diff options
authorLexi Winter <lexi@hemlock.eden.le-fay.org>2024-11-12 13:07:23 +0000
committerRobert Clausecker <fuz@FreeBSD.org>2024-11-14 08:43:26 +0000
commita3b2656e217657f86fb00bca582c90b5ff42db08 (patch)
parent1c89946d2a2d9debf0eb0196ef7481fde5f28ede (diff)
databases/prometheus-postgres-exporter: update to 0.16.0
- the maintainer address is updated - a new pkg-message is added to document the breaking change in the log format when upgrading the package. upstream release notes: ---o<--- BREAKING CHANGES: The logging system has been replaced with log/slog from the stdlib. This change is being made across the prometheus ecosystem. The logging output has changed, but the messages and levels remain the same. The ts label for the timestamp has bewen replaced with time, the accuracy is less, and the timezone is not forced to UTC. The caller field has been replaced by the source field, which now includes the full path to the source file. The level field now exposes the log level in capital letters. * [CHANGE] Replace logging system #1073 * [ENHANCEMENT] Add save_wal_size and wal_status to replication_slot collector #1027 * [ENHANCEMENT] Add roles collector and connection limit metrics to database collector #997 * [ENHANCEMENT] Excluded databases log messgae is now info level #1003 * [ENHANCEMENT] Add active_time to stat_database collector #961 * [ENHANCEMENT] Add slot_type label to replication_slot collector #960 * [BUGFIX] Fix walreceiver collectore when no repmgr #1086 * [BUGFIX] Remove logging errors on replicas #1048 * [BUGFIX] Fix active_time query on postgres>=14 #1045 ---o<--- PR: 255100
4 files changed, 38 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/UPDATING b/UPDATING
index 3f1dd379d4ca..33b97a3abad5 100644
@@ -5,6 +5,21 @@ they are unavoidable.
You should get into the habit of checking this file for changes each time
you update your ports collection, before attempting any port upgrades.
+ AFFECTS: users of databases/prometheus-postgres-exporter
+ AUTHOR: lexi@hemlock.eden.le-fay.org
+ BREAKING CHANGE: In postgres_exporter 0.16.0 and later, the log message format
+ has changed. From the upstream release notes:
+ The logging system has been replaced with log/slog from the stdlib. This
+ change is being made across the prometheus ecosystem. The logging output has
+ changed, but the messages and levels remain the same. The ts label for the
+ timestamp has been replaced with time, the accuracy is less, and the timezone
+ is not forced to UTC. The caller field has been replaced by the source field,
+ which now includes the full path to the source file. The level field now
+ exposes the log level in capital letters.
AFFECTS: users of devel/apr1 and www/apache24
AUTHOR: brnrd@FreeBSD.org
diff --git a/databases/prometheus-postgres-exporter/Makefile b/databases/prometheus-postgres-exporter/Makefile
index b8cccb2f848d..52a5d01831d3 100644
--- a/databases/prometheus-postgres-exporter/Makefile
+++ b/databases/prometheus-postgres-exporter/Makefile
@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
PORTNAME= prometheus-postgres-exporter
CATEGORIES= databases
-MAINTAINER= lexi.freebsd@le-fay.org
+MAINTAINER= lexi@hemlock.eden.le-fay.org
COMMENT= PostgreSQL metric exporter for Prometheus
WWW= https://github.com/prometheus-community/postgres_exporter
@@ -19,7 +18,7 @@ GO_TARGET= ./cmd/postgres_exporter:${PREFIX}/bin/postgres_exporter
SUB_FILES= pkg-message
PLIST_FILES= bin/postgres_exporter \
- etc/postgres_exporter.yml.sample
+ etc/postgres_exporter.yml.sample
diff --git a/databases/prometheus-postgres-exporter/distinfo b/databases/prometheus-postgres-exporter/distinfo
index f0f8d8aeffb4..ab7b772f7c4f 100644
--- a/databases/prometheus-postgres-exporter/distinfo
+++ b/databases/prometheus-postgres-exporter/distinfo
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-TIMESTAMP = 1708907285
-SHA256 (go/databases_prometheus-postgres-exporter/prometheus-postgres-exporter-v0.15.0/v0.15.0.mod) = 2eca3234e2449a0b04bf99c4761b5b62e6ddd6be2b9083b89837a57087fb0a59
-SIZE (go/databases_prometheus-postgres-exporter/prometheus-postgres-exporter-v0.15.0/v0.15.0.mod) = 1853
-SHA256 (go/databases_prometheus-postgres-exporter/prometheus-postgres-exporter-v0.15.0/v0.15.0.zip) = cbe281e1764b5df206eafd0ae5e5fee0b569afb3883b1502d2b1793694a53dd5
-SIZE (go/databases_prometheus-postgres-exporter/prometheus-postgres-exporter-v0.15.0/v0.15.0.zip) = 151785
+TIMESTAMP = 1731341402
+SHA256 (go/databases_prometheus-postgres-exporter/prometheus-postgres-exporter-v0.16.0/v0.16.0.mod) = e16051bb4c30828066f28f893adb575164484a0a3ac2740c089a99057e22c0b1
+SIZE (go/databases_prometheus-postgres-exporter/prometheus-postgres-exporter-v0.16.0/v0.16.0.mod) = 1805
+SHA256 (go/databases_prometheus-postgres-exporter/prometheus-postgres-exporter-v0.16.0/v0.16.0.zip) = 1246fbf68c0a81929ca97f4967dfabaab40604c216917a7073f5904e282b7d05
+SIZE (go/databases_prometheus-postgres-exporter/prometheus-postgres-exporter-v0.16.0/v0.16.0.zip) = 156127
diff --git a/databases/prometheus-postgres-exporter/files/pkg-message.in b/databases/prometheus-postgres-exporter/files/pkg-message.in
index 8887b3fe3433..2a2f4e333767 100644
--- a/databases/prometheus-postgres-exporter/files/pkg-message.in
+++ b/databases/prometheus-postgres-exporter/files/pkg-message.in
@@ -26,4 +26,19 @@ exporter into Prometheus, refer to the documentation at:
+{ type: upgrade
+ maximum_version: "0.16.0"
+ message: <<EOM
+BREAKING CHANGE: In postgres_exporter 0.16.0 and later, the log message format
+has changed. From the upstream release notes:
+The logging system has been replaced with log/slog from the stdlib. This change
+is being made across the prometheus ecosystem. The logging output has changed,
+but the messages and levels remain the same. The ts label for the timestamp has
+been replaced with time, the accuracy is less, and the timezone is not forced
+to UTC. The caller field has been replaced by the source field, which now
+includes the full path to the source file. The level field now exposes the log
+level in capital letters.