diff options
authorRene Ladan <rene@FreeBSD.org>2024-08-04 12:46:48 +0000
committerRene Ladan <rene@FreeBSD.org>2024-08-04 12:46:48 +0000
commitedf9530fd46238b9f39fa27b558d0d08c48d7b0d (patch)
parent6d8ba74c97f2aeb94922918e92349d05075bd170 (diff)
audio/optimfrog: Remove expired port
2024-07-31 audio/optimfrog: Obsolete format that never gained traction, consider using audio/flac
6 files changed, 1 insertions, 91 deletions
diff --git a/MOVED b/MOVED
index 49c676c02118..02d057159c04 100644
--- a/MOVED
+++ b/MOVED
@@ -3417,3 +3417,4 @@ audio/cam||2024-08-04|Has expired: Abandonware and obsolete, consider using audi
audio/epos-devel||2024-08-04|Has expired: Abandonware, last release in 2006 and upstream is dead
audio/sidplay2|audio/sidplayfp|2024-08-04|Has expired: Abandonware and superseded by audio/sidplayfp
audio/sidplay|audio/sidplayfp|2024-08-04|Has expired: Abandonware and superseded by audio/sidplayfp
+audio/optimfrog||2024-08-04|Has expired: Obsolete format that never gained traction, consider using audio/flac
diff --git a/audio/Makefile b/audio/Makefile
index c5a7ac44aa5a..1e8a8174a231 100644
--- a/audio/Makefile
+++ b/audio/Makefile
@@ -536,7 +536,6 @@
SUBDIR += openal-soft
SUBDIR += opencore-amr
SUBDIR += openspc
- SUBDIR += optimfrog
SUBDIR += opus
SUBDIR += opus-tools
SUBDIR += opusfile
diff --git a/audio/optimfrog/Makefile b/audio/optimfrog/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index e2aab4e65d59..000000000000
--- a/audio/optimfrog/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-PORTNAME= optimfrog
-MASTER_SITES= http://losslessaudio.org/Downloads/A1C0/${DISTVERSION:S/.//}/FreeBSD/
-MAINTAINER= ports@FreeBSD.org
-COMMENT?= Best-ratio lossless audio codec
-WWW= http://www.losslessaudio.org/
-LICENSE_NAME= OptimFROG - License
-LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/license.html #only available as html
-# No fees may be collected for redistribution
-LICENSE_PERMS= dist-mirror pkg-mirror auto-accept
-DEPRECATED= Obsolete format that never gained traction, consider using audio/flac
-RUN_DEPENDS+= ${LOCALBASE}/lib/compat/libstdc++.so.6:misc/compat9x
-CONFLICTS_INSTALL?= optimfrog-sse2
-ONLY_FOR_ARCHS?= amd64 i386
-USES= tar:txz
-NO_BUILD= yes
-SSE2_DESC= Use SSE2 instructions instead of x87 FPU
-.include <bsd.port.pre.mk>
-.if ${ARCH} == "amd64"
-.else # ${ARCH} == "i386"
-. else
-. endif
- @(cd ${WRKSRC} && ./install.sh -d "${STAGEDIR}" -p "${PREFIX}")
-.include <bsd.port.post.mk>
diff --git a/audio/optimfrog/distinfo b/audio/optimfrog/distinfo
deleted file mode 100644
index 9cc00f46f66b..000000000000
--- a/audio/optimfrog/distinfo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-TIMESTAMP = 1476783327
-SHA256 (OptimFROG_FreeBSD_x64_5100.txz) = a653c2cdd399b357dbdbfcfe8758fe12655e62d42c4c7e3c6f30f432a077c2da
-SIZE (OptimFROG_FreeBSD_x64_5100.txz) = 363692
-SHA256 (OptimFROG_FreeBSD_x86_5100.txz) = e8151b94d0c34b2885f4790832e692e8014d98bf077be93b3ae24cfabbab77f1
-SIZE (OptimFROG_FreeBSD_x86_5100.txz) = 328008
-SHA256 (OptimFROG_FreeBSD_x86_SSE2_5100.txz) = 14a5a11a4fa5f578c6e0bcefaf7cd312252255bb50239968f4c67f56501541b8
-SIZE (OptimFROG_FreeBSD_x86_SSE2_5100.txz) = 334760
diff --git a/audio/optimfrog/pkg-descr b/audio/optimfrog/pkg-descr
deleted file mode 100644
index bb1ff4a48202..000000000000
--- a/audio/optimfrog/pkg-descr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-OptimFROG is a lossless audio compression program. Its main goal is to reduce
-at maximum the size of audio files, while permitting bit identical restoration
-for all input. It is similar with the ZIP compression, but it is highly
-specialized to compress audio data.
-OptimFROG usually obtains the best lossless audio compression ratios. It has
-Windows, Linux, OS X, and FreeBSD versions, fully featured input plug-ins for
-the Windows Media Player, foobar2000, Winamp 2/3/5, dBpowerAMP, XMPlay, QCD,
-XMMS, and many other audio players (with bitstream error resilience, ID3v1.1
-and APEv2 read tagging support, ID3v2 compatible), optimal support for all
-integer PCM wave formats up to 32 bits and an extensible streamable (error
-tolerant) compressed format. It is also fast, the default mode (preset 2)
-encodes CD quality audio data at 66.9x real-time and decodes at 96.9x real-time
-on Intel Core i7-6700HQ at 2.6 GHz, while the fastest mode (preset 0) encodes
-at 140.0x real-time and decodes at 138.0x real-time. Self-extracting (sfx)
-archives can also be created with a small overhead of just 173 kB.
-The compression ratios which can obtained with OptimFROG are generally ranging
-from 25% (silent classical music) to 70% (loud rock music) of the original
-audio file size. This is less compared with around 13% obtained with high
-quality MP3 files (~176 kbps), but you have the great advantage of archiving
-and listening at perfect copies of your original music.
diff --git a/audio/optimfrog/pkg-plist b/audio/optimfrog/pkg-plist
deleted file mode 100644
index 266f761613a6..000000000000
--- a/audio/optimfrog/pkg-plist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@