GNU ccAudio2 is a stand-alone portable C++ class framework for manipulating audio data. GNU ccAudio2 offers platform indipendent classes for directly accessing audio files from disk. These classes are endian aware and also, unlike some audio file manipulation libraries, content format aware; ccAudio treats audio as an array of descreat sample points rather than simply as binary data. ccAudio can also manipulate header information such as annotations. GNU ccAudio2 supports sun audio, raw samples, and RIFF encoded audio data. In addition to manipulating audio thru disk files, GNU ccAudio2 can provide audio processing of sample sets in memory. This includes generation of pure tones, energy measurement of audio poackets, and software codec conversions. GNU ccAudio2 includes a framework for developing plugin audio codecs and is intended to be a carrier for freely licensed audio codecs as well as to expand into a general purpose audio/signal processing C++ library. WWW: