Python implementation of the Socket.IO realtime server. Features Fully compatible with the Javascript, Swift, C++ and Java official Socket.IO clients, plus any third party clients that comply with the Socket.IO specification. Compatible with Python 2.7 and Python 3.3+. Supports large number of clients even on modest hardware when used with an asynchronous server based on asyncio, eventlet or gevent. For development and testing, any WSGI compliant multi-threaded server can be used. Includes a WSGI middleware that integrates Socket.IO traffic with standard WSGI applications. Uses an event-based architecture implemented with decorators that hides the details of the protocol. Implements HTTP long-polling and WebSocket transports. Supports XHR2 and XHR browsers as clients. Supports text and binary messages. Supports gzip and deflate HTTP compression. Configurable CORS responses to avoid cross-origin problems with browsers. WWW: