PORTNAME= tuxnes PORTVERSION= 0.75 PORTREVISION= 6 CATEGORIES= emulators MASTER_SITES= SF/${PORTNAME}/TuxNES/TuxNES%20v${PORTVERSION} MAINTAINER= ports@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Nintendo Entertainment System 8-bit emulator WWW= https://tuxnes.sourceforge.net/ LICENSE= GPLv2 BROKEN= linker command failed with exit code 1 DEPRECATED= BROKEN for more than 4 months EXPIRATION_DATE= 2024-04-04 ONLY_FOR_ARCHS= i386 ONLY_FOR_ARCHS_REASON= uses i386 assembly code USES= compiler gmake xorg USE_XORG= x11 ice sm xext xpm USE_BINUTILS= yes GNU_CONFIGURE= yes PLIST_FILES= bin/romfixer bin/tuxnes share/pixmaps/tuxnes.xpm DESKTOP_ENTRIES="TuxNES" "" "${PREFIX}/share/pixmaps/tuxnes.xpm" \ "${PORTNAME}" "" "" .include .if ${COMPILER_TYPE} == "clang" CPPFLAGS+= -no-integrated-as .endif .if ${ARCH} == "i386" # Build tool "compdata" segfaults when linked with lld LLD_UNSAFE= yes .endif post-patch: @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e \ 's|^CFLAGS=|#CFLAGS=|' ${WRKSRC}/configure post-install: (cd ${WRKSRC} && ${INSTALL_DATA} tuxnes.xpm \ ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/pixmaps) .include