=========================================================================== In order to configure Sendmail for this port add the following lines to your SENDMAIL_MC: INPUT_MAIL_FILTER( `antivir-milter', `S=unix:/var/spool/avmilter/avmilter.sock, F=T, T=S:10m;R:10m;E:10m' )dnl Don't forget to rebuild sendmail.cf and to restart Sendmail afterwards. For automated updates of the anti-virus engine and the virus definition file either add the following line to your /etc/crontab to run them via cron(8): 25 0 * * * root %%PREFIX%%/sbin/antivirupdater -q or execute the following command to enabled the AntiVir Updater daemon: cp %%PREFIX%%/etc/rc.d/avupdater.sh-dist_avmilter \ %%PREFIX%%/etc/rc.d/avupdater.sh For full functionality of AntiVir Milter you need to obtain a license key from H+BEDV Datentechnik GmbH. To install it, execute the following commands: cp hbedv.key %%PREFIX%%/AntiVir/ chown root:smmsp %%PREFIX%%/AntiVir/hbedv.key chmod 440 %%PREFIX%%/AntiVir/hbedv.key ===========================================================================