path: root/share/misc
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Update the copyright (this file changed in 2003).Marc Fonvieille2003-07-101-1/+1
* Add a simple script to locate areas of a DocBook file whereMurray Stokely2003-05-041-0/+42
* - Add WITH_DOCFORMAT_NAVI_LINK to mk/doc.docbook.mk andHiroki Sato2003-04-191-1/+5
* Be a little more conservative with the line height to try and placate thoseNik Clayton2001-07-111-10/+10
* Hopefully fix the problem where Netscape incorrectly applies styles toNik Clayton2001-07-031-14/+1
* Things wrapped in <PRE> should have a normal line height.Nik Clayton2001-06-201-5/+3
* A Cascading Stylesheet for use with documents converted from DocBook toNik Clayton2001-06-181-0/+176