README file for English Hunspell dictionaries derived from SCOWL. The following dictionaries are available: en_US (American) en_CA (Canadian) en_GB-ise (British with "ise" spelling) en_GB-ize (British with "ize" spelling) en_US-large en_CA-large en_GB-large (with both "ise" and "ize" spelling) The normal (non-large) dictionaries correspond to SCOWL size 60 and, to encourage consistent spelling, generally only include one spelling variant for a word. The large dictionaries correspond to SCOWL size 70 and may include multiple spelling for a word when both variants are considered almost equal. The larger dictionaries however (1) have not been as carefully checked for errors as the normal dictionaries and thus may contain misspelled or invalid words; and (2) contain uncommon, yet valid, words that might cause problems as they are likely to be misspellings of more common words (for example, "ort" and "calender"). To get an idea of the difference in size, here are 25 random words only found in the large dictionary for American English: Bermejo Freyr's Guenevere Hatshepsut Nottinghamshire arrestment crassitudes crural dogwatches errorless fetial flaxseeds godroon incretion jalape~no's kelpie kishkes neuroglias pietisms pullulation stemwinder stenoses syce thalassic zees