webkit-gtk2 -- Multiple vulnerabilities webkit-gtk2 1.2.6

Gustavo Noronha Silva reports:

The patches to fix the following CVEs are included with help from Huzaifa Sidhpurwala from the Red Hat security team.

CVE-2010-1791 CVE-2010-3812 CVE-2010-3813 CVE-2010-4197 CVE-2010-4198 CVE-2010-4204 CVE-2010-4206 CVE-2010-4577 http://gitorious.org/webkitgtk/stable/blobs/master/WebKit/gtk/NEWS 2010-12-28 2010-12-30
django -- multiple vulnerabilities py23-django py24-django py25-django py26-django py27-django py30-django py31-django py23-django-devel py24-django-devel py25-django-devel py26-django-devel py27-django-devel py30-django-devel py31-django-devel 15032,1

Django project reports:

Today the Django team is issuing multiple releases -- Django 1.2.4, Django 1.1.3 and Django 1.3 beta 1 -- to remedy two security issues reported to us. All users of affected versions of Django are urged to upgrade immediately.

Information leakage in Django administrative interface

The Django administrative interface, django.contrib.admin supports filtering of displayed lists of objects by fields on the corresponding models, including across database-level relationships. This is implemented by passing lookup arguments in the querystring portion of the URL, and options on the ModelAdmin class allow developers to specify particular fields or relationships which will generate automatic links for filtering.

Denial-of-service attack in password-reset mechanism

Django's bundled authentication framework, django.contrib.auth, offers views which allow users to reset a forgotten password. The reset mechanism involves generating a one-time token composed from the user's ID, the timestamp of the reset request converted to a base36 integer, and a hash derived from the user's current password hash (which will change once the reset is complete, thus invalidating the token).

45562 45563 https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=665373 http://secunia.com/advisories/42715/ 2010-12-22 2010-12-29
Drupal Views plugin -- cross-site scripting drupal6-views 2.12

Drupal security team reports:

The Views module provides a flexible method for Drupal site designers to control how lists and tables of content are presented. Under certain circumstances, Views could display parts of the page path without escaping, resulting in a relected Cross Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability. An attacker could exploit this to gain full administrative access.

Mitigating factors: This vulnerability only occurs with a specific combination of configuration options for a specific View, but this combination is used in the default Views provided by some additional modules. A malicious user would need to get an authenticated administrative user to visit a specially crafted URL.

CVE-2010-4521 http://drupal.org/node/999380 2010-12-15 2010-12-28
redmine -- multiple vulnerabilities redmine 1.0.5

Jean-Philippe Lang reports:

This release also fixes 3 security issues reported by joernchen of Phenoelit:

  • logged in users may be able to access private data (affected versions: 1.0.x)
  • persistent XSS vulnerability in textile formatter (affected versions: all previous releases)
  • remote command execution in bazaar repository adapter (affected versions: 0.9.x, 1.0.x)
http://www.redmine.org/news/49 2010-12-23 2010-12-23
tor -- remote crash and potential remote code execution tor tor-devel

The Tor Project reports:

Remotely exploitable bug that could be used to crash instances of Tor remotely by overflowing on the heap. Remote-code execution hasn't been confirmed, but can't be ruled out. Everyone should upgrade.

45500 CVE-2010-1676 ports/153326 http://archives.seul.org/or/announce/Dec-2010/msg00000.html http://archives.seul.org/or/talk/Dec-2010/msg00167.html https://gitweb.torproject.org/tor.git/blob/release-0.2.1:/ChangeLog https://gitweb.torproject.org/tor.git/blob/release-0.2.2:/ChangeLog 2010-12-17 2010-12-22
YUI JavaScript library -- JavaScript injection exploits in Flash components yahoo-ui 2.8.2

The YUI team reports:

A security-related defect was introduced in the YUI 2 Flash component infrastructure beginning with the YUI 2.4.0 release. This defect allows JavaScript injection exploits to be created against domains that host affected YUI .swf files.

CVE-2010-4207 CVE-2010-4208 CVE-2010-4209 http://www.yuiblog.com/blog/2010/10/25/yui-2-8-2-security-update/ http://secunia.com/advisories/41955 http://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2010/11/07/1 http://yuilibrary.com/support/2.8.2/ 2010-10-25 2010-12-15
php-zip -- multiple Denial of Service vulnerabilities php5-zip 5.3.4 php52-zip 5.2.15

The following DoS conditions in Zip extension were fixed in PHP 5.3.4 and PHP 5.2.15:

CVE-2010-3709 http://www.php.net/releases/5_3_4.php http://www.php.net/releases/5_2_15.php http://securityreason.com/achievement_securityalert/90 2010-12-13 2011-01-13
php-filter -- Denial of Service php5-filter 5.3.4 php52-filter 5.2.15

The following DoS condition in filter extension was fixed in PHP 5.3.4 and PHP 5.2.15:

Stack consumption vulnerability in the filter_var function in PHP 5.2.x through 5.2.14 and 5.3.x through 5.3.3, when FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL mode is used, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (memory consumption and application crash) via a long e-mail address string.

CVE-2010-3710 http://www.php.net/releases/5_3_4.php http://www.php.net/releases/5_2_15.php 2010-12-13 2011-01-13
php-imap -- Denial of Service php5-imap 5.3.4 php52-imap 5.2.15

The following DoS condition in IMAP extension was fixed in PHP 5.3.4 and PHP 5.2.15:

A remote user can send specially crafted IMAP user name or password data to trigger a double free memory error in 'ext/imap/php_imap.c' and cause the target service to crash.

It may be possible to execute arbitrary code. However, code execution was not confirmed.

CVE-2010-4150 http://www.php.net/releases/5_3_4.php http://www.php.net/releases/5_2_15.php 2010-12-13 2011-01-13
pecl-phar -- format string vulnerability pecl-phar 0

Entry for CVE-2010-2094 says:

Multiple format string vulnerabilities in the phar extension in PHP 5.3 before 5.3.2 allow context-dependent attackers to obtain sensitive information (memory contents) and possibly execute arbitrary code via a crafted phar:// URI that is not properly handled by the (1) phar_stream_flush, (2) phar_wrapper_unlink, (3) phar_parse_url, or (4) phar_wrapper_open_url functions in ext/phar/stream.c; and the (5) phar_wrapper_open_dir function in ext/phar/dirstream.c, which triggers errors in the php_stream_wrapper_log_error function.

PECL source code for PHAR extension shares the same code, so it is vulnerable too.

CVE-2010-2094 http://php-security.org/2010/05/14/mops-2010-024-php-phar_stream_flush-format-string-vulnerability/index.html http://php-security.org/2010/05/14/mops-2010-025-php-phar_wrapper_open_dir-format-string-vulnerability/index.htm http://php-security.org/2010/05/14/mops-2010-026-php-phar_wrapper_unlink-format-string-vulnerability/index.htm http://php-security.org/2010/05/14/mops-2010-027-php-phar_parse_url-format-string-vulnerabilities/index.htm http://php-security.org/2010/05/14/mops-2010-028-php-phar_wrapper_open_url-format-string-vulnerabilities/index.html 2010-12-13 2011-01-13
php -- NULL byte poisoning php5 5.3.4 php52 5.2.17_12

PHP-specific version of NULL-byte poisoning was briefly described by ShAnKaR:

Poison NULL byte vulnerability for perl CGI applications was described in [1]. ShAnKaR noted, that same vulnerability also affects different PHP applications.

PHP developers report that branch 5.3 received a fix:

Paths with NULL in them (foo\0bar.txt) are now considered as invalid (CVE-2006-7243).

CVE-2006-7243 http://www.securityfocus.com/archive/1/archive/1/445788/100/0/threaded http://artofhacking.com/files/phrack/phrack55/P55-07.TXT 2010-12-10 2011-01-13 2012-11-25
php -- open_basedir bypass php5 5.3.4 php52 5.2.15

MITRE reports:

fopen_wrappers.c in PHP 5.3.x through 5.3.3 might allow remote attackers to bypass open_basedir restrictions via vectors related to the length of a filename.

44723 CVE-2010-3436 2010-12-10 2011-01-13
php -- corruption of $GLOBALS and $this variables via extract() method php5 5.3.4 php52 5.2.15

Off-by-one error in the sanity validator for the extract() method allowed attackers to replace the values of $GLOBALS and $this when mode EXTR_OVERWRITE was used.

http://www.mail-archive.com/php-cvs@lists.php.net/msg47722.html http://www.php.net/releases/5_2_15.php 2010-12-10 2011-01-13
mozilla -- multiple vulnerabilities firefox 3.6.*,13.6.13,1 3.5.*,13.5.16,1 libxul 1.9.2.* linux-firefox 3.6.13,1 linux-firefox-devel 3.5.16 linux-seamonkey 2.0.*2.0.11 linux-thunderbird seamonkey 2.0.*2.0.11 thunderbird

The Mozilla Project reports:

MFSA 2010-74 Miscellaneous memory safety hazards (rv:

MFSA 2010-75 Buffer overflow while line breaking after document.write with long string

MFSA 2010-76 Chrome privilege escalation with window.open and isindex element

MFSA 2010-77 Crash and remote code execution using HTML tags inside a XUL tree

MFSA 2010-78 Add support for OTS font sanitizer

MFSA 2010-79 Java security bypass from LiveConnect loaded via data: URL meta refresh

MFSA 2010-80 Use-after-free error with nsDOMAttribute MutationObserver

MFSA 2010-81 Integer overflow vulnerability in NewIdArray

MFSA 2010-82 Incomplete fix for CVE-2010-0179

MFSA 2010-83 Location bar SSL spoofing using network error page

MFSA 2010-84 XSS hazard in multiple character encodings

CVE-2010-3766 CVE-2010-3767 CVE-2010-3768 CVE-2010-3769 CVE-2010-3770 CVE-2010-3771 CVE-2010-3772 CVE-2010-3773 CVE-2010-3774 CVE-2010-3775 CVE-2010-3776 CVE-2010-3777 CVE-2010-3778 http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-74.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-75.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-76.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-77.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-78.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-79.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-80.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-81.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-82.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-83.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-84.html 2010-12-09 2010-12-10
krb5 -- client impersonation vulnerability krb5

The MIT Kerberos team reports:

MIT krb5 KDC may issue tickets not requested by a client, based on an attacker-chosen KrbFastArmoredReq.

An authenticated remote attacker that controls a legitimate service principal could obtain a valid service ticket to itself containing valid KDC-generated authorization data for a client whose TGS-REQ it has intercepted. The attacker could then use this ticket for S4U2Proxy to impersonate the targeted client even if the client never authenticated to the subverted service. The vulnerable configuration is believed to be rare.

45122 CVE-2010-4021 http://web.mit.edu/kerberos/advisories/MITKRB5-SA-2010-007.txt http://osvdb.org/69607 2010-11-30 2010-12-09
krb5 -- RFC 3961 key-derivation checksum handling vulnerability krb5

The MIT Kerberos team reports:

MIT krb5 (releases incorrectly accepts RFC 3961 key-derivation checksums using RC4 keys when verifying AD-SIGNEDPATH and AD-KDC-ISSUED authorization data.

An authenticated remote attacker that controls a legitimate service principal has a 1/256 chance of forging the AD-SIGNEDPATH signature if the TGT key is RC4, allowing it to use self-generated "evidence" tickets for S4U2Proxy, instead of tickets obtained from the user or with S4U2Self. Configurations using RC4 for the TGT key are believed to be rare.

An authenticated remote attacker has a 1/256 chance of forging AD-KDC-ISSUED signatures on authdata elements in tickets having an RC4 service key, resulting in privilege escalation against a service that relies on these signatures. There are no known uses of the KDC-ISSUED authdata container at this time.

45117 CVE-2010-4020 http://web.mit.edu/kerberos/advisories/MITKRB5-SA-2010-007.txt http://osvdb.org/69608 2010-11-30 2010-12-09
krb5 -- unkeyed PAC checksum handling vulnerability krb5

The MIT Kerberos team reports:

MIT krb5 incorrectly accepts an unkeyed checksum for PAC signatures.

An authenticated remote attacker can forge PACs if using a KDC that does not filter client-provided PAC data. This can result in privilege escalation against a service that relies on PAC contents to make authorization decisions.

45116 CVE-2010-1324 http://web.mit.edu/kerberos/advisories/MITKRB5-SA-2010-007.txt http://osvdb.org/69609 2010-11-30 2010-12-09
krb5 -- multiple checksum handling vulnerabilities krb5

The MIT Kerberos team reports:

MIT krb incorrectly accepts an unkeyed checksum with DES session keys for version 2 (RFC 4121) of the GSS-API krb5 mechanism.

An unauthenticated remote attacker can forge GSS tokens that are intended to be integrity-protected but unencrypted, if the targeted pre-existing application session uses a DES session key.

MIT krb5 KDC incorrectly accepts RFC 3961 key-derivation checksums using RC4 keys when verifying the req-checksum in a KrbFastArmoredReq.

An unauthenticated remote attacker has a 1/256 chance of swapping a client-issued KrbFastReq into a different KDC-REQ, if the armor key is RC4. The consequences are believed to be minor.

45116 CVE-2010-1324 http://web.mit.edu/kerberos/advisories/MITKRB5-SA-2010-007.txt http://osvdb.org/69609 2010-11-30 2010-12-09
krb5 -- multiple checksum handling vulnerabilities krb5

The MIT Kerberos team reports:

MIT krb5 clients incorrectly accept an unkeyed checksums in the SAM-2 preauthentication challenge.

An unauthenticated remote attacker could alter a SAM-2 challenge, affecting the prompt text seen by the user or the kind of response sent to the KDC. Under some circumstances, this can negate the incremental security benefit of using a single-use authentication mechanism token.

MIT krb5 incorrectly accepts RFC 3961 key-derivation checksums using RC4 keys when verifying KRB-SAFE messages.

An unauthenticated remote attacker has a 1/256 chance of forging KRB-SAFE messages in an application protocol if the targeted pre-existing session uses an RC4 session key. Few application protocols use KRB-SAFE messages.

45118 CVE-2010-1323 http://web.mit.edu/kerberos/advisories/MITKRB5-SA-2010-007.txt http://osvdb.org/69610 2010-11-30 2010-12-09
proftpd -- Compromised source packages backdoor proftpd 1.3.3c_2

The ProFTPD Project team reports:

The security issue is caused due to the distribution of compromised ProFTPD 1.3.3c source code packages via the project's main FTP server and all of the mirror servers, which contain a backdoor allowing remote root access.

http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_name=alpine.DEB.2.00.1012011542220.12930%40familiar.castaglia.org http://secunia.com/advisories/42449 2010-11-28 2010-12-04
phpMyAdmin -- XSS attack in database search phpMyAdmin phpMyAdmin211

phpMyAdmin team reports:

It was possible to conduct a XSS attack using spoofed request on the db search script.

ports/152685 ports/152686 CVE-2010-4329 http://www.phpmyadmin.net/home_page/security/PMASA-2010-8.php 2010-11-29 2010-11-30
isc-dhcp-server -- Empty link-address denial of service isc-dhcp41-server

ISC reports:

If the server receives a DHCPv6 packet containing one or more Relay-Forward messages, and none of them supply an address in the Relay-Forward link-address field, then the server will crash. This can be used as a single packet crash attack vector.

CVE-2010-3611 http://www.isc.org/software/dhcp/advisories/cve-2010-3611 http://www.kb.cert.org/vuls/id/102047 2010-11-02 2010-11-24
OpenTTD -- Denial of service (server/client) via invalid read openttd

The OpenTTD Team reports:

When a client disconnects, without sending the "quit" or "client error" message, the server has a chance of reading and writing a just freed piece of memory. The writing can only happen while the server is sending the map. Depending on what happens directly after freeing the memory there is a chance of segmentation fault, and thus a denial of service.

CVE-2010-4168 http://security.openttd.org/en/CVE-2010-4168 2010-11-20 2010-11-23
horde-base -- XSS: VCARD attachments vulnerability horde-base 3.3.11

The Horde team reports:

The major changes compared to Horde version 3.3.10 are:

* Fixed XSS vulnerability when viewing details of a vCard.

http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.horde.announce/532 http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/9357 2010-11-02 2010-11-23
proftpd -- remote code execution vulnerability proftpd 1.3.3c

Tippingpoint reports:

This vulnerability allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code on vulnerable installations of ProFTPD. Authentication is not required to exploit this vulnerability.

The flaw exists within the proftpd server component which listens by default on TCP port 21. When reading user input if a TELNET_IAC escape sequence is encountered the process miscalculates a buffer length counter value allowing a user controlled copy of data to a stack buffer. A remote attacker can exploit this vulnerability to execute arbitrary code under the context of the proftpd process.

44562 CVE-2010-4221 http://www.zerodayinitiative.com/advisories/ZDI-10-229/ 2010-11-02 2010-11-23
openssl -- TLS extension parsing race condition openssl 1.0.0_2

OpenSSL Team reports:

Rob Hulswit has found a flaw in the OpenSSL TLS server extension code parsing which on affected servers can be exploited in a buffer overrun attack.

Any OpenSSL based TLS server is vulnerable if it is multi-threaded and uses OpenSSL's internal caching mechanism. Servers that are multi-process and/or disable internal session caching are NOT affected.

In particular the Apache HTTP server (which never uses OpenSSL internal caching) and Stunnel (which includes its own workaround) are NOT affected.

CVE-2010-3864 http://openssl.org/news/secadv_20101116.txt 2010-10-08 2010-11-17
linux-flashplugin -- multiple vulnerabilities linux-flashplugin 9.0r289 linux-f8-flashplugin linux-f10-flashplugin 10.1r102

Adobe Product Security Incident Response Team reports:

Critical vulnerabilities have been identified in Adobe Flash Player and earlier versions for Windows, Macintosh, Linux, and Solaris, and Adobe Flash Player for Android. These vulnerabilities, including CVE-2010-3654 referenced in Security Advisory APSA10-05, could cause the application to crash and could potentially allow an attacker to take control of the affected system.

CVE-2010-3636 CVE-2010-3637 CVE-2010-3638 CVE-2010-3639 CVE-2010-3640 CVE-2010-3641 CVE-2010-3642 CVE-2010-3643 CVE-2010-3644 CVE-2010-3645 CVE-2010-3646 CVE-2010-3647 CVE-2010-3648 CVE-2010-3649 CVE-2010-3650 CVE-2010-3652 CVE-2010-3654 CVE-2010-3676 http://www.adobe.com/support/security/bulletins/apsb10-26.html http://www.adobe.com/support/security/advisories/apsa10-05.html 2010-09-28 2010-11-06
Wireshark -- DoS in the BER-based dissectors wireshark wireshark-lite tshark tshark-lite

Secunia reports:

A vulnerability has been discovered in Wireshark, which can be exploited by malicious people to cause a DoS (Denial of Service).

The vulnerability is caused due to an infinite recursion error in the "dissect_unknown_ber()" function in epan/dissectors/packet-ber.c and can be exploited to cause a stack overflow e.g. via a specially crafted SNMP packet.

The vulnerability is confirmed in version 1.4.0 and reported in version 1.2.11 and prior and version 1.4.0 and prior.

CVE-2010-3445 http://www.wireshark.org/lists/wireshark-announce/201010/msg00002.html http://www.wireshark.org/lists/wireshark-announce/201010/msg00001.html 2010-09-16 2010-11-05
Mailman -- cross-site scripting in web interface mailman 2.1.14

Secunia reports:

Two vulnerabilities have been reported in Mailman, which can be exploited by malicious users to conduct script insertion attacks.

Certain input passed via the list descriptions is not properly sanitised before being displayed to the user. This can be exploited to insert arbitrary HTML and script code, which will be executed in a user's browser session in context of an affected site when the malicious data is being viewed.

Successful exploitation requires "list owner" permissions.

43187 CVE-2010-3089 http://secunia.com/advisories/41265 2010-09-14 2010-11-03
OTRS -- Multiple XSS and denial of service vulnerabilities otrs 2.3.*2.4.9

OTRS Security Advisory reports:

  • Multiple Cross Site Scripting issues: Missing HTML quoting allows authenticated agents or customers to inject HTML tags. This vulnerability allows an attacker to inject script code into the OTRS web-interface which will be loaded and executed in the browsers of system users.
  • Possible Denial of Service Attack: Perl's regular expressions consume 100% CPU time on the server if an agent or customer views an affected article. To exploit this vulnerability the malicious user needs to send extremely large HTML emails to your system address.

AgentTicketZoom is vulnerable to XSS attacks from HTML e-mails:

Whenever a customer sends an HTML e-mail and RichText is enabled in OTRS, javascript contained in the email can do everything in the OTRS agent interface that the agent himself could do.

Most relevant is that this type of exploit can be used in such a way that the agent won't even detect he is being exploited.

CVE-2010-2080 CVE-2010-4071 http://otrs.org/advisory/OSA-2010-02-en/ http://otrs.org/advisory/OSA-2010-03-en/ 2010-09-15 2010-11-03
mozilla -- Heap buffer overflow mixing document.write and DOM insertion firefox 3.6.*,13.6.12,1 3.5.*,13.5.15,1 libxul 1.9.2.* linux-firefox 3.6.12,1 linux-firefox-devel 3.5.15 linux-seamonkey 2.0.10 linux-thunderbird 3.1.6 seamonkey 2.0.*2.0.10 thunderbird

The Mozilla Project reports:

MFSA 2010-73 Heap buffer overflow mixing document.write and DOM insertion

CVE-2010-3765 http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-73.html 2010-10-27 2010-10-28
opera -- multiple vulnerabilities opera 10.63

The Opera Desktop Team reports:

  • Fixed an issue that allowed cross-domain checks to be bypassed, allowing limited data theft using CSS, as reported by Isaac Dawson.
  • Fixed an issue where manipulating the window could be used to spoof the page address.
  • Fixed an issue with reloads and redirects that could allow spoofing and cross-site scripting.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed private video streams to be intercepted, as reported by Nirankush Panchbhai of Microsoft Vulnerability Research.
  • Fixed an issue that caused JavaScript to run in the wrong security context after manual interaction.
http://www.opera.com/support/kb/view/971/ http://www.opera.com/support/kb/view/972/ http://www.opera.com/support/kb/view/973/ http://www.opera.com/support/kb/view/974/ http://www.opera.com/support/kb/view/976/ 2010-10-12 2010-10-26
bzip2 -- integer overflow vulnerability bzip2 1.0.6

Secunia reports:

A vulnerability has been reported in bzip2, which can be exploited by malicious people to cause a DoS (Denial of Service) or potentially compromise a vulnerable system.

The vulnerability is caused due to an integer overflow in the "BZ2_decompress()" function in decompress.c and can be exploited to cause a crash or potentially execute arbitrary code.

SA-10:08.bzip2 ports/151364 CVE-2010-0405 43331 http://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2010/09/21/4 http://secunia.com/advisories/41452 2010-09-21 2010-10-25
FreeBSD -- Integer overflow in bzip2 decompression FreeBSD 6.46.4_11 7.17.1_14 7.37.3_3 8.08.0_5 8.18.1_1

Problem Description:

When decompressing data, the run-length encoded values are not adequately sanity-checked, allowing for an integer overflow.

SA-10:08.bzip2 2010-09-20 2010-10-24 2016-08-09
FreeBSD -- Lost mbuf flag resulting in data corruption FreeBSD 7.17.1_13 7.37.3_2 8.08.0_4

Problem Description:

The read-only flag is not correctly copied when a mbuf buffer reference is duplicated. When the sendfile(2) system call is used to transmit data over the loopback interface, this can result in the backing pages for the transmitted file being modified, causing data corruption.

SA-10:07.mbuf 2010-07-13 2010-10-24 2016-08-09
FreeBSD -- Unvalidated input in nfsclient FreeBSD 7.27.2_8 7.37.3_1 8.08.0_3

Problem Description:

The NFS client subsystem fails to correctly validate the length of a parameter provided by the user when a filesystem is mounted.

SA-10:06.nfsclient 2010-05-27 2010-10-24 2016-08-09
FreeBSD -- OPIE off-by-one stack overflow FreeBSD 6.46.4_10 7.17.1_12 7.27.2_8 7.37.3_1 8.08.0_3

Problem Description:

A programming error in the OPIE library could allow an off-by-one buffer overflow to write a single zero byte beyond the end of an on-stack buffer.

SA-10:05.opie 2010-05-27 2010-10-24 2016-08-09
FreeBSD -- Insufficient environment sanitization in jail(8) FreeBSD 8.08.0_3

Problem Description:

The jail(8) utility does not change the current working directory while imprisoning. The current working directory can be accessed by its descendants.

SA-10:04.jail 2010-05-27 2010-10-24 2016-08-09
FreeBSD -- ZFS ZIL playback with insecure permissions FreeBSD 7.17.1_10 7.27.2_6 8.08.0_2

Problem Description:

When replaying setattr transaction, the replay code would set the attributes with certain insecure defaults, when the logged transaction did not touch these attributes.

SA-10:03.zfs 2010-01-06 2010-10-24 2016-08-09
FreeBSD -- ntpd mode 7 denial of service FreeBSD 6.36.3_15 6.46.4_9 7.17.1_10 7.27.2_6 8.08.0_2

Problem Description:

If ntpd receives a mode 7 (MODE_PRIVATE) request or error response from a source address not listed in either a 'restrict ... noquery' or a 'restrict ... ignore' section it will log the even and send a mode 7 error response.

SA-10:02.ntpd 2010-01-06 2010-10-24 2016-08-09
FreeBSD -- BIND named(8) cache poisoning with DNSSEC validation FreeBSD 6.36.3_15 6.46.4_9 7.17.1_10 7.27.2_6 8.08.0_2

Problem Description:

If a client requests DNSSEC records with the Checking Disabled (CD) flag set, BIND may cache the unvalidated responses. These responses may later be returned to another client that has not set the CD flag.

SA-10:01.bind 2010-01-06 2010-10-24 2016-08-09
FreeBSD -- Inappropriate directory permissions in freebsd-update(8) FreeBSD 6.36.3_14 6.46.4_8 7.17.1_9 7.27.2_5 8.08.0_1

Problem Description:

When downloading updates to FreeBSD via 'freebsd-update fetch' or 'freebsd-update upgrade', the freebsd-update(8) utility copies currently installed files into its working directory (/var/db/freebsd-update by default) both for the purpose of merging changes to configuration files and in order to be able to roll back installed updates.

The default working directory used by freebsd-update(8) is normally created during the installation of FreeBSD with permissions which allow all local users to see its contents, and freebsd-update(8) does not take any steps to restrict access to files stored in said directory.

SA-09:17.freebsd-update 2009-12-03 2010-10-24 2016-08-09
FreeBSD -- Improper environment sanitization in rtld(1) FreeBSD 7.17.1_9 7.27.2_5 8.08.0_1

Problem Description:

When running setuid programs rtld will normally remove potentially dangerous environment variables. Due to recent changes in FreeBSD environment variable handling code, a corrupt environment may result in attempts to unset environment variables failing.

SA-09:16.rtld 2009-12-03 2010-10-24 2016-08-09
FreeBSD -- SSL protocol flaw FreeBSD 6.36.3_14 6.46.4_8 7.17.1_9 7.27.2_5 8.08.0_1

Problem Description:

The SSL version 3 and TLS protocols support session renegotiation without cryptographically tying the new session parameters to the old parameters.

SA-09:15.ssl 2009-12-03 2010-10-24 2016-08-09
monotone -- remote denial of service in default setup monotone 0.48.1

The monotone developers report:

Running "mtn ''" or "mtn ls ''" doesn't cause an internal error anymore. In monotone 0.48 and earlier this behavior could be used to crash a server remotely (but only if it was configured to allow execution of remote commands).

ports/151665 http://www.monotone.ca/NEWS http://www.thomaskeller.biz/blog/2010/10/22/monotone-0-48-1-released-please-update-your-servers/ 2010-10-21 2010-10-24
mozilla -- multiple vulnerabilities firefox 3.6.*,13.6.11,1 3.5.*,13.5.14,1 libxul 1.9.2.* linux-firefox 3.6.11,1 linux-firefox-devel 3.5.14 seamonkey 2.0.*2.0.9 thunderbird

The Mozilla Project reports:

MFSA 2010-64 Miscellaneous memory safety hazards (rv:

MFSA 2010-65 Buffer overflow and memory corruption using document.write

MFSA 2010-66 Use-after-free error in nsBarProp

MFSA 2010-67 Dangling pointer vulnerability in LookupGetterOrSetter

MFSA 2010-68 XSS in gopher parser when parsing hrefs

MFSA 2010-69 Cross-site information disclosure via modal calls

MFSA 2010-70 SSL wildcard certificate matching IP addresses

MFSA 2010-71 Unsafe library loading vulnerabilities

MFSA 2010-72 Insecure Diffie-Hellman key exchange

CVE-2010-3170 CVE-2010-3173 CVE-2010-3174 CVE-2010-3175 CVE-2010-3176 CVE-2010-3177 CVE-2010-3178 CVE-2010-3179 CVE-2010-3180 CVE-2010-3181 CVE-2010-3182 CVE-2010-3183 http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-64.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-65.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-66.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-67.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-68.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-69.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-70.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-71.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-72.html 2010-10-19 2010-10-20
Webkit-gtk2 -- Multiple Vulnabilities webkit-gtk2 1.2.5

Gustavo Noronha Silva reports:

The patches to fix the following CVEs are included with help from Vincent Danen and other members of the Red Hat security team:

CVE-2010-1780 CVE-2010-1807 CVE-2010-1812 CVE-2010-1814 CVE-2010-1815 CVE-2010-3113 CVE-2010-3114 CVE-2010-3115 CVE-2010-3116 CVE-2010-3255 CVE-2010-3257 CVE-2010-3259 http://gitorious.org/webkitgtk/stable/blobs/master/WebKit/gtk/NEWS 2010-10-01 2010-10-19
apr -- multiple vunerabilities apr1 apr0

Secunia reports:

Multiple vulnerabilities have been reported in APR-util, which can be exploited by malicious people to cause a DoS (Denial of Service).

Two XML parsing vulnerabilities exist in the bundled version of expat.

An error within the "apr_brigade_split_line()" function in buckets/apr_brigade.c can be exploited to cause high memory consumption.

43673 CVE-2009-3560 CVE-2009-3720 CVE-2010-1623 http://www.apache.org/dist/apr/CHANGES-APR-UTIL-1.3 http://secunia.com/advisories/41701 2010-10-02 2010-10-06 2010-10-20
phpmyfaq -- cross site scripting vulnerabilities phpmyfaq 2.6.9

The phpMyFAQ project reports:

The phpMyFAQ Team has learned of a security issue that has been discovered in phpMyFAQ 2.6.x: phpMyFAQ doesn't sanitize some variables in different pages correctly. With a properly crafted URL it is e.g. possible to inject JavaScript code into the output of a page, which could result in the leakage of domain cookies (f.e. session identifiers)..

ports/151055 http://www.phpmyfaq.de/advisory_2010-09-28.php 2010-09-28 2010-10-02
horde-gollem -- XSS vulnerability horde-gollem 1.1.2

The Horde team reports:

The major changes compared to Gollem version H3 (1.1.1) are:

* Fixed an XSS vulnerability in the file viewer.

http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.horde.announce/523 http://git.horde.org/diff.php/gollem/docs/CHANGES?rt=horde&r1= http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/9191 2010-08-21 2010-09-28
horde-imp -- XSS vulnerability horde-imp 4.2,14.3.8,1 4.3.8

The Horde team reports:

Thanks to Naumann IT Security Consulting for reporting the XSS vulnerability.

The major changes compared to IMP version H3 (4.3.7) are:

* Fixed an XSS vulnerability in the Fetchmail configuration.

http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.horde.announce/516 http://git.horde.org/diff.php/imp/docs/CHANGES?rt=horde&r1=1.699.2.424&r2=1.699.2.430&ty=h 2010-09-28 2010-09-28 2011-09-23
horde-base -- XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities horde-base 3.3.9

The Horde team reports:

Thanks to Naumann IT Security Consulting for reporting the XSS vulnerability.

Thanks to Secunia for releasing an advisory for the new CSRF protection in the preference interface

The major changes compared to Horde version 3.3.8 are:

* Fixed XSS vulnerability in util/icon_browser.php.

* Protected preference forms against CSRF attacks.

http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.horde.announce/515 http://cvs.horde.org/diff.php/horde/docs/CHANGES?rt=horde&r1=1.515.2.607&r2=1.515.2.620&ty=h http://secunia.com/advisories/39860/ http://holisticinfosec.org/content/view/145/45/ 2010-06-03 2010-09-28
openx -- remote code execution vulnerability openx 2.8.7

The OpenX project reported:

It has been brought to our attention that there is a vulnerability in the 2.8 downloadable version of OpenX that can result in a server running the downloaded version of OpenX being compromised.

This vulnerability exists in the file upload functionality and allows attackers to upload and execute PHP code of their choice.

http://blog.openx.org/09/security-update/ http://www.h-online.com/security/news/item/Web-sites-distribute-malware-via-hacked-OpenX-servers-1079099.html 2010-09-14 2010-09-26
squid -- Denial of service vulnerability in request handling squid

Squid security advisory 2010:3 reports:

Due to an internal error in string handling Squid is vulnerable to a denial of service attack when processing specially crafted requests.

This problem allows any trusted client to perform a denial of service attack on the Squid service.

CVE-2010-3072 http://www.squid-cache.org/Advisories/SQUID-2010_3.txt 2010-08-30 2010-09-24
linux-flashplugin -- remote code execution linux-flashplugin 9.0r283 linux-f8-flashplugin linux-f10-flashplugin 10.1r85

Adobe Product Security Incident Response Team reports:

A critical vulnerability exists in Adobe Flash Player and earlier versions for Windows, Macintosh, Linux, Solaris, and Adobe Flash Player for Android. This vulnerability also affects Adobe Reader 9.3.4 and earlier versions for Windows, Macintosh and UNIX, and Adobe Acrobat 9.3.4 and earlier versions for Windows and Macintosh. This vulnerability (CVE-2010-2884) could cause a crash and potentially allow an attacker to take control of the affected system. There are reports that this vulnerability is being actively exploited in the wild against Adobe Flash Player on Windows. Adobe is not aware of any attacks exploiting this vulnerability against Adobe Reader or Acrobat to date.

CVE-2010-2884 http://www.adobe.com/support/security/advisories/apsa10-03.html 2010-09-14 2010-09-22
django -- cross-site scripting vulnerability py23-django py24-django py25-django py26-django py30-django py31-django py23-django-devel py24-django-devel py25-django-devel py26-django-devel py30-django-devel py31-django-devel 13698,1

Django project reports:

The provided template tag for inserting the CSRF token into forms -- {% csrf_token %} -- explicitly trusts the cookie value, and displays it as-is. Thus, an attacker who is able to tamper with the value of the CSRF cookie can cause arbitrary content to be inserted, unescaped, into the outgoing HTML of the form, enabling cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.

43116 CVE-2010-3082 http://xforce.iss.net/xforce/xfdb/61729 2010-09-13 2010-09-17
webkit-gtk2 -- Multiple vulnerabilities webkit-gtk2 1.2.4

Gustavo Noronha Silva reports:

With help from Vincent Danen and other members of the Red Hat security team, the following CVE's where fixed.

CVE-2010-1781 CVE-2010-1782 CVE-2010-1784 CVE-2010-1785 CVE-2010-1786 CVE-2010-1787 CVE-2010-1788 CVE-2010-1790 CVE-2010-1792 CVE-2010-1793 CVE-2010-2647 CVE-2010-2648 CVE-2010-3119 http://gitorious.org/webkitgtk/stable/commit/9d07fda89aab7105962d933eef32ca15dda610d8 2010-09-07 2010-09-10
vim6 -- heap-based overflow while parsing shell metacharacters vim6 vim6+ruby 6.2.4296.3.62

Description for CVE-2008-3432 says:

Heap-based buffer overflow in the mch_expand_wildcards function in os_unix.c in Vim 6.2 and 6.3 allows user-assisted attackers to execute arbitrary code via shell metacharacters in filenames, as demonstrated by the netrw.v3 test case.

CVE-2008-3432 http://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2008/07/15/4 2008-07-31 2010-09-09
mozilla -- multiple vulnerabilities firefox 3.6.*,13.6.9,1 3.5.*,13.5.12,1 libxul 1.9.2.* linux-firefox 3.6.9,1 linux-firefox-devel 3.5.12 seamonkey 2.0.*2.0.7 thunderbird

The Mozilla Project reports:

MFSA 2010-49 Miscellaneous memory safety hazards (rv:

MFSA 2010-50 Frameset integer overflow vulnerability

MFSA 2010-51 Dangling pointer vulnerability using DOM plugin array

MFSA 2010-52 Windows XP DLL loading vulnerability

MFSA 2010-53 Heap buffer overflow in nsTextFrameUtils::TransformText

MFSA 2010-54 Dangling pointer vulnerability in nsTreeSelection

MFSA 2010-55 XUL tree removal crash and remote code execution

MFSA 2010-56 Dangling pointer vulnerability in nsTreeContentView

MFSA 2010-57 Crash and remote code execution in normalizeDocument

MFSA 2010-58 Crash on Mac using fuzzed font in data: URL

MFSA 2010-59 SJOW creates scope chains ending in outer object

MFSA 2010-60 XSS using SJOW scripted function

MFSA 2010-61 UTF-7 XSS by overriding document charset using object type attribute

MFSA 2010-62 Copy-and-paste or drag-and-drop into designMode document allows XSS

MFSA 2010-63 Information leak via XMLHttpRequest statusText

CVE-2010-2762 CVE-2010-2763 CVE-2010-2764 CVE-2010-2765 CVE-2010-2766 CVE-2010-2767 CVE-2010-2768 CVE-2010-2769 CVE-2010-2770 CVE-2010-2760 CVE-2010-3131 CVE-2010-3166 CVE-2010-3167 CVE-2010-3168 CVE-2010-3169 http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-49.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-50.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-51.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-52.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-53.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-54.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-55.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-56.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-57.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-58.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-59.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-60.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-61.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-62.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-63.html 2010-09-07 2010-09-08 2010-09-15
sudo -- Flaw in Runas group matching sudo

Todd Miller reports:

Beginning with sudo version 1.7.0 it has been possible to grant permission to run a command using a specified group via sudo -g option (run as group). A flaw exists in the logic that matches Runas groups in the sudoers file when the -u option is also specified (run as user). This flaw results in a positive match for the user specified via -u so long as the group specified via -g is allowed by the sudoers file.

Exploitation of the flaw requires that Sudo be configured with sudoers entries that contain a Runas group. Entries that do not contain a Runas group, or only contain a Runas user are not affected.

CVE-2010-2956 http://www.sudo.ws/sudo/alerts/runas_group.html 2010-09-07 2010-09-07
lftp -- multiple HTTP client download filename vulnerability lftp 4.0.6

The get1 command, as used by lftpget, in LFTP before 4.0.6 does not properly validate a server-provided filename before determining the destination filename of a download, which allows remote servers to create or overwrite arbitrary files via a Content-Disposition header that suggests a crafted filename, and possibly execute arbitrary code as a consequence of writing to a dotfile in a home directory.

CVE-2010-2251 https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=591580 2010-06-09 2010-09-03
wget -- multiple HTTP client download filename vulnerability wget wget-devel 1.12_1

GNU Wget version 1.12 and earlier uses a server-provided filename instead of the original URL to determine the destination filename of a download, which allows remote servers to create or overwrite arbitrary files via a 3xx redirect to a URL with a .wgetrc filename followed by a 3xx redirect to a URL with a crafted filename, and possibly execute arbitrary code as a consequence of writing to a dotfile in a home directory.

CVE-2010-2252 https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=602797 2010-06-09 2010-09-03
p5-libwww -- possibility to remote servers to create file with a .(dot) character p5-libwww 5.835

lwp-download in libwww-perl before 5.835 does not reject downloads to filenames that begin with a `.' (dot) character, which allows remote servers to create or overwrite files via a 3xx redirect to a URL with a crafted filename or a Content-Disposition header that suggests a crafted filename, and possibly execute arbitrary code as a consequence of writing to a dotfile in a home directory.

CVE-2010-2253 http://cpansearch.perl.org/src/GAAS/libwww-perl-5.836/Changes 2010-06-09 2010-08-31
quagga -- stack overflow and DoS vulnerabilities quagga 0.99.17

The Red Hat security team reported two vulnerabilities:

A stack buffer overflow flaw was found in the way Quagga's bgpd daemon processed Route-Refresh messages. A configured Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) peer could send a Route-Refresh message with specially-crafted Outbound Route Filtering (ORF) record, which would cause the master BGP daemon (bgpd) to crash or, possibly, execute arbitrary code with the privileges of the user running bgpd.

A NULL pointer dereference flaw was found in the way Quagga's bgpd daemon parsed paths of autonomous systems (AS). A configured BGP peer could send a BGP update AS path request with unknown AS type, which could lead to denial of service (bgpd daemon crash).

http://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2010/08/24/3 http://www.quagga.net/news2.php?y=2010&m=8&d=19#id1282241100 2010-08-24 2010-08-25
bugzilla -- information disclosure, denial of service bugzilla

A Bugzilla Security Advisory reports:

  • Remote Information Disclosure: An unprivileged user is normally not allowed to view other users' group membership. But boolean charts let the user use group-based pronouns, indirectly disclosing group membership. This security fix restricts the use of pronouns to groups the user belongs to.
  • Notification Bypass: Normally, when a user is impersonated, he receives an email informing him that he is being impersonated, containing the identity of the impersonator. However, it was possible to impersonate a user without this notification being sent.
  • Remote Information Disclosure: An error message thrown by the "Reports" and "Duplicates" page confirmed the non-existence of products, thus allowing users to guess confidential product names. (Note that the "Duplicates" page was not vulnerable in Bugzilla 3.6rc1 and above though.)
  • Denial of Service: If a comment contained the phrases "bug X" or "attachment X", where X was an integer larger than the maximum 32-bit signed integer size, PostgreSQL would throw an error, and any page containing that comment would not be viewable. On most Bugzillas, any user can enter a comment on any bug, so any user could have used this to deny access to one or all bugs. Bugzillas running on databases other than PostgreSQL are not affected.
CVE-2010-2756 CVE-2010-2757 CVE-2010-2758 CVE-2010-2759 https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=417048 https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=450013 https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=577139 https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=519835 https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=583690 2010-08-05 2010-08-24
OpenTTD -- Denial of service (server) via infinite loop openttd

The OpenTTD Team reports:

When multiple commands are queued (at the server) for execution in the next game tick and an client joins the server can get into an infinite loop. With the default settings triggering this bug is difficult (if not impossible), however the larger value of the "frame_freq" setting is easier it is to trigger the bug.

CVE-2010-2534 http://security.openttd.org/en/CVE-2010-2534 2010-06-27 2010-08-22
corkscrew -- buffer overflow vulnerability corkscrew 2.0

The affected corkscrew versions use sscanf calls without proper bounds checking. In the authentication file parsing routine this can cause an exploitable buffer overflow condition. A similar but issue exists in the server response code but appears to be non-exploitable.

http://people.freebsd.org/~niels/issues/corkscrew-20100821.txt 2010-08-21 2010-08-21
phpmyadmin -- Several XSS vulnerabilities phpMyAdmin phpMyAdmin211

phpMyAdmin Team reports:

It was possible to conduct a XSS attack using crafted URLs org POST parameters on several pages.

CVE-2010-3056 http://www.phpmyadmin.net/home_page/security/PMASA-2010-5.php 2010-08-09 2010-08-21
slim -- insecure PATH assignment slim 1.3.2

SLiM assigns logged on users a PATH in which the current working directory ("./") is included. This PATH can allow unintentional code execution through planted binaries and has therefore been fixed SLiM version 1.3.2.

CVE-2010-2945 http://seclists.org/oss-sec/2010/q3/198 2010-05-12 2010-08-19 2010-08-20
ruby -- UTF-7 encoding XSS vulnerability in WEBrick ruby ruby+pthreads ruby+pthreads+oniguruma ruby+oniguruma 1.8.*,,1 1.9.*,,1

The official ruby site reports:

WEBrick have had a cross-site scripting vulnerability that allows an attacker to inject arbitrary script or HTML via a crafted URI. This does not affect user agents that strictly implement HTTP/1.1, however, some user agents do not.

40895 CVE-2010-0541 http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/news/2010/08/16/xss-in-webrick-cve-2010-0541/ 2010-08-16 2010-08-17 2010-08-20
isolate -- local root exploit isolate 20100717

Isolate currently suffers from some bad security bugs! These are local root privilege escalation bugs. Thanks to the helpful person who reported them (email Chris if you want credit!). We're working to fix them ASAP, but until then, isolate is unsafe and you should uninstall it. Sorry!

ports/148911 http://code.google.com/p/isolate/ 2010-07-29 2010-08-13
vlc -- invalid id3v2 tags may lead to invalid memory dereferencing vlc 0.9.0,31.1.2_1,3

VideoLAN project reports:

VLC fails to perform sufficient input validation when trying to extract some meta-informations about input media through ID3v2 tags. In the failure case, VLC attempt dereference an invalid memory address, and a crash will ensure.

CVE-2010-2937 http://www.videolan.org/security/sa1004.html 2010-07-29 2010-08-14
linux-flashplugin -- multiple vulnerabilities linux-flashplugin 9.0r280 linux-f8-flashplugin linux-f10-flashplugin 10.1r82

Adobe Product Security Incident Response Team reports:

Critical vulnerabilities have been identified in Adobe Flash Player version and earlier. These vulnerabilities could cause the application to crash and could potentially allow an attacker to take control of the affected system.

CVE-2010-0209 CVE-2010-2188 CVE-2010-2213 CVE-2010-2214 CVE-2010-2215 CVE-2010-2216 http://www.adobe.com/support/security/bulletins/apsb10-16.html 2010-01-06 2010-08-13
opera -- multiple vulnerabilities opera 10.61

The Opera Destkop Team reports:

  • Fixed an issue where heap buffer overflow in HTML5 canvas could be used to execute arbitrary code, as reported by Kuzzcc.
  • Fixed an issue where unexpected changes in tab focus could be used to run programs from the Internet, as reported by Jakob Balle and Sven Krewitt of Secunia.
  • Fixed an issue where news feed preview could subscribe to feeds without interaction, as reported by Alexios Fakos.
http://www.opera.com/support/search/view/966/ http://www.opera.com/support/search/view/967/ http://www.opera.com/support/search/view/968/ 2010-08-12 2010-08-13
firefox -- Dangling pointer crash regression from plugin parameter array fix firefox 3.6.*,13.6.8,1 linux-firefox 3.6.8,1

The Mozilla Project reports:

MFSA 2010-48 Dangling pointer crash regression from plugin parameter array fix

CVE-2010-2755 https://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-48.html 2010-07-20 2010-08-09
Piwik -- Local File Inclusion Vulnerability piwik

Piwik versions 0.6 through 0.6.3 are vulnerable to arbitrary, remote file inclusion using a directory traversal pattern infinite a crafted request for a data renderer.

A vulnerability has been reported in Piwik, which can before exploited by malicious people to disclose potentially sensitive information. Input passed to unspecified parameters when requesting a data renderer is not properly verified before being used to include files. This can be exploited to includes arbitrary files from local resources via directory traversal attacks.

CVE-2010-2786 http://secunia.com/advisories/40703 2010-07-28 2010-08-04
libmspack -- infinite loop denial of service libmspack 0.0.20060920 cabextract 1.3

There is a denial of service vulnerability in libmspack. The libmspack code is built into cabextract, so it is also vulnerable.

Secunia reports:

The vulnerability is caused due to an error when copying data from an uncompressed block (block type 0) and can be exploited to trigger an infinite loop by tricking an application using the library into processing specially crafted MS-ZIP archives.

http://secunia.com/advisories/40719/ 2010-07-26 2010-07-30
apache -- Remote DoS bug in mod_cache and mod_dav apache

Apache ChangeLog reports:

mod_dav, mod_cache: Fix Handling of requests without a path segment.

CVE-2010-1452 http://www.apache.org/dist/httpd/CHANGES_2.2.16 https://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=49246 http://svn.apache.org/viewvc?view=revision&revision=966349 2010-07-21 2010-07-26
git -- buffer overflow vulnerability git

Greg Brockman reports:

If an attacker were to create a crafted working copy where the user runs any git command, the attacker could force execution of arbitrary code.

CVE-2010-2542 http://git.kernel.org/?p=git/git.git;a=commit;h=3c9d0414ed2db0167e6c828b547be8fc9f88fccc http://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2010/07/22/1 2010-07-20 2010-07-23
codeigniter -- file upload class vulnerability codeigniter 1.7.2_1

Derek Jones reports:

A fix has been implemented for a security flaw in CodeIgniter 1.7.2. All applications using the File Upload class should install the patch to ensure that their application is not subject to a vulnerability.

http://codeigniter.com/news/codeigniter_1.7.2_security_patch/ http://www.phpframeworks.com/news/p/16365/codeigniter-1-7-2-security-patch 2010-07-12 2010-07-21
mozilla -- multiple vulnerabilities firefox 3.6.*,13.6.7,1 3.5.*,13.5.11,1 linux-firefox 3.6.7,1 linux-firefox-devel 3.5.11 seamonkey 2.0.*2.0.6 thunderbird

The Mozilla Project reports:

MFSA 2010-34 Miscellaneous memory safety hazards (rv:

MFSA 2010-35 DOM attribute cloning remote code execution vulnerability

MFSA 2010-36 Use-after-free error in NodeIterator

MFSA 2010-37 Plugin parameter EnsureCachedAttrParamArrays remote code execution vulnerability

MFSA 2010-38 Arbitrary code execution using SJOW and fast native function

MFSA 2010-39 nsCSSValue::Array index integer overflow

MFSA 2010-40 nsTreeSelection dangling pointer remote code execution vulnerability

MFSA 2010-41 Remote code execution using malformed PNG image

MFSA 2010-42 Cross-origin data disclosure via Web Workers and importScripts

MFSA 2010-43 Same-origin bypass using canvas context

MFSA 2010-44 Characters mapped to U+FFFD in 8 bit encodings cause subsequent character to vanish

MFSA 2010-45 Multiple location bar spoofing vulnerabilities

MFSA 2010-46 Cross-domain data theft using CSS

MFSA 2010-47 Cross-origin data leakage from script filename in error messages

CVE-2010-0654 CVE-2010-1205 CVE-2010-1206 CVE-2010-1207 CVE-2010-1208 CVE-2010-1209 CVE-2010-1210 CVE-2010-1211 CVE-2010-1212 CVE-2010-1213 CVE-2010-1214 CVE-2010-1215 CVE-2010-2751 CVE-2010-2752 CVE-2010-2753 CVE-2010-2754 http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-34.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-35.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-36.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-37.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-38.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-39.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-40.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-41.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-42.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-43.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-44.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-45.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-46.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-47.html 2010-07-20 2010-07-21
vte -- Classic terminal title set+query attack vte 0.24.3

Kees Cook reports:

Janne Snabb discovered that applications using VTE, such as gnome-terminal, did not correctly filter window and icon title request escape codes. If a user were tricked into viewing specially crafted output in their terminal, a remote attacker could execute arbitrary commands with user privileges.

CVE-2010-2713 http://www.securityfocus.com/archive/1/512388 2010-07-15 2010-07-18
webkit-gtk2 -- Multiple vulnerabilities webkit-gtk2 1.2.3

Gustavo Noronha reports:

Debian's Michael Gilbert has done a great job going through all CVEs released about WebKit, and including patches in the Debian package. 1.2.3 includes all of the commits from trunk to fix those, too.

CVE-2010-1386 CVE-2010-1392 CVE-2010-1405 CVE-2010-1407 CVE-2010-1416 CVE-2010-1417 CVE-2010-1418 CVE-2010-1421 CVE-2010-1422 CVE-2010-1501 CVE-2010-1664 CVE-2010-1665 CVE-2010-1758 CVE-2010-1759 CVE-2010-1760 CVE-2010-1761 CVE-2010-1762 CVE-2010-1767 CVE-2010-1770 CVE-2010-1771 CVE-2010-1772 CVE-2010-1773 CVE-2010-1774 CVE-2010-2264 http://blog.kov.eti.br/?p=116 2010-07-16 2010-07-18
redmine -- multiple vulnerabilities redmine 0.9.6

Eric Davis reports:

This security release addresses some security vulnerabilities found in the advanced subversion integration module (Redmine.pm perl script).

http://www.redmine.org/news/41 2010-07-08 2010-07-10
bogofilter -- heap underrun on malformed base64 input bogofilter 1.2.1_2 bogofilter-sqlite 1.2.1_1 bogofilter-tc 1.2.1_1

Julius Plenz reports:

I found a bug in the base64_decode function which may cause memory corruption when the function is executed on a malformed base64 encoded string.

If a string starting with an equal-sign is passed to the base64_decode function it triggers a memory corruption that in some cases makes bogofilter crash.

CVE-2010-2494 http://bogofilter.sourceforge.net/security/bogofilter-SA-2010-01 2010-06-28 2010-07-06
bugzilla -- information disclosure bugzilla

A Bugzilla Security Advisory reports:

  • Normally, information about time-tracking (estimated hours, actual hours, hours worked, and deadlines) is restricted to users in the "time-tracking group". However, any user was able, by crafting their own search URL, to search for bugs based using those fields as criteria, thus possibly exposing sensitive time-tracking information by a user seeing that a bug matched their search.
  • If $use_suexec was set to "1" in the localconfig file, then the localconfig file's permissions were set as world-readable by checksetup.pl. This allowed any user with local shell access to see the contents of the file, including the database password and the site_wide_secret variable used for CSRF protection.
CVE-2010-1204 CVE-2010-0180 https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=309952 https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=561797 2010-06-24 2010-07-05
kvirc -- multiple vulnerabilities kvirc kvirc-devel 4.0.0

Two security vulnerabilities have been discovered:

Multiple format string vulnerabilities in the DCC functionality in KVIrc 3.4 and 4.0 have unspecified impact and remote attack vectors.

Directory traversal vulnerability in the DCC functionality in KVIrc 3.4 and 4.0 allows remote attackers to overwrite arbitrary files via unknown vectors.

CVE-2010-2451 CVE-2010-2452 http://lists.omnikron.net/pipermail/kvirc/2010-May/000867.html 2010-05-17 2010-06-30
png -- libpng decompression buffer overflow png 1.4.3

The PNG project describes the problem in an advisory:

Several versions of libpng through 1.4.2 (and through 1.2.43 in the older series) contain a bug whereby progressive applications such as web browsers (or the rpng2 demo app included in libpng) could receive an extra row of image data beyond the height reported in the header, potentially leading to an out-of-bounds write to memory (depending on how the application is written) and the possibility of execution of an attacker's code with the privileges of the libpng user (including remote compromise in the case of a libpng-based browser visiting a hostile web site).

41174 CVE-2010-1205 http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/libpng.html 2010-03-30 2010-06-28 2010-06-28
moodle -- multiple vulnerabilities moodle 1.9.9

The Moodle release notes report multiple vulnerabilities which could allow cross site scripting, XSS attacks, unauthorised deletion of attempts in some instances.

http://docs.moodle.org/en/Moodle_1.9.9_release_notes 2010-06-08 2010-06-28
mDNSResponder -- corrupted stack crash when parsing bad resolv.conf mDNSResponder 214

Juli Mallett reports:

mdnsd will crash on some systems with a corrupt stack and once that's fixed it will still leak a file descriptor when parsing resolv.conf. The crash is because scanf is used with %10s for a buffer that is only 10 chars long. The buffer size needs increased to 11 chars to hold the trailing NUL. To fix the leak, an fclose needs added.

ports/147007 2010-05-26 2010-06-27
opera -- Data URIs can be used to allow cross-site scripting opera 10.11 opera-devel 10.20_2,1

The Opera Desktop Team reports:

Data URIs are allowed to run scripts that manipulate pages from the site that directly opened them. In some cases, the opening site is not correctly detected. In these cases, Data URIs may erroneously be able to run scripts so that they interact with sites that did not directly cause them to be opened.

http://www.opera.com/support/kb/view/955/ 2010-06-21 2010-06-25
cacti -- multiple vulnerabilities cacti 0.8.7f

Multiple vulnerabilities have been reported to exist in older version of Cacti. The release notes of Cacti 0.8.7f summarizes the problems as follows:

  • SQL injection and shell escaping issues
  • Cross-site scripting issues
  • Cacti Graph Viewer SQL injection vulnerability
http://php-security.org/2010/05/13/mops-2010-023-cacti-graph-viewer-sql-injection-vulnerability/index.html http://www.cacti.net/release_notes_0_8_7f.php http://www.bonsai-sec.com/en/research/vulnerabilities/cacti-os-command-injection-0105.php http://www.vupen.com/english/advisories/2010/1204 2010-05-24 2010-06-24
mozilla -- multiple vulnerabilities firefox 3.6.*,13.6.4,1 3.5.*,13.5.10,1 linux-firefox-devel 3.5.10 seamonkey 2.0.*2.0.5 thunderbird

Mozilla Project reports:

MFSA 2010-33 User tracking across sites using Math.random()

MFSA 2010-32 Content-Disposition: attachment ignored if Content-Type: multipart also present

MFSA 2010-31 focus() behavior can be used to inject or steal keystrokes

MFSA 2010-30 Integer Overflow in XSLT Node Sorting

MFSA 2010-29 Heap buffer overflow in nsGenericDOMDataNode::SetTextInternal

MFSA 2010-28 Freed object reuse across plugin instances

MFSA 2010-27 Use-after-free error in nsCycleCollector::MarkRoots()

MFSA 2010-26 Crashes with evidence of memory corruption (rv:

MFSA 2010-25 Re-use of freed object due to scope confusion

CVE-2008-5913 CVE-2010-0183 CVE-2010-1121 CVE-2010-1125 CVE-2010-1197 CVE-2010-1199 CVE-2010-1196 CVE-2010-1198 CVE-2010-1200 CVE-2010-1201 CVE-2010-1202 CVE-2010-1203 http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-33.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-32.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-31.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-30.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-29.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-28.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-27.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-26.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-25.html 2010-06-22 2010-06-23
ziproxy -- security vulnerability in PNG decoder ziproxy 3.1.0 3.1.1

Daniel Mealha Cabrita reports:

Fixed security vulnerability (heap-related) in PNG decoder. (new bug from 3.1.0)

http://ziproxy.sourceforge.net/#news http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_name=201006150731.30474.dancab%40gmx.net 2010-06-15 2010-06-15
tiff -- Multiple integer overflows tiff 3.9.4 linux-tiff linux-f10-tiff 3.9.4

Tielei Wang:

Multiple integer overflows in inter-color spaces conversion tools in libtiff 3.8 through 3.8.2, 3.9, and 4.0 allow context-dependent attackers to execute arbitrary code via a TIFF image with large (1) width and (2) height values, which triggers a heap-based buffer overflow in the (a) cvt_whole_image function in tiff2rgba and (b) tiffcvt function in rgb2ycbcr.

CVE-2009-2347 http://www.remotesensing.org/libtiff/v3.9.4.html http://www.ocert.org/advisories/ocert-2009-012.html 2009-05-22 2010-06-16
linux-flashplugin -- multiple vulnerabilities linux-flashplugin 9.0r277 linux-f8-flashplugin linux-f10-flashplugin 10.1r53

Adobe Product Security Incident Response Team reports:

Critical vulnerabilities have been identified in Adobe Flash Player version and earlier. These vulnerabilities could cause the application to crash and could potentially allow an attacker to take control of the affected system.

CVE-2008-4546 CVE-2009-3793 CVE-2010-1297 CVE-2010-2160 CVE-2010-2161 CVE-2010-2162 CVE-2010-2163 CVE-2010-2164 CVE-2010-2165 CVE-2010-2166 CVE-2010-2167 CVE-2010-2169 CVE-2010-2170 CVE-2010-2171 CVE-2010-2172 CVE-2010-2173 CVE-2010-2174 CVE-2010-2175 CVE-2010-2176 CVE-2010-2177 CVE-2010-2178 CVE-2010-2179 CVE-2010-2180 CVE-2010-2181 CVE-2010-2182 CVE-2010-2183 CVE-2010-2184 CVE-2010-2185 CVE-2010-2186 CVE-2010-2187 CVE-2010-2188 CVE-2010-2189 http://www.adobe.com/support/security/bulletins/apsb10-14.html 2008-10-02 2010-06-14
tiff -- buffer overflow vulnerability tiff 3.9.3 linux-tiff 3.9.3

Kevin Finisterre reports:

Multiple integer overflows in the handling of TIFF files may result in a heap buffer overflow. Opening a maliciously crafted TIFF file may lead to an unexpected application termination or arbitrary code execution. The issues are addressed through improved bounds checking. Credit to Kevin Finisterre of digitalmunition.com for reporting these issues.

CVE-2010-1411 http://www.remotesensing.org/libtiff/v3.9.3.html http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4196 2010-04-15 2010-06-12
sudo -- Secure path vulnerability sudo

Todd Miller reports:

Most versions of the C library function getenv() return the first instance of an environment variable to the caller. However, some programs, notably the GNU Bourne Again SHell (bash), do their own environment parsing and may choose the last instance of a variable rather than the first one.

An attacker may manipulate the environment of the process that executes Sudo such that a second PATH variable is present. When Sudo runs a bash script, it is this second PATH variable that is used by bash, regardless of whether or not Sudo has overwritten the first instance of PATH. This may allow an attacker to subvert the program being run under Sudo and execute commands he/she would not otherwise be allowed to run.

CVE-2010-1646 http://sudo.ws/sudo/alerts/secure_path.html 2010-06-02 2010-06-02
ziproxy -- atypical huge picture files vulnerability ziproxy 3.0.1

Ziproxy 3.0.1 release fixes a security vulnerability related to atypical huge picture files (>4GB of size once expanded).

40344 CVE-2010-1513 http://ziproxy.sourceforge.net/#news http://secunia.com/advisories/39941 http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_name=201005210019.37119.dancab%40gmx.net 2010-05-20 2010-05-28
mediawiki -- two security vulnerabilities mediawiki 1.15.4

Two security vulnerabilities were discovered:

Noncompliant CSS parsing behaviour in Internet Explorer allows attackers to construct CSS strings which are treated as safe by previous versions of MediaWiki, but are decoded to unsafe strings by Internet Explorer.

A CSRF vulnerability was discovered in our login interface. Although regular logins are protected as of 1.15.3, it was discovered that the account creation and password reset reset features were not protected from CSRF. This could lead to unauthorised access to private wikis.

http://secunia.com/advisories/39922/ http://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/mediawiki-announce/2010-May/000091.html 2010-05-28 2010-06-02
redmine -- multiple vulnerabilities redmine 0.9.4

The Redmine release announcement reports that several cross side scripting vulnerabilities and a potential data disclosure vulnerability have been fixed in the latest release.

http://www.redmine.org/news/39 2010-05-01 2010-05-14
wireshark -- DOCSIS dissector denial of service wireshark 1.2.6_1

A vulnerability found in the DOCSIS dissector can cause Wireshark to crash when a malformed packet trace file is opened. This means that an attacker will have to trick a victim into opening such a trace file before being able to crash the application

CVE-2010-1455 http://www.wireshark.org/security/wnpa-sec-2010-03.html http://www.wireshark.org/security/wnpa-sec-2010-04.html 2010-05-05 2010-05-07
piwik -- cross site scripting vulnerability piwik 0.5.5

The Piwik security advisory reports:

A non-persistent, cross-site scripting vulnerability (XSS) was found in Piwik's Login form that reflected the form_url parameter without being properly escaped or filtered.

CVE-2010-1453 http://piwik.org/blog/2010/04/piwik-0-6-security-advisory/ 2010-04-15 2010-05-07
spamass-milter -- remote command execution vulnerability spamass-milter 0.3.1_8

The spamassassin milter plugin contains a vulnerability that can allow remote attackers to execute commands on affected systems.

The vulnerability can be exploited trough a special-crafted email header when the plugin was started with the '-x' (expand) flag.

CVE-2010-1132 http://archives.neohapsis.com/archives/fulldisclosure/2010-03/0139.html http://xforce.iss.net/xforce/xfdb/56732 2010-03-07 2010-05-06
mediawiki -- authenticated CSRF vulnerability mediawiki 1.15.3

A MediaWiki security announcement reports:

MediaWiki was found to be vulnerable to login CSRF. An attacker who controls a user account on the target wiki can force the victim to log in as the attacker, via a script on an external website.

If the wiki is configured to allow user scripts, say with "$wgAllowUserJs = true" in LocalSettings.php, then the attacker can proceed to mount a phishing-style attack against the victim to obtain their password.

CVE-2010-1150 http://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/mediawiki-announce/2010-April/000090.html https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=23076 2010-04-07 2010-05-05
lxr -- multiple XSS vulnerabilities lxr 0.9.6

Dan Rosenberg reports:

There are several cross-site scripting vulnerabilities in LXR. These vulnerabilities could allow an attacker to execute scripts in a user's browser, steal cookies associated with vulnerable domains, redirect the user to malicious websites, etc.

CVE-2009-4497 ports/146337 http://secunia.com/advisories/38117 http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_name=E1NS2s4-0001PE-F2%403bkjzd1.ch3.sourceforge.com 2010-01-05 2010-05-05
vlc -- unintended code execution with specially crafted data vlc 1.0.6

VideoLAN project reports:

VLC media player suffers from various vulnerabilities when attempting to parse malformatted or overly long byte streams.

39629 http://www.videolan.org/security/sa1003.html 2010-04-19 2010-05-01 2010-05-05
joomla -- multiple vulnerabilities joomla15

Joomla! reported the following vulnerabilities:

If a user entered a URL with a negative query limit or offset, a PHP notice would display revealing information about the system..

The migration script in the Joomla! installer does not check the file type being uploaded. If the installation application is present, an attacker could use it to upload malicious files to a server.

Session id doesn't get modified when user logs in. A remote site may be able to forward a visitor to the Joomla! site and set a specific cookie. If the user then logs in, the remote site can use that cookie to authenticate as that user.

When a user requests a password reset, the reset tokens were stored in plain text in the database. While this is not a vulnerability in itself, it allows user accounts to be compromised if there is an extension on the site with an SQL injection vulnerability.

http://developer.joomla.org/security/news/308-20100423-core-password-reset-tokens.html http://developer.joomla.org/security/news/309-20100423-core-sessation-fixation.html http://developer.joomla.org/security/news/310-20100423-core-installer-migration-script.html http://developer.joomla.org/security/news/311-20100423-core-negative-values-for-limit-and-offset.html 2010-04-23 2010-04-26
cacti -- SQL injection and command execution vulnerabilities cacti 0.8.7e4

Bonsai information security reports:

A Vulnerability has been discovered in Cacti, which can be exploited by any user to conduct SQL Injection attacks. Input passed via the "export_item_id" parameter to "templates_export.php" script is not properly sanitized before being used in a SQL query.

The same source also reported a command execution vulnerability. This second issue can be exploited by Cacti users who have the rights to modify device or graph configurations.

CVE-2010-1431 ports/146021 http://www.bonsai-sec.com/en/research/vulnerabilities/cacti-os-command-injection-0105.php http://www.bonsai-sec.com/en/research/vulnerabilities/cacti-sql-injection-0104.php http://www.debian.org/security/2010/dsa-2039 2010-04-21 2010-04-24 2013-06-16
moodle -- multiple vulnerabilities moodle 1.9.8

The Moodle release notes report multiple vulnerabilities which could allow remote attackers to perform, amongst others, cross site scripting, user enumeration and SQL injection attacks.

http://docs.moodle.org/en/Moodle_1.9.8_release_notes 2010-03-25 2010-04-24
tomcat -- information disclosure vulnerability tomcat

The Apache software foundation reports:

The "WWW-Authenticate" header for BASIC and DIGEST authentication includes a realm name. If a <realm-name> element is specified for the application in web.xml it will be used. However, a <realm-name> is not specified then Tomcat will generate one.

In some circumstances this can expose the local hostname or IP address of the machine running Tomcat.

CVE-2010-1157 ports/146022 http://seclists.org/bugtraq/2010/Apr/200 2010-04-22 2010-04-24
krb5 -- KDC double free vulnerability krb5

The MIT Kerberos team reports:

An authenticated remote attacker can crash the KDC by inducing the KDC to perform a double free. Under some circumstances on some platforms, this could also allow malicious code execution.

CVE-2010-1320 http://web.mit.edu/kerberos/advisories/MITKRB5-SA-2010-004.txt 2010-04-20 2010-04-21
e107 -- code execution and XSS vulnerabilities e107 0.7.20

Secunia Research reported two vulnerabilities in e107:

The first problem affects installations that have the Content Manager plugin enabled. This plugin does not sanitize the "content_heading" parameter correctly and is therefore vulnerable to a cross site scripting attack.

The second vulnerability is related to the avatar upload functionality. Images containing PHP code can be uploaded and executed.

39540 CVE-2010-0996 CVE-2010-0997 ports/145885 http://e107.org/comment.php?comment.news.864 http://secunia.com/secunia_research/2010-43/ http://secunia.com/secunia_research/2010-44/ http://xforce.iss.net/xforce/xfdb/57932 2010-04-15 2010-04-20
fetchmail -- denial of service vulnerability fetchmail 4.6.3 6.3.16

Fetchmail developer Matthias Andree reported a vulnerability that allows remote attackers to crash the application when it is runs in verbose mode.

Fetchmail before release 6.3.17 did not properly sanitize external input (mail headers and UID). When a multi-character locale (such as UTF-8) was in use, this could cause memory exhaustion and thus a denial of service.

CVE-2010-1167 ports/145857 http://gitorious.org/fetchmail/fetchmail/commit/ec06293 http://seclists.org/oss-sec/2010/q2/76 2010-04-18 2010-04-20
pidgin -- multiple remote denial of service vulnerabilities pidgin 2.6.6 libpurple 2.6.6

Three denial of service vulnerabilities where found in pidgin and allow remote attackers to crash the application. The developers summarized these problems as follows:

Pidgin can become unresponsive when displaying large numbers of smileys

Certain nicknames in group chat rooms can trigger a crash in Finch

Failure to validate all fields of an incoming message can trigger a crash

38294 CVE-2010-0277 CVE-2010-0420 CVE-2010-0423 http://pidgin.im/news/security/?id=43 http://pidgin.im/news/security/?id=44 http://pidgin.im/news/security/?id=45 2010-02-18 2010-04-20
png -- libpng decompression denial of service png 1.2.43 1.4.1

A vulnerability in libpng can result in denial of service conditions when a remote attacker tricks a victim to open a specially-crafted PNG file.

The PNG project describes the problem in an advisory:

Because of the efficient compression method used in Portable Network Graphics (PNG) files, a small PNG file can expand tremendously, acting as a "decompression bomb".

Malformed PNG chunks can consume a large amount of CPU and wall-clock time and large amounts of memory, up to all memory available on a system

38478 576029 CVE-2010-0205 http://libpng.sourceforge.net/ADVISORY-1.4.1.html http://secunia.com/advisories/38774 http://xforce.iss.net/xforce/xfdb/56661 2010-02-27 2010-04-20
curl -- libcurl buffer overflow vulnerability curl 7.10.5 7.20.0

The cURL project reports in a security advisory:

Using the affected libcurl version to download compressed content over HTTP, an application can ask libcurl to automatically uncompress data. When doing so, libcurl can wrongly send data up to 64K in size to the callback which thus is much larger than the documented maximum size.

An application that blindly trusts libcurl's max limit for a fixed buffer size or similar is then a possible target for a buffer overflow vulnerability.

CVE-2010-0734 http://curl.haxx.se/docs/adv_20100209.html http://www.debian.org/security/2010/dsa-2023 http://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2010/02/09/5 2010-02-09 2010-04-19
ejabberd -- queue overload denial of service vulnerability ejabberd 2.1.3

The Red Hat security response team reports:

A remotely exploitable DoS from XMPP client to ejabberd server via too many "client2server" messages (causing the message queue on the server to get overloaded, leading to server crash) has been found.

38003 CVE-2010-0305 http://secunia.com/advisories/38337 http://support.process-one.net/browse/EJAB-1173 http://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2010/01/29/1 http://xforce.iss.net/xforce/xfdb/56025 2010-01-29 2010-04-19
irssi -- multiple vulnerabilities irssi 0.8.15 zh-irssi 0.8.15 irssi-devel 20100325

Two vulnerabilities have found in irssi. The first issue could allow man-in-the-middle attacks due to a missing comparison of SSL server hostnames and the certificate domain names (e.g. CN).

A second vulnerability, related to the nick matching code, could be triggered by remote attackers in order to crash an irssi client when leaving a channel.

CVE-2010-1155 CVE-2010-1156 http://xforce.iss.net/xforce/xfdb/57790 http://xforce.iss.net/xforce/xfdb/57791 2010-04-16 2010-04-19
krb5 -- remote denial of service vulnerability krb5 1.6.3_9

An authenticated remote attacker can causing a denial of service by using a newer version of the kadmin protocol than the server supports.

The MIT Kerberos team also reports the cause:

The Kerberos administration daemon (kadmind) can crash due to referencing freed memory.

39247 CVE-2010-0629 http://web.mit.edu/kerberos/advisories/MITKRB5-SA-2010-003.txt 2010-04-06 2010-04-18
krb5 -- multiple denial of service vulnerabilities krb5 1.71.7_2

Two vulnerabilities in krb5 can be used by remote attackers in denial of service attacks. The MIT security advisories report this as follows:

An unauthenticated remote attacker can send an invalid request to a KDC process that will cause it to crash due to an assertion failure, creating a denial of service.

An unauthenticated remote attacker could cause a GSS-API application, including the Kerberos administration daemon (kadmind) to crash.

38260 38904 CVE-2010-0283 CVE-2010-0628 http://web.mit.edu/kerberos/advisories/MITKRB5-SA-2010-001.txt http://web.mit.edu/kerberos/advisories/MITKRB5-SA-2010-002.txt 2010-02-16 2010-04-19 2013-06-16
mahara -- sql injection vulnerability mahara 1.1.8

The Debian security team reports:

It was discovered that mahara, an electronic portfolio, weblog, and resume builder is not properly escaping input when generating a unique username based on a remote user name from a single sign-on application. An attacker can use this to compromise the mahara database via crafted user names.

39253 CVE-2010-0400 http://www.debian.org/security/2010/dsa-2030 2010-04-06 2010-04-18
sudo -- Privilege escalation with sudoedit sudo

Todd Miller reports:

Sudo's command matching routine expects actual commands to include one or more slash ('/') characters. The flaw is that sudo's path resolution code did not add a "./" prefix to commands found in the current working directory. This creates an ambiguity between a "sudoedit" command found in the cwd and the "sudoedit" pseudo-command in the sudoers file. As a result, a user may be able to run an arbitrary command named "sudoedit" in the current working directory. For the attack to be successful, the PATH environment variable must include "." and may not include any other directory that contains a "sudoedit" command.

CVE-2010-1163 http://www.sudo.ws/pipermail/sudo-announce/2010-April/000093.html http://www.sudo.ws/sudo/alerts/sudoedit_escalate2.html 2010-04-09 2010-04-15
KDM -- local privilege escalation vulnerability kdebase 3.5.10_6 kdebase-workspace 4.3.5_1

KDE Security Advisory reports:

KDM contains a race condition that allows local attackers to make arbitrary files on the system world-writeable. This can happen while KDM tries to create its control socket during user login. A local attacker with a valid local account can under certain circumstances make use of this vulnerability to execute arbitrary code as root.

CVE-2010-0436 http://www.kde.org/info/security/advisory-20100413-1.txt 2010-04-13 2010-04-14 2010-04-14
dojo -- cross-site scripting and other vulnerabilities dojo 1.4.2

The Dojo Toolkit team reports:

Some PHP files did not properly escape input.

Some files could operate like "open redirects". A bad actor could form an URL that looks like it came from a trusted site, but the user would be redirected or load content from the bad actor's site.

A file exposed a more serious cross-site scripting vulnerability with the possibility of executing code on the domain where the file exists.

The Dojo build process defaulted to copying over tests and demos, which are normally not needed and just increased the number of files that could be targets of attacks.

http://dojotoolkit.org/blog/post/dylan/2010/03/dojo-security-advisory/ http://osdir.com/ml/bugtraq.security/2010-03/msg00133.html http://packetstormsecurity.org/1003-exploits/dojo-xss.txt http://secunia.com/advisories/38964 http://www.gdssecurity.com/l/b/2010/03/12/multiple-dom-based-xss-in-dojo-toolkit-sdk/ 2010-03-11 2010-04-06
Zend Framework -- security issues in bundled Dojo library ZendFramework 1.10.3

The Zend Framework team reports:

Several files in the bundled Dojo library were identified as having potential exploits, and the Dojo team also advised disabling or removing any PHP scripts in the Dojo library tree when deploying to production.

http://dojotoolkit.org/blog/post/dylan/2010/03/dojo-security-advisory/ http://framework.zend.com/security/advisory/ZF2010-07 http://osdir.com/ml/bugtraq.security/2010-03/msg00133.html http://packetstormsecurity.org/1003-exploits/dojo-xss.txt http://secunia.com/advisories/38964 http://www.gdssecurity.com/l/b/2010/03/12/multiple-dom-based-xss-in-dojo-toolkit-sdk/ 2010-04-01 2010-04-06
firefox -- Re-use of freed object due to scope confusion firefox 3.6,13.6.3,1

Mozilla Project reports:

MFSA 2009-25 Re-use of freed object due to scope confusion

CVE-2010-1121 http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-25.html 2010-04-01 2010-04-05
mozilla -- multiple vulnerabilities seamonkey thunderbird firefox 3.5.*,13.5.9,1 3.*,13.0.19,1 linux-firefox 3.0.19,1 linux-firefox-devel 3.5.9 nss linux-f10-nss 3.12.5

Mozilla Project reports:

MFSA 2010-24 XMLDocument::load() doesn't check nsIContentPolicy

MFSA 2010-23 Image src redirect to mailto: URL opens email editor

MFSA 2010-22 Update NSS to support TLS renegotiation indication

MFSA 2010-21 Arbitrary code execution with Firebug XMLHttpRequestSpy

MFSA 2010-20 Chrome privilege escalation via forced URL drag and drop

MFSA 2010-19 Dangling pointer vulnerability in nsPluginArray

MFSA 2010-18 Dangling pointer vulnerability in nsTreeContentView

MFSA 2010-17 Remote code execution with use-after-free in nsTreeSelection

MFSA 2010-16 Crashes with evidence of memory corruption (rv:

CVE-2010-0181 CVE-2009-3555 CVE-2010-0179 CVE-2010-0178 CVE-2010-0177 CVE-2010-0176 CVE-2010-0175 CVE-2010-0174 CVE-2010-0173 http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-24.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-23.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-22.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-21.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-20.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-19.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-18.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-17.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-16.html 2010-03-30 2010-03-30
postgresql -- bitsubstr overflow postgresql-server

BugTraq reports:

PostgreSQL is prone to a buffer-overflow vulnerability because the application fails to perform adequate boundary checks on user-supplied data.

Attackers can exploit this issue to execute arbitrary code with elevated privileges or crash the affected application.

37973 CVE-2010-0442 2010-01-27 2010-03-25
gtar -- buffer overflow in rmt client gtar 1.22_3

Jakob Lell reports:

The rmt client implementation of GNU Tar/Cpio contains a heap-based buffer overflow which possibly allows arbitrary code execution.

The problem can be exploited when using an untrusted/compromised rmt server.

CVE-2010-0624 http://www.agrs.tu-berlin.de/index.php?id=78327 2010-03-24 2010-03-24
firefox -- WOFF heap corruption due to integer overflow firefox 3.6,13.6.2,1

Mozilla Project reports:

MFSA 2010-08 WOFF heap corruption due to integer overflow

CVE-2010-1028 http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-08.html 2010-03-22 2010-03-23
mozilla -- multiple vulnerabilities seamonkey linux-seamonkey 1.1.19 thunderbird linux-thunderbird

Mozilla Project reports:

MFSA 2010-07 Fixes for potentially exploitable crashes ported to the legacy branch

MFSA 2010-06 Scriptable plugin execution in SeaMonkey mail

MFSA 2009-68 NTLM reflection vulnerability

MFSA 2009-62 Download filename spoofing with RTL override

MFSA 2009-59 Heap buffer overflow in string to number conversion

MFSA 2009-49 TreeColumns dangling pointer vulnerability

CVE-2010-0161 CVE-2010-0163 CVE-2009-3075 CVE-2009-3072 CVE-2009-2463 CVE-2009-3385 CVE-2009-3983 CVE-2009-3376 CVE-2009-0689 CVE-2009-3077 http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-07.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-06.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2009/mfsa2009-68.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2009/mfsa2009-62.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2009/mfsa2009-59.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2009/mfsa2009-49.html 2010-03-16 2010-03-19
egroupware -- two vulnerabilities egroupware 1.6.003

Egroupware Team report:

Nahuel Grisolia from CYBSEC S.A. Security Systems found two security problems in EGroupware:

Serious remote command execution (allowing to run arbitrary command on the web server by simply issuing a HTTP request!).

A reflected cross-site scripting (XSS).

Both require NO valid EGroupware account and work without being logged in!

38609 http://secunia.com/advisories/38859/ http://www.egroupware.org/Home?category_id=95&item=93 2010-03-09 2010-03-11
drupal -- multiple vulnerabilities drupal5 5.22 drupal6 6.16

Drupal Team reports:

A user-supplied value is directly output during installation allowing a malicious user to craft a URL and perform a cross-site scripting attack. The exploit can only be conducted on sites not yet installed.

The API function drupal_goto() is susceptible to a phishing attack. An attacker could formulate a redirect in a way that gets the Drupal site to send the user to an arbitrarily provided URL. No user submitted data will be sent to that URL.

Locale module and dependent contributed modules do not sanitize the display of language codes, native and English language names properly. While these usually come from a preselected list, arbitrary administrator input is allowed. This vulnerability is mitigated by the fact that the attacker must have a role with the 'administer languages' permission.

Under certain circumstances, a user with an open session that is blocked can maintain his/her session on the Drupal site, despite being blocked.

http://drupal.org/node/731710 2010-03-03 2010-03-08
sudo -- Privilege escalation with sudoedit sudo

Todd Miller reports:

When sudo performs its command matching, there is a special case for pseudo-commands in the sudoers file (currently, the only pseudo-command is sudoedit). Unlike a regular command, pseudo-commands do not begin with a slash ('/'). The flaw is that sudo's the matching code would only check against the list of pseudo-commands if the user-specified command also contained no slashes. As a result, if the user ran "sudo ./sudoedit" the normal matching code path was followed, which uses stat(2) to verify that the user-specified command matches the one in sudoers. In this case, it would compare the "./sudoedit" specified by the user with "sudoedit" from the sudoers file, resulting in a positive match.

http://www.sudo.ws/pipermail/sudo-announce/2010-February/000092.html http://www.sudo.ws/sudo/alerts/sudoedit_escalate.html http://secunia.com/advisories/38659 CVE-2010-0426 38362 2010-01-29 2010-03-01
openoffice.org -- multiple vulnerabilities openoffice.org 3.2.0 3.2.200101013.2.20100203 3.3.200101013.3.20100207

OpenOffice.org Security Team reports:

Fixed in OpenOffice.org 3.2

CVE-2006-4339: Potential vulnerability from 3rd party libxml2 libraries

CVE-2009-0217: Potential vulnerability from 3rd party libxmlsec libraries

CVE-2009-2493: OpenOffice.org 3 for Windows bundles a vulnerable version of MSVC Runtime

CVE-2009-2949: Potential vulnerability related to XPM file processing

CVE-2009-2950: Potential vulnerability related to GIF file processing

CVE-2009-3301/2: Potential vulnerability related to MS-Word document processing

http://www.openoffice.org/security/bulletin.html http://www.openoffice.org/security/cves/CVE-2006-4339.html http://www.openoffice.org/security/cves/CVE-2009-0217.html http://www.openoffice.org/security/cves/CVE-2009-2493.html http://www.openoffice.org/security/cves/CVE-2009-2949.html http://www.openoffice.org/security/cves/CVE-2009-2950.html http://www.openoffice.org/security/cves/CVE-2009-3301-3302.html CVE-2006-4339 CVE-2009-0217 CVE-2009-2493 CVE-2009-2949 CVE-2009-2950 CVE-2009-3301 CVE-2009-3302 2006-08-24 2010-02-25 2010-02-27
mozilla -- multiple vulnerabilities firefox 3.5.*,13.5.8,1 3.*,13.0.18,1 linux-firefox 3.0.18,1 linux-firefox-devel 3.5.8 seamonkey 2.0.*2.0.3 thunderbird

Mozilla Project reports:

MFSA 2010-05 XSS hazard using SVG document and binary Content-Type

MFSA 2010-04 XSS due to window.dialogArguments being readable cross-domain

MFSA 2010-03 Use-after-free crash in HTML parser

MFSA 2010-02 Web Worker Array Handling Heap Corruption Vulnerability

MFSA 2010-01 Crashes with evidence of memory corruption (rv:

CVE-2010-0159 CVE-2010-0160 CVE-2009-1571 CVE-2009-3988 CVE-2010-0162 http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-01.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-02.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-03.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-04.html http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-05.html 2010-02-17 2010-02-18 2010-02-28
lighttpd -- denial of service vulnerability lighttpd 1.4.26

Lighttpd security advisory reports:

If you send the request data very slow (e.g. sleep 0.01 after each byte), lighttpd will easily use all available memory and die (especially for parallel requests), allowing a DoS within minutes.

38036 CVE-2010-0295 http://download.lighttpd.net/lighttpd/security/lighttpd_sa_2010_01.txt 2010-02-02 2010-02-16
squid -- Denial of Service vulnerability in HTCP squid

Squid security advisory 2010:2 reports:

Due to incorrect processing Squid is vulnerable to a denial of service attack when receiving specially crafted HTCP packets.

This problem allows any machine to perform a denial of service attack on the Squid service when its HTCP port is open.

CVE-2010-0639 http://www.squid-cache.org/Advisories/SQUID-2010_2.txt 2010-02-12 2010-02-14 2010-05-02
linux-flashplugin -- multiple vulnerabilities linux-flashplugin 9.0r262 linux-f8-flashplugin linux-f10-flashplugin 10.0r45

Adobe Product Security Incident Response Team reports:

A critical vulnerability has been identified in Adobe Flash Player version and earlier. This vulnerability (CVE-2010-0186) could subvert the domain sandbox and make unauthorized cross-domain requests. This update also resolves a potential Denial of Service issue (CVE-2010-0187).

CVE-2010-0186 CVE-2010-0187 http://www.adobe.com/support/security/bulletins/apsb10-06.html 2010-02-11 2010-02-13
gnome-screensaver -- Multiple monitor hotplug issues gnome-screensaver 2.28.3

Ray Strode reports:

Under certain circumstances it is possible to circumvent the security of screen locking functionality of gnome-screensaver by changing the systems physical monitor configuration.

gnome-screensaver can lose its keyboard grab when locked, exposing the system to intrusion by adding and removing monitors.

CVE-2010-0414 CVE-2010-0422 https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=609337 https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=609789 2010-02-08 2010-02-13
fetchmail -- heap overflow on verbose X.509 display fetchmail

Matthias Andree reports:

In verbose mode, fetchmail prints X.509 certificate subject and issuer information to the user, and counts and allocates a malloc() buffer for that purpose.

If the material to be displayed contains characters with high bit set and the platform treats the "char" type as signed, this can cause a heap buffer overrun because non-printing characters are escaped as \xFF..FFnn, where nn is 80..FF in hex.

38088 CVE-2010-0562 http://www.fetchmail.info/fetchmail-SA-2010-01.txt https://lists.berlios.de/pipermail/fetchmail-announce/2010-February/000073.html 2010-02-04 2010-02-12
wireshark -- LWRES vulnerability wireshark wireshark-lite 1.2.6

Wireshark project reports:

Babi discovered several buffer overflows in the LWRES dissector.

It may be possible to make Wireshark crash remotely or by convincing someone to read a malformed packet trace file.

CVE-2010-0304 http://secunia.com/advisories/38257/ http://www.wireshark.org/security/wnpa-sec-2010-02.html 2010-01-27 2010-02-10
otrs -- SQL injection otrs 2.4.7

OTRS Security Advisory reports:

Missing security quoting for SQL statements allows agents and customers to manipulate SQL queries. So it's possible for authenticated users to inject SQL queries via string manipulation of statements.

A malicious user may be able to manipulate SQL queries to read or modify records in the database. This way it could also be possible to get access to more permissions (e. g. administrator permissions).

To use this vulnerability the malicious user needs to have a valid Agent- or Customer-session.

CVE-2010-0438 http://otrs.org/advisory/OSA-2010-01-en/ 2010-02-08 2010-02-08 2010-05-02
apache -- Prevent chunk-size integer overflow on platforms where sizeof(int) < sizeof(long) apache 1.3.42 apache+mod_perl 1.3.42 apache+ipv6 1.3.42 apache_fp 0 ru-apache 1.3.42+30.23 ru-apache+mod_ssl 1.3.42 apache+ssl apache+mod_ssl apache+mod_ssl+ipv6 apache+mod_ssl+mod_accel apache+mod_ssl+mod_accel+ipv6 apache+mod_ssl+mod_accel+mod_deflate apache+mod_ssl+mod_accel+mod_deflate+ipv6 apache+mod_ssl+mod_deflate apache+mod_ssl+mod_deflate+ipv6 apache+mod_ssl+mod_snmp apache+mod_ssl+mod_snmp+mod_accel apache+mod_ssl+mod_snmp+mod_accel+ipv6 apache+mod_ssl+mod_snmp+mod_deflate apache+mod_ssl+mod_snmp+mod_deflate+ipv6 apache+mod_ssl+mod_snmp+mod_accel+mod_deflate+ipv6 1.3.41+2.8.27_2

Apache ChangeLog reports:

Integer overflow in the ap_proxy_send_fb function in proxy/proxy_util.c in mod_proxy in the Apache HTTP Server before 1.3.42 on 64-bit platforms allows remote origin servers to cause a denial of service (daemon crash) or possibly execute arbitrary code via a large chunk size that triggers a heap-based buffer overflow.

http://web.nvd.nist.gov/view/vuln/detail?vulnId=CVE-2010-0010 http://www.security-database.com/detail.php?alert=CVE-2010-0010 http://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/CVE-2010-0010 http://www.vupen.com/english/Reference-CVE-2010-0010.php 2009-06-30 2010-02-03 2010-02-03
squid -- Denial of Service vulnerability in DNS handling squid

Squid security advisory 2010:1 reports:

Due to incorrect data validation Squid is vulnerable to a denial of service attack when processing specially crafted DNS packets.

This problem allows any trusted client or external server who can determine the squid receiving port to perform a short-term denial of service attack on the Squid service.

CVE-2010-0308 http://www.squid-cache.org/Advisories/SQUID-2010_1.txt 2010-01-14 2010-02-01 2010-05-02
bugzilla -- information leak bugzilla

A Bugzilla Security Advisory reports:

When moving a bug from one product to another, an intermediate page is displayed letting you select the groups the bug should be restricted to in the new product. However, a regression in the 3.4.x series made it ignore all groups which are not available in both products. As a workaround, you had to move the bug to the new product first and then restrict it to the desired groups, in two distinct steps, which could make the bug temporarily public.

CVE-2009-3387 http://www.bugzilla.org/security/3.0.10/ 2010-01-31 2010-02-01
irc-ratbox -- multiple vulnerabilities ircd-ratbox 2.2.9 ircd-ratbox-devel 3.0.6

SecurityFocus reports:

The first affects the /quote HELP module and allows a user to trigger an IRCD crash on some platforms.

The second affects the /links processing module when the flatten_links configuration option is not enabled.

CVE-2009-4016 CVE-2010-0300 http://www.debian.org/security/2010/dsa-1980 http://lists.ratbox.org/pipermail/ircd-ratbox/2010-January/000890.html http://lists.ratbox.org/pipermail/ircd-ratbox/2010-January/000891.html 2010-01-25 2010-01-28
dokuwiki -- multiple vulnerabilities dokuwiki 20091225_2

Dokuwiki reports:

The plugin does no checks against cross-site request forgeries (CSRF) which can be exploited to e.g. change the access control rules by tricking a logged in administrator into visiting a malicious web site.

The bug allows listing the names of arbitrary file on the webserver - not their contents. This could leak private information about wiki pages and server structure.

CVE-2010-0288 CVE-2010-0287 CVE-2010-0289 http://bugs.splitbrain.org/index.php?do=details&task_id=1847 http://bugs.splitbrain.org/index.php?do=details&task_id=1853 2010-01-17 2010-01-18 2010-05-02
Zend Framework -- multiple vulnerabilities ZendFramework 1.9.7

The Zend Framework team reports:

Potential XSS or HTML Injection vector in Zend_Json.

Potential XSS vector in Zend_Service_ReCaptcha_MailHide.

Potential MIME-type Injection in Zend_File_Transfer Executive Summary.

Potential XSS vector in Zend_Filter_StripTags when comments allowed.

Potential XSS vector in Zend_Dojo_View_Helper_Editor.

Potential XSS vectors due to inconsistent encodings.

XSS vector in Zend_Filter_StripTags.

LFI vector in Zend_View::setScriptPath() and render().

http://framework.zend.com/security/advisory/ZF2010-06 http://framework.zend.com/security/advisory/ZF2010-05 http://framework.zend.com/security/advisory/ZF2010-04 http://framework.zend.com/security/advisory/ZF2010-03 http://framework.zend.com/security/advisory/ZF2010-02 http://framework.zend.com/security/advisory/ZF2010-01 http://framework.zend.com/security/advisory/ZF2009-02 http://framework.zend.com/security/advisory/ZF2009-01 2009-12-31 2010-01-11
powerdns-recursor -- multiple vulnerabilities powerdns-recursor

PowerDNS Security Advisory reports:

PowerDNS Recursor up to and including can be brought down and probably exploited.

PowerDNS Recursor up to and including can be spoofed into accepting bogus data

37650 37653 CVE-2009-4010 CVE-2009-4009 2010-01-06 2010-01-09
PEAR -- Net_Ping and Net_Traceroute remote arbitrary command injection pear-Net_Ping 2.4.5 pear-Net_Traceroute 0.21.2

PEAR Security Advisory reports:

Multiple remote arbitrary command injections have been found in the Net_Ping and Net_Traceroute.

When input from forms are used directly, the attacker could pass variables that would allow him to execute remote arbitrary command injections.

37093 37094 CVE-2009-4024 CVE-2009-4025 http://pear.php.net/advisory20091114-01.txt 2009-11-14 2010-01-04