Replacement for gstat(8) This is a gstat replacement, written in Rust. It is more featureful than the original, and works much better on systems with large numbers of disks. The key differences are: * gstat-rs supports sorting the disks using the '+', '-', and 'r' keys, and the "--sort" and "-r" command line options. * gstat-rs can enable/disable columns at any time using the insert and delete keys. gstat can only do that at startup, and only for certain infrequently used columns. * If the screen has enough space, gstat-rs will display multiple disks side by side. * gstat-rs can pause the display without exiting the program. * gstat-rs's settings are automatically persisted to a config file. * gstat-rs does not support batch mode (`-bBC`) output. If you want that kind of information, use iostat(8) instead. * gstat-rs does not display GEOM consumers (`-c`), but it can easily be added if there's any demand for that feature. WWW: