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Getting Java

There are two choices of Java Development Kits on FreeBSD:


I want to help by...

... testing

The best thing you can do is download the latest release, install it, and try all your favorite Java applications. If they don't work, see below.

... reporting a bug

If you find an application that does not work, or crashes, here are the steps you should follow before reporting it:

  1. Try it again.
  2. Check your settings for this application. Check to see if you made a mistake in starting it up.
  3. Try it on a different platform. If you have access to a reference platform, try it there. (We need to determine if it is an application error, a Java bug, or a FreeBSD specific bug.)
  4. Narrow down the problem. If it is your own code, narrow down the bug to the offending code. Otherwise, determine the steps required to reproduce the problem.
  5. Notify the JDK porting team. Send email to freebsd-java@FreeBSD.org. Be sure to include the steps you have followed.
  6. Finally, and most importantly, be willing to work with the team to fix the problem.

...writing documentation

Everyone can help here. If you have a suggestion to add to the documentation, write it up and send it to freebsd-java@FreeBSD.org