PORTNAME= dynare DISTVERSION= 5.0 PORTREVISION= 1 CATEGORIES= science # economics MASTER_SITES= https://www.dynare.org/release/source/ MAINTAINER= yuri@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Software platform for handling a wide class of economic models LICENSE= GPLv3 LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/COPYING BUILD_DEPENDS= ${LOCALBASE}/include/boost/tokenizer.hpp:devel/boost-libs LIB_DEPENDS= libhdf5.so:science/hdf5 \ libmatio.so:math/matio \ libopenblas.so:math/openblas \ libsz.so:science/szip RUN_DEPENDS= epstool:graphics/epstool \ gnuplot:math/gnuplot \ pstoedit:graphics/pstoedit \ xfig:graphics/xfig # README says that these executables are required for the test suite USES= bison compiler:c++17-lang fortran gmake localbase tar:xz USE_TEX= pdftex USE_GCC= yes # clang-11 fails: error: reference to local binding 'ii1' declared in enclosing function 'ss2Iteration_pruning' # Clang still doesn't support this c++20 feature, see https://bugs.llvm.org/show_bug.cgi?id=49238 GNU_CONFIGURE= yes CONFIGURE_ARGS= --disable-matlab \ --disable-doc SUB_FILES= pkg-message OPTIONS_DEFINE= OCTAVE OPTIONS_DEFAULT= OCTAVE OPTIONS_SUB= yes OCTAVE_DESC= Integrate with Octave (main way to use Dynare) OCTAVE_CONFIGURE_ENABLE= octave OCTAVE_CONFIGURE_ON= --disable-mex-kalman-steady-state # Kalman Steady State MEX file for Octave - requires the non-free library slicot-5.0 OCTAVE_BUILD_DEPENDS= octave:math/octave OCTAVE_LIB_DEPENDS= libfftw3.so:math/fftw3 \ libfftw3f.so:math/fftw3-float \ libgsl.so:math/gsl \ libumfpack.so:math/suitesparse-umfpack OCTAVE_RUN_DEPENDS= octave:math/octave post-install: # remove empty directories, see https://git.dynare.org/Dynare/dynare/-/issues/1835 @${FIND} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX} -type d -empty -delete .include