diff options
authorTatsuki Makino <tatsuki_makino@hotmail.com>2023-04-26 13:10:59 +0000
committerFernando Apesteguía <fernape@FreeBSD.org>2023-04-29 17:14:12 +0000
commit183fb0ff4251abbd31a0a151556108b5c2e1d190 (patch)
parentc084dfa70223d87fb57f2f9c370cce5fe0316c5a (diff)
multimedia/libopenshot: Update to 0.3.2
ChangeLog: https://www.openshot.org/blog/2023/04/20/new_openshot_release_311/ PR: 271074 Reported by: tatsuki_makino@hotmail.com (maintainer)
5 files changed, 346 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/multimedia/libopenshot/Makefile b/multimedia/libopenshot/Makefile
index 228906e7b9fd..7b00d3c4ba82 100644
--- a/multimedia/libopenshot/Makefile
+++ b/multimedia/libopenshot/Makefile
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
PORTNAME= libopenshot
CATEGORIES= multimedia
diff --git a/multimedia/libopenshot/distinfo b/multimedia/libopenshot/distinfo
index 221087b79125..ab17d896ff93 100644
--- a/multimedia/libopenshot/distinfo
+++ b/multimedia/libopenshot/distinfo
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-TIMESTAMP = 1681095600
-SHA256 (OpenShot-libopenshot-v0.3.1_GH0.tar.gz) = 239f9df1f5b547257d5e76062c3177ff3ff372b8cda336637d752141a5a8e625
-SIZE (OpenShot-libopenshot-v0.3.1_GH0.tar.gz) = 26131959
+TIMESTAMP = 1682218800
+SHA256 (OpenShot-libopenshot-v0.3.2_GH0.tar.gz) = 58765cfc8aec199814346e97ce31a5618a261260b380670a6fb2bf6f68733638
+SIZE (OpenShot-libopenshot-v0.3.2_GH0.tar.gz) = 26132237
diff --git a/multimedia/libopenshot/files/patch-src_KeyFrame.cpp b/multimedia/libopenshot/files/patch-src_KeyFrame.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8a8b80337b50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/multimedia/libopenshot/files/patch-src_KeyFrame.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
+--- src/KeyFrame.cpp.orig 2023-04-19 22:01:02 UTC
++++ src/KeyFrame.cpp
+@@ -15,12 +15,12 @@
+ #include <algorithm> // For std::lower_bound, std::move_backward
+ #include <functional> // For std::less, std::less_equal, etc…
+-#include <utility> // For std::swap
+-#include <numeric> // For std::accumulate
+-#include <cassert> // For assert()
+-#include <cmath> // For fabs, round
+-#include <iostream> // For std::cout
+-#include <iomanip> // For std::setprecision
++#include <utility> // For std::swap
++#include <numeric> // For std::accumulate
++#include <cassert> // For assert()
++#include <cmath> // For fabs, round
++#include <iostream> // For std::cout
++#include <iomanip> // For std::setprecision
+ using namespace std;
+ using namespace openshot;
+@@ -122,8 +122,8 @@ Keyframe::Keyframe(const std::vector<openshot::Point>&
+ // Destructor
+ Keyframe::~Keyframe() {
+- Points.clear();
+- Points.shrink_to_fit();
++ Points.clear();
++ Points.shrink_to_fit();
+ }
+ // Add a new point on the key-frame. Each point has a primary coordinate,
+@@ -291,41 +291,27 @@ int64_t Keyframe::GetLong(int64_t index) const {
+ // Get the direction of the curve at a specific index (increasing or decreasing)
+ bool Keyframe::IsIncreasing(int index) const
+ {
+- if (index <= 1) {
+- // Determine direction of frame 1 (and assume previous frames have same direction)
+- index = 1;
+- } else if (index >= GetLength()) {
+- // Determine direction of last valid frame # (and assume next frames have same direction)
+- index = GetLength() - 1;
++ if (index < 1 || (index + 1) >= GetLength()) {
++ return true;
+ }
+- // Get current index value
+- const double current_value = GetValue(index);
+- // Iterate from current index to next significant value change
+- int attempts = 1;
+- while (attempts < 600 && index + attempts <= GetLength()) {
+- // Get next value
+- const double next_value = GetValue(index + attempts);
+- // Is value significantly different
+- const double diff = next_value - current_value;
+- if (fabs(diff) > 0.0001) {
+- if (diff < 0.0) {
+- // Decreasing value found next
+- return false;
+- } else {
+- // Increasing value found next
+- return true;
+- }
+- }
+- // increment attempt
+- attempts++;
++ std::vector<Point>::const_iterator candidate =
++ std::lower_bound(begin(Points), end(Points), static_cast<double>(index), IsPointBeforeX);
++ if (candidate == end(Points)) {
++ return false; // After the last point, thus constant.
+ }
+- // If no next value found, assume increasing values
+- return true;
++ if ((candidate->co.X == index) || (candidate == begin(Points))) {
++ ++candidate;
++ }
++ int64_t const value = GetLong(index);
++ do {
++ if (value < round(candidate->co.Y)) {
++ return true;
++ } else if (value > round(candidate->co.Y)) {
++ return false;
++ }
++ ++candidate;
++ } while (candidate != end(Points));
++ return false;
+ }
+ // Generate JSON string of this object
+@@ -388,12 +374,116 @@ void Keyframe::SetJsonValue(const Json::Value root) {
+ }
+ }
++// Get the fraction that represents how many times this value is repeated in the curve
++// This is depreciated and will be removed soon.
++Fraction Keyframe::GetRepeatFraction(int64_t index) const {
++ // Frame numbers (index) outside of the "defined" range of this
++ // keyframe result in a 1/1 default value.
++ if (index < 1 || (index + 1) >= GetLength()) {
++ return Fraction(1,1);
++ }
++ assert(Points.size() > 1); // Due to ! ((index + 1) >= GetLength) there are at least two points!
++ // First, get the value at the given frame and the closest point
++ // to the right.
++ int64_t const current_value = GetLong(index);
++ std::vector<Point>::const_iterator const candidate =
++ std::lower_bound(begin(Points), end(Points), static_cast<double>(index), IsPointBeforeX);
++ assert(candidate != end(Points)); // Due to the (index + 1) >= GetLength check above!
++ // Calculate how many of the next values are going to be the same:
++ int64_t next_repeats = 0;
++ std::vector<Point>::const_iterator i = candidate;
++ // If the index (frame number) is the X coordinate of the closest
++ // point, then look at the segment to the right; the "current"
++ // segement is not interesting because we're already at the last
++ // value of it.
++ if (i->co.X == index) {
++ ++i;
++ }
++ // Skip over "constant" (when rounded) segments.
++ bool all_constant = true;
++ for (; i != end(Points); ++i) {
++ if (current_value != round(i->co.Y)) {
++ all_constant = false;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ if (! all_constant) {
++ // Found a point which defines a segment which will give a
++ // different value than the current value. This means we
++ // moved at least one segment to the right, thus we cannot be
++ // at the first point.
++ assert(i != begin(Points));
++ Point const left = *(i - 1);
++ Point const right = *i;
++ int64_t change_at;
++ if (current_value < round(i->co.Y)) {
++ change_at = SearchBetweenPoints(left, right, current_value, std::less_equal<double>{});
++ } else {
++ assert(current_value > round(i->co.Y));
++ change_at = SearchBetweenPoints(left, right, current_value, std::greater_equal<double>{});
++ }
++ next_repeats = change_at - index;
++ } else {
++ // All values to the right are the same!
++ next_repeats = Points.back().co.X - index;
++ }
++ // Now look to the left, to the previous values.
++ all_constant = true;
++ i = candidate;
++ if (i != begin(Points)) {
++ // The binary search below assumes i to be the left point;
++ // candidate is the right point of the current segment
++ // though. So change this if possible. If this branch is NOT
++ // taken, then we're at/before the first point and all is
++ // constant!
++ --i;
++ }
++ int64_t previous_repeats = 0;
++ // Skip over constant (when rounded) segments!
++ for (; i != begin(Points); --i) {
++ if (current_value != round(i->co.Y)) {
++ all_constant = false;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ // Special case when skipped until the first point, but the first
++ // point is actually different. Will not happen if index is
++ // before the first point!
++ if (current_value != round(i->co.Y)) {
++ assert(i != candidate);
++ all_constant = false;
++ }
++ if (! all_constant) {
++ // There are at least two points, and we're not at the end,
++ // thus the following is safe!
++ Point const left = *i;
++ Point const right = *(i + 1);
++ int64_t change_at;
++ if (current_value > round(left.co.Y)) {
++ change_at = SearchBetweenPoints(left, right, current_value, std::less<double>{});
++ } else {
++ assert(current_value < round(left.co.Y));
++ change_at = SearchBetweenPoints(left, right, current_value, std::greater<double>{});
++ }
++ previous_repeats = index - change_at;
++ } else {
++ // Every previous value is the same (rounded) as the current
++ // value.
++ previous_repeats = index;
++ }
++ int64_t total_repeats = previous_repeats + next_repeats;
++ return Fraction(previous_repeats, total_repeats);
+ // Get the change in Y value (from the previous Y value)
+ double Keyframe::GetDelta(int64_t index) const {
+- if (index < 1) return 0.0;
+- if (index == 1 && !Points.empty()) return Points[0].co.Y;
+- if (index >= GetLength()) return 0.0;
+- return GetValue(index) - GetValue(index - 1);
++ if (index < 1) return 0;
++ if (index == 1 && ! Points.empty()) return Points[0].co.Y;
++ if (index >= GetLength()) return 0;
++ return GetLong(index) - GetLong(index - 1);
+ }
+ // Get a point at a specific index
+@@ -410,7 +500,7 @@ Point const & Keyframe::GetPoint(int64_t index) const
+ int64_t Keyframe::GetLength() const {
+ if (Points.empty()) return 0;
+ if (Points.size() == 1) return 1;
+- return round(Points.back().co.X);
++ return round(Points.back().co.X) + 1;
+ }
+ // Get the number of points (i.e. # of points)
+@@ -461,46 +551,50 @@ void Keyframe::UpdatePoint(int64_t index, Point p) {
+ }
+ void Keyframe::PrintPoints(std::ostream* out) const {
+- *out << std::right << std::setprecision(4) << std::setfill(' ');
+- for (const auto& p : Points) {
+- *out << std::defaultfloat
+- << std::setw(6) << p.co.X
+- << std::setw(14) << std::fixed << p.co.Y
+- << '\n';
+- }
+- *out << std::flush;
++ *out << std::right << std::setprecision(4) << std::setfill(' ');
++ for (const auto& p : Points) {
++ *out << std::defaultfloat
++ << std::setw(6) << p.co.X
++ << std::setw(14) << std::fixed << p.co.Y
++ << '\n';
++ }
++ *out << std::flush;
+ }
+ void Keyframe::PrintValues(std::ostream* out) const {
+- // Column widths
+- std::vector<int> w{10, 12, 8, 11, 19};
++ // Column widths
++ std::vector<int> w{10, 12, 8, 11, 19};
+- *out << std::right << std::setfill(' ') << std::setprecision(4);
+- // Headings
+- *out << "│"
+- << std::setw(w[0]) << "Frame# (X)" << " │"
+- << std::setw(w[1]) << "Y Value" << " │"
+- << std::setw(w[2]) << "Delta Y" << " │ "
+- << std::setw(w[3]) << "Increasing?" << std::right
+- << "│\n";
+- // Divider
+- *out << "├───────────"
+- << "┼─────────────"
+- << "┼─────────"
+- << "┼────────────┤\n";
++ *out << std::right << std::setfill(' ') << std::setprecision(4);
++ // Headings
++ *out << "│"
++ << std::setw(w[0]) << "Frame# (X)" << " │"
++ << std::setw(w[1]) << "Y Value" << " │"
++ << std::setw(w[2]) << "Delta Y" << " │ "
++ << std::setw(w[3]) << "Increasing?" << " │ "
++ << std::setw(w[4]) << std::left << "Repeat Fraction" << std::right
++ << "│\n";
++ // Divider
++ *out << "├───────────"
++ << "┼─────────────"
++ << "┼─────────"
++ << "┼─────────────"
++ << "┼────────────────────┤\n";
+- for (int64_t i = 1; i <= GetLength(); ++i) {
+- *out << "│"
+- << std::setw(w[0]-2) << std::defaultfloat << i
+- << (Contains(Point(i, 1)) ? " *" : " ") << " │"
+- << std::setw(w[1]) << std::fixed << GetValue(i) << " │"
+- << std::setw(w[2]) << std::defaultfloat << std::showpos
+- << GetDelta(i) << " │ " << std::noshowpos
+- << std::setw(w[3])
+- << (IsIncreasing(i) ? "true" : "false") << std::right << "│\n";
+- }
+- *out << " * = Keyframe point (non-interpolated)\n";
+- *out << std::flush;
++ for (int64_t i = 1; i < GetLength(); ++i) {
++ *out << "│"
++ << std::setw(w[0]-2) << std::defaultfloat << i
++ << (Contains(Point(i, 1)) ? " *" : " ") << " │"
++ << std::setw(w[1]) << std::fixed << GetValue(i) << " │"
++ << std::setw(w[2]) << std::defaultfloat << std::showpos
++ << GetDelta(i) << " │ " << std::noshowpos
++ << std::setw(w[3])
++ << (IsIncreasing(i) ? "true" : "false") << " │ "
++ << std::setw(w[4]) << std::left << GetRepeatFraction(i)
++ << std::right << "│\n";
++ }
++ *out << " * = Keyframe point (non-interpolated)\n";
++ *out << std::flush;
+ }
diff --git a/multimedia/libopenshot/files/patch-src_KeyFrame.h b/multimedia/libopenshot/files/patch-src_KeyFrame.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..45aec4e0c498
--- /dev/null
+++ b/multimedia/libopenshot/files/patch-src_KeyFrame.h
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+--- src/KeyFrame.h.orig 2023-04-19 22:01:02 UTC
++++ src/KeyFrame.h
+@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
+ #include <iostream>
+ #include <vector>
++#include "Fraction.h"
+ #include "Point.h"
+ #include "Json.h"
+@@ -66,8 +67,8 @@ namespace openshot {
+ /// Constructor which adds a supplied vector of Points
+ Keyframe(const std::vector<openshot::Point>& points);
+- /// Destructor
+- ~Keyframe();
++ /// Destructor
++ ~Keyframe();
+ /// Add a new point on the key-frame. Each point has a primary coordinate, a left handle, and a right handle.
+ void AddPoint(Point p);
+@@ -92,6 +93,9 @@ namespace openshot {
+ /// Get the rounded LONG value at a specific index
+ int64_t GetLong(int64_t index) const;
++ /// Get the fraction that represents how many times this value is repeated in the curve
++ Fraction GetRepeatFraction(int64_t index) const;
+ /// Get the change in Y value (from the previous Y value)
+ double GetDelta(int64_t index) const;
diff --git a/multimedia/libopenshot/pkg-plist b/multimedia/libopenshot/pkg-plist
index 5e82b8c0aecc..6b1f5a7cbd52 100644
--- a/multimedia/libopenshot/pkg-plist
+++ b/multimedia/libopenshot/pkg-plist
@@ -97,8 +97,8 @@ include/libopenshot/effects/Wave.h