PORTNAME= acpica PORTVERSION= 20210604 CATEGORIES= sysutils devel MASTER_SITES= https://acpica.org/sites/acpica/files/ \ LOCAL/jkim PKGNAMESUFFIX= -tools DISTNAME= ${PORTNAME}-unix-${PORTVERSION} MAINTAINER= jkim@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Tools from the ACPI Component Architecture (ACPICA) project LICENSE= BSD3CLAUSE GPLv2 LICENSE_COMB= dual BROKEN_FreeBSD_11_powerpc64= fails to compile on powerpc64 elfv1: comparison is always true due to limited range of data type BROKEN_FreeBSD_12_powerpc64= fails to compile on powerpc64 elfv1: comparison is always true due to limited range of data type USES= gmake BUILD_WRKSRC= ${WRKSRC}/generate/unix ACPICA_TOOLS= acpibin acpidump acpiexec acpihelp acpisrc ACPICA_TOOLS+= acpixtract iasl PLIST_FILES= ${ACPICA_TOOLS:S,^,bin/,} MAKE_ARGS= HOST=_FreeBSD PROGS="${ACPICA_TOOLS}" MAKE_ARGS+= CC="${CC}" LEX="${FLEX}" YACC="${YACC}" do-install: ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${ACPICA_TOOLS:S,^,${BUILD_WRKSRC}/bin/,} \ ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin .include