popa3d patch for POP-before-SMTP and SMTP-after-POP Garry Glendown / Dec. 12th 2000 On the 'net there are a couple of solutions to allow for POP-before-SMTP authentication in order to allow for relaying of mails. Anyway, the solutions I found didn't really apeal to me, so I hacked popa3d a bit, which we already used on one of our machines to serve mail to dialup customers. Prerequisites This patch supplies data to sendmail to allow for certain IPs to use it as a relaying host. In order to use with your sendmail installation, get the popauth-hack (http://www.sendmail.org/~ca/email/rules/popauth.m4) and install it by adding "HACK(`popauth')" to you .mc-file. Installing The patch - enabled through the POPB4SMTP-define in the Makefile - accesses the file "/etc/mail/popauth.db" (create with "makemap hash /etc/mail/popauth