# $FreeBSD$ # COMMENT = Ports related to the World Wide Web SUBDIR += MT SUBDIR += WebMagick SUBDIR += abyssws SUBDIR += adblock SUBDIR += admuser SUBDIR += adzap SUBDIR += amaya SUBDIR += amphetadesk SUBDIR += analog SUBDIR += aolserver SUBDIR += aolserver-nscache SUBDIR += aolserver-xotcl SUBDIR += apache-contrib SUBDIR += apache-forrest SUBDIR += apache-jserv SUBDIR += apache-mode.el SUBDIR += apache13 SUBDIR += apache13+ipv6 SUBDIR += apache13-modperl SUBDIR += apache13-modssl SUBDIR += apache13-modssl+ipv6 SUBDIR += apache13-ssl SUBDIR += apache20 SUBDIR += apache22 SUBDIR += apercu SUBDIR += aria SUBDIR += aria2 SUBDIR += aria2fe SUBDIR += ashe SUBDIR += asp2php SUBDIR += asterisk-fop SUBDIR += asterisk-gui SUBDIR += asterisk-stat SUBDIR += aswedit SUBDIR += aswiki SUBDIR += august SUBDIR += auth_ldap SUBDIR += autoindex SUBDIR += autoindex2 SUBDIR += awstats SUBDIR += awstats-devel SUBDIR += axis SUBDIR += b2evolution SUBDIR += bacula-web SUBDIR += bannerfilter SUBDIR += bblog SUBDIR += bins SUBDIR += bk2site SUBDIR += bk_edit SUBDIR += bkmrkconv SUBDIR += bluefish SUBDIR += boa SUBDIR += bookmarkbridge SUBDIR += bozohttpd SUBDIR += bricolage SUBDIR += bugmenot SUBDIR += bugmenot-firefox SUBDIR += c-icap SUBDIR += cadaver SUBDIR += cakephp SUBDIR += calamaris SUBDIR += campsite SUBDIR += castget SUBDIR += caudium12 SUBDIR += cgi-lib SUBDIR += cgi-lib.pl SUBDIR += cgic SUBDIR += cgicc SUBDIR += cgichk SUBDIR += cgihtml SUBDIR += cgiparse SUBDIR += cgiwrap SUBDIR += checkbot SUBDIR += cheetah SUBDIR += cherokee SUBDIR += cherokee-devel SUBDIR += chimera SUBDIR += chpasswd SUBDIR += chtml SUBDIR += cl-lml SUBDIR += cl-lml-clisp SUBDIR += cl-lml-sbcl SUBDIR += clearsilver SUBDIR += clearsilver-python SUBDIR += cocoon SUBDIR += comclear SUBDIR += conkeror SUBDIR += coppermine SUBDIR += crawl SUBDIR += crp SUBDIR += css-mode.el SUBDIR += cssed SUBDIR += csstidy SUBDIR += ctemplate SUBDIR += cybercalendar SUBDIR += dalbum SUBDIR += dansguardian SUBDIR += dansguardian-devel SUBDIR += decss SUBDIR += demoroniser SUBDIR += dfileserver SUBDIR += dhttpd SUBDIR += dillo SUBDIR += dillo-i18n SUBDIR += dokeos SUBDIR += dokuwiki SUBDIR += dokuwiki-devel SUBDIR += dotproject SUBDIR += dotproject-devel SUBDIR += dpsearch SUBDIR += drood SUBDIR += drraw SUBDIR += drupal4 SUBDIR += drupal4-attachment SUBDIR += drupal4-filemanager SUBDIR += drupal4-gsitemap SUBDIR += drupal4-i18n SUBDIR += drupal4-nice_menus SUBDIR += drupal4-taxonomy_access SUBDIR += drupal4-textile SUBDIR += drupal5 SUBDIR += drupal5-adsense SUBDIR += drupal5-bluebreeze SUBDIR += drupal5-bookreview SUBDIR += drupal5-disknode SUBDIR += drupal5-google_analytics SUBDIR += drupal5-gsitemap SUBDIR += drupal5-i18n SUBDIR += drupal5-insert-view SUBDIR += drupal5-nice_menus SUBDIR += drupal5-simplenews SUBDIR += drupal5-taxonomy_access SUBDIR += drupal5-taxonomy_ticker SUBDIR += drupal5-tinymce SUBDIR += drupal5-views SUBDIR += dtse SUBDIR += dummyflash SUBDIR += eaccelerator SUBDIR += eldav.el SUBDIR += elinks SUBDIR += elog SUBDIR += emacs-w3m SUBDIR += emacs-w3m-emacs21 SUBDIR += emacs-w3m-xemacs21-mule SUBDIR += entrans SUBDIR += epiphany SUBDIR += epiphany-extensions SUBDIR += erwn SUBDIR += etoile-bookmarkkit SUBDIR += etoile-mollusk SUBDIR += etoile-rsskit SUBDIR += eventum SUBDIR += evolution-webcal SUBDIR += extsm SUBDIR += eyeos SUBDIR += eyeos-themes SUBDIR += fcgi SUBDIR += feedjack SUBDIR += feedonfeeds SUBDIR += ffproxy SUBDIR += fhttpd SUBDIR += firefox SUBDIR += firefox-devel SUBDIR += firefox-i18n SUBDIR += firefox-remote SUBDIR += firefox15 SUBDIR += flashplugin-mozilla SUBDIR += flat-frog SUBDIR += flickcurl SUBDIR += flock SUBDIR += flood SUBDIR += fluxcms SUBDIR += fnord SUBDIR += formication SUBDIR += fpc-httpd SUBDIR += free-sa SUBDIR += fswiki SUBDIR += g-cows SUBDIR += g-gcl SUBDIR += galeon SUBDIR += gallery SUBDIR += gallery2 SUBDIR += gatling SUBDIR += gecko-sharp10 SUBDIR += gecko-sharp20 SUBDIR += geeklog SUBDIR += gekko SUBDIR += gekko-modules SUBDIR += geneweb SUBDIR += geolizer SUBDIR += geronimo SUBDIR += getleft SUBDIR += gforge SUBDIR += glibwww SUBDIR += glpi SUBDIR += gnome-user-share SUBDIR += gnome-web-photo SUBDIR += gnustep-ticker SUBDIR += google-sitemapgen SUBDIR += goose SUBDIR += gregarius SUBDIR += groupoffice SUBDIR += gstreamer-plugins-neon SUBDIR += gtkhtml SUBDIR += gtkhtml3 SUBDIR += gtkhtml38 SUBDIR += guile-www SUBDIR += gurlchecker SUBDIR += harvest SUBDIR += hastymail SUBDIR += havp SUBDIR += helixplugin SUBDIR += hiawatha SUBDIR += hinventory-client SUBDIR += horde-ansel SUBDIR += horde-base SUBDIR += horde-meta SUBDIR += horde-passwd SUBDIR += horde-trean SUBDIR += htdump SUBDIR += html2hdml SUBDIR += html2wml SUBDIR += htmlobject SUBDIR += htmlpp SUBDIR += http-analyze SUBDIR += http_get SUBDIR += http_load SUBDIR += httpgrabber SUBDIR += httptunnel SUBDIR += httrack SUBDIR += hydra SUBDIR += hypermail SUBDIR += igal SUBDIR += ikiwiki SUBDIR += ilias SUBDIR += imgsizer SUBDIR += indexme SUBDIR += instiki SUBDIR += interchange SUBDIR += ismail SUBDIR += iwebcal SUBDIR += jakarta-jmeter SUBDIR += jakarta-tomcat4 SUBDIR += jakarta-tomcat5 SUBDIR += jdresolve SUBDIR += jesred SUBDIR += jetspeed SUBDIR += jetty SUBDIR += joomla SUBDIR += jtoolkit SUBDIR += junkbuster SUBDIR += kannel SUBDIR += kazehakase SUBDIR += kdedict SUBDIR += kdewebdev SUBDIR += khtml2png SUBDIR += knowledgekit SUBDIR += kompozer SUBDIR += larbin SUBDIR += libapreq2 SUBDIR += libghttp SUBDIR += libgtkhtml SUBDIR += libhttpd-persistent SUBDIR += libwww SUBDIR += lifetype SUBDIR += lightsquid SUBDIR += lighttpd SUBDIR += lilurl SUBDIR += linkcheck SUBDIR += linkchecker SUBDIR += linklint SUBDIR += links SUBDIR += links1 SUBDIR += linux-firefox SUBDIR += linux-firefox-devel SUBDIR += linux-flashplugin7 SUBDIR += linux-flashplugin9 SUBDIR += linux-flock SUBDIR += linux-mozilla SUBDIR += linux-mplayer-plugin SUBDIR += linux-netscape-navigator SUBDIR += linux-nvu SUBDIR += linux-opera SUBDIR += linux-seamonkey SUBDIR += linux-seamonkey-devel SUBDIR += linuxpluginwrapper SUBDIR += ljdeps SUBDIR += ljpms SUBDIR += ljsm SUBDIR += llgal SUBDIR += logtools SUBDIR += lws SUBDIR += lynx SUBDIR += lynx-current SUBDIR += mambo SUBDIR += man2web SUBDIR += mathopd SUBDIR += mediawiki SUBDIR += mediawiki110 SUBDIR += mediawiki16 SUBDIR += mediawiki17 SUBDIR += mediawiki18 SUBDIR += mediawiki19 SUBDIR += mergelog SUBDIR += metacafe_dl SUBDIR += mgstat SUBDIR += mhonarc SUBDIR += micro_httpd SUBDIR += middleman SUBDIR += mimetex SUBDIR += mini_httpd SUBDIR += mkapachepw SUBDIR += mknmz-wwwoffle SUBDIR += mmosaic SUBDIR += mnogosearch SUBDIR += mnogosearch31 SUBDIR += mod_access_identd SUBDIR += mod_access_referer SUBDIR += mod_accesscookie SUBDIR += mod_accounting SUBDIR += mod_auth_any SUBDIR += mod_auth_cookie_mysql SUBDIR += mod_auth_cookie_mysql2 SUBDIR += mod_auth_external SUBDIR += mod_auth_external2 SUBDIR += mod_auth_imap SUBDIR += mod_auth_imap2 SUBDIR += mod_auth_kerb SUBDIR += mod_auth_mysql SUBDIR += mod_auth_mysql2 SUBDIR += mod_auth_mysql41_ap2 SUBDIR += mod_auth_mysql_another SUBDIR += mod_auth_pam SUBDIR += mod_auth_pam2 SUBDIR += mod_auth_pgsql SUBDIR += mod_auth_pgsql2 SUBDIR += mod_auth_pwcheck SUBDIR += mod_auth_remote SUBDIR += mod_auth_useragent SUBDIR += mod_auth_xradius SUBDIR += mod_authenticache SUBDIR += mod_authnz_external SUBDIR += mod_authz_unixgroup SUBDIR += mod_backhand SUBDIR += mod_bandwidth SUBDIR += mod_bf SUBDIR += mod_blosxom SUBDIR += mod_blowchunks SUBDIR += mod_bunzip2 SUBDIR += mod_bw SUBDIR += mod_cband SUBDIR += mod_cfg_ldap SUBDIR += mod_cgi_debug SUBDIR += mod_chroot SUBDIR += mod_clamav SUBDIR += mod_color SUBDIR += mod_cplusplus SUBDIR += mod_curb SUBDIR += mod_cvs SUBDIR += mod_cvs2 SUBDIR += mod_dav SUBDIR += mod_domaintree SUBDIR += mod_dosevasive20 SUBDIR += mod_dtcl SUBDIR += mod_encoding SUBDIR += mod_evasive20 SUBDIR += mod_extract_forwarded SUBDIR += mod_extract_forwarded2 SUBDIR += mod_fastcgi SUBDIR += mod_fcgid SUBDIR += mod_filter SUBDIR += mod_geoip SUBDIR += mod_geoip2 SUBDIR += mod_gzip SUBDIR += mod_hosts_access SUBDIR += mod_index_rss SUBDIR += mod_jail SUBDIR += mod_jk SUBDIR += mod_jk-apache2 SUBDIR += mod_layout SUBDIR += mod_layout2 SUBDIR += mod_limitipconn SUBDIR += mod_limitipconn2 SUBDIR += mod_line_edit SUBDIR += mod_lisp2 SUBDIR += mod_log_config-st SUBDIR += mod_log_data SUBDIR += mod_log_dbd SUBDIR += mod_log_mysql SUBDIR += mod_log_spread SUBDIR += mod_log_sql SUBDIR += mod_log_sql2 SUBDIR += mod_log_sql2-dtc SUBDIR += mod_macro SUBDIR += mod_macro2 SUBDIR += mod_mp3 SUBDIR += mod_musicindex SUBDIR += mod_mya SUBDIR += mod_mylo SUBDIR += mod_mysqluserdir SUBDIR += mod_ntlm SUBDIR += mod_ntlm2 SUBDIR += mod_perl SUBDIR += mod_perl2 SUBDIR += mod_proctitle SUBDIR += mod_proxy_add_forward SUBDIR += mod_proxy_html SUBDIR += mod_proxy_xml SUBDIR += mod_pubcookie SUBDIR += mod_put SUBDIR += mod_python SUBDIR += mod_python3 SUBDIR += mod_realip SUBDIR += mod_roaming SUBDIR += mod_roaming2 SUBDIR += mod_rpaf SUBDIR += mod_rpaf2 SUBDIR += mod_ruby SUBDIR += mod_scgi SUBDIR += mod_security SUBDIR += mod_security2 SUBDIR += mod_sed SUBDIR += mod_sequester SUBDIR += mod_shapvh SUBDIR += mod_snake SUBDIR += mod_sqlinclude SUBDIR += mod_ticket SUBDIR += mod_tidy SUBDIR += mod_traf_thief SUBDIR += mod_transform SUBDIR += mod_trigger SUBDIR += mod_tsunami SUBDIR += mod_uid SUBDIR += mod_vdbh SUBDIR += mod_vhost_ldap SUBDIR += mod_vhs SUBDIR += mod_webapp SUBDIR += mod_webkit SUBDIR += mod_xmlns SUBDIR += mod_xsendfile SUBDIR += moinmoin SUBDIR += momspider SUBDIR += monkey SUBDIR += moodle SUBDIR += mozex SUBDIR += mozilla SUBDIR += mozplugger SUBDIR += mplayer-plugin SUBDIR += myfaces SUBDIR += myghty SUBDIR += mysar SUBDIR += mysqlphp2postgres SUBDIR += nanoblogger SUBDIR += nd SUBDIR += neon SUBDIR += neonpp SUBDIR += neowebscript SUBDIR += netoffice SUBDIR += netrik SUBDIR += netstiff SUBDIR += netsurf SUBDIR += newsbeuter SUBDIR += newsfeed SUBDIR += nginx SUBDIR += nginx-devel SUBDIR += notftp SUBDIR += npapi-xine SUBDIR += npc SUBDIR += nscache SUBDIR += nspluginwrapper SUBDIR += nvu SUBDIR += ocaml-net SUBDIR += ocaml-wdialog SUBDIR += ocsigen SUBDIR += ojs2 SUBDIR += oops SUBDIR += openacs SUBDIR += openacs-dotlrn SUBDIR += openvrml SUBDIR += openxmldir SUBDIR += opera SUBDIR += opera-linuxplugins SUBDIR += osb-browser SUBDIR += osb-nrcit SUBDIR += osb-nrcore SUBDIR += oscommerce SUBDIR += p5-AMF-Perl SUBDIR += p5-Acme-Monta SUBDIR += p5-Apache-ASP SUBDIR += p5-Apache-AddHostPath SUBDIR += p5-Apache-Admin-Config SUBDIR += p5-Apache-AntiSpam SUBDIR += p5-Apache-Archive SUBDIR += p5-Apache-AuthCookie SUBDIR += p5-Apache-AuthTicket SUBDIR += p5-Apache-AuthenCache SUBDIR += p5-Apache-AuthenURL SUBDIR += p5-Apache-AutoIndex SUBDIR += p5-Apache-AxKit-Plugin-AddXSLParams-Request SUBDIR += p5-Apache-Clean SUBDIR += p5-Apache-Clean2 SUBDIR += p5-Apache-Compress SUBDIR += p5-Apache-CompressClientFixup SUBDIR += p5-Apache-ConfigFile SUBDIR += p5-Apache-ConfigParser SUBDIR += p5-Apache-DB SUBDIR += p5-Apache-DBI SUBDIR += p5-Apache-DebugInfo SUBDIR += p5-Apache-DumpHeaders SUBDIR += p5-Apache-Filter SUBDIR += p5-Apache-Gallery SUBDIR += p5-Apache-GopherHandler SUBDIR += p5-Apache-Icon SUBDIR += p5-Apache-Language SUBDIR += p5-Apache-MP3 SUBDIR += p5-Apache-NNTPGateway SUBDIR += p5-Apache-PageKit SUBDIR += p5-Apache-ParseFormData SUBDIR += p5-Apache-Peek SUBDIR += p5-Apache-Profiler SUBDIR += p5-Apache-Radius SUBDIR += p5-Apache-Reload SUBDIR += p5-Apache-SSI SUBDIR += p5-Apache-Scoreboard SUBDIR += p5-Apache-Session SUBDIR += p5-Apache-Session-PHP SUBDIR += p5-Apache-Session-SQLite3 SUBDIR += p5-Apache-Session-SharedMem SUBDIR += p5-Apache-Session-Wrapper SUBDIR += p5-Apache-SessionX SUBDIR += p5-Apache-Singleton SUBDIR += p5-Apache-SubProcess SUBDIR += p5-Apache-Template SUBDIR += p5-Apache-Test SUBDIR += p5-Apache2-Scoreboard SUBDIR += p5-ApacheBench SUBDIR += p5-AxKit SUBDIR += p5-AxKit-XSP-Cookie SUBDIR += p5-AxKit-XSP-ESQL SUBDIR += p5-AxKit-XSP-Exception SUBDIR += p5-AxKit-XSP-IfParam SUBDIR += p5-AxKit-XSP-Param SUBDIR += p5-AxKit-XSP-PerForm SUBDIR += p5-AxKit-XSP-Sendmail SUBDIR += p5-AxKit-XSP-Util SUBDIR += p5-AxKit-XSP-WebUtils SUBDIR += p5-B-LexInfo SUBDIR += p5-Bigtop SUBDIR += p5-Bundle-Slash SUBDIR += p5-Bundle-Sledge SUBDIR += p5-Business-PayPal SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Ajax SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Application SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-AnyTemplate SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-AutoRunmode SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-DBH SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-DebugScreen SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-DevPopup SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-Forward SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-HTDot SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-HTMLPrototype SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-HtmlTidy SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-LinkIntegrity SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-LogDispatch SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-MessageStack SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-Redirect SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-Session SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-Stream SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-TT SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-ValidateRM SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-ViewCode SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Application-Server SUBDIR += p5-CGI-ArgChecker SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Builder SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Builder-TT2 SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Cache SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Cookie-Splitter SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Ex SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Expand SUBDIR += p5-CGI-FCKeditor SUBDIR += p5-CGI-FastTemplate SUBDIR += p5-CGI-FormBuilder SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Framework SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Kwiki SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Minimal SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Prototype SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Response SUBDIR += p5-CGI-SSI SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Session SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Simple SUBDIR += p5-CGI-SpeedyCGI SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Untaint SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Untaint-date SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Untaint-email SUBDIR += p5-CGI-Upload SUBDIR += p5-CGI-XMLApplication SUBDIR += p5-CGI-modules SUBDIR += p5-CGI.pm SUBDIR += p5-CGI_Lite SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Action-REST SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Action-RenderView SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Component-ACCEPT_CONTEXT SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Controller-BindLex SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Controller-FormBuilder SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Devel SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Engine-Apache SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Engine-HTTP-POE SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Enzyme SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Example-InstantCRUD SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Helper-Controller-Scaffold SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Log-Log4perl SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Manual SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Model-CDBI SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Model-CDBI-Plain SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Model-CDBI-Sweet SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Model-DBIC SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Model-DBIC-Plain SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Model-DBIC-Schema SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Model-Oryx SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Model-XML-Feed SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Model-Xapian SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-CDBI SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-OpenID SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Store-DBIC SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Store-DBIx-Class SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Store-Htpasswd SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Authorization-ACL SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Authorization-Roles SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-C3 SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Cache SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Cache-FastMmap SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Cache-FileCache SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Cache-Memcached SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Cache-Store-FastMmap SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Captcha SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-ConfigLoader SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-ConfigLoader-Environment SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-DefaultEnd SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-FillInForm SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-FormBuilder SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-FormCanary SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-FormValidator SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-FormValidator-Simple SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-HTML-Widget SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-I18N SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-LogWarnings SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-PageCache SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Params-Nested SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Pluggable SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Prototype SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Server SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-FastMmap SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-State-Cookie SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-State-URI SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-Cache SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-DBI SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-DBIC SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-Delegate SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-FastMmap SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-File SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-Memcached SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Setenv SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Singleton SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-StackTrace SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Static SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Static-Simple SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-SubRequest SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Textile SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Unicode SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Plugin-XMLRPC SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-Runtime SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-View-ClearSilver SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-View-Email SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-View-GraphViz SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-View-HTML-Template SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-View-HTML-Template-Compiled SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-View-JSON SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-View-Jemplate SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-View-Mason SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-View-TT SUBDIR += p5-Catalyst-View-TT-ControllerLocal SUBDIR += p5-Class-DBI-FromForm SUBDIR += p5-ClearSilver SUBDIR += p5-Compress-LeadingBlankSpaces SUBDIR += p5-DBIx-Class-HTMLWidget SUBDIR += p5-Data-TreeDumper-Renderer-DHTML SUBDIR += p5-FAQ-OMatic SUBDIR += p5-FCGI-Async SUBDIR += p5-FEAR-API SUBDIR += p5-FastCGI SUBDIR += p5-FastCGI-ProcManager SUBDIR += p5-Feed-Find SUBDIR += p5-File-Mork SUBDIR += p5-Flickr-API SUBDIR += p5-Flickr-Upload SUBDIR += p5-Gantry SUBDIR += p5-Geo-Caching SUBDIR += p5-Gungho SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Adsense SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Breadcrumbs SUBDIR += p5-HTML-CalendarMonthSimple SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Chunks SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Clean SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Diff SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Display SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Element-Extended SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Element-Library SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Embperl SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Encoding SUBDIR += p5-HTML-FillInForm SUBDIR += p5-HTML-FillInForm-ForceUTF8 SUBDIR += p5-HTML-FromANSI SUBDIR += p5-HTML-FromText SUBDIR += p5-HTML-LinkExtractor SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Lint SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Location SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Mason SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Pager SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Parser SUBDIR += p5-HTML-PrettyPrinter SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Prototype SUBDIR += p5-HTML-QuickCheck SUBDIR += p5-HTML-RSSAutodiscovery SUBDIR += p5-HTML-ResolveLink SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Sanitizer SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Scrubber SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Seamstress SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Selector-XPath SUBDIR += p5-HTML-SimpleLinkExtor SUBDIR += p5-HTML-SimpleParse SUBDIR += p5-HTML-StickyQuery SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Stream SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Strip SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Summary SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Table SUBDIR += p5-HTML-TableExtract SUBDIR += p5-HTML-TableLayout SUBDIR += p5-HTML-TableParser SUBDIR += p5-HTML-TableTiler SUBDIR += p5-HTML-TagCloud SUBDIR += p5-HTML-TagCloud-Extended SUBDIR += p5-HTML-TagParser SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Tagset SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Template SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Template-Associate SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Template-Compiled SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Template-Expr SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Template-HashWrapper SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Template-JIT SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Template-Pluggable SUBDIR += p5-HTML-TokeParser-Simple SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Tree SUBDIR += p5-HTML-TreeBuilder-XPath SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Webmake SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Widget SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Widget-DBIC SUBDIR += p5-HTML-Widgets-SelectLayers SUBDIR += p5-HTML-WikiConverter SUBDIR += p5-HTML-WikiConverter-DokuWiki SUBDIR += p5-HTML-WikiConverter-Kwiki SUBDIR += p5-HTML-WikiConverter-Markdown SUBDIR += p5-HTML-WikiConverter-MediaWiki SUBDIR += p5-HTML-WikiConverter-MoinMoin SUBDIR += p5-HTML-WikiConverter-Oddmuse SUBDIR += p5-HTML-WikiConverter-PbWiki SUBDIR += p5-HTML-WikiConverter-PhpWiki SUBDIR += p5-HTML-WikiConverter-PmWiki SUBDIR += p5-HTML-WikiConverter-SnipSnap SUBDIR += p5-HTML-WikiConverter-Socialtext SUBDIR += p5-HTML-WikiConverter-TikiWiki SUBDIR += p5-HTML-WikiConverter-UseMod SUBDIR += p5-HTML-WikiConverter-WakkaWiki SUBDIR += p5-HTML-WikiConverter-WikkaWiki SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Async SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Body SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-BrowserDetect SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Cache-Transparent SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Cookies-Mozilla SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Cookies-iCab SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Cookies-w3m SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-DAV SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-GHTTP SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Lite SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-MHTTP SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-MobileAgent SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Proxy SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Recorder SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Request-AsCGI SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Request-Params SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Response-Encoding SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Server-Simple SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Server-Simple-Mason SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Server-Simple-Recorder SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Server-Simple-Static SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-SimpleLinkChecker SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-Size SUBDIR += p5-HTTP-WebTest SUBDIR += p5-HTTPD-Log-Filter SUBDIR += p5-HTTPD-User-Manage SUBDIR += p5-Handel SUBDIR += p5-IMDB-Film SUBDIR += p5-IMDB-Movie SUBDIR += p5-Image-Delivery SUBDIR += p5-Jemplate SUBDIR += p5-Jifty SUBDIR += p5-Kwiki SUBDIR += p5-LWP-Authen-Wsse SUBDIR += p5-LWP-UserAgent-WithCache SUBDIR += p5-LWPx-ParanoidAgent SUBDIR += p5-MasonX-Interp-WithCallbacks SUBDIR += p5-MasonX-Profiler SUBDIR += p5-MasonX-Request-WithApacheSession SUBDIR += p5-MasonX-WebApp SUBDIR += p5-Maypole SUBDIR += p5-Maypole-Authentication-UserSessionCookie SUBDIR += p5-Maypole-Component SUBDIR += p5-MediaWiki SUBDIR += p5-Net-Akismet SUBDIR += p5-Net-Amazon-AWIS SUBDIR += p5-Net-Flickr-API SUBDIR += p5-Net-Flickr-Backup SUBDIR += p5-Net-Flickr-RDF SUBDIR += p5-Net-eBay SUBDIR += p5-Newsletter SUBDIR += p5-PHP-Session SUBDIR += p5-PLP SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-Client-HTTP SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-Client-UserAgent SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-Server-HTTP SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-Server-HTTPServer SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-Server-SOAP SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-Server-SimpleHTTP SUBDIR += p5-ParallelUA SUBDIR += p5-PodToHTML SUBDIR += p5-RT-Client-REST SUBDIR += p5-RTx-Statistics SUBDIR += p5-SCGI SUBDIR += p5-SRU SUBDIR += p5-SWF-Chart SUBDIR += p5-Sledge SUBDIR += p5-Sledge-Plugin-CacheContent SUBDIR += p5-Sledge-Plugin-Download SUBDIR += p5-Sledge-Plugin-Dumper SUBDIR += p5-Sledge-Plugin-HTML2HDML SUBDIR += p5-Sledge-Plugin-Log SUBDIR += p5-Sledge-Plugin-NoCache SUBDIR += p5-Sledge-Plugin-SaveUpload SUBDIR += p5-Sledge-Plugin-ScratchPad SUBDIR += p5-Sledge-Plugin-SessionAutoCleanup SUBDIR += p5-Sledge-Plugin-XSLT SUBDIR += p5-Sledge-SessionManager-CookieStore SUBDIR += p5-Sledge-Template-Expr SUBDIR += p5-Syntax-Highlight-HTML SUBDIR += p5-Syntax-Highlight-Shell SUBDIR += p5-Task-Catalyst SUBDIR += p5-Template-Alloy SUBDIR += p5-Template-GD SUBDIR += p5-Template-Iterator-AlzaboWrapperCursor SUBDIR += p5-Template-Multilingual SUBDIR += p5-Template-Plugin-Class SUBDIR += p5-Template-Plugin-Clickable SUBDIR += p5-Template-Plugin-Clickable-Email SUBDIR += p5-Template-Plugin-Comma SUBDIR += p5-Template-Plugin-FillInForm SUBDIR += p5-Template-Plugin-JSON SUBDIR += p5-Template-Plugin-JavaScript SUBDIR += p5-Template-Plugin-MP3 SUBDIR += p5-Template-Plugin-Markdown SUBDIR += p5-Template-Plugin-Monta SUBDIR += p5-Template-Plugin-Number-Format SUBDIR += p5-Template-Plugin-Subst SUBDIR += p5-Template-Plugin-VMethods SUBDIR += p5-Template-Provider-Encoding SUBDIR += p5-Template-Timer SUBDIR += p5-Template-Toolkit SUBDIR += p5-Test-HTTP-Server-Simple SUBDIR += p5-TestGen4Web-Runner SUBDIR += p5-Text-Markdown-ApacheHandler SUBDIR += p5-URI-Fetch SUBDIR += p5-URI-Sequin SUBDIR += p5-W3C-LinkChecker SUBDIR += p5-W3C-LogValidator SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Babelfish SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Baseball-NPB SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Comic SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Curl SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Dilbert SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Facebook-API SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Google-Calculator SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Google-News SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Google-News-TW SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Google-Notebook SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Google-PageRank SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Google-Video SUBDIR += p5-WWW-IMDb SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Link SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Mechanize SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Mechanize-FormFiller SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Mechanize-Pluggable SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Mechanize-Plugin-phpBB SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Mechanize-Shell SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Mediawiki-Client SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Mixi SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Myspace SUBDIR += p5-WWW-OpenSVN SUBDIR += p5-WWW-OpenSearch SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Robot SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Scraper-ISBN SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Scraper-ISBN-Amazon_Driver SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Scraper-ISBN-Driver SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Scraper-ISBN-ORA_Driver SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Scraper-ISBN-Record SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Search SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Search-AltaVista SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Search-Google SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Search-MSN SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Shorten SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Shorten-0rz SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Shorten-KUSO SUBDIR += p5-WWW-SourceForge SUBDIR += p5-WWW-TV SUBDIR += p5-WWW-TWSMS SUBDIR += p5-WWW-VenusEnvy SUBDIR += p5-WWW-WebArchive SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Wikipedia SUBDIR += p5-WWW-Yandex-TIC SUBDIR += p5-Web-Scraper SUBDIR += p5-WebService-Basecamp SUBDIR += p5-WebService-Bloglines SUBDIR += p5-WebService-BuzzurlAPI SUBDIR += p5-WebService-CIA SUBDIR += p5-WebService-ISBNDB SUBDIR += p5-WebService-NoPaste SUBDIR += p5-WebService-Technorati SUBDIR += p5-WebService-YouTube SUBDIR += p5-Xango SUBDIR += p5-Yahoo-Search SUBDIR += p5-chklinks SUBDIR += p5-libapreq SUBDIR += p5-libapreq-static SUBDIR += p5-libapreq2 SUBDIR += p5-libservlet SUBDIR += p5-libwww SUBDIR += p5-webservice-validator-css-w3c SUBDIR += p5-webservice-validator-html-w3c SUBDIR += paros SUBDIR += peacock SUBDIR += pear-HTML_AJAX SUBDIR += pear-HTTP SUBDIR += pear-HTTP_Client SUBDIR += pear-HTTP_Download SUBDIR += pear-HTTP_Header SUBDIR += pear-HTTP_Request SUBDIR += pear-HTTP_Server SUBDIR += pear-HTTP_Session SUBDIR += pear-HTTP_Upload SUBDIR += pear-Services_Delicious SUBDIR += pear-Services_Digg SUBDIR += pear-Services_W3C_HTMLValidator SUBDIR += pear-Text_Wiki SUBDIR += pear-UDDI SUBDIR += pecl-APC SUBDIR += pecl-amfext SUBDIR += pecl-mnogosearch SUBDIR += pecl-pecl_http SUBDIR += pecl-swish SUBDIR += pecl-tidy SUBDIR += perlbal SUBDIR += pglogd SUBDIR += photo_gallery SUBDIR += php-dyn SUBDIR += php-screw SUBDIR += php-templates SUBDIR += php4-mnogosearch SUBDIR += php4-session SUBDIR += php5-session SUBDIR += php5-tidy SUBDIR += phpSysInfo SUBDIR += phpadsnew SUBDIR += phpbb SUBDIR += phpbb-devel SUBDIR += phpgedview SUBDIR += phpmp SUBDIR += phpmyfaq SUBDIR += phprecipebook SUBDIR += phproxy SUBDIR += phpsurveyor SUBDIR += phpwebapp SUBDIR += phpwiki SUBDIR += phpwiki13 SUBDIR += pivot-weblog SUBDIR += planet SUBDIR += plone SUBDIR += plone3 SUBDIR += plugger SUBDIR += plugger-plugins-hubbe SUBDIR += pmwiki SUBDIR += pnews SUBDIR += podcastamatic SUBDIR += polipo SUBDIR += postnuke SUBDIR += pound SUBDIR += preferential SUBDIR += privoxy SUBDIR += privoxy+ipv6 SUBDIR += pserv SUBDIR += pubcookie-login-server SUBDIR += publicfile SUBDIR += pumperweb SUBDIR += punbb SUBDIR += pwebstats SUBDIR += py-HTMLgen SUBDIR += py-Lightbox SUBDIR += py-albatross SUBDIR += py-apachelog SUBDIR += py-beaker SUBDIR += py-beautifulsoup SUBDIR += py-cherrypy SUBDIR += py-cherrypy-old SUBDIR += py-clientform SUBDIR += py-cssutils SUBDIR += py-django SUBDIR += py-django-devel SUBDIR += py-ez_web SUBDIR += py-fcgi SUBDIR += py-feedfinder SUBDIR += py-flup SUBDIR += py-forgethtml SUBDIR += py-formencode SUBDIR += py-funkload SUBDIR += py-html5lib SUBDIR += py-httplib2 SUBDIR += py-imdbpy SUBDIR += py-jonpy SUBDIR += py-mechanize SUBDIR += py-meld SUBDIR += py-mt SUBDIR += py-nevow SUBDIR += py-openssl-proxy SUBDIR += py-paste SUBDIR += py-pastedeploy SUBDIR += py-pastescript SUBDIR += py-postmarkup SUBDIR += py-prewikka SUBDIR += py-pullparser SUBDIR += py-pylons SUBDIR += py-pysearch SUBDIR += py-qp SUBDIR += py-qpy SUBDIR += py-restclient SUBDIR += py-routes SUBDIR += py-scgi SUBDIR += py-scriptaculous SUBDIR += py-slimmer SUBDIR += py-tgwebservices SUBDIR += py-turbodjango SUBDIR += py-turbogears SUBDIR += py-turbosetup SUBDIR += py-twistedWeb SUBDIR += py-twistedWeb2 SUBDIR += py-urljr SUBDIR += py-utidy SUBDIR += py-webhelpers SUBDIR += py-webunit SUBDIR += py-webware SUBDIR += py-webware-component SUBDIR += py-wsgiref SUBDIR += pyblosxom SUBDIR += pyweblib SUBDIR += qdecoder SUBDIR += quickie SUBDIR += quixote SUBDIR += raqdevil SUBDIR += rejik SUBDIR += reportmagic SUBDIR += resin2 SUBDIR += resin3 SUBDIR += retawq SUBDIR += rnews SUBDIR += roundup SUBDIR += roxen SUBDIR += rssowl SUBDIR += rsstail SUBDIR += rsstool SUBDIR += rt2 SUBDIR += rt3 SUBDIR += rt32 SUBDIR += rt34 SUBDIR += rt36 SUBDIR += ruboard SUBDIR += ruby-amazon SUBDIR += ruby-asp SUBDIR += ruby-borges SUBDIR += ruby-cruisecontrolrb SUBDIR += ruby-div SUBDIR += ruby-fcgi SUBDIR += ruby-fcgiwrap SUBDIR += ruby-google SUBDIR += ruby-gtkhtml2 SUBDIR += ruby-gtkmozembed SUBDIR += ruby-http-access SUBDIR += ruby-nora SUBDIR += ruby-tmpl SUBDIR += rubygem-actionpack SUBDIR += rubygem-actionwebservice SUBDIR += rubygem-amazon-ecs SUBDIR += rubygem-bluecloth SUBDIR += rubygem-haml SUBDIR += rubygem-hpricot SUBDIR += rubygem-layout-yullio SUBDIR += rubygem-maruku SUBDIR += rubygem-mechanize SUBDIR += rubygem-mongrel SUBDIR += rubygem-mongrel_cluster SUBDIR += rubygem-rack SUBDIR += rubygem-rails SUBDIR += rubygem-rails-app-installer SUBDIR += rubygem-redcloth SUBDIR += rubygem-rubyfulsoup SUBDIR += rubygem-scrapi SUBDIR += rubygem-scrubyt SUBDIR += rubygem-staticmatic SUBDIR += rubygem-taggable SUBDIR += sams SUBDIR += sarg SUBDIR += sbox-dtc SUBDIR += scloader SUBDIR += scout SUBDIR += screem SUBDIR += script4rss SUBDIR += seamonkey SUBDIR += selenium SUBDIR += serendipity SUBDIR += serendipity-devel SUBDIR += servlet-api SUBDIR += session2 SUBDIR += shttpd SUBDIR += sidplug SUBDIR += simplog SUBDIR += sitebar SUBDIR += sitecopy SUBDIR += siteframe SUBDIR += skytemplate SUBDIR += slash SUBDIR += smarty SUBDIR += smb2www SUBDIR += smb_auth SUBDIR += snarf SUBDIR += snownews SUBDIR += spip SUBDIR += spreadlogd SUBDIR += sqstat SUBDIR += squid SUBDIR += squid30 SUBDIR += squid_radius_auth SUBDIR += squidclients SUBDIR += squidguard SUBDIR += squidpurge SUBDIR += squidtimes SUBDIR += squidview SUBDIR += squirm SUBDIR += squishdot SUBDIR += srg SUBDIR += ssserver SUBDIR += suphp SUBDIR += surfraw SUBDIR += swfdec-plugin SUBDIR += swiggle SUBDIR += swish++ SUBDIR += swish-e SUBDIR += syndigator SUBDIR += tclhttpd SUBDIR += tclwebtest SUBDIR += tdiary SUBDIR += tdiary-devel SUBDIR += tdom SUBDIR += template_ SUBDIR += templatelite SUBDIR += textpattern SUBDIR += thttpd SUBDIR += thttpd-st SUBDIR += thumbnail_index SUBDIR += tidy SUBDIR += tidy-devel SUBDIR += tidy-lib SUBDIR += tikiwiki SUBDIR += tinymce SUBDIR += tinyproxy SUBDIR += tomcat41 SUBDIR += tomcat55 SUBDIR += tomcat6 SUBDIR += trac SUBDIR += trac-accountmanager SUBDIR += trac-addcomment SUBDIR += trac-blog SUBDIR += trac-bzr SUBDIR += trac-calendar SUBDIR += trac-codetags SUBDIR += trac-ctxtnavadd SUBDIR += trac-down SUBDIR += trac-email2trac SUBDIR += trac-gantt SUBDIR += trac-hierwiki SUBDIR += trac-iniadmin SUBDIR += trac-ldap SUBDIR += trac-macropost SUBDIR += trac-mastertickets SUBDIR += trac-nav SUBDIR += trac-pagelist SUBDIR += trac-pagetopdf SUBDIR += trac-pendingticket SUBDIR += trac-privatetickets SUBDIR += trac-remind SUBDIR += trac-restrictedarea SUBDIR += trac-robotstxt SUBDIR += trac-simpleticket SUBDIR += trac-spam-filter SUBDIR += trac-tags SUBDIR += trac-ticketdelete SUBDIR += trac-tocmacro SUBDIR += trac-wantedpages SUBDIR += trac-webadmin SUBDIR += trac-wikinegotiator SUBDIR += trac-wikinotification SUBDIR += trac-wikirename SUBDIR += trac-wikitemplates SUBDIR += trac-xmlrpc SUBDIR += transproxy SUBDIR += twhttpd SUBDIR += twig SUBDIR += twiki SUBDIR += typo SUBDIR += typo3 SUBDIR += udmsearch SUBDIR += ump SUBDIR += usermanager SUBDIR += validator SUBDIR += varnish SUBDIR += vee SUBDIR += visitors SUBDIR += vtiger SUBDIR += vtiger-customerportal SUBDIR += vtiger4 SUBDIR += w3-4 SUBDIR += w3m SUBDIR += w3m-img SUBDIR += w3m-m17n SUBDIR += w3m-m17n-img SUBDIR += w3mir SUBDIR += waccess SUBDIR += wacko SUBDIR += wb0 SUBDIR += wcol SUBDIR += web-traceroute SUBDIR += web2ldap SUBDIR += webalizer SUBDIR += webcalendar SUBDIR += webcheck SUBDIR += webcopy SUBDIR += webcrawl SUBDIR += webfs SUBDIR += webglimpse SUBDIR += webinject SUBDIR += weblint SUBDIR += weblint++ SUBDIR += webredirect SUBDIR += webreport SUBDIR += webresolve SUBDIR += webserver SUBDIR += websh SUBDIR += webstats SUBDIR += webstone SUBDIR += webstone-ssl SUBDIR += wget4web SUBDIR += wikicalc SUBDIR += wikindx SUBDIR += wiliki SUBDIR += winhelpcgi SUBDIR += wml SUBDIR += wnews SUBDIR += wordpress SUBDIR += wordpress-mu SUBDIR += wsdlpull SUBDIR += wsmake SUBDIR += www6to4 SUBDIR += wwwcount SUBDIR += wwwoffle SUBDIR += wwwstat SUBDIR += wyvern SUBDIR += xaraya SUBDIR += xcache SUBDIR += xfce4-smartbookmark-plugin SUBDIR += xist SUBDIR += xitami SUBDIR += xpath2rss SUBDIR += xpi-adblock SUBDIR += xpi-adblock_plus SUBDIR += xpi-autobrowse SUBDIR += xpi-bookmarkdd SUBDIR += xpi-clearfields SUBDIR += xpi-colorfultabs SUBDIR += xpi-cssviewer SUBDIR += xpi-customizegoogle SUBDIR += xpi-cutemenus-crystalsvg SUBDIR += xpi-delicious SUBDIR += xpi-downthemall SUBDIR += xpi-errorzilla SUBDIR += xpi-fasterfox SUBDIR += xpi-firebug SUBDIR += xpi-firefox-showcase SUBDIR += xpi-fission SUBDIR += xpi-flashblock SUBDIR += xpi-flashgot SUBDIR += xpi-flatbmark SUBDIR += xpi-forecastfox SUBDIR += xpi-formfox SUBDIR += xpi-foxmarks SUBDIR += xpi-gbrain SUBDIR += xpi-gmail-manager SUBDIR += xpi-google-notebook SUBDIR += xpi-greasemonkey SUBDIR += xpi-hit-a-hint SUBDIR += xpi-imagezoom SUBDIR += xpi-imdbpreview SUBDIR += xpi-imglikeopera SUBDIR += xpi-infolister SUBDIR += xpi-informenter SUBDIR += xpi-inline-google-definitions SUBDIR += xpi-joga SUBDIR += xpi-jsview SUBDIR += xpi-linkification SUBDIR += xpi-locale-switcher SUBDIR += xpi-mldonkey SUBDIR += xpi-mousegestures SUBDIR += xpi-mozex SUBDIR += xpi-mrtech-local-install SUBDIR += xpi-no-referrer SUBDIR += xpi-noscript SUBDIR += xpi-num2web SUBDIR += xpi-pdf_download SUBDIR += xpi-preferential SUBDIR += xpi-quick-locale-switcher SUBDIR += xpi-quickproxy SUBDIR += xpi-resurrectpages SUBDIR += xpi-sameplace SUBDIR += xpi-savegenpage SUBDIR += xpi-scrapbook SUBDIR += xpi-searchstatus SUBDIR += xpi-server_switcher SUBDIR += xpi-sessionmanager SUBDIR += xpi-statusbarclock SUBDIR += xpi-stumbleupon SUBDIR += xpi-stylish SUBDIR += xpi-surfkeys SUBDIR += xpi-tabletools SUBDIR += xpi-tabmixplus SUBDIR += xpi-togglewordwrap SUBDIR += xpi-unplug SUBDIR += xpi-urllink SUBDIR += xpi-videodownloader SUBDIR += xpi-vimperator SUBDIR += xpi-web_developer SUBDIR += xpi-wmlbrowser SUBDIR += xpi-xmpp4moz SUBDIR += xpi-xpcom-component-viewer SUBDIR += xshttpd SUBDIR += xshttpd-devel SUBDIR += xulrunner SUBDIR += yabb SUBDIR += yaws SUBDIR += youtube_dl SUBDIR += zend-framework SUBDIR += zerowait-httpd SUBDIR += ziproxy SUBDIR += znavigator SUBDIR += zope SUBDIR += zope-FileSystemSite SUBDIR += zope-annotations SUBDIR += zope-archetypes SUBDIR += zope-btreefolder2 SUBDIR += zope-calendaring SUBDIR += zope-cmf SUBDIR += zope-cmfactionicons SUBDIR += zope-cmfformcontroller SUBDIR += zope-cmfforum SUBDIR += zope-cmfphoto SUBDIR += zope-cmfphotoalbum SUBDIR += zope-cmfquickinstaller SUBDIR += zope-coreblog SUBDIR += zope-coreblog2 SUBDIR += zope-epoz SUBDIR += zope-exuserfolder SUBDIR += zope-formulator SUBDIR += zope-generator SUBDIR += zope-groupuserfolder SUBDIR += zope-guf SUBDIR += zope-i18nlayer SUBDIR += zope-kupu SUBDIR += zope-mimetypesregistry SUBDIR += zope-mindmapbbs SUBDIR += zope-mysqluserfolder SUBDIR += zope-parsedxml SUBDIR += zope-placelesstranslationservice SUBDIR += zope-plonelanguagetool SUBDIR += zope-portaltransforms SUBDIR += zope-proxyindex SUBDIR += zope-silva SUBDIR += zope-silvaviews SUBDIR += zope-simpleblog SUBDIR += zope-ttwtype SUBDIR += zope-validation SUBDIR += zope-xmlmethods SUBDIR += zope-xmlwidgets SUBDIR += zope-zmysqlda SUBDIR += zope-zsyncer SUBDIR += zope-zwiki SUBDIR += zope210 SUBDIR += zope28 SUBDIR += zope29 SUBDIR += zope3 .include