*** bin/bric_pgimport.orig Tue Jun 8 22:22:34 2004 --- bin/bric_pgimport Wed Aug 18 18:00:40 2004 *************** *** 35,41 **** The directory with the Subversion SQL files. Defaults to lib subdirectory of BRICOLAGE_ROOT environment variable, which itself defaults to ! F. =item -u --- 35,41 ---- The directory with the Subversion SQL files. Defaults to lib subdirectory of BRICOLAGE_ROOT environment variable, which itself defaults to ! F<%%SQLDIR%%>. =item -u *************** *** 189,198 **** if ($opt_w) { # Add on the location of the SQL. ! $opt_w = catdir($opt_w, 'sql', DBD); } else { ! $ENV{BRICOLAGE_ROOT} ||= '/