PORTNAME= rpki-client DISTVERSION= 7.2 CATEGORIES= net MAINTAINER= zeising@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) implementation from OpenBSD LICENSE= ISCL BUILD_DEPENDS= rsync>0:net/rsync LIB_DEPENDS= libexpat.so:textproc/expat2 \ libtls.so:security/libretls RUN_DEPENDS= ca_root_nss>=0:security/ca_root_nss \ rsync>0:net/rsync USES= autoreconf libtool pkgconfig ssl USE_GITHUB= yes GH_PROJECT= ${PORTNAME}-portable ${PORTNAME}-openbsd:openbsd GH_SUBDIR= openbsd:openbsd GH_TAGNAME= ${PORTNAME}-${DISTVERSION}:openbsd GNU_CONFIGURE= yes CONFIGURE_ARGS= --with-libtls=libtls USERS= _rpki-client GROUPS= ${USERS} PLIST_SUB= USERS="${USERS}" .include .if ${OSREL:R} < 12 && ${SSL_DEFAULT} == "base" BROKEN= requires OpenSSL 1.1.1, upgrade to FreeBSD 12.x/13.x or add DEFAULT_VERSIONS+=ssl=[openssl|libressl*] to /etc/make.conf .endif pre-configure: cd ${WRKSRC} && ${SH} update.sh .include