path: root/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/fdp-primer/examples/appendix.xml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'en_US.ISO8859-1/books/fdp-primer/examples/appendix.xml')
1 files changed, 33 insertions, 249 deletions
diff --git a/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/fdp-primer/examples/appendix.xml b/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/fdp-primer/examples/appendix.xml
index 973c3b1348..250b14134a 100644
--- a/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/fdp-primer/examples/appendix.xml
+++ b/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/fdp-primer/examples/appendix.xml
@@ -33,45 +33,40 @@
<appendix xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" version="5.0" xml:id="examples">
- <para>This appendix contains example <acronym>XML</acronym> files
- and the commands to convert them from one output format to
- another. After installing the Documentation Project tools (see
- <xref linkend="tools-required"/>), these examples can be used
- directly.</para>
<para>These examples are not exhaustive&mdash;they do not contain
all the elements that might be desirable to use, particularly in a
document's front matter. For more examples of DocBook markup,
examine the <acronym>XML</acronym> source for this and other
- documents available in the <application>svn</application>
+ documents available in the <application>Subversion</application>
<literal>doc</literal> repository, or available online starting at
<uri xlink:href="http://svnweb.FreeBSD.org/doc/">http://svnweb.FreeBSD.org/doc/</uri>.</para>
- <para>To avoid confusion, these examples use the standard DocBook
- 4.1 <acronym>DTD</acronym> rather than the &os; extension. They
- also use the stock stylesheets distributed by Norm Walsh, rather
- than any customizations made to those stylesheets by the &os;
- Documentation Project. This makes them more useful as generic
- DocBook examples.</para>
<sect1 xml:id="examples-docbook-book">
<title>DocBook <tag>book</tag></title>
<title>DocBook <tag>book</tag></title>
- <programlisting>&lt;!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN"
- "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.2/docbookx.dtd"&gt;
+ <programlisting>&lt;!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//DTD DocBook XML V5.0-Based Extension//EN"
+ "http://www.FreeBSD.org/XML/share/xml/freebsd50.dtd"&gt;
-<tag class="starttag">book lang='en'</tag>
- <tag class="starttag">bookinfo</tag>
+<tag class="starttag">book xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"
+ xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" version="5.0"
+ xml:lang="en"</tag>
+ <tag class="starttag">info</tag>
<tag class="starttag">title</tag>An Example Book<tag class="endtag">title</tag>
<tag class="starttag">author</tag>
- <tag class="starttag">firstname</tag>Your first name<tag class="endtag">firstname</tag>
- <tag class="starttag">surname</tag>Your surname<tag class="endtag">surname</tag>
+ <tag class="starttag">personname</tag>
+ <tag class="starttag">firstname</tag>Your first name<tag class="endtag">firstname</tag>
+ <tag class="starttag">surname</tag>Your surname<tag class="endtag">surname</tag>
+ <tag class="endtag">personname</tag>
<tag class="starttag">affiliation</tag>
- <tag class="starttag">address</tag><tag class="starttag">email</tag>foo@example.com<tag class="endtag">email</tag><tag class="endtag">address</tag>
+ <tag class="starttag">address</tag>
+ <tag class="starttag">email</tag>foo@example.com<tag class="endtag">email</tag>
+ <tag class="endtag">address</tag>
<tag class="endtag">affiliation</tag>
<tag class="endtag">author</tag>
@@ -83,7 +78,7 @@
<tag class="starttag">abstract</tag>
<tag class="starttag">para</tag>If your book has an abstract then it should go here.<tag class="endtag">para</tag>
<tag class="endtag">abstract</tag>
- <tag class="endtag">bookinfo</tag>
+ <tag class="endtag">info</tag>
<tag class="starttag">preface</tag>
<tag class="starttag">title</tag>Preface<tag class="endtag">title</tag>
@@ -113,18 +108,26 @@
<title>DocBook <tag>article</tag></title>
- <programlisting>&lt;!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN"
- "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.2/docbookx.dtd"&gt;
+ <programlisting>&lt;!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//DTD DocBook XML V5.0-Based Extension//EN"
+ "http://www.FreeBSD.org/XML/share/xml/freebsd50.dtd"&gt;
-<tag class="starttag">article lang='en'</tag>
- <tag class="starttag">articleinfo</tag>
+<tag class="starttag">article xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"
+ xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" version="5.0"
+ xml:lang="en"</tag>
+ <tag class="starttag">info</tag>
