Installs Ruby, JRuby, Rubinius, TruffleRuby (native / GraalVM), or mruby. Features: * Supports installing arbitrary versions. * Supports downloading the latest versions and checksums from ruby-versions. * Supports installing into /opt/rubies/ and ~/.rubies/ by default. * Supports installing into arbitrary directories. * Supports downloading from arbitrary URLs. * Supports downloading from mirrors. * Supports downloading/applying patches. * Supports specifying arbitrary ./configure options. * Supports downloading archives using wget or curl. * Supports verifying downloaded archives via checksums. * Has tests. Anti-Features: * Does not require updating every time a new Ruby version comes out. * Does not require recipes for each individual Ruby version or configuration. * Does not support installing trunk/HEAD or nightly rolling releases. * Does not support installing unsupported/unmaintained versions of Ruby. WWW: