The rmsg messaging system can be used to send write(1)-like messages to logged-on users. The system can cross machine boundaries: if another machine has rmsgd running, you can send messages to users on it. The system allows bitnet virtual machine-like 'virtual users' to whom any user can send messages and they can answer the messages. The rmsgd server makes this possible by allowing a command 'exec' in a user's .msgconf file, and whenever the user receives a message this command is executed and the message is piped to it. It is possible to log incoming and outgoing messages. You can specify a file to which the last (or every) incoming message will be stored. Rmsgd is the server daemon for the system. It should be started by root, but for now it works even if started by ordinary users, even though some capabilities are disabled for security reasons (that is, exec and logging of incoming messages, since that would be done by the user-id who started rmsgd and not the receiver). The server should be named 'rmsgd' to have it start as a daemon. Rmsg is the client end of the system. Rmsg is used by ordinary users to send messages. For example, rmsg foo@bar hello there ! ^D would send a message 'hello there !' to user foo at machine bar. By default, rmsg stores the last outgoing message in the user's home directory in the file .msgout. Then msg -r user@machine can be used to resend the message. Messages are normally read from standard input until EOF. There are many options which can be set in a user's ~/.msgconf' file. Read the manual page for rmsg for more information.