Zxfer is a fork of zfs-replicate. It allows the easy and reliable backup, restore or transfer of ZFS filesystems, either locally or remotely. Some of the features zxfer has: * Written in sh with only one dependency, rsync. Rsync mode is not used in a typical restore, hence in that situation all you need is the zxfer script, your backup and an install CD/DVD. * Reliability is first priority - the only methods of transfer allowed are those that checksum/hash the transferred data. * Transfer to or from a remote host via ssh. * Recursive and incremental transfer of filesystems (via snapshots). * Transfer properties and sources of those properties (e.g. local or inherited). * Override properties in the transfer, e.g. for archival purposes it is useful to override "copies" and "compression". * Create all filesystems on the destination as necessary. * A comprehensive man page with examples. * Can be set to beep on error or when done, useful for long transfers. * Features an rsync mode for when two different snapshotting regimes are on source and destination, and zfs send/receive won't work. LICENSE: BSD WWW: https://github.com/allanjude/zxfer