# Created by: Kevin Bowling PORTNAME= timescaledb PORTVERSION= 2.3.1 CATEGORIES= databases MAINTAINER= kbowling@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Time-series database built on PostgreSQL LICENSE= APACHE20 TSL LICENSE_COMB= multi LICENSE_NAME_TSL= Timescale License Agreement LICENSE_FILE_APACHE20= ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE-APACHE LICENSE_FILE_TSL= ${WRKSRC}/tsl/LICENSE-TIMESCALE LICENSE_PERMS_TSL= dist-mirror pkg-mirror auto-accept USES= compiler:c11 cmake pgsql:11,12,13 USE_GITHUB= YES GH_ACCOUNT= timescale PLIST_SUB= PORTVERSION=${PORTVERSION} SUB_FILES= pkg-message SUB_LIST= PORTVERSION=${PORTVERSION} OPTIONS_DEFINE= SSL TSL OPTIONS_DEFAULT= SSL TSL OPTIONS_SUB= yes SSL_DESC= Build with OpenSSL support TSL_DESC= Enables TSL licensed code in additon to Apache license code SSL_CMAKE_BOOL= USE_OPENSSL SSL_USES= ssl TSL_CMAKE_BOOL_OFF= APACHE_ONLY CMAKE_OFF= REGRESS_CHECKS WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS WANT_PGSQL= lib server .include