LASPack (version 1.12.2) LASPack is a package for solving large sparse systems of linear equations like those which arise from discretization of partial differential equations. Main features: - The primary aim of LASPack is the implementation of efficient iterative methods for the solution of systems of linear equations. - Beside the obligatory Jacobi, succesive over-relaxation, Chebyshev, and conjugate gradient solvers, LASPack contains selected state-of-the-art algorithms which are commonly used for large sparse systems: - CG-like methods for non-symmetric systems: CGN, GMRES, BiCG, QMR, CGS, and BiCGStab, - multilevel methods such as multigrid and conjugate gradient method preconditioned by multigrid and BPX preconditioners. A complete description of the package (including the installation procedure) you may find in LASPack Reference Manual in the following postscript files: WWW: