diff options
authorMuhammad Moinur Rahman <bofh@FreeBSD.org>2023-03-25 15:00:52 +0000
committerMuhammad Moinur Rahman <bofh@FreeBSD.org>2023-03-30 23:59:42 +0000
commit647e2fde77943e0a094f586826f3e1ed8f622b50 (patch)
parent0b26df7d019273a79f512137140e1e65246c98b6 (diff)
print/ghostscript9-base: Remove expired port:
2023-03-31 print/ghostscript9-base: Released over 10 years ago and unsupported by upstream, consider print/ghostscript9-agpl-base
50 files changed, 1 insertions, 3266 deletions
diff --git a/MOVED b/MOVED
index 5b48beac377d..6a5e76f0ee87 100644
--- a/MOVED
+++ b/MOVED
@@ -17862,3 +17862,4 @@ net/tightvnc||2023-03-31|Has expired: Last release in 2009, newer version 2.x is
news/nntpcache||2023-03-31|Has expired: Upstream site no longer available
ports-mgmt/p5-FreeBSD-Portindex||2023-03-31|Has expired: Not working, and no fix forthcoming
print/ghostscript9-x11||2023-03-31|Has expired: Released over 10 years ago and unsupported by upstream, consider print/ghostscript9-agpl-x11
+print/ghostscript9-base||2023-03-31|Has expired: Released over 10 years ago and unsupported by upstream, consider print/ghostscript9-agpl-base
diff --git a/print/Makefile b/print/Makefile
index 818eeddb55b6..0711f3dbca4d 100644
--- a/print/Makefile
+++ b/print/Makefile
@@ -66,7 +66,6 @@
SUBDIR += ghostscript8-x11
SUBDIR += ghostscript9-agpl-base
SUBDIR += ghostscript9-agpl-x11
- SUBDIR += ghostscript9-base
SUBDIR += gimp-gutenprint
SUBDIR += gl2ps
SUBDIR += gsfonts
diff --git a/print/ghostscript9-base/Makefile b/print/ghostscript9-base/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e129c5e7c02..000000000000
--- a/print/ghostscript9-base/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-PORTNAME= ghostscript
-MASTER_SITES= http://downloads.ghostscript.com/public/:gs_srcs \
- SF/ghostscript/GPL%20Ghostscript/${PORTVERSION}:gs_srcs \
- http://www.humblesoft.com/pub/:epag
-MAINTAINER= ports@FreeBSD.org
-COMMENT= Ghostscript 9.x PostScript interpreter, base part
-WWW= https://www.cs.wisc.edu/~ghost/doc/GPL/index.htm
-DEPRECATED= Released over 10 years ago and unsupported by upstream, consider print/ghostscript9-agpl-base
-LIB_DEPENDS= libexpat.so:textproc/expat2 \
- libfreetype.so:print/freetype2 \
- libidn.so:dns/libidn \
- libjbig2dec.so:graphics/jbig2dec \
- liblcms2.so:graphics/lcms2 \
- libpaper.so:print/libpaper \
- libpng.so:graphics/png \
- libtiff.so:graphics/tiff
-RUN_DEPENDS= ${LOCALBASE}/share/${PORTNAME}/fonts/a010013l.pfb:print/gsfonts
-CONFLICTS_INSTALL= ghostscript*-base # CHECK
-USES= autoreconf cpe gmake jpeg pkgconfig:build tar:bzip2
-CPE_VENDOR= artifex
- SOC_LOADER="dxmainc.c"
-CONFIGURE_ARGS= --disable-compile-inits \
- --enable-contrib \
- --enable-dynamic \
- --enable-freetype \
- --with-system-libtiff \
- --with-ijs \
- --with-libidn \
- --without-jasper \
- --with-libpaper \
- --without-x \
- --disable-gtk \
- --with-drivers=""
- -I${LOCALBASE}/include/libpng \
- -I${WRKSRC}/openjpeg/libopenjpeg \
- -I${WRKSRC}/openjpeg \
- -I${LOCALBASE}/include
-XLDFLAGS= -lpthread
-INSTALL_TARGET= soinstall
-SUB_FILES= pkg-message
-FONTCONFIG_DESC=Enable fontconfig support
-FONTCONFIG_LIB_DEPENDS= libfontconfig.so:x11-fonts/fontconfig
-EXCLUDE_DIRS= freetype jbig2dec jpeg expat jasper lcms lcms2 libpng tiff zlib
-.include "Makefile.drivers"
-.include <bsd.port.options.mk>
-.include "files/Makefile.drivers_post"
-PORTDOCS= japanese chp2200 epson740 lxm3200-tweaked md2k_md5k
-PORTDOC_FILES= japanese/Gdevlips.htm japanese/README.gs550j \
- japanese/cdj880.txt japanese/dj505j.txt japanese/djgpp.txt \
- japanese/gdev10v.txt japanese/gdevalps.txt \
- japanese/gdevcd8.txt japanese/gdevdmpr.txt \
- japanese/gdevfmlbp.txt japanese/gdevj100.txt \
- japanese/gdevlbp3.txt japanese/gdevmag.txt \
- japanese/gdevmd2k.txt japanese/gdevmjc.txt \
- japanese/gdevml6.txt japanese/gdevp201.txt japanese/gs261j.euc \
- japanese/gs261j.txt chp2200/AUTHORS chp2200/INSTALL \
- epson740/README epson740/upp-HowTo-to-be \
- lxm3200-tweaked/LICENSE lxm3200-tweaked/README \
- lxm3200-tweaked/RELEASE_NOTES \
- lxm3200-tweaked/Z12-Z31-QuickSetup md2k_md5k/README.jis
- ${WRKSRC}/contrib/japanese/dmp_site.ps
- @${ECHO_CMD} '# automatically generated' > ${WRKSRC}/base/drivers.mak
- @${ECHO_CMD} 'DEVICE_DEVS=$${DISPLAY_DEV}' >> ${WRKSRC}/base/drivers.mak
-.for N in ${DEVS_LIST}
- @${ECHO_CMD} '${N:S/^/DEVICE_/:S/^DEVICE_DISPLAY_DEV/DISPLAY_DEV/}=' >> ${WRKSRC}/base/drivers.mak
-.for D in ${OPTIONS_DEFINE:MGS_*:S/^GS_//} \
-.for N in ${DEVS_LIST}
-.if !defined(OPTIONS_UNSET) || !${OPTIONS_UNSET:MGS_${D}}
-.for X in ${${N:S/^/DEVICE_/:S/^DEVICE_DISPLAY_DEV/DISPLAY_DEV/}:M${D}.dev}
- @${ECHO_CMD} '${N:S/^/DEVICE_/:S/^DEVICE_DISPLAY_DEV/DISPLAY_DEV/}+= $$(DD)${D}.dev' >> ${WRKSRC}/base/drivers.mak
-pre-build: pre-build-drivers.mak
- ${MKDIR} ${WRKSRC}/obj
- ${MKDIR} ${WRKSRC}/bin
- cd ${WRKSRC}/Resource/Init && ${RM} \
- gs_statd.ps.orig gs_ttf.ps.orig pdf_font.ps.orig
-post-install-DOCS-on: post-install-docs
- ${MKDIR} ${WRKSRC}/contrib/japanese
- ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/contrib/japanese/doc/* \
- ${WRKSRC}/contrib/japanese
- cd ${WRKSRC}/contrib && \
- ${TAR} -cf - ${PORTDOC_FILES} | \
- (cd ${STAGEDIR}${DOCSDIR} && ${TAR} -xof -)
- ${LN} -sf gsc ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/gs
- ${LN} -s -f ${LOCALBASE}/share/fonts/CIDFont \
- ${STAGEDIR}${DATADIR}/Resource/CIDFont/fonts
-.include <bsd.port.mk>
diff --git a/print/ghostscript9-base/Makefile.drivers b/print/ghostscript9-base/Makefile.drivers
deleted file mode 100644
index 3522c7752bac..000000000000
--- a/print/ghostscript9-base/Makefile.drivers
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,895 +0,0 @@
- GS_lvga256 \
- GS_vgalib
- GS_oprp \
- GS_opvp
- GS_cups
- GS_display \
- GS_omni \
- GS_md2k \
- GS_md5k \
- GS_md50Mono \
- GS_md50Eco \
- GS_md1xMono \
- GS_appledmp \
- GS_iwhi \
- GS_iwlo \
- GS_iwlq \
- GS_hl7x0 \
- GS_hl1240 \
- GS_hl1250 \
- GS_bj10e \
- GS_bj10v \
- GS_bj10vh \
- GS_bj200 \
- GS_bjc600 \
- GS_bjc800 \
- GS_bjccmyk \
- GS_bjccolor \
- GS_bjcgray \
- GS_bjcmono \
- GS_lbp8 \
- GS_lbp310 \
- GS_lbp320 \
- GS_lips2p \
- GS_lips3 \
- GS_lips4 \
- GS_bjc880j \
- GS_lips4v \
- GS_m8510 \
- GS_coslw2p \
- GS_coslwxl \
- GS_uniprint \
- GS_dmprt \
- GS_dl2100 \
- GS_la50 \
- GS_la70 \
- GS_la75 \
- GS_la75plus \
- GS_ln03 \
- GS_lj250 \
- GS_declj250 \
- GS_ap3250 \
- GS_epson \
- GS_eps9mid \
- GS_eps9high \
- GS_lp8000 \
- GS_epag \
- GS_escpage \
- GS_lp2000 \
- GS_alc8600 \
- GS_alc8500 \
- GS_alc2000 \
- GS_alc4000 \
- GS_alc1900 \
- GS_alc4100 \
- GS_lp9800c \
- GS_lp9000c \
- GS_lp9500c \
- GS_lp8800c \
- GS_lp8300c \
- GS_lp8500c \
- GS_lp3000c \
- GS_lp8200c \
- GS_lp8000c \
- GS_eplmono \
- GS_eplcolor \
- GS_epl6100 \
- GS_epl5900 \
- GS_epl5800 \
- GS_epl2050 \
- GS_epl2050p \
- GS_epl2120 \
- GS_epl2500 \
- GS_epl2750 \
- GS_lp9000b \
- GS_lp2500 \
- GS_lp9100 \
- GS_lp7900 \
- GS_lp7500 \
- GS_lp2400 \
- GS_lp2200 \
- GS_lp9400 \
- GS_lp8900 \
- GS_lp8700 \
- GS_lp8100 \
- GS_lp7700 \
- GS_lp8600f \
- GS_lp8400f \
- GS_lp8300f \
- GS_lp1900 \
- GS_lp9600s \
- GS_lp9300 \
- GS_lp9600 \
- GS_lp8600 \
- GS_lp1800 \
- GS_lq850 \
- GS_epsonc \
- GS_mj700v2c \
- GS_mj500c \
- GS_mj6000c \
- GS_mj8000c \
- GS_st800 \
- GS_stcolor \
- GS_photoex \
- GS_fmlbp \
- GS_fmpr \
- GS_lp2563 \
- GS_cdnj500 \
- GS_dnj650c \
- GS_deskjet \
- GS_djet500 \
- GS_cdeskjet \
- GS_djet500c \
- GS_cdjcolor \
- GS_cdjmono \
- GS_cdj500 \
- GS_cdj550 \
- GS_dj505j \
- GS_cdj670 \
- GS_cdj850 \
- GS_cdj880 \
- GS_cdj890 \
- GS_cdj1600 \
- GS_chp2200 \
- GS_cdj970 \
- GS_laserjet \
- GS_ljetplus \
- GS_ljet2p \
- GS_ljet3 \
- GS_ljet3d \
- GS_ljet4 \
- GS_ljet4d \
- GS_lj4dith \
- GS_ljet4pjl \
- GS_lj4dithp \
- GS_cljet5 \
- GS_cljet5c \
- GS_cljet5pr \
- GS_lj5mono \
- GS_lj5gray \
- GS_pj \
- GS_pjetxl \
- GS_pjxl \
- GS_paintjet \
- GS_pjxl300 \
- GS_pxlmono \
- GS_pxlcolor \
- GS_pcl3 \
- GS_ijs \
- GS_ibmpro \
- GS_jetp3852 \
- GS_imagen \
- GS_fs600 \
- GS_lxm5700m \
- GS_lxm3200 \
- GS_lex2050 \
- GS_lex3200 \
- GS_lex5700 \
- GS_lex7000 \
- GS_cp50 \
- GS_pr1000 \
- GS_pr1000_4 \
- GS_pr150 \
- GS_pr201 \
- GS_picty180 \
- GS_necp6 \
- GS_npdl \
- GS_oce9050 \
- GS_oki182 \
- GS_okiibm \
- GS_ml600 \
- GS_oki4w \
- GS_atx23 \
- GS_atx24 \
- GS_atx38 \
- GS_r4081 \
- GS_rpdl \
- GS_gdi \
- GS_jj100 \
- GS_sj48 \
- GS_t4693d2 \
- GS_t4693d4 \
- GS_t4693d8 \
- GS_tek4696 \
- GS_xes \
- GS_bmpmono \
- GS_bmpgray \
- GS_bmp16 \
- GS_bmp256 \
- GS_bmp16m \
- GS_bmp32b \
- GS_bmpsep1 \
- GS_bmpsep8 \
- GS_ccr \
- GS_cif \
- GS_dfaxhigh \
- GS_dfaxlow \
- GS_xcf \
- GS_xcfcmyk \
- GS_faxg3 \
- GS_faxg32d \
- GS_faxg4 \
- GS_miff24 \
- GS_inferno \
- GS_jpeg \
- GS_jpeggray \
- GS_mag16 \
- GS_mag256 \
- GS_mgrmono \
- GS_mgrgray2 \
- GS_mgrgray4 \
- GS_mgrgray8 \
- GS_mgr4 \
- GS_mgr8 \
- GS_pcxmono \
- GS_pcxgray \
- GS_pcx16 \
- GS_pcx256 \
- GS_pcx24b \
- GS_pcxcmyk \
- GS_pdfwrite \
- GS_psdrgb \
- GS_psdcmyk \
- GS_bit \
- GS_bitrgb \
- GS_bitcmyk \
- GS_plan \
- GS_plang \
- GS_planm \
- GS_planc \
- GS_plank \
- GS_plib \
- GS_plibg \
- GS_plibm \
- GS_plibc \
- GS_plibk \
- GS_plan9bm \
- GS_pam \
- GS_pbm \
- GS_pbmraw \
- GS_pgm \
- GS_pgmraw \
- GS_pgnm \
- GS_pgnmraw \
- GS_pnm \
- GS_pnmraw \
- GS_ppm \
- GS_ppmraw \
- GS_pkm \
- GS_pkmraw \
- GS_pksm \
- GS_pksmraw \
- GS_pngmono \
- GS_pnggray \
- GS_png16 \
- GS_png256 \
- GS_png16m \
- GS_pngalpha \
- GS_png48 \
- GS_psmono \
- GS_psgray \
- GS_psrgb \
- GS_pswrite \
- GS_ps2write \
- GS_epswrite \
- GS_cfax \
- GS_sgirgb \
- GS_sunhmono \
- GS_svgwrite \
- GS_tiffcrle \
- GS_tiffg3 \
- GS_tiffg32d \
- GS_tiffg4 \
- GS_tiffgray \
- GS_tiff12nc \
- GS_tiff24nc \
- GS_tiff32nc \
- GS_tiffsep \
- GS_tifflzw \
- GS_tiffpack \
- GS_bbox \
- GS_devicen \
- GS_perm \
- GS_spotcmyk \
- GS_inkcov
- GS_display \
- GS_omni \
- GS_md2k \
- GS_md5k \
- GS_md50Mono \
- GS_md50Eco \
- GS_md1xMono \
- GS_appledmp \
- GS_iwhi \
- GS_iwlo \
- GS_iwlq \
- GS_hl7x0 \
- GS_hl1240 \
- GS_hl1250 \
- GS_bj10e \
- GS_bj10v \
- GS_bj10vh \
- GS_bj200 \
- GS_bjc600 \
- GS_bjc800 \
- GS_bjccmyk \
- GS_bjccolor \
- GS_bjcgray \
- GS_bjcmono \
- GS_lbp8 \
- GS_lbp310 \
- GS_lbp320 \
- GS_lips2p \
- GS_lips3 \
- GS_lips4 \
- GS_bjc880j \
- GS_lips4v \
- GS_m8510 \
- GS_coslw2p \
- GS_coslwxl \
- GS_uniprint \
- GS_dmprt \
- GS_dl2100 \
- GS_la50 \
- GS_la70 \
- GS_la75 \
- GS_la75plus \
- GS_ln03 \
- GS_lj250 \
- GS_declj250 \
- GS_ap3250 \
- GS_epson \
- GS_eps9mid \
- GS_eps9high \
- GS_lp8000 \
- GS_epag \
- GS_escpage \
- GS_lp2000 \
- GS_alc8600 \
- GS_alc8500 \
- GS_alc2000 \
- GS_alc4000 \
- GS_alc1900 \
- GS_alc4100 \
- GS_lp9800c \
- GS_lp9000c \
- GS_lp9500c \
- GS_lp8800c \
- GS_lp8300c \
- GS_lp8500c \
- GS_lp3000c \
- GS_lp8200c \
- GS_lp8000c \
- GS_eplmono \
- GS_eplcolor \
- GS_epl6100 \
- GS_epl5900 \
- GS_epl5800 \
- GS_epl2050 \
- GS_epl2050p \
- GS_epl2120 \
- GS_epl2500 \
- GS_epl2750 \
- GS_lp9000b \
- GS_lp2500 \
- GS_lp9100 \
- GS_lp7900 \
- GS_lp7500 \
- GS_lp2400 \
- GS_lp2200 \
- GS_lp9400 \
- GS_lp8900 \
- GS_lp8700 \
- GS_lp8100 \
- GS_lp7700 \
- GS_lp8600f \
- GS_lp8400f \
- GS_lp8300f \
- GS_lp1900 \
- GS_lp9600s \
- GS_lp9300 \
- GS_lp9600 \
- GS_lp8600 \
- GS_lp1800 \
- GS_lq850 \
- GS_epsonc \
- GS_mj700v2c \
- GS_mj500c \
- GS_mj6000c \
- GS_mj8000c \
- GS_st800 \
- GS_stcolor \
- GS_photoex \
- GS_fmlbp \
- GS_fmpr \
- GS_lp2563 \
- GS_cdnj500 \
- GS_dnj650c \
- GS_deskjet \
- GS_djet500 \
- GS_cdeskjet \
- GS_djet500c \
- GS_cdjcolor \
- GS_cdjmono \
- GS_cdj500 \
- GS_cdj550 \
- GS_dj505j \
- GS_cdj670 \
- GS_cdj850 \
- GS_cdj880 \
- GS_cdj890 \
- GS_cdj1600 \
- GS_chp2200 \
- GS_cdj970 \
- GS_laserjet \
- GS_ljetplus \
- GS_ljet2p \
- GS_ljet3 \
- GS_ljet3d \
- GS_ljet4 \
- GS_ljet4d \
- GS_lj4dith \
- GS_ljet4pjl \
- GS_lj4dithp \
- GS_cljet5 \
- GS_cljet5c \
- GS_cljet5pr \
- GS_lj5mono \
- GS_lj5gray \
- GS_pj \
- GS_pjetxl \
- GS_pjxl \
- GS_paintjet \
- GS_pjxl300 \
- GS_pxlmono \
- GS_pxlcolor \
- GS_pcl3 \
- GS_ijs \
- GS_ibmpro \
- GS_jetp3852 \
- GS_imagen \
- GS_fs600 \
- GS_lxm5700m \
- GS_lxm3200 \
- GS_lex2050 \
- GS_lex3200 \
- GS_lex5700 \
- GS_lex7000 \
- GS_cp50 \
- GS_pr1000 \
- GS_pr1000_4 \
- GS_pr150 \
- GS_pr201 \
- GS_picty180 \
- GS_necp6 \
- GS_npdl \
- GS_oce9050 \
- GS_oki182 \
- GS_okiibm \
- GS_ml600 \
- GS_oki4w \
- GS_atx23 \
- GS_atx24 \
- GS_atx38 \
- GS_r4081 \
- GS_rpdl \
- GS_gdi \
- GS_jj100 \
- GS_sj48 \
- GS_t4693d2 \
- GS_t4693d4 \
- GS_t4693d8 \
- GS_tek4696 \
- GS_xes \
- GS_bmpmono \
- GS_bmpgray \
- GS_bmp16 \
- GS_bmp256 \
- GS_bmp16m \
- GS_bmp32b \
- GS_bmpsep1 \
- GS_bmpsep8 \
- GS_ccr \
- GS_cif \
- GS_dfaxhigh \
- GS_dfaxlow \
- GS_xcf \
- GS_xcfcmyk \
- GS_faxg3 \
- GS_faxg32d \
- GS_faxg4 \
- GS_miff24 \
- GS_inferno \
- GS_jpeg \
- GS_jpeggray \
- GS_mag16 \
- GS_mag256 \
- GS_mgrmono \
- GS_mgrgray2 \
- GS_mgrgray4 \
- GS_mgrgray8 \
- GS_mgr4 \
- GS_mgr8 \
- GS_pcxmono \
- GS_pcxgray \
- GS_pcx16 \
- GS_pcx256 \
- GS_pcx24b \
- GS_pcxcmyk \
- GS_pdfwrite \
- GS_psdrgb \
- GS_psdcmyk \
- GS_bit \
- GS_bitrgb \
- GS_bitcmyk \
- GS_plan \
- GS_plang \
- GS_planm \
- GS_planc \
- GS_plank \
- GS_plib \
- GS_plibg \
- GS_plibm \
- GS_plibc \
- GS_plibk \
- GS_plan9bm \
- GS_pam \
- GS_pbm \
- GS_pbmraw \
- GS_pgm \
- GS_pgmraw \
- GS_pgnm \
- GS_pgnmraw \
- GS_pnm \
- GS_pnmraw \
- GS_ppm \
- GS_ppmraw \
- GS_pkm \
- GS_pkmraw \
- GS_pksm \
- GS_pksmraw \
- GS_pngmono \
- GS_pnggray \
- GS_png16 \
- GS_png256 \
- GS_png16m \
- GS_pngalpha \
- GS_png48 \
- GS_psmono \
- GS_psgray \
- GS_psrgb \
- GS_pswrite \
- GS_ps2write \
- GS_epswrite \
- GS_cfax \
- GS_sgirgb \
- GS_sunhmono \
- GS_svgwrite \
- GS_tiffcrle \
- GS_tiffg3 \
- GS_tiffg32d \
- GS_tiffg4 \
- GS_tiffgray \
- GS_tiff12nc \
- GS_tiff24nc \
- GS_tiff32nc \
- GS_tiffsep \
- GS_tifflzw \
- GS_tiffpack \
- GS_bbox \
- GS_devicen \
- GS_perm \
- GS_spotcmyk \
- GS_inkcov
-GS_lvga256_DESC= D: SVGAlib, 256-color VGA modes
-GS_vgalib_DESC= D: SVGAlib, 16-color VGA modes
-GS_oprp_DESC= D: OpenPrinting Raster driver interface
-GS_opvp_DESC= D: OpenPrinting Vecter driver interface
-GS_cups_DESC= D: CUPS driver
-GS_display_DESC= D: display device for GS shared library
-GS_omni_DESC= D: Omni driver
-GS_md2k_DESC= D: ALPS MD-2000/2010/4000/1300/1500/5000
-GS_md5k_DESC= D: ALPS MD-5000 Eco Mode
-GS_md50Mono_DESC= D: ALPS MD-5000 Monochrome
-GS_md50Eco_DESC= D: ALPS MD-5000 Eco Mode
-GS_md1xMono_DESC= D: ALPS MD-1x00 Monochrome
-GS_appledmp_DESC= D: Apple Dot Matrix Printer/Imagewriter
-GS_iwhi_DESC= D: Apple Imagewriter, high-resolution mode
-GS_iwlo_DESC= D: Apple Imagewriter, low-resolution mode
-GS_iwlq_DESC= D: Apple Imagewriter LQ in 320x216dpi mode
-GS_hl7x0_DESC= D: Brother HL-720/730/760(=PCL), MFC6550MC
-GS_hl1240_DESC= D: Brother HL-1030/1240
-GS_hl1250_DESC= D: Brother HL-1050/1070/1250/1270N
-GS_bj10e_DESC= D: Canon BJ-10e
-GS_bj10v_DESC= D: Canon BJ-10v
-GS_bj10vh_DESC= D: Canon BJ-10v, high-mergin
-GS_bj200_DESC= D: Canon BJ-200/BJC-240(mono)
-GS_bjc600_DESC= D: Canon BJC-600/4xxx/70, StyleWriter 2x00
-GS_bjc800_DESC= D: Canon BJC-240/800
-GS_bjccmyk_DESC= D: Canon BJC-210/240/250/265/1000
-GS_bjccolor_DESC= D: Canon BJC-210/240/250/265/1000 truecolor
-GS_bjcgray_DESC= D: Canon BJC-210/240/250/265/1000 grayscale
-GS_bjcmono_DESC= D: Canon BJC-210/240/250/265/1000 monochrome
-GS_lbp8_DESC= D: Canon LBP-8II
-GS_lbp310_DESC= D: Canon LBP-310
-GS_lbp320_DESC= D: Canon LBP-320 Pro/LBP-350
-GS_lips2p_DESC= D: Canon LIPS II+
-GS_lips3_DESC= D: Canon LIPS III
-GS_lips4_DESC= D: Canon LIPS IV
-GS_bjc880j_DESC= D: Canon LIPS IVc, BJC-680J/880J
-GS_lips4v_DESC= D: Canon LIPS IV, vector output mode
-GS_m8510_DESC= D: C.Itoh M8510 printer
-GS_coslw2p_DESC= D: CoStar LabelWriter II II/Plus
-GS_coslwxl_DESC= D: CoStar LabelWriter XL
-GS_uniprint_DESC= D: Configurable ESC/P,ESC/P2,HP-RTL/PCL,P2X
-GS_dmprt_DESC= D: Configurable dot matrix printer driver
-GS_dl2100_DESC= D: DEC DL2100
-GS_la50_DESC= D: DEC LA50
-GS_la70_DESC= D: DEC LA70
-GS_la75_DESC= D: DEC LA75
-GS_la75plus_DESC= D: DEC LA75+
-GS_ln03_DESC= D: DEC LN03
-GS_lj250_DESC= D: DEC LJ250 Companion color printer
-GS_declj250_DESC= D: DEC LJ250 driver (alternate)
-GS_ap3250_DESC= D: Epson ActionPrinter 3250
-GS_epson_DESC= D: Epson dot matrix, 9/24-pin
-GS_eps9mid_DESC= D: Epson 9-pin, interleaved lines, medium res
-GS_eps9high_DESC= D: Epson 9-pin, interleaved lines, triple res
-GS_lp8000_DESC= D: Epson LP-8000 line printer
-GS_epag_DESC= D: Epson ESC/Page laser printer (generic)
-GS_escpage_DESC= D: Epson ESC/Page laser printer (generic)
-GS_lp2000_DESC= D: Epson LP-2000/3000/7000/7000G laser printer
-GS_alc8600_DESC= D: Epson AL-C8600 color laser printer
-GS_alc8500_DESC= D: Epson AL-C8500 color laser printer
-GS_alc2000_DESC= D: Epson AL-C2000 color laser printer
-GS_alc4000_DESC= D: Epson AL-C4000 color laser printer
-GS_alc1900_DESC= D: Epson AL-C1900 color laser printer
-GS_alc4100_DESC= D: Epson AL-C4100 color laser printer
-GS_lp9800c_DESC= D: Epson LP-9800C color laser printer
-GS_lp9000c_DESC= D: Epson LP-9000C color laser printer
-GS_lp9500c_DESC= D: Epson LP-9500C color laser printer
-GS_lp8800c_DESC= D: Epson LP-8800C color laser printer
-GS_lp8300c_DESC= D: Epson LP-8300C color laser printer
-GS_lp8500c_DESC= D: Epson LP-8500C color laser printer
-GS_lp3000c_DESC= D: Epson LP-3000C color laser printer
-GS_lp8200c_DESC= D: Epson LP-8200C color laser printer
-GS_lp8000c_DESC= D: Epson LP-8000C color laser printer
-GS_eplmono_DESC= D: Epson Esc/Page Generic driver, mono
-GS_eplcolor_DESC= D: Epson Esc/Page Generic driver, color
-GS_epl6100_DESC= D: Epson EPL-6100 laser printer
-GS_epl5900_DESC= D: Epson EPL-5900 laser printer
-GS_epl5800_DESC= D: Epson EPL-5800 laser printer
-GS_epl2050_DESC= D: Epson EPL-N2050 laser printer
-GS_epl2050p_DESC= D: Epson EPL-N2050+ laser printer
-GS_epl2120_DESC= D: Epson EPL-N2120 laser printer
-GS_epl2500_DESC= D: Epson EPL-N2500 laser printer
-GS_epl2750_DESC= D: Epson EPL-N2750 laser printer
-GS_lp9000b_DESC= D: Epson LP-9000B laser printer
-GS_lp2500_DESC= D: Epson LP-2500 laser printer
-GS_lp9100_DESC= D: Epson LP-9100(R) laser printer
-GS_lp7900_DESC= D: Epson LP-7900(R) laser printer
-GS_lp7500_DESC= D: Epson LP-7500(R) laser printer
-GS_lp2400_DESC= D: Epson LP-2400 laser printer
-GS_lp2200_DESC= D: Epson LP-2200 laser printer
-GS_lp9400_DESC= D: Epson LP-9400(R) laser printer
-GS_lp8900_DESC= D: Epson LP-8900(R) laser printer
-GS_lp8700_DESC= D: Epson LP-8700(R) laser printer
-GS_lp8100_DESC= D: Epson LP-8100(R) laser printer
-GS_lp7700_DESC= D: Epson LP-7700(R) laser printer
-GS_lp8600f_DESC= D: Epson LP-8600FX(N) laser printer
-GS_lp8400f_DESC= D: Epson LP-8400FX(N) laser printer
-GS_lp8300f_DESC= D: Epson LP-8300F laser printer
-GS_lp1900_DESC= D: Epson LP-1900(N) laser printer
-GS_lp9600s_DESC= D: Epson LP-9600S laser printer
-GS_lp9300_DESC= D: Epson LP-9300 laser printer
-GS_lp9600_DESC= D: Epson LP-9600 laser printer
-GS_lp8600_DESC= D: Epson LP-8600FX(N) laser printer
-GS_lp1800_DESC= D: Epson LP-1800 laser printer
-GS_lq850_DESC= D: Epson LQ-850 (360x360, emul on Canon BJ300)
-GS_epsonc_DESC= D: Epson LQ-2550, Fujitsu 3400/2400/1200 color
-GS_mj700v2c_DESC= D: Epson MachJet series, CMYK
-GS_mj500c_DESC= D: Epson MachJet MJ-500C 360dpi, CMY/mono
-GS_mj6000c_DESC= D: Epson MachJet MJ-830C/930C/6000C
-GS_mj8000c_DESC= D: Epson MachJet MJ-8000C
-GS_st800_DESC= D: Epson Stylus 800 printer
-GS_stcolor_DESC= D: Epson Stylus Color and II/IIs/1500
-GS_photoex_DESC= D: Epson Stylus Color Photo/Photo EX/Photo 700
-GS_fmlbp_DESC= D: Fujitsu contrib2xx Page Printer
-GS_fmpr_DESC= D: Fujitsu contrib
-GS_lp2563_DESC= D: HP 2563B line printer
-GS_cdnj500_DESC= D: HP DesignJet 500
-GS_dnj650c_DESC= D: HP DesignJet 650C
-GS_deskjet_DESC= D: HP DeskJet and DeskJet Plus
-GS_djet500_DESC= D: HP DeskJet 500 (for DeskJet 600 use -r600)
-GS_cdeskjet_DESC= D: HP DeskJet 500C (1b/px)
-GS_djet500c_DESC= D: HP DeskJet 500C (alternative)
-GS_cdjcolor_DESC= D: HP DeskJet 500C/540C (24b/px)
-GS_cdjmono_DESC= D: HP DeskJet 500/510/520/540C (mono)
-GS_cdj500_DESC= D: HP DeskJet 500/540C (same as cdjcolor)
-GS_cdj550_DESC= D: HP DeskJet 550C/560C/660C/660Cse
-GS_dj505j_DESC= D: HP DeskJet 505J
-GS_cdj670_DESC= D: HP DeskJet 670/690
-GS_cdj850_DESC= D: HP DeskJet 850/855/870/1100
-GS_cdj880_DESC= D: HP DeskJet 880
-GS_cdj890_DESC= D: HP DeskJet 890
-GS_cdj1600_DESC= D: HP DeskJet 1600
-GS_chp2200_DESC= D: HP Business Inkjet 2200
-GS_cdj970_DESC= D: HP DeskJet 970CXi
-GS_laserjet_DESC= D: HP LaserJet
-GS_ljetplus_DESC= D: HP LaserJet Plus
-GS_ljet2p_DESC= D: HP LaserJet IId/IIp/III* (TIFF compression)
-GS_ljet3_DESC= D: HP LaserJet III* (Delta Row compression)
-GS_ljet3d_DESC= D: HP LaserJet IIID (duplex capability)
-GS_ljet4_DESC= D: HP LaserJet 4/5L/5P (not real LJ5), 600dpi
-GS_ljet4d_DESC= D: HP LaserJet 4 (duplex + 600dpi)
-GS_lj4dith_DESC= D: HP LaserJet 4 (Floyd-Steinberg dithering)
-GS_ljet4pjl_DESC= D: HP LaserJet 4V/4LJ Pro
-GS_lj4dithp_DESC= D: HP LaserJet 4V/4LJ Pro (dithering)
-GS_cljet5_DESC= D: HP LaserJet 5/5M Color (new)
-GS_cljet5c_DESC= D: HP LaserJet 5/5M Color Simple
-GS_cljet5pr_DESC= D: HP LaserJet 5/5M Color (old)
-GS_lj5mono_DESC= D: HP LaserJet 5/6 (PCL5/PCL XL), bitmap
-GS_lj5gray_DESC= D: HP LaserJet 5/6 gray-scale bitmap
-GS_pj_DESC= D: HP PaintJet XL driver
-GS_pjetxl_DESC= D: HP PaintJet XL driver (alternate)
-GS_pjxl_DESC= D: HP PaintJet XL color printer
-GS_paintjet_DESC= D: HP PaintJet color printer (alternate)
-GS_pjxl300_DESC= D: HP PaintJet XL300, DeskJet 1200C, CopyJet
-GS_pxlmono_DESC= D: HP PCL XL mono (LaserJet 5/6 family)
-GS_pxlcolor_DESC= D: HP PCL XL color (Color LaserJet 4500/5000)
-GS_pcl3_DESC= D: HP PCL 3+ (generic)
-GS_ijs_DESC= D: HP Inkjet and other raster devices
-GS_ibmpro_DESC= D: IBM 9-pin Proprinter
-GS_jetp3852_DESC= D: IBM Jetprinter ink-jet color (Model \#3852)
-GS_imagen_DESC= D: Imagen ImPress printers
-GS_fs600_DESC= D: Kyocera FS-600 (600 dpi)
-GS_lxm5700m_DESC= D: Lexmark 5700 monotone
-GS_lxm3200_DESC= D: Lexmark 3200/Z12/Z22/Z31/Z32
-GS_lex2050_DESC= D: Lexmark 2050
-GS_lex3200_DESC= D: Lexmark 3200
-GS_lex5700_DESC= D: Lexmark 5700
-GS_lex7000_DESC= D: Lexmark 7000
-GS_cp50_DESC= D: Mitsubishi CP50 color
-GS_pr1000_DESC= D: NEC PC-PR 1000
-GS_pr1000_4_DESC= D: NEC PC-PR 1000/4
-GS_pr150_DESC= D: NEC PC-PR 150
-GS_pr201_DESC= D: NEC PC-PR 201
-GS_picty180_DESC= D: NEC PICTY 180 (PC-PR101J/180)
-GS_necp6_DESC= D: NEC PinWriter P6/P6+/P60 (360x360)
-GS_npdl_DESC= D: NEC Printer Description Language
-GS_oce9050_DESC= D: OCE 9050 printer
-GS_oki182_DESC= D: Okidata MicroLine 182
-GS_okiibm_DESC= D: Okidata MicroLine IBM-compatible printers
-GS_ml600_DESC= D: Okidata Microline 600CL/620CL
-GS_oki4w_DESC= D: Okidata OkiPage 4w+
-GS_atx23_DESC= D: Practical Automation ATX-23
-GS_atx24_DESC= D: Practical Automation ATX-24
-GS_atx38_DESC= D: Practical Automation ATX-38
-GS_r4081_DESC= D: Ricoh 4081 laser printer
-GS_rpdl_DESC= D: Ricoh Printer Description Language
-GS_gdi_DESC= D: Samsung SmartGDI laser printer
-GS_jj100_DESC= D: Star JJ-100
-GS_sj48_DESC= D: StarJet 48 inkjet printer
-GS_t4693d2_DESC= D: Tektronix 4693d color, 2b/RGB
-GS_t4693d4_DESC= D: Tektronix 4693d color, 4b/RGB
-GS_t4693d8_DESC= D: Tektronix 4693d color, 8b/RGB
-GS_tek4696_DESC= D: Tektronix 4695/4696 inkjet plotter
-GS_xes_DESC= D: Xerox XES (2700, 3700, 4045, etc.)
-GS_bmpmono_DESC= D: BMP Monochrome
-GS_bmpgray_DESC= D: BMP 8-bit gray
-GS_bmp16_DESC= D: BMP 4-bit EGA/VGA
-GS_bmp256_DESC= D: BMP 8-bit 256-color
-GS_bmp16m_DESC= D: BMP 24-bit
-GS_bmp32b_DESC= D: BMP 32-bit pseudo-.BMP
-GS_bmpsep1_DESC= D: BMP Separated 1-bit CMYK
-GS_bmpsep8_DESC= D: BMP Separated 8-bit CMYK
-GS_ccr_DESC= D: CalComp Raster format
-GS_cif_DESC= D: CIF file format for VLSI
-GS_dfaxhigh_DESC= D: DigiBoard, DigiFAX (high res)
-GS_dfaxlow_DESC= D: DigiFAX (normal res)
-GS_xcf_DESC= D: Gimp XCF, RGB
-GS_xcfcmyk_DESC= D: Gimp XCF, CMYK
-GS_faxg3_DESC= D: Group 3 FAX (EOL + no header/EOD)
-GS_faxg32d_DESC= D: Group 3 2-D FAX (EOL + no header/EOD)
-GS_faxg4_DESC= D: Group 4 FAX (EOL + no header/EOD)
-GS_miff24_DESC= D: ImageMagick MIFF, 24-bit direct color, RLE
-GS_inferno_DESC= D: Inferno bitmaps
-GS_jpeg_DESC= D: JPEG format, RGB output
-GS_jpeggray_DESC= D: JPEG format, gray output
-GS_mag16_DESC= D: MAG format, 16-color
-GS_mag256_DESC= D: MAG format, 256-color
-GS_mgrmono_DESC= D: MGR devices 1-bit monochrome
-GS_mgrgray2_DESC= D: MGR devices 2-bit gray scale
-GS_mgrgray4_DESC= D: MGR devices 4-bit gray scale
-GS_mgrgray8_DESC= D: MGR devices 8-bit gray scale
-GS_mgr4_DESC= D: MGR devices 4-bit (VGA) color
-GS_mgr8_DESC= D: MGR devices 8-bit color
-GS_pcxmono_DESC= D: PCX, 1-bit monochrome
-GS_pcxgray_DESC= D: PCX, 8-bit gray scale
-GS_pcx16_DESC= D: PCX, 4-bit planar EGA/VGA color
-GS_pcx256_DESC= D: PCX, 8-bit chunky color
-GS_pcx24b_DESC= D: PCX, 24-bit color 3x8-bit planes
-GS_pcxcmyk_DESC= D: PCX, 4-bit chunky CMYK color
-GS_pdfwrite_DESC= D: Portable Document Format
-GS_psdrgb_DESC= D: PhotoShop PSD, RGB
-GS_psdcmyk_DESC= D: PhotoShop PSD, CMYK
-GS_bit_DESC= D: Plain bits, monochrome
-GS_bitrgb_DESC= D: Plain bits, RGB
-GS_bitcmyk_DESC= D: Plain bits, CMYK
-GS_plan_DESC= D: PLANar 24 bit RGB (8 bits per channel)
-GS_plang_DESC= D: PLANar 8 bit Grayscale
-GS_planm_DESC= D: PLANar 1 bit Monochrome
-GS_planc_DESC= D: PLANar 32 bit CMYK (8 bits per channel)
-GS_plank_DESC= D: PLANar 4 bit CMYK (1 bit per channel)
-GS_plib_DESC= D: PLANar Interlaced Banded 24 bit RGB
-GS_plibg_DESC= D: PLANar Interlaced Banded 8 bit Grayscale
-GS_plibm_DESC= D: PLANar Interlaced Banded 1 bit Monochrome
-GS_plibc_DESC= D: PLANar Interlaced Banded 32 bit CMYK
-GS_plibk_DESC= D: PLANar Interlaced Banded 4 bit CMYK
-GS_plan9bm_DESC= D: Plan 9 bitmap format
-GS_pam_DESC= D: Portable Arbitrary Map file
-GS_pbm_DESC= D: Portable Bitmap, plain
-GS_pbmraw_DESC= D: Portable Bitmap, raw
-GS_pgm_DESC= D: Portable Graymap, plain
-GS_pgmraw_DESC= D: Portable Graymap, raw
-GS_pgnm_DESC= D: Portable Graymap, plain (PBM opt)
-GS_pgnmraw_DESC= D: Portable Graymap, raw (PBM opt)
-GS_pnm_DESC= D: Portable Pixmap, plain RGB (PGM/PBM opt)
-GS_pnmraw_DESC= D: Portable Pixmap, raw RGB (PGM/PBM opt)
-GS_ppm_DESC= D: Portable Pixmap, plain RGB
-GS_ppmraw_DESC= D: Portable Pixmap, raw RGB
-GS_pkm_DESC= D: Portable inKmap, plain (4b CMYK=>RGB)
-GS_pkmraw_DESC= D: Portable inKmap, raw (4b CMYK=>RGB)
-GS_pksm_DESC= D: Portable Separated map, plain (4b CMYK=>4p)
-GS_pksmraw_DESC= D: Portable Separated map, raw (4b CMYK=>4p)
-GS_pngmono_DESC= D: PNG (Portable Network Graphics) Mono
-GS_pnggray_DESC= D: PNG 8-bit Gray
-GS_png16_DESC= D: PNG 4-bit Color
-GS_png256_DESC= D: PNG 8-bit Color
-GS_png16m_DESC= D: PNG 24-bit Color
-GS_pngalpha_DESC= D: PNG 32-bit RGBA Color
-GS_png48_DESC= D: PNG 48-bit Color
-GS_psmono_DESC= D: PostScript (Level 1) monochrome image
-GS_psgray_DESC= D: PostScript (Level 1) 8-bit gray image
-GS_psrgb_DESC= D: PostScript (Level 2) 24-bit color image
-GS_pswrite_DESC= D: PostScript (like PostScript Distiller)
-GS_ps2write_DESC= D: PostScript (Level 2) output
-GS_epswrite_DESC= D: Encapsulated PostScript
-GS_cfax_DESC= D: SFF format for CAPI FAX interface
-GS_sgirgb_DESC= D: SGI RGB pixmap format
-GS_sunhmono_DESC= D: Harlequin variant of 1-bit Sun raster file
-GS_svgwrite_DESC= D: SVG driver
-GS_tiffcrle_DESC= D: TIFF CCITT RLE 1 dim (G3 FAX with no EOL)
-GS_tiffg3_DESC= D: TIFF Group 3 FAX (with EOL)
-GS_tiffg32d_DESC= D: TIFF Group 3 2-D FAX
-GS_tiffg4_DESC= D: TIFF Group 4 FAX
-GS_tiffgray_DESC= D: TIFF 8-bit gray, no compress
-GS_tiff12nc_DESC= D: TIFF 12-bit RGB, no compress
-GS_tiff24nc_DESC= D: TIFF 24-bit RGB, no compress, NeXT format
-GS_tiff32nc_DESC= D: TIFF 32-bit CMYK
-GS_tiffsep_DESC= D: TIFF gray + CMYK composite
-GS_tifflzw_DESC= D: TIFF LZW, tag = 5, mono
-GS_tiffpack_DESC= D: TIFF PackBits, tag = 32773, mono
-GS_bbox_DESC= D: Bounding box output
-GS_devicen_DESC= D: DeviceN process color model device
-GS_perm_DESC= D: DeviceN which permutes color components
-GS_spotcmyk_DESC= D: DeviceN with CMYK and spot color support
-GS_inkcov_DESC= D: Compute ink coverage
diff --git a/print/ghostscript9-base/distinfo b/print/ghostscript9-base/distinfo
deleted file mode 100644
index 9fc6dde08cfd..000000000000
--- a/print/ghostscript9-base/distinfo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-SHA256 (ghostscript/ghostscript-9.06.tar.bz2) = 05acd1b576899572ef8ecbc25637cf73cbd0be267e651732db3012db33088e04
-SIZE (ghostscript/ghostscript-9.06.tar.bz2) = 29246039
-SHA256 (ghostscript/epag-3.09.tar.gz) = ad10eca44c781a5851d5a8993dcd95b2e2b99392cbf2c8372a5a658f3b991b3b
-SIZE (ghostscript/epag-3.09.tar.gz) = 12858
diff --git a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/Makefile.dmprt b/print/ghostscript9-base/files/Makefile.dmprt
deleted file mode 100644
index 92fa37e30e99..000000000000
--- a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/Makefile.dmprt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
- cd ${FILESDIR} && \
- ${INSTALL_DATA} lqx70ch.upp lqx70cl.upp lqx70cm.upp \
-post-install: post-install-dmprt
diff --git a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/Makefile.drivers_post b/print/ghostscript9-base/files/Makefile.drivers_post
deleted file mode 100644
index f6f456596e7a..000000000000
--- a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/Makefile.drivers_post
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-# pre/postprocessing driver variables
-# dmprt specific
-.if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MGS_dmprt}
-.include "${MASTERDIR}/files/Makefile.dmprt"
-# epag specific
-.if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MGS_epag}
-.include "${MASTERDIR}/files/Makefile.epag"
-EPAG_BASE= epag
-EPAG_SRCS= ${EPAG_BASE}-3.09.tar.gz
-EPAG_NAME= ${EPAG_SRCS:S,.tar.gz$,,}
- ${LN} -s -f ${EPAG_NAME} ${WRKSRC}/${EPAG_BASE}
- ${INSTALL_DATA} ${FILESDIR}/epag.contrib.mak ${WRKSRC}/base/epag.contrib.mak
-post-extract: post-extract-epag
-# pcl3 specific
-.if ${PORT_OPTIONS:MGS_pcl3}
-.include "${MASTERDIR}/files/Makefile.pcl3"
-# cups specific
-CUPS_DEVS= cups
-.undef _CUPS_DEVS
-.for D in ${CUPS_DEVS}
-_CUPS_DEVS+= ${D}
-.if defined(_CUPS_DEVS)
-LIB_DEPENDS+= libcupsimage.so:print/cups
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-cups
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --disable-cups
-# vgalib specific
-VGA_DEVS= lvga256 vgalib
-.undef _VGA_DEVS
-.for D in ${VGA_DEVS}
-.if ${ARCH:Mamd64} || ${ARCH:Mi386}
-_VGA_DEVS+= ${D}
-.if defined(_VGA_DEVS)
-LIB_DEPENDS+= libvga.so:graphics/svgalib
-# iconv specific
-ICONV_DEVS= oprp opvp
-.undef _ICONV_DEVS
-.for D in ${ICONV_DEVS}
-.if defined(_ICONV_DEVS)
-USES+= iconv
-# pre-defined order
-DISPLAY_DEV= bbox.dev
-DEVICE_DEVS1= bmpmono.dev bmpgray.dev bmpsep1.dev bmpsep8.dev \
- bmp16.dev bmp256.dev bmp16m.dev bmp32b.dev stcolor.dev
-DEVICE_DEVS2= epson.dev eps9high.dev eps9mid.dev epsonc.dev ibmpro.dev
-DEVICE_DEVS3= deskjet.dev djet500.dev laserjet.dev ljetplus.dev \
- ljet2p.dev ljet3.dev ljet3d.dev ljet4.dev ljet4d.dev \
- lj5mono.dev lj5gray.dev cups.dev
-DEVICE_DEVS4= cdeskjet.dev cdjcolor.dev cdjmono.dev cdj550.dev pj.dev \
- pjxl.dev pjxl300.dev ijs.dev
-DEVICE_DEVS5= uniprint.dev omni.dev inkcov.dev
-DEVICE_DEVS6= bj10e.dev bj200.dev bjc600.dev bjc800.dev png48.dev \
- png16m.dev pnggray.dev pngmono.dev png256.dev png16.dev \
- pngalpha.dev
-DEVICE_DEVS7= faxg3.dev faxg32d.dev faxg4.dev
-DEVICE_DEVS8= pcxmono.dev pcxgray.dev pcx16.dev pcx256.dev pcx24b.dev \
- pcxcmyk.dev svgwrite.dev plan.dev planc.dev plang.dev plank.dev \
- planm.dev plib.dev plibc.dev plibg.dev plibk.dev plibm.dev
-DEVICE_DEVS9= pbm.dev pbmraw.dev pgm.dev pgmraw.dev pgnm.dev \
- pgnmraw.dev pnm.dev pnmraw.dev ppm.dev ppmraw.dev pkm.dev \
- pkmraw.dev pksm.dev pksmraw.dev
-DEVICE_DEVS10= tiffcrle.dev tiffg3.dev tiffg32d.dev tiffg4.dev \
- tifflzw.dev tiffpack.dev
-DEVICE_DEVS11= tiff12nc.dev tiff24nc.dev tiff48nc tiffgray.dev \
- tiff32nc.dev tiff64nc.dev tiffsep.dev tiffsep1.dev
-DEVICE_DEVS12= psmono.dev psgray.dev psrgb.dev bit.dev bitrgb.dev \
- bitcmyk.dev
-DEVICE_DEVS14= jpeg.dev jpeggray.dev jpegcmyk.dev
-DEVICE_DEVS15= pdfwrite.dev pswrite.dev ps2write.dev epswrite.dev \
- txtwrite.dev pxlmono.dev pxlcolor.dev
-DEVICE_DEVS16= bbox.dev
-DEVICE_DEVS20= cljet5.dev cljet5c.dev
-DEVICE_DEVS21= spotcmyk.dev devicen.dev xcf.dev psdcmyk.dev psdrgb.dev \
- pamcmyk32.dev
-# DEVS19 is for this port specific
-DEVICE_DEVS19= alc1900.dev alc2000.dev alc4000.dev alc4100.dev \
- alc8500.dev alc8600.dev ap3250.dev appledmp.dev atx23.dev \
- atx24.dev atx38.dev bj10v.dev bj10vh.dev bjc880j.dev \
- bjccmyk.dev bjccolor.dev bjcgray.dev bjcmono.dev \
- ccr.dev cdj1600.dev cdj500.dev cdj670.dev cdj850.dev \
- cdj880.dev cdj890.dev cdj970.dev cdnj500.dev cfax.dev \
- cgm24.dev cgm8.dev cgmmono.dev chp2200.dev cif.dev \
- cljet5pr.dev coslw2p.dev coslwxl.dev cp50.dev declj250.dev \
- dfaxhigh.dev dfaxlow.dev display.dev dj505j.dev djet500c.dev \
- dl2100.dev dmprt.dev dnj650c.dev epag.dev epl2050.dev \
- epl2050p.dev epl2120.dev epl2500.dev epl2750.dev epl5800.dev \
- epl5900.dev epl6100.dev eplcolor.dev eplmono.dev escpage.dev \
- fmlbp.dev fmpr.dev fs600.dev gdi.dev hl1240.dev hl1250.dev \
- hl7x0.dev imagen.dev imdi.dev inferno.dev iwhi.dev iwlo.dev \
- iwlq.dev jetp3852.dev jj100.dev jpegcmyk.dev la50.dev la70.dev \
- la75.dev la75plus.dev lbp310.dev lbp320.dev lbp8.dev \
- lex2050.dev lex3200.dev lex5700.dev lex7000.dev lips2p.dev \
- lips3.dev lips4.dev lips4v.dev lj250.dev lj4dith.dev \
- lj4dithp.dev ljet4pjl.dev ln03.dev lp1800.dev lp1900.dev \
- lp2000.dev lp2200.dev lp2400.dev lp2500.dev lp2563.dev \
- lp3000c.dev lp7500.dev lp7700.dev lp7900.dev lp8000.dev \
- lp8000c.dev lp8100.dev lp8200c.dev lp8300c.dev lp8300f.dev \
- lp8400f.dev lp8500c.dev lp8600.dev lp8600f.dev lp8700.dev \
- lp8800c.dev lp8900.dev lp9000b.dev lp9000c.dev lp9100.dev \
- lp9300.dev lp9400.dev lp9500c.dev lp9600.dev lp9600s.dev \
- lp9800c.dev lq850.dev lvga256.dev lx5000.dev lxm3200.dev \
- lxm5700m.dev m8510.dev mag16.dev mag256.dev md1xMono.dev \
- md2k.dev md50Eco.dev md50Mono.dev md5k.dev mgr4.dev mgr8.dev \
- mgrgray2.dev mgrgray4.dev mgrgray8.dev mgrmono.dev miff24.dev \
- mj500c.dev mj6000c.dev mj700v2c.dev mj8000c.dev ml600.dev \
- necp6.dev npdl.dev oce9050.dev oki182.dev oki4w.dev okiibm.dev \
- oprp.dev opvp.dev paintjet.dev pam.dev pamcmyk32.dev pcl3.dev \
- perm.dev photoex.dev picty180.dev pjetxl.dev plan9bm.dev \
- pr1000.dev pr1000_4.dev pr150.dev pr201.dev r4081.dev rpdl.dev \
- sgirgb.dev sj48.dev st800.dev sunhmono.dev t4693d2.dev \
- t4693d4.dev t4693d8.dev tek4696.dev tiff48nc tiff64nc.dev \
- tiffsep1.dev txtwrite.dev vgalib.dev wtscmyk.dev wtsimdi.dev \
- x11.dev x11alpha.dev x11cmyk.dev x11cmyk2.dev x11cmyk4.dev \
- x11cmyk8.dev x11gray2.dev x11gray4.dev x11mono.dev x11rg16x.dev \
- x11rg32x.dev xcfcmyk.dev xes.dev
diff --git a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/Makefile.epag b/print/ghostscript9-base/files/Makefile.epag
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e59964f7f5e..000000000000
--- a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/Makefile.epag
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-# EPAG - additional driver for Epson ESC/Page printers
-# http://www.humblesoft.com/gdevepag.html
-PORTDOCS+= epag
-PORTDOC_FILES+= epag/ert.txt epag/gdevepag.txt epag/ChangeLog \
- epag/psprint epag/gsepagif.sh
- ${LN} -s -f ${WRKSRC}/${EPAG_NAME}/gdevepag.c ${WRKSRC}/base
- ${MKDIR} ${WRKSRC}/contrib/epag
- ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/${EPAG_NAME}/* ${WRKSRC}/contrib/epag
- cd ${WRKSRC}/${EPAG_NAME} && \
-pre-build: pre-build-epag
-post-build: post-build-epag
-post-install: post-install-epag
diff --git a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/Makefile.pcl3 b/print/ghostscript9-base/files/Makefile.pcl3
deleted file mode 100644
index a8a672301c68..000000000000
--- a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/Makefile.pcl3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-PORTDOCS+= pcl3
-PORTDOC_FILES+= pcl3/NEWS pcl3/BUGS pcl3/README pcl3/gs-pcl3.html \
- pcl3/how-to-report.txt pcl3/pcl3opts.html
- cd ${WRKSRC} && \
- ${CC} ${CFLAGS} -I./obj -I./soobj -I./base \
- -I./contrib/pcl3/eprn -o bin/pcl3opts \
- contrib/pcl3/src/pcl3opts.c contrib/pcl3/src/pclscan.c \
- contrib/pcl3/eprn/mediasize.c contrib/pcl3/src/pclsize.c
- ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/bin/pcl3opts ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin
- cd ${WRKSRC}/contrib/pcl3 && \
- ${INSTALL_DATA} lib/example.mcf lib/if-pcl3 \
- ps/calign.ps ps/dumppdd.ps ps/levels-test.ps \
- ps/margins-A4.ps ps/margins-A4Rotated.ps \
- ps/margins-Env10Rotated.ps \
- ps/margins-EnvDLRotated.ps \
- ps/margins-Letter.ps \
- ps/margins-LetterRotated.ps \
- cd ${WRKSRC}/contrib/pcl3/doc && \
- ${INSTALL_MAN} gs-pcl3.1 pcl3opts.1 ${STAGEDIR}${MANPREFIX}/man/man1
- ${MKDIR} ${WRKSRC}/contrib/pcl3
- ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/contrib/pcl3/doc/* ${WRKSRC}/contrib/pcl3
-post-build: post-build-pcl3
-post-install: post-install-pcl3
-post-install-docs: post-install-docs-pcl3
diff --git a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/epag.contrib.mak b/print/ghostscript9-base/files/epag.contrib.mak
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e6117ad4b51..000000000000
--- a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/epag.contrib.mak
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-### ------- Epson ESC/Page printer device ----------------- ###
-$(DD)epag.dev : $(epag_) $(DD)page.dev
- $(SETPDEV) $(DD)epag $(epag_)
-$(GLOBJ)gdevepag.$(OBJ): $(GLSRC)gdevepag.c $(gdevprn_h) $(PDEVH)
- $(GLCC) $(GLO_)gdevepag.$(OBJ) $(C_) $(GLSRC)gdevepag.c
diff --git a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/lqx70ch.upp b/print/ghostscript9-base/files/lqx70ch.upp
deleted file mode 100644
index b5d3cd49e912..000000000000
--- a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/lqx70ch.upp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-# $ApsCVS: src/apsfilter/uniprint/lqx70ch.upp,v 1.2 2000/04/21 18:48:00 andreas Exp $
--supModel="Epson LQ-1170 ESC/P2 Dot Matrix, 360x360DpI, Plain Paper"
--dupMargins="{ 9.0 0.0 9.0 24.0}"
- 1b40 1b40
- 1b2847 0100 01
- 1b2869 0100 01
- 1b2855 0100 0A
- 1b5501
- 1b2865 0200 0002
- 1b2843 0200 0000
- 1b2863 0400 0000 0000
--dupAbortCommand="(\033@\15\12\12\12\12 Printout-Aborted\15\014)"
diff --git a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/lqx70cl.upp b/print/ghostscript9-base/files/lqx70cl.upp
deleted file mode 100644
index 91fb1aa89906..000000000000
--- a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/lqx70cl.upp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-# $ApsCVS: src/apsfilter/uniprint/lqx70cl.upp,v 1.2 2000/04/21 18:48:00 andreas Exp $
--supModel="Epson LQ-1170 ESC/P2 Dot Matrix, 180x180DpI, Plain Paper"
--dupMargins="{ 9.0 0.0 9.0 24.0}"
- 1b40 1b40
- 1b2847 0100 01
- 1b2869 0100 01
- 1b2855 0100 14
- 1b5500
- 1b2865 0200 0002
- 1b2843 0200 0000
- 1b2863 0400 0000 0000
--dupAbortCommand="(\033@\15\12\12\12\12 Printout-Aborted\15\014)"
diff --git a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/lqx70cm.upp b/print/ghostscript9-base/files/lqx70cm.upp
deleted file mode 100644
index 895af73aa8d8..000000000000
--- a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/lqx70cm.upp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-# $ApsCVS: src/apsfilter/uniprint/lqx70cm.upp,v 1.2 2000/04/21 18:48:00 andreas Exp $
--supModel="Epson LQ-1170 ESC/P2 Dot Matrix, 360x180DpI, Plain Paper"
--dupMargins="{ 9.0 24.0 9.0 24.0}"
- 1b40 1b40
- 1b2847 0100 01
- 1b2869 0100 01
- 1b2855 0100 14
- 1b5501
- 1b2843 0200 0000
- 1b2863 0400 0000 0000
--dupAbortCommand="(\033@\15\12\12\12\12 Printout-Aborted\15\014)"
diff --git a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-Resource_Init_FAPIcidfmap b/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-Resource_Init_FAPIcidfmap
deleted file mode 100644
index 96c2570f30c1..000000000000
--- a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-Resource_Init_FAPIcidfmap
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
---- Resource/Init/FAPIcidfmap.orig 2012-08-08 08:01:36 UTC
-+++ Resource/Init/FAPIcidfmap
-@@ -29,4 +29,59 @@
- %
- % /Ryumin-Medium << /Path (msgothic.ttc) /CIDFontType 0 /FAPI /UFST /CSI [(Japan1) 2] >> ;
- % /HeiseiKakuGo-W5 << /Path (F:/WIN2000/Fonts/BATANG.TTC) /CIDFontType 0 /FAPI /UFST /CSI [(Japan1) 2] >> ;
-+%/Ryumin-Light << /Path (Ryumin-Light) /CIDFontType 0 /FAPI /UFST /CSI [(Japan1) 2] >> ;
-+%/GothicBBB-Medium << /Path (GothicBBB-Medium) /CIDFontType 0 /FAPI /UFST /CSI [(Japan1) 2] >> ;
-+/Ryumin-Medium /Ryumin-Light ;
-+/Ryumin-Regular /Ryumin-Light ;
-+/RyuminPro-Light /Ryumin-Light ;
-+/GothicBBBPro-Medium /GothicBBB-Medium ;
-+/KozGoPro-Bold /GothicBBB-Medium ;
-+/KozGoPro-Heavy /GothicBBB-Medium ;
-+/KozGoPro-Medium /GothicBBB-Medium ;
-+/KozGoPro-Regular /GothicBBB-Medium ;
-+/KozMinPro-Bold /Ryumin-Light ;
-+/KozMinPro-Light /Ryumin-Light ;
-+/KozMinPro-Medium /Ryumin-Light ;
-+/KozMinPro-Regular /Ryumin-Light ;
-+/HiraKakuPro-W3 /GothicBBB-Medium ;
-+/HiraKakuPro-W6 /GothicBBB-Medium ;
-+/HiraKakuStd-W8 /GothicBBB-Medium ;
-+/HiraMaruPro-W4 /GothicBBB-Medium ;
-+/HiraMinPro-W3 /Ryumin-Light ;
-+/HeiseiMin-W3 /Ryumin-Light ;
-+/HeiseiKakuGo-W5 /GothicBBB-Medium ;
-+/FutoMinA101-Bold /Ryumin-Light ;
-+/FutoMinA101Pro-Bold /Ryumin-Light ;
-+/FutoGoB101-Bold /GothicBBB-Medium ;
-+/FutoGoB101Pro-Bold /GothicBBB-Medium ;
-+/Jun101-Light /Ryumin-Light ;
-+/Jun101Pro-Light /Ryumin-Light ;
-+/MidashiGo-MB31 /GothicBBB-Medium ;
-+/MidashiGoPro-MB31 /GothicBBB-Medium ;
-+/MidashiMinPro-MA31 /Ryumin-Light ;
-+%/Munhwa-Regular /Munhwa-Regular ;
-+%/MunhwaGothic-Regular /MunhwaGothic-Regular ;
-+%/Munhwa-Bold /Munhwa-Bold ;
-+%/MunhwaGothic-Bold /MunhwaGothic-Bold ;
-+/HYGoThic-Medium /MunhwaGothic-Regular ;
-+/HYSMyeongJo-Medium /Munhwa-Regular ;
-+/HYRGoThic-Medium /MunhwaGothic-Bold ;
-+%/STHeiti-Regular << /Path (STHeiti-Regular) /CIDFontType 0 /FAPI /UFST /CSI [(CNS1) 5] >> ;
-+%/STSong-Light << /Path (STSong-Light) /CIDFontType 0 /FAPI /UFST /CSI [(GB1) 5] >> ;
-+%/MSung-Light << /Path (MSung-Light) /CIDFontType 0 /FAPI /UFST /CSI [(CNS1) 5] >> ;
-+%/MHei-Medium << /Path (MHei-Medium) /CIDFontType 0 /FAPI /UFST /CSI [(GB1) 5] >> ;
diff --git a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-Resource_Init_FAPIconfig b/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-Resource_Init_FAPIconfig
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f5469995dad..000000000000
--- a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-Resource_Init_FAPIconfig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
---- Resource/Init/FAPIconfig.orig 2012-08-08 08:01:36 UTC
-+++ Resource/Init/FAPIconfig
-@@ -12,3 +12,7 @@
- % and CID font resource files.
- % "Embedded fonts" are fonts and CID fonts being embedded into a document.
-+/FontPath () % A default directory for FAPI-handled font files path in FAPIfontmap.
-+/CIDFontPath () % A default directory for FAPI-handled CID font files path in FAPIcidfmap.
-+/HookDiskFonts [] % FontType values for disk PS fonts to be redirected to FAPI.
-+/HookEmbeddedFonts [] % FontType values for embedded PS fonts to be redirected to FAPI.
diff --git a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-Resource_Init_cidfmap b/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-Resource_Init_cidfmap
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c7c8c88e703..000000000000
--- a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-Resource_Init_cidfmap
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
---- Resource/Init/cidfmap.orig 2012-08-08 08:01:36 UTC
-+++ Resource/Init/cidfmap
-@@ -29,6 +29,67 @@
- % /ShinGo-Bold /HeiseiKakuGo-W5 ;
- % /Ryumin-Medium << /FileType /TrueType /Path (H:/AuxFiles/Fonts/BATANG.TTC) /SubfontID 3 /CSI [(Japan1) 2] >> ;
- % /Ryumin-Medium << /FileType /TrueType /Path (windir) getenv not {(c:/windows)}if (/Fonts/BATANG.TTC)concatstrings /SubfontID 3 /CSI [(Japan1) 2] >> ;
-+/Ryumin-Light << /FileType /TrueType /Path (Ryumin-Light) /SubfontID 0 /CSI [(Japan1) 6] >> ;
-+/GothicBBB-Medium << /FileType /TrueType /Path (GothicBBB-Medium) /SubfontID 0 /CSI [(Japan1) 6] >> ;
-+/Ryumin-Medium /Ryumin-Light ;
-+/Ryumin-Regular /Ryumin-Light ;
-+/RyuminPro-Light /Ryumin-Light ;
-+/GothicBBBPro-Medium /GothicBBB-Medium ;
-+/KozGoPro-Bold /GothicBBB-Medium ;
-+/KozGoPro-Heavy /GothicBBB-Medium ;
-+/KozGoPro-Medium /GothicBBB-Medium ;
-+/KozGoPro-Regular /GothicBBB-Medium ;
-+/KozMinPro-Bold /Ryumin-Light ;
-+/KozMinPro-Light /Ryumin-Light ;
-+/KozMinPro-Medium /Ryumin-Light ;
-+/KozMinPro-Regular /Ryumin-Light ;
-+/HiraKakuPro-W3 /GothicBBB-Medium ;
-+/HiraKakuPro-W6 /GothicBBB-Medium ;
-+/HiraKakuStd-W8 /GothicBBB-Medium ;
-+/HiraMaruPro-W4 /GothicBBB-Medium ;
-+/HiraMinPro-W3 /Ryumin-Light ;
-+/HeiseiMin-W3 /Ryumin-Light ;
-+/HeiseiKakuGo-W5 /GothicBBB-Medium ;
-+/FutoMinA101-Bold /Ryumin-Light ;
-+/FutoMinA101Pro-Bold /Ryumin-Light ;
-+/FutoGoB101-Bold /GothicBBB-Medium ;
-+/FutoGoB101Pro-Bold /GothicBBB-Medium ;
-+/Jun101-Light /Ryumin-Light ;
-+/Jun101Pro-Light /Ryumin-Light ;
-+/MidashiGo-MB31 /GothicBBB-Medium ;
-+/MidashiGoPro-MB31 /GothicBBB-Medium ;
-+/MidashiMinPro-MA31 /Ryumin-Light ;
-+/MS-Mincho /Ryumin-Light ;
-+/MS-PMincho /Ryumin-Light ;
-+/MS-Gothic /GothicBBB-Medium ;
-+/MS-PGothic /GothicBBB-Medium ;
-+%/Munhwa-Regular /Munhwa-Regular ;
-+%/MunhwaGothic-Regular /MunhwaGothic-Regular ;
-+%/Munhwa-Bold /Munhwa-Bold ;
-+%/MunhwaGothic-Bold /MunhwaGothic-Bold ;
-+/HYGoThic-Medium /MunhwaGothic-Regular ;
-+/HYSMyeongJo-Medium /Munhwa-Regular ;
-+/HYRGoThic-Medium /MunhwaGothic-Bold ;
-+/STHeiti-Regular << /FileType /TrueType /Path (STHeiti-Regular) /SubfontID 0 /CSI [(CNS1) 5] >> ;
-+/STSong-Light << /FileType /TrueType /Path (STSong-Light) /SubfontID 0 /CSI [(GB1) 5] >> ;
-+/MSung-Light << /FileType /TrueType /Path (MSung-Light) /SubfontID 0 /CSI [(CNS1) 5] >> ;
-+/MHei-Medium << /FileType /TrueType /Path (MHei-Medium) /SubfontID 0 /CSI [(GB1) 5] >> ;
- %
- % NOTE: getenv returns a boolean to indicate success of or failure, as well as the value on success. In the example, it uses this
- % to include a default value should getenv fail.
diff --git a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-Resource_Init_gs__statd.ps b/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-Resource_Init_gs__statd.ps
deleted file mode 100644
index 0adb60151b62..000000000000
--- a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-Resource_Init_gs__statd.ps
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
---- Resource/Init/gs_statd.ps.orig 2012-08-08 08:01:36 UTC
-+++ Resource/Init/gs_statd.ps
-@@ -124,6 +124,12 @@ STRICT { (%END SIZES) .skipeof } if
- /ANSI_D {1585 2448 //.setpagesize exec} bind def
- /ANSI_E {2448 3168 //.setpagesize exec} bind def
- /ANSI_F {2016 2880 //.setpagesize exec} bind def
-+ /postcard {284 419 //.setpagesize exec} bind def
-+ /dbl_postcard {419 568 //.setpagesize exec} bind def
-+ /Executive {522 756 //.setpagesize exec} bind def
-+ /jenv_you4 {298 666 //.setpagesize exec} bind def
-+ /jenv_you2 {324 460 //.setpagesize exec} bind def
-+ /jenv_kaku2 {682 942 //.setpagesize exec} bind def
- currentdict end
- dup /.setpagesize .undef
diff --git a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-Resource_Init_gs__ttf.ps b/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-Resource_Init_gs__ttf.ps
deleted file mode 100644
index 0777a953908b..000000000000
--- a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-Resource_Init_gs__ttf.ps
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
---- Resource/Init/gs_ttf.ps.orig 2012-08-08 08:01:36 UTC
-+++ Resource/Init/gs_ttf.ps
-@@ -1047,10 +1047,21 @@ mark
- } ifelse
- % Stack: ... /FontInfo mark key1 value1 ...
- post //null ne {
-- /ItalicAngle first_post_string 4 gets32 65536.0 div
-- /isFixedPitch first_post_string 12 getu32 0 ne
-- /UnderlinePosition first_post_string 8 gets16 upem div
-- /UnderlineThickness first_post_string 10 gets16 upem div
-+% /ItalicAngle first_post_string 4 gets32 65536.0 div
-+% /isFixedPitch first_post_string 12 getu32 0 ne
-+% /UnderlinePosition first_post_string 8 gets16 upem div
-+% /UnderlineThickness first_post_string 10 gets16 upem div
-+ post type /arraytype eq {
-+ % this post table is a big table. /post should be [(...) ...]
-+ % data we actually need here should be first one in array.
-+ /posttable post 1 get def
-+ } {
-+ /posttable post def
-+ } ifelse
-+ /ItalicAngle posttable 4 gets32 65536.0 div
-+ /isFixedPitch posttable 12 getu32 0 ne
-+ /UnderlinePosition posttable 8 gets16 upem div
-+ /UnderlineThickness posttable 10 gets16 upem div
- } if
- counttomark 0 ne { .dicttomark } { pop pop } ifelse
- /XUID [orgXUID 42 curxuid]
diff --git a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-Resource_Init_pdf__font.ps b/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-Resource_Init_pdf__font.ps
deleted file mode 100644
index 281b882ae3d6..000000000000
--- a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-Resource_Init_pdf__font.ps
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
---- Resource/Init/pdf_font.ps.orig 2012-08-08 08:01:36 UTC
-+++ Resource/Init/pdf_font.ps
-@@ -1751,10 +1751,12 @@ currentdict /CMap_read_dict undef
- /buildCIDType0 { % <CIDFontType0-font-resource> buildCIDType0 <font>
- dup /BaseFont get findCIDFont exch pop
-+ addCIDmetrics /CIDFont defineresource
- } bdef
- /buildCIDType2 { % <CIDFontType2-font-resource> buildCIDType2 <font>
- dup /BaseFont get findCIDFont exch pop
-+ addCIDmetrics /CIDFont defineresource
- } bdef
- /processCIDToGIDMap { % <fontres> <cidfont> processCIDToGIDMap <fontres> <cidfont>
diff --git a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-base-gsicc__create.c b/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-base-gsicc__create.c
deleted file mode 100644
index fdf8f5e33be3..000000000000
--- a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-base-gsicc__create.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
---- base/gsicc_create.c.orig 2012-08-08 08:01:36 UTC
-+++ base/gsicc_create.c
-@@ -116,6 +116,7 @@ Note: All profile data must be encoded a
- */
-+#include <sys/types.h>
- #include "icc34.h" /* Note this header is needed even if lcms is not
- compiled as default CMS */
- #include "string_.h"
diff --git a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-base_Makefile.in b/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-base_Makefile.in
deleted file mode 100644
index c7b4175e98b0..000000000000
--- a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-base_Makefile.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
---- base/Makefile.in.orig 2012-08-08 08:01:36 UTC
-+++ base/Makefile.in
-@@ -49,9 +49,9 @@ PSD=$(PSGENDIR)/
- # the directories also define the default search path for the
- # initialization files (gs_*.ps) and the fonts.
--INSTALL = $(GLSRCDIR)/instcopy -c
- prefix = @prefix@
-@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ JSRCDIR=@LIBJPEGDIR@
- # some older JPEG streams that violate the standard. If the JPEG
- # library built from local sources, the patch will be applied.
- JPEG_NAME=jpeg
- # Define the directory where the PNG library sources are stored,
-@@ -210,12 +210,12 @@ JPEG_NAME=jpeg
- # You may need to change this if the libpng version changes.
- # See png.mak for more information.
- # libtiff
-@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ LIBTIFF_NAME=tiff
- # Define the directory where the zlib sources are stored.
- # See zlib.mak for more information.
-@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ JBIG2_CFLAGS=@JBIG2_AUTOCONF_CFLAGS@
- # uncomment the following three lines and one of the last two to
- # compile in the Luratech lwf_jp2 codec
-@@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ GCFLAGS=@CPPFLAGS@ @GCFLAGS@ @CFLAGS@
- # Define the added flags for standard, debugging, profiling
- # and shared object builds.
-@@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ LDFLAGS=@LDFLAGS@ $(AC_LDFLAGS) $(XLDFLA
- # Solaris may need -lnsl -lsocket -lposix4.
- # (Libraries required by individual drivers are handled automatically.)
- # Define the standard libraries to search at the end of linking.
- # Most platforms require -lpthread for the POSIX threads library;
-@@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ XLIBS=@X_LIBS@
- # the pthread library. Otherwise use SYNC=nosync
- #SYNC=posync
- #SYNC=nosync
- # programs we use
- RM=rm -f
-@@ -518,27 +518,27 @@ DISPLAY_DEV=$(DD)bbox.dev
- #DEVICE_DEVS20=$(DD)cljet5.dev $(DD)cljet5c.dev
- #DEVICE_DEVS21=$(DD)spotcmyk.dev $(DD)devicen.dev $(DD)xcf.dev $(DD)psdcmyk.dev $(DD)psdrgb.dev
- # Shared library target to build.
-@@ -583,6 +583,7 @@ MAKEDIRSTOP=
- # ---------------- End of platform-specific section ---------------- #
-+include $(GLSRCDIR)/drivers.mak
- include $(GLSRCDIR)/unixhead.mak
- include $(GLSRCDIR)/gs.mak
- # psromfs.mak must precede lib.mak
diff --git a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-base_configure.ac b/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-base_configure.ac
deleted file mode 100644
index e48115a8ca67..000000000000
--- a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-base_configure.ac
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
---- base/configure.ac.orig 2012-08-08 08:01:36 UTC
-+++ base/configure.ac
-@@ -1303,7 +1303,7 @@ X_CFLAGS=""
- X_DEVS=""
- X_LIBS=""
--if test x$no_x != xyes; then
-+if test x$with_x != xno; then
- if test "$x_libraries" = "/usr/lib"; then
- echo "Ignoring X library directory \"$x_libraries\" requested by configure."
- x_libraries="NONE"
-@@ -1701,7 +1701,10 @@ AC_ARG_ENABLE([dynamic], AC_HELP_STRING(
- ;;
- *BSD)
-+ if test "x$X_DEVS" != x; then
-+ INSTALL_SHARED="install-shared"
-+ fi
- X11_DEVS=""
-@@ -1758,11 +1761,11 @@ if test "x$fontpath" = "x"; then
- fontpath="${fontpath}:$datadir/fonts/default/TrueType"
- # These font directories are used by IRIX...
-- fontpath="${fontpath}:/usr/lib/DPS/outline/base"
-+ # fontpath="${fontpath}:/usr/lib/DPS/outline/base"
- # These font directories are used by Solaris...
-- fontpath="${fontpath}:/usr/openwin/lib/X11/fonts/Type1"
-- fontpath="${fontpath}:/usr/openwin/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType"
-+ # fontpath="${fontpath}:/usr/openwin/lib/X11/fonts/Type1"
-+ # fontpath="${fontpath}:/usr/openwin/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType"
- # This font directory is used by CUPS...
- if test "x$CUPSCONFIG" != x; then
diff --git a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-base_contrib.mak b/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-base_contrib.mak
deleted file mode 100644
index 1355faba9ab1..000000000000
--- a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-base_contrib.mak
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
---- base/contrib.mak.orig 2012-08-08 08:01:36 UTC
-+++ base/contrib.mak
-@@ -860,3 +860,5 @@ $(DD)picty180.dev : $(cdeskjet_)
- $(SETPDEV) $(DD)picty180 $(cdeskjet_)
- #########################################################################
-+include $(GLSRCDIR)/epag.contrib.mak
diff --git a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-base_devs.mak b/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-base_devs.mak
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ecf9599fd9b..000000000000
--- a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-base_devs.mak
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
---- base/devs.mak.orig 2012-08-08 08:01:36 UTC
-+++ base/devs.mak
-@@ -434,10 +434,10 @@ $(GLOBJ)gdevvglb.$(OBJ) : $(GLSRC)gdevvg
- $(GLOBJ)lvga256.so : $(lvga256_)
-- $(CCLD) $(LDFLAGS) -shared -o $(GLOBJ)lvga256.so $(lvga256_) -lvga -lvgagl
-+ $(CCLD) $(LDFLAGS) -shared -o $(GLOBJ)lvga256.so $(lvga256_) -lvga -lvgagl $(XLDFLAGS)
- $(GLOBJ)vgalib.so : $(vgalib_)
-- $(CCLD) $(LDFLAGS) -shared -o $(GLOBJ)vgalib.so $(vgalib_) -lvga -lvgagl
-+ $(CCLD) $(LDFLAGS) -shared -o $(GLOBJ)vgalib.so $(vgalib_) -lvga -lvgagl $(XLDFLAGS)
- ### -------------------------- The X11 device -------------------------- ###
-@@ -535,7 +535,7 @@ $(GLOBJ)gdevxalt.$(OBJ) : $(GLSRC)gdevxa
- $(GLOBJ)X11.so : $(x11alt_) $(x11_)
-- $(CCLD) $(LDFLAGS) -shared -o $(GLOBJ)X11.so $(x11alt_) $(x11_) -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lXt -lSM -lICE -lXext -lX11 $(XLIBDIRS)
-+ $(CCLD) $(LDFLAGS) -shared -o $(GLOBJ)X11.so $(x11alt_) $(x11_) -L$(LOCALBASE)/lib -lXt -lSM -lICE -lXext -lX11 $(XLIBDIRS)
- ###### --------------- Memory-buffered printer devices --------------- ######
diff --git a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-base_gdevl256.c b/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-base_gdevl256.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e109c1a71ef..000000000000
--- a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-base_gdevl256.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
---- base/gdevl256.c.orig 2012-08-08 08:01:36 UTC
-+++ base/gdevl256.c
-@@ -303,12 +303,3 @@ lvga256_draw_line(gx_device * dev, int x
- gl_line(x0, y0, x1, y1, color);
- return 0;
- }
--extern void gs_lib_register_device(const gx_device *dev);
-- gs_lib_register_device(&gs_lvga256_device);
diff --git a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-base_gdevperm.c b/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-base_gdevperm.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d767054a0b1..000000000000
--- a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-base_gdevperm.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
---- base/gdevperm.c.orig 2012-08-08 08:01:36 UTC
-+++ base/gdevperm.c
-@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ perm_get_color_mapping_procs(const gx_de
- (strncmp((const char *)name, (const char *)str, name_size) == 0))
- static int
--perm_get_color_comp_index(const gx_device *pdev, const char *pname,
-+perm_get_color_comp_index(gx_device *pdev, const char *pname,
- int name_size, int component_type)
- {
- const gx_device_perm_t * const dev = (const gx_device_perm_t *)pdev;
-@@ -334,7 +334,6 @@ static int
- perm_decode_color(gx_device *dev, gx_color_index color, gx_color_value *out)
- {
- int bpc = 8;
-- int drop = sizeof(gx_color_value) * 8 - bpc;
- int mask = (1 << bpc) - 1;
- int i = 0;
- int ncomp = dev->color_info.num_components;
diff --git a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-base_gdevplib.c b/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-base_gdevplib.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 11fbdf23b262..000000000000
--- a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-base_gdevplib.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
---- base/gdevplib.c.orig 2012-08-08 08:01:36 UTC
-+++ base/gdevplib.c
-@@ -153,7 +153,11 @@ void __aebi_memmove(void *dest, const vo
-+#if !defined(__FreeBSD__) && !defined(__DragonFly__)
- #include <malloc.h>
-+#include <stdlib.h>
- static void *my_buffer;
diff --git a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-base_gdevvglb.c b/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-base_gdevvglb.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c6b38a6c68be..000000000000
--- a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-base_gdevvglb.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
---- base/gdevvglb.c.orig 2012-08-08 08:01:36 UTC
-+++ base/gdevvglb.c
-@@ -368,12 +368,3 @@ vgalib_put_params(gx_device * dev, gs_pa
- }
- return 0;
- }
--extern void gs_lib_register_device(const gx_device *dev);
-- gs_lib_register_device(&gs_vgalib_device);
diff --git a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-base_gp__unix.c b/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-base_gp__unix.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 84d1cdcb4f73..000000000000
--- a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-base_gp__unix.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
---- base/gp_unix.c.orig 2012-08-08 08:01:36 UTC
-+++ base/gp_unix.c
-@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ extern char *getenv(const char *);
- * and applied as a patch (preferable).
- */
- #include <sys/types.h>
-+#include <limits.h>
- #include <dirent.h>
- #include <dlfcn.h>
- #include <string.h>
-@@ -61,26 +62,25 @@ gp_init(void)
- {
- DIR* dir = NULL;
- struct dirent* dirent;
-- char buff[1024];
-+ char buff[PATH_MAX];
- char* pbuff;
- void* handle;
- void (*gs_shared_init)(void);
-- strncpy(buff, GS_DEVS_SHARED_DIR, sizeof(buff) - 2);
-- pbuff = buff + strlen(buff);
-- *pbuff++ = '/'; *pbuff = '\0';
- dir = opendir(GS_DEVS_SHARED_DIR);
- if (dir == 0) return;
- while ((dirent = readdir(dir)) != 0) {
-- strncpy(pbuff, dirent->d_name, sizeof(buff) - (pbuff - buff) - 1);
-- if ((handle = dlopen(buff, RTLD_NOW)) != 0) {
-- if ((gs_shared_init = dlsym(handle, "gs_shared_init")) != 0) {
-+ snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "%s/%s", GS_DEVS_SHARED_DIR, dirent->d_name);
-+ pbuff = buff + strlen(buff) - 3;
-+ if (strcmp(pbuff, ".so") != 0)
-+ continue;
-+ handle = dlopen(buff, RTLD_NOW);
-+ if (handle == NULL)
-+ continue;
-+ gs_shared_init = dlsym(handle, "gs_shared_init");
-+ if (gs_shared_init != NULL)
- (*gs_shared_init)();
-- } else {
-- }
-- }
- }
- closedir(dir);
diff --git a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-base_gs.mak b/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-base_gs.mak
deleted file mode 100644
index 99f9426dc787..000000000000
--- a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-base_gs.mak
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---- base/gs.mak.orig 2012-08-08 08:01:36 UTC
-+++ base/gs.mak
-@@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ GCONFIG_EXTRAS=
- ld_tr=$(GLGENDIR)$(D)ld.tr
- $(ld_tr) : \
- $(GS_MAK) $(TOP_MAKEFILES) $(GLSRCDIR)$(D)version.mak $(GENCONF_XE) $(ECHOGS_XE) $(devs_tr) $(DEVS_ALL) $(GLGENDIR)$(D)libcore.dev
-- $(EXP)$(GENCONF_XE) $(devs_tr) -h $(gconfxx_h) $(CONFILES) $(CONFLDTR) $(ld_tr)
-+ $(EXP)$(GENCONF_XE) $(devs_tr) -h /dev/stdout $(CONFILES) $(CONFLDTR) $(ld_tr) | awk 'BEGIN{j=0; p=1;} /jpeg_device/ {if(j++ > 0) p=0;} // { if(p==1) { print; } else { p=1 } }' > $(gconfxx_h)
- $(EXP)$(ECHOGS_XE) -a $(gconfxx_h) $(GCONFIG_EXTRAS)
- $(gconfxx_h) : $(ld_tr)
diff --git a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-base_gsmalloc.c b/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-base_gsmalloc.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 734cfd079a2e..000000000000
--- a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-base_gsmalloc.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---- base/gsmalloc.c.orig 2012-08-08 08:01:36 UTC
-+++ base/gsmalloc.c
-@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ gs_heap_alloc_bytes(gs_memory_t * mem, u
- } else {
- uint added = size + sizeof(gs_malloc_block_t);
-- if (mmem->limit - added < mmem->used)
-+ if (added <= size || mmem->limit - added < mmem->used)
- set_msg("exceeded limit");
- else if ((ptr = (byte *) Memento_label(malloc(added), cname)) == 0)
- set_msg("failed");
diff --git a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-base_gxobj.h b/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-base_gxobj.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 762709c55265..000000000000
--- a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-base_gxobj.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
---- base/gxobj.h.orig 2012-08-08 08:01:36 UTC
-+++ base/gxobj.h
-@@ -109,11 +109,15 @@ typedef struct obj_header_data_s {
- * required by the hardware, regardless of the value of obj_align_mod.
- * See gsmemraw.h for more information about this.
- */
-+#if !defined(__ia64__) && !defined(__amd64__)
- #define obj_align_mod\
- (align_bitmap_mod - 1) |\
- (obj_back_scale - 1)) + 1)
- /* The only possible values for obj_align_mod are 4, 8, or 16.... */
-+#define obj_align_mod 16
- #if obj_align_mod == 4
- # define log2_obj_align_mod 2
- #else
diff --git a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-base_openjpeg.mak b/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-base_openjpeg.mak
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e29b5603b64..000000000000
--- a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-base_openjpeg.mak
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---- base/openjpeg.mak.orig 2012-08-08 08:01:36 UTC
-+++ base/openjpeg.mak
-@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ $(OPEN_JPEG_GEN)openjpeg_0.dev : $(TOP_M
- $(SETMOD) $(OPEN_JPEG_GEN)openjpeg_0 $(open_jpeg_OBJS)
- # define our specific compiler
--OPEN_JPEG_CC=$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(D_)OPJ_STATIC$(_D) $(I_)$(OPEN_JPEG_GEN)$(_I) $(I_)$(JPX_OPENJPEG_I_)$(_I) $(I_)$(JPX_OPENJPEG_I_)$(D)..$(_I) $(JPXCF_)
-+OPEN_JPEG_CC=$(CC) $(JPX_CFLAGS) $(I_)$(JPX_OPENJPEG_I_)$(_I) $(I_)$(JPX_OPENJPEG_I_)$(D)..$(_I) $(CFLAGS) $(D_)OPJ_STATIC$(_D) $(I_)$(OPEN_JPEG_GEN)$(_I) $(I_)$(JPX_OPENJPEG_I_)$(_I) $(I_)$(JPX_OPENJPEG_I_)$(D)..$(_I) $(JPXCF_)
diff --git a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-base_unix-dll.mak b/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-base_unix-dll.mak
deleted file mode 100644
index a835e46c90a6..000000000000
--- a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-base_unix-dll.mak
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
---- base/unix-dll.mak.orig 2012-08-08 08:01:36 UTC
-+++ base/unix-dll.mak
-@@ -162,8 +162,8 @@ install-so-subtarget: so-subtarget$(FOR_
- -mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)
- -mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)
- -mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(gsincludedir)
- $(RM_) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$(GS_SONAME)
diff --git a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-base_unix-gcc.mak b/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-base_unix-gcc.mak
deleted file mode 100644
index 6147656cc1dd..000000000000
--- a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-base_unix-gcc.mak
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
---- base/unix-gcc.mak.orig 2012-08-08 08:01:36 UTC
-+++ base/unix-gcc.mak
-@@ -22,16 +22,17 @@
- # source, generated intermediate file, and object directories
- # for the graphics library (GL) and the PostScript/PDF interpreter (PS).
