Watchdog Timers and Init Code A change has been made to the start-up code: the code to disable the watchdog timer has been removed. The code was in the start-up sequence because it was found that for some large applications the watchdog timer would trigger whilst the start-up was happening - ie before main() was reached. The problem with the disabling code was that the address of the watchdog timer was hard-coded in the instruction sequence, which meant that it did not work on MCUs that used a different address. Rather than try to provide some complicated, MCU specific, mechanism for disabling the timer during start-up it was decided to simply remove the code instead. For most applications this should suffice. If however an application does need to disable the watchdog timer during start-up, it can add this function to its code base: #include static void __attribute__((naked, section(".crt_0042"), used)) disable_watchdog (void) { WDTCTL = WDTPW | WDTHOLD; } Note - this method can be used to insert *any* commands into the start-up sequence, not just watchdog timer disabling code. Also if the number in .crt_0042 is reduced, the code will execute earlier in the start-up sequence. If it is increased it will execute later in the start-up sequence.