path: root/documentation/content/en/books/porters-handbook/pkg-files/chapter.adoc
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+title: Chapter 9. pkg-*
+prev: books/porters-handbook/plist
+next: books/porters-handbook/testing
+= [.filename]#pkg-*#
+:doctype: book
+:toc: macro
+:toclevels: 1
+:icons: font
+:sectnumlevels: 6
+:source-highlighter: rouge
+:xrefstyle: basic
+:relfileprefix: ../
+:sectnumoffset: 9
+There are some tricks we have not mentioned yet about the [.filename]#pkg-*# files that come in handy sometimes.
+== [.filename]#pkg-message#
+To display a message when the package is installed, place the message in [.filename]#pkg-message#. This capability is often useful to display additional installation steps to be taken after a `pkg install` or `pkg upgrade`.
+* [.filename]#pkg-message# must contain only information that is _vital_ to setup and operation on FreeBSD, and that is unique to the port in question.
+* Setup information should only be shown on initial install. Upgrade instructions should be shown only when upgrading from the relevant version.
+* Do not surround the messages with either whitespace or lines of symbols (like `----------`, `**********`, or `==========`). Leave the formatting to man:pkg[8].
+* Committers have blanket approval to constrain existing messages to install or upgrade ranges using the UCL format specifications.
+pkg-message supports two formats:
+A regular plain text file. Its message is only displayed on install.
+If the file starts with "`[`" then it is considered to be a UCL file. The UCL format is described on https://github.com/vstakhov/libucl[libucl's GitHub page].
+Do not add an entry for [.filename]#pkg-message# in [.filename]#pkg-plist#.
+=== UCL in pkg-message
+The format is the following. It should be an array of objects. The objects themselves can have these keywords:
+The actual message to be displayed. This keyword is mandatory.
+When the message should be displayed.
+Only if `type` is `upgrade`. Display if upgrading from a version strictly lower than the version specified.
+Only if `type` is `upgrade`. Display if upgrading from a version stictly greater than the version specified.
+The `maximum_version` and `minimum_version` keywords can be combined.
+The `type` keyword can have three values:
+The message should only be displayed when the package is installed.
+The message should only be displayed when the package is removed.
+the message should only be displayed during an upgrade of the package..
+To preserve the compatibility with non UCL [.filename]#pkg-message# files, the first line of a UCL [.filename]#pkg-message# _MUST be_ a single "`[`", and the last line _MUST be_ a single "`]`".
+.UCL Short Strings
+The message is delimited by double quotes `"`, this is used for simple single line strings:
+{ type: install
+ message: "Simple message"
+.UCL Multiline Strings
+Multiline strings use the standard here document notation. The multiline delimiter _must_ start just after `<<` symbols without any whitespace and it _must_ consist of capital letters only. To finish a multiline string, add the delimiter string on a line of its own without any whitespace. The message from <<porting-message-ucl-short-ex>> can be written as:
+{ type: install
+ message: <<EOM
+Simple message
+.Display a Message on Install/Deinstall
+When a message only needs to be displayed on installation or uninstallation, set the type:
+ type: remove
+ message: "package being removed."
+{ type: install, message: "package being installed."}
+.Display a Message on Upgrade
+When a port is upgraded, the message displayed can be even more tailored to the port's needs.
+ type: upgrade
+ message: "Package is being upgraded."
+ type: upgrade
+ maximum_version: "1.0"
+ message: "Upgrading from before 1.0 need to do this."
+ type: upgrade
+ minimum_version: "1.0"
+ message: "Upgrading from after 1.0 should do that."
+ type: upgrade
+ maximum_version: "3.0"
+ minimum_version: "1.0"
+ message: "Upgrading from > 1.0 and < 3.0 remove that file."
+When displaying a message on upgrade, it is important to limit when it is being shown to the user. Most of the time it is by using `maximum_version` to limit its usage to upgrades from before a certain version when something specific needs to be done.
+== [.filename]#pkg-install#
+If the port needs to execute commands when the binary package is installed with `pkg add` or `pkg install`, use [.filename]#pkg-install#. This script will automatically be added to the package. It will be run twice by `pkg`, the first time as `${SH} pkg-install ${PKGNAME} PRE-INSTALL` before the package is installed, and the second time as `${SH} pkg-install ${PKGNAME} POST-INSTALL` after it has been installed. `$2` can be tested to determine which mode the script is being run in. The `PKG_PREFIX` environmental variable will be set to the package installation directory.
+This script is here to help you set up the package so that it is as ready to use as possible. It _must not_ be abused to start services, stop services, or run any other commands that will modify the currently running system.
+== [.filename]#pkg-deinstall#
+This script executes when a package is removed.
+This script will be run twice by `pkg delete` The first time as `${SH} pkg-deinstall ${PKGNAME} DEINSTALL` before the port is de-installed and the second time as `${SH} pkg-deinstall ${PKGNAME} POST-DEINSTALL` after the port has been de-installed. `$2` can be tested to determine which mode the script is being run in. The `PKG_PREFIX` environmental variable will be set to the package installation directory
+This script is here to help you set up the package so that it is as ready to use as possible. It _must not_ be abused to start services, stop services, or run any other commands that will modify the currently running system.
+== Changing the Names of [.filename]#pkg-*#
+All the names of [.filename]#pkg-\*# are defined using variables that can be changed in the [.filename]#Makefile# if needed. This is especially useful when sharing the same [.filename]#pkg-*# files among several ports or when it is necessary to write to one of these files. See <<porting-wrkdir,writing to places other than `WRKDIR`>> for why it is a bad idea to write directly into the directory containing the [.filename]#pkg-*# files.
+Here is a list of variable names and their default values. (`PKGDIR` defaults to `${MASTERDIR}`.)
+[cols="1,1", frame="none", options="header"]
+| Variable
+| Default value
+== Making Use of `SUB_FILES` and `SUB_LIST`
+`SUB_FILES` and `SUB_LIST` are useful for dynamic values in port files, such as the installation `PREFIX` in [.filename]#pkg-message#.
+`SUB_FILES` specifies a list of files to be automatically modified. Each [.filename]#file# in the `SUB_FILES` list must have a corresponding [.filename]#file.in# present in `FILESDIR`. A modified version will be created as [.filename]#${WRKDIR}/file#. Files defined as a value of `USE_RC_SUBR` are automatically added to `SUB_FILES`. For the files [.filename]#pkg-message#, [.filename]#pkg-install#, and [.filename]#pkg-deinstall#, the corresponding Makefile variable is automatically set to point to the processed version.
+`SUB_LIST` is a list of `VAR=VALUE` pairs. For each pair, `%%VAR%%` will be replaced with `VALUE` in each file listed in `SUB_FILES`. Several common pairs are automatically defined: `PREFIX`, `LOCALBASE`, `DATADIR`, `DOCSDIR`, `EXAMPLESDIR`, `WWWDIR`, and `ETCDIR`. Any line beginning with `@comment` followed by a space, will be deleted from resulting files after a variable substitution.
+This example replaces `%%ARCH%%` with the system architecture in a [.filename]#pkg-message#:
+SUB_FILES= pkg-message
+Note that for this example, [.filename]#pkg-message.in# must exist in `FILESDIR`.
+Example of a good [.filename]#pkg-message.in#:
+Now it is time to configure this package.
+Copy %%PREFIX%%/shared/examples/putsy/%%ARCH%%.conf into your home directory
+as .putsy.conf and edit it.