbook/plist/_index.adoc
index c670c4ac0e..68ebc9ea5b 100644
--- a/documentation/content/en/books/porters-handbook/plist/_index.adoc
+++ b/documentation/content/en/books/porters-handbook/plist/_index.adoc
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ If the port installs configuration files to [.filename]#PREFIX/etc# (or elsewher
That will cause `pkg delete` to remove files that have been carefully edited by the user, and a re-installation will wipe them out.
Instead, install sample files with a [.filename]#filename.sample# extension.
-The `@sample` macro automates this, see crossref:plist[plist-keywords-sample] for what it does exactly.
+The `@sample` macro automates this, see crossref:plist[plist-keywords-sample, Expanding Package List with Keywords] for what it does exactly.
For each sample file, add a line to [.filename]#pkg-plist#:
@@ -399,7 +399,7 @@ On deinstallation, remove it from [.filename]#/etc/shells#.
=== `@terminfo`
Do not use by itself.
-If the port installs [.filename]#*.terminfo# files, add crossref:uses[uses-terminfo,USES=terminfo] to its [.filename]#Makefile#.
+If the port installs [.filename]#*.terminfo# files, add crossref:uses[uses-terminfo,`USES=terminfo`] to its [.filename]#Makefile#.
On installation and deinstallation, if `tic` is present, refresh [.filename]#${PREFIX}/shared/misc/terminfo.db# from the [.filename]#*.terminfo# files in [.filename]#${PREFIX}/shared/misc#.
diff --git a/documentation/content/en/books/porters-handbook/special/_index.adoc b/documentation/content/en/books/porters-handbook/special/_index.adoc
index 3e054af9f9..fb63f30849 100644
--- a/documentation/content/en/books/porters-handbook/special/_index.adoc
+++ b/documentation/content/en/books/porters-handbook/special/_index.adoc
@@ -421,11 +421,11 @@ For ports that use CMake, define `USES= cmake`.
|For each entry in `CMAKE_ON`, an enabled boolean value is added to
-`CMAKE_ARGS`. See crossref:special[using-cmake-example2,.`CMAKE_ON` and `CMAKE_OFF`].
+`CMAKE_ARGS`. See crossref:special[using-cmake-example2,`CMAKE_ON` and `CMAKE_OFF`].
|For each entry in `CMAKE_OFF`, a disabled boolean value is added to
-`CMAKE_ARGS`. See crossref:special[using-cmake-example2,.`CMAKE_ON` and `CMAKE_OFF`].
+`CMAKE_ARGS`. See crossref:special[using-cmake-example2,`CMAKE_ON` and `CMAKE_OFF`].
|Type of build (CMake predefined build profiles). Default is `Release`, or `Debug` if `WITH_DEBUG` is set.
@@ -2438,7 +2438,7 @@ If the application provides a qmake project file ([.filename]#*.pro#), define `U
Similar to crossref:special[using-cmake,CMake], qmake supports out-of-source
builds, which can be enabled by specifying the `outsource` argument (see
crossref:special[using-qmake-example,`USES= qmake` example]).
-Also see crossref:special[using-qmake-arguments,.Possible Arguments for `USES qmake`].
+Also see crossref:special[using-qmake-arguments,Possible Arguments for `USES qmake`].
.Possible Arguments for `USES= qmake`
@@ -3624,7 +3624,7 @@ A complete list of available variables can be found in [.filename]#/usr/ports/Mk
All dependencies to Python ports using crossref:flavors[flavors-auto-python,Python flavors] (either with `USE_PYTHON=distutils` or `USE_PYTHON=flavors`) must have the Python flavor appended to their origin using `@${PY_FLAVOR}`.
-See crossref:special[python-Makefile,.Makefile for a Simple Python Module].
+See crossref:special[python-Makefile,Makefile for a Simple Python Module].
@@ -3808,7 +3808,7 @@ The available wxWidgets versions and the corresponding ports in the tree are:
-The variables in crossref:special[wx-ver-sel-table,.Variables to Select wxWidgets Versions] can be set to one or more of these combinations separated by spaces:
+The variables in crossref:special[wx-ver-sel-table,Variables to Select wxWidgets Versions] can be set to one or more of these combinations separated by spaces:
.wxWidgets Version Specifications
@@ -3874,7 +3874,7 @@ These applications can be specified in `WX_COMPS`. These components are availabl
The dependency type can be selected for each component by adding a suffix separated by a semicolon.
-If not present then a default type will be used (see crossref:special[wx-def-dep-types,.Default wxWidgets Dependency Types]).
+If not present then a default type will be used (see crossref:special[wx-def-dep-types,Default wxWidgets Dependency Types]).
These types are available:
@@ -3979,7 +3979,7 @@ CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-wxpython
=== Defined Variables
-These variables are available in the port (after defining one from crossref:special[wx-ver-sel-table,.Variables to Select wxWidgets Versions]).
+These variables are available in the port (after defining one from crossref:special[wx-ver-sel-table,Variables to Select wxWidgets Versions]).
.Variables Defined for Ports That Use wxWidgets
@@ -4757,7 +4757,7 @@ USE_BUDGIE= libbudgie
== Using Databases
-Use one of the `USES` macros from crossref:special[using-databases-uses,.Database `USES` Macros] to add a dependency on a database.
+Use one of the `USES` macros from crossref:special[using-databases-uses,Database `USES` Macros] to add a dependency on a database.
.Database `USES` Macros
diff --git a/documentation/content/en/books/porters-handbook/upgrading/_index.adoc b/documentation/content/en/books/porters-handbook/upgrading/_index.adoc
index 394d8f333f..5d061414c6 100644
--- a/documentation/content/en/books/porters-handbook/upgrading/_index.adoc
+++ b/documentation/content/en/books/porters-handbook/upgrading/_index.adoc
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ To create a suitable `diff` for a single patch, copy the file that needs patchin
% diff -u something.orig something > something.diff
-Otherwise, either use the `git diff` method (crossref:upgrading[git-diff]) or copy the contents of the port to an entire different directory and use the result of the recursive man:diff[1] output of the new and old ports directories (for example, if the modified port directory is called [.filename]#superedit# and the original is in our tree as [.filename]#superedit.bak#, then save the result of `diff -ruN superedit.bak superedit`).
+Otherwise, either use the `git diff` method (crossref:upgrading[git-diff, Using Git to Make Patches]) or copy the contents of the port to an entire different directory and use the result of the recursive man:diff[1] output of the new and old ports directories (for example, if the modified port directory is called [.filename]#superedit# and the original is in our tree as [.filename]#superedit.bak#, then save the result of `diff -ruN superedit.bak superedit`).
Either unified or context diff is fine, but port committers generally prefer unified diffs.
Note the use of the `-N` option-this is the accepted way to force diff to properly deal with the case of new files being added or old files being deleted.
Before sending us the diff, please examine the output to make sure all the changes make sense.
diff --git a/documentation/content/en/books/porters-handbook/uses/_index.adoc b/documentation/content/en/books/porters-handbook/uses/_index.adoc
index d2005f5ba8..6c5dc918ea 100644
--- a/documentation/content/en/books/porters-handbook/uses/_index.adoc
+++ b/documentation/content/en/books/porters-handbook/uses/_index.adoc
@@ -501,7 +501,8 @@ Add a dependency to the client library of the Firebird database.
Possible arguments: (none), `fc`, `fontsdir` (default), `none`
Adds a runtime dependency on tools needed to register fonts.
-Depending on the argument, add a `crossref:plist[plist-keywords-fc,@fc] ${FONTSDIR}` line, `crossref:plist[plist-keywords-fontsdir,@fontsdir] ${FONTSDIR}` line, or no line if the argument is `none`, to the plist.
+Depending on the argument, add a `crossref:plist[plist-keywords-fc,`@fc`]
+${FONTSDIR}` line, `crossref:plist[plist-keywords-fontsdir,`@fontsdir`] ${FONTSDIR}` line, or no line if the argument is `none`, to the plist.
`FONTSDIR` defaults to [.filename]#${PREFIX}/share/fonts/${FONTNAME}# and `FONTNAME` to `${PORTNAME}`.
@@ -1885,17 +1886,17 @@ The shebangfix macro fixes shebang lines in scripts listed in `SHEBANG_REGEX`, `
Contains _one_ extended regular expressions, and is used with the `-iregex` argument of man:find[1].
-See crossref:uses[uses-shebangfix-ex-regex,.`USESshebangfix` with `SHEBANG_REGEX`].
+See crossref:uses[uses-shebangfix-ex-regex,`USESshebangfix` with `SHEBANG_REGEX`].
Contains a list of patterns used with the `-name` argument of man:find[1].
-See crossref:uses[uses-shebangfix-ex-glob,.`USESshebangfix` with `SHEBANG_GLOB`].
+See crossref:uses[uses-shebangfix-ex-glob,`USESshebangfix` with `SHEBANG_GLOB`].
Contains a list of files or man:sh[1] globs.
The shebangfix macro is run from `${WRKSRC}`, so `SHEBANG_FILES` can contain paths that are relative to `${WRKSRC}`.
It can also deal with absolute paths if files outside of `${WRKSRC}` require patching.
-See crossref:uses[uses-shebangfix-ex-files,.`USESshebangfix` with `SHEBANG_FILES`].
+See crossref:uses[uses-shebangfix-ex-files,`USESshebangfix` with `SHEBANG_FILES`].
Currently Bash, Java, Ksh, Lua, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, Tcl, and Tk are supported by default.
@@ -1922,7 +1923,7 @@ These will _always_ be part of `_interp__OLD_CMD`: `"/usr/bin/env _interp_" /bin
`_interp__OLD_CMD` contain multiple values.
Any entry with spaces must be quoted.
-See crossref:uses[uses-shebangfix-ex-ksh,.Specifying all the Paths When Adding an Interpreter to `USESshebangfix`].
+See crossref:uses[uses-shebangfix-ex-ksh,Specifying all the Paths When Adding an Interpreter to `USESshebangfix`].
@@ -2173,7 +2174,7 @@ The same variables are returned as when using Tcl.
Possible arguments: (none)
Changes some default behavior (mostly variables) of the build system to allow installing this port as a normal user.
-Try this in the port before using crossref:uses[uses-fakeroot,USES=fakeroot] or patching.
+Try this in the port before using crossref:uses[uses-fakeroot,`USES=fakeroot`] or patching.
== `uniquefiles`
diff --git a/documentation/content/pt-br/books/fdp-primer/editor-config/_index.adoc b/documentation/content/pt-br/books/fdp-primer/editor-config/_index.adoc
index a5062576c0..8c4a21a5bc 100644
--- a/documentation/content/pt-br/books/fdp-primer/editor-config/_index.adoc
+++ b/documentation/content/pt-br/books/fdp-primer/editor-config/_index.adoc
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ Ajustar a configuração do editor de texto pode tornar o trabalho nos arquivos
== Vim
-Instale o package:editors/vim[] e em seguida siga as instruções em crossref:editor-config[editor-config-vim-config]. Usuários mais avançados podem usar um linter mais adequado como o link:https://github.com/dense-analysis/ale[Ale] que também pode atuar como um link:https://langserver.org/[Protocolo de Servidor de Idiomas] do Vim.
+Instale o package:editors/vim[] e em seguida siga as instruções em crossref:editor-config[editor-config-vim-config, Uso]. Usuários mais avançados podem usar um linter mais adequado como o link:https://github.com/dense-analysis/ale[Ale] que também pode atuar como um link:https://langserver.org/[Protocolo de Servidor de Idiomas] do Vim.
=== Uso
diff --git a/documentation/content/zh-cn/books/handbook/users/_index.adoc b/documentation/content/zh-cn/books/handbook/users/_index.adoc
index 0636e929c5..3b0ebc9754 100644
--- a/documentation/content/zh-cn/books/handbook/users/_index.adoc
+++ b/documentation/content/zh-cn/books/handbook/users/_index.adoc
@@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ Other information:
-man:chfn[1] 和 man:chsh[1] 只是到 man:chpass[1] 的符号连接, 类似地, man:ypchpass[1], man:ypchfn[1] 以及 man:ypchsh[1] 也是这样。 NIS 是自动支持的, 不一定要在命令前指定 `yp`。 如果这让您有点不太明白, 不必担心, NIS 将在 crossref:network-servers[network-servers,] 介绍。
+man:chfn[1] 和 man:chsh[1] 只是到 man:chpass[1] 的符号连接, 类似地, man:ypchpass[1], man:ypchfn[1] 以及 man:ypchsh[1] 也是这样。 NIS 是自动支持的, 不一定要在命令前指定 `yp`。 如果这让您有点不太明白, 不必担心, NIS 将在 crossref:network-servers[network-servers,"?"] 介绍。
diff --git a/documentation/content/zh-tw/books/porters-handbook/plist/_index.adoc b/documentation/content/zh-tw/books/porters-handbook/plist/_index.adoc
index fbf74d8e4c..fdf2f53d93 100644
--- a/documentation/content/zh-tw/books/porters-handbook/plist/_index.adoc
+++ b/documentation/content/zh-tw/books/porters-handbook/plist/_index.adoc
@@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ On deinstallation, remove it from [.filename]#/etc/shells#.
=== `@terminfo`
Do not use by itself.
-If the port installs [.filename]#*.terminfo# files, add crossref:uses[uses-terminfo,USES=terminfo] to its [.filename]#Makefile#.
+If the port installs [.filename]#*.terminfo# files, add crossref:uses[uses-terminfo,`USES=terminfo`] to its [.filename]#Makefile#.
On installation and deinstallation, if `tic` is present, refresh [.filename]#${PREFIX}/shared/misc/terminfo.db# from the [.filename]#*.terminfo# files in [.filename]#${PREFIX}/shared/misc#.