<tag class="starttag">title</tag>An Example Article<tag class="endtag">title</tag>
<tag class="starttag">author</tag>
- <tag class="starttag">firstname</tag>Your first name<tag class="endtag">firstname</tag>
- <tag class="starttag">surname</tag>Your surname<tag class="endtag">surname</tag>
+ <tag class="starttag">personname</tag>
+ <tag class="starttag">firstname</tag>Your first name<tag class="endtag">firstname</tag>
+ <tag class="starttag">surname</tag>Your surname<tag class="endtag">surname</tag>
+ <tag class="endtag">personname</tag>
<tag class="starttag">affiliation</tag>
- <tag class="starttag">address</tag><tag class="starttag">email</tag>foo@example.com<tag class="endtag">email</tag><tag class="endtag">address</tag>
+ <tag class="starttag">address</tag>
+ <tag class="starttag">email</tag>foo@example.com<tag class="endtag">email</tag>
+ <tag class="endtag">address</tag>
<tag class="endtag">affiliation</tag>
<tag class="endtag">author</tag>
@@ -136,7 +139,7 @@
<tag class="starttag">abstract</tag>
<tag class="starttag">para</tag>If your article has an abstract then it should go here.<tag class="endtag">para</tag>
<tag class="endtag">abstract</tag>
- <tag class="endtag">articleinfo</tag>
+ <tag class="endtag">info</tag>
<tag class="starttag">sect1</tag>
<tag class="starttag">title</tag>My First Section<tag class="endtag">title</tag>
@@ -152,223 +155,4 @@
<tag class="endtag">article</tag></programlisting>
- <sect1 xml:id="examples-formatted">
- <title>Producing Formatted Output</title>
- <para>Before using these examples, install the required tools as
- shown in <xref linkend="tools-required"/>.</para>
- <sect2>
- <title>Using <application>Jade</application></title>
- <example>
- <title>Converting DocBook to <acronym>XHTML</acronym> (One
- Large File)</title>
- <screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>jade -V nochunks \ <co xml:id="examples-co-jade-1-nochunks"/>
- -c /usr/local/share/xml/docbook/dsssl/modular/catalog \ <co xml:id="examples-co-jade-1-catalog"/>
- -c /usr/local/share/xml/docbook/catalog \
- -c /usr/local/share/xml/jade/catalog \
- -d /usr/local/share/xml/docbook/dsssl/modular/html/docbook.dsl \<co xml:id="examples-co-jade-1-dsssl"/>
- -t sgml <co xml:id="examples-co-jade-1-transform"/> <replaceable>file</replaceable>.xml &gt; <replaceable>file</replaceable>.html <co xml:id="examples-co-jade-1-filename"/></userinput></screen>
- <calloutlist>
- <callout arearefs="examples-co-jade-1-nochunks">
- <para>Specifies the <literal>nochunks</literal> parameter
- to the stylesheets, forcing all output to be written to
- the standard output (using Norm Walsh's
- stylesheets).</para>
- </callout>
- <callout arearefs="examples-co-jade-1-catalog">
- <para>Specifies the catalogs that
- <application>Jade</application> will need to process.
- Three catalogs are required. The first is a catalog
- that contains information about the
- <acronym>DSSSL</acronym> stylesheets. The second
- contains information about the DocBook
- <acronym>DTD</acronym>. The third contains information
- specific to <application>Jade</application>.</para>
- </callout>
- <callout arearefs="examples-co-jade-1-dsssl">
- <para>Specifies the full path to the
- <acronym>DSSSL</acronym> stylesheet that
- <application>Jade</application> will use when processing
- the document.</para>
- </callout>
- <callout arearefs="examples-co-jade-1-transform">
- <para>Instructs <application>Jade</application> to perform
- a <emphasis>transformation</emphasis> from one
- <acronym>DTD</acronym> to another. In this case, the
- input is being transformed from the DocBook
- <acronym>DTD</acronym> to the <acronym>XHTML</acronym>
- <acronym>DTD</acronym>.</para>
- </callout>
- <callout arearefs="examples-co-jade-1-filename">
- <para>Specifies the file that
- <application>Jade</application> should process, and
- redirects output to the specified
- <filename>.html</filename> file.</para>
- </callout>
- </calloutlist>
- </example>
- <example>
- <title>Converting DocBook to <acronym>XHTML</acronym> (Several
- Small Files)</title>
- <screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>jade \
- -c /usr/local/share/xml/docbook/dsssl/modular/catalog \ <co xml:id="examples-co-jade-2-catalog"/>
- -c /usr/local/share/xml/docbook/catalog \
- -c /usr/local/share/xml/jade/catalog \
- -d /usr/local/share/xml/docbook/dsssl/modular/html/docbook.dsl \<co xml:id="examples-co-jade-2-dsssl"/>
- -t sgml <co xml:id="examples-co-jade-2-transform"/> <replaceable>file</replaceable>.xml <co xml:id="examples-co-jade-2-filename"/></userinput></screen>
- <calloutlist>
- <callout arearefs="examples-co-jade-2-catalog">
- <para>Specifies the catalogs that
- <application>Jade</application> will need to process.
- Three catalogs are required. The first is a catalog
- that contains information about the
- <acronym>DSSSL</acronym> stylesheets. The second
- contains information about the DocBook
- <acronym>DTD</acronym>. The third contains information
- specific to <application>Jade</application>.</para>
- </callout>
- <callout arearefs="examples-co-jade-2-dsssl">
- <para>Specifies the full path to the
- <acronym>DSSSL</acronym> stylesheet that
- <application>Jade</application> will use when processing
- the document.</para>
- </callout>
- <callout arearefs="examples-co-jade-2-transform">
- <para>Instructs <application>Jade</application> to perform
- a <emphasis>transformation</emphasis> from one
- <acronym>DTD</acronym> to another. In this case, the
- input is being transformed from the DocBook
- <acronym>DTD</acronym> to the <acronym>XHTML</acronym>
- <acronym>DTD</acronym>.</para>
- </callout>
- <callout arearefs="examples-co-jade-2-filename">
- <para>Specifies the file that
- <application>Jade</application> should process. The
- stylesheets determine how the individual
- <acronym>XHTML</acronym> files will be named, and the
- name of the <quote>root</quote> file, the one that
- contains the start of the document.</para>
- </callout>
- </calloutlist>
- <para>This example may still only generate one
- <acronym>XHTML</acronym> file, depending on the structure of
- the document you are processing, and the stylesheet's rules
- for splitting output.</para>
- </example>
- <example xml:id="examples-docbook-postscript">
- <title>Converting DocBook to &postscript;</title>
- <para>The source <acronym>XML</acronym> file must be converted
- to a &tex; file.</para>
- <screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>jade -V tex-backend \ <co xml:id="examples-co-jade-3-tex-backend"/>
- -c /usr/local/share/xml/docbook/dsssl/modular/catalog \ <co xml:id="examples-co-jade-3-catalog"/>
- -c /usr/local/share/xml/docbook/catalog \
- -c /usr/local/share/xml/jade/catalog \
- -d /usr/local/share/xml/docbook/dsssl/modular/print/docbook.dsl \<co xml:id="examples-co-jade-3-dsssl"/>
- -t tex <co xml:id="examples-co-jade-3-tex"/> <replaceable>file</replaceable>.xml</userinput></screen>
- <calloutlist>
- <callout arearefs="examples-co-jade-3-tex-backend">
- <para>Customizes the stylesheets to use various options
- specific to producing output for &tex;.</para>
- </callout>
- <callout arearefs="examples-co-jade-3-catalog">
- <para>Specifies the catalogs that
- <application>Jade</application> will need to process.
- Three catalogs are required. The first is a catalog
- that contains information about the
- <acronym>DSSSL</acronym> stylesheets. The second
- contains information about the DocBook
- <acronym>DTD</acronym>. The third contains information
- specific to <application>Jade</application>.</para>
- </callout>
- <callout arearefs="examples-co-jade-3-dsssl">
- <para>Specifies the full path to the
- <acronym>DSSSL</acronym> stylesheet that
- <application>Jade</application> will use when processing
- the document.</para>
- </callout>
- <callout arearefs="examples-co-jade-3-tex">
- <para>Instructs <application>Jade</application> to convert
- the output to &tex;.</para>
- </callout>
- </calloutlist>
- <para>The generated <filename>.tex</filename> file must now be
- run through <command>tex</command>, specifying the
- <literal>&amp;jadetex</literal> macro package.</para>
- <screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>tex "&amp;jadetex" <replaceable>file</replaceable>.tex</userinput></screen>
- <para><command>tex</command> commands must be run
- <emphasis>at least</emphasis> three times. The first run
- processes the document, and determines areas of the document
- which are referenced from other parts of the document, for
- use in indexing, and so on.</para>
- <para>Do not be alarmed if you see warning messages such as
- <errorname>LaTeX Warning: Reference `136' on page 5
- undefined on input line 728.</errorname> at this
- point.</para>
- <para>The second run reprocesses the document now that certain
- pieces of information are known (such as the document's page
- length). This allows index entries and other
- cross-references to be fixed up.</para>
- <para>The third pass performs any final cleanup
- necessary.</para>
- <para>The output from this stage will be
- <filename><replaceable>file</replaceable>.dvi</filename>.</para>
- <para>Finally, run <command>dvips</command> to convert the
- <filename>.dvi</filename> file to &postscript;.</para>
- <screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>dvips -o <replaceable>file</replaceable>.ps <replaceable>file.dvi</replaceable></userinput></screen>
- </example>
- <example>
- <title>Converting DocBook to <acronym>PDF</acronym></title>
- <para>The first part of this process is identical to that of
- converting DocBook to &postscript;, using the same
- <command>jade</command> command line (<xref linkend="examples-docbook-postscript"/>).</para>
- <para>After the <filename>.tex</filename> file has been
- generated, run <application>pdfTeX</application>.
- However, use the <literal>&amp;pdfjadetex</literal> macro
- package instead.</para>
- <screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>pdftex "&amp;pdfjadetex" <replaceable>file</replaceable>.tex</userinput></screen>
- <para>Again, run this command three times.</para>
- <para>This will generate
- <filename><replaceable>file</replaceable>.pdf</filename>,
- which does not need to be processed any further.</para>
- </example>
- </sect2>
- </sect1>