path: root/editors/openoffice-3/files/patch-solenv+inc+unxfbsdi.mk
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'editors/openoffice-3/files/patch-solenv+inc+unxfbsdi.mk')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 262 deletions
diff --git a/editors/openoffice-3/files/patch-solenv+inc+unxfbsdi.mk b/editors/openoffice-3/files/patch-solenv+inc+unxfbsdi.mk
deleted file mode 100644
index 16c987a9c521..000000000000
--- a/editors/openoffice-3/files/patch-solenv+inc+unxfbsdi.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,262 +0,0 @@
-Index: solenv/inc/unxfbsdi.mk
-RCS file: /cvs/tools/solenv/inc/unxfbsdi.mk,v
-retrieving revision 1.11
-diff -u -r1.11 unxfbsdi.mk
---- solenv/inc/unxfbsdi.mk 20 Sep 2004 08:37:13 -0000 1.11
-+++ solenv/inc/unxfbsdi.mk 21 Nov 2004 14:26:32 -0000
-@@ -60,16 +60,26 @@
- #
- #*************************************************************************
--# mak file for unxfbsdi
--AFLAGS=-x assembler-with-cpp -c $(CDEFS)
-+# mk file for unxfbsdi
- # filter for supressing verbose messages from linker
- #not needed at the moment
- #LINKOUTPUT_FILTER=" |& $(SOLARENV)$/bin$/msg_filter"
-+# _PTHREADS is needed for the stl
-+# enable visibility define in "sal/types.h"
- # this is a platform with JAVA support
- .IF "$(SOLAR_JAVA)"!=""
- .IF "$(debug)"==""
-@@ -77,96 +87,82 @@
- JAVA_RUNTIME=-ljava_g
-+# define default arch flags when needed
-+.IF "$(ARCH_FLAGS)"==""
- # name of C++ Compiler
- CXX*=g++
- # name of C Compiler
- CC*=gcc
-+# flags for C and C++ Compiler
-+CFLAGS+=-Wuninitialized -fmessage-length=0 -c $(INCLUDE)
--# filter for supressing verbose messages from linker
--# not needed at the moment
--LINKOUTPUT_FILTER=" |& $(SOLARENV)$/bin$/msg_filter"
--# options for C and C++ Compiler
--# flags for C and C++ Compile
--CFLAGS+= -w -c $(INCLUDE)
--CFLAGS+= -I/usr/X11R6/include
-+# flags to enable build with symbols; required for crashdump feature
- # flags for the C++ Compiler
--CFLAGSCC= -pipe -fno-rtti
--CFLAGSCXX= -pipe -fno-rtti
--CFLAGSCXX+= -Wno-ctor-dtor-privacy
- # Flags for enabling exception handling
--CFLAGSEXCEPTIONS= -fexceptions
--CFLAGS_NO_EXCEPTIONS= -fno-exceptions
--# Compiler flags for compiling static object in single threaded
--# environment with graphical user interface
--# Compiler flags for compiling static object in single threaded
--# environment with character user interface
--# Compiler flags for compiling static object in multi threaded
--# environment with graphical user interface
--# Compiler flags for compiling static object in multi threaded
--# environment with character user interface
--# Compiler flags for compiling shared object in multi threaded
--# environment with graphical user interface
--# Compiler flags for compiling shared object in multi threaded
--# environment with character user interface
-+CFLAGSEXCEPTIONS=-fexceptions -fno-enforce-eh-specs
-+# Flags for disabling exception handling
--# Compiler flags for profilin
-+CFLAGSCXX+= -Wno-ctor-dtor-privacy
-+# Compiler flags for compiling static object in single threaded environment with graphical user interface
-+# Compiler flags for compiling static object in single threaded environment with character user interface
-+# Compiler flags for compiling static object in multi threaded environment with graphical user interface
-+# Compiler flags for compiling static object in multi threaded environment with character user interface
-+# Compiler flags for compiling shared object in multi threaded environment with graphical user interface
-+# Compiler flags for compiling shared object in multi threaded environment with character user interface
-+# Compiler flags for profiling
- # Compiler flags for debugging
--# Compiler flags to enable optimizations
--# -02 is broken for FreeBSD
--# Compiler flags to disable optimizations
--# -0 is broken for STLport for FreeBSD
--# Compiler flags for the output path
-+# Compiler flags for enabling optimazations
-+# reduce to -O1 to avoid optimisation problems
-+# Compiler flags for disabling optimazations
-+# Compiler flags for discibing the output path
- # Enable all warnings
-+CFLAGSWALL=-Wall -Wfloat-equal -Weffc++ -Wold-style-cast -Woverloaded-virtual -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-align -Wsign-compare -Winline
- # Set default warn level
- # switches for dynamic and static linking
--STATIC= -Wl,-Bstatic
--DYNAMIC= -Wl,-Bdynamic
-+STATIC = -Wl,-Bstatic
-+DYNAMIC = -Wl,-Bdynamic
- # name of linker
- # default linker flags
--# LINKFLAGSRUNPATH*=-Wl,-rpath\''$$ORIGIN'\'
- # linker flags for linking applications
--LINKFLAGSAPPGUI= -Wl,--noinhibit-exec
--LINKFLAGSAPPCUI= -Wl,--noinhibit-exec
-+LINKFLAGSAPPGUI= -Wl,-export-dynamic -Wl,--noinhibit-exec
-+LINKFLAGSAPPCUI= -Wl,-export-dynamic -Wl,--noinhibit-exec
- # linker flags for linking shared libraries
-@@ -177,23 +173,19 @@
--.IF "$(NO_BSYMBOLIC)"==""
--.IF "$(PRJNAME)" != "envtest"
--LINKFLAGSSHLGUI+= -Wl,-Bsymbolic
--LINKFLAGSSHLCUI+= -Wl,-Bsymbolic
-+# linker flags for optimization (symbol hashtable)
-+# for now, applied to symbol scoped libraries, only
- # Sequence of libs does matter !
--# _SYSLIBS= -L/usr/lib -lm
--# _X11LIBS= -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lXext -lX11
--# _CXXLIBS= -L/usr/lib -lstdc++ -L/usr/local/lib
- # default objectfilenames to link
-@@ -201,24 +193,30 @@
- # libraries for linking applications
--STDLIBGUIST=-lXaw -lXt -lX11 -lm
--STDLIBGUIMT=-lXaw -lXt -lX11 $(PTHREAD_LIBS) -lm
- # libraries for linking shared libraries
--STDSHLGUIMT=-lXaw -lXt -lX11 -lXext $(PTHREAD_LIBS) -lm
-+STDSHLGUIST=-lX11 -lXext -lm
- LIBSALCPPRT*=-Wl,--whole-archive -lsalcpprt -Wl,--no-whole-archive
--# STLport always needs pthread.
-+LIBSTLPORT=$(DYNAMIC) -lstlport_gcc -lstdc++
- # name of library manager
--LIBEXT= .a
- # tool for generating import libraries
-@@ -237,3 +235,4 @@
- DLLPRE=lib