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- The FreeBSD Documentation Project
- $FreeBSD: doc/en_US.ISO_8859-1/books/porters-handbook/book.sgml,v 1.143 2001/04/17 01:39:30 dd Exp $
-<!DOCTYPE BOOK PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//DTD DocBook V4.1-Based Extension//EN" [
-<!ENTITY % man PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//ENTITIES DocBook Manual Page Entities//EN">
-<!ENTITY % bookinfo PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//ENTITIES DocBook BookInfo Entities//EN">
-<!ENTITY % authors SYSTEM "../handbook/authors.ent"> %authors;
-<!ENTITY % mailing-lists SYSTEM "../handbook/mailing-lists.ent">
- <bookinfo>
- <title>FreeBSD Porter's Handbook</title>
- <authorgroup>
- <corpauthor>The FreeBSD Documentation Project</corpauthor>
- </authorgroup>
- <pubdate>April 2000</pubdate>
- <copyright>
- <year>2000</year>
- <holder role="mailto:doc@FreeBSD.org">The FreeBSD Documentation
- Project</holder>
- </copyright>
- &bookinfo.legalnotice;
- </bookinfo>
- <chapter>
- <title>Making a port yourself</title>
- <para>So, now you are interested in making your own port or
- upgrading an existing one? Great!</para>
- <para>What follows are some guidelines for creating a new port for
- FreeBSD. If you want to upgrade an existing port, you should
- read this and then read <xref linkend="port-upgrading">.</para>
- <para>When this document is not sufficiently detailed, you should
- refer to <filename>/usr/ports/Mk/bsd.port.mk</filename>, which
- all port Makefiles include. Even if you do not hack Makefiles
- daily, it is well commented, and you will still gain much
- knowledge from it. Additionally, you may send specific questions
- to the &a.ports;.</para>
- <note>
- <para>Only a fraction of the variables
- (<makevar><replaceable>VAR</replaceable></makevar>) that can be
- overridden are mentioned in this document. Most (if not all)
- are documented at the start of <filename>bsd.port.mk</filename>.
- This file uses a non-standard tab setting.
- <application>Emacs</application> and
- <application>Vim</application> should recognize the setting on
- loading the file. Both <command>vi</command> and
- <command>ex</command> can be set to use the correct value by
- typing <command>:set tabstop=4</command> once the file has been
- loaded.</para>
- </note>
- </chapter>
- <chapter id="quick-porting">
- <title>Quick Porting</title>
- <para>This section tells you how to do a quick port. In many cases, it
- is not enough, but we will see.</para>
- <para>First, get the original tarball and put it into
- <makevar>DISTDIR</makevar>, which defaults to
- <filename>/usr/ports/distfiles</filename>.</para>
- <note>
- <para>The following assumes that the software compiled out-of-the-box,
- i.e., there was absolutely no change required for the port to work
- on your FreeBSD box. If you needed to change something, you will
- have to refer to the next section too.</para>
- </note>
- <sect1>
- <title>Writing the <filename>Makefile</filename></title>
- <para>The minimal <filename>Makefile</filename> would look something
- like this:</para>
- <programlisting># New ports collection makefile for: oneko
-# Date created: 5 December 1994
-# Whom: asami
-# &dollar;FreeBSD&dollar;
-PORTNAME= oneko
-MASTER_SITES= ftp://ftp.cs.columbia.edu/archives/X11R5/contrib/
-MAINTAINER= asami@FreeBSD.org
-MAN1= oneko.1
-.include &lt;bsd.port.mk&gt;</programlisting>
- <para>See if you can figure it out. Do not worry about the contents
- of the <literal>&dollar;FreeBSD&dollar;</literal> line, it will be
- filled in automatically by CVS when the port is imported to our main
- ports tree. You can find a more detailed example in the <link
- linkend="porting-samplem">sample Makefile</link> section.</para>
- </sect1>
- <sect1>
- <title>Writing the description files</title>
- <para>There are three description files that are required for
- any port, whether they actually package or not. They are
- <filename>pkg-comment</filename>,
- <filename>pkg-descr</filename>, and
- <filename>pkg-plist</filename>, and their
- <filename>pkg-</filename> prefix distinguishes them from
- other files.</para>
- <sect2>
- <title><filename>pkg-comment</filename></title>
- <para>This is the one-line description of the port.
- <emphasis>Please</emphasis> do not include the package name (or
- version number of the software) in the comment. The comment
- should begin with a capital, and end without a period. Here
- is an example:</para>
- <programlisting>A cat chasing a mouse all over the screen</programlisting>
- </sect2>
- <sect2>
- <title><filename>pkg-descr</filename></title>
- <para>This is a longer description of the port. One to a few
- paragraphs concisely explaining what the port does is
- sufficient.</para>
- <note>
- <para>This is <emphasis>not</emphasis> a manual or an in-depth
- description on how to use or compile the port! <emphasis>Please
- be careful if you are copying from the
- <filename>README</filename> or manpage</emphasis>; too often
- they are not a concise description of the port or are in an
- awkward format (e.g., manpages have justified spacing). If the
- ported software has an official WWW homepage, you should list it
- here. Prefix <emphasis>one</emphasis> of the websites with
- <literal>WWW:</literal> so that automated tools will work
- correctly.</para>
- </note>
- <para>It is recommended that you sign your name at the end of this
- file, as in:</para>
- <programlisting>This is a port of oneko, in which a cat chases a poor mouse all over
-the screen.
- :
-WWW: http://www.oneko.org/
-- Satoshi
- </sect2>
- <sect2>
- <title><filename>pkg-plist</filename></title>
- <para>This file lists all the files installed by the port. It is
- also called the &ldquo;packing list&rdquo; because the package is
- generated by packing the files listed here. The pathnames are
- relative to the installation prefix (usually
- <filename>/usr/local</filename> or
- <filename>/usr/X11R6</filename>). If you are using the
- <makevar>MAN<replaceable>n</replaceable></makevar> variables (as
- you should be), do not list any manpages here.</para>
- <para>Here is a small example:</para>
- <programlisting>bin/oneko
-@dirrm lib/X11/oneko</programlisting>
- <para>Refer to the &man.pkg.create.1; man page for details on the
- packing list.</para>
- <note>
- <para>You should list all the files, but not the name directories,
- in the list. Also, if the port creates directories for itself
- during installation, make sure to add <literal>@dirrm</literal>
- lines as necessary to remove them when the port is
- deleted.</para>
- <para>It is recommended that you keep all the filenames in this
- file sorted alphabetically. It will make verifying the changes
- when you upgrade the port much easier.</para>
- <para>Creating a packing list manually can be a very tedious
- task. If the port installs a large numbers of files, <link
- linkend="porting-autoplist">creating the packing list
- automatically</link> might save time.</para>
- </note>
- </sect2>
- </sect1>
- <sect1>
- <title>Creating the checksum file</title>
- <para>Just type <command>make makesum</command>. The ports make rules
- will automatically generate the file
- <filename>distinfo</filename>.</para>
- </sect1>
- <sect1 id="porting-testing">
- <title>Testing the port</title>
- <para>You should make sure that the port rules do exactly what you
- want them to do, including packaging up the port. These are the
- important points you need to verify.</para>
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem>
- <para><filename>pkg-plist</filename> does not contain anything not
- installed by your port</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para><filename>pkg-plist</filename> contains everything that is
- installed by your port</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>Your port can be installed multiple times using the
- <maketarget>reinstall</maketarget> target</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>Your port <link linkend="porting-cleaning">cleans up</link>
- after itself upon deinstall</para>
- </listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- <procedure>
- <title>Recommended test ordering</title>
- <step>
- <para><command>make install</command></para>
- </step>
- <step>
- <para><command>make package</command></para>
- </step>
- <step>
- <para><command>make deinstall</command></para>
- </step>
- <step>
- <para><command>pkg_add <replaceable>package-name</replaceable>
- </command></para>
- </step>
- <step>
- <para><command>make deinstall</command></para>
- </step>
- <step>
- <para><command>make reinstall</command></para>
- </step>
- <step>
- <para><command>make package</command></para>
- </step>
- </procedure>
- <para>Make sure that there are not any warnings issued in any of the
- <maketarget>package</maketarget> and
- <maketarget>deinstall</maketarget> stages. After step 3, check to
- see if all the new directories are correctly deleted. Also, try
- using the software after step 4, to ensure that it works correctly
- when installed from a package.</para>
- </sect1>
- <sect1 id="porting-portlint">
- <title>Checking your port with <command>portlint</command></title>
- <para>Please use <command>portlint</command> to see if your port
- conforms to our guidelines. The <command>portlint</command> program
- is part of the ports collection. In particular, you may want to
- check if the <link linkend="porting-samplem">Makefile</link> is in
- the right shape and the <link
- linkend="porting-pkgname">package</link> is named
- appropriately.</para>
- </sect1>
- <sect1 id="porting-submitting">
- <title>Submitting the port</title>
- <para>First, make sure you have read the <link
- linkend="porting-dads">DOs and DON'Ts</link> section.</para>
- <para>Now that you are happy with your port, the only thing remaining
- is to put it in the main FreeBSD ports tree and make everybody else
- happy about it too. We do not need your <filename>work</filename>
- directory or the <filename>pkgname.tgz</filename> package, so delete
- them now. Next, simply include the output of <command>shar `find
- port_dir`</command> in a bug report and send it with the
- &man.send-pr.1; program (see <ulink url="../handbook/contrib-how.html#CONTRIB-GENERAL">Bug
- Reports and General Commentary</ulink> for more information about
- &man.send-pr.1;. If the uncompressed port is larger than 20KB,
- you should compress it into a tarfile and use &man.uuencode.1;
- before including it in the bug report (uuencoded tarfiles are
- acceptable even if the bug report is smaller than 20KB but are not
- preferred). Be sure to classify the bug report as category
- <literal>ports</literal> and class
- <literal>change-request</literal> (Do not mark the report
- <literal>confidential</literal>!).
- Also add a short description of the program you ported
- to the <quote>Description</quote> field of the PR and
- the shar or uuencoded tarfile to the
- <quote>Fix</quote> field. The latter one helps the committers
- a lot, who use scripts for the ports-work.</para>
- <para>One more time, <emphasis>do not include the original source
- distfile, the <filename>work</filename> directory, or the package
- you built with <command>make package</command></emphasis>.</para>
- <note>
- <para>In the past, we asked you to upload new port submissions in
- our ftp site (<hostid role="fqdn">ftp.FreeBSD.org</hostid>). This
- is no longer recommended as read access is turned off on the
- <filename>incoming/</filename> directory of that site due to the
- large amount of pirated software showing up there.</para>
- </note>
- <para>We will look at your port, get back to you if necessary, and put
- it in the tree. Your name will also appear in the list of
- &ldquo;Additional FreeBSD contributors&rdquo; in the FreeBSD
- Handbook and other files. Isn't that great?!? <!-- smiley
- -->:-)</para>
- <note>
- <para>You can make our work a lot easier, if you use a good
- description in the synopsis of the problem report.
- We prefer something like
- &ldquo;New port: &lt;short description of the port&gt;&rdquo; for
- new ports and
- &ldquo;Update port: &lt;category&gt;/&lt;port&gt; &lt;short description
- of the update&gt;&rdquo; for port updates.
- If you stick to this scheme, the chance that one takes a look at
- your PR soon is much bigger.</para>
- </note>
- </sect1>
- </chapter>
- <chapter>
- <title>Slow Porting</title>
- <para>Ok, so it was not that simple, and the port required some
- modifications to get it to work. In this section, we will explain,
- step by step, how to modify it to get it to work with the ports
- paradigm.</para>
- <sect1>
- <title>How things work</title>
- <para>First, this is the sequence of events which occurs when the user
- first types <command>make</command> in your port's directory.
- You may find that having <filename>bsd.port.mk</filename> in another
- window while you read this really helps to understand it.</para>
- <para>But do not worry if you do not really understand what
- <filename>bsd.port.mk</filename> is doing, not many people do...
- <!-- smiley --><emphasis>:-&gt;</emphasis></para>
- <procedure>
- <step>
- <para>The <maketarget>fetch</maketarget> target is run. The
- <maketarget>fetch</maketarget> target is responsible for making
- sure that the tarball exists locally in
- <makevar>DISTDIR</makevar>. If <maketarget>fetch</maketarget>
- cannot find the required files in <makevar>DISTDIR</makevar> it
- will look up the URL <makevar>MASTER_SITES</makevar>, which is
- set in the Makefile, as well as our main ftp site at <ulink
- url="ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/distfiles/">ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/distfiles/</ulink>,
- where we put sanctioned distfiles as backup. It will then
- attempt to fetch the named distribution file with
- <makevar>FETCH</makevar>, assuming that the requesting site has
- direct access to the Internet. If that succeeds, it will save
- the file in <makevar>DISTDIR</makevar> for future use and
- proceed.</para>
- </step>
- <step>
- <para>The <maketarget>extract</maketarget> target is run. It
- looks for your port's distribution file (typically a gzip'd
- tarball) in <makevar>DISTDIR</makevar> and unpacks it into a
- temporary subdirectory specified by <makevar>WRKDIR</makevar>
- (defaults to <filename>work</filename>).</para>
- </step>
- <step>
- <para>The <maketarget>patch</maketarget> target is run. First,
- any patches defined in <makevar>PATCHFILES</makevar> are
- applied. Second, if any patch files named
- <filename>patch-<replaceable>*</replaceable></filename> are found in
- <makevar>PATCHDIR</makevar> (defaults to the
- <filename>files</filename> subdirectory), they are applied at
- this time in alphabetical order.</para>
- </step>
- <step>
- <para>The <maketarget>configure</maketarget> target is run. This
- can do any one of many different things.</para>
- <orderedlist>
- <listitem>
- <para>If it exists, <filename>scripts/configure</filename> is
- run.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>If <makevar>HAS_CONFIGURE</makevar> or
- <makevar>GNU_CONFIGURE</makevar> is set,
- <filename><makevar>WRKSRC</makevar>/configure</filename> is
- run.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>If <makevar>USE_IMAKE</makevar> is set,
- <makevar>XMKMF</makevar> (default: <command>xmkmf
- -a</command>) is run.</para>
- </listitem>
- </orderedlist>
- </step>
- <step>
- <para>The <maketarget>build</maketarget> target is run. This is
- responsible for descending into the port's private working
- directory (<makevar>WRKSRC</makevar>) and building it. If
- <makevar>USE_GMAKE</makevar> is set, GNU <command>make</command>
- will be used, otherwise the system <command>make</command> will
- be used.</para>
- </step>
- </procedure>
- <para>The above are the default actions. In addition, you can define
- targets
- <maketarget>pre-<replaceable>something</replaceable></maketarget> or
- <maketarget>post-<replaceable>something</replaceable></maketarget>,
- or put scripts with those names, in the <filename>scripts</filename>
- subdirectory, and they will be run before or after the default
- actions are done.</para>
- <para>For example, if you have a <maketarget>post-extract</maketarget>
- target defined in your Makefile, and a file
- <filename>pre-build</filename> in the <filename>scripts</filename>
- subdirectory, the <maketarget>post-extract</maketarget> target will
- be called after the regular extraction actions, and the
- <filename>pre-build</filename> script will be executed before the
- default build rules are done. It is recommended that you use
- <filename>Makefile</filename> targets if the actions are simple
- enough, because it will be easier for someone to figure out what
- kind of non-default action the port requires.</para>
- <para>The default actions are done by the
- <filename>bsd.port.mk</filename> targets
- <maketarget>do-<replaceable>something</replaceable></maketarget>.
- For example, the commands to extract a port are in the target
- <maketarget>do-extract</maketarget>. If you are not happy with the
- default target, you can fix it by redefining the
- <maketarget>do-<replaceable>something</replaceable></maketarget>
- target in your <filename>Makefile</filename>.</para>
- <note>
- <para>The &ldquo;main&rdquo; targets (e.g.,
- <maketarget>extract</maketarget>,
- <maketarget>configure</maketarget>, etc.) do nothing more than
- make sure all the stages up to that one are completed and call
- the real targets or scripts, and they are not intended to be
- changed. If you want to fix the extraction, fix
- <maketarget>do-extract</maketarget>, but never ever touch
- <maketarget>extract</maketarget>!</para>
- </note>
- <para>Now that you understand what goes on when the user types
- <command>make</command>, let us go through the recommended steps to
- create the perfect port.</para>
- </sect1>
- <sect1>
- <title>Getting the original sources</title>
- <para>Get the original sources (normally) as a compressed tarball
- (<filename><replaceable>foo</replaceable>.tar.gz</filename> or
- <filename><replaceable>foo</replaceable>.tar.Z</filename>) and copy
- it into <makevar>DISTDIR</makevar>. Always use
- <emphasis>mainstream</emphasis> sources when and where you
- can.</para>
- <para>If you cannot find a ftp/http site that is well-connected to the
- net, or can only find sites that have irritatingly non-standard
- formats, you might want to put a copy on a reliable ftp or http
- server that you control (e.g., your home page). Make sure you set
- <makevar>MASTER_SITES</makevar> to reflect your choice.</para>
- <para>If you cannot find somewhere convenient and reliable to put the
- distfile
- we can &ldquo;house&rdquo; it ourselves
- on <hostid>ftp.FreeBSD.org</hostid>.
- The distfile must be placed into
- <filename>~/public_distfiles/</filename> of someone's
- <hostid>freefall</hostid> account.
- Ask the person who commits your port to do this.
- This person will also set <makevar>MASTER_SITES</makevar> to
- <makevar>MASTER_SITE_LOCAL</makevar> and
- <makevar>MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR</makevar> to their
- <hostid>freefall</hostid> username.</para>
- <para>If your port's distfile changes all the time for no good reason,
- consider putting the distfile in your home page and listing it as
- the first <makevar>MASTER_SITES</makevar>. This will prevent users
- from getting <errorname>checksum mismatch</errorname> errors, and
- also reduce the workload of maintainers of our ftp site. Also, if
- there is only one master site for the port, it is recommended that
- you house a backup at your site and list it as the second
- <makevar>MASTER_SITES</makevar>.</para>
- <para>If your port requires some additional `patches' that are
- available on the Internet, fetch them too and put them in
- <makevar>DISTDIR</makevar>. Do not worry if they come from a site
- other than where you got the main source tarball, we have a way to
- handle these situations (see the description of <link
- linkend="porting-patchfiles">PATCHFILES</link> below).</para>
- </sect1>
- <sect1>
- <title>Modifying the port</title>
- <para>Unpack a copy of the tarball in a private directory and make
- whatever changes are necessary to get the port to compile properly
- under the current version of FreeBSD. Keep <emphasis>careful
- track</emphasis> of everything you do, as you will be automating
- the process shortly. Everything, including the deletion, addition,
- or modification of files should be doable using an automated script
- or patch file when your port is finished.</para>
- <para>If your port requires significant user interaction/customization
- to compile or install, you should take a look at one of Larry Wall's
- classic <application>Configure</application> scripts and perhaps do
- something similar yourself. The goal of the new ports collection is
- to make each port as &ldquo;plug-and-play&rdquo; as possible for the
- end-user while using a minimum of disk space.</para>
- <note>
- <para>Unless explicitly stated, patch files, scripts, and other
- files you have created and contributed to the FreeBSD ports
- collection are assumed to be covered by the standard BSD copyright
- conditions.</para>
- </note>
- </sect1>
- <sect1>
- <title>Patching</title>
- <para>In the preparation of the port, files that have been added or
- changed can be picked up with a recursive diff for later feeding to
- patch. Each set of patches you wish to apply should be collected
- into a file named
- <filename>patch-<replaceable>*</replaceable></filename> where
- <replaceable>*</replaceable> denotes the sequence in which the
- patches will be applied &mdash; these are done in
- <emphasis>alphabetical order</emphasis>, thus <literal>aa</literal>
- first, <literal>ab</literal> second and so on. If you wish,
- you can use names that indicate the pathnames of the files that
- are patched, such as <filename>patch-Imakefile</filename> or
- <filename>patch-src-config.h</filename>. These files should
- be stored in <makevar>PATCHDIR</makevar>, from where they will be
- automatically applied. All patches should be relative to
- <makevar>WRKSRC</makevar> (generally the directory your port's
- tarball unpacks itself into, that being where the build is done).
- To make fixes and upgrades easier, you should avoid having more than
- one patch fix the same file (e.g., <filename>patch-aa</filename> and
- <filename>patch-ab</filename> both changing
- <filename><makevar>WRKSRC</makevar>/foobar.c</filename>).</para>
- </sect1>
- <sect1>
- <title>Configuring</title>
- <para>Include any additional customization commands in your
- <filename>configure</filename> script and save it in the
- <filename>scripts</filename> subdirectory. As mentioned above, you
- can also do this with <filename>Makefile</filename> targets and/or
- scripts with the name <filename>pre-configure</filename> or
- <filename>post-configure</filename>.</para>
- </sect1>
- <sect1>
- <title>Handling user input</title>
- <para>If your port requires user input to build, configure, or install,
- then set <makevar>IS_INTERACTIVE</makevar> in your Makefile. This
- will allow &ldquo;overnight builds&rdquo; to skip your port if the
- user sets the variable <envar>BATCH</envar> in his environment (and
- if the user sets the variable <envar>INTERACTIVE</envar>, then
- <emphasis>only</emphasis> those ports requiring interaction are
- built).</para>
- <para>It is also recommended that if there are reasonable default
- answers to the questions, you check the
- <makevar>PACKAGE_BUILDING</makevar> variable and turn off the
- interactive script when it is set. This will allow us to build the
- packages for CD-ROMs and ftp.</para>
- </sect1>
- </chapter>
- <chapter>
- <title>Configuring the Makefile</title>
- <para>Configuring the Makefile is pretty simple, and again we suggest
- that you look at existing examples before starting. Also, there is a
- <link linkend="porting-samplem">sample Makefile</link> in this
- handbook, so take a look and please follow the ordering of variables
- and sections in that template to make your port easier for others to
- read.</para>
- <para>Now, consider the following problems in sequence as you design
- your new Makefile:</para>
- <sect1>
- <title>The original source</title>
- <para>Does it live in <makevar>DISTDIR</makevar> as a standard
- gzip'd tarball named something like
- <filename>foozolix-1.2.tar.gz</filename>? If so, you can go on
- to the next step. If not, you should look at overriding any of
- the <makevar>DISTNAME</makevar>, <makevar>EXTRACT_CMD</makevar>,
- <makevar>EXTRACT_BEFORE_ARGS</makevar>,
- <makevar>EXTRACT_AFTER_ARGS</makevar>,
- <makevar>EXTRACT_SUFX</makevar>, or <makevar>DISTFILES</makevar>
- variables, depending on how alien a format your port's
- distribution file is. (The most common case is
- <literal>EXTRACT_SUFX=.tar.Z</literal>, when the tarball is
- condensed by regular <command>compress</command>, not
- <command>gzip</command>.)</para>
- <para>In the worst case, you can simply create your own
- <maketarget>do-extract</maketarget> target to override the
- default, though this should be rarely, if ever,
- necessary.</para>
- </sect1>
- <sect1>
- <title><makevar>PORTNAME</makevar> and <makevar>PORTVERSION</makevar></title>
- <para>You should set <makevar>PORTNAME</makevar> to the
- base name of your port, and <makevar>PORTVERSION</makevar>
- to the version number of the port.</para>
- </sect1>
- <sect1>
- <title><makevar>PORTREVISION</makevar> and
- <makevar>PORTEPOCH</makevar></title>
- <sect2>
- <title><makevar>PORTREVISION</makevar></title>
- <para>The <makevar>PORTREVISION</makevar> variable is a
- monotonically increasing value which is reset to 0 with
- every increase of <makevar>PORTVERSION</makevar> (i.e.
- every time a new official vendor release is made), and
- appended to the package name if non-zero.
- <makevar>PORTREVISION</makevar> is increased each time a
- change is made to the FreeBSD port which significantly
- affects the content or stucture of the derived
- package.</para>
- <para>Examples of when PORTREVISION should be bumped:</para>
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem>
- <para>Addition of patches to correct security
- vulnerabilities, bugs, or to add new functionality to
- the FreeBSD port.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>Changes to the port makefile to enable or disable
- compile-time options in the package.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>Changes in the packing list or the install-time
- behaviour of the package (e.g. change to a script
- which generates initial data for the package, like ssh
- host keys).</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>Version bump of a port's shared library dependency
- (in this case, someone trying to install the old
- package after installing a newer version of the
- dependency will fail since it will look for the old
- libfoo.x instead of libfoo.(x+1)).</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>Silent changes to the port distfile which have
- significant functional differences, i.e. changes to
- the distfile requiring a correction to
- <filename>distinfo</filename> with no corresponding change to
- <makevar>PORTVERSION</makevar>, where a <command>diff
- -ru</command> of the old and new versions shows
- non-trivial changes to the code.</para>
- </listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- <para>Examples of changes which do not require a
- <makevar>PORTREVISION</makevar> bump:</para>
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem>
- <para>Style changes to the port skeleton with no
- functional change to what appears in the resulting
- package.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>Changes to <makevar>MASTER_SITES</makevar> or
- other functional changes to the port which do not
- effect the resulting package.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>Trivial patches to the distfile such as correction
- of typos, which are not important enough that users of
- the package should go to the trouble of
- upgrading.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>Build fixes which cause a package to become
- compilable where it was previously failing (as long as
- the changes do not introduce any functional change on
- any other platforms on which the port did previously
- build). Since <makevar>PORTREVISION</makevar> reflects
- the content of the package, if no package was
- previously buildable then there is no need to increase
- <makevar>PORTREVISION</makevar> to mark a
- change.</para>
- </listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- <para>A rule of thumb is to ask yourself whether a change
- committed to a port is something which someone, somewhere,
- would benefit from having (either because of an
- enhancement, fix, or by virtue that the new package will
- actually work for them). If yes, the
- <makevar>PORTREVISION</makevar> should be bumped so that
- automated tools (e.g. <command>pkg_version</command>)
- will highlight the fact that a new package is
- available.</para>
- </sect2>
- <sect2>
- <title><makevar>PORTEPOCH</makevar></title>
- <para>From time to time a software vendor or FreeBSD porter
- will do something silly and release a version of their
- software which is actually numerically less than the
- previous version. An example of this is a port which goes
- from foo-20000801 to foo-1.0 (the former will be
- incorrectly treated as a newer version since 20000801 is a
- numerically greater value than 1).</para>
- <para>In situations such as this, the
- <makevar>PORTEPOCH</makevar> version should be increased.
- If <makevar>PORTEPOCH</makevar> is nonzero it is appended
- to the package name as described in section 0 above.
- <makevar>PORTEPOCH</makevar> is never decreased or reset
- to zero, because that would cause comparison to a package
- from an earlier epoch to fail (i.e. the package would not
- be detected as out of date): the new version number (e.g.
- <literal>1.0,1</literal> in the above example) is still
- numerically less than the previous version (2000801), but
- the <literal>,1</literal> suffix is treated specially by
- automated tools and found to be greater than the implied
- suffix ",0" on the earlier package)</para>
- <para>It is expected that <makevar>PORTEPOCH</makevar> will
- not be used for the majority of ports, and that sensible
- use of <makevar>PORTVERSION</makevar> can often pre-empt
- it becoming necessary if a future release of the software
- should change the version structure. However, care is
- needed by FreeBSD porters when a vendor release is made
- without an official version number - such as a code
- "snapshot" release. The temptation is to label the
- release with the release date, which will cause problems
- as in the example above when a new "official" release is
- made.</para>
- <para>For example, if a snapshot release is made on the date
- 20000917, and the previous version of the software was
- version 1.2, the snapshot release should be given a
- <makevar>PORTVERSION</makevar> of 1.2.20000917 or similar,
- not 20000917, so that the succeeding release, say 1.3, is
- still a numerically greater value.</para>
- </sect2>
- <sect2>
- <title>Example of <makevar>PORTREVISION</makevar> and
- <makevar>PORTEPOCH</makevar> usage</title>
- <para>The gtkmumble port, version 0.10, is committed to the
- ports collection.</para>
- <programlisting>PORTNAME= gtkmumble
-PORTVERSION= 0.10</programlisting>
- <para><makevar>PKGNAME</makevar> becomes
- <literal>gtkmumble-0.10</literal>.</para>
- <para>A security hole is discovered which requires a local
- FreeBSD patch. <makevar>PORTREVISION</makevar> is bumped
- accordingly.</para>
- <programlisting>PORTNAME= gtkmumble
-PORTREVISION= 1</programlisting>
- <para><makevar>PKGNAME</makevar> becomes
- <literal>gtkmumble-0.10_1</literal></para>
- <para>A new version is released by the vendor, numbered 0.2
- (it turns out the author actually intended
- <literal>0.10</literal> to actually mean
- <literal>0.1.0</literal>, not <quote>what comes after
- 0.9</quote> - oops, too late now). Since the new minor
- version <literal>2</literal> is numerically less than the
- previous version <literal>10</literal> the
- <makevar>PORTEPOCH</makevar> must be bumped to manually
- force the new package to be detected as "newer". Since it
- is a new vendor release of the code,
- <makevar>PORTREVISION</makevar> is reset to 0 (or removed
- from the makefile).</para>
- <programlisting>PORTNAME= gtkmumble
-PORTEPOCH= 1</programlisting>
- <para><makevar>PKGNAME</makevar> becomes
- <literal>gtkmumble-0.2,1</literal></para>
- <para>The next release is 0.3. Since
- <makevar>PORTEPOCH</makevar> never decreases, the version
- variables are now:</para>
- <programlisting>PORTNAME= gtkmumble
-PORTEPOCH= 1</programlisting>
- <para><makevar>PKGNAME</makevar> becomes
- <literal>gtkmumble-0.3,1</literal></para>
- <note>
- <para>If <makevar>PORTEPOCH</makevar> were reset
- to <literal>0</literal> with this upgrade, someone who had
- installed the gtkmumble-0.10_1 package would not detect
- the gtkmumble-0.3 package as newer, since
- <literal>3</literal> is still numerically less than
- <literal>10</literal>.</para>
- </note>
- </sect2>
- </sect1>
- <sect1>
- <title><makevar>PKGNAMEPREFIX</makevar> and <makevar>PKGNAMESUFFIX</makevar></title>
- <para>Two optional variables, <makevar>PKGNAMEPREFIX</makevar> and
- <makevar>PKGNAMESUFFIX</makevar>, are combined with
- <makevar>PORTNAME</makevar> and
- <makevar>PORTVERSION</makevar> to
- form <makevar>PKGNAME</makevar> as
- Make sure this conforms to our <link
- linkend="porting-pkgname">guidelines for a good package
- name</link>. In particular, you are not allowed to use a
- hyphen (<literal>-</literal>) in
- <makevar>PORTVERSION</makevar>. Also, if the package name
- has the <replaceable>language-</replaceable> or the
- <replaceable>compiled.specifics</replaceable> part, use
- <makevar>PKGNAMEPREFIX</makevar> and
- <makevar>PKGNAMESUFFIX</makevar>, respectively. Do not make
- them part of <makevar>PORTNAME</makevar>.</para>
- </sect1>
- <sect1>
- <title><makevar>DISTNAME</makevar></title>
- <para><makevar>DISTNAME</makevar> is the name of the port as
- called by the authors of the software.
- <makevar>DISTNAME</makevar> defaults to
- <literal>${PORTNAME}-${PORTVERSION}</literal>, so override it if necessary.
- <makevar>DISTNAME</makevar> is only used in two places.
- First, the distribution file list
- (<makevar>DISTFILES</makevar>) defaults to
- <makevar>${DISTNAME}</makevar><makevar>${EXTRACT_SUFX}</makevar>.
- Second, the distribution file is expected to extract into a
- subdirectory named <makevar>WRKSRC</makevar>, which defaults
- to <filename>work/<makevar>${DISTNAME}</makevar></filename>.</para>
- <note>
- <para><makevar>PKGNAMEPREFIX</makevar> and
- <makevar>PKGNAMESUFFIX</makevar> do not affect
- <makevar>DISTNAME</makevar>. Also note that when
- <makevar>WRKSRC</makevar> is equal to
- <filename>work/<makevar>${PORTNAME}-${PORTVERSION}</makevar></filename>
- while the original source archive is named something other than
- <makevar>${PORTNAME}-${PORTVERSION}${EXTRACT_SUFX}</makevar>,
- you should probably leave <makevar>DISTNAME</makevar>
- alone&mdash; you are better off defining
- <makevar>DISTFILES</makevar> than having to set both
- <makevar>DISTNAME</makevar> and <makevar>WRKSRC</makevar>
- (and possibly <makevar>EXTRACT_SUFX</makevar>).</para>
- </note>
- </sect1>
- <sect1>
- <title><makevar>CATEGORIES</makevar></title>
- <para>When a package is created, it is put under
- <filename>/usr/ports/packages/All</filename> and links are made from
- one or more subdirectories of
- <filename>/usr/ports/packages</filename>. The names of these
- subdirectories are specified by the variable
- <makevar>CATEGORIES</makevar>. It is intended to make life easier
- for the user when he is wading through the pile of packages on the
- ftp site or the CD-ROM. Please take a look at the existing <link
- linkend="porting-categories">categories</link> and pick the ones
- that are suitable for your port.</para>
- <para>This list also determines where in the ports tree the port is
- imported. If you put more than one category here, it is assumed
- that the port files will be put in the subdirectory with the name in
- the first category. See the <link
- linkend="porting-categories">categories</link> section for more
- discussion about how to pick the right categories.</para>
- <para>If your port truly belongs to something that is different from
- all the existing ones, you can even create a new category name. In
- that case, please send mail to the &a.ports; to propose a new
- category.</para>
- </sect1>
- <sect1>
- <title><makevar>MASTER_SITES</makevar></title>
- <para>Record the directory part of the ftp/http-URL pointing at the
- original tarball in <makevar>MASTER_SITES</makevar>. Do not forget
- the trailing slash (<filename>/</filename>)!</para>
- <para>The <command>make</command> macros will try to use this
- specification for grabbing the distribution file with
- <makevar>FETCH</makevar> if they cannot find it already on the
- system.</para>
- <para>It is recommended that you put multiple sites on this list,
- preferably from different continents. This will safeguard against
- wide-area network problems, and we are even planning to add support
- for automatically determining the closest master site and fetching
- from there!</para>
- <para>If the original tarball is part of one of the popular
- archives such as X-contrib, GNU, or Perl CPAN, you may be able
- refer to those sites in an easy compact form using
- <makevar>MASTER_SITE_<replaceable>*</replaceable></makevar>
- (e.g., <makevar>MASTER_SITE_XCONTRIB</makevar> and
- <makevar>MASTER_SITE_PERL_GNU</makevar>). Simply set
- <makevar>MASTER_SITES</makevar> to one of these variables and
- <makevar>MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR</makevar> to the path within the
- archive. Here is an example:</para>
-MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR= applications</programlisting>
- <para>These variables are defined in
- <filename>/usr/ports/Mk/bsd.sites.mk</filename>. There are
- new archives added all the time, so make sure to check the
- latest version of this file before submitting a port.</para>
- <para>The user can also set the <makevar>MASTER_SITE_*</makevar>
- variables in <filename>/etc/make.conf</filename> to override our
- choices, and use their favorite mirrors of these popular archives
- instead.</para>
- </sect1>
- <sect1 id="porting-patchfiles">
- <title><makevar>PATCHFILES</makevar></title>
- <para>If your port requires some additional patches that are available
- by ftp or http, set <makevar>PATCHFILES</makevar> to the names of
- the files and <makevar>PATCH_SITES</makevar> to the URL of the
- directory that contains them (the format is the same as
- <makevar>MASTER_SITES</makevar>).</para>
- <para>If the patch is not relative to the top of the source tree
- (i.e., <makevar>WRKSRC</makevar>) because it contains some extra
- pathnames, set <makevar>PATCH_DIST_STRIP</makevar> accordingly. For
- instance, if all the pathnames in the patch have an extra
- <literal>foozolix-1.0/</literal> in front of the filenames, then set
- <literal>PATCH_DIST_STRIP=-p1</literal>.</para>
- <para>Do not worry if the patches are compressed; they will be
- decompressed automatically if the filenames end with
- <filename>.gz</filename> or <filename>.Z</filename>.</para>
- <para>If the patch is distributed with some other files, such as
- documentation, in a gzip'd tarball, you cannot just use
- <makevar>PATCHFILES</makevar>. If that is the case, add the name
- and the location of the patch tarball to
- <makevar>DISTFILES</makevar> and <makevar>MASTER_SITES</makevar>.
- Then, use the <makevar>EXTRA_PATCHES</makevar> variable to
- point to those files and <filename>bsd.port.mk</filename>
- will automatically apply them for you. In particular, do
- <emphasis>not</emphasis> copy patch files into the
- <makevar>PATCHDIR</makevar> directory&mdash;that directory may
- not be writable.</para>
- <note>
- <para>Note that the tarball will have been extracted alongside the
- regular source by then, so there is no need to explicitly extract
- it if it is a regular gzip'd or compress'd tarball. If you do the
- latter, take extra care not to overwrite something that already
- exists in that directory. Also, do not forget to add a command to
- remove the copied patch in the <maketarget>pre-clean</maketarget>
- target.</para>
- </note>
- </sect1>
- <sect1>
- <title><makevar>MAINTAINER</makevar></title>
- <para>Set your mail-address here. Please. <!-- smiley
- --><emphasis>:-)</emphasis></para>
- <para>For a detailed description of the responsibilities of maintainers,
- refer to the <ulink url="../handbook/policies.html#POLICIES-MAINTAINER">MAINTAINER on
- Makefiles</ulink> section.</para>
- </sect1>
- <sect1>
- <title>Dependencies</title>
- <para>Many ports depend on other ports. There are five variables that
- you can use to ensure that all the required bits will be on the
- user's machine. There are also some pre-supported dependency
- variables for common cases, plus a few more to control the behaviour
- of dependencies.</para>
- <sect2>
- <title><makevar>LIB_DEPENDS</makevar></title>
- <para>This variable specifies the shared libraries this port depends
- on. It is a list of
- <replaceable>lib</replaceable>:<replaceable>dir</replaceable><optional><replaceable>:target</replaceable></optional>
- tuples where <replaceable>lib</replaceable> is the name of the
- shared library, <replaceable>dir</replaceable> is the
- directory in which to find it in case it is not available, and
- <replaceable>target</replaceable> is the target to call in that
- directory. For example, <programlisting> LIB_DEPENDS=
- jpeg.9:${PORTSDIR}/graphics/jpeg:install</programlisting>
- will check for a shared jpeg library with major version 9, and
- descend into the <filename>graphics/jpeg</filename> subdirectory
- of your ports tree to build and install it if it is not found.
- The <replaceable>target</replaceable> part can be omitted if it is
- equal to <makevar>DEPENDS_TARGET</makevar> (which defaults to
- <literal>install</literal>).</para>
- <note>
- <para>The <replaceable>lib</replaceable> part is an argument given
- to <command>ldconfig -r | grep -wF</command>. There shall be no
- regular expressions in this variable.</para>
- </note>
- <para>The dependency is checked twice, once from within the
- <maketarget>extract</maketarget> target and then from within the
- <maketarget>install</maketarget> target. Also, the name of the
- dependency is put into the package so that
- <command>pkg_add</command> will automatically install it if it is
- not on the user's system.</para>
- </sect2>
- <sect2>
- <title><makevar>RUN_DEPENDS</makevar></title>
- <para>This variable specifies executables or files this port depends
- on during run-time. It is a list of
- <replaceable>path</replaceable>:<replaceable>dir</replaceable><optional><replaceable>:target</replaceable></optional>
- tuples where <replaceable>path</replaceable> is the name of the
- executable or file, <replaceable>dir</replaceable> is the
- directory in which to find it in case it is not available, and
- <replaceable>target</replaceable> is the target to call in that
- directory. If <replaceable>path</replaceable> starts with a slash
- (<literal>/</literal>), it is treated as a file and its existence
- is tested with <command>test -e</command>; otherwise, it is
- assumed to be an executable, and <command>which -s</command> is
- used to determine if the program exists in the user's search
- path.</para>
- <para>For example,</para>
- <programlisting>RUN_DEPENDS= ${PREFIX}/etc/innd:${PORTSDIR}/news/inn \
- wish8.0:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/tk80</programlisting>
- <para>will check if the file or directory
- <filename>/usr/local/etc/innd</filename> exists, and build and
- install it from the <filename>news/inn</filename> subdirectory of
- the ports tree if it is not found. It will also see if an
- executable called <command>wish8.0</command> is in your search
- path, and descend into the <filename>x11-toolkits/tk80</filename>
- subdirectory of your ports tree to build and install it if it is
- not found.</para>
- <note>
- <para>In this case, <command>innd</command> is actually an
- executable; if an executable is in a place that is not expected
- to be in a normal user's search path, you should use the full
- pathname.</para>
- </note>
- <para>The dependency is checked from within the
- <maketarget>install</maketarget> target. Also, the name of the
- dependency is put in to the package so that
- <command>pkg_add</command> will automatically install it if it is
- not on the user's system. The <replaceable>target</replaceable>
- part can be omitted if it is the same as
- <makevar>DEPENDS_TARGET</makevar>.</para>
- </sect2>
- <sect2>
- <title><makevar>BUILD_DEPENDS</makevar></title>
- <para>This variable specifies executables or files this port
- requires to build. Like <makevar>RUN_DEPENDS</makevar>, it is a
- list of
- <replaceable>path</replaceable>:<replaceable>dir</replaceable><optional><replaceable>:target</replaceable></optional>
- tuples. For example, <programlisting> BUILD_DEPENDS=
- unzip:${PORTSDIR}/archivers/unzip</programlisting> will check
- for an executable called <command>unzip</command>, and descend
- into the <filename>archivers/unzip</filename> subdirectory of your
- ports tree to build and install it if it is not found.</para>
- <note>
- <para>&ldquo;build&rdquo; here means everything from extraction to
- compilation. The dependency is checked from within the
- <maketarget>extract</maketarget> target. The
- <replaceable>target</replaceable> part can be omitted if it is
- the same as <makevar>DEPENDS_TARGET</makevar></para>
- </note>
- </sect2>
- <sect2>
- <title><makevar>FETCH_DEPENDS</makevar></title>
- <para>This variable specifies executables or files this port
- requires to fetch. Like the previous two, it is a list of
- <replaceable>path</replaceable>:<replaceable>dir</replaceable><optional><replaceable>:target</replaceable></optional>
- tuples. For example, <programlisting> FETCH_DEPENDS=
- ncftp2:${PORTSDIR}/net/ncftp2</programlisting> will check for an
- executable called <command>ncftp2</command>, and descend into the
- <filename>net/ncftp2</filename> subdirectory of your ports tree to
- build and install it if it is not found.</para>
- <para>The dependency is checked from within the
- <maketarget>fetch</maketarget> target. The
- <replaceable>target</replaceable> part can be omitted if it is the
- same as <makevar>DEPENDS_TARGET</makevar>.</para>
- </sect2>
- <sect2>
- <title><makevar>DEPENDS</makevar></title>
- <para>If there is a dependency that does not fall into either of the
- above four categories, or your port requires having the source of
- the other port extracted in addition to having it installed,
- then use this variable. This is a list of
- <replaceable>dir</replaceable><optional><replaceable>:target</replaceable></optional>,
- as there is nothing to check, unlike the previous four. The
- <replaceable>target</replaceable> part can be omitted if it is the
- same as <makevar>DEPENDS_TARGET</makevar>.</para>
- </sect2>
- <sect2>
- <title>Common dependency variables</title>
- <para>Define <literal>USE_XLIB=yes</literal> if your port requires
- the X Window System to be installed (it is implied by
- <makevar>USE_IMAKE</makevar>). Define
- <literal>USE_GMAKE=yes</literal> if your port requires GNU
- <command>make</command> instead of BSD <command>make</command>.
- Define <literal>USE_AUTOCONF=yes</literal> if your port requires
- GNU autoconf to be run. Define <literal>USE_QT=yes</literal> if
- your port uses the latest qt toolkit. Use
- <literal>USE_PERL5=yes</literal> if your port requires version 5
- of the perl language. (The last is especially important since
- some versions of FreeBSD have perl5 as part of the base system
- while others do not.)</para>
- </sect2>
- <sect2>
- <title>Notes on dependencies</title>
- <para>As mentioned above, the default target to call when a
- dependency is required is <maketarget>DEPENDS_TARGET</maketarget>.
- It defaults to <literal>install</literal>. This is a user
- variable; it is never defined in a port's
- <filename>Makefile</filename>. If your port needs a special way
- to handle a dependency, use the <literal>:target</literal> part of
- the <makevar>*_DEPENDS</makevar> variables instead of redefining
- <makevar>DEPENDS_TARGET</makevar>.</para>
- <para>When you type <command>make clean</command>, its dependencies
- are automatically cleaned too. If you do not wish this to happen,
- define the variable <makevar>NOCLEANDEPENDS</makevar> in your
- environment.</para>
- <para>To depend on another port unconditionally, use the
- variable <makevar>${NONEXISTENT}</makevar> as the first field
- of <makevar>BUILD_DEPENDS</makevar> or
- <makevar>RUN_DEPENDS</makevar>. Use this only when you need to
- the to get to the source of the other port. You can often save
- compilation time by specifying the target too. For
- instance
- <programlisting>BUILD_DEPENDS= ${NONEXISTENT}:${PORTSDIR}/graphics/jpeg:extract</programlisting>
- will always descend to the JPEG port and extract it.</para>
- <para>Do not use <makevar>DEPENDS</makevar> unless there is no other
- way the behaviour you want can be accomplished. It will cause the
- other port to always be built (and installed, by default), and the
- dependency will go into the packages as well. If this is really
- what you need, you should probably write it as
- <literal>BUILD_DEPENDS</literal> and
- <literal>RUN_DEPENDS</literal> instead&mdash;at least the
- intention will be clear.</para>
- </sect2>
- </sect1>
- <sect1>
- <title>Building mechanisms</title>
- <para>If your package uses GNU <command>make</command>, set
- <literal>USE_GMAKE=yes</literal>. If your package uses
- <command>configure</command>, set
- <literal>HAS_CONFIGURE=yes</literal>. If your package uses GNU
- <command>configure</command>, set
- <literal>GNU_CONFIGURE=yes</literal> (this implies
- <literal>HAS_CONFIGURE</literal>). If you want to give some extra
- arguments to <command>configure</command> (the default argument list
- <literal>--prefix=&dollar;{PREFIX}</literal> for GNU
- <command>configure</command> and empty for non-GNU
- <command>configure</command>), set those extra arguments in
- <makevar>CONFIGURE_ARGS</makevar>. If your package uses GNU
- <command>autoconf</command>, set
- <literal>USE_AUTOCONF=yes</literal>. This implies
- <makevar>GNU_CONFIGURE</makevar>, and will cause
- <command>autoconf</command> to be run before
- <command>configure</command>.</para>
- <para>If your package is an X application that creates
- <filename>Makefile</filename>s from <filename>Imakefile</filename>s
- using <command>imake</command>, then set
- <literal>USE_IMAKE=yes</literal>. This will cause the configure
- stage to automatically do an <command>xmkmf -a</command>. If the
- <option>-a</option> flag is a problem for your port, set
- <literal>XMKMF=xmkmf</literal>. If the port uses
- <command>imake</command> but does not understand the
- <maketarget>install.man</maketarget> target,
- <literal>NO_INSTALL_MANPAGES=yes</literal> should be set. In
- addition, the author of the original port should be shot. <!--
- smiley --><emphasis>:-&gt;</emphasis></para>
- <para>If your port's source <filename>Makefile</filename> has
- something else than <maketarget>all</maketarget> as the main build
- target, set <makevar>ALL_TARGET</makevar> accordingly. Same goes
- for <maketarget>install</maketarget> and
- <makevar>INSTALL_TARGET</makevar>.</para>
- </sect1>
- </chapter>
- <chapter>
- <title>Special considerations</title>
- <para>There are some more things you have to take into account when you
- create a port. This section explains the most common of those.</para>
- <sect1 id="porting-shlibs">
- <title>Shared Libraries</title>
- <para>If your port installs one or more shared libraries, define a
- <makevar>INSTALLS_SHLIB</makevar> make variable, which will instruct
- a <filename>bsd.port.mk</filename> to run
- <literal>&dollar;{LDCONFIG} -m</literal> on the directory where the
- new library is installed (usually
- <filename><makevar>PREFIX</makevar>/lib</filename>) during
- <maketarget>post-install</maketarget> target to register it into the
- shared library cache. This variable, when defined, will also
- facilitate addition of an appropriate
- <literal>@exec /sbin/ldconfig -m</literal> and
- <literal>@unexec /sbin/ldconfig -R</literal> pair into your
- <filename>pkg-plist</filename> file, so that a user who installed
- the package can start using the shared library immediately and
- deinstallation will not cause the system to still believe the
- library is there.</para>
- <para>If you need, you can override default location where the new
- library is installed by defining <makevar>LDCONFIG_DIRS</makevar>
- make variable, which should contain a list of directories into which
- shared libraries are to be installed. For example if your port
- installs shared libraries into
- <filename><makevar>PREFIX</makevar>/lib/foo</filename> and
- <filename><makevar>PREFIX</makevar>/lib/bar</filename> directories
- you could use the following in your
- <filename>Makefile</filename>:</para>
- <programlisting>INSTALLS_SHLIB= yes
-LDCONFIG_DIRS= %%PREFIX%%/lib/foo %%PREFIX%%/lib/bar</programlisting>
- <para>Note that content of <makevar>LDCONFIG_DIRS</makevar> is passed
- through &man.sed.1; just like the rest of <filename>pkg-plist</filename>,
- so <makevar>PLIST_SUB</makevar> substitutions also apply here. It is
- recommended that you use <literal>%%PREFIX%%</literal> for
- <makevar>PREFIX</makevar>, <literal>%%LOCALBASE%%</literal> for
- <makevar>LOCALBASE</makevar> and <literal>%%X11BASE%%</literal> for
- <makevar>X11BASE</makevar>.</para>
- </sect1>
- </chapter>
- <chapter>
- <title>ELF support</title>
- <para>Since FreeBSD changed to an ELF binary format shortly after
- 3.0-RELEASE, we need to convert many ports that build shared
- libraries to support ELF. Complicating this task is that a 3.0
- system can run as both ELF and a.out, and we wish to unofficially
- support the 2.2 branch as long as possible. Below are the guidelines on
- how to convert a.out only ports to support both a.out and ELF
- compilation.</para>
- <para>Some part of this list is only applicable during the conversion,
- but will be left here for a while for reference in case you have come
- across some old port you wish to upgrade.</para>
- <sect1>
- <title>Moving a.out libraries out of the way</title>
- <para>Any a.out libraries should be moved out of
- <filename>/usr/local/lib</filename> and similar to an
- <filename>aout</filename> subdirectory. (If you do not move them out
- of the way, ELF ports will happily overwrite a.out libraries.) The
- <maketarget>move-aout-libs</maketarget> target in the 3.0-CURRENT
- <filename>src/Makefile</filename> (called from
- <maketarget>aout-to-elf</maketarget>) will do this for you. It will
- only move a.out libs so it is safe to call it on a system with both
- ELF and a.out libs in the standard directories.</para>
- </sect1>
- <sect1>
- <title>Format</title>
- <para>The ports tree will build packages in the format the machine is
- in. This means a.out for 2.2 and a.out or ELF for 3.0 depending on
- what <command>`objformat`</command> returns. Also, once users move
- a.out libraries to a subdirectory, building a.out libraries will be
- unsupported. (I.e., it may still work if you know what you are
- doing, but you are on your own.)</para>
- <note>
- <para>If a port only works for a.out, set
- <makevar>BROKEN_ELF</makevar> to a string describing the reason
- why. Such ports will be skipped during a build on an ELF
- system.</para>
- </note>
- </sect1>
- <sect1>
- <title><makevar>PORTOBJFORMAT</makevar></title>
- <para><filename>bsd.port.mk</filename> will set
- <makevar>PORTOBJFORMAT</makevar> to <literal>aout</literal> or
- <literal>elf</literal> and export it in the environments
- <envar>CONFIGURE_ENV</envar>, <envar>SCRIPTS_ENV</envar> and
- <envar>MAKE_ENV</envar>. (It's always going to be
- <literal>aout</literal> in 2.2-STABLE). It is also passed to
- <maketarget>PLIST_SUB</maketarget> as
- <literal>PORTOBJFORMAT=${PORTOBJFORMAT}</literal>. (See comment on
- <literal>ldconfig</literal> lines below.)</para>
- <para>The variable is set using this line in
- <filename>bsd.port.mk</filename>:</para>
- <programlisting>PORTOBJFORMAT!= test -x /usr/bin/objformat && /usr/bin/objformat || echo aout</programlisting>
- <para>Ports' make processes should use this variable to decide what to
- do. However, if the port's <filename>configure</filename> script
- already automatically detects an ELF system, it is not necessary to
- refer to <makevar>PORTOBJFORMAT</makevar>.</para>
- </sect1>
- <sect1>
- <title>Building shared libraries</title>
- <para>The following are differences in handling shared libraries for
- a.out and ELF.</para>
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem>
- <para>Shared library versions</para>
- <para>An ELF shared library should be called
- <filename>libfoo.so.<replaceable>M</replaceable></filename>
- where <replaceable>M</replaceable> is the single version number,
- and an a.out library should be called
- <filename>libfoo.so.<replaceable>M</replaceable>.<replaceable>N</replaceable></filename>
- where <replaceable>M</replaceable> is the major version and
- <replaceable>N</replaceable> is the the minor version number.
- Do not mix those; <emphasis>never</emphasis> install an ELF
- shared library called
- <filename>libfoo.so.<replaceable>N</replaceable>.<replaceable>M</replaceable></filename>
- or an a.out shared library (or symlink) called
- <filename>libfoo.so.<replaceable>N</replaceable></filename>.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>Linker command lines</para>
- <para>Assuming <command>cc -shared</command> is used rather than
- <command>ld</command> directly, the only difference is that you
- need to add
- <option>-Wl,-<replaceable>soname,libfoo.so.M</replaceable></option
- on the command line for ELF.</para>
- </listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- <para>You need to install a symlink from
- <filename>libfoo.so</filename> to
- <filename>libfoo.so.<replaceable>N</replaceable></filename> to make
- ELF linkers happy. Since it should be listed in
- <filename>pkg-plist</filename> too, and it won't hurt in the a.out case
- (some ports even require the link for dynamic loading), you should
- just make this link regardless of the setting of
- <makevar>PORTOBJFORMAT</makevar>.</para>
- </sect1>
- <sect1>
- <title><makevar>LIB_DEPENDS</makevar></title>
- <para>All port Makefiles are edited to remove minor numbers from
- <makevar>LIB_DEPENDS</makevar>, and also to have the regexp support
- removed. (E.g., <literal>foo\\.1\\.\\(33|40\\)</literal> becomes
- <literal>foo.2</literal>.) They will be matched using <command>grep
- -wF</command>.</para>
- </sect1>
- <sect1>
- <title><filename>pkg-plist</filename></title>
- <para><filename>pkg-plist</filename> should contain the short (ELF) shlib
- names if the a.out minor number is zero, and the long (a.out) names
- otherwise. <filename>bsd.port.mk</filename> will automatically add
- <literal>.0</literal> to the end of short shlib lines if
- <makevar>PORTOBJFORMAT</makevar> equals <literal>aout</literal>, and
- will delete the minor number from long shlib names if
- <makevar>PORTOBJFORMAT</makevar> equals
- <literal>elf</literal>.</para>
- <para>In cases where you really need to install shlibs with two
- versions on an ELF system or those with one version on an a.out
- system (for instance, ports that install compatibility libraries for
- other operating systems), define the variable
- <makevar>NO_FILTER_SHLIBS</makevar>. This will turn off the editing
- of <filename>pkg-plist</filename> mentioned in the previous
- paragraph.</para>
- </sect1>
- <sect1>
- <title><literal>ldconfig</literal></title>
- <para>The <literal>ldconfig</literal> line in Makefiles should
- read:</para>
- <programlisting>${SETENV} OBJFORMAT=${PORTOBJFORMAT} ${LDCONFIG} -m ....</programlisting>
- <para>In <filename>pkg-plist</filename> it should read;</para>
- <programlisting>@exec /usr/bin/env OBJFORMAT=%%PORTOBJFORMAT%% /sbin/ldconfig -m ...
-@unexec /usr/bin/env OBJFORMAT=%%PORTOBJFORMAT%% /sbin/ldconfig -R</programlisting>
- <para>This is to ensure that the correct <command>ldconfig</command>
- will be called depending on the format of the package, not the
- default format of the system.</para>
- </sect1>
- </chapter>
- <chapter id="porting-masterdir">
- <title><makevar>MASTERDIR</makevar></title>
- <para>If your port needs to build slightly different versions of
- packages by having a variable (for instance, resolution, or paper
- size) take different values, create one subdirectory per package to
- make it easier for users to see what to do, but try to share as many
- files as possible between ports. Typically you only need a very short
- <filename>Makefile</filename> in all but one of the directories if you
- use variables cleverly. In the sole <filename>Makefiles</filename>,
- you can use <makevar>MASTERDIR</makevar> to specify the directory
- where the rest of the files are. Also, use a variable as part of
- <link linkend="porting-pkgname"><makevar>PKGNAMESUFFIX</makevar></link> so
- the packages will have different names.</para>
- <para>This will be best demonstrated by an example. This is part of
- <filename>japanese/xdvi300/Makefile</filename>;</para>
- <programlisting>PORTNAME= xdvi
- :
-# default
-.if ${RESOLUTION} != 118 && ${RESOLUTION} != 240 && \
- ${RESOLUTION} != 300 && ${RESOLUTION} != 400
- @${ECHO} "Error: invalid value for RESOLUTION: \"${RESOLUTION}\""
- @${ECHO} "Possible values are: 118, 240, 300 (default) and 400."
- @${FALSE}
- <para><filename>japanese/xdvi300</filename> also has all the regular
- patches, package files, etc. If you type <command>make</command>
- there, it will take the default value for the resolution (300) and
- build the port normally.</para>
- <para>As for other resolutions, this is the <emphasis>entire</emphasis>
- <filename>xdvi118/Makefile</filename>:</para>
- <programlisting>RESOLUTION= 118
-MASTERDIR= ${.CURDIR}/../xdvi300
-.include ${MASTERDIR}/Makefile</programlisting>
- <para>(<filename>xdvi240/Makefile</filename> and
- <filename>xdvi400/Makefile</filename> are similar). The
- <makevar>MASTERDIR</makevar> definition tells
- <filename>bsd.port.mk</filename> that the regular set of
- subdirectories like <makevar>FILESDIR</makevar> and
- <makevar>SCRIPTDIR</makevar> are to be found under
- <filename>xdvi300</filename>. The <literal>RESOLUTION=118</literal>
- line will override the <literal>RESOLUTION=300</literal> line in
- <filename>xdvi300/Makefile</filename> and the port will be built with
- resolution set to 118.</para>
- </chapter>
- <chapter>
- <title>Shared library versions</title>
- <para>Please read our <ulink url="../handbook/policies-shlib.html">policy on
- shared library versioning</ulink> to understand what to do with
- shared library versions in general. Do not blindly assume software
- authors know what they are doing; many of them do not. It is very
- important that these details are carefully considered, as we have
- quite a unique situation where we are trying to have dozens of
- potentially incompatible software pairs co-exist. Careless port
- imports have caused great trouble regarding shared libraries in the
- past (ever wondered why the port <filename>jpeg-6b</filename> has a
- shared library version of 9?). If in doubt, send a message to the
- &a.ports;. Most of the time, your job ends by determining the right
- shared library version and making appropriate patches to implement
- it.</para>
- <para>However, if there is a port which is a different version of the
- same software already in the tree, the situation is much more complex.
- In short, the FreeBSD implementation does not allow the user to
- specify to the linker which version of shared library to link against
- (the linker will always pick the highest numbered version). This
- means, if there is a <filename>libfoo.so.3.2</filename> and
- <filename>libfoo.so.4.0</filename> in the system, there is no way to
- tell the linker to link a particular application to
- <filename>libfoo.so.3.2</filename>. It is essentially completely
- overshadowed in terms of compilation-time linkage. In this case, the
- only solution is to rename the <emphasis>base</emphasis> part of the
- shared library. For instance, change
- <filename>libfoo.so.4.0</filename> to
- <filename>libfoo4.so.1.0</filename> so both version 3.2 and 4.0 can be
- linked from other ports.</para>
- </chapter>
- <chapter id="porting-manpages">
- <title>Manpages</title>
- <para>The <makevar>MAN[1-9LN]</makevar> variables will automatically add
- any manpages to <filename>pkg-plist</filename> (this means you must
- <emphasis>not</emphasis> list manpages in the
- <filename>pkg-plist</filename>&mdash;see <link
- linkend="porting-plist">generating PLIST</link> for more). It also
- makes the install stage automatically compress or uncompress manpages
- depending on the setting of <makevar>NOMANCOMPRESS</makevar> in
- <filename>/etc/make.conf</filename>.</para>
- <para>If your port tries to install multiple names for manpages using
- symlinks or hardlinks, you must use the <makevar>MLINKS</makevar>
- variable to identify these. The link installed by your port will
- be destroyed and recreated by <filename>bsd.port.mk</filename>
- to make sure it points to the correct file. Any manpages
- listed in MLINKS must not be listed in the
- <filename>pkg-plist</filename>.</para>
- <para>To specify whether the manpages are compressed upon installation,
- use the <makevar>MANCOMPRESSED</makevar> variable. This variable can
- take three values, <literal>yes</literal>, <literal>no</literal> and
- <literal>maybe</literal>. <literal>yes</literal> means manpages are
- already installed compressed, <literal>no</literal> means they are
- not, and <literal>maybe</literal> means the software already respects
- the value of <makevar>NOMANCOMPRESS</makevar> so
- <filename>bsd.port.mk</filename> does not have to do anything
- special.</para>
- <para><makevar>MANCOMPRESSED</makevar> is automatically set to
- <literal>yes</literal> if <makevar>USE_IMAKE</makevar> is set and
- <makevar>NO_INSTALL_MANPAGES</makevar> is not set, and to
- <literal>no</literal> otherwise. You do not have to explicitly define
- it unless the default is not suitable for your port.</para>
- <para>If your port anchors its man tree somewhere other than
- <makevar>PREFIX</makevar>, you can use the
- <makevar>MANPREFIX</makevar> to set it. Also, if only manpages in
- certain sections go in a non-standard place, such as some Perl modules
- ports, you can set individual man paths using
- <makevar>MAN<replaceable>sect</replaceable>PREFIX</makevar> (where
- <replaceable>sect</replaceable> is one of <literal>1-9</literal>,
- <literal>L</literal> or <literal>N</literal>).</para>
- <para>If your manpages go to language-specific subdirectories, set the
- name of the languages to <makevar>MANLANG</makevar>. The value of
- this variable defaults to <literal>""</literal> (i.e., English
- only).</para>
- <para>Here is an example that puts it all together.</para>
- <programlisting>MAN1= foo.1
-MAN3= bar.3
-MAN4= baz.4
-MLINKS= foo.1 alt-name.8
-MANLANG= "" ja
-MAN3PREFIX= ${PREFIX}/share/foobar
-MANCOMPRESSED= yes</programlisting>
- <para>This states that six files are installed by this port;</para>
- <programlisting>${PREFIX}/man/man1/foo.1.gz
- <para>Additionally <filename>${PREFIX}/man/man8/alt-name.8.gz</filename>
- may or may not be installed by your port. Regardless, a
- symlink will be made to join the foo(1) manpage and
- alt-name(8) manpage.</para>
- </chapter>
- <chapter id="porting-motif">
- <title>Ports that require Motif</title>
- <para>There are many programs that require a Motif library (available
- from several commercial vendors, while there is a free clone reported
- to be able to run many applications in
- <filename>x11-toolkits/lesstif</filename>) to compile. Since it is a
- popular toolkit and their licenses usually permit redistribution of
- statically linked binaries, we have made special provisions for
- handling ports that require Motif in a way that we can easily compile
- binaries linked either dynamically (for people who are compiling from
- the port) or statically (for people who distribute packages).</para>
- <sect1>
- <title><makevar>REQUIRES_MOTIF</makevar></title>
- <para>If your port requires Motif, define this variable in the
- Makefile. This will prevent people who do not own a copy of Motif
- from even attempting to build it.</para>
- </sect1>
- <sect1>
- <title><makevar>MOTIFLIB</makevar></title>
- <para>This variable will be set by <filename>bsd.port.mk</filename> to
- be the appropriate reference to the Motif library. Please patch the
- source to use this wherever the Motif library is referenced in the
- <filename>Makefile</filename> or
- <filename>Imakefile</filename>.</para>
- <para>There are two common cases:</para>
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem>
- <para>If the port refers to the Motif library as
- <literal>-lXm</literal> in its <filename>Makefile</filename> or
- <filename>Imakefile</filename>, simply substitute
- <literal>&dollar;{MOTIFLIB}</literal> for it.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>If the port uses <literal>XmClientLibs</literal> in its
- <filename>Imakefile</filename>, change it to
- <literal>&dollar;{MOTIFLIB} &dollar;{XTOOLLIB}
- &dollar;{XLIB}</literal>.</para>
- </listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- <para>Note that <makevar>MOTIFLIB</makevar> (usually) expands to
- <literal>-L/usr/X11R6/lib -lXm</literal> or
- <literal>/usr/X11R6/lib/libXm.a</literal>, so there is no need to
- add <literal>-L</literal> or <literal>-l</literal> in front.</para>
- </sect1>
- </chapter>
- <chapter>
- <title>X11 fonts</title>
- <para>If your port installs fonts for the X Window system, put them in
- <filename><makevar>X11BASE</makevar>/lib/X11/fonts/local</filename>.
- This directory is new to XFree86 release 3.3.3. If it does not exist,
- please create it, and print out a message urging the user to update
- their XFree86 to 3.3.3 or newer, or at least add this directory to the
- font path in <filename>/etc/XF86Config</filename>.</para>
- </chapter>
- <chapter id="porting-info">
- <title>Info files</title>
- <para>The new version of texinfo (included in 2.2.2-RELEASE and onwards)
- contains a utility called <command>install-info</command> to add and
- delete entries to the <filename>dir</filename> file. If your port
- installs any info documents, please follow these instructions so your
- port/package will correctly update the user's
- <filename><makevar>PREFIX</makevar>/info/dir</filename> file. (Sorry
- for the length of this section, but is it imperative to weave all the
- info files together. If done correctly, it will produce a
- <emphasis>beautiful</emphasis> listing, so please bear with me!</para>
- <para>First, this is what you (as a porter) need to know</para>
- <screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>install-info --help</userinput>
-install-info [OPTION]... [INFO-FILE [DIR-FILE]]
- Install INFO-FILE in the Info directory file DIR-FILE.
---delete Delete existing entries in INFO-FILE;
- don't insert any new entries.
- :
---entry=TEXT Insert TEXT as an Info directory entry.
- :
---section=SEC Put this file's entries in section SEC of the directory. :</screen>
- <note>
- <para>This program will not actually <emphasis>install</emphasis> info
- files; it merely inserts or deletes entries in the
- <filename>dir</filename> file.</para>
- </note>
- <para>Here's a seven-step procedure to convert ports to use
- <command>install-info</command>.
- <filename>editors/emacs</filename> will be used as an
- example.</para>
- <procedure>
- <step>
- <para>Look at the texinfo sources and make a patch to insert
- <literal>@dircategory</literal> and <literal>@direntry</literal>
- statements to files that do not have them. This is part of my
- patch:</para>
- <programlisting>--- ./man/vip.texi.org Fri Jun 16 15:31:11 1995
-+++ ./man/vip.texi Tue May 20 01:28:33 1997
-@@ -2,6 +2,10 @@
- @setfilename ../info/vip
- @settitle VIP
-+@dircategory The Emacs editor and associated tools
-+* VIP: (vip). A VI-emulation for Emacs.
-+@end direntry
- @iftex
- @finalout
- :</programlisting>
- <para>The format should be self-explanatory. Many authors leave a
- <filename>dir</filename> file in the source tree that contains all
- the entries you need, so look around before you try to write your
- own. Also, make sure you look into related ports and make the
- section names and entry indentations consistent (we recommend that
- all entry text start at the 4th tab stop).</para>
- <note>
- <para>Note that you can put only one info entry per file because
- of a bug in <command>install-info --delete</command> that
- deletes only the first entry if you specify multiple entries in
- the <email>@direntry</email> section.</para>
- </note>
- <para>You can give the <literal>dir</literal> entries to
- <command>install-info</command> as arguments
- (<option>--section</option> and <option>--entry</option>) instead
- of patching the texinfo sources. This probably is not a good
- idea for ports because you need to duplicate the same information
- in <emphasis>three</emphasis> places
- (<filename>Makefile</filename> and
- <literal>@exec</literal>/<literal>@unexec</literal> of
- <filename>pkg-plist</filename>; see below). However, if you have
- Japanese (or other multibyte encoding) info files, you will have
- to use the extra arguments to <command>install-info</command>
- because <command>makeinfo</command> cannot handle those texinfo
- sources. (See <filename>Makefile</filename> and
- <filename>pkg-plist</filename> of <filename>japanese/skk</filename>
- for examples on how to do this).</para>
- </step>
- <step>
- <para>Go back to the port directory and do a <command>make clean;
- make</command> and verify that the info files are regenerated
- from the texinfo sources. Since the texinfo sources are newer than
- the info files, they should be rebuilt when you type
- <command>make</command>; but many <filename>Makefile</filename>s
- do not include correct dependencies for info files. In
- <command>emacs</command>' case, it was necessary to patch the main
- <filename>Makefile.in</filename> so it would descend into the
- <filename>man</filename> subdirectory to rebuild the info
- pages.</para>
- <programlisting>--- ./Makefile.in.org Mon Aug 19 21:12:19 1996
-+++ ./Makefile.in Tue Apr 15 00:15:28 1997
-@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
- # Subdirectories to make recursively. `lisp' is not included
- # because the compiled lisp files are part of the distribution
- # and you cannot remake them without installing Emacs first.
--SUBDIR = lib-src src
-+SUBDIR = lib-src src man
- # The makefiles of the directories in $SUBDIR.
- SUBDIR_MAKEFILES = lib-src/Makefile man/Makefile src/Makefile oldXMenu/Makefile
- lwlib/Makefile
---- ./man/Makefile.in.org Thu Jun 27 15:27:19 1996
-+++ ./man/Makefile.in Tue Apr 15 00:29:52 1997
-@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@
- ${srcdir}/gnu1.texi \
- ${srcdir}/glossary.texi
-+all: info
- info: $(INFO_TARGETS)
- dvi: $(DVI_TARGETS)</programlisting>
- <para>The second hunk was necessary because the default target in
- the <filename>man</filename> subdir is called
- <maketarget>info</maketarget>, while the main
- <filename>Makefile</filename> wants to call
- <maketarget>all</maketarget>. The installation of the
- <filename>info</filename> info file was also removed because we
- already have one with the same name in
- <filename>/usr/share/info</filename> (that patch is not shown
- here).</para>
- </step>
- <step>
- <para>If there is a place in the <filename>Makefile</filename> that
- is installing the <filename>dir</filename> file, delete it. Your
- port may not be doing it. Also, remove any commands that are
- otherwise mucking around with the <filename>dir</filename>
- file.</para>
- <programlisting>--- ./Makefile.in.org Mon Aug 19 21:12:19 1996
-+++ ./Makefile.in Mon Apr 14 23:38:07 1997
-@@ -368,14 +368,8 @@
- if [ `(cd ${srcdir}/info && /bin/pwd)` != `(cd ${infodir} && /bin/pwd)` ]; \
- then \
- (cd ${infodir}; \
-- if [ -f dir ]; then \
-- if [ ! -f dir.old ]; then mv -f dir dir.old; \
-- else mv -f dir dir.bak; fi; \
-- fi; \
- cd ${srcdir}/info ; \
-- (cd $${thisdir}; ${INSTALL_DATA} ${srcdir}/info/dir ${infodir}/dir);
-- (cd $${thisdir}; chmod a+r ${infodir}/dir); \
- for f in ccmode* cl* dired-x* ediff* emacs* forms* gnus* info* message* mh-e* sc* vip*; do \
- (cd $${thisdir}; \
- ${INSTALL_DATA} ${srcdir}/info/$$f ${infodir}/$$f; \
- chmod a+r ${infodir}/$$f); \</programlisting>
- </step>
- <step>
- <para>(This step is only necessary if you are modifying an existing
- port.) Take a look at <filename>pkg-plist</filename> and delete
- anything that is trying to patch up <filename>info/dir</filename>.
- They may be in <filename>pkg-install</filename> or some other
- file, so search extensively.</para>
- <programlisting>Index: pkg-plist
-RCS file: /usr/cvs/ports/editors/emacs/pkg-plist,v
-retrieving revision 1.15
-diff -u -r1.15 pkg-plist
---- pkg-plist 1997/03/04 08:04:00 1.15
-+++ pkg-plist 1997/04/15 06:32:12
-@@ -15,9 +15,6 @@
- man/man1/emacs.1.gz
- man/man1/etags.1.gz
- man/man1/ctags.1.gz
--@unexec cp %D/info/dir %D/info/dir.bak
--@unexec cp %D/info/dir.bak %D/info/dir
- info/cl
- info/cl-1
- info/cl-2</programlisting>
- </step>
- <step>
- <para>Add a <maketarget>post-install</maketarget> target to the
- <filename>Makefile</filename> to call
- <maketarget>install-info</maketarget> with the installed
- info files. (It is no longer necessary to create the
- <filename>dir</filename> file yourself;
- <command>install-info</command> automatically creates this
- file if it does not exist.)</para>
- <programlisting>Index: Makefile
-RCS file: /usr/cvs/ports/editors/emacs/Makefile,v
-retrieving revision 1.26
-diff -u -r1.26 Makefile
---- Makefile 1996/11/19 13:14:40 1.26
-+++ Makefile 1997/05/20 10:25:09 1.28
-@@ -20,5 +20,8 @@
- post-install:
- .for file in emacs-19.34 emacsclient etags ctags b2m
- strip ${PREFIX}/bin/${file}
- .endfor
-+.for info in emacs vip viper forms gnus mh-e cl sc dired-x ediff ccmode
-+ install-info ${PREFIX}/info/${info} ${PREFIX}/info/dir
- .include &lt;bsd.port.mk&gt;</programlisting>
- </step>
- <step>
- <para>Edit <filename>pkg-plist</filename> and add equivalent
- <literal>@exec</literal> statements and also
- <literal>@unexec</literal> for
- <command>pkg_delete</command>.</para>
- <programlisting>Index: pkg-plist
-RCS file: /usr/cvs/ports/editors/emacs/pkg-plist,v
-retrieving revision 1.15
-diff -u -r1.15 pkg-plist
---- pkg-plist 1997/03/04 08:04:00 1.15
-+++ pkg-plist 1997/05/20 10:25:12 1.17
-@@ -16,7 +14,14 @@
- man/man1/etags.1.gz
- man/man1/ctags.1.gz
-+@unexec install-info --delete %D/info/emacs %D/info/dir
- :
-+@unexec install-info --delete %D/info/ccmode %D/info/dir
- info/cl
- info/cl-1
-@@ -87,6 +94,18 @@
- info/viper-3
- info/viper-4
-+@exec install-info %D/info/emacs %D/info/dir
- :
-+@exec install-info %D/info/ccmode %D/info/dir
- libexec/emacs/19.34/i386--freebsd/cvtmail
- libexec/emacs/19.34/i386--freebsd/digest-doc</programlisting>
- <note>
- <para>The <literal>@unexec install-info --delete</literal>
- commands have to be listed before the info files themselves so
- they can read the files. Also, the <literal>@exec
- install-info</literal> commands have to be after the info
- files and the <literal>@exec</literal> command that creates the
- the <filename>dir</filename> file.</para>
- </note>
- </step>
- <step>
- <para><link linkend="porting-testing">Test</link> and admire your
- work. <!-- smiley --><emphasis>:-)</emphasis>. Check the
- <filename>dir</filename> file before and after each step.</para>
- </step>
- </procedure>
- </chapter>
- <chapter>
- <title>The <filename>pkg-<replaceable>*</replaceable></filename> files</title>
- <para>There are some tricks we have not mentioned yet about the
- <filename>pkg-<replaceable>*</replaceable></filename> files
- that come in handy sometimes.</para>
- <sect1 id="porting-message">
- <title><filename>pkg-message</filename></title>
- <para>If you need to display a message to the installer, you may place
- the message in <filename>pkg-message</filename>. This capability is
- often useful to display additional installation steps to be taken
- after a <command>pkg_add</command> or to display licensing
- information.</para>
- <note>
- <para>The <filename>pkg-message</filename> file does not need to be
- added to <filename>pkg-plist</filename>. Also, it will not get
- automatically printed if the user is using the port, not the
- package, so you should probably display it from the
- <maketarget>post-install</maketarget> target yourself.</para>
- </note>
- </sect1>
- <sect1>
- <title><filename>pkg-install</filename></title>
- <para>If your port needs to execute commands when the binary package
- is installed with <command>pkg_add</command> you can do this via the
- <filename>pkg-install</filename> script. This script will
- automatically be added to the package, and will be run twice by
- <command>pkg_add</command>. The first time as
- <literal>&dollar;{SH} pkg-install &dollar;{PKGNAME}
- PRE-INSTALL</literal> and the second time as
- <literal>&dollar;{SH} pkg-install &dollar;{PKGNAME} POST-INSTALL</literal>.
- <literal>&dollar;2</literal> can be tested to determine which mode
- the script is being run in. The <envar>PKG_PREFIX</envar>
- environmental variable will be set to the package installation
- directory. See &man.pkg.add.1; for
- additional information.</para>
- <note>
- <para>This script is not run automatically if you install the port
- with <command>make install</command>. If you are depending on it
- being run, you will have to explicitly call it from your port's
- <filename>Makefile</filename>.</para>
- </note>
- </sect1>
- <sect1>
- <title><filename>pkg-req</filename></title>
- <para>If your port needs to determine if it should install or not, you
- can create a <filename>pkg-req</filename> &ldquo;requirements&rdquo;
- script. It will be invoked automatically at
- installation/deinstallation time to determine whether or not
- installation/deinstallation should proceed.</para>
- </sect1>
- <sect1 id="porting-plist">
- <title>Changing <filename>pkg-plist</filename> based on make
- variables</title>
- <para>Some ports, particularly the p5- ports, need to change their
- <filename>pkg-plist</filename> depending on what options they are
- configured with (or version of perl, in the case of p5- ports). To
- make this easy, any instances in the <filename>pkg-plist</filename> of
- <literal>%%OSREL%%</literal>, <literal>%%PERL_VER%%</literal>, and
- <literal>%%PERL_VERSION%%</literal> will be substituted for
- appropriately. The value of <literal>%%OSREL%%</literal> is the
- numeric revision of the operating system (e.g.,
- <literal>2.2.7</literal>). <literal>%%PERL_VERSION%%</literal> is
- the full version number of perl (e.g., <literal>5.00502</literal>)
- and <literal>%%PERL_VER%%</literal> is the perl version number minus
- the patchlevel (e.g., <literal>5.005</literal>).</para>
- <para>If you need to make other substitutions, you can set the
- <makevar>PLIST_SUB</makevar> variable with a list of
- <literal><replaceable>VAR</replaceable>=<replaceable>VALUE</replaceable></literal>
- pairs and instances of
- <literal>%%<replaceable>VAR</replaceable>%%</literal>' will be
- substituted with <replaceable>VALUE</replaceable> in the
- <filename>pkg-plist</filename>.</para>
- <para>For instance, if you have a port that installs many files in a
- version-specific subdirectory, you can put something like
- <programlisting>OCTAVE_VERSION= 2.0.13
- in the <filename>Makefile</filename> and use
- <literal>%%OCTAVE_VERSION%%</literal> wherever the version shows up
- in <filename>pkg-plist</filename>. That way, when you upgrade the port,
- you will not have to change dozens (or in some cases, hundreds) of
- lines in the <filename>pkg-plist</filename>.</para>
- <para>This substitution (as well as addition of any <link
- linkend="porting-manpages">man pages</link>) will be done between
- the <maketarget>do-install</maketarget> and
- <maketarget>post-install</maketarget> targets, by reading from
- <makevar>PLIST</makevar> and writing to <makevar>TMPPLIST</makevar>
- (default:
- <filename><makevar>WRKDIR</makevar>/.PLIST.mktmp</filename>). So if
- your port builds <makevar>PLIST</makevar> on the fly, do so in or
- before <maketarget>do-install</maketarget>. Also, if your port
- needs to edit the resulting file, do so in
- <maketarget>post-install</maketarget> to a file named
- <makevar>TMPPLIST</makevar>.</para>
- </sect1>
- <sect1>
- <title id="porting-pkgfiles">Changing the names of
- <filename>pkg-<replaceable>*</replaceable></filename> files</title>
- <para>All the names of <filename>pkg-<replaceable>*</replaceable></filename> files
- are defined using variables so you can change them in your
- <filename>Makefile</filename> if need be. This is especially useful
- when you are sharing the same <filename>pkg-<replaceable>*</replaceable></filename> files
- among several ports or have to write to one of the above files (see
- <link linkend="porting-wrkdir">writing to places other than
- <makevar>WRKDIR</makevar></link> for why it is a bad idea to write
- directly in to the <filename>pkg-<replaceable>*</replaceable></filename> subdirectory).</para>
- <para>Here is a list of variable names and their default
- values. (<makevar>PKGDIR</makevar> defaults to
- <makevar>${MASTERDIR}</makevar>.)</para>
- <informaltable frame="none">
- <tgroup cols="2">
- <thead>
- <row>
- <entry>Variable</entry>
- <entry>Default value</entry>
- </row>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <row>
- <entry><makevar>COMMENT</makevar></entry>
- <entry><literal>${PKGDIR}/pkg-comment</literal></entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><makevar>DESCR</makevar></entry>
- <entry><literal>${PKGDIR}/pkg-descr</literal></entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><makevar>PLIST</makevar></entry>
- <entry><literal>${PKGDIR}/pkg-plist</literal></entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><makevar>PKGINSTALL</makevar></entry>
- <entry><literal>${PKGDIR}/pkg-install</literal></entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><makevar>PKGDEINSTALL</makevar></entry>
- <entry><literal>${PKGDIR}/pkg-deinstall</literal></entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><makevar>PKGREQ</makevar></entry>
- <entry><literal>${PKGDIR}/pkg-req</literal></entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><makevar>PKGMESSAGE</makevar></entry>
- <entry><literal>${PKGDIR}/pkg-message</literal></entry>
- </row>
- </tbody>
- </tgroup>
- </informaltable>
- <para>Please change these variables rather than overriding
- <makevar>PKG_ARGS</makevar>. If you change
- <makevar>PKG_ARGS</makevar>, those files will not correctly be
- installed in <filename>/var/db/pkg</filename> upon install from a
- port.</para>
- </sect1>
- </chapter>
- <chapter>
- <title>Licensing Problems</title>
- <para>Some software packages have restrictive licenses or can be in
- violation of the law in some countries (such as violating a patent).
- What we can do with
- them varies a lot, depending on the exact wordings of the respective
- licenses.</para>
- <note>
- <para>It is your responsibility as a porter to read the licensing
- terms of the software and make sure that the FreeBSD project will
- not be held accountable for violating them by redistributing the
- source or compiled binaries either via ftp or CD-ROM. If in doubt,
- please contact the &a.ports;.</para>
- </note>
- <para>There are two variables you can set in the Makefile to handle the
- situations that arise frequently:</para>
- <orderedlist>
- <listitem>
- <para>If the port has a &ldquo;do not sell for profit&rdquo; type of
- license, set the variable <makevar>NO_CDROM</makevar> to a string
- describing the reason why. We will make sure such ports will not go
- into the CD-ROM come release time. The distfile and package will
- still be available via ftp.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>If the resulting package needs to be built uniquely for each
- site, or the resulting binary package cannot be distributed due to
- licensing; set the variable <makevar>NO_PACKAGE</makevar> to a
- string describing the reason why. We will make sure such packages
- will not go on the ftp site, nor into the CD-ROM come release time.
- The distfile will still be included on both however.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>If the port has legal restrictions on who can use it (e.g.,
- patented stuff) or has a &ldquo;no commercial use&rdquo; license,
- set the variable <makevar>RESTRICTED</makevar> to be the string
- describing the reason why. For such ports, the distfiles/packages
- will not be available even from our ftp sites.</para>
- </listitem>
- </orderedlist>
- <note>
- <para>The GNU General Public License (GPL), both version 1 and 2,
- should not be a problem for ports.</para>
- </note>
- <note>
- <para>If you are a committer, make sure you update the
- <filename>ports/LEGAL</filename> file too.</para>
- </note>
- </chapter>
- <chapter id="port-upgrading">
- <title>Upgrading</title>
- <para>When you notice that a port is out of date compared to the latest
- version from the original authors, first make sure you have the latest
- port. You can find them in the
- <filename>ports/ports-current</filename> directory of the ftp mirror
- sites. You may also use CVSup to keep your whole ports collection
- up-to-date, as described in <ulink url="../handbook/synching.html#CVSUP-CONFIG">the Handbook</ulink>.</para>
- <para>The next step is to send a mail to the maintainer, if one is
- listed in the port's <filename>Makefile</filename>. That person may
- already be working on an upgrade, or have a reason to not upgrade the
- port right now (because of, for example, stability problems of the new
- version).</para>
- <para>If the maintainer asks you to do the upgrade or there is not any
- such person to begin with, please make the upgrade and send the
- recursive diff (either unified or context diff is fine, but port
- committers appear to prefer unified diff more) of the new and old
- ports directories to us (e.g., if your modified port directory is
- called <filename>superedit</filename> and the original as in our tree
- is <filename>superedit.bak</filename>, then send us the result of
- <command>diff -ruN superedit.bak superedit</command>). Please examine
- the output to make sure all the changes make sense. The best way to
- send us the diff is by including it via &man.send-pr.1; (category
- <literal>ports</literal>). Please mention any added or deleted files
- in the message, as they have to be explicitly specified to CVS when
- doing a commit. If the diff is more than about 20KB, please compress
- and uuencode it; otherwise, just include it in the PR as is.</para>
- <note>
- <para>Once again, please use &man.diff.1; and not &man.shar.1; to send
- updates to existing ports!</para>
- </note>
- </chapter>
- <chapter>
- <title><anchor id="porting-dads">Dos and Don'ts</title>
- <para>Here is a list of common dos and don'ts that you encounter during
- the porting process.You should check your own port against this list,
- but you can also check ports in the PR database that others have
- submitted. Submit any comments on ports you check as described in
- <ulink url="../handbook/contrib-how.html#CONTRIB-GENERAL">Bug Reports and General
- Commentary</ulink>. Checking ports in the PR database will both make
- it faster for us to commit them, and prove that you know what you are
- doing.</para>
- <sect1>
- <title>Strip Binaries</title>
- <para>Do strip binaries. If the original source already strips the
- binaries, fine; otherwise you should add a
- <literal>post-install</literal> rule to to it yourself. Here is an
- example:</para>
- <programlisting>post-install:
- strip ${PREFIX}/bin/xdl</programlisting>
- <para>Use the &man.file.1; command on the installed executable to
- check whether the binary is stripped or not. If it does not say
- <literal>not stripped</literal>, it is stripped.</para>
- </sect1>
- <sect1>
- <title>INSTALL_* macros</title>
- <para>Do use the macros provided in <filename>bsd.port.mk</filename>
- to ensure correct modes and ownership of files in your own
- <maketarget>*-install</maketarget> targets.</para>
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem>
- <para><makevar>INSTALL_PROGRAM</makevar> is a command to install
- binary executables.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para><makevar>INSTALL_SCRIPT</makevar> is a command to install
- executable scripts.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para><makevar>INSTALL_DATA</makevar> is a command to install
- sharable data.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para><makevar>INSTALL_MAN</makevar> is a command to install
- manpages and other documentation (it does not compress
- anything).</para>
- </listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- <para>These are basically the <command>install</command> command with
- all the appropriate flags. See below for an example on how to use
- them.</para>
- </sect1>
- <sect1 id="porting-wrkdir">
- <title><makevar>WRKDIR</makevar></title>
- <para>Do not write anything to files outside
- <makevar>WRKDIR</makevar>. <makevar>WRKDIR</makevar> is the only
- place that is guaranteed to be writable during the port build (see
- <ulink url="../handbook/ports-using.html#PORTS-CD">compiling ports from CDROM</ulink> for an
- example of building ports from a read-only tree). If you need to
- modify one of the <filename>pkg-<replaceable>*</replaceable></filename>
- files, do so by <link
- linkend="porting-pkgfiles">redefining a variable</link>, not by
- writing over it.</para>
- </sect1>
- <sect1 id="porting-wrkdirprefix">
- <title><makevar>WRKDIRPREFIX</makevar></title>
- <para>Make sure your port honors <makevar>WRKDIRPREFIX</makevar>.
- Most ports do not have to worry about this. In particular, if you
- are referring to a <makevar>WRKDIR</makevar> of another port, note
- that the correct location is
- <filename><makevar>WRKDIRPREFIX</makevar><makevar>PORTSDIR</makevar>/<replaceable>subdir</replaceable>/<replaceable>name</replaceable>/work</filename> not <filename><makevar>PORTSDIR</makevar>/<replaceable>subdir</replaceable>/<replaceable>name</replaceable>/work</filename> or <filename><makevar>.CURDIR</makevar>/../../<replaceable>subdir</replaceable>/<replaceable>name</replaceable>/work</filename> or some such.</para>
- <para>Also, if you are defining <makevar>WRKDIR</makevar> yourself,
- make sure you prepend
- <literal>&dollar;{WRKDIRPREFIX}&dollar;{.CURDIR}</literal> in the
- front.</para>
- </sect1>
- <sect1 id="porting-versions">
- <title>Differentiating operating systems and OS versions</title>
- <para>You may come across code that needs modifications or conditional
- compilation based upon what version of UNIX it is running under. If
- you need to make such changes to the code for conditional
- compilation, make sure you make the changes as general as possible
- so that we can back-port code to FreeBSD 1.x systems and cross-port
- to other BSD systems such as 4.4BSD from CSRG, BSD/386, 386BSD,
- NetBSD, and OpenBSD.</para>
- <para>The preferred way to tell 4.3BSD/Reno (1990) and newer versions
- of the BSD code apart is by using the <literal>BSD</literal> macro
- defined in <filename>&lt;sys/param.h&gt;</filename>. Hopefully that
- file is already included; if not, add the code:</para>
- <programlisting>#if (defined(__unix__) || defined(unix)) &amp;&amp; !defined(USG)
-#include &lt;sys/param.h&gt;
- <para>to the proper place in the <filename>.c</filename> file. We
- believe that every system that defines these two symbols has
- <filename>sys/param.h</filename>. If you find a system that
- does not, we would like to know. Please send mail to the
- &a.ports;.</para>
- <para>Another way is to use the GNU Autoconf style of doing
- this:</para>
- <programlisting>#ifdef HAVE_SYS_PARAM_H
-#include &lt;sys/param.h&gt;
- <para>Do not forget to add <literal>-DHAVE_SYS_PARAM_H</literal> to the
- <makevar>CFLAGS</makevar> in the <filename>Makefile</filename> for
- this method.</para>
- <para>Once you have <filename>sys/param.h</filename> included, you may
- use:</para>
- <programlisting>#if (defined(BSD) &amp;&amp; (BSD &gt;= 199103))</programlisting>
- <para>to detect if the code is being compiled on a 4.3 Net2 code base
- or newer (e.g. FreeBSD 1.x, 4.3/Reno, NetBSD 0.9, 386BSD, BSD/386
- 1.1 and below).</para>
- <para>Use:</para>
- <programlisting>#if (defined(BSD) &amp;&amp; (BSD &gt;= 199306))</programlisting>
- <para>to detect if the code is being compiled on a 4.4 code base or
- newer (e.g. FreeBSD 2.x, 4.4, NetBSD 1.0, BSD/386 2.0 or
- above).</para>
- <para>The value of the <literal>BSD</literal> macro is
- <literal>199506</literal> for the 4.4BSD-Lite2 code base. This is
- stated for informational purposes only. It should not be used to
- distinguish between versions of FreeBSD based only on 4.4-Lite vs.
- versions that have merged in changes from 4.4-Lite2. The
- <literal>__FreeBSD__</literal> macro should be used instead.</para>
- <para>Use sparingly:</para>
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem>
- <para><literal>__FreeBSD__</literal> is defined in all versions of
- FreeBSD. Use it if the change you are making
- <emphasis>only</emphasis> affects FreeBSD. Porting gotchas like
- the use of <literal>sys_errlist[]</literal> vs
- <function>strerror()</function> are Berkeleyisms, not FreeBSD
- changes.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>In FreeBSD 2.x, <literal>__FreeBSD__</literal> is defined to
- be <literal>2</literal>. In earlier versions, it is
- <literal>1</literal>. Later versions will bump it to match
- their major version number.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>If you need to tell the difference between a FreeBSD 1.x
- system and a FreeBSD 2.x or 3.x system, usually the right answer
- is to use the <literal>BSD</literal> macros described above. If
- there actually is a FreeBSD specific change (such as special
- shared library options when using <command>ld</command>) then it
- is OK to use <literal>__FreeBSD__</literal> and <literal>#if
- __FreeBSD__ &gt; 1</literal> to detect a FreeBSD 2.x and later
- system. If you need more granularity in detecting FreeBSD
- systems since 2.0-RELEASE you can use the following:</para>
- <programlisting>#if __FreeBSD__ &gt;= 2
-#include &lt;osreldate.h&gt;
-# if __FreeBSD_version &gt;= 199504
- /* 2.0.5+ release specific code here */
-# endif
- <informaltable frame="none">
- <tgroup cols="2">
- <thead>
- <row>
- <entry>Release</entry>
- <entry><literal>__FreeBSD_version</literal></entry>
- </row>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <row>
- <entry>2.0-RELEASE</entry>
- <entry>119411</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>2.1-CURRENT</entry>
- <entry>199501, 199503</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>2.0.5-RELEASE</entry>
- <entry>199504</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>2.2-CURRENT before 2.1</entry>
- <entry>199508</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>2.1.0-RELEASE</entry>
- <entry>199511</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>2.2-CURRENT before 2.1.5</entry>
- <entry>199512</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>2.1.5-RELEASE</entry>
- <entry>199607</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>2.2-CURRENT before 2.1.6</entry>
- <entry>199608</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>2.1.6-RELEASE</entry>
- <entry>199612</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>2.1.7-RELEASE</entry>
- <entry>199612</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>2.2-RELEASE</entry>
- <entry>220000</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>2.2.1-RELEASE</entry>
- <entry>220000 (no change)</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>2.2-STABLE after 2.2.1-RELEASE</entry>
- <entry>220000 (no change)</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>2.2-STABLE after texinfo-3.9</entry>
- <entry>221001</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>2.2-STABLE after top</entry>
- <entry>221002</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>2.2.2-RELEASE</entry>
- <entry>222000</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>2.2-STABLE after 2.2.2-RELEASE</entry>
- <entry>222001</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>2.2.5-RELEASE</entry>
- <entry>225000</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>2.2-STABLE after 2.2.5-RELEASE</entry>
- <entry>225001</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>2.2-STABLE after ldconfig -R merge</entry>
- <entry>225002</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>2.2.6-RELEASE</entry>
- <entry>226000</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>2.2.7-RELEASE</entry>
- <entry>227000</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>2.2-STABLE after 2.2.7-RELEASE</entry>
- <entry>227001</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>2.2-STABLE after semctl(2) change</entry>
- <entry>227002</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>2.2.8-RELEASE</entry>
- <entry>228000</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>2.2-STABLE after 2.2.8-RELEASE</entry>
- <entry>228001</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>3.0-CURRENT before mount(2) change</entry>
- <entry>300000</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>3.0-CURRENT after mount(2) change</entry>
- <entry>300001</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>3.0-CURRENT after semctl(2) change</entry>
- <entry>300002</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>3.0-CURRENT after ioctl arg changes</entry>
- <entry>300003</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>3.0-CURRENT after ELF conversion</entry>
- <entry>300004</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>3.0-RELEASE</entry>
- <entry>300005</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>3.0-CURRENT after 3.0-RELEASE</entry>
- <entry>300006</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>3.0-STABLE after 3/4 branch</entry>
- <entry>300007</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>3.1-RELEASE</entry>
- <entry>310000</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>3.1-STABLE after 3.1-RELEASE</entry>
- <entry>310001</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>3.1-STABLE after C++ constructor/destructor order
- change</entry>
- <entry>310002</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>3.2-RELEASE</entry>
- <entry>320000</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>3.2-STABLE</entry>
- <entry>320001</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>3.2-STABLE after binary-incompatible IPFW and
- socket changes</entry>
- <entry>320002</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>3.3-RELEASE</entry>
- <entry>330000</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>3.3-STABLE</entry>
- <entry>330001</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>3.3-STABLE after adding mkstemps() to libc</entry>
- <entry>330002</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>3.4-RELEASE</entry>
- <entry>340000</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>3.4-STABLE</entry>
- <entry>340001</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>4.0-CURRENT after 3.4 branch</entry>
- <entry>400000</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>4.0-CURRENT after change in dynamic linker
- handling</entry>
- <entry>400001</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>4.0-CURRENT after C++ constructor/destructor
- order change</entry>
- <entry>400002</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>4.0-CURRENT after functioning dladdr(3)</entry>
- <entry>400003</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>4.0-CURRENT after __deregister_frame_info dynamic
- linker bug fix (also 4.0-CURRENT after EGCS 1.1.2
- integration)
- </entry>
- <entry>400004</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>4.0-CURRENT after suser(9) API change
- (also 4.0-CURRENT after newbus)</entry>
- <entry>400005</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>4.0-CURRENT after cdevsw registration change</entry>
- <entry>400006</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>4.0-CURRENT after the addition of so_cred for
- socket level credentials</entry>
- <entry>400007</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>4.0-CURRENT after the addition of a poll syscall
- wrapper to libc_r</entry>
- <entry>400008</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>4.0-CURRENT after the change of the kernel's
- <literal>dev_t</literal> type to <literal>struct
- specinfo</literal> pointer</entry>
- <entry>400009</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>4.0-CURRENT after fixing a hole in jail(2)</entry>
- <entry>400010</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>4.0-CURRENT after the <literal>sigset_t</literal>
- datatype change</entry>
- <entry>400011</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>4.0-CURRENT after the cutover to the GCC 2.95.2
- compiler</entry>
- <entry>400012</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>4.0-CURRENT after adding pluggable linux-mode
- ioctl handlers</entry>
- <entry>400013</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>4.0-CURRENT after importing OpenSSL</entry>
- <entry>400014</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>4.0-CURRENT after the C++ ABI change in GCC 2.95.2
- from -fvtable-thunks to -fno-vtable-thunks by
- default</entry>
- <entry>400015</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>4.0-CURRENT after importing OpenSSH</entry>
- <entry>400016</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>4.0-RELEASE</entry>
- <entry>400017</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>4.0-STABLE after 4.0-RELEASE</entry>
- <entry>400018</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>4.0-STABLE after merging libxpg4 code into
- libc.</entry>
- <entry>400020</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>4.0-STABLE after upgrading Binutils to 2.10.0, ELF
- branding changes, and tcsh in the base system.</entry>
- <entry>400021</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>4.1-RELEASE</entry>
- <entry>410000</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>4.1-STABLE after 4.1-RELEASE</entry>
- <entry>410001</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>4.1-STABLE after setproctitle() moved from
- libutil to libc.</entry>
- <entry>410002</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>4.1.1-RELEASE</entry>
- <entry>411000</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>4.1.1-STABLE after 4.1.1-RELEASE</entry>
- <entry>411001</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>4.2-RELEASE</entry>
- <entry>420000</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>4.2-STABLE after combining libgcc.a and
- libgcc_r.a, and associated GCC linkage changes.</entry>
- <entry>420001</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>5.0-CURRENT</entry>
- <entry>500000</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>5.0-CURRENT after adding addition ELF header fields,
- and changing our ELF binary branding method.</entry>
- <entry>500001</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>5.0-CURRENT after kld metadata changes.</entry>
- <entry>500002</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>5.0-CURRENT after buf/bio changes.</entry>
- <entry>500003</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>5.0-CURRENT after binutils upgrade.</entry>
- <entry>500004</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>5.0-CURRENT after merging libxpg4 code into
- libc and after TASKQ interface introduction.</entry>
- <entry>500005</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>5.0-CURRENT after the addition of AGP
- interfaces.</entry>
- <entry>500006</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>5.0-CURRENT after Perl upgrade to 5.6.0</entry>
- <entry>500007</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>5.0-CURRENT after the update of KAME code to
- 2000/07 sources.</entry>
- <entry>500008</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>5.0-CURRENT after ether_ifattach() and
- ether_ifdetach() changes.</entry>
- <entry>500009</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>5.0-CURRENT after changing mtree defaults
- back to original variant, adding -L to follow
- symlinks.</entry>
- <entry>500010</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>5.0-CURRENT after kqueue API changed.</entry>
- <entry>500011</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>5.0-CURRENT after setproctitle() moved from
- libutil to libc.</entry>
- <entry>500012</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>5.0-CURRENT after the first SMPng commit.</entry>
- <entry>500013</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>5.0-CURRENT after &lt;sys/select.h&gt; moved to
- &lt;sys/selinfo.h&gt;.</entry>
- <entry>500014</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>5.0-CURRENT after combining libgcc.a and
- libgcc_r.a, and associated GCC linkage changes.</entry>
- <entry>500015</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>5.0-CURRENT after change allowing libc and libc_r
- to be linked together, deprecating -pthread option.</entry>
- <entry>500016</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>5.0-CURRENT after switch from struct ucred to
- struct xucred to stabilize kernel-exported API for
- mountd et al.</entry>
- <entry>500017</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>5.0-CURRENT after addition of CPUTYPE make variable
- for controlling CPU-specific optimizations.</entry>
- <entry>500018</entry>
- </row>
- </tbody>
- </tgroup>
- </informaltable>
- </listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- <note>
- <para>Note that 2.2-STABLE sometimes identifies itself as
- &ldquo;2.2.5-STABLE&rdquo; after the 2.2.5-RELEASE. The pattern
- used to be year followed by the month, but we decided to change it
- to a more straightforward major/minor system starting from 2.2.
- This is because the parallel development on several branches made
- it infeasible to classify the releases simply by their real
- release dates. If you are making a port now, you do not have to
- worry about old -CURRENTs; they are listed here just for your
- reference.</para>
- </note>
- <para>In the hundreds of ports that have been done, there have only
- been one or two cases where <literal>__FreeBSD__</literal> should
- have been used. Just because an earlier port screwed up and used it
- in the wrong place does not mean you should do so too.</para>
- </sect1>
- <sect1>
- <title>Writing something after
- <filename>bsd.port.mk</filename></title>
- <para>Do not write anything after the <literal>.include
- &lt;bsd.port.mk&gt;</literal> line. It usually can be avoided by
- including <filename>bsd.port.pre.mk</filename> somewhere in the
- middle of your <filename>Makefile</filename> and
- <filename>bsd.port.post.mk</filename> at the end.</para>
- <note>
- <para>You need to include either the
- <filename>pre.mk</filename>/<filename>post.mk</filename> pair or
- <filename>bsd.port.mk</filename> only; do not mix these two.</para>
- </note>
- <para><filename>bsd.port.pre.mk</filename> only defines a few
- variables, which can be used in tests in the
- <filename>Makefile</filename>, <filename>bsd.port.post.mk</filename>
- defines the rest.</para>
- <para>Here are some important variables defined in
- <filename>bsd.port.pre.mk</filename> (this is not the complete list,
- please read <filename>bsd.port.mk</filename> for the complete
- list).</para>
- <informaltable frame="none">
- <tgroup cols="2">
- <thead>
- <row>
- <entry>Variable</entry>
- <entry>Description</entry>
- </row>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <row>
- <entry><makevar>ARCH</makevar></entry>
- <entry>The architecture as returned by <command>uname
- -m</command> (e.g., <literal>i386</literal>)</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><makevar>OPSYS</makevar></entry>
- <entry>The operating system type, as returned by
- <command>uname -s</command> (e.g.,
- <literal>FreeBSD</literal>)</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><makevar>OSREL</makevar></entry>
- <entry>The release version of the operating system (e.g.,
- <literal>2.1.5</literal> or
- <literal>2.2.7</literal>)</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><makevar>OSVERSION</makevar></entry>
- <entry>The numeric version of the operating system, same as
- <link
- linkend="porting-versions"><literal>__FreeBSD_version</literal></link>.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><makevar>PORTOBJFORMAT</makevar></entry>
- <entry>The object format of the system
- (<literal>aout</literal> or <literal>elf</literal>)</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><makevar>LOCALBASE</makevar></entry>
- <entry>The base of the &ldquo;local&rdquo; tree (e.g.,
- <literal>/usr/local/</literal>)</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><makevar>X11BASE</makevar></entry>
- <entry>The base of the &ldquo;X11&rdquo; tree (e.g.,
- <literal>/usr/X11R6</literal>)</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><makevar>PREFIX</makevar></entry>
- <entry>Where the port installs itself (see <link
- linkend="porting-prefix">more on
- <makevar>PREFIX</makevar></link>).</entry>
- </row>
- </tbody>
- </tgroup>
- </informaltable>
- <note>
- <para>If you have to define the variables
- <makevar>USE_IMAKE</makevar>, <makevar>USE_X_PREFIX</makevar>, or
- <makevar>MASTERDIR</makevar>, do so before including
- <filename>bsd.port.pre.mk</filename>.</para>
- </note>
- <para>Here are some examples of things you can write after
- <filename>bsd.port.pre.mk</filename>:</para>
- <programlisting># no need to compile lang/perl5 if perl5 is already in system
-.if ${OSVERSION} > 300003
-BROKEN= perl is in system
-# only one shlib version number for ELF
-.if ${PORTOBJFORMAT} == "elf"
-# software already makes link for ELF, but not for a.out
-.if ${PORTOBJFORMAT} == "aout"
- ${LN} -sf liblinpack.so.1.0 ${PREFIX}/lib/liblinpack.so
- </sect1>
- <sect1>
- <title>Install additional documentation</title>
- <para>If your software has some documentation other than the standard
- man and info pages that you think is useful for the user, install it
- under <filename><makevar>PREFIX</makevar>/share/doc</filename>.
- This can be done, like the previous item, in the
- <maketarget>post-install</maketarget> target.</para>
- <para>Create a new directory for your port. The directory name should
- reflect what the port is. This usually means
- <makevar>PORTNAME</makevar>. However, if you
- think the user might want different versions of the port to be
- installed at the same time, you can use the whole
- <makevar>PKGNAME</makevar>.</para>
- <para>Make the installation dependent to the variable
- <makevar>NOPORTDOCS</makevar> so that users can disable it in
- <filename>/etc/make.conf</filename>, like this:</para>
- <programlisting>post-install:
-.if !defined(NOPORTDOCS)
- ${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/share/doc/xv
- ${INSTALL_MAN} ${WRKSRC}/docs/xvdocs.ps ${PREFIX}/share/doc/xv
- <para>Do not forget to add them to <filename>pkg-plist</filename> too.
- (Do not worry about <makevar>NOPORTDOCS</makevar> here; there is
- currently no way for the packages to read variables from
- <filename>/etc/make.conf</filename>.)</para>
- <para>You can also use the <filename>pkg-message</filename> file to
- display messages upon installation. See the <link
- linkend="porting-message">using
- <filename>pkg-message</filename></link> section for
- details.</para>
- <note>
- <para><filename>pkg-message</filename> does not need to be added to
- <filename>pkg-plist</filename>.</para>
- </note>
- </sect1>
- <sect1>
- <title><makevar>DIST_SUBDIR</makevar></title>
- <para>Do not let your port clutter
- <filename>/usr/ports/distfiles</filename>. If your port requires a
- lot of files to be fetched, or contains a file that has a name that
- might conflict with other ports (e.g.,
- <filename>Makefile</filename>), set <makevar>DIST_SUBDIR</makevar>
- to the name of the port (<literal>${PORTNAME}</literal> or
- <literal>${PKGNAMEPREFIX}${PORTNAME}</literal>
- should work fine). This will change
- <makevar>DISTDIR</makevar> from the default
- <filename>/usr/ports/distfiles</filename> to
- <filename>/usr/ports/distfiles/<makevar>DIST_SUBDIR</makevar></filename>,
- and in effect puts everything that is required for your port into
- that subdirectory.</para>
- <para>It will also look at the subdirectory with the same name on the
- backup master site at <filename>ftp.FreeBSD.org</filename>.
- (Setting <makevar>DISTDIR</makevar> explicitly in your
- <makevar>Makefile</makevar> will not accomplish this, so please use
- <makevar>DIST_SUBDIR</makevar>.)</para>
- <note>
- <para>This does not affect the <makevar>MASTER_SITES</makevar> you
- define in your Makefile.</para>
- </note>
- </sect1>
- <sect1>
- <title>Package information</title>
- <para>Do include package information, i.e.
- <filename>pkg-comment</filename>, <filename>pkg-descr</filename>, and
- <filename>pkg-plist</filename>.</para>
- <note>
- <para>Note that these files are not used only for packaging anymore,
- and are <emphasis>mandatory</emphasis> now, even if
- <makevar>NO_PACKAGE</makevar> is set.</para>
- </note>
- </sect1>
- <sect1>
- <title>RCS strings</title>
- <para>Do not put RCS strings in patches. CVS will mangle them when we
- put the files into the ports tree, and when we check them out again,
- they will come out different and the patch will fail. RCS strings
- are surrounded by dollar (<literal>&dollar;</literal>) signs, and
- typically start with <literal>&dollar;Id</literal> or
- <literal>&dollar;RCS</literal>.</para>
- </sect1>
- <sect1>
- <title>Recursive diff</title>
- <para>Using the recurse (<option>-r</option>) option to
- <command>diff</command> to generate patches is fine, but please take
- a look at the resulting patches to make sure you do not have any
- unnecessary junk in there. In particular, diffs between two backup
- files, <filename>Makefiles</filename> when the port uses
- <command>Imake</command> or GNU <command>configure</command>, etc.,
- are unnecessary and should be deleted. If you had to edit
- <filename>configure.in</filename> and run
- <command>autoconf</command> to regenerate
- <command>configure</command>, do not take the diffs of
- <command>configure</command> (it often grows to a few thousand
- lines!); define <literal>USE_AUTOCONF=yes</literal> and take the
- diffs of <filename>configure.in</filename>.</para>
- <para>Also, if you had to delete a file, then you can do it in the
- <maketarget>post-extract</maketarget> target rather than as part of
- the patch. Once you are happy with the resulting diff, please split
- it up into one source file per patch file.</para>
- </sect1>
- <sect1 id="porting-prefix">
- <title><makevar>PREFIX</makevar></title>
- <para>Do try to make your port install relative to
- <makevar>PREFIX</makevar>. (The value of this variable will be set
- to <makevar>LOCALBASE</makevar> (default
- <filename>/usr/local</filename>), unless
- <makevar>USE_X_PREFIX</makevar> or <makevar>USE_IMAKE</makevar> is
- set, in which case it will be <makevar>X11BASE</makevar> (default
- <filename>/usr/X11R6</filename>).)</para>
- <para>Not hard-coding <filename>/usr/local</filename> or
- <filename>/usr/X11R6</filename> anywhere in the source will make the
- port much more flexible and able to cater to the needs of other
- sites. For X ports that use <command>imake</command>, this is
- automatic; otherwise, this can often be done by simply replacing the
- occurrences of <filename>/usr/local</filename> (or
- <filename>/usr/X11R6</filename> for X ports that do not use imake)
- in the various scripts/Makefiles in the port to read
- <makevar>PREFIX</makevar>, as this variable is automatically passed
- down to every stage of the build and install processes.</para>
- <para>Make sure your application isn't installing things in
- <filename>/usr/local</filename> instead of <makevar>PREFIX</makevar>.
- A quick test for this is to do this is:</para>
- <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>make clean; make package PREFIX=/var/tmp/<replaceable>port-name</replaceable></userinput></screen>
- <para>If anything is installed outside of <makevar>PREFIX</makevar>,
- making the package creation process will complain that it
- can't find the files.</para>
- <para>This does not test for the existence of internal references,
- or correct use of <makevar>LOCALBASE</makevar> for references to
- files from other ports. Testing the installation in
- <filename>/var/tmp/<replaceable>port-name</replaceable></filename>
- to do that that while you have it installed would do that.</para>
- <para>Do not set <makevar>USE_X_PREFIX</makevar> unless your port
- truly requires it (i.e., it links against X libs or it needs to
- reference files in <makevar>X11BASE</makevar>).</para>
- <para>The variable <makevar>PREFIX</makevar> can be reassigned in your
- <filename>Makefile</filename> or in the user's environment.
- However, it is strongly discouraged for individual ports to set this
- variable explicitly in the <filename>Makefiles</filename>.</para>
- <para>Also, refer to programs/files from other ports with the
- variables mentioned above, not explicit pathnames. For instance, if
- your port requires a macro <literal>PAGER</literal> to be the full
- pathname of <command>less</command>, use the compiler flag:
- <programlisting>-DPAGER=\"&dollar;{PREFIX}/bin/less\"</programlisting>
- or
- <programlisting>-DPAGER=\"&dollar;{LOCALBASE}/bin/less\"</programlisting>
- if this is an X port, instead of
- <literal>-DPAGER=\"/usr/local/bin/less\".</literal> This way it will
- have a better chance of working if the system administrator has
- moved the whole `/usr/local' tree somewhere else.</para>
- </sect1>
- <sect1>
- <title>Subdirectories</title>
- <para>Try to let the port put things in the right subdirectories of
- <makevar>PREFIX</makevar>. Some ports lump everything and put it in
- the subdirectory with the port's name, which is incorrect. Also,
- many ports put everything except binaries, header files and manual
- pages in the a subdirectory of <filename>lib</filename>, which does
- not bode well with the BSD paradigm. Many of the files should be
- moved to one of the following: <filename>etc</filename>
- (setup/configuration files), <filename>libexec</filename>
- (executables started internally), <filename>sbin</filename>
- (executables for superusers/managers), <filename>info</filename>
- (documentation for info browser) or <filename>share</filename>
- (architecture independent files). See man &man.hier.7; for details,
- the rules governing
- <filename>/usr</filename> pretty much apply to
- <filename>/usr/local</filename> too. The exception are ports
- dealing with USENET &ldquo;news&rdquo;. They may use
- <filename><makevar>PREFIX</makevar>/news</filename> as a destination
- for their files.</para>
- </sect1>
- <sect1 id="porting-cleaning">
- <title>Cleaning up empty directories</title>
- <para>Do make your ports clean up after themselves when they are
- deinstalled. This is usually accomplished by adding
- <literal>@dirrm</literal> lines for all directories that are
- specifically created by the port. You need to delete subdirectories
- before you can delete parent directories.</para>
- <programlisting> :
- :
-@dirrm lib/X11/oneko/pixmaps
-@dirrm lib/X11/oneko/sounds
-@dirrm lib/X11/oneko</programlisting>
- <para>However, sometimes <literal>@dirrm</literal> will give you
- errors because other ports also share the same subdirectory. You
- can call <command>rmdir</command> from <literal>@unexec</literal> to
- remove only empty directories without warning.</para>
- <programlisting>@unexec rmdir %D/share/doc/gimp 2>/dev/null || true</programlisting>
- <para>This will neither print any error messages nor cause
- <command>pkg_delete</command> to exit abnormally even if
- <filename><makevar>PREFIX</makevar>/share/doc/gimp</filename> is not
- empty due to other ports installing some files in there.</para>
- </sect1>
- <sect1>
- <title>UIDs</title>
- <para>If your port requires a certain user to be on the installed
- system, let the <filename>pkg-install</filename> script call
- <command>pw</command> to create it automatically. Look at
- <filename>net/cvsup-mirror</filename> for an example.</para>
- <para>If your port must use the same user/group ID number when it is
- installed as a binary package as when it was compiled, then you must
- choose a free UID from 50 to 99 and register it below. Look at
- <filename>japanese/Wnn</filename> for an example.</para>
- <para>Make sure you do not use a UID already used by the system or
- other ports. This is the current list of UIDs between 50 and
- 99.</para>
- <programlisting>majordom:*:54:54:Majordomo Pseudo User:/usr/local/majordomo:/nonexistent
-cyrus:*:60:60:the cyrus mail server:/nonexistent:/nonexistent
-gnats:*:61:1:GNATS database owner:/usr/local/share/gnats/gnats-db:/bin/sh
-uucp:*:66:66:UUCP pseudo-user:/var/spool/uucppublic:/usr/libexec/uucp/uucico
-xten:*:67:67:X-10 daemon:/usr/local/xten:/nonexistent
-pop:*:68:6:Post Office Owner (popper):/nonexistent:/nonexistent
-ifmail:*:70:66:Ifmail user:/nonexistent:/nonexistent
-pgsql:*:70:70:PostgreSQL pseudo-user:/usr/local/pgsql:/bin/sh
-ircd:*:72:72:IRCd hybrid:/nonexistent:/nonexistent
-alias:*:81:81:QMail user:/var/qmail/alias:/nonexistent
-qmaill:*:83:81:QMail user:/var/qmail:/nonexistent
-qmaild:*:82:81:QMail user:/var/qmail:/nonexistent
-qmailq:*:85:82:QMail user:/var/qmail:/nonexistent
-qmails:*:87:82:QMail user:/var/qmail:/nonexistent
-qmailp:*:84:81:QMail user:/var/qmail:/nonexistent
-qmailr:*:86:82:QMail user:/var/qmail:/nonexistent
-msql:*:87:87:mSQL-2 pseudo-user:/var/db/msqldb:/bin/sh
-mysql:*:88:88:MySQL Daemon:/var/db/mysql:/sbin/nologin
-vpopmail:*:89:89::0:0:User &:/usr/local/vpopmail:/nonexistent</programlisting>
- <para>Please include a notice when you submit a port (or an upgrade)
- that reserves a new UID or GID in this range. This allows us to
- keep the list of reserved IDs up to date.</para>
- </sect1>
- <sect1>
- <title>Do things rationally</title>
- <para>The <filename>Makefile</filename> should do things simply and
- reasonably. If you can make it a couple of lines shorter or more
- readable, then do so. Examples include using a make
- <literal>.if</literal> construct instead of a shell
- <literal>if</literal> construct, not redefining
- <maketarget>do-extract</maketarget> if you can redefine
- <makevar>EXTRACT*</makevar> instead, and using
- <makevar>GNU_CONFIGURE</makevar> instead of <literal>CONFIGURE_ARGS
- += --prefix=&dollar;{PREFIX}</literal>.</para>
- </sect1>
- <sect1>
- <title>Respect <makevar>CFLAGS</makevar></title>
- <para>The port should respect the <makevar>CFLAGS</makevar> variable.
- If it does not, please add <literal>NO_PACKAGE=ignores
- cflags</literal> to the <filename>Makefile</filename>.</para>
- <para>An example of a <filename>Makefile</filename> respecting
- the <makevar>CFLAGS</makevar> variable follows. Note the
- <makevar>+=</makevar>:</para>
- <programlisting>CFLAGS += -Wall -Werror</programlisting>
- <para>Here is an example which does not respect the
- <makevar>CFLAGS</makevar> variable:</para>
- <programlisting>CFLAGS = -Wall -Werror</programlisting>
- <para>The <makevar>CFLAGS</makevar> variable is defined on
- FreeBSD systems in <filename>/etc/make.conf</filename>. The
- first example appends additional flags to the
- <makevar>CFLAGS</makevar> variable, preserving any system-wide
- definitions. The second example clobbers anything previously
- defined.</para>
- </sect1>
- <sect1>
- <title>Configuration files</title>
- <para>If your port requires some configuration files in
- <filename><makevar>PREFIX</makevar>/etc</filename>, do
- <emphasis>not</emphasis> just install them and list them in
- <filename>pkg-plist</filename>. That will cause
- <command>pkg_delete</command> to delete files carefully edited by
- the user and a new installation to wipe them out.</para>
- <para>Instead, install sample files with a suffix
- (<filename><replaceable>filename</replaceable>.sample</filename>
- will work well) and print out a <link
- linkend="porting-message">message</link> pointing out that the
- user has to copy and edit the file before the software can be made
- to work.</para>
- </sect1>
- <sect1>
- <title>Portlint</title>
- <para>Do check your work with <link
- linkend="porting-portlint"><command>portlint</command></link>
- before you submit or commit it.</para>
- </sect1>
- <sect1>
- <title>Feedback</title>
- <para>Do send applicable changes/patches to the original
- author/maintainer for inclusion in next release of the code. This
- will only make your job that much easier for the next
- release.</para>
- </sect1>
- <sect1>
- <title><filename>README.html</filename></title>
- <para>Do not include the <filename>README.html</filename> file. This
- file is not part of the cvs collection but is generated using the
- <command>make readme</command> command.
- </para>
- </sect1>
- <sect1>
- <title>Miscellanea</title>
- <para>The files <filename>pkg-comment</filename>,
- <filename>pkg-descr</filename>, and <filename>pkg-plist</filename>
- should each be double-checked. If you are reviewing a port and feel
- they can be worded better, do so.</para>
- <para>Do not copy more copies of the GNU General Public License into
- our system, please.</para>
- <para>Please be careful to note any legal issues! Do not let us
- illegally distribute software!</para>
- </sect1>
- <sect1>
- <title>If you are stuck&hellip;</title>
- <para>Do look at existing examples and the
- <filename>bsd.port.mk</filename> file before asking us questions!
- <!-- smiley --><emphasis>;-)</emphasis></para>
- <para>Do ask us questions if you have any trouble! Do not just beat
- your head against a wall! <!-- smiley
- --><emphasis>:-)</emphasis></para>
- </sect1>
- </chapter>
- <chapter id="porting-samplem">
- <title>A Sample <filename>Makefile</filename></title>
- <para>Here is a sample <filename>Makefile</filename> that you can use to
- create a new port. Make sure you remove all the extra comments (ones
- between brackets)!</para>
- <para>It is recommended that you follow this format (ordering of
- variables, empty lines between sections, etc.). This format is
- designed so that the most important information is easy to locate. We
- recommend that you use <link
- linkend="porting-portlint">portlint</link> to check the
- <filename>Makefile</filename>.</para>
- <programlisting>[the header...just to make it easier for us to identify the ports.]
-# New ports collection makefile for: xdvi
-[the "version required" line is only needed when the PORTVERSION
- variable is not specific enough to describe the port.]
-# Date created: 26 May 1995
-[this is the person who did the original port to FreeBSD, in particular, the
-person who wrote the first version of this Makefile. Remember, this should
-not be changed when upgrading the port later.]
-# Whom: Satoshi Asami &lt;asami@FreeBSD.org&gt;
-# &dollar;FreeBSD&dollar;
-[ ^^^^^^^^^ This will be automatically replaced with RCS ID string by CVS
-when it is committed to our repository. If upgrading a port, do not alter
-this line back to "&dollar;FreeBSD&dollar;". CVS deals with it automatically.]
-[section to describe the port itself and the master site - PORTNAME
- and PORTVERSION are always first, followed by CATEGORIES,
- and then MASTER_SITES, which can be followed by MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR.
- PKGNAMEPREFIX and PKGNAMESUFFIX, if needed, will be after that.
- Then comes DISTNAME, EXTRACT_SUFX and/or DISTFILES, and then
- EXTRACT_ONLY, as necessary.]
-[do not forget the trailing slash ("/")!
- if you are not using MASTER_SITE_* macros]
-MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR= applications
-DISTNAME= xdvi-pl18
-[set this if the source is not in the standard ".tar.gz" form]
-[section for distributed patches -- can be empty]
-PATCH_SITES= ftp://ftp.sra.co.jp/pub/X11/japanese/
-PATCHFILES= xdvi-18.patch1.gz xdvi-18.patch2.gz
-[maintainer; *mandatory*! This is the person (preferably with commit
- privileges) whom a user can contact for questions and bug reports - this
- person should be the porter or someone who can forward questions to the
- original porter reasonably promptly. If you really do not want to have
- your address here, set it to "ports@FreeBSD.org".]
-MAINTAINER= asami@FreeBSD.org
-[dependencies -- can be empty]
-RUN_DEPENDS= gs:${PORTSDIR}/print/ghostscript
-LIB_DEPENDS= Xpm.5:${PORTSDIR}/graphics/xpm
-[this section is for other standard bsd.port.mk variables that do not
- belong to any of the above]
-[If it asks questions during configure, build, install...]
-[If it extracts to a directory other than ${DISTNAME}...]
-WRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}/xdvi-new
-[If the distributed patches were not made relative to ${WRKSRC}, you
- may need to tweak this]
-[If it requires a "configure" script generated by GNU autoconf to be run]
-[If it requires GNU make, not /usr/bin/make, to build...]
-[If it is an X application and requires "xmkmf -a" to be run...]
-[et cetera.]
-[non-standard variables to be used in the rules below]
-MY_FAVORITE_RESPONSE= "yeah, right"
-[then the special rules, in the order they are called]
- i go fetch something, yeah
- i need to do something after patch, great
- and then some more stuff before installing, wow
-[and then the epilogue]
-.include &lt;bsd.port.mk&gt;</programlisting>
- </chapter>
- <chapter id="porting-autoplist">
- <title>Automated package list creation</title>
- <para>First, make sure your port is almost complete, with only
- <filename>pkg-plist</filename> missing. Create an empty
- <filename>pkg-plist</filename>.</para>
- <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>touch pkg-plist</userinput></screen>
- <para>Next, create a new set of directories which your port can be
- installed, and install any dependencies.</para>
- <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>mtree -U -f /etc/mtree/BSD.local.dist -d -e -p /var/tmp/<replaceable>port-name</replaceable></userinput>
-&prompt.root; <userinput>make depends PREFIX=/var/tmp/<replaceable>port-name</replaceable></userinput></screen>
- <para>Store the directory structure in a new file.</para>
- <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>(cd /var/tmp/<replaceable>port-name</replaceable> && find * -type d) &gt; OLD-DIRS</userinput></screen>
- <para>If your port honors <makevar>PREFIX</makevar> (which it should)
- you can then install the port and create the package list.</para>
- <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>make install PREFIX=/var/tmp/<replaceable>port-name</replaceable></userinput>
-&prompt.root; <userinput>(cd /var/tmp/<replaceable>port-name</replaceable> && find * \! -type d) &gt; pkg-plist</userinput></screen>
- <para>You must also add any newly created directories to the packing
- list.</para>
- <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>(cd /var/tmp/<replaceable>port-name && find * -type d) | comm -13 OLD-DIRS - | sed -e 's#^#@dirrm #' &gt;&gt; pkg-plist</replaceable></userinput></screen>
- <para>Finally, you need to tidy up the packing list by hand; it isn't
- <emphasis>all</emphasis> automated. Manual pages should be listed in
- the port's <filename>Makefile</filename> under
- <makevar>MAN<replaceable>n</replaceable></makevar>, and not in the
- package list. User configuration files should be removed, or
- installed as
- <filename><replaceable>filename</replaceable>.sample</filename>.
- The <filename>info/dir</filename> file should not be listed
- and appropriate <filename>install-info</filename> lines should
- be added as noted in the <link linkend="porting-info">info
- files</link> section. Any
- libraries installed by the port should be listed as specified in the
- <link linkend="porting-shlibs">shared libraries</link> section.</para>
- </chapter>
- <chapter id="porting-pkgname">
- <title>Package Names</title>
- <para>The following are the conventions you should follow in naming your
- packages. This is to have our package directory easy to scan, as
- there are already lots and lots of packages and users are going to
- turn away if they hurt their eyes!</para>
- <para>The package name should look like
- <filename><replaceable><optional>language<optional>_region</optional></optional>-name<optional><optional>-</optional>compiled.specifics</optional>-version.numbers</replaceable></filename>.</para>
- <para>The package name is defined as
- Make sure to set the variables to conform to that format.</para>
- <orderedlist>
- <listitem>
- <para>FreeBSD strives to support the native language of its users.
- The <replaceable>language-</replaceable> part should be a two
- letter abbreviation of the natural language defined by ISO-639 if
- the port is specific to a certain language. Examples are
- <literal>ja</literal> for Japanese, <literal>ru</literal> for
- Russian, <literal>vi</literal> for Vietnamese,
- <literal>zh</literal> for Chinese, <literal>ko</literal> for
- Korean and <literal>de</literal> for German.</para>
- <para>If the port is specific to a certain region within the
- language area, add the two letter country code as well.
- Examples are <literal>en_US</literal> for US English and
- <literal>fr_CH</literal> for Swiss French.</para>
- <para>The <replaceable>language-</replaceable> part should
- be set in the <makevar>PKGNAMEPREFIX</makevar> variable.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>The first letter of <filename>name</filename> part
- should be lowercase. (The rest of the name can contain
- capital letters, so use your own discretion when you are
- converting a software name that has some capital letters in it.)
- There is a tradition of naming Perl 5 modules by
- prepending <literal>p5-</literal> and converting the double-colon
- separator to a hyphen; for example, the
- <literal>Data::Dumper</literal> module becomes
- <literal>p5-Data-Dumper</literal>. If the software in question
- has numbers, hyphens, or underscores in its name, you may include
- them as well (like <literal>kinput2</literal>).</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>If the port can be built with different <link
- linkend="porting-masterdir">hardcoded defaults</link> (usually
- part of the directory name in a family of ports), the
- <replaceable>-compiled.specifics</replaceable> part should state
- the compiled-in defaults (the hyphen is optional). Examples are
- papersize and font units.</para>
- <para>The <replaceable>compiled.specifics</replaceable> part
- should be set in the <makevar>PKGNAMESUFFIX</makevar>
- variable.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>The version string should follow a dash
- (<literal>-</literal>) and be a period-separated list of
- integers and single lowercase alphabetics. In particular,
- it is not permissible to have another dash inside the
- version string. The only exception is the string
- <literal>pl</literal> (meaning `patchlevel'), which can be
- used <emphasis>only</emphasis> when there are no major and
- minor version numbers in the software. If the software
- version has strings like "alpha", "beta", "rc", or "pre", take
- the first letter and put it immediately after a period.
- If the version string continues after those names, the
- numbers should follow the single alphabet without an extra
- period between them.</para>
- <para>The idea is to make it easier to sort ports by looking
- at the version string. In particular, make sure version
- number components are always delimited by a period, and
- if the date is part of the string, use the
- <literal><replaceable>yyyy</replaceable>.<replaceable>mm</replaceable>.<replaceable>dd</replaceable></literal>
- format, not
- <literal><replaceable>dd</replaceable>.<replaceable>mm</replaceable>.<replaceable>yyyy</replaceable></literal>
- or the non-Y2K compliant
- <literal><replaceable>yy</replaceable>.<replaceable>mm</replaceable>.<replaceable>dd</replaceable></literal>
- format.</para>
- </listitem>
- </orderedlist>
- <para>Here are some (real) examples on how to convert the name
- as called by the software authors to a suitable package
- name:</para>
- <informaltable frame="none">
- <tgroup cols="6">
- <thead>
- <row>
- <entry>Distribution Name</entry>
- <entry><makevar>PKGNAMEPREFIX</makevar></entry>
- <entry><makevar>PORTNAME</makevar></entry>
- <entry><makevar>PKGNAMESUFFIX</makevar></entry>
- <entry><makevar>PORTVERSION</makevar></entry>
- <entry>Reason</entry>
- </row>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <row>
- <entry>mule-2.2.2</entry>
- <entry>(empty)</entry>
- <entry>mule</entry>
- <entry>(empty)</entry>
- <entry>2.2.2</entry>
- <entry>No changes required</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>XFree86-3.3.6</entry>
- <entry>(empty)</entry>
- <entry>XFree86</entry>
- <entry>(empty)</entry>
- <entry>3.3.6</entry>
- <entry>No changes required</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>EmiClock-1.0.2</entry>
- <entry>(empty)</entry>
- <entry>emiclock</entry>
- <entry>(empty)</entry>
- <entry>1.0.2</entry>
- <entry>No uppercase names for single programs</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>rdist-1.3alpha</entry>
- <entry>(empty)</entry>
- <entry>rdist</entry>
- <entry>(empty)</entry>
- <entry>1.3.a</entry>
- <entry>No strings like <literal>alpha</literal>
- allowed</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>es-0.9-beta1</entry>
- <entry>(empty)</entry>
- <entry>es</entry>
- <entry>(empty)</entry>
- <entry>0.9.b1</entry>
- <entry>No strings like <literal>beta</literal>
- allowed</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>mailman-2.0rc3</entry>
- <entry>(empty)</entry>
- <entry>mailman</entry>
- <entry>(empty)</entry>
- <entry>2.0.r3</entry>
- <entry>No strings like <literal>rc</literal>
- allowed</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>v3.3beta021.src</entry>
- <entry>(empty)</entry>
- <entry>tiff</entry>
- <entry>(empty)</entry>
- <entry>3.3</entry>
- <entry>What the heck was that anyway?</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>tvtwm</entry>
- <entry>(empty)</entry>
- <entry>tvtwm</entry>
- <entry>(empty)</entry>
- <entry>pl11</entry>
- <entry>Version string always required</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>piewm</entry>
- <entry>(empty)</entry>
- <entry>piewm</entry>
- <entry>(empty)</entry>
- <entry>1.0</entry>
- <entry>Version string always required</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>xvgr-2.10pl1</entry>
- <entry>(empty)</entry>
- <entry>xvgr</entry>
- <entry>(empty)</entry>
- <entry>2.10.1</entry>
- <entry><literal>pl</literal> allowed only when no
- major/minor version numbers</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>gawk-2.15.6</entry>
- <entry>ja-</entry>
- <entry>gawk</entry>
- <entry>(empty)</entry>
- <entry>2.15.6</entry>
- <entry>Japanese language version</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>psutils-1.13</entry>
- <entry>(empty)</entry>
- <entry>psutils</entry>
- <entry>-letter</entry>
- <entry>1.13</entry>
- <entry>Papersize hardcoded at package build time</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>pkfonts</entry>
- <entry>(empty)</entry>
- <entry>pkfonts</entry>
- <entry>300</entry>
- <entry>1.0</entry>
- <entry>Package for 300dpi fonts</entry>
- </row>
- </tbody>
- </tgroup>
- </informaltable>
- <para>If there is absolutely no trace of version information in the
- original source and it is unlikely that the original author will ever
- release another version, just set the version string to
- <literal>1.0</literal> (like the piewm example above). Otherwise, ask
- the original author or use the date string
- (<literal><replaceable>yyyy</replaceable>.<replaceable>mm</replaceable>.<replaceable>dd</replaceable></literal>)
- as the version.</para>
- </chapter>
- <chapter id="porting-categories">
- <title>Categories</title>
- <para>As you already know, ports are classified in several categories.
- But for this to work, it is important that porters and users understand
- what each category is for and how we decide what to put in each
- category.</para>
- <sect1>
- <title>Current list of categories</title>
- <para>First, this is the current list of port categories. Those
- marked with an asterisk (<literal>*</literal>) are
- <emphasis>virtual</emphasis> categories&mdash;those that do not have
- a corresponding subdirectory in the ports tree.</para>
- <note>
- <para>For non-virtual categories, you will find a one-line
- description in the <filename>pkg/COMMENT</filename> file in that
- subdirectory (e.g.,
- <filename>archivers/pkg/COMMENT</filename>).</para>
- </note>
- <informaltable frame="none">
- <tgroup cols="2">
- <thead>
- <row>
- <entry>Category</entry>
- <entry>Description</entry>
- </row>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>afterstep*</filename></entry>
- <entry>Ports to support the AfterStep window manager.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>archivers</filename></entry>
- <entry>Archiving tools.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>astro</filename></entry>
- <entry>Astronomical ports.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>audio</filename></entry>
- <entry>Sound support.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>benchmarks</filename></entry>
- <entry>Benchmarking utilities.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>biology</filename></entry>
- <entry>Biology-related software.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>cad</filename></entry>
- <entry>Computer aided design tools.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>chinese</filename></entry>
- <entry>Chinese language support.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>comms</filename></entry>
- <entry>Communication software. Mostly software to talk to
- your serial port.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>converters</filename></entry>
- <entry>Character code converters.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>databases</filename></entry>
- <entry>Databases.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>deskutils</filename></entry>
- <entry>Things that used to be on the desktop before
- computers were invented.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>devel</filename></entry>
- <entry>Development utilities. Do not put libraries here just
- because they are libraries&mdash;unless they truly do not
- belong anywhere else, they should not be in this
- category.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>editors</filename></entry>
- <entry>General editors. Specialized editors go in the section
- for those tools (e.g., a mathematical-formula editor will go
- in <filename>math</filename>).</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>elisp*</filename></entry>
- <entry>Emacs-lisp ports.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>emulators</filename></entry>
- <entry>Emulators for other operating systems. Terminal
- emulators do <emphasis>not</emphasis> belong
- here&mdash;X-based ones should go to
- <filename>x11</filename> and text-based ones to either
- <filename>comms</filename> or <filename>misc</filename>,
- depending on the exact functionality.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>french</filename></entry>
- <entry>French language support.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>ftp</filename></entry>
- <entry>FTP client and server utilities. If your
- port speaks both FTP and HTTP, put it in
- <filename>ftp</filename> with a secondary
- category of <filename>www</filename>.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>games</filename></entry>
- <entry>Games.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>german</filename></entry>
- <entry>German language support.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>gnome*</filename></entry>
- <entry>Ports from the GNU Object Model Environment (GNOME)
- Project.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>graphics</filename></entry>
- <entry>Graphics utilities.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>hebrew</filename></entry>
- <entry>Hebrew language support.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>irc</filename></entry>
- <entry>Internet Relay Chat utilities.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>ipv6*</filename></entry>
- <entry>IPv6 related software.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>japanese</filename></entry>
- <entry>Japanese language support.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>java</filename></entry>
- <entry>Java language support.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>kde*</filename></entry>
- <entry>Ports from the K Desktop Environment (KDE)
- Project.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>korean</filename></entry>
- <entry>Korean language support.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>lang</filename></entry>
- <entry>Programming languages.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>linux*</filename></entry>
- <entry>Linux applications and support utilities.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>mail</filename></entry>
- <entry>Mail software.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>math</filename></entry>
- <entry>Numerical computation software and other utilities
- for mathematics.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>mbone</filename></entry>
- <entry>MBone applications.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>misc</filename></entry>
- <entry>Miscellaneous utilities&mdash;basically things that
- do not belong anywhere else. This is the only category
- that should not appear with any other non-virtual category.
- If you have <literal>misc</literal> with something else in
- your <makevar>CATEGORIES</makevar> line, that means you can
- safely delete <literal>misc</literal> and just put the port
- in that other subdirectory!</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>net</filename></entry>
- <entry>Miscellaneous networking software.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>news</filename></entry>
- <entry>USENET news software.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>offix*</filename></entry>
- <entry>Ports from the OffiX suite.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>palm</filename></entry>
- <entry>Software support for the 3Com Palm(tm) series.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>perl5*</filename></entry>
- <entry>Ports that require perl version 5 to run.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>plan9*</filename></entry>
- <entry>Various programs from Plan9.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>print</filename></entry>
- <entry>Printing software. Desktop publishing tools
- (previewers, etc.) belong here too.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>python*</filename></entry>
- <entry>Software written in python.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>ruby*</filename></entry>
- <entry>Software written in ruby.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>russian</filename></entry>
- <entry>Russian language support.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>science</filename></entry>
- <entry>Scientific ports that don't fit into other
- categories such as <filename>astro</filename>,
- <filename>biology</filename> and
- <filename>math</filename>.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>security</filename></entry>
- <entry>Security utilities.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>shells</filename></entry>
- <entry>Command line shells.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>sysutils</filename></entry>
- <entry>System utilities.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>tcl76*</filename></entry>
- <entry>Ports that use Tcl version 7.6 to run.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>tcl80*</filename></entry>
- <entry>Ports that use Tcl version 8.0 to run.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>tcl81*</filename></entry>
- <entry>Ports that use Tcl version 8.1 to run.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>tcl82*</filename></entry>
- <entry>Ports that use Tcl version 8.2 to run.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>textproc</filename></entry>
- <entry>Text processing utilities. It does not include
- desktop publishing tools, which go to print/.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>tk42*</filename></entry>
- <entry>Ports that use Tk version 4.2 to run.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>tk80*</filename></entry>
- <entry>Ports that use Tk version 8.0 to run.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>tk81*</filename></entry>
- <entry>Ports that use Tk version 8.1 to run.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>tk82*</filename></entry>
- <entry>Ports that use Tk version 8.2 to run.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>tkstep80*</filename></entry>
- <entry>Ports that use TkSTEP version 8.0 to run.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>ukrainian</filename></entry>
- <entry>Ukrainian language support.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>vietnamese</filename></entry>
- <entry>Vietnamese language support.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>windowmaker*</filename></entry>
- <entry>Ports to support the WindowMaker window
- manager</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>www</filename></entry>
- <entry>Software related to the World Wide Web. HTML language
- support belongs here too.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry>x11</entry>
- <entry>The X window system and friends. This category is only
- for software that directly supports the window system. Do not
- put regular X applications here. If your port is an X
- application, define <makevar>USE_XLIB</makevar> (implied by
- <makevar>USE_IMAKE</makevar>) and put it in the appropriate
- categories. Also, many of them go into other
- <filename>x11-*</filename> categories (see below).</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>x11-clocks</filename></entry>
- <entry>X11 clocks.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>x11-fm</filename></entry>
- <entry>X11 file managers.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>x11-fonts</filename></entry>
- <entry>X11 fonts and font utilities.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>x11-servers</filename></entry>
- <entry>X11 servers.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>x11-toolkits</filename></entry>
- <entry>X11 toolkits.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>x11-wm</filename></entry>
- <entry>X11 window managers.</entry>
- </row>
- <row>
- <entry><filename>zope*</filename></entry>
- <entry>Zope support.</entry>
- </row>
- </tbody>
- </tgroup>
- </informaltable>
- </sect1>
- <sect1>
- <title>Choosing the right category</title>
- <para>As many of the categories overlap, you often have to choose
- which of the categories should be the primary category of your port.
- There are several rules that govern this issue. Here is the list of
- priorities, in decreasing order of precedence.</para>
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem>
- <para>Language specific categories always come first. For
- example, if your port installs Japanese X11 fonts, then your
- <makevar>CATEGORIES</makevar> line would read <literal>japanese
- x11-fonts</literal>.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>Specific categories win over less-specific ones. For
- instance, an HTML editor should be listed as <literal>www
- editors</literal>, not the other way around. Also, you do not
- need to list <literal>net</literal> when the port belongs to
- any of <literal>irc</literal>, <literal>mail</literal>,
- <literal>mbone</literal>, <literal>news</literal>,
- <literal>security</literal>, or <literal>www</literal>.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para><literal>x11</literal> is used as a secondary category only
- when the primary category is a natural language. In particular,
- you should not put <literal>x11</literal> in the category line
- for X applications.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para><application>Emacs</application> modes should be
- placed in the same ports category as the application
- supported by the mode, not in
- <filename>editors</filename>. For example, an
- <application>Emacs</application> mode to edit source
- files of some programming language should go into
- <filename>lang</filename>.
- </para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>If your port truly does not belong anywhere else, put it in
- <literal>misc</literal>.</para>
- </listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- <para>If you are not sure about the category, please put a comment to
- that effect in your <command>send-pr</command> submission so we can
- discuss it before we import it. If you are a committer, send a note
- to the &a.ports; so we can discuss it first&mdash;too often new ports are
- imported to the wrong category only to be moved right away.</para>
- </sect1>
- </chapter>
- <chapter>
- <title>Changes to this document and the ports system</title>
- <para>If you maintain a lot of ports, you should consider following the
- &a.ports;. Important changes to the way ports work will be announced
- there. You can always find more detailed information on the latest
- changes by looking at <ulink
- url="http://www.FreeBSD.org/cgi/cvsweb.cgi/ports/Mk/bsd.port.mk"> the
- bsd.port.mk CVS log</ulink>.</para>
- </chapter>
- <chapter>
- <title>That is It, Folks!</title>
- <para>Boy, this sure was a long tutorial, wasn't it? Thanks for
- following us to here, really. Now that you know how to do a port,
- have at it and convert everything in the world into ports! That
- is the easiest way to start contributing to the FreeBSD Project!
- <!-- smiley --><emphasis>:-)</emphasis></para>
- </chapter>
- Local Variables:
- mode: sgml
- sgml-indent-data: t
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- End: