path: root/fr_FR.ISO8859-1/share/xml/press.xml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'fr_FR.ISO8859-1/share/xml/press.xml')
1 files changed, 3413 insertions, 0 deletions
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bdaf08fb05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fr_FR.ISO8859-1/share/xml/press.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,3413 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?>
+<!DOCTYPE press PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//DTD FreeBSD XML Database for Press//EN"
+ "http://www.FreeBSD.org/XML/www/share/xml/press.dtd">
+ News articles referenced in this file are also to be archived under
+ "freefall:/c/www/bsddocs/press/".
+ The FreeBSD French Documentation Project
+ Original revision: 0.0 (traduction incomplete depuis la version originale 1.117)
+ Version francaise : Stephane Legrand <stephane@freebsd-fr.org>
+ Version francaise (mise a jour) : Jihad Fallah <jifangers@yahoo.fr>
+ <cvs:keyword xmlns:cvs="http://www.FreeBSD.org/XML/CVS">
+ $FreeBSD$
+ </cvs:keyword>
+ <year>
+ <name>2004</name>
+ <month>
+ <name>Janvier</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>Poste de travail FreeBSD, 2ème partie : configuration initiale</name>
+ <url>http://www.ofb.biz/modules.php?name=News&amp;file=article&amp;sid=282</url>
+ <site-name>Open For Business</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.ofb.biz/</site-url>
+ <date>03 Janvier 2004</date>
+ <author>Ed Hurst</author>
+ <p>Il s'agit de la seconde partie d'une série d'articles d'introduction.
+ L'auteur explique comment mettre en place X et le serveur de courrier électronique postfix.</p>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ </year>
+ <year>
+ <name>2003</name>
+ <month>
+ <name>Décembre</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>Apple dévoile l'OS Panther</name>
+ <url>http://computerworld.com.my/pcwmy.nsf/unidlookup/3E918524EABCF22A48256E04001F413F?OpenDocument</url>
+ <site-name>ComputerWorld, Malaisie</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://computerworld.com.my/</site-url>
+ <date>31 Décembre 2003</date>
+ <author>Blake Hoo</author>
+ <p>Apple Computer a récemment annoncé la sortie de son
+ tant attendu Mac OS X 10.3 Panther, basé sur
+ FreeBSD 5.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Une année en revue : turbulences, difficultés et succès dans le marché des OS</name>
+ <url>http://www.computerworld.co.nz/news.nsf/PrintDoc/C20DECA717B0D5D5CC256DF1006B7A8E?OpenDocument&amp;pub=Computerworld</url>
+ <site-name>Computerworld</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.computerworld.co.nz/</site-url>
+ <date>30 Décembre 2003</date>
+ <author>Matthew Cooney</author>
+ <p>Une rétrospective de l'année 2003 sur plusieurs systèmes d'exploitation, parmi lesquels FreeBSD.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>eRacks annonce un portable Centrino(TM) pour
+ Linux/FreeBSD</name>
+ <url>http://www.e-consultancy.com/newsfeatures/153803/eracks-announces-linux-centrino-tm-laptop.html</url>
+ <site-name>e-consultancy</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.e-consultancy.com/</site-url>
+ <date>30 Décembre 2003</date>
+ <author>Communiqué de presse eRacks</author>
+ <p>eRacks Open Source Systems annonce un portable basé sur Centrino(TM)
+ qui supporte FreeBSD.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>L'anniversaire des 10 ans du système d'exploitation FreeBSD : Silicon Valley est vivant et vivace !</name>
+ <url>http://www.emediawire.com/releases/2003/12/emw93099.htm</url>
+ <site-name>eMediaWire</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.emediawire.com/</site-url>
+ <date>08 Décembre 2003</date>
+ <author>Matt Olander</author>
+ <p>Le communiqué de presse de offmyserver.com au sujet de la surprise-partie
+ célébrant l'anniversaire des 10 ans de FreeBSD.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Poste de travail FreeBSD : 1ère partie, l'installation</name>
+ <url>http://www.ofb.biz/modules.php?name=News&amp;file=article&amp;sid=272</url>
+ <site-name>Open For Business</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.ofb.biz/</site-url>
+ <date>02 Décembre 2003</date>
+ <author>Ed Hurst</author>
+ <p>Dans cette première partie d'une série d'articles d'introduction, l'auteur
+ montre comment utiliser le programme d'installation de FreeBSD.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Utiliser SNMP et RRDTool avec FreeBSD</name>
+ <url>http://silverwraith.com/papers/freebsd-snmp.php</url>
+ <site-name>Silverwraith.com</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://silverwraith.com/</site-url>
+ <date>Décembre 2003</date>
+ <author>Avleen Vig</author>
+ <p>Un guide pour générer les statistiques d'un serveur fonctionnant sous FreeBSD 4 et
+ 5.</p>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ <month>
+ <name>Novembre</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>Les 10 ans de FreeBSD : Succés de la surprise-partie</name>
+ <url>http://www.osnews.com/story.php?news_id=5224</url>
+ <site-name>OSNews</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.osnews.com</site-url>
+ <date>25 Novembre 2003</date>
+ <author>Eugenia Loli-Queru</author>
+ <p>Un rapide compte-rendu plus quelques photos de la soirée.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Interview : Greg Lehey du AUUG</name>
+ <url>http://www.linuxworld.com.au/pp.php?id=337297289&amp;fp=2&amp;fpid=1</url>
+ <site-name>linuxworld.com.au</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://linuxworld.com.au/</site-url>
+ <date>24 Novembre 2003</date>
+ <author>Howard Dahdah</author>
+ <p>Un entretien avec Greg Lehey, développeur FreeBSD.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>De Linux à FreeBSD : Une critique de FreeBSD</name>
+ <url>http://www.osnews.com/story.php?news_id=5106</url>
+ <site-name>OSNews</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.osnews.com</site-url>
+ <date>11 Novembre 2003</date>
+ <author>Gabe Yoder</author>
+ <p>L'auteur passe rapidement en revue FreeBSD 4.8 et le compare avec
+ GNU/Linux.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>L'impression pour les impatients</name>
+ <url>http://www.onlamp.com/lpt/a/4303</url>
+ <site-name>OnLamp.com</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.onlamp.com</site-url>
+ <date>06 Novembre 2003</date>
+ <author>Michael Lucas</author>
+ <p>L'auteur donne des détails quant à l'utilisation
+ de Apsfilter pour l'impression.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>La reflexion d'un utilisateur sur FreeBSD 4.9</name>
+ <url>http://www.osnews.com/story.php?news_id=5046</url>
+ <site-name>OSNews</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.osnews.com/</site-url>
+ <date>05 Novembre 2003</date>
+ <author>Corey Holcomb-Hockin</author>
+ <p>L'auteur examine FreeBSD 4.9, décrit comment le mettre à jour
+ pour corriger les problèmes de sécurité et intégrer les corrections de bugs et comment
+ compiler un noyau sur mesure.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Améliorer les mots de passe utilisateurs avec apg</name>
+ <url>http://www.onlamp.com/lpt/a/4298</url>
+ <site-name>OnLamp.com</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.onlamp.com/</site-url>
+ <date>01 Novembre 2003</date>
+ <author>Dru Lavigne</author>
+ <p>L'auteur explique comment améliorer sa gestion des mots de passe grâce
+ à des mots de passe générés automatiquement.</p>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ <month>
+ <name>Octobre</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>Entretien avec le programeur FreeBSD de jail</name>
+ <url>http://tech.jvds.com/modules.php?name=News&amp;file=print&amp;sid=6</url>
+ <site-name>JVDS</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://tech.jvds.com/</site-url>
+ <date>30 Octobre 2003</date>
+ <author>Tech JVDS</author>
+ <p>Pawel Jakub Dawidek, un des programmeurs des jails de FreeBSD, donne son point de vue
+ sur les jails.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>FreeBSD comble les lacunes avec la version 4.9</name>
+ <url>http://siliconvalley.internet.com/news/print.php/3101631</url>
+ <site-name>siliconvalley.internet.com</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://siliconvalley.internet.com/</site-url>
+ <date>30 Octobre 2003</date>
+ <author>Michael Singer</author>
+ <p>L'auteur donne un court aperçu de FreeBSD 4.9-RELEASE.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>FreeBSD 5.1</name>
+ <url>http://www.thejemreport.com/software/freebsd51.php</url>
+ <site-name>The Jem Report</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.thejemreport.com/</site-url>
+ <date>17 Octobre 2003</date>
+ <author>Jem Matzan</author>
+ <p>L'auteur examine FreeBSD 5.1-RELEASE et le compare avec GNU/Linux.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Un bébé dans les bois : Un utilisateur Linux migre vers FreeBSD</name>
+ <url>http://www.ofb.biz/modules.php?name=News&amp;file=print&amp;sid=267</url>
+ <site-name>Open For Business</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.ofb.biz/</site-url>
+ <date>09 Octobre 2003</date>
+ <author>Ed Hurst</author>
+ <p>L'auteur relate l'expérience de sa migration de Linux vers
+ FreeBSD.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Un système de mise à jour binaire automatisé pour la sécurité sous FreeBSD</name>
+ <url>http://www.daemonology.net/freebsd-update/</url>
+ <site-name>Daemonology.net</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.daemonology.net/</site-url>
+ <date>09 Octobre 2003</date>
+ <author>Colin Percival</author>
+ <p>Dans ce papier, l'auteur décrit un sytème automatisé pour compiler et
+ distribuer les mises à jour binaires liées à la sécurité sous FreeBSD.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Netcraft : BT l'hébergeur le plus fiable du mois de Septembre</name>
+ <url>http://thewhir.com/marketwatch/net100703.cfm</url>
+ <site-name>theWHIR</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://thewhir.com/</site-url>
+ <date>07 Octobre 2003</date>
+ <author>L'équipe web theWHIR</author>
+ <p>La dernière étude de Netcraft révèle que sept des treize entreprises d'hébergement
+ internet les plus fiables pour le mois de Septembre utilisent FreeBSD.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Utiliser les ACLs sous FreeBSD 5.X</name>
+ <url>http://ezine.daemonnews.org/200310/acl.html</url>
+ <site-name>DaemonNews</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.daemonnews.org/</site-url>
+ <date>06 Octobre 2003</date>
+ <author>Grzegorz Czaplinski</author>
+ <p>L'auteur explique comment créer et configurer les permissions d'accès uniques sur les
+ fichiers et les répertoires en utilisant les Listes de Contrôles d'Accès (ACLs).</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Monter son propre clone Segway FreeBSD</name>
+ <url>http://www.theinquirer.net/default.aspx?article=11891</url>
+ <site-name>The Inquirer</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.theinquirer.net</site-url>
+ <date>02 Octobre 2003</date>
+ <author>Adamson Rust</author>
+ <p>Trevor Blackwell a conçu son propre clone Segway sous FreeBSD.
+ A lire pour plus de détails.</p>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ <month>
+ <name>Septembre</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>Des ports propres et sur mesures</name>
+ <url>http://www.onlamp.com/lpt/a/4165</url>
+ <site-name>OnLamp.com</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.onlamp.com/</site-url>
+ <date>18 Septembre 2003</date>
+ <author>Dru Lavigne</author>
+ <p>L'auteur décrit comment "nettoyer" l'arborescence des ports
+ et comment adapter les options de compilation des ports
+ à l'aide des outils portupgrade.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>FreeBSD vs. Linux sur TechTV ! Le duel des OS sur OffMyServer</name>
+ <url>http://www.offmyserver.com/cgi-bin/store/news/techtv_090303.html</url>
+ <site-name>eMediaWire</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.emediawire.com/</site-url>
+ <date>05 Septembre 2003</date>
+ <author>Matt Olander</author>
+ <p>L'article montre comment, lors la dernière émission de TechTV "The Screen Savers show",
+ FreeBSD a progressé par rapport à Linux.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Les Jails de FreeBSD</name>
+ <url>http://www.onlamp.com/lpt/a/4139</url>
+ <site-name>OnLamp.com</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.onlamp.com/</site-url>
+ <date>04 Septembre 2003</date>
+ <author>Mike DeGraw-Bertsch</author>
+ <p>Cet article explique comment installer et configurer les
+ Jails sous FreeBSD.</p>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ <month>
+ <name>Août</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>Portupgrade</name>
+ <url>http://www.onlamp.com/lpt/a/4111</url>
+ <site-name>OnLamp.com</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.onlamp.com/</site-url>
+ <date>28 Août 2003</date>
+ <author>Dru Lavigne</author>
+ <p>L'auteur explique comment installer et utiliser portupgrage
+ pour mettre à jour les applications d'un système FreeBSD.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>FreeBSD et le JDK Java</name>
+ <url>http://siliconvalley.internet.com/news/article.php/3068481</url>
+ <site-name>siliconvalley.internet.com</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://siliconvalley.internet.com</site-url>
+ <date>26 Août 2003</date>
+ <author>Michael Singer</author>
+ <p>L'auteur discute des bénéfices qu'apporte le support natif de Java à FreeBSD.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Les Listes de Contrôle d'Accès de FreeBSD</name>
+ <url>http://www.onlamp.com/lpt/a/4053</url>
+ <site-name>OnLamp.com</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.onlamp.com/</site-url>
+ <date>14 Août 2003</date>
+ <author>Daniel Harris</author>
+ <p>L'auteur explique comment utiliser Les Listes de Contrôle d'Accès,
+ une des nouvelles fonctionnalités de FreeBSD 5.X.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Astuces pour les Ports</name>
+ <url>http://www.onlamp.com/lpt/a/4057</url>
+ <site-name>OnLamp.com</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.onlamp.com/</site-url>
+ <date>07 Août 2003</date>
+ <author>Dru Lavigne</author>
+ <p>Dans cette édition de FreeBSD Basics, Dru Lavigne expose
+ ses astuces favorites concernant les ports.</p>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ <month>
+ <name>Juillet</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>Comparaison de différents systèmes d'exploitation orientés serveur</name>
+ <url>http://www.thejemreport.com/articles/sco.htm</url>
+ <site-name>The Jem Report</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.thejemreport.com/</site-url>
+ <date>25 Juillet 2003</date>
+ <author>Jem Matzan</author>
+ <p>Une étude comparative de systèmes d'exploitation dans leur version serveur
+ qu'ils soient gratuits ou propriétaires. L'article recommande fortement la famille
+ des systèmes d'exploitation BSD au regard de leurs qualités.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Pourquoi les utilisateurs choisissent BSD plutôt que Linux ou des logiciels commerciaux</name>
+ <url>http://www.internetweek.com/story/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=12800936</url>
+ <site-name>Internet Week</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.internetweek.com/</site-url>
+ <date>18 Juillet 2003</date>
+ <author>Ean Kingston</author>
+ <p>L'auteur recommande FreeBSD, insistant sur sa licence,
+ sa simplicité, sa stabilité et la myriade d'applications
+ disponibles.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Près de 2 millions de sites internet utilisent FreeBSD</name>
+ <url>http://news.netcraft.com/archives/2003/07/12/nearly_2_million_active_sites_running_freebsd.html</url>
+ <site-name>Netcraft</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.netcraft.com/</site-url>
+ <date>12 Juillet 2003</date>
+ <author>Mike Prettejohn</author>
+ <p>Le nombre de sites utilisant FreeBSD s'accroit régulièrement. Netcraft
+ fournit les statistiques et en donne les raisons.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Selon Netcraft, les meilleurs hébergeurs internet utilisent FreeBSD</name>
+ <url>http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2003/07/10/1057783256883.html</url>
+ <site-name>The Age</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.theage.com.au/</site-url>
+ <date>10 Juillet 2003</date>
+ <author>les rédacteurs du site internet</author>
+ <p>Un rapport de Netcraft conclue que 5 des 10 meilleurs hébergeurs
+ dans le monde utilisent le système d'exploitation FreeBSD.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>FreeBSD 5.1 présente des nouvelles caractéristiques très pratiques</name>
+ <url>http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,3959,1185897,00.asp</url>
+ <site-name>EWeek</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.eweek.com/</site-url>
+ <date>07 Juillet 2003</date>
+ <author>Jason Brooks</author>
+ <p>Résumé des nouvelles caractéristiques de la branche 5.X, et notamment
+ le nouveau service de gestion "jail".</p>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ <month>
+ <name>Juin</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>Problèmes liés à l'installation de FreeBSD</name>
+ <url>http://www.informit.com/content/index.asp?product_id=%7B7309E848-0A1E-475A-A1CD-17B5462B1564%7D&amp;062903</url>
+ <site-name>InformIT.com</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.informit.com</site-url>
+ <date>27 Juin 2003</date>
+ <author>Brian Tiemann, Michael Urban</author>
+ <p>Un guide d'installation détaillé de FreeBSD.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Le temps des BSD est-il venu ?</name>
+ <url>http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,3959,1135078,00.asp</url>
+ <site-name>EWeek</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.eweek.com/</site-url>
+ <date>23 Juin 2003</date>
+ <author>Jim Rapoza</author>
+ <p>L'auteur recommande l'adoption de la famille des systèmes d'exploitation BSD
+ pour les projets de logiciels libres ayant trait aux technologies internet.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Les principales mesures de sécurité s'appliquant à FreeBSD</name>
+ <url>http://www.net-security.org/article.php?id=511</url>
+ <site-name>Net Security</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.net-security.org/</site-url>
+ <date>19 Juin 2003</date>
+ <author>Szekely Ervin</author>
+ <p>L'article décrit les principales mesures à prendre concernant
+ la sécurité des stations de travail sous FreeBSD 4.X.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Nouveau site de téléchargement pour FreeBSD</name>
+ <url>http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2003/06/19/1055828413910.html</url>
+ <site-name>The Age</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.theage.com.au/</site-url>
+ <date>18 Juin 2003</date>
+ <author>Les rédacteurs du site internet</author>
+ <p>Trois entreprises se rassemblent et montent un nouveau miroir
+ du site internet FreeBSD et des services CVSup.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>FreeBSD Foundation sort la version 5.1</name>
+ <url>http://www.internetnews.com/dev-news/article.php/2218991</url>
+ <site-name>Internetnews</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.internetnews.com/</site-url>
+ <date>09 Juin 2003</date>
+ <author>Thor Olavsrud</author>
+ <p>L'article rapporte brièvement la sortie de FreeBSD 5.1.</p>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ <month>
+ <name>Mai</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>Support de l'AMD64 pour bientôt</name>
+ <url>http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=9383</url>
+ <site-name>The Inquirer</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.theinquirer.net</site-url>
+ <date>8 Mai 2003</date>
+ <author>Arron Rouse</author>
+ <p>Un court article à propos du prochain support de la plate-forme
+ AMD64 dans FreeBSD 5.x.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Par-delà Linux</name>
+ <url>http://www.infoworld.com/article/03/05/23/21OPconnection_1.html</url>
+ <site-name>InfoWorld</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.infoworld.com</site-url>
+ <date>03 Mai 2003</date>
+ <author>Chad Dickerson</author>
+ <p>L'auteur recommande FreeBSD, faisant les louanges de sa pile TCP/IP et
+ de sa licence libérale.</p>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ <month>
+ <name>Avril</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>Zoom sur FreeBSD : entretien avec l'équipe principale</name>
+ <url>http://www.osnews.com/story.php?news_id=3415</url>
+ <site-name>OS News</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.osnews.com/</site-url>
+ <date>28 Avril 2003</date>
+ <author>Eugenia Loli-Queru</author>
+ <p>OS News donne une interview approfondie de Wes Peters,
+ Greg Lehey et Warner M. Losh de l'équipe principale de FreeBSD
+ ainsi que de Scott Long, développeur. L'article aborde notamment le support de Java,
+ la compétition avec Linux et la branche 5.x de FreeBSD.</p>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ <month>
+ <name>Mars</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>FreeBSD sur TechTV</name>
+ <url>http://www.offmyserver.com/cgi-bin/oms/news/techtv_031403.html</url>
+ <site-name>offmyserver.com</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.techtv.com/</site-url>
+ <date>14 Mars 2003</date>
+ <author>Communiqué de presse de Offmyserver</author>
+ <p>Murray Stokely, membre de l'équipe principale de FreeBSD, a fait une apparition sur TechTV
+ avec Matt Olander de Offmyserver pour parler de FreeBSD et
+ réaliser une installation en direct à la télévision. Le communiqué
+ de presse inclue un lien vers un flux RealVideo de cette émission.</p>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ <month>
+ <name>Février</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>FreeBSD 5.0 et les entreprises</name>
+ <url>http://linuxworld.com.au/news.php3?nid=2187&amp;tid=1</url>
+ <site-name>linuxworld.com.au</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://linuxworld.com.au/</site-url>
+ <date>04 Février 2003</date>
+ <author>Howard Dahdah</author>
+ <p>Linuxworld détaille les possibilités de FreeBSD 5.0 en tant
+ que système d'exploitation d'entreprise et donne l'interview de Scott Long,
+ développeur FreeBSD.</p>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ <month>
+ <name>Janvier</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>Petites choses diverses</name>
+ <url>http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2003/01/23/FreeBSD_Basics.html</url>
+ <site-name>OnLamp.com</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.onlamp.com/</site-url>
+ <date>23 Janvier 2003</date>
+ <author>Dru Lavigne</author>
+ <p>Article de Dru Lavigne sur les façons les plus simples pour un nouvel utilisateur de se familiariser avec FreeBSD.
+ </p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>FreeBSD 5.0 déchaîné</name>
+ <url>http://www.internetnews.com/dev-news/article.php/1571431</url>
+ <site-name>InternetNews</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.internetnews.com/</site-url>
+ <date>17 Janvier 2003</date>
+ <author>Michael Singer</author>
+ <p>Internetnews.com détaille FreeBSD 5.0 et donne l'interview
+ de Murray Stokely, un membre de l'équipe technique en charge des nouvelles versions de FreeBSD.</p>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ </year>
+ <year>
+ <name>2002</name>
+ <month>
+ <name>Octobre</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>"Opera Software" sort une version pour FreeBSD</name>
+ <url>http://www.opera.com/pressreleases/en/2002/10/31/b/</url>
+ <site-name>Opera Software</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.opera.com/</site-url>
+ <date>31 Octobre 2002</date>
+ <author>Communiqué de presse de "Opera Software"</author>
+ <p>"Opera Software" a le plaisir d'annoncer la première version "officielle"
+ du port FreeBSD de son logiciel.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Lecture de DVD sous FreeBSD</name>
+ <url>http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2002/10/03/FreeBSD_Basics.html</url>
+ <site-name>OnLamp.com</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.onlamp.com/</site-url>
+ <date>03 Octobre 2002</date>
+ <author>Dru Lavigne</author>
+ <p>Dru Lavigne se plonge dans le monde de la lecture des DVD sous FreeBSD.</p>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ <month>
+ <name>Septembre</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>Les BSDs : sophistiqués, puissants et (le plus souvent)
+ gratuits</name>
+ <url>http://www.extremetech.com/article2/0,3973,555451,00.asp</url>
+ <site-name>Extreme Tech</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.extremetech.com/</site-url>
+ <date>26 Septembre 2002</date>
+ <author>Brett Glass</author>
+ <p>Un article sur l'historique et la culture des projets BSD.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Utilisation du son sous FreeBSD</name>
+ <url>http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2002/09/19/FreeBSD_Basics.html</url>
+ <site-name>OnLamp.com</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.onlamp.com/</site-url>
+ <date>19 Septembre 2002</date>
+ <author>Dru Lavigne</author>
+ <p>Dru Lavigne décrit le processus de configuration du son sur un
+ poste de travail multimédia FreeBSD.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>BSD, un OS pour l'entreprise ? Et bien, oui</name>
+ <url>http://www.itworld.com/nl/unix_insider/09172002/</url>
+ <site-name>ITworld.com</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.itworld.com/</site-url>
+ <date>17 Septembre 2002</date>
+ <author>UNIX dans l'entreprise</author>
+ <p>Un court entretien avec Michael Lucas (un participant actif de FreeBSD) sur l'utilisation des BSD en entreprise.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Transformer FreeBSD en station multimédia</name>
+ <url>http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2002/09/05/FreeBSD_Basics.html</url>
+ <site-name>OnLamp.com</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.onlamp.com/</site-url>
+ <date>05 Septembre 2002</date>
+ <author>Dru Lavigne</author>
+ <p>Dru Lavigne explique comment créer un poste de travail multimédia avec FreeBSD.</p>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ <month>
+ <name>Août</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>A la poursuite de Linux</name>
+ <url>http://www.infoworld.com/articles/fe/xml/02/08/12/020812fefreebsd.xml</url>
+ <site-name>InfoWorld</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.infoworld.com/</site-url>
+ <date>09 Août 2002</date>
+ <author>Maggie Biggs</author>
+ <p>Maggie Biggs s'intéresse au futur FreeBSD 5.0 et
+ découvre que ce système d'exploitation open-source s'est considérablement amélioré
+ en ce qui concerne les outils et applications disponibles ainsi que sur la
+ sécurité.</p>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ <month>
+ <name>Juin</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>Interview avec Jordan Hubbard</name>
+ <url>http://kerneltrap.org/node.php?id=278</url>
+ <site-name>Kerneltrap</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://kerneltrap.org/</site-url>
+ <date>20 Juin 2002</date>
+ <author>Jeremy Andrews</author>
+ <p>Kerneltrap s'entretient avec Jordan Hubbard, un des créateurs
+ de FreeBSD, et actuellement directeur du projet Darwin de Apple.</p>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ <month>
+ <name>Mai</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>Multi-Boot FreeBSD et FreeBSD</name>
+ <url>http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2002/05/09/Big_Scary_Daemons.html</url>
+ <site-name>OnLamp.com</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.onlamp.com/</site-url>
+ <date>16 Mai 2002</date>
+ <author>Michael Lucas</author>
+ <p>Michael Lucas décrit comment une machine peut être configurée en multi-boot avec
+ FreeBSD -CURRENT et -STABLE.</p>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ <month>
+ <name>Avril</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>Jordan Hubbard quitte l'équipe dirigeante de FreeBSD</name>
+ <url>http://daily.daemonnews.org/view_story.php3?story_id=2837</url>
+ <site-name>Daemon News</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.daemonnews.org/</site-url>
+ <date>29 Avril 2002</date>
+ <author>Gregory Sutter</author>
+ <p>Jordan Hubbard, co-fondateur de FreeBSD, quitte l'équipe dirigeante.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Technologie à la Carte</name>
+ <url>http://www.byte.com/documents/s=7145/byt1019082849618/</url>
+ <site-name>Byte</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.byte.com/</site-url>
+ <date>22 Avril 2002</date>
+ <author>Bill Nicholls</author>
+ <p>Un article sur FreeBSD 4.5 avec mention de la &quot;pré-version
+ développeurs&quot; de FreeBSD 5.0.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Tester FreeBSD-Current</name>
+ <url>http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2002/04/18/Big_Scary_Daemons.html</url>
+ <site-name>OnLamp.com</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.onlamp.com/</site-url>
+ <date>18 Avril 2002</date>
+ <author>Michael Lucas</author>
+ <p>Le committer Michael Lucas donne un aperçu de la première pré-version
+ destinée aux développeurs de FreeBSD 5.0.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Connexion IPv6 avec FreeBSD</name>
+ <url>http://www.linuxorbit.com/modules.php?op=modload&amp;name=Sections&amp;file=index&amp;req=viewarticle&amp;artid=524</url>
+ <site-name>Linux Orbit</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.linuxorbit.com/</site-url>
+ <date>18 Avril 2002</date>
+ <author>David LeCount</author>
+ <p>Comment utiliser freenet6 de la collection des ports pour réaliser un tunnel IPv6 sous IPv4.
+ </p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Paniques système, deuxième partie : Réparation et Déboguage</name>
+ <url>http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2002/04/04/Big_Scary_Daemons.html</url>
+ <site-name>OnLamp.com</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.onlamp.com/</site-url>
+ <date>04 Avril 2002</date>
+ <author>Michael Lucas</author>
+ <p>Michael Lucas décrit quoi faire lorsqu'une panique système
+ survient. C'est la seconde partie de l'article; <a
+ href="http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2002/03/21/Big_Scary_Daemons.html">
+ la partie 1</a> décrivait comment préparer un système FreeBSD à gérer les
+ paniques.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Configurer un point d'accès FreeBSD pour votre réseau sans fil</name>
+ <url>http://www.samag.com/documents/s=7121/sam0205a/sam0205a.htm</url>
+ <site-name>Sys Admin Magazine</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.samag.com/</site-url>
+ <date>Avril 2002</date>
+ <author>Michael S. DeGraw-Bertsch</author>
+ <p>Des instructions pour configurer de manière sécurisée un PC sous FreeBSD en tant que passerelle
+ entre un réseau 802.11b et un réseau cablé traditionnel.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Défaillance d'une campagne anti-Unix</name>
+ <url>http://www.infoworld.com/articles/hn/xml/02/04/01/020401hnunixcamp.xml</url>
+ <site-name>InfoWorld</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.infoworld.com/</site-url>
+ <date>01 Avril 2002</date>
+ <author>Matt Berger</author>
+ <p>Reportages de InfoWorld sur l'utilisation de FreeBSD pour un serveur web créé
+ à l'occasion d'une campagne publicitaire "remarquable".</p>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ <month>
+ <name>Mars</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>Un guide multimédia pour FreeBSD</name>
+ <url>http://www.examnotes.net/forums/default.php?ind=122</url>
+ <site-name>ExamNotes.net</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.examnotes.net/</site-url>
+ <date>30 Mars 2002</date>
+ <author>Tracey J. Rosenblath</author>
+ <p>Comment configurer et utiliser le support audio sous FreeBSD.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Paniques système, première partie : Se préparer pour le pire</name>
+ <url>http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2002/03/21/Big_Scary_Daemons.html</url>
+ <site-name>OnLamp.com</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.onlamp.com/</site-url>
+ <date>21 Mars 2002</date>
+ <author>Michael Lucas</author>
+ <p>Préparer un système FreeBSD à gérer une panique système.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Comprendre CVSup, le montage des périphériques, les ports et le système d'initialisations sous
+ FreeBSD</name>
+ <url>http://www.osnews.com/story.php?news_id=818</url>
+ <site-name>OS News</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.osnews.com/</site-url>
+ <date>19 Mars 2002</date>
+ <author>Nathan Mace</author>
+ <p>Un article pour configurer et maintenir une installation
+ FreeBSD.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Vous voulez une alternative à Windows ? Essayez BSD</name>
+ <url>http://zdnet.com.com/2100-1107-863169.html</url>
+ <site-name>ZDNet</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.zdnet.com/</site-url>
+ <date>19 Mars 2002</date>
+ <author>Stephan Somogyi</author>
+ <p>Une introduction non-technique à la famille BSD (excepté BSD/OS).</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Find : seconde partie</name>
+ <url>http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2002/03/14/FreeBSD_Basics.html</url>
+ <site-name>OnLamp.com</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.onlamp.com/</site-url>
+ <date>14 Mars 2002</date>
+ <author>Dru Lavigne</author>
+ <p>A la recherche de vos fichiers avec la commande <tt>find</tt>.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Construire un firewall sur CD Bootable</name>
+ <url>http://www.bsdtoday.com/2002/March/Features646.html</url>
+ <site-name>BSD Today</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.bsdtoday.com/</site-url>
+ <date>08 Mars 2002</date>
+ <author>Etienne de Bruin</author>
+ <p>Des instructions pour construire un système FreeBSD qui
+ démarre depuis un CD-ROM. Son utilisation en tant que firewall est mentionné.</p>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ <month>
+ <name>Février</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>IPv6 rencontre FreeBSD</name>
+ <url>http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2002/02/22/ipv6.html</url>
+ <site-name>OnLamp.com</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.onlamp.com/</site-url>
+ <date>22 Février 2002</date>
+ <author>Mike DeGraw-Bertsch</author>
+ <p>Un aperçu de la configuration IPv6 sous FreeBSD.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Retrouver les choses sous Unix</name>
+ <url>http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2002/02/21/FreeBSD_Basics.html</url>
+ <site-name>OnLamp.com</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.onlamp.com/</site-url>
+ <date>21 Février 2002</date>
+ <author>Dru Lavigne</author>
+ <p>S'initier à la commande <tt>find</tt>.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Comprendre NFS</name>
+ <url>http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2002/02/14/Big_Scary_Daemons.html</url>
+ <site-name>OnLamp.com</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.onlamp.com/</site-url>
+ <date>14 Février 2002</date>
+ <author>Michael Lucas</author>
+ <p>Utiliser NFS sous FreeBSD.</p>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ <month>
+ <name>Janvier</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>Comment devenir un membre actif ("committer") de FreeBSD</name>
+ <url>http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2002/01/31/Big_Scary_Daemons.html</url>
+ <site-name>OnLamp.com</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.onlamp.com/</site-url>
+ <date>31 Janvier 2002</date>
+ <author>Michael Lucas</author>
+ <p>Michael détaille le processus pour devenir un committer FreeBSD.</p>
+ </story>
+<!-- A TRADUIRE -->
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+<!-- ** ** -->
+ <story>
+ <name>FreeBSD Week: Migrating from Linux to FreeBSD</name>
+ <url>http://www.osnews.com/story.php?news_id=580</url>
+ <site-name>OS News</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.osnews.com/</site-url>
+ <date>31 January 2002</date>
+ <author>Nathan Mace</author>
+ <p>A guide for users migrating from Linux to FreeBSD.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>FreeBSD Week: Interview with Robert Watson</name>
+ <url>http://www.osnews.com/story.php?news_id=572</url>
+ <site-name>OS News</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.osnews.com/</site-url>
+ <date>29 January 2002</date>
+ <author>Eugenia Loli-Queru</author>
+ <p>An interview with Robert Watson, member of FreeBSD's core
+ and security on the upcoming FreeBSD 4.5 and FreeBSD 5.0
+ releases.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>American Megatrends Inc. Releases Latest Version of StorTrends NAS Software</name>
+ <url>http://biz.yahoo.com/bw/020123/232287_1.html</url>
+ <site-name>Yahoo! Finance</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://biz.yahoo.com/</site-url>
+ <date>23 January 2002</date>
+ <author>AMI Press Release</author>
+ <p><a href="http://www.ami.com/">American Megatrends</a> Inc. announced the release of
+ StoreTrends(tm) NAS software version 1.1, which is based on
+ FreeBSD.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Contributing to BSD</name>
+ <url>http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2002/01/17/Big_Scary_Daemons.html</url>
+ <site-name>OnLamp.com</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.onlamp.com/</site-url>
+ <date>17 January 2002</date>
+ <author>Michael Lucas</author>
+ <p>Michael Lucas shows what it takes for non-coders to contribute to
+ BSD.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>A basic guide to securing FreeBSD 4.x-STABLE</name>
+ <url>http://draenor.org/securebsd/secure.txt</url>
+ <site-name>draenor.org</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://draenor.org/</site-url>
+ <date>17 January 2002</date>
+ <author>Marc Silver</author>
+ <p>This article is for system administrators. It explains
+ how to configure and maintain a FreeBSD system for high
+ security.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>FreeBSD to change hands</name>
+ <url>http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/cn/20020114/tc/freebsd_to_change_hands_1.html</url>
+ <site-name>Yahoo News</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://dailynews.yahoo.com/</site-url>
+ <date>14 January 2002</date>
+ <author>Stephen Shankland CNET</author>
+ <p><a href="http://www.windriver.com/">Wind River Systems</a>
+ announces the transfer of its FreeBSD assets to the
+ <a href="http://www.freebsdmall.com/">FreeBSD Mall</a>.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Kerneltrap Interview with Matt Dillon</name>
+ <url>http://kerneltrap.com/article.php?sid=459</url>
+ <site-name>Kerneltrap</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://kerneltrap.com/</site-url>
+ <date>02 January 2002</date>
+ <author>Jeremy Andrews</author>
+ <p>Kerneltrap interviews Matt Dillon, one of FreeBSD's key
+ developers.</p>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ </year>
+ <year>
+ <name>2001</name>
+ <month>
+ <name>December</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>Microsoft Hotmail still runs on U**x</name>
+ <url>http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/28/23348.html</url>
+ <site-name>The Register</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.theregister.co.uk/</site-url>
+ <date>12 December 2001</date>
+ <author>Andrew Orlowski</author>
+ <p>Nearly four years after it was acquired by Microsoft,
+ and in spite of a well-publicized effort to migrate it to
+ Windows and IIS, <a href="http://hotmail.com/">Hotmail</a>
+ is still partly based on FreeBSD and Apache.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Keeping Your Options Open: FreeBSD as a Workstation for UNIX Newbies</name>
+ <url>http://www.osnews.com/printer.php?news_id=392</url>
+ <site-name>OS News</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.osnews.com/</site-url>
+ <date>12 December 2001</date>
+ <author>Eugenia Loli-Queru</author>
+ <p>An article discussing FreeBSD as an workstation OS for new Unix users.</p>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ <month>
+ <name>November</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>Cleaning Up Ports</name>
+ <url>http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2001/11/29/Big_Scary_Daemons.html</url>
+ <site-name>OnLamp</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.onlamp.com/</site-url>
+ <date>29 November 2001</date>
+ <author>Michael Lucas</author>
+ <p>A brief introduction to <tt>portupgrade</tt>.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Stable SMB</name>
+ <url>http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2001/11/15/Big_Scary_Daemons.html</url>
+ <site-name>OnLamp</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.onlamp.com/</site-url>
+ <date>15 November 2001</date>
+ <author>Michael Lucas</author>
+ <p>A short article on accessing a Windows(R) share from a
+ FreeBSD workstation.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>FreeBSD Versus Linux Revisited</name>
+ <url>http://www.byte.com/documents/s=1794/byt20011107s0001/1112_moshe.html</url>
+ <site-name>Byte</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.byte.com/</site-url>
+ <date>12 November 2001</date>
+ <author>Moshe Bar</author>
+ <p>Byte's Moshe Bar does a comparison, through informal
+ benchmarks, of FreeBSD 4.3 to Linux 2.4.10 running
+ sendmail, procmail, MySQL, and Apache. The emphasis of
+ the article is examination of the newly rewritten VM
+ system in Linux, so the tests are conducted with only
+ 512 MB of RAM.
+ </p>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ <month>
+ <name>October</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>The Big *BSD Interview</name>
+ <url>http://www.osnews.com/printer.php?news_id=153</url>
+ <site-name>OS News</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.osnews.com/</site-url>
+ <date>08 October 2001</date>
+ <author>Eugenia Loli-Queru</author>
+ <p>An interview with Matt Dillon, a key developer in
+ FreeBSD on the upcoming features in FreeBSD 5.0.</p>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ <month>
+ <name>September</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>Running Windows applications on FreeBSD</name>
+ <url>http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2001/09/21/FreeBSD_Basics.html</url>
+ <site-name>OnLamp</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.onlamp.com/</site-url>
+ <date>21 September 2001</date>
+ <author>Dru Lavigne</author>
+ <p>A short article on running Windows(R) applications under WINE
+ in FreeBSD.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Dealing with Full Disks</name>
+ <url>http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2001/09/27/Big_Scary_Daemons.html</url>
+ <site-name>OnLamp</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.onlamp.com/</site-url>
+ <date>27 September 2001</date>
+ <author>Michael Lucas</author>
+ <p>A short article on dealing with the all too common full
+ disk.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Ripping MP3s</name>
+ <url>http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2001/09/13/Big_Scary_Daemons.html</url>
+ <site-name>OnLamp</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.onlamp.com/</site-url>
+ <date>13 September 2001</date>
+ <author>Michael Lucas</author>
+ <p>A short article on ripping CDs on FreeBSD.</p>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ <month>
+ <name>August</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>FreeBSD Anti-Virus Protection - A Commercial Alternative</name>
+ <url>http://bsdatwork.com/reviews.php?op=showcontent&amp;id=1</url>
+ <site-name>BSDatwork.com</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.bsdatwork.com/</site-url>
+ <date>21 August 2001</date>
+ <author>Jeremiah Gowdy</author>
+ <p>This is a review of Kaspersky Anti-Virus for FreeBSD, a product which
+ can protect a network of Microsoft Windows hosts by scanning e-mail and
+ SMB file shares.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>CVS Mirror</name>
+ <url>http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2001/08/30/Big_Scary_Daemons.html</url>
+ <site-name>Onlamp</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.onlamp.com/</site-url>
+ <date>30 August 2001</date>
+ <author>Michael Lucas</author>
+ <p>How to mirror the FreeBSD CVS repository.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>CVSup Infrastructure</name>
+ <url>http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2001/08/16/Big_Scary_Daemons.html</url>
+ <site-name>OnLamp.com</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.onlamp.com/</site-url>
+ <date>16 August 2001</date>
+ <author>Michael Lucas</author>
+ <p>An article on FreeBSD's CVSup infrastructure used to distribute
+ its source code worldwide.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>An Interview with Jordan Hubbard</name>
+ <url>http://www.workingmac.com/article/32.wm</url>
+ <site-name>Working Mac</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.workingmac.com/</site-url>
+ <date>16 August 2001</date>
+ <author>pairNetworks</author>
+ <p>An short interview with Jordan Hubbard, one of the founders of the
+ FreeBSD project.</p>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ <month>
+ <name>July</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>Controlling Bandwidth</name>
+ <url>http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2001/07/26/Big_Scary_Daemons.html
+ </url>
+ <site-name>OnLamp</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.onlamp.com/</site-url>
+ <date>26 July 2001</date>
+ <author>Michael Lucas</author>
+ <p>Using <tt>DUMMYNET</tt> to control bandwidth allocation</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Which OS is Fastest for High-Performance Network
+ Applications?</name>
+ <url>http://www.samag.com/documents/s=1148/sam0107a/0107a.htm</url>
+ <site-name>Sys Admin</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.samag.com</site-url>
+ <date>July 2001</date>
+ <author>Jeffrey B. Rothman and John Buckman</author>
+ <p>Linux, Solaris, FreeBSD and Windows 2000 are benchmarked
+ for network applications. This article has a <a
+ href="http://www.samag.com/documents/s=1147/sam0108q/0108q.htm">
+ sequel</a> where the tests were redone after tuning
+ FreeBSD.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>NAI Labs Announces DARPA-Funded FreeBSD Security
+ Initiative</name>
+ <url>http://opensource.nailabs.com/news/20010709-cboss.html</url>
+ <site-name>NAI Labs</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.nailabs.com/</site-url>
+ <author>NAI Labs Press Release</author>
+ <p>NAI Labs, a division of Network Associates, Inc., announced a $1.2
+ million contract awarded by the U.S. Navy's Space and Warfare Systems
+ Command to develop security extensions to the Open Source FreeBSD
+ operating system.</p>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ <month>
+ <name>June</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>Controlling User Logins</name>
+ <url>http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2001/06/28/Big_Scary_Daemons.html</url>
+ <site-name>OnLamp.com</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.onlamp.com/</site-url>
+ <date>28 June 2001</date>
+ <author>Michael Lucas</author>
+ <p>An article describing the ways to control user access to your
+ FreeBSD system.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Rotating Log Files</name>
+ <url>http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2001/06/14/Big_Scary_Daemons.html</url>
+ <site-name>OnLamp.com</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.onlamp.com/</site-url>
+ <date>14 June 2001</date>
+ <author>Michael Lucas</author>
+ <p>Using the functionality of <tt>newsyslog</tt> in FreeBSD.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Microsoft's FreeBSD Move Aimed At Next Generation Of
+ Developers</name>
+ <url>http://www.crn.com/sections/BreakingNews/breakingnews.asp?ArticleID=27727</url>
+ <site-name>CRN</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.crn.com/</site-url>
+ <date>27 June 2001</date>
+ <author>Paula Rooney</author>
+ <p>A report on Microsoft's venture to port its C# programming language
+ to FreeBSD.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>BSD guru to guide Apple on Unix</name>
+ <url>http://www.macworld.co.uk/news/main_news.cfm?NewsID=3092</url>
+ <site-name>Mac World</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.macworld.co.uk/</site-url>
+ <date>26 June 2001</date>
+ <author>Macworld (UK) staff</author>
+ <p>Apple (<a href="http://www.apple.com/">http://www.apple.com/</a>)
+ has recruited FreeBSD founder Jordan Hubbard to its team, in a bid
+ to steer its Mac OS X BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution)
+ efforts.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Microsoft Uses Open-Source Code Despite Denying Use of Such
+ Software</name>
+ <site-name>Wall Street Journal</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.wsj.com/</site-url>
+ <date>18 June 2001</date>
+ <author>Lee Gomes</author>
+ <p>An article which states that open-source software connected with
+ the FreeBSD operating system is used in several places deep inside
+ several versions of Microsoft's Windows software, and on numerous
+ server computers that manage major functions at Microsoft's free
+ e-mail service, <a href="http://www.hotmail.com/">Hotmail</a>.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>In your face! MS open source attacks backfire</name>
+ <url>http://zdnet.com.com/2100-11-530056.html</url>
+ <site-name>ZDNet</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.zdnet.com/</site-url>
+ <date>14 June 2001</date>
+ <author>Lee Gomes</author>
+ <p>A report on the backfiring of the Microsoft effort to vilify
+ open source software.</p>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ <month>
+ <name>May</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>System Logging</name>
+ <url>http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2001/05/17/Big_Scary_Daemons.html</url>
+ <site-name>OnLamp.com</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.onlamp.com/</site-url>
+ <date>17 May 2001</date>
+ <author>Michael Lucas</author>
+ <p>System logging in FreeBSD using <tt>syslogd</tt>.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>BSD Tricks: CVS</name>
+ <url>http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2001/05/03/Big_Scary_Daemons.html</url>
+ <site-name>OnLamp.com</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.onlamp.com/</site-url>
+ <date>03 May 2001</date>
+ <author>Michael Lucas</author>
+ <p>Using CVS in client-mode.</p>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ <month>
+ <name>April</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>Setting up Wireless Cards on FreeBSD</name>
+ <url>http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2001/04/19/Big_Scary_Daemons.html</url>
+ <site-name>OnLamp.com</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.onlamp.com/</site-url>
+ <date>19 April 2001</date>
+ <author>Michael Lucas</author>
+ <p>Configuring FreeBSD for wireless operation.</p>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ <month>
+ <name>March</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>FreeBSD Gaming</name>
+ <url>http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2001/03/22/Big_Scary_Daemons.html</url>
+ <site-name>OnLamp.com</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.onlamp.com/</site-url>
+ <date>22 March 2001</date>
+ <author>Michael Lucas</author>
+ <p>A survey of the games available in the FreeBSD ports
+ collection.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Submitting Changes</name>
+ <url>http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2001/03/08/Big_Scary_Daemons.html</url>
+ <site-name>OnLamp.com</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.onlamp.com/</site-url>
+ <date>08 March 2001</date>
+ <author>Michael Lucas</author>
+ <p>Submitting change requests to the FreeBSD project using
+ <tt>send-pr</tt>.</p>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ <month>
+ <name>February</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>Changing FreeBSD Documentation</name>
+ <url>http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2001/02/22/Big_Scary_Daemons.html</url>
+ <site-name>OnLamp.com</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.onlamp.com/</site-url>
+ <date>22 February 2001</date>
+ <author>Michael Lucas</author>
+ <p>A mini tutorial on DocBook and its use by the FreeBSD
+ Documentation Project.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>The FreeBSD Documentation Project</name>
+ <url>http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2001/02/08/Big_Scary_Daemons.html</url>
+ <site-name>OnLamp.com</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.onlamp.com/</site-url>
+ <date>08 February 2001</date>
+ <author>Michael Lucas</author>
+ <p>An introduction to the FreeBSD project.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>For Servers: Linux 2.4 vs. FreeBSD 4.1.1</name>
+ <url>http://www.byte.com/documents/s=558/BYT20010130S0010/</url>
+ <site-name>Byte</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.byte.com/</site-url>
+ <date>05 February 2001</date>
+ <author>Moshe Bar</author>
+ <p>BYTE's Linux guru finds himself wondering why he isn't running
+ FreeBSD --- a comparision (with informal benchmarks) of FreeBSD
+ 4.1.1 and a Linux based distribution running the v2.4.0 Linux
+ kernel.</p>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ <month>
+ <name>January</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>Modifying a Port</name>
+ <url>http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2001/01/25/Big_Scary_Daemons.html</url>
+ <site-name>OnLamp.com</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.onlamp.com/</site-url>
+ <date>25 January 2001</date>
+ <author>Michael Lucas</author>
+ <p>Howto modify a FreeBSD port.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Fine Control of Ports</name>
+ <url>http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2001/01/04/Big_Scary_Daemons.html</url>
+ <site-name>OnLamp.com</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.onlamp.com/</site-url>
+ <date>04 January 2001</date>
+ <author>Michael Lucas</author>
+ <p>A system administrator's view of the Ports system.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Is FreeBSD a Superior Server Platform to Linux?</name>
+ <url>http://www.webtechniques.com/archives/2001/01/infrrevu/</url>
+ <site-name>Web Techniques</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.webtechniques.com/</site-url>
+ <date>January 2001</date>
+ <author>Nathan Boeger</author>
+ <p>A reviewer finds FreeBSD 4.1 to be better suited for web
+ serving than a Red Hat Linux distribution.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>A Roundtable on BSD, Security, and Quality</name>
+ <url>http://www.ddj.com/documents/s=865/ddj0165a/</url>
+ <site-name>Dr Dobbs Journal</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.ddj.com/</site-url>
+ <date>January 2001</date>
+ <author>Jack J. Woehr</author>
+ <p>A report from a roundtable at the recent USENIX Security
+ Symposium 2000, involving several prominent developers in the
+ BSD world.</p>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ </year>
+ <year>
+ <name>2000</name>
+ <month>
+ <name>December</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>BSD Ports Collection Basics</name>
+ <url>http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2000/12/21/Big_Scary_Daemons.html</url>
+ <site-name>OnLamp.com</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.onlamp.com/</site-url>
+ <date>21 December 2000</date>
+ <author>Michael Lucas</author>
+ <p>How the FreeBSD Ports collection works.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>BSD Tricks: Unprepared Disaster Recovery</name>
+ <url>http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2000/12/07/Big_Scary_Daemons.html</url>
+ <site-name>OnLamp.com</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.onlamp.com/</site-url>
+ <date>07 December 2000</date>
+ <author>Michael Lucas</author>
+ <p>How to recover files off of FreeBSD system.</p>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ <month>
+ <name>November</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>Open-sourcing the Apple</name>
+ <url>http://www.salon.com/tech/review/2000/11/17/hubbard_osx/index.html</url>
+ <site-name>Salon Magazine</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.salon.com/</site-url>
+ <date>17 November 2000</date>
+ <author>Jordan Hubbard</author>
+ <p>A geek's appraisal of the Apple OS X from Jordan Hubbard, one
+ of the lead developers on the FreeBSD project.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>BSD Tricks: Linux Compatibility, the Hard Way</name>
+ <url>http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2000/11/16/Big_Scary_Daemons.html</url>
+ <site-name>OnLamp.com</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.onlamp.com/</site-url>
+ <date>16 November 2000</date>
+ <author>Michael Lucas</author>
+ <p>Using a Linux install under FreeBSD's Linux compatibility mode.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Laptops, PC Cards and FreeBSD</name>
+ <url>http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2000/11/02/Big_Scary_Daemons.html</url>
+ <site-name>OnLamp.com</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.onlamp.com/</site-url>
+ <date>02 November 2000</date>
+ <author>Michael Lucas</author>
+ <p>Using FreeBSD on a laptop.</p>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ <month>
+ <name>October</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>BSD Tricks: Introductory Revision Control</name>
+ <url>http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2000/10/19/Big_Scary_Daemons.html</url>
+ <site-name>OnLamp.com</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.onlamp.com/</site-url>
+ <date>19 October 2000</date>
+ <author>Michael Lucas</author>
+ <p>Using RCS for file revision control.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>BSD OSs Offer Unix Alternatives to Linux</name>
+ <url>http://www.byte.com/documents/BYT20000927S0001/</url>
+ <site-name>BYTE</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.byte.com/</site-url>
+ <date>02 October 2000</date>
+ <author>Bill Nicholls</author>
+ <p>This column gives an overview of the different versions of BSD,
+ with links for more information.</p>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ <month>
+ <name>September</name>
+ <story>
+ RECORD</name>
+ <url>http://www.terasolutions.com/pr092900.html</url>
+ <site-name>TeraSolutions</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.terasolutions.com/</site-url>
+ <date>29 September 2000</date>
+ <author>TeraSolutions Press Release</author>
+ <p>TeraSolutions, Inc. and Lightning Internet Services announce that
+ the OpenSource archive at <a href="ftp://ftp.freesoftware.com/">
+ ftp.freesoftware.com</a> has surpassed the download milestone of
+ two trillion bytes per day from a single server machine.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>BSD Tricks: MFS</name>
+ <url>http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2000/09/07/Big_Scary_Daemons.html</url>
+ <site-name>OnLamp.com</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.onlamp.com/</site-url>
+ <date>07 September 2000</date>
+ <author>Michael Lucas</author>
+ <p>A short article on using the FreeBSD Memory Filesystem.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>TRUSTING BSD - Ultra-High Security for FreeBSD</name>
+ <url>http://www.ispworld.com/bw/sep/Unix_Flavor.htm</url>
+ <site-name>ISPworld</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.ispworld.com/</site-url>
+ <date>September 2000</date>
+ <author>Jeffrey Carl</author>
+ <p>An interview with Robert Watson, one of the lead developers in the
+ <a href="http://www.trustedbsd.org/">TrustedBSD</a> project.</p>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ <month>
+ <name>August</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>More FreeBSD Comics</name>
+ <url>http://ars.userfriendly.org/cartoons/?id=20000807&amp;mode=classic</url>
+ <site-name>User Friendly the Comic Strip</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.userfriendly.org/</site-url>
+ <date>07 August 2000</date>
+ <author>Illiad</author>
+ <p>See also the comics for the
+ <a href="http://ars.userfriendly.org/cartoons/?id=20000808&amp;mode=classic">8th</a>,
+ <a href="http://ars.userfriendly.org/cartoons/?id=20000809&amp;mode=classic">9th</a>,
+ <a href="http://ars.userfriendly.org/cartoons/?id=20000810&amp;mode=classic">10th</a>,
+ <a href="http://ars.userfriendly.org/cartoons/?id=20000811&amp;mode=classic">11th</a>,
+ and <a href="http://ars.userfriendly.org/cartoons/?id=20000812&amp;mode=classic">12th</a>.</p>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ <month>
+ <name>July</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>Experiments in SMB</name>
+ <url>http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2000/07/13/Big_Scary_Daemons.html</url>
+ <site-name>OnLamp.com</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.onlamp.com/</site-url>
+ <date>13 July 2000</date>
+ <author>Michael Lucas</author>
+ <p>An early review of FreeBSD's SMB support.</p>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ <month>
+ <name>June</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>Installing OCSweb on FreeBSD</name>
+ <url>http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2000/06/15/Big_Scary_Daemons.html</url>
+ <site-name>OnLamp.com</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.onlamp.com/</site-url>
+ <date>15 June 2000</date>
+ <author>Michael Lucas</author>
+ <p>An article on a developers experience porting software from
+ Linux to FreeBSD.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>The State of the Daemon</name>
+ <url>http://www.unixreview.com/documents/s=1247/urm0006c/</url>
+ <site-name>Unix Review</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.unixreview.com/</site-url>
+ <date>07 June 2000</date>
+ <author>Michael Lucas</author>
+ <p>An informative article on BSD, and where it is going.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Server Goliaths Turn to Appliance Servers</name>
+ <url>http://sw.expert.com/news/SE.N1.JUN.00.pdf</url>
+ <site-name>Server/Workstation Expert</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://sw.expert.com/</site-url>
+ <date>June 2000</date>
+ <author>Adam Darby</author>
+ <p>An article evaluating various commercial OSes that contains a
+ blurb about BSDI and FreeBSD.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>FreeBSD: Serving the World</name>
+ <url>http://www.osopinion.com/Opinions/JamesHoward/JamesHoward1.html</url>
+ <site-name>osOpinion</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.osopinion.com/</site-url>
+ <date>June 2000</date>
+ <author>James Howard</author>
+ <p>With the recent hype surrounding open source software, an
+ important project has gone unnoticed in the media. This project,
+ FreeBSD, aims to create a rock-solid UNIX clone based on the 4BSD
+ work from the University of California at Berkeley.</p>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ <month>
+ <name>May</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>Riding the Web Wave</name>
+ <url>http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2000/05/29/BU20648.DTL</url>
+ <site-name>SFGate</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.sfgate.com/</site-url>
+ <date>29 May 2000</date>
+ <author>Henry Norr</author>
+ <p>FreeBSD, a relatively unknown operating system is playing a big
+ role on the Internet.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>BSD Unix: Power to the people, from the code</name>
+ <url>http://www.salon.com/tech/fsp/2000/05/16/chapter_2_part_one/index.html</url>
+ <site-name>Salon</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.salon.com/</site-url>
+ <date>16 May 2000</date>
+ <author>Andrew Leonard</author>
+ <p>How Berkeley hackers built the Net's most fabled free operating
+ system on the ashes of the '60s---and then lost the lead to
+ Linux.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Install FreeBSD 4.0 in seven easy steps</name>
+ <url>http://www.techrepublic.com/article.jhtml?id=r00220000516eje01.htm</url>
+ <site-name>TechRepublic</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.techrepublic.com/</site-url>
+ <date>16 May 2000</date>
+ <author>Dru Lavigne</author>
+ <p>A short guide to installing FreeBSD 4.0.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Partial Reunification May Give BSD New Visibility</name>
+ <url>http://www.computerworld.com/home/print.nsf/all/000508DC8A</url>
+ <site-name>ComputerWorld</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.computerworld.com/</site-url>
+ <date>08 May 2000</date>
+ <author>Dominique Deckmyn</author>
+ <p>Compares the merged Walnut Creek/BSDI OS offering to Linux.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Developers using open-source software behind bosses'
+ backs</name>
+ <url>http://www.cnn.com/2000/TECH/computing/05/05/open.source.smugglers.idg/index.html</url>
+ <site-name>CNN</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.cnn.com/</site-url>
+ <date>05 May 2000</date>
+ <author>Peter Wayner</author>
+ <p>Open-source software sometimes provides a better solution than
+ expensive commerical, closed software.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>FreeBSD 4.0 Now Includes PolyServe's High Availability
+ Clustering &amp; Load Balancing Software</name>
+ <url>http://biz.yahoo.com/bw/000501/ca_polyser_1.html</url>
+ <site-name>PolyServe</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.polyserve.com/</site-url>
+ <date>01 May 2000</date>
+ <author>PolyServe Press Release</author>
+ <p>PolyServe, a provider of software-based, distributed server
+ clustering technology, announced co-marketing agreement with FreeBSD,
+ Inc. to ship PolyServe's Understudy (TM) software program with all
+ new versions of FreeBSD 4.0 operating system software.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>BSDI Getting the Word Out</name>
+ <url>http://webserver.expert.com/news/5.5/n5.shtml</url>
+ <site-name>WebServer Online</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://webserver.expert.com/</site-url>
+ <date>May 2000</date>
+ <author>Alexandra Barrett</author>
+ <p>Talks of the lack of awareness in the market of the strengths of
+ the BSD operating system and of the plans afoot to change this.</p>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ <month>
+ <name>April</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>The New BSDI to Offer Technical Support for the FreeBSD
+ Operating System</name>
+ <url>http://www.bsdi.com/press/20000418.mhtml</url>
+ <site-name>BSDi</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.bsdi.com/</site-url>
+ <date>18 April 2000</date>
+ <author>BSDi Press Release</author>
+ <p>BSDi will be offering technical support contracts for FreeBSD
+ beginning in May 2000.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Commentary: BSD sleight of hand</name>
+ <url>http://www.zdnet.com/zdnn/stories/news/0,4586,2507538,00.html</url>
+ <site-name>ZD Net News</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.zdnet.com/</site-url>
+ <date>04 April 2000</date>
+ <author>Stephan Somogyi</author>
+ <p>Commentary on the BSDI/FreeBSD merger.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>FreeBSD 3.4 Review, Part 2: Adopting the Daemon</name>
+ <url>http://www.32bitsonline.com/article.php3?file=issues/200004/freebsd2e&amp;page=1</url>
+ <site-name>32BitsOnline.com</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.32bitsonline.com/</site-url>
+ <date>April 2000</date>
+ <author>Clifford Smith</author>
+ <p>The second part of a review of FreeBSD v3.4.</p>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ <month>
+ <name>March</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>The legend of BSD</name>
+ <url>http://www.sfbg.com/SFLife/34/26/tech.html</url>
+ <site-name>sf life</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.sfbg.com/</site-url>
+ <date>29 March 2000</date>
+ <author>Annalee Newitz</author>
+ <p>An interview with three BSD veterans on the past and future of
+ BSD.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Bostic on the BSD tradition</name>
+ <url>http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/bsd/2000/03/24/bostic.html</url>
+ <site-name>O'Reilly Network</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.oreillynet.com/</site-url>
+ <date>24 March 2000</date>
+ <author>Dale Dougherty</author>
+ <p>An interview with BSD veteran Keith Bostic on the BSDI/FreeBSD
+ merger. ``BSD has always had the best technology'', says Keith.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Customizing the FreeBSD Kernel</name>
+ <url>http://www.linuxworld.com/linuxworld/lw-2000-03/lw-03-freebsd_p.html</url>
+ <site-name>LinuxWorld</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.linuxworld.com/</site-url>
+ <date>March 2000</date>
+ <author>Michael Lucas</author>
+ <p>Michael Lucas presents a guide to customizing the FreeBSD kernel,
+ written for the Linux oriented.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>FreeBSD for the SVR4/Linux Administrator</name>
+ <url>http://www.samag.com/archive/0903/feature.shtml</url>
+ <site-name>SysAdmin</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.samag.com/</site-url>
+ <date>March 2000</date>
+ <author>Michael Lucas</author>
+ <p>This article attempts to give a System V or Linux administrator
+ a basic grounding in FreeBSD configuration and usage.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>FreeBSD Ports and Packages System Explained</name>
+ <url>http://www.32bitsonline.com/article.php3?file=issues/200003/bsdports&amp;page=1</url>
+ <site-name>32BitsOnline</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.32bitsonline.com/</site-url>
+ <date>March 2000</date>
+ <author>Bill Swingle</author>
+ <p>A good description of the FreeBSD Ports collection.</p>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ <month>
+ <name>February</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>Business Lessons From Online Porn</name>
+ <url>http://www.upside.com/texis/mvm/print-it?id=38adbbff0&amp;t=/texis/mvm/news/news</url>
+ <site-name>Upside</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.upside.com/</site-url>
+ <date>21 February 2000</date>
+ <author>Richard A. Glidewell</author>
+ <p>Praise for FreeBSD from this article: ``FreeBSD is the system of
+ choice because it is fast, stable, and can handle large volumes of
+ traffic.''</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Crazed Ferrets in a Berkeley Shower</name>
+ <url>http://www.linux.com/articles.phtml?aid=7125</url>
+ <site-name>Linux.com</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.linux.com/</site-url>
+ <date>10 February 2000</date>
+ <author>Michael Lucas</author>
+ <p>An article on the BSD License.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Three Unixlike systems may be better than Linux</name>
+ <url>http://www.computerworld.com/cwi/story/0,1199,NAV47_STO41147,00.html</url>
+ <site-name>ComputerWorld</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.computerworld.com/</site-url>
+ <date>07 February 2000</date>
+ <author>Simson L. Garfinkel</author>
+ <p>Promotes the BSD OSes as better alternatives to Linux
+ in the areas of performance, reliability and security.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Buddying up to BSD: Part Five - FreeBSD Continued</name>
+ <url>http://www.linux.com/featured_articles/20000208/275/</url>
+ <site-name>Linux.com</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.linux.com/</site-url>
+ <date>08 February 2000</date>
+ <author>Matt Michie</author>
+ <p>A Linux user writes about his experiences with the FreeBSD ports
+ system.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Review of FreeBSD 3.4</name>
+ <url>http://www.32bitsonline.com/article.php3?file=issues/200002/fbsd34&amp;page=1</url>
+ <site-name>32BitsOnline.com</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.32bitsonline.com/</site-url>
+ <date>February 2000</date>
+ <author>Clifford Smith</author>
+ <p>A review of FreeBSD 3.4.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>FreeBSD 4.0 And Beyond</name>
+ <url>http://www.boardwatch.com/mag/2000/feb/bwm79.html</url>
+ <site-name>Boardwatch</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.boardwatch.com/</site-url>
+ <date>February 2000</date>
+ <author>Jeffrey Carl</author>
+ <p>A Jordan Hubbard Interview on Improvements, New Platforms and
+ What's to Come.</p>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ <month>
+ <name>January</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>Buddying up to BSD: Part Four - FreeBSD</name>
+ <url>http://www.linux.com/featured_articles/20000126/270/</url>
+ <site-name>Linux.com</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.linux.com/</site-url>
+ <date>26 January 2000</date>
+ <author>Matt Michie</author>
+ <p>A Linux user writes about his experiences with FreeBSD.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Debunking Open-Source Myths: Origins and Players</name>
+ <url>http://www.gartnerweb.com/public/static/hotc/hc00085832.html</url>
+ <site-name>Gartner Group</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.gartnerweb.com/</site-url>
+ <date>18 January 2000</date>
+ <author>N. Drakos and M. Driver</author>
+ <p>A report that looks at and debunks some of the myths associated with
+ Open Source development.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Linux Scales Enterprise Wall</name>
+ <url>http://www.techweb.com/wire/story/TWB20000114S0013</url>
+ <site-name>TechWeb</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.techweb.com/</site-url>
+ <date>14 January 2000</date>
+ <author>Mitch Wagner</author>
+ <p>About 17 percent of enterprises plan to deploy FreeBSD or Linux
+ as a primary platform for e-commerce within two years.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Jobs announces new MacOS, becomes 'iCEO'</name>
+ <url>http://cnn.com/2000/TECH/computing/01/05/macworld.keynote/index.html</url>
+ <site-name>CNN</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://cnn.com/</site-url>
+ <date>05 January 2000</date>
+ <author>CNN news article</author>
+ <p>Steve Jobs' Macworld Expo keynote speech mentions FreeBSD as one of
+ the components in the new Darwin OS from Apple.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Mac OS X</name>
+ <url>http://www.apple.com/macosx/inside.html</url>
+ <site-name>Apple Inc.</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.apple.com/</site-url>
+ <date>January 2000</date>
+ <author>Apple communication</author>
+ <p>In an article on the next generation Darwin OS, Apple Inc., refers
+ to FreeBSD as one of the ``most acclaimed OS projects of the modern
+ era.''</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Linux under FreeBSD</name>
+ <url>http://www.samag.com/documents/s=1169/sam0001b/</url>
+ <site-name>SysAdmin</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.samag.com/</site-url>
+ <date>January 2000</date>
+ <author>Michael Lucas</author>
+ <p>FreeBSD has several options for using software from other platforms
+ such as Linux. This article examines Linux emulation under
+ FreeBSD.</p>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ </year>
+ <year>
+ <name>1999</name>
+ <month>
+ <name>December</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>Freei.Net Doubles Service Speed With Intel(R) Server
+ Platforms</name>
+ <url>http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/991215/wa_freei_d_1.html</url>
+ <site-name>Freei.Net</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.freei.net</site-url>
+ <date>15 December 1999</date>
+ <author>Freei.Net Press Release</author>
+ <p>Freei.Net is purchasing hundreds of Intel's LB440GX 2U Rack Server
+ Platforms as the Internet service provider continues to experience
+ explosive growth in its subscriber base. ``The LB440GX flawlessly
+ supports our FreeBSD operating system,'' said Steve Bourg,
+ Freei.Net's Chief Technical Officer.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>FreeBSD 3.3. Robust OS well suited for Internet/Intranet
+ Deployment</name>
+ <url>http://www.data.com/features/1206a.html</url>
+ <site-name>Data Communications Online</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.data.com/</site-url>
+ <date>December 1999</date>
+ <author>Juha Saarinen</author>
+ <p>Linux administrator turns to FreeBSD and finds it impressive.</p>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ <month>
+ <name>November</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>FreeBSD at COMDEX</name>
+ <url>http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=99/11/21/1430208&amp;mode=nocomment</url>
+ <site-name>Slashdot</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://slashdot.org/</site-url>
+ <date>21 November 1999</date>
+ <author>Brett Glass</author>
+ <p>Brett Glass sent this message
+ to the FreeBSD -chat mailing list, about his experiences and
+ perceptions at COMDEX. Of particular interest are the problems he
+ had trying to get vendors to support the BSDs and Linux.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Who controls free software?</name>
+ <url>http://www.salon.com/tech/feature/1999/11/18/red_hat/index.html</url>
+ <site-name>Salon Magazine</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.salon.com/</site-url>
+ <date>18 November 1999</date>
+ <author>Andrew Leonard</author>
+ <p>Discusses <a href="http://www.redhat.com/">RedHat</a>'s acquisition
+ of <a href="http://www.cygnus.com/">Cygnus</a>, quotes
+ <a href="mailto:jkh@FreeBSD.org">Jordan Hubbard</a> at length, and
+ mentions FreeBSD.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>The Darwinist: Darwin for x86?</name>
+ <url>http://macweek.zdnet.com/1999/11/14/darwinist.html</url>
+ <site-name>MacWeek</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://macweek.zdnet.com/</site-url>
+ <date>15 November 1999</date>
+ <author>Stephan Somogyi</author>
+ <p>A report on Wilfredo Sanchez's session on FreeBSD and the Apple
+ Darwin project at the first FreeBSDCon.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Bob Frankenberg's breaking Windows</name>
+ <url>http://cbs.marketwatch.com/archive/19991108/news/current/soapbox.htx?source=blq/yhoo&amp;dist=yhoo</url>
+ <site-name>CBS MarketWatch</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://cbs.marketwatch.com/</site-url>
+ <date>08 November 1999</date>
+ <author>Michael Tarsala</author>
+ <p>In an interview with CBS MarketWatch, Bob Frankenberg, ex-CEO of
+ <a href="http://www.novell.com/">Novell</a>, praises
+ FreeBSD for doing ``an exceptionally good job''. FreeBSD is
+ used in his current company,
+ <a href="http://www.encanto.com/">Encanto</a>.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Applix and Walnut Creek Partner to Provide Applixware Office for
+ the FreeBSD Operating System</name>
+ <url>http://www.applix.com/releases/99-11-03_applixware_office_for_freebsd_os.cfm</url>
+ <site-name>Applix Inc.</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.applix.com/</site-url>
+ <date>03 November 1999</date>
+ <author>Applix Inc. press release</author>
+ <p>Walnut Creek will distribute Applixware Office v4.4.2 in their
+ FreeBSD 3.3 Power Desktop product. In addition, Walnut Creek will
+ bundle <a href="http://www.applixware.org/">Applix'SHELF</a>, a
+ visual open-source application development toolset and runtime
+ environment with FreeBSD.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>LinuxWorld report on FreeBSDCon 99</name>
+ <url>http://www.linuxworld.com/linuxworld/lw-1999-10/lw-10-bsd_p.html</url>
+ <site-name>LinuxWorld</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.linuxworld.com/</site-url>
+ <date>01 November 1999</date>
+ <author>Vicki Brown</author>
+ <p>October 17, 1999 marked a milestone in the history of FreeBSD -- the
+ first FreeBSD conference was held in the city where it all began.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>FreeBSDCon'99: Fans of Linux's lesser-known sibling gather for
+ the first time</name>
+ <url>http://cnn.com/TECH/computing/9911/01/freebsd.con99.idg/index.html</url>
+ <site-name>CNN</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://cnn.com/</site-url>
+ <date>01 November 1999</date>
+ <author>Vicki Brown</author>
+ <p>Repost of IDG article about FreeBSDCon '99.</p>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ <month>
+ <name>October</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>ServerWatch's Review of FreeBSD</name>
+ <url>http://serverwatch.internet.com/reviews/platform-freebsd.html</url>
+ <site-name>ServerWatch</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://serverwatch.internet.com/</site-url>
+ <date>25 October 1999</date>
+ <author>Kevin Reichard</author>
+ <p>FreeBSD v3.2 is as close to the perfect Internet server operating
+ system as it comes.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Grass Roots Daemocracy</name>
+ <url>http://www.upside.com/texis/mvm/story?id=380d3cf90&amp;src=yahoo</url>
+ <site-name>Upside</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.upside.com/</site-url>
+ <date>20 October 1999</date>
+ <author>Sam Williams</author>
+ <p>A report from the first annual FreeBSDCon held in Berkeley,
+ California.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ QUICKTIME</name>
+ <url>http://www.entera.com/news/pressreleases/1004elsabsd.html</url>
+ <site-name>Entera</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.entera.com/</site-url>
+ <date>04 October 1999</date>
+ <author>Entera Press Release</author>
+ <p>Entera announces a <a href="http://www.streamingserver.org/">free,
+ standards-based RTSP/RTP server</a> to stream QuickTime from a
+ FreeBSD platform.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Open Source Software Development as a Special Type of Academic
+ Research</name>
+ <url>http://www.firstmonday.dk/issues/issue4_10/bezroukov/index.html</url>
+ <site-name>First Monday</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.firstmonday.dk/</site-url>
+ <date>October 1999</date>
+ <author>Nikolai Bezroukov</author>
+ <p>This paper tries to explore links between open source software
+ development and academic research as a better paradigm for OSS
+ development.</p>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ <month>
+ <name>September</name>
+ <story>
+ <name></name>
+ <url></url>
+ <site-name>The Boston Globe</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.boston.com/</site-url>
+ <date>16 September 1999</date>
+ <p>Claims that the operating systems based on BSD are more reliable
+ and secure. <i>(requires registration with The Boston Globe prior to
+ viewing)</i></p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Beyond Linux, Free Systems Help Build The Web</name>
+ <url>http://dowjones.wsj.com/n/SB936961814325017645-d-main-c1.html</url>
+ <site-name>Wall Street Journal</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://dowjones.wsj.com/</site-url>
+ <date>10 September 1999</date>
+ <author>Lee Gomes</author>
+ <p>An introduction to the BSD family of free operating systems.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Maintaining Patch Levels with Open Source BSDs</name>
+ <url>http://www.samag.com/archive/0809/feature.shtml</url>
+ <site-name>SysAdmin</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.samag.com/</site-url>
+ <date>September 1999</date>
+ <author>Michael Lucas</author>
+ <p>Focusses on the BSD development model and the ease of keeping
+ upto-date with tools like sup and CVSup.</p>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ <month>
+ <name>August</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>Out of Linux limelight, devil gets its due</name>
+ <url>http://web.boston.com/technology/packages/opensource/linux_limelight.shtml</url>
+ <site-name>Boston Globe</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://web.boston.com/</site-url>
+ <date>12 August 1999</date>
+ <author>Hiawatha Bray</author>
+ <p>A short (but not very accurate) introduction to FreeBSD for people
+ who have heard about Linux.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Reporter's notebook: Hackers on holiday</name>
+ <url>http://www.cnn.com/TECH/computing/9908/11/hacker.hols.idg/index.html</url>
+ <site-name>CNN</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.cnn.com/</site-url>
+ <date>11 August 1999</date>
+ <author>Ann Harrison</author>
+ <p>CNN reports that the winner during the &quot;Linux Death
+ Match&quot; at the Chaos Computer Camp in Germany used FreeBSD tools
+ to win out over Linux attackers. More details are available at
+ <a href="http://www.42.org/~sec/Berichte/199908Camp/index.en.html#match">http://www.42.org/~sec/Berichte/199908Camp/index.en.html#match</a>.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>More FreeBSD Comics</name>
+ <url>http://www.userfriendly.org/cartoons/archives/99aug/19990803.html</url>
+ <site-name>User Friendly the
+ Comic Strip</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.userfriendly.org/</site-url>
+ <date>03 August 1999</date>
+ <author>Illiad</author>
+ <p>See also the comics for the
+ <a href="http://www.userfriendly.org/cartoons/archives/99aug/19990804.html">
+ 4th</a> and the
+ <a href="http://www.userfriendly.org/cartoons/archives/99aug/19990805.html">
+ 5th</a>.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>World's Biggest Internet Search Engine Goes Online</name>
+ <url>http://www.fast.no/company/press/twbs02081999.html</url>
+ <site-name>Fast Search &amp; Transfer</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://web.fast.no/</site-url>
+ <date>02 August 1999</date>
+ <author>FAST Press Release</author>
+ <p>Said to be the largest search engine on the Internet,
+ <a href="http://www.alltheweb.com/">FAST Web Search</a>
+ <a href="http://www-new.fast.no/faq/faqfastwebsearch.html#Hardware">
+ uses the FreeBSD operating system</a>.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Duke Computer Scientists Exceed &quot;Gigabit&quot; Data
+ Processing Speeds With Internet Software</name>
+ <url>http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/1999/08/990802072727.htm</url>
+ <site-name>Science Daily Magazine</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.sciencedaily.com/</site-url>
+ <date>02 August 1999</date>
+ <author>Duke University press release</author>
+ <p>Using FreeBSD, Duke University computer science researchers have
+ developed a system for communication at speeds higher than one
+ billion bits per second in a local area network of personal
+ computers. More details can be found at the
+ <a href="http://www.cs.duke.edu/ari/trapeze">Trapeze project</a> web
+ site.</p>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ <month>
+ <name>July</name>
+ <story>
+ <url>http://www.pair.com/pair/press/19990727.html</url>
+ <site-name>Pair Networks</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.pair.com/</site-url>
+ <date>27 July 1999</date>
+ <author>pair Networks press release</author>
+ <p>pair Networks, Inc., the World's largest independently owned and
+ operated paid hosting service, today announced that it has surpassed
+ the 60,000 Web site milestone. Their web servers in their
+ state-of-the-art data center house more than 2 Terabytes of storage,
+ and deliver up to 100 million hits per day to site visitors. pair
+ uses FreeBSD in order to ensure maximum uptime and reliability.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Free OS? It' s as easy as BSD</name>
+ <url>http://www.techwebuk.com/story/TUK19990726S0029</url>
+ <site-name>TechWeb UK</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.techwebuk.com/</site-url>
+ <date>26 July 1999</date>
+ <author>Peter McGarvey</author>
+ <p>Network manager Peter McGarvey writes about his experience with
+ a number of varieties of Unix. He sums up: <i>FreeBSD is the
+ greatest</i>.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>BSD a better OS than Linux?</name>
+ <url>http://www.zdnet.com/zdnn/stories/news/0,4586,2299366,00.html</url>
+ <site-name>ZD Net News</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.zdnet.com/</site-url>
+ <date>22 July 1999</date>
+ <author>Bob Sullivan</author>
+ <p>BSD is the software behind the world's most popular Web site and the
+ world's most popular FTP site.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>The Net's stealth operating system</name>
+ <url>http://www.msnbc.com/news/292376.asp</url>
+ <site-name>MSNBC</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.msnbc.com/</site-url>
+ <date>21 July 1999</date>
+ <author>Bob Sullivan</author>
+ <p>BSD powers some of the biggest sites, and its users are among
+ the most jealous of Linux.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Embed Together: The Case For BSD In Network Appliances</name>
+ <url>http://www.performancecomputing.com/features/9906of2.shtml</url>
+ <site-name>Performance Computing</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.performancecomputing.com/</site-url>
+ <date>02 July 1999</date>
+ <author>Kevin Rose and Charles Davidson</author>
+ <p>Underlines the advantages of BSD for the embedded device market.
+ Mentions <a href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/~picobsd/">picoBSD</a>.</p>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ <month>
+ <name>June</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>Radio interview: Linux and FreeBSD</name>
+ <url>http://ebs.tamu.edu/kamu-fm/gig-24jun99.ram</url>
+ <site-name>GigABytes Radio Talk Show</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://cis.tamu.edu/news/gigabytes/index.html</site-url>
+ <date>June 1999</date>
+ <author>Chris DiBona and Jordan Hubbard</author>
+ <p>Chris DiBona of VA Research and Jordan Hubbard of the FreeBSD
+ Project give their views on Linux and FreeBSD.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Thin Servers</name>
+ <url>http://www.ntsystems.com/db_area/archive/1999/9906/306r1.shtml</url>
+ <site-name>Windows NT Systems</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.ntsystems.com/</site-url>
+ <date>June 1999</date>
+ <author>Ted Drude</author>
+ <p>A survey of thin servers, featuring products using FreeBSD as
+ their internal operating system.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Information Technology and the Internet in Co-operation
+ Ireland</name>
+ <url>http://www.pcc.ie/net/ci.html</url>
+ <site-name>Public Communications Centre,
+ Ireland</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.pcc.ie/</site-url>
+ <date>June 1999</date>
+ <author>Interview with Michael Doyle</author>
+ <p>Michael Doyle, system administrator for
+ <a href="http://www.co-operation-ireland.ie">Co-operation
+ Ireland</a> roots for FreeBSD in this interview. Michael is using
+ FreeBSD and <a href="http://www.postgresql.org">PostgreSQL</a> as
+ a cost-effective and ultra-reliable solution for his
+ organization's I.T. needs.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>GPL and BSD: explication and comparison</name>
+ <url>http://www.32bitsonline.com/article.php3?file=issues/199906/gplbsd&amp;page=1</url>
+ <site-name>32BitsOnline</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.32bitsonline.com/</site-url>
+ <date>June 1999</date>
+ <author>Rob Bos</author>
+ <p>An article comparing BSD and GPL style licenses.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>CmdrTaco on Slashdot Sale</name>
+ <url>http://www.wired.com/news/news/business/story/20483.html</url>
+ <site-name>Wired Business News</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.wired.com/</site-url>
+ <date>29 June 1999</date>
+ <author>Leander Kahney</author>
+ <p>In an interview with Wired News, Rob Malda, founder of
+ <a href="http://slashdot.org/">Slashdot</a>, says that he would now
+ like to spend some more time reporting on FreeBSD.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Server Platforms - FreeBSD Review</name>
+ <url>http://serverwatch.internet.com/reviews/platform-freebsd.html</url>
+ <site-name>ServerWatch</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://serverwatch.internet.com/</site-url>
+ <date>17 June 1999</date>
+ <author>Kevin Reichard</author>
+ <p>FreeBSD: Is it the perfect Internet server operating system? As
+ close as it comes.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Yes! There is intelligent life beyond Linux</name>
+ <url>http://www.networkweek.com/openwindow/story/NWW19990611S0005</url>
+ <site-name>Network Week Online</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.networkweek.com/</site-url>
+ <date>16 June 1999</date>
+ <author>David Cartwright</author>
+ <p>It looks like Unix, it tastes like Unix but it isn't Unix. It's
+ FreeBSD!</p>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ <month>
+ <name>May</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>Silicon Carny: Why I run FreeBSD</name>
+ <url>http://www.sunworld.com/sunworldonline/swol-05-1999/swol-05-silicon.html</url>
+ <site-name>SunWorld</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.sunworld.com/</site-url>
+ <date>May 1999</date>
+ <author>Rich Morin</author>
+ <p>Rich Morin explains why FreeBSD is the superior OS for him.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ MILESTONE</name>
+ <url>http://www.wccdrom.com/press/wcarchive_milestone.phtml</url>
+ <site-name>Walnut Creek CDROM</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.wccdrom.com/</site-url>
+ <date>26 May 1999</date>
+ <author>David Greenman</author>
+ <p>Walnut Creek CDROM, Inc. announces that their popular software
+ archive at ftp://ftp.cdrom.com has surpassed the one trillion bytes
+ (one terabyte) milestone of files downloaded per day from a single
+ server machine.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Bye-Bye, Windows</name>
+ <url>http://home.cnet.com/category/0-3709-7-284910.html</url>
+ <site-name>CNet</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://home.cnet.com</site-url>
+ <date>24 May 1999</date>
+ <author>Christopher Lindquist</author>
+ <p>Reviews alternative PC operating systems. Includes a
+ <a href="http://home.cnet.com/category/topic/0,10000,0-3709-7-285083,00.html">review of FreeBSD 3.2</a>.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Gnome is no Windows dwarf</name>
+ <url>http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sci/tech/newsid_321000/321433.stm</url>
+ <site-name>BBC</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://bbc.co.uk/</site-url>
+ <date>20 May 1999</date>
+ <author>Chris Nuttall</author>
+ <p>Article on Gnome and the Open Source movement. Mentions
+ FreeBSD.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>OS Also-Rans</name>
+ <url>http://www.pioneerplanet.com/reprints/051799tech.htm</url>
+ <site-name>Pioneer Planet</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.pioneerplanet.com</site-url>
+ <date>17 May 1999</date>
+ <author>JULIO OJEDA-ZAPATA</author>
+ <p>A short article introducing a few alternative OSes, including
+ FreeBSD and OpenBSD. Aimed at the general public.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Micron Electronics NetFRAME chosen for Internet's busiest
+ site</name>
+ <url>http://www.wccdrom.com/press/micron.phtml</url>
+ <site-name>Walnut Creek CDROM</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.wccdrom.com/</site-url>
+ <date>04 May 1999</date>
+ <author>David Greenman</author>
+ <p>During its first full day of operation, the new NetFRAME 9201 server
+ set a new all-time one day download record of 969GB
+ of files, surpassing the previous record set last year of
+ 873GB/day.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>The other open-source OS: FreeBSD</name>
+ <url>http://www.zdnet.com/pcweek/stories/news/0,4153,400844,00.html</url>
+ <site-name>ZD Net</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.zdnet.com/</site-url>
+ <date>03 May 1999</date>
+ <author>Anne Chen</author>
+ <p>Examples of FreeBSD deployment in the real world and why some
+ technology officers find it attractive.</p>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ <month>
+ <name>April</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>Open-Source Software: Power to the People</name>
+ <url>http://www.data.com/issue/990407/open.html</url>
+ <site-name>Data Communications</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.data.com</site-url>
+ <date>April 1999</date>
+ <author>Lee Bruno</author>
+ <p>Linux and BSD Unix are starting to show up on more and more
+ corporate servers, running alongside or even replacing Netware
+ and Windows NT.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>XML: Complete XML Development System Integrated with
+ FreeBSD</name>
+ <url>http://advocacy.FreeBSD.org/stories/pr_xml.html</url>
+ <site-name>FreeBSD Advocacy</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://advocacy.FreeBSD.org/</site-url>
+ <date>29 April 1999</date>
+ <author>Jordan Hubbard</author>
+ <p>Included with FreeBSD 3.1 is a complete, integrated SGML/XML
+ development system that installs with a simple, easy to use
+ command sequence.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Inktomi Announces Traffic Server 3.0</name>
+ <url>http://www.inktomi.com/new/press/ts3.html</url>
+ <site-name>Inktomi</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.inktomi.com</site-url>
+ <date>26 April 1999</date>
+ <author>Inktomi press release</author>
+ <p>FreeBSD is a supported operating system for a new version of
+ Inktomi's carrier-class network cache platform.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>The Matrix: FreeBSD Used to Generate Special Effects</name>
+ <url>http://advocacy.FreeBSD.org/stories/pr_matrix.html</url>
+ <site-name>FreeBSD Advocacy</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://advocacy.FreeBSD.org/</site-url>
+ <date>22 April 1999</date>
+ <author>Jordan Hubbard</author>
+ <p>Dual-Processor FreeBSD systems were used to generate a large
+ number of special effects in the cutting edge Warner Brothers film,
+ <i>The Matrix</i>.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Let's Get More Educated About FreeBSD</name>
+ <url>http://www.osopinion.com/Opinions/PrestonWiley/PrestonWiley1.html</url>
+ <site-name>osOpinion</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.osopinion.com/</site-url>
+ <date>20 April 1999</date>
+ <author>Preston S. Wiley</author>
+ <p>A system administrator shares his views on FreeBSD.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>The Oldest Free OS</name>
+ <url>http://www.zdnet.com/sr/stories/column/0,4712,398025,00.html</url>
+ <site-name>ZD Net</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.zdnet.com</site-url>
+ <date>15 April 1999</date>
+ <author>Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols</author>
+ <p>What are the oldest free operating systems around? The answer is
+ the Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) Unix variants.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>FreeBSD wants a place in the sun</name>
+ <url>http://www.upside.com/texis/mvm/down_the_toilet?id=3714d4820</url>
+ <site-name>Upside</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.upside.com</site-url>
+ <date>13 April 1999</date>
+ <author>Sam Williams</author>
+ <p>Introduces FreeBSD to Linux users.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>FreeBSD Offers a Sound Open Source Alternative</name>
+ <url>http://www.internetworld.com/print/current/webdev/19990412-freebsd.html</url>
+ <site-name>Internet World</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.internetworld.com</site-url>
+ <date>12 April 1999</date>
+ <author>James C. Luh</author>
+ <p>Outside technical circles, many remain unaware of viable choices
+ for internet servers---like the FreeBSD operating system that drives
+ Web servers for such high-profile names as Yahoo and Best Internet
+ Communications (now part of Verio).</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Serious FTP: Behind the scenes of Walnut Creek CDROM</name>
+ <url>http://cnn.com/TECH/computing/9904/08/cdrom.idg/index.html</url>
+ <site-name>CNN</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://cnn.com</site-url>
+ <date>08 April 1999</date>
+ <author>Rich Morin</author>
+ <p>A description of the Walnut Creek CDROM setup.
+ The article is also available from
+ <a href="http://www.sunworld.com/swol-04-1999/swol-04-silicon.html">
+ SunWorld</a>.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Thin Servers: Off-the-Shelf Internet Help</name>
+ <url>http://www.techweb.com/se/directlink.cgi?DAT19990407S0024</url>
+ <site-name>TechWeb</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.techweb.com/</site-url>
+ <date>07 April 1999</date>
+ <author>Christine Zimmerman</author>
+ <p>Discusses thin-servers, including six built using an embedded
+ FreeBSD kernel.</p>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ <month>
+ <name>March</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>A FreeBSD Comic Strip</name>
+ <url>http://www.userfriendly.org/cartoons/archives/99mar/19990320.html</url>
+ <site-name>User Friendly the Comic Strip</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.userfriendly.org/</site-url>
+ <date>20 March 1999</date>
+ <author>Illiad</author>
+ <p>See also the serial from the
+ <a href="http://www.userfriendly.org/cartoons/archives/99mar/19990322.html">22nd</a>,
+ <a href="http://www.userfriendly.org/cartoons/archives/99mar/19990323.html">23rd</a>,
+ <a href="http://www.userfriendly.org/cartoons/archives/99mar/19990324.html">24th</a>,
+ <a href="http://www.userfriendly.org/cartoons/archives/99mar/19990325.html">25th</a>,
+ <a href="http://www.userfriendly.org/cartoons/archives/99mar/19990326.html">26th</a>, and
+ <a href="http://www.userfriendly.org/cartoons/archives/99mar/19990327.html">27th</a> of March, 1999.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Rising support for BSD</name>
+ <url>http://www.it.fairfax.com.au/990316/openline1.html</url>
+ <site-name>Fairfax IT News</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.it.fairfax.com.au</site-url>
+ <date>16 March 1999</date>
+ <author>Nathan Cochrane</author>
+ <p>Columnist Nathan Cochrane talks about the BSD family of open
+ source operating systems.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Whence the Source: Untangling the Open Source/Free Software
+ Debate</name>
+ <url>http://opensource.oreilly.com/news/scoville_0399.html</url>
+ <site-name>O'Reilly Open Source</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://opensource.oreilly.com</site-url>
+ <date>05 March 1999</date>
+ <author>Thomas Scoville</author>
+ <p>An article on the open-source / free-software debate. Mentions
+ Berkeley Unix as one of the early successes of shared source code
+ collaboration.</p>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ <month>
+ <name>February</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>LWN interviews Alan Cox</name>
+ <url>http://lwn.net/1999/features/ACInterview/</url>
+ <site-name>Linux Weekly News</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://lwn.net/</site-url>
+ <date>February 1999</date>
+ <p>There is a small but interesting FreeBSD mention in LWN in an
+ interview with Linux's Alan Cox.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <site-name>The Economist</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.economist.com</site-url>
+ <date>20 February 1999</date>
+ <p>Software that has been developed by thousands of volunteers and is
+ given away is often better than the stuff for sale. <i>Note</i>: The
+ article is no longer available online without registration.</p>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ <month>
+ <name>January</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>Twenty Years of Berkeley Unix</name>
+ <url>http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/opensources/book/kirkmck.html</url>
+ <site-name>O'Reilly and Associates</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.oreilly.com</site-url>
+ <date>January 1999</date>
+ <author>Marshall Kirk McKusick</author>
+ <p>A short history of Berkeley Unix.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>WWWsmith: Installation and Configuration of FreeBSD</name>
+ <url>http://www.linuxjournal.com/issue57/2515.html</url>
+ <site-name>LINUX JOURNAL</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.linuxjournal.com/</site-url>
+ <date>January 1999</date>
+ <author>Sean Eric Fagan</author>
+ <p>Here is how to set up a web server using another freely available
+ operating system, FreeBSD, a high performance, mature, Unix-like
+ system.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>The return of BSD - What are the BSD flavors and why might you
+ use them?</name>
+ <url>http://www.sunworld.com/swol-01-1999/swol-01-bsd.html</url>
+ <site-name>SunWorld</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.sunworld.com/</site-url>
+ <date>January 1999</date>
+ <author>Greg Lehey</author>
+ <p>Introduces the modern BSD OSes to the general public.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <site-name>GartnerGroup</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.gartner.com/</site-url>
+ <date>18 January 1999</date>
+ <p>While finished thin servers should be optimized in both hardware
+ and software for the task at hand, who says the software and hardware
+ must come from the same developer? This Perspective examines the
+ emerging trend in the OEM market of divorcing the software layer from
+ the hardware layer. Many operating systems are vying to be the OS of
+ choice for thin servers. This document examines this issue in detail,
+ particularly the differences between Linux and FreeBSD, the current
+ de facto leaders in the market. <i>Note</i>: The article is no
+ longer available online without registration.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Nature Web Matters: Internet tomography</name>
+ <url>http://helix.nature.com/webmatters/tomog/tomog.html</url>
+ <site-name>Nature</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.nature.com/</site-url>
+ <date>07 January 1999</date>
+ <author>K.C. Claffy, Tracie Monk &amp; Daniel McRobb, UCSD/CAIDA,
+ USA.</author>
+ <p>The article describes a network management tool built on FreeBSD
+ that has even used network connections to www.FreeBSD.org for
+ performing network research.</p>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ </year>
+ <year>
+ <name>1998</name>
+ <month>
+ <name>December</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>The story on FreeBSD</name>
+ <url>http://www.linuxworld.com/linuxworld/lw-1998-12/lw-12-freebsd.html</url>
+ <site-name>LinuxWorld</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.linuxworld.com/</site-url>
+ <date>December 1998</date>
+ <author>Cameron Laird and Kathryn Soraiz</author>
+ <p>This issue has a good article on FreeBSD and why it's worth a look
+ by Linux folks.</p>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ <month>
+ <name>November</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>The Open-Source Revolution</name>
+ <url>http://www.edventure.com/release1/1198.html</url>
+ <site-name>RELEASE 1.0</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.edventure.com/release1/</site-url>
+ <date>November 1998</date>
+ <author>Tim O'Reilly, with an introduction by Esther Dyson</author>
+ <p>A brief, business oriented introduction to the open source
+ community.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Report from Comdex--Walnut Creek CDROM, FreeBSD and
+ Slackware</name>
+ <url>http://www.linuxtoday.com/stories/1005.html</url>
+ <site-name>Linux Today</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.linuxtoday.com/</site-url>
+ <date>20 November 1998</date>
+ <author>Dwight Johnson</author>
+ <p>There is a good report on the Walnut Creek booth and FreeBSD at
+ the Linux Today website. The first half of the report is on
+ Slackware Linux, the second half is on FreeBSD.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Ellison plans hardware, bashes Bill</name>
+ <url>http://www.news.com/News/Item/0,4,28816,00.html</url>
+ <site-name>CNET News.com</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.news.com/</site-url>
+ <date>16 November 1998</date>
+ <author>Tim Clark</author>
+ <p>Larry Ellison talking about their new dedicated Oracle servers,
+ mentions FreeBSD as one of a list of candidate OSes for the
+ platform.</p>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ <month>
+ <name>October</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>Linux/etc, The other free Unixes, part 2 of 2</name>
+ <url>http://www.computerbits.com/archive/19981000/lnx9810.htm</url>
+ <site-name>Computer Bits</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.computerbits.com/</site-url>
+ <date>October 1998</date>
+ <author>Terry Griffin</author>
+ <p>Continuation of an earlier column reviewing freely available
+ Unix like operating systems.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>What Is FreeBSD?</name>
+ <url>http://www.performance-computing.com/features/9810of1.shtml</url>
+ <site-name>Performance Computing</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.performance-computing.com/</site-url>
+ <date>October 1998</date>
+ <author>Jordan K. Hubbard</author>
+ <p>An introduction to FreeBSD, and where it stands with respect to
+ the other free OSes.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Unix back in the fight with NT</name>
+ <url>http://www.mercurycenter.com/business/center/unix102798.htm</url>
+ <site-name>Mercury Center</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.mercurycenter.com/</site-url>
+ <date>26 October 1998</date>
+ <author>Miguel Helft</author>
+ <p>An article touting the stability and power of the Unix platform
+ over NT.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>A No-Cost NOS</name>
+ <url>http://www.zdnet.com/pcmag/pclabs/nettools/1718/bench1.html</url>
+ <site-name>ZDNet</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.zdnet.com/</site-url>
+ <date>20 October 1998</date>
+ <author>Ryan Snedegar</author>
+ <p>Ryan Snedegar reviews FreeBSD 2.2.7 and finds its web-serving
+ performance to be better than Windows NT.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Open Code Frees Up The Net</name>
+ <url>http://www.zdnet.com/intweek/stories/prtarchivestory/0,4356,361668,00.HTML</url>
+ <site-name>Inter@ctive Week</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.zdnet.com/intweek/</site-url>
+ <date>19 October 1998</date>
+ <author>Charles Babcock</author>
+ <p>About why customers prefer open source software like Linux, FreeBSD,
+ Perl and TCL to proprietary alternatives.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>It's only free Unix - but I like it</name>
+ <url>http://www.ireland.com/newspaper/computimes/1998/1012/cmp2.htm</url>
+ <site-name>The Irish Times</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.irish-times.com/</site-url>
+ <date>12 October 1998</date>
+ <author>David Malone</author>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ <month>
+ <name>September</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>Linux/etc, The other free Unixes, part 1 of 2</name>
+ <url>http://www.computerbits.com/archive/19980900/lnx9809.htm</url>
+ <site-name>Computer Bits</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.computerbits.com/</site-url>
+ <date>September 1998</date>
+ <author>Terry Griffin</author>
+ <p>Briefly reviews the BSD Unix heritage.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Communications &amp; Networking: Asynchronous Communications
+ Using select and poll</name>
+ <url>http://www.ddj.com/articles/1998/9809/9809e/9809e.htm</url>
+ <site-name>Dr. Dobb's Journal</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.ddj.com/</site-url>
+ <date>September 1998</date>
+ <author>Sean Eric Fagan</author>
+ <p>On how to use FreeBSD's
+ <tt><a href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/cgi/man.cgi?select">select(2)</a></tt>
+ and
+ <tt><a href="http://www.FreeBSD.org/cgi/man.cgi?poll">poll(2)</a></tt>
+ system calls.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Quality Unix for FREE</name>
+ <url>http://www.zdnet.com/sr/stories/issue/0,4537,349576,00.html</url>
+ <site-name>Sm@rt Reseller Online</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.zdnet.com/sr/</site-url>
+ <date>07 September 1998</date>
+ <author>Brett Glass</author>
+ <p>A short introduction to FreeBSD 2.2.7.</p>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ <month>
+ <name>August</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>Hack raises flags about small ISPs</name>
+ <url>http://www.news.com/News/Item/0,4,25526,00.html</url>
+ <site-name>News.com: Tech News First</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.news.com/</site-url>
+ <date>21 August 1998</date>
+ <author>Jim Hu, Staff Writer, CNET NEWS.COM</author>
+ <p>Desire for better security has led some ISPs to deploy FreeBSD on
+ their servers.</p>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ <month>
+ <name>July</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>Walnut Creek CDROM, One of the Largest Public FTP Archives in
+ the World, Sets Traffic Record Using FreeBSD and Colocating on CRL's
+ High-Speed Internet Network</name>
+ <url>http://www.crl.com/wccdromrcd.html</url>
+ <site-name>CRL Network Services</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.crl.com/</site-url>
+ <date>30 July 1998</date>
+ <author>CRL Press Release</author>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Pulling on one end of the rope</name>
+ <url></url>
+ <site-name>( freshmeat )</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.freshmeat.net/</site-url>
+ <date>13 July 1998</date>
+ <author>Jordan K. Hubbard</author>
+ <p>Jordan compares the past of Unix with the future of Linux, outlining
+ possible similarities and describing faults that could be
+ prevented.</p>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ <month>
+ <name>June</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>Nader urges Windows probe</name>
+ <url>http://www.news.com/News/Item/0,4,23145,00.html</url>
+ <site-name>CNET News.com</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.news.com/</site-url>
+ <date>14 June 1998</date>
+ <author>Jeff Pelline</author>
+ <p>Consumer-rights advocate Ralph Nader mentions FreeBSD by name.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Stone's Throw, Issue Fourteen: Home of the Brave, Land of the
+ FreeBSD</name>
+ <url>http://RhapsodyOS.com/editorial/stone/ST00014.html</url>
+ <site-name>RhapsodyOS</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://RhapsodyOS.com/</site-url>
+ <date>10 June 1998</date>
+ <author>Andrew Stone</author>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ <month>
+ <name>May</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>Load Balancing Your Web Site</name>
+ <url>http://www.WebTechniques.com/features/1998/05/engelschall/engelschall.shtml</url>
+ <site-name>Web Techniques Magazine</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.WebTechniques.com/</site-url>
+ <date>May 1998</date>
+ <author>Ralf S.Engelschall</author>
+ <p>Practical approaches to distributing HTTP traffic at your site.
+ Includes a section on performance tuning Apache under FreeBSD.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Is NT paranoid or is Unix out to get it?</name>
+ <url>http://www.ncworldmag.com/ncworld/ncw-05-1998/ncw-05-nextten.html</url>
+ <site-name>NC World</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.ncworldmag.com/</site-url>
+ <date>May 1998</date>
+ <author>Nicholas Petreley</author>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Security Tools in FreeBSD</name>
+ <url>http://www.samag.com/archive/0705/feature.shtml</url>
+ <site-name>SysAdmin</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.samag.com/</site-url>
+ <date>May 1998</date>
+ <author>Guy Helmer</author>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Free Unix: Do You Get What You Pay For?</name>
+ <url>http://advisor.gartner.com/inbox/articles/ihl2_6398.html</url>
+ <site-name>GartnerGroup</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.gartner.com/</site-url>
+ <date>04 May 1998</date>
+ <author>G. Weiss</author>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ <month>
+ <name>April</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>The new Unix alters NT's orbit</name>
+ <url>http://www.ncworldmag.com/ncworld/ncw-04-1998/ncw-04-nextten.html</url>
+ <site-name>NC World</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.ncworldmag.com/</site-url>
+ <date>April 1998</date>
+ <author>Nicholas Petreley</author>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Who's Serving Who?</name>
+ <url>http://www.dv.com/magazine/1998/0498/johnson0498.html</url>
+ <site-name>DV Live Magazine</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.dv.com/</site-url>
+ <date>April 98</date>
+ <author>Nels Johnson</author>
+ <p>For smaller companies and web sites, a FreeBSD and Apache on an
+ Intel (PC) architecture machine is more than sufficient.</p>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ <month>
+ <name>March</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>Searching for the next Windows NT</name>
+ <url>http://www.ncworldmag.com/ncworld/ncw-03-1998/ncw-03-nextten.html</url>
+ <site-name>NC World</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.ncworldmag.com/</site-url>
+ <date>March 1998</date>
+ <author>Nicholas Petreley</author>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Benchmarking and Software Testing: Tracing BSD System
+ Calls</name>
+ <url>http://www.ddj.com/ddj/1998/1998_03/index.htm</url>
+ <site-name>Dr. Dobb's Journal</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.ddj.com/</site-url>
+ <date>March 1998</date>
+ <author>Sean Eric Fagan</author>
+ <p><i>Note</i>: the article is not available online.</p>
+ </story>
+ <story>
+ <name>Five alternative operating systems reviewed</name>
+ <url>http://www.cnet.com/Content/Reviews/Compare/AltOS/</url>
+ <site-name>CNET</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.cnet.com/</site-url>
+ <date>25 March 1998</date>
+ <author>Cormac Foster</author>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ <month>
+ <name>February</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>Source code for the masses</name>
+ <url>http://www.news.com/SpecialFeatures/0,5,18652,00.html</url>
+ <site-name>News.com</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.news.com</site-url>
+ <date>02 February 1998</date>
+ <author>Alex Lash</author>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ </year>
+ <year>
+ <name>1997</name>
+ <month>
+ <name>August</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>The Network Community</name>
+ <url>http://www.computerbits.com/archive/9708/lan9708.htm</url>
+ <site-name>Computer Bits Online</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.computerbits.com/</site-url>
+ <date>August 1997</date>
+ <author>Ted Mittelstaedt</author>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ <month>
+ <name>May</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>The Politics of NC Computing According to Oracle</name>
+ <url>http://www.ncworldmag.com/ncworld/ncw-05-1997/ncw-05-analysis.html</url>
+ <site-name>NC World</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.ncworldmag.com/</site-url>
+ <date>May 1997</date>
+ <author>Rawn Shaw</author>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ </year>
+ <year>
+ <name>1996</name>
+ <month>
+ <name>November</name>
+ <story>
+ <name>Assorted Security Tips for UNIX</name>
+ <url>http://www.samag.com/documents/s=1211/sam9611d/</url>
+ <site-name>SysAdmin</site-name>
+ <site-url>http://www.samag.com/</site-url>
+ <date>November 1996</date>
+ <author>Arthur Donkers</author>
+ <p>A collection of tips and tricks to secure your internal
+ network.</p>
+ </story>
+ </month>
+ </year>