bk2site will transform your Netscape bookmarks file into a yahoo-like website with slashdot-like news. Its goal is to enable the user to establish zero- maintenance high-value (small) websites. * Includes hit-counter and display feature (see which URLs are popular). * Includes integrated cgi-bin search.pl program. * Nice-looking output. * Powerful customization. * Inserts navigation information into the top of each page. * Puts a "new" icon next to new entries. * Supports any other icon(s) (e.g., cool.gif, hot.gif) you might want to show. * Puts New Additions on the front page. * Puts News Items on the front page. * Supports URL and directory aliases. * Use PRIVATE keyword to keep some URLs/folders from appearing. * You can use it to automatically generate almost any sort of structured text file, such as a My.Netscape channel * (see mynetscapebase.rdf), an email newsletter, etc. * It can also download (http) other people's channels (RSS files) and display their contents in the generated web pages. WWW: http://bk2site.sourceforge.net/