# New ports collection makefile for: gtk-gnutella # Date created: 19 May, 2000 # Whom: rbt@zort.on.ca # # $FreeBSD$ # # # A quick note on configurable make symbols: # # WITH_INTERACTIVE: Launches Configure in it's default mode, which is *very* # interactive. Disabled here by default to conform to FreeBSD guidelines, # this mode is useful if you have problems with the default Configure. # # WITH_GTK2: Configure and build for gtk2. # # WITH_PORTABILITY: Configure code to use the PATH variable at run-time # at a cost in performance. Useful if you intend to move the executable # to multiple machines. # # WITH_DEBUG: Compile with debugging symbols. Useful if you intend to make a bug # report. # # Note that unicode support is currently unavailable for this platform. This # package requires a working ICU installation to achieve this, which doesn't # work here, and produces a broken executable. # PORTNAME= gtk-gnutella PORTVERSION= 0.93.3 PORTREVISION= 1 CATEGORIES= net MASTER_SITES= ${MASTER_SITE_SOURCEFORGE} \ http://gtk-gnutella.sourceforge.net/download/ \ ftp://gtk-gnutella.sourceforge.net/pub/gtk-gnutella/ MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR= ${PORTNAME} EXTRACT_SUFX= .tar.bz2 MAINTAINER= crollins666@hotmail.com COMMENT= GTK based Gnutella client MAN1= gtk-gnutella.1 USE_PERL5= yes USE_X_PREFIX= yes USE_BZIP2= yes USE_BISON= yes USE_GNOME= libxml2 USE_REINPLACE= yes HAS_CONFIGURE= yes CONFIGURE_SCRIPT= Configure CONFIGURE_ARGS= -Dyacc='bison -y' -Dofficial='true' -Dprefix=${PREFIX} CONFIGURE_ARGS+= -Dbindir=${PREFIX}/bin -Dprivlib=${PREFIX}/share/gtk-gnutella CONFIGURE_ARGS+= -Dsysman=${PREFIX}/man/man1 -Dlocale=${PREFIX}/share/locale CONFIGURE_ARGS+= -Dccflags='${CFLAGS} -I${LOCALBASE}/include/' OPTIONS= DEBUG "Build with debugging symbols" off\ GTK2 "Build with gtk2 frontend" off \ INTERACTIVE "Use Configure in interactive mode" off \ PORTABILITY "Use the PATH variable at run-time" off .include .if !defined(WITH_INTERACTIVE) CONFIGURE_ARGS+=-d -e .endif .if defined(WITH_GTK2) CONFIGURE_ARGS+= -Dgtkversion=2 USE_GNOME+= gtk20 .else CONFIGURE_ARGS+= -Dgtkversion=1 USE_GNOME+= gtk12 .endif .if defined(WITH_PORTABILITY) CONFIGURE_ARGS+= -Dd_portable=true .endif .if defined(WITH_DEBUG) CONFIGURE_ARGS+= -Doptimize=-g -Uofficial= .endif post-patch: @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's| icuuc | |' ${WRKSRC}/${CONFIGURE_SCRIPT} post-install: @${ECHO} 'Installing compressed man page in man/man1/' @${CP} ${WRKSRC}/src/gtk-gnutella.man ${WRKSRC}/src/gtk-gnutella.1 @${INSTALL_MAN} ${WRKSRC}/src/gtk-gnutella.1 ${PREFIX}/man/man1 .include