-------------------------------------------------------------- *** IMPORTANT! *** An autogenerated DES key has been installed for you in ${PREFIX}/etc/afbackup/cryptkey. Remember to change it! Also, ${PREFIX}/share/doc/afbackup contains the documentation you ought to read before starting using the package. For server configuration one must add two services into /etc/services files: afbackup 2988/tcp afmbackup 2989/tcp and into /etc/inetd.conf: afbackup stream tcp nowait afbackup ${PKG_PREFIX}/libexec/afbackup/afserver ${PKG_PREFIX}/libexec/afbackup/afserver ${PKG_PREFIX}/etc/afbackup/server.conf afmbackup stream tcp nowait afbackup ${PKG_PREFIX}/libexec/afbackup/afmserver ${PKG_PREFIX}/libexec/afbackup/afmserver ${PKG_PREFIX}/etc/afbackup/server.conf For more information on how to configure the package read ${PKG_PREFIX}/share/doc/afbackup/INSTALL keeping in mind that the package conforms to hier(7); in other words, paths are different from what is mentioned in the document. --------------------------------------------------------------