- # Do not edit the next group of lines.
-@@ -50,11 +51,10 @@ PSD=$(PSGENDIR)/
- # the directories also define the default search path for the
- # initialization files (gs_*.ps) and the fonts.
--INSTALL = $(GLSRCDIR)/instcopy -c
--prefix = /usr/local
-+prefix = ${PREFIX}
- exec_prefix = $(prefix)
- bindir = $(exec_prefix)/bin
- scriptdir = $(bindir)
-@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ GENOPT=
- # This uses the more secure temporary file creation call
- # Enable this if it is available on your platform.
- # Define the name of the executable file.
-@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ JSRCDIR=jpeg
- # some older JPEG streams that violate the standard. If the JPEG
- # library built from local sources, the patch will be applied.
- JPEG_NAME=jpeg
- # Define the directory where the PNG library sources are stored,
-@@ -153,13 +153,13 @@ PNGSRCDIR=libpng
- # what its name is.
- # See gs.mak and Make.htm for more information.
- # Define whether to use a shared version of libtiff and where
- # it is stored and what its name is.
-@@ -174,15 +174,23 @@ ZSRCDIR=zlib
- # what its name is (usually libz, but sometimes libgz).
- # See gs.mak and Make.htm for more information.
- # Choose shared or compiled in libjbig2dec and source location
- JBIG2_LIB=jbig2dec
- JBIG2SRCDIR=jbig2dec
-+# Choose the library to use for (JPXDecode support)
-+# whether to link to an external build or compile in from source
-+# and source location and configuration flags for compiling in
- # Define the directory where the icclib source are stored.
- # See icclib.mak for more information
- ICCSRCDIR=icclib
-@@ -223,7 +231,7 @@ RANLIB=ranlib
- # Define the name of the C compiler.
- # Define the name of the linker for the final link step.
- # Normally this is the same as the C compiler.
-@@ -240,7 +248,7 @@ GCFLAGS=-Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmiss
- # Define the added flags for standard, debugging, profiling
- # and shared object builds.
-@@ -256,7 +264,8 @@ CFLAGS_SO=-fPIC
- # We don't include -ansi, because this gets in the way of the platform-
- # specific stuff that <math.h> typically needs; nevertheless, we expect
- # gcc to accept ANSI-style function prototypes and function definitions.
-+XCFLAGS+=-DUPD_SIGNAL=0 -I${JPXSRCDIR}/src/libjasper/include -I${LOCALBASE}/include/libpng -I${LOCALBASE}/include
-@@ -267,7 +276,7 @@ CFLAGS=$(CFLAGS_STANDARD) $(GCFLAGS) $(X
- # -R /usr/local/xxx/lib:/usr/local/lib
- # giving the full path names of the shared library directories.
- # XLDFLAGS can be set from the command line.
-@@ -278,7 +287,7 @@ LDFLAGS=$(XLDFLAGS)
- # Solaris may need -lnsl -lsocket -lposix4.
- # (Libraries required by individual drivers are handled automatically.)
--EXTRALIBS=-rdynamic -ldl
- # Define the standard libraries to search at the end of linking.
- # Most platforms require -lpthread for the POSIX threads library;
-@@ -300,7 +309,7 @@ STDLIBS=-lm
- # Note that x_.h expects to find the header files in $(XINCLUDE)/X11,
- # not in $(XINCLUDE).
- # Define the directory/ies and library names for the X11 library files.
- # XLIBDIRS is for ld and should include -L; XLIBDIR is for LD_RUN_PATH
-@@ -315,29 +324,29 @@ XINCLUDE=-I/usr/X11R6/include
- #XLIBS=Xt SM ICE Xext X11
- #XLIBDIRS=-L/usr/local/X/lib
--XLIBS=Xt Xext X11
-+XLIBS=Xt SM ICE Xext X11
- # Define the .dev module that implements thread and synchronization
- # primitives for this platform.
- # If POSIX sync primitives are used, also change the STDLIBS to include
- # the pthread library.
- # define the file name extension for a shared lib
- # Default is No sync primitives since some platforms don't have it (HP-UX)
- SOC_LOADER=dxmainc.c
- # ------ Devices and features ------ #
- # Choose the language feature(s) to include. See gs.mak for details.
--FEATURE_DEVS=$(PSD)psl3.dev $(PSD)pdf.dev $(PSD)dpsnext.dev $(PSD)ttfont.dev $(PSD)epsf.dev $(GLD)pipe.dev $(PSD)fapi.dev
-+FEATURE_DEVS=$(PSD)psl3.dev $(PSD)pdf.dev $(PSD)dpsnext.dev $(PSD)ttfont.dev $(PSD)epsf.dev $(GLD)pipe.dev $(PSD)fapi.dev $(PSD)jbig2.dev $(PSD)jpx.dev
- #FEATURE_DEVS=$(PSD)psl3.dev $(PSD)pdf.dev
- # The following is strictly for testing.
- FEATURE_DEVS_ALL=$(PSD)psl3.dev $(PSD)pdf.dev $(PSD)dpsnext.dev $(PSD)ttfont.dev $(PSD)rasterop.dev $(PSD)double.dev $(PSD)trapping.dev $(PSD)stocht.dev $(GLD)pipe.dev
-@@ -476,6 +485,9 @@ include $(GLSRCDIR)/zlib.mak
- include $(GLSRCDIR)/png.mak
- include $(GLSRCDIR)/tiff.mak
- include $(GLSRCDIR)/jbig2.mak
-+include $(GLSRCDIR)/jasper.mak
-+include $(GLSRCDIR)/ldf_jb2.mak
-+include $(GLSRCDIR)/lwf_jp2.mak
- include $(GLSRCDIR)/icclib.mak
- include $(GLSRCDIR)/lcms.mak
- include $(GLSRCDIR)/ijs.mak
-@@ -486,6 +498,7 @@ include $(GLSRCDIR)/unixlink.mak
- include $(GLSRCDIR)/unix-dll.mak
- include $(GLSRCDIR)/unix-end.mak
- include $(GLSRCDIR)/unixinst.mak
-+include $(CONTRIBDIR)/contrib.mak
- # This has to come last so it won't be taken as the default target.
- $(AK):
diff --git a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-base_unixinst.mak b/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-base_unixinst.mak
deleted file mode 100644
index 75d285cb2c60..000000000000
--- a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-base_unixinst.mak
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
---- base/unixinst.mak.orig 2012-08-08 08:01:36 UTC
-+++ base/unixinst.mak
-@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ ps2ascii ps2epsi ps2pdf ps2pdf12 ps2pdf1
- wftopfa fixmswrd.pl lprsetup.sh pj-gs.sh pv.sh sysvlp.sh unix-lpr.sh ;\
- do if ( test -f $(PSLIBDIR)/$$f ); then \
- (cat $(PSLIBDIR)/$$f | sed -e "s/GS_EXECUTABLE=gs/GS_EXECUTABLE=$(GS)/" > $(PSOBJDIR)/$$f); \
-- $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) $(PSOBJDIR)/$$f $(DESTDIR)$(scriptdir)/$$f; \
-+ $(INSTALL_SCRIPT) $(PSOBJDIR)/$$f $(DESTDIR)$(scriptdir)/$$f; \
- fi;\
- done'
-@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ install-doc: $(PSDOCDIR)/News.htm
- done'
- # install the man pages for each locale
- MAN1_LINKS_PS2PS=eps2eps
- MAN1_LINKS_PS2PDF=ps2pdf12 ps2pdf13 ps2pdf14
- MAN1_LINKS_GSLP=gsbj gsdj gsdj500 gslj
diff --git a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-contrib_contrib.mak b/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-contrib_contrib.mak
deleted file mode 100644
index 45a0610841ff..000000000000
--- a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-contrib_contrib.mak
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---- contrib/contrib.mak.orig 2012-08-08 08:01:36 UTC
-+++ contrib/contrib.mak
-@@ -943,7 +943,7 @@ $(DD)dmprt.dev : $(dmprt_) $(DD)page.dev
- $(GLOBJ)gdevdmpr.$(OBJ) : $(JAPSRC)gdevdmpr.c $(JAPSRC)dviprlib.h $(PDEVH)
- $(GLCC) $(O_)$@ $(C_) $(JAPSRC)gdevdmpr.c
--$(GLOBJ)dviprlib.$(OBJ) : $(JAPSRC)dviprlib.c $(JAPSRC)dviprlib.h
-+$(GLOBJ)dviprlib.$(OBJ) : $(arch_h) $(stdio__h) $(JAPSRC)dviprlib.c $(JAPSRC)dviprlib.h
- $(GLCC) $(O_)$@ $(C_) $(JAPSRC)dviprlib.c
- extra-dmprt-install:
diff --git a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-contrib_japanese_dmp__site.ps b/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-contrib_japanese_dmp__site.ps
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a82c315308d..000000000000
--- a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-contrib_japanese_dmp__site.ps
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---- contrib/japanese/dmp_site.ps.orig 2012-08-08 08:01:36 UTC
-+++ contrib/japanese/dmp_site.ps
-@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- %!
- BeginConfig
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Standard user cusomizations %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
--/printer (escp_24.src)
-+/printer (%%DATADIR%%/lib/escp_24.src)
- % horizontal / vertical
- % /resolution [ 180.0 180.0 ]
- % horizontal / vertical
diff --git a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-contrib_japanese_gdevdmpr.c b/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-contrib_japanese_gdevdmpr.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 282bb5c847eb..000000000000
--- a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-contrib_japanese_gdevdmpr.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
---- contrib/japanese/gdevdmpr.c.orig 2012-08-08 08:01:36 UTC
-+++ contrib/japanese/gdevdmpr.c
-@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
- #include "gdevprn.h"
- #include "gp.h"
--#include "errors.h"
-+#include "psi/ierrors.h"
- #include "gsparam.h"
- #include "gsstate.h"
- #include "math_.h"
-@@ -41,8 +41,6 @@
- /* include library header. */
- #include "dviprlib.h"
--extern FILE *lib_fopen(const char *);
- #define LOCAL_DEBUG 0
- #define DEVICE_NAME "dmprt"
-@@ -402,8 +400,6 @@ gdev_dmprt_put_params(gx_device *pdev, g
- if (pddev->dmprt.max_height>0 && pddev->dmprt.max_height<pddev->height)
- pddev->height = pddev->dmprt.max_height;
-- dviprt_setmessagestream(pddev->dmprt.debug_f ? stderr : NULL);
- return code;
- }
-@@ -422,8 +418,6 @@ gdev_dmprt_put_dmprt_params(gx_device *p
- if (code < 0) return code;
- if (code == 0) pddev->dmprt.debug_f = vbool;
-- dviprt_setmessagestream(pddev->dmprt.debug_f ? stderr : NULL);
- code = param_read_bool(plist, "Verbose", &vbool);
- if (code < 0) return code;
- pddev->dmprt.verbose_f = vbool;
-@@ -846,13 +840,12 @@ gdev_dmprt_dviprt_lib_fopen(const char *
- char *env;
- strcpy(fname,fnamebase);
-- fp = lib_fopen(fname);
-+ fp = fopen(fname,"r");
- if (fp == NULL) {
- env = getenv("TEXCFG");
- if (env) {
- strcpy(fname,env);
- strcat(fname, gp_file_name_concat_string(env,strlen(env)));
-- strcat(fname,fnamebase);
- fp = fopen(fname,gp_fmode_rb);
- }
- }
diff --git a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-contrib_lips4_gdevlips.c b/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-contrib_lips4_gdevlips.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 760cdfd5cd07..000000000000
--- a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-contrib_lips4_gdevlips.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
---- contrib/lips4/gdevlips.c.orig 2012-08-08 08:01:36 UTC
-+++ contrib/lips4/gdevlips.c
-@@ -62,7 +62,15 @@ lips_media_selection(int width, int heig
- height = tmp;
- }
- for (pt = lips_paper_table; pt->num_unit < 80; pt++)
-+/* add by shige 11/06 2003 */
-+ if(pt->width+LIPS_SIZE_ERROR_VALUE>=width
-+ && pt->width-LIPS_SIZE_ERROR_VALUE<=width
-+ && pt->height+LIPS_SIZE_ERROR_VALUE>=height
-+ && pt->height-LIPS_SIZE_ERROR_VALUE<=height)
- if (pt->width == width && pt->height == height)
- break;
- return pt->num_unit + landscape;
diff --git a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-contrib_lips4_gdevlips.h b/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-contrib_lips4_gdevlips.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 68b4769ae8ff..000000000000
--- a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-contrib_lips4_gdevlips.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
---- contrib/lips4/gdevlips.h.orig 2012-08-08 08:01:36 UTC
-+++ contrib/lips4/gdevlips.h
-@@ -191,6 +191,14 @@
- bool faceup;\
- char mediaType[LIPS_MEDIACHAR_MAX]
-+/* added by shige 11/06 2003 */
-+/* added by shige 11/09 2003 */
-+#define LIPS_HEIGHT_MAX_720 11906
-+#define LIPS_WIDTH_MAX_720 8419
- int lips_media_selection(int width, int height);
- int lips_packbits_encode(byte * inBuff, byte * outBuff, int Length);
- int lips_mode3format_encode(byte * inBuff, byte * outBuff, int Length);
diff --git a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-epag-3.09_ert.c b/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-epag-3.09_ert.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d4395ca747a5..000000000000
--- a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-epag-3.09_ert.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---- epag-3.09/ert.c.orig 2000-07-08 04:33:09 UTC
-+++ epag-3.09/ert.c
-@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
- /* $Id: ert.c,v 1.3 1998/11/20 10:51:12 nari Exp $ */
- #include <stdio.h>
-+#include <stdlib.h>
-+#include <string.h>
- /*
- * EPSON Remoteのコマンドを出力するコマンド
diff --git a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-epag-3.09_gdevepag.c b/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-epag-3.09_gdevepag.c
deleted file mode 100644
index f4d3f11e7b8c..000000000000
--- a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-epag-3.09_gdevepag.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,217 +0,0 @@
---- epag-3.09/gdevepag.c.orig 2000-07-08 04:33:09 UTC
-+++ epag-3.09/gdevepag.c
-@@ -102,30 +102,30 @@ typedef struct _epagBubble{
- } EpagBubble;
- /* The device descriptors */
--private dev_proc_open_device(epag_open);
--private dev_proc_close_device(epag_close);
--private dev_proc_print_page(epag_print_page);
--private void epag_printer_initialize(gx_device_printer *pdev, FILE *fp,int);
--private dev_proc_print_page(epag_print_page);
--private dev_proc_get_params(epag_get_params);
--private dev_proc_put_params(epag_put_params);
--private void epag_paper_set(gx_device_printer *pdev, FILE *fp);
--private void epag_bubble_flush_all(EpagPageCont *cont);
--private void epag_page_cont_init(gx_device_printer *pdev,FILE *fp,EpagPageCont *cont);
--private void epag_page_close(EpagPageCont *cont);
--private int epag_read_image(EpagPageCont *cont);
--private void epag_process_line(EpagPageCont *cont);
--private int epag_is_black(EpagPageCont *cont, int bx);
--private void epag_rect_add(EpagPageCont *cont,int start,int end);
--private void epag_bubble_gen(EpagPageCont *cont,
-+static dev_proc_open_device(epag_open);
-+static dev_proc_close_device(epag_close);
-+static dev_proc_print_page(epag_print_page);
-+static void epag_printer_initialize(gx_device_printer *pdev, FILE *fp,int);
-+static dev_proc_print_page(epag_print_page);
-+static dev_proc_get_params(epag_get_params);
-+static dev_proc_put_params(epag_put_params);
-+static void epag_paper_set(gx_device_printer *pdev, FILE *fp);
-+static void epag_bubble_flush_all(EpagPageCont *cont);
-+static void epag_page_cont_init(gx_device_printer *pdev,FILE *fp,EpagPageCont *cont);
-+static void epag_page_close(EpagPageCont *cont);
-+static int epag_read_image(EpagPageCont *cont);
-+static void epag_process_line(EpagPageCont *cont);
-+static int epag_is_black(EpagPageCont *cont, int bx);
-+static void epag_rect_add(EpagPageCont *cont,int start,int end);
-+static void epag_bubble_gen(EpagPageCont *cont,
- int x0, int x1, int y0, int y1);
--private void epag_bubble_flush(EpagPageCont *cont,EpagBubble *bbl);
--private void epag_bubble_image_out(EpagPageCont *cont,EpagBubble *bbl);
-+static void epag_bubble_flush(EpagPageCont *cont,EpagBubble *bbl);
-+static void epag_bubble_image_out(EpagPageCont *cont,EpagBubble *bbl);
- /*
- * デバイスの宣言
- */
--private gx_device_procs prn_epag_procs =
-+static gx_device_procs prn_epag_procs =
- prn_params_procs(epag_open, gdev_prn_output_page, epag_close,
- epag_get_params, epag_put_params);
- gx_device_printer far_data gs_epag_device =
-@@ -140,13 +140,13 @@ prn_device(prn_epag_procs, "epag",
- static char *epson_remote_start = "\033\001@EJL \r\n";
- /* Open the printer, adjusting the margins if necessary. */
--private int
-+static int
- epag_open(gx_device *pdev)
- {
- return gdev_prn_open(pdev);
- }
--private int
-+static int
- epag_close(gx_device *pdev)
- {
- gdev_prn_open_printer(pdev, 1);
-@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ epag_close(gx_device *pdev)
- return gdev_prn_close(pdev);
- }
--private int
-+static int
- epag_print_page(gx_device_printer *pdev, FILE *fp)
- {
- EpagPageCont cont;
-@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ static char can_inits[] ={
- GS, '2', 'a', 'b', 'P', /* イメージ描画後下へ */
- };
--private void
-+static void
- epag_printer_initialize(gx_device_printer *pdev, FILE *fp, int copies)
- {
- double xDpi,yDpi;
-@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ epag_printer_initialize(gx_device_printe
- fprintf(fp,"%c%dcoO",GS, copies < 256 ? copies : 255);
- }
--private int
-+static int
- epag_get_params(gx_device *pdev, gs_param_list *plist)
- {
- int code;
-@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ epag_get_params(gx_device *pdev, gs_para
- }
- /* Put properties. */
--private int
-+static int
- epag_put_params(gx_device *pdev, gs_param_list *plist)
- {
- param_read_int(plist, "cRowBuf", &epag_cont.cRowBuf);
-@@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ void epag_paper_set(gx_device_printer *p
- /*
- * epag_bubble_flush_all: 残っている bubbleを全て出力する。
- */
--private void epag_bubble_flush_all(EpagPageCont *cont)
-+static void epag_bubble_flush_all(EpagPageCont *cont)
- {
- int i;
-@@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ private void epag_bubble_flush_all(EpagP
- /*
- * epag_page_cont_init: EpagPageContの初期化、バッファ確保等
- */
--private void epag_page_cont_init(gx_device_printer *pdev,FILE *fp,
-+static void epag_page_cont_init(gx_device_printer *pdev,FILE *fp,
- EpagPageCont *cont)
- {
- int bpl;
-@@ -417,15 +417,15 @@ private void epag_page_cont_init(gx_devi
- cont->maxY = epag_cont.cRowBuf / cont->bh * cont->bh ;
- if(cont->maxY < cont->bh) cont->maxY = cont->bh;
-- cont->bp = gs_malloc(bpl , cont->maxY, "epag_skip_blank_init(bp)");
-- cont->bp2 = gs_malloc(bpl*3/2+1 , cont->maxY, "epag_skip_blank_init(bp2)");
-+ cont->bp = (byte *)gs_malloc(gs_lib_ctx_get_non_gc_memory_t(), bpl , cont->maxY, "epag_skip_blank_init(bp)");
-+ cont->bp2 = (byte *)gs_malloc(gs_lib_ctx_get_non_gc_memory_t(), bpl*3/2+1 , cont->maxY, "epag_skip_blank_init(bp2)");
- cont->h = cont->r = 0;
-- cont->bubbleTbl=gs_malloc(sizeof(EpagBubble *),cont->maxBx,"bubbleTbl");
-+ cont->bubbleTbl = (byte *)gs_malloc(gs_lib_ctx_get_non_gc_memory_t(), sizeof(EpagBubble *),cont->maxBx,"bubbleTbl");
- for(i=0;i<cont->maxBx;i++)
- cont->bubbleTbl[i] = NULL;
-- cont->bubbleBuffer=gs_malloc(sizeof(EpagBubble),cont->maxBx,"bubbleBuffer");
-+ cont->bubbleBuffer=gs_malloc(gs_lib_ctx_get_non_gc_memory_t(), sizeof(EpagBubble),cont->maxBx,"bubbleBuffer");
- bbtbl = (EpagBubble *)cont->bubbleBuffer;
- for(i=0;i<cont->maxBx-1;i++)
- bbtbl[i].next = &bbtbl[i+1];
-@@ -433,15 +433,15 @@ private void epag_page_cont_init(gx_devi
- cont->freeBubbleList = &bbtbl[0];
- }
--private void
-+static void
- epag_page_close(EpagPageCont *cont)
- {
-- gs_free(cont->bp, bpl, cont->maxY, "epag_skip_blank_init(bp)");
-- gs_free(cont->bp2, bpl*3/2+1, cont->maxY, "epag_skip_blank_init(bp2)");
-- gs_free(cont->bubbleBuffer, sizeof(EpagBubble), cont->maxBx,"bubbleBuffer");
-+ gs_free(gs_lib_ctx_get_non_gc_memory_t(), cont->bp, bpl, cont->maxY, "epag_skip_blank_init(bp)");
-+ gs_free(gs_lib_ctx_get_non_gc_memory_t(), cont->bp2, bpl*3/2+1, cont->maxY, "epag_skip_blank_init(bp2)");
-+ gs_free(gs_lib_ctx_get_non_gc_memory_t(), cont->bubbleBuffer, sizeof(EpagBubble), cont->maxBx,"bubbleBuffer");
- }
--private int
-+static int
- epag_read_image(EpagPageCont *cont)
- {
- int bh = cont->bh;
-@@ -473,7 +473,7 @@ epag_read_image(EpagPageCont *cont)
- /*
- * bh行分のラスターデータを処理する
- */
--private void
-+static void
- epag_process_line(EpagPageCont *cont)
- {
- int bh = cont->bh;
-@@ -502,7 +502,7 @@ epag_process_line(EpagPageCont *cont)
- else epag_rect_add(cont, 0, cont->maxBx-1);
- }
--private int
-+static int
- epag_is_black(EpagPageCont *cont, int bx)
- {
- int bh = cont->bh;
-@@ -520,7 +520,7 @@ epag_is_black(EpagPageCont *cont, int bx
- return 0;
- }
--private void
-+static void
- epag_rect_add(EpagPageCont *cont,int start,int end)
- {
- int x0 = start * cont->bw;
-@@ -544,7 +544,7 @@ epag_rect_add(EpagPageCont *cont,int sta
- }
- }
--private void
-+static void
- epag_bubble_gen(EpagPageCont *cont, int x0, int x1, int y0, int y1)
- {
- EpagBubble *bbl;
-@@ -569,7 +569,7 @@ epag_bubble_gen(EpagPageCont *cont, int
- }
- }
--private void epag_bubble_flush(EpagPageCont *cont,EpagBubble *bbl)
-+static void epag_bubble_flush(EpagPageCont *cont,EpagBubble *bbl)
- {
- int bx,bx0,bx1;
-@@ -588,7 +588,7 @@ private void epag_bubble_flush(EpagPageC
- /* イメージを出力 */
--private void
-+static void
- epag_bubble_image_out(EpagPageCont *cont,EpagBubble *bbl)
- {
- FILE *fp = cont->fp;
diff --git a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-git_41ef9a0_backport b/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-git_41ef9a0_backport
deleted file mode 100644
index 793f5c72cb4c..000000000000
--- a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-git_41ef9a0_backport
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
---- psi/fapi_ft.c.orig 2020-10-22 05:57:46 UTC
-+++ psi/fapi_ft.c
-@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ typedef struct FT_IncrementalRec_
- FAPI_metrics_type metrics_type; /* determines whether metrics are replaced, added, etc. */
- } FT_IncrementalRec;
--FT_CALLBACK_DEF( void* )
-+static void*
- FF_alloc( FT_Memory memory, long size)
- {
- gs_memory_t *mem = (gs_memory_t *)memory->user;
-@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ FF_alloc( FT_Memory memory, long size)
- return(gs_malloc (mem, size, 1, "FF_alloc"));
- }
--FT_CALLBACK_DEF( void* )
-+static void*
- FF_realloc(FT_Memory memory, long cur_size, long new_size, void* block)
- {
- gs_memory_t *mem = (gs_memory_t *)memory->user;
-@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ FF_realloc(FT_Memory memory, long cur_size, long new_s
- return(tmp);
- }
-+static void
- FF_free(FT_Memory memory, void* block)
- {
- gs_memory_t *mem = (gs_memory_t *)memory->user;
diff --git a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-openjpeg_libopenjpeg_opj__includes.h b/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-openjpeg_libopenjpeg_opj__includes.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 564ec616500c..000000000000
--- a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-openjpeg_libopenjpeg_opj__includes.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---- openjpeg/libopenjpeg/opj_includes.h.orig 2012-08-08 08:01:36 UTC
-+++ openjpeg/libopenjpeg/opj_includes.h
-@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ Most compilers implement their own versi
- #endif /* INLINE */
- /* Are restricted pointers available? (C99) */
--#if (__STDC_VERSION__ != 199901L)
-+#if defined(__STDC_VERSION__) && (__STDC_VERSION__ != 199901L)
- /* Not a C99 compiler */
- #ifdef __GNUC__
- #define restrict __restrict__
diff --git a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-openjpeg_libopenjpeg_opj__malloc.h b/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-openjpeg_libopenjpeg_opj__malloc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 43bd90e9c150..000000000000
--- a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-openjpeg_libopenjpeg_opj__malloc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---- openjpeg/libopenjpeg/opj_malloc.h.orig 2012-08-08 08:01:36 UTC
-+++ openjpeg/libopenjpeg/opj_malloc.h
-@@ -83,6 +83,8 @@ Allocate memory aligned to a 16 byte bou
- #else /* Not _WIN32 */
- #if defined(__sun)
-+ #elif defined(__FreeBSD__)
- /* Linux x86_64 and OSX always align allocations to 16 bytes */
- #elif !defined(__amd64__) && !defined(__APPLE__) && !defined(_AIX) && !defined(__FreeBSD__)
diff --git a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-psi_zicc.c b/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-psi_zicc.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ed10a7611f8..000000000000
--- a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/patch-psi_zicc.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
---- psi/zicc.c.orig 2012-08-08 08:01:36 UTC
-+++ psi/zicc.c
-@@ -61,6 +61,9 @@ int seticc(i_ctx_t * i_ctx_p, int ncomps
- palt_cs = gs_currentcolorspace(igs);
-+ if (2*ncomps > sizeof(range_buff)/sizeof(float))
-+ return_error(e_rangecheck);
- /* verify the DataSource entry */
- if (dict_find_string(ICCdict, "DataSource", &pstrmval) <= 0)
- return_error(e_undefined);
diff --git a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/pkg-message.in b/print/ghostscript9-base/files/pkg-message.in
deleted file mode 100644
index 846b4f8a1868..000000000000
--- a/print/ghostscript9-base/files/pkg-message.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-{ type: install
- message: <<EOM
-In order to use the script "dvipdf", dvips must be installed.
-This program is provided by another package print/tex-dvipsk.
-FAPIfontmap and FAPIcidfmap in %%DATADIR%%/Resource/Init
-have to be configured if you want to use FAPI feature.
diff --git a/print/ghostscript9-base/pkg-descr b/print/ghostscript9-base/pkg-descr
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f7ec766055c..000000000000
--- a/print/ghostscript9-base/pkg-descr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-Ghostscript is the well-known PostScript interpreter which is available for
-all common and most esoteric platforms and supports many different printers
-and some displays.
-This is distributed with the GNU General Public License, which allows
-free use, and free copying and redistribution under certain conditions
-(including, in some cases, commercial distribution).
-This port includes add-on packages (not part of the official gs release)
- o HP8XX driver for HP DeskJet 880C/882C/895C
- - http://www.gelhaus.net/hp880c/
- o PCL3 driver for HP DeskJet series
- - http://home.vrweb.de/martin.lottermoser/pcl3.html
- o DJ970 driver for HP DeskJet 970CXi
- - http://www.harsch.net/Ghostscript/ghostscript.html
- o Special drivers for verious printer models
- - Alps, Canon, Epson, NEC, Lexmark, Ricoh,...
- o Additional contributed uniprint driver profiles for
- - Epson Stylus Color 740 and Epson LQ-1170
- http://www.ghostscript.com/
diff --git a/print/ghostscript9-base/pkg-plist b/print/ghostscript9-base/pkg-plist
deleted file mode 100644
index 125ddfeddf60..000000000000
--- a/print/ghostscript9-base/pkg-plist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,644 +0,0 @@