path: root/zh_CN.GB2312/share/xml/freebsd.dsl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'zh_CN.GB2312/share/xml/freebsd.dsl')
1 files changed, 700 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/zh_CN.GB2312/share/xml/freebsd.dsl b/zh_CN.GB2312/share/xml/freebsd.dsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5d1ac551d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zh_CN.GB2312/share/xml/freebsd.dsl
@@ -0,0 +1,700 @@
+ DocBook Language Specific Style Sheet for Localization (Simplified Chinese).
+ Original Revision: 1.23
+ $FreeBSD$
+ -->
+<!DOCTYPE style-sheet PUBLIC "-//James Clark//DTD DSSSL Style Sheet//EN" [
+<!ENTITY freebsd.dsl PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//DOCUMENT DocBook Language Neutral Stylesheet//EN" CDATA DSSSL>
+<!ENTITY % freebsd.l10n PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//ENTITIES DocBook Language Specific Entities//EN">
+<!ENTITY % output.html "IGNORE">
+<!ENTITY % output.print "IGNORE">
+ <style-specification use="docbook">
+ <style-specification-body>
+ <![ %output.html; [
+ (define ($email-footer$)
+ (make sequence
+ (make element gi: "p"
+ attributes: (list (list "align" "center"))
+ (make element gi: "small"
+ (literal "本文档和其它文档可从这里下载:")
+ (create-link
+ (list (list "HREF" "ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/doc/"))
+ (literal "ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/doc/"))
+ (literal ".")))
+ (make element gi: "p"
+ attributes: (list (list "align" "center"))
+ (make element gi: "small"
+ (literal "如果对于FreeBSD有问题,请先阅读")
+ (create-link
+ (list (list "HREF" "http://www.FreeBSD.org/docs.html"))
+ (literal "文档"))
+ (literal ",如不能解决再联系<")
+ (create-link
+ (list (list "HREF" "mailto:questions@FreeBSD.org"))
+ (literal "questions@FreeBSD.org"))
+ (literal ">.")
+ (make empty-element gi: "br")
+ (literal "关于本文档的问题请发信联系 <")
+ (create-link (list (list "HREF" "mailto:doc@FreeBSD.org"))
+ (literal "doc@FreeBSD.org"))
+ (literal ">.")))))
+;; 以下几个定义可产生出汉语习惯的章节号。
+;; 很奇怪,不知道定义在
+;; /usr/local/share/xml/docbook/dsssl/modular/common/dbl1zhcn.dsl
+;; 中的zhcn-xref-strings为什么不起作用。
+;; 用Google可以搜索到其它语言翻译者此类抱怨的文章。
+;; toc-entry
+;; 修改自 /usr/local/share/xml/docbook/dsssl/modular/html/dbautoc.dsl
+;; Id: dbautoc.dsl,v 1.3 2003/01/15 08:24:13 adicarlo Exp
+;; 在目录中显示:
+;; 第 1 章 XXXXXX
+;; 1.1 XXXXXX (节)
+;; 1.2 XXXXXX (节)
+;; 附录 A XXXXXXX
+;; A.1 XXXXXXX (节)
+;; A.2 XXXXXXX (节)
+(define (toc-entry tocentry)
+ (make element gi: "DT"
+ (make sequence
+ (if (equal? (element-label tocentry) "")
+ (empty-sosofo)
+ (if (member (gi tocentry) (list (normalize "part") (normalize "chapter")))
+ (make sequence
+ (literal "第")
+ (literal (element-label tocentry))
+ (literal (gentext-element-name tocentry))
+ (literal (gentext-label-title-sep (gi tocentry)))
+ )
+ (if (equal? (gi tocentry) (normalize "appendix"))
+ (make sequence
+ (literal (gentext-element-name tocentry))
+ (literal (element-label tocentry))
+ (literal (gentext-label-title-sep (gi tocentry)))
+ )
+ (make sequence
+ (literal (element-label tocentry))
+ (literal (gentext-label-title-sep (gi tocentry)))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ;; If the tocentry isn't in its own
+ ;; chunk, don't make a link...
+ (if (and #f (not (chunk? tocentry)))
+ (element-title-sosofo tocentry)
+ (make element gi: "A"
+ attributes: (list
+ (list "HREF"
+ (href-to tocentry)))
+ (element-title-sosofo tocentry)))
+ ;; Maybe annotate...
+ (if (and %annotate-toc%
+ (equal? (gi tocentry) (normalize "refentry")))
+ (make sequence
+ (dingbat-sosofo "nbsp");
+ (dingbat-sosofo "em-dash");
+ (dingbat-sosofo "nbsp");
+ (toc-annotation tocentry))
+ (empty-sosofo)))))
+;; lot-entry
+;; 修改自 /usr/local/share/xml/docbook/dsssl/modular/html/dbautoc.dsl
+;; Id: dbautoc.dsl,v 1.3 2003/01/15 08:24:13 adicarlo Exp
+;; 在表格清单中显示:
+;; 表 xx-xx. ....
+;; 在插图清单中显示:
+;; 图 xx-xx. ....
+;; 在范例清单中显示:
+;; 例 xx-xx. ....
+(define (lot-entry tocentry)
+ (make element gi: "DT"
+ (make sequence
+ (if (equal? (element-label tocentry) "")
+ (empty-sosofo)
+ (make sequence
+ (literal (gentext-element-name tocentry))
+ (literal (element-label tocentry))
+ (literal (gentext-label-title-sep
+ (gi tocentry)))))
+ ;; If the tocentry isn't in its own
+ ;; chunk, don't make a link...
+ (if (and #f (not (chunk? tocentry)))
+ (element-title-sosofo tocentry)
+ (make element gi: "A"
+ attributes: (list
+ (list "HREF"
+ (href-to tocentry)))
+ (element-title-sosofo tocentry))))))
+;; 修改自 /usr/local/share/xml/docbook/dsssl/modular/html/dbttlpg.dsl
+;; Id: dbttlpg.dsl,v 1.10 2004/10/10 11:55:10 petere78 Exp
+;; 使每部分的开头页(称为Title Page)显示“第xx部分”
+(mode part-titlepage-recto-mode
+ (element title
+ (let ((division (ancestor-member (current-node) (division-element-list))))
+ (make element gi: "H1"
+ attributes: (list (list "CLASS" (gi)))
+ (if (string=? (element-label division) "")
+ (empty-sosofo)
+ (literal "第"
+ (element-label division)
+ (gentext-element-name division)
+ (gentext-label-title-sep (gi division))))
+ (with-mode title-mode
+ (process-children)))))
+;; 修改自/usr/local/share/xml/docbook/dsssl/modular/html/dbcompon.dsl
+;; Id: dbcompon.dsl,v 1.8 2003/04/29 05:49:21 adicarlo Exp
+;; 使每章第一页上显示“第xx章”
+(define ($component-title$ #!optional (titlegi "H1") (subtitlegi "H2"))
+ (let* ((info (cond
+ ((equal? (gi) (normalize "article"))
+ (node-list-filter-by-gi (children (current-node))
+ (list (normalize "artheader")
+ (normalize "articleinfo"))))
+ ((or
+ (equal? (gi) (normalize "appendix"))
+ (equal? (gi) (normalize "bibliography"))
+ (equal? (gi) (normalize "chapter"))
+ (equal? (gi) (normalize "glossary"))
+ (equal? (gi) (normalize "index"))
+ (equal? (gi) (normalize "preface"))
+ (equal? (gi) (normalize "reference"))
+ (equal? (gi) (normalize "setindex")))
+ (select-elements (children (current-node)) (normalize "docinfo")))
+ (else
+ (empty-node-list))))
+ (exp-children (if (node-list-empty? info)
+ (empty-node-list)
+ (expand-children (children info)
+ (list (normalize "bookbiblio")
+ (normalize "bibliomisc")
+ (normalize "biblioset")))))
+ (parent-titles (select-elements (children (current-node)) (normalize "title")))
+ (titles (if (node-list-empty? parent-titles)
+ (select-elements exp-children (normalize "title"))
+ parent-titles))
+ (parent-subttl (select-elements (children (current-node)) (normalize "subtitle")))
+ (subtitles (if (node-list-empty? parent-subttl)
+ (select-elements exp-children (normalize "subtitle"))
+ parent-subttl)))
+ (make sequence
+ (make element gi: titlegi
+ (make sequence
+ (make element gi: "A"
+ attributes: (list (list "NAME" (element-id)))
+ (empty-sosofo))
+ (if (and %chapter-autolabel%
+ (or (equal? (gi) (normalize "chapter"))
+ (equal? (gi) (normalize "appendix"))))
+ (if (equal? (gi) (normalize "chapter"))
+ (literal "第"
+ (element-label (current-node))
+ (gentext-element-name-space (gi))
+ (gentext-label-title-sep (gi))
+ )
+ (literal (gentext-element-name-space (gi))
+ (element-label (current-node))
+ (gentext-label-title-sep (gi))
+ )
+ )
+ (empty-sosofo))
+ (if (node-list-empty? titles)
+ (element-title-sosofo) ;; get a default!
+ (with-mode title-mode
+ (process-node-list titles)))))
+ (if (node-list-empty? subtitles)
+ (empty-sosofo)
+ (with-mode subtitle-mode
+ (make element gi: subtitlegi
+ (process-node-list subtitles)))))))
+;; 修改自/usr/local/share/xml/docbook/dsssl/modular/html/dbnavig.dsl
+;; Id: dbnavig.dsl,v 1.3 2001/07/05 12:08:42 nwalsh Exp
+;; 使页眉上显示“第xx章”等等。
+(define (nav-context-sosofo elemnode)
+ (let* ((component (ancestor-member elemnode
+ (append (book-element-list)
+ (division-element-list)
+ (component-element-list))))
+ (context-text (inherited-dbhtml-value elemnode "context-text")))
+ (if (and context-text (not (string=? context-text "")))
+ (literal context-text)
+ (if (equal? (element-label component) "")
+ (make sequence
+ (element-title-sosofo component))
+ (make sequence
+ ;; Special case. This is a bit of a hack.
+ ;; I need to revisit this aspect of
+ ;; appendixes.
+ (if (and (equal? (gi component) (normalize "appendix"))
+ (or (equal? (gi elemnode) (normalize "sect1"))
+ (equal? (gi elemnode) (normalize "section")))
+ (equal? (gi (parent component)) (normalize "article")))
+ (element-label-sosofo component)
+ (if (equal? (gi component) (normalize "chapter"))
+ (make sequence
+ (literal "第")
+ (element-label-sosofo component)
+ (literal (gentext-element-name-space (gi component)))
+ )
+ (make sequence
+ (literal (gentext-element-name-space (gi component)))
+ (element-label-sosofo component)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ (literal (gentext-label-title-sep (gi component)))
+ (element-title-sosofo component))))))
+ 修改自 /usr/local/share/xml/docbook/dsssl/modular/html/dbhtml.dsl
+ Id: dbhtml.dsl,v 1.5 2004/10/10 11:55:10 petere78 Exp
+ 按中文书写习惯,每段开头须空两格。
+ 但是在注释、列表等特定位置,虽然也使用了SGML的<para></para>标记,却不应空两格。
+ 故只有<para></para>处于文章内一般位置时,才需要空两格。
+(define ($paragraph$ #!optional (para-wrapper "P"))
+ (let ((footnotes (select-elements (descendants (current-node))
+ (normalize "footnote")))
+ (tgroup (have-ancestor? (normalize "tgroup"))))
+ (make sequence
+ (make element gi: para-wrapper
+ attributes: (append
+ (if %default-quadding%
+ (list (list "ALIGN" %default-quadding%))
+ '()))
+ (if (equal? (gi) (normalize "para"))
+ (if (member (gi (parent (current-node)))
+ (list (normalize "article")
+ (normalize "book")
+ (normalize "abstract")
+ (normalize "chapter")
+ (normalize "sect1")
+ (normalize "sect2")
+ (normalize "sect3")
+ (normalize "sect4")
+ (normalize "sect5")
+ )
+ )
+ (literal "  ")
+ (empty-sosofo)
+ )
+ (empty-sosofo)
+ )
+ (process-children))
+ (if (or %footnotes-at-end% tgroup (node-list-empty? footnotes))
+ (empty-sosofo)
+ (make element gi: "BLOCKQUOTE"
+ attributes: (list
+ (list "CLASS" "FOOTNOTES"))
+ (with-mode footnote-mode
+ (process-node-list footnotes)))))))
+;; 对于要强调的部分,中文习惯于只用粗体,斜体字不够醒目
+;; 修改自/usr/local/share/xml/docbook/dsssl/modular/html/dbinline.dsl
+;; Id: dbinline.dsl,v 1.11 2004/09/14 14:47:10 petere78 Exp
+(element emphasis
+ (let* ((class (if (and (attribute-string (normalize "role"))
+ %emphasis-propagates-style%)
+ (attribute-string (normalize "role"))
+ "emphasis")))
+ (make element gi: "SPAN"
+ attributes: (list (list "CLASS" class))
+ ($bold-seq$))))
+ ]]>
+ <![ %output.print; [
+;; 修改自/usr/local/share/xml/docbook/dsssl/modular/print/dbcompon.dsl
+;; Id: dbcompon.dsl,v 1.5 2003/04/29 06:33:10 adicarlo Exp
+;; 使每章的标题显示为“第XX章”
+;; 其它容器格式不变
+(define ($component-title$)
+ (let* ((info (cond
+ ((equal? (gi) (normalize "appendix"))
+ (select-elements (children (current-node)) (normalize "docinfo")))
+ ((equal? (gi) (normalize "article"))
+ (node-list-filter-by-gi (children (current-node))
+ (list (normalize "artheader")
+ (normalize "articleinfo"))))
+ ((equal? (gi) (normalize "bibliography"))
+ (select-elements (children (current-node)) (normalize "docinfo")))
+ ((equal? (gi) (normalize "chapter"))
+ (select-elements (children (current-node)) (normalize "docinfo")))
+ ((equal? (gi) (normalize "dedication"))
+ (empty-node-list))
+ ((equal? (gi) (normalize "glossary"))
+ (select-elements (children (current-node)) (normalize "docinfo")))
+ ((equal? (gi) (normalize "index"))
+ (select-elements (children (current-node)) (normalize "docinfo")))
+ ((equal? (gi) (normalize "preface"))
+ (select-elements (children (current-node)) (normalize "docinfo")))
+ ((equal? (gi) (normalize "reference"))
+ (select-elements (children (current-node)) (normalize "docinfo")))
+ ((equal? (gi) (normalize "setindex"))
+ (select-elements (children (current-node)) (normalize "docinfo")))
+ (else
+ (empty-node-list))))
+ (exp-children (if (node-list-empty? info)
+ (empty-node-list)
+ (expand-children (children info)
+ (list (normalize "bookbiblio")
+ (normalize "bibliomisc")
+ (normalize "biblioset")))))
+ (parent-titles (select-elements (children (current-node)) (normalize "title")))
+ (titles (if (node-list-empty? parent-titles)
+ (select-elements exp-children (normalize "title"))
+ parent-titles))
+ (parent-subttl (select-elements (children (current-node)) (normalize "subtitle")))
+ (subtitles (if (node-list-empty? parent-subttl)
+ (select-elements exp-children (normalize "subtitle"))
+ parent-subttl)))
+ (make sequence
+ (make paragraph
+ font-family-name: %title-font-family%
+ font-weight: 'bold
+ font-size: (HSIZE 4)
+ line-spacing: (* (HSIZE 4) %line-spacing-factor%)
+ space-before: (* (HSIZE 4) %head-before-factor%)
+ start-indent: 0pt
+ first-line-start-indent: 0pt
+ quadding: %component-title-quadding%
+ heading-level: (if %generate-heading-level% 1 0)
+ keep-with-next?: #t
+ (if (string=? (element-label) "")
+ (empty-sosofo)
+ (if (equal? (gi) (normalize "chapter"))
+ (literal "第" (element-label)
+ (gentext-element-name-space (current-node))
+ (gentext-label-title-sep (gi))
+ )
+ (literal (gentext-element-name-space (current-node))
+ (element-label)
+ (gentext-label-title-sep (gi))
+ )
+ ) ;; if结构结束
+ )
+ )
+ (make paragraph
+ font-family-name: %title-font-family%
+ font-weight: 'bold
+ font-posture: 'italic
+ font-size: (HSIZE 6)
+ line-spacing: (* (HSIZE 6) %line-spacing-factor%)
+; space-before: (* (HSIZE 5) %head-before-factor%)
+ start-indent: 0pt
+ first-line-start-indent: 0pt
+ quadding: %component-title-quadding%
+ heading-level: (if %generate-heading-level% 1 0)
+ keep-with-next?: #t
+ (if (node-list-empty? titles)
+ (element-title-sosofo) ;; get a default!
+ (with-mode component-title-mode
+ (make sequence
+ (process-node-list titles))))
+ )
+ (make paragraph
+ font-family-name: %title-font-family%
+ font-weight: 'bold
+ font-posture: 'italic
+ font-size: (HSIZE 3)
+ line-spacing: (* (HSIZE 3) %line-spacing-factor%)
+ space-before: (* 0.5 (* (HSIZE 3) %head-before-factor%))
+ space-after: 1pt
+ start-indent: 0pt
+ first-line-start-indent: 0pt
+ quadding: %component-subtitle-quadding%
+ keep-with-next?: #t
+ (with-mode component-title-mode
+ (make sequence
+ (process-node-list subtitles)))
+ )
+ (if (equal? (gi) (normalize "index"))
+ (empty-sosofo)
+ (make rule
+ length: %body-width%
+ display-alignment: 'start
+ space-before: 0pt
+ space-after: 0pt
+ line-spacing: 1pt
+ line-thickness: 0.5pt))
+;; 修改自/usr/local/share/xml/docbook/dsssl/modular/print/dbcompon.dsl
+;; Id: dbcompon.dsl,v 1.5 2003/04/29 06:33:10 adicarlo Exp
+;; 使页眉显示“第XX章”
+;; 其它容器格式不变
+(mode hf-mode
+ (element title
+ (let* ((component (ancestor-member (current-node)
+ (component-element-list)))
+ (chaporapp (or (equal? (gi component) (normalize "chapter"))
+ (equal? (gi component) (normalize "appendix")))))
+ (if %chap-app-running-heads%
+ (make sequence
+ (if (and chaporapp
+ %chapter-autolabel%
+ (or %chap-app-running-head-autolabel%
+ (attribute-string (normalize "label") component)))
+ (if (equal? (gi component) (normalize "chapter"))
+ (literal "第" (element-label component)
+ (gentext-element-name-space component)
+ (gentext-label-title-sep (gi component)))
+ (literal (gentext-element-name-space component)
+ (element-label component)
+ (gentext-label-title-sep (gi component)))
+ ) ;; if结构结束
+ (empty-sosofo))
+ (process-children-trim))
+ (empty-sosofo))))
+ (element titleabbrev
+ (if %chap-app-running-heads%
+ (make sequence
+ (if (or (have-ancestor? (normalize "chapter"))
+ (have-ancestor? (normalize "appendix")))
+ (if (have-ancestor? (normalize "chapter"))
+ (literal "第" (element-label (parent))
+ (gentext-element-name-space (parent))
+ (gentext-label-title-sep (gi (parent))))
+ (literal (gentext-element-name-space (parent))
+ (element-label (parent))
+ (gentext-label-title-sep (gi (parent))))
+ ) ;; if结构结束
+ (empty-sosofo))
+ (process-children-trim))
+ (empty-sosofo)))
+ (element refentrytitle
+ (if %chap-app-running-heads%
+ (process-children-trim)
+ (empty-sosofo)))
+ (element refdescriptor
+ (if %chap-app-running-heads%
+ (process-children-trim)
+ (empty-sosofo)))
+ (element refname
+ (if %chap-app-running-heads%
+ (process-children-trim)
+ (empty-sosofo)))
+ ;; Graphics aren't allowed in headers and footers...
+ (element graphic
+ (empty-sosofo))
+ (element inlinegraphic
+ (empty-sosofo))
+ 修改自 /usr/local/share/xml/docbook/dsssl/modular/print/dbprint.dsl
+ Id: dbprint.dsl,v 1.6 2004/10/09 19:46:33 petere78 Exp
+ 按中文书写习惯,每段开头须空两格。
+ 但是在注释、列表等特定位置,虽然也使用了SGML的<para></para>标记,却不应空两格。
+ 故只有<para></para>处于文章内一般位置时,才需要空两格。
+(define ($paragraph$)
+ (if (or (equal? (print-backend) 'tex)
+ (equal? (print-backend) #f))
+ ;; avoid using country: characteristic because of a JadeTeX bug...
+ (make paragraph
+ first-line-start-indent: 0pt
+ space-before: %para-sep%
+ space-after: (if (INLIST?)
+ 0pt
+ %para-sep%)
+ quadding: %default-quadding%
+ hyphenate?: %hyphenation%
+ language: (dsssl-language-code)
+ (if (equal? (gi) (normalize "para"))
+ (if (member (gi (parent (current-node)))
+ (list (normalize "article")
+ (normalize "book")
+ (normalize "abstract")
+ (normalize "chapter")
+ (normalize "sect1")
+ (normalize "sect2")
+ (normalize "sect3")
+ (normalize "sect4")
+ (normalize "sect5")
+ )
+ )
+ (literal "  ")
+ (empty-sosofo)
+ )
+ (empty-sosofo)
+ )
+ (process-children-trim))
+ (make paragraph
+ first-line-start-indent: 0pt
+ space-before: %para-sep%
+ space-after: (if (INLIST?)
+ 0pt
+ %para-sep%)
+ quadding: %default-quadding%
+ hyphenate?: %hyphenation%
+ language: (dsssl-language-code)
+ country: (dsssl-country-code)
+ (if (equal? (gi) (normalize "para"))
+ (if (member (gi (parent (current-node)))
+ (list (normalize "article")
+ (normalize "book")
+ (normalize "abstract")
+ (normalize "chapter")
+ (normalize "sect1")
+ (normalize "sect2")
+ (normalize "sect3")
+ (normalize "sect4")
+ (normalize "sect5")
+ )
+ )
+ (literal "  ")
+ (empty-sosofo)
+ )
+ (empty-sosofo)
+ )
+ (process-children-trim))))
+;; 对于要强调的部分,中文习惯于只用粗体,斜体字不够醒目
+;; 修改自/usr/local/share/xml/docbook/dsssl/modular/print/dbinline.dsl
+;; Id: dbinline.dsl,v 1.7 2003/03/25 19:53:56 adicarlo Exp
+(element emphasis
+ ($bold-seq$)
+ ]]>
+ <!-- Both sets of stylesheets ..................................... -->
+ (define (local-zhcn-label-title-sep)
+ (list
+ (list (normalize "warning") ": ")
+ (list (normalize "caution") ": ")
+ (list (normalize "chapter") " ")
+ (list (normalize "sect1") " ")
+ (list (normalize "sect2") " ")
+ (list (normalize "sect3") " ")
+ (list (normalize "sect4") " ")
+ (list (normalize "sect5") " ")
+ ))
+<!-- 等同于 <book lang="zh_cn"> -->
+ (define %default-language% "zh_cn")
+;; 中文专有的开关:output.for.print
+;; 在输出打印格式时和在为打印格式生成索引表时均被使能
+;; 目前使用该开关的场合:
+;; 1. legalnotice.sgml内控制中文字体许可证的显示
+;; 2. freebsd.dsl内控制索引文件名
+;; 实现该开关的场合:
+;; share/mk/doc.local.mk 在目标print.index的实现代码中和PRINTFLAGS赋值
+;; share/xml/l10n.ent 定义该开关
+ <![ %output.for.print; [
+ (define html-index-filename "print.index")
+ ]]>
+;; 指定RTF中的中文字体,以迁就OpenOffice。否则,OpenOffice不显示标记为
+;; Arial, Times New Roman, Courier New 等西文字体的汉字。
+;; Microsoft Word (Viewer)有较强的自适应能力,即使按照指定字体名找不到字型,
+;; 也会自动寻找替代字型。
+;; 复制自/usr/local/share/xml/docbook/dsssl/modular/print/dbparam.dsl
+;; Jade/OpenJade的命令行参数"-V rtf-backend"更优先的决定此开关值。
+(define rtf-backend #f)
+(declare-initial-value font-family-name
+ (cond
+ (rtf-backend "AR PL New Sung")
+ (else "Times New Roman")
+ )
+(define %refentry-name-font-family%
+ (cond
+ (rtf-backend "AR PL New Sung")
+ (else "Courier New")
+ )
+(define %title-font-family%
+ (cond
+ (rtf-backend "AR PL New Sung")
+ (else "Arial")
+ )
+(define %body-font-family%
+ (cond
+ (rtf-backend "AR PL New Sung")
+ (else "Times New Roman")
+ )
+(define %mono-font-family%
+ (cond
+ (rtf-backend "AR PL New Sung")
+ (else "Courier New")
+ )
+(define %admon-font-family%
+ (cond
+ (rtf-backend "AR PL New Sung")
+ (else "Arial")
+ )
+(define %guilabel-font-family%
+ (cond
+ (rtf-backend "AR PL New Sung")
+ (else "Arial")
+ )
+ </style-specification-body>
+ </style-specification>
+ <external-specification id="docbook" document="freebsd.dsl">