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What are snapshots?

As part of an ongoing effort to improve the overall release process before a release actually slips out the door with problems that make folks mad, we are now periodically producing interim test releases called snapshots. These snapshots will be very similar to full releases, except that they will be somewhat more minimal. In particular, before getting and installing a snapshot release, be aware of following:

Your feedback on these snapshots is, of course, greatly welcome. They are not just for our benefit - those who are coming to rely on FreeBSD for mission critical applications should welcome a chance to get at more updated bits in a structured fashion. You can also use these snapshots as tangible evidence that your feedback is getting incorporated and that you (hopefully) will not have any unpleasant surprises in the next release. On the other hand, if you do send us hate mail next release and it turns out that you never even tried the snapshots, well, it cuts both ways!

Where to find snapshots

Snapshots of FreeBSD-CURRENT are available via anonymous FTP from ftp://current.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/. The snapshot releases are in directories named in the format REL-YYMMDD-SNAP where `REL' is the release number, `YY' is the year, `MM' is the month, and `DD' is the day the snapshot was released. Each snapshot directory contains a `README' file which outlines the changes for the particular snapshot.

By popular demand, snapshots are also now available for the FreeBSD-STABLE branch via anonymous FTP from ftp://releng4.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/. The snapshot releases are in directories named in the same manner as -current snapshots, but ending in the keyword RELENG instead of SNAP.

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