PORTNAME= ode DISTVERSION= 0.16.2 PORTEPOCH= 1 CATEGORIES= devel MASTER_SITES= https://bitbucket.org/odedevs/${PORTNAME}/downloads/ MAINTAINER= acm@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Articulated rigid body dynamics library WWW= https://www.ode.org/ LICENSE= LGPL21 BSD3CLAUSE LICENSE_COMB= dual USES= cmake:testing CMAKE_OFF= ODE_WITH_TESTS CMAKE_TESTING_ON= ODE_WITH_TESTS CXXFLAGS+= -Wno-c++11-narrowing OPTIONS_DEFINE= DEMOS GIMPACT LIBCCD OU TRIMESH # it looks like TRIMESH isn't defined but is needed because ODE_NO_TRIMESH is never defined otherwise OPTIONS_DEFAULT= TRIMESH DEMOS_DESC= Build demos (not installed) DEMOS_CMAKE_BOOL= ODE_WITH_DEMOS DEMOS_USES= gl localbase pkgconfig DEMOS_USE= GL=gl,glu GIMPACT_DESC= Enable gimpact instead of opcode support GIMPACT_CMAKE_BOOL= ODE_WITH_GIMPACT GIMPACT_PREVENTS= TRIMESH LIBCCD_DESC= Use libccd for handling some collision tests absent in ODE LIBCCD_CMAKE_BOOL= ODE_WITH_LIBCCD ODE_WITH_LIBCCD_SYSTEM LIBCCD_CXXFLAGS= -I${WRKSRC}/libccd/src/custom LIBCCD_LIB_DEPENDS= libccd.so:math/libccd OU_DESC= Enable Thread-local storage (Experimental) OU_CMAKE_BOOL= ODE_WITH_OU TRIMESH_DESC= Build with trimesh TRIMESH_CMAKE_OFF= -DODE_NO_TRIMESH=ON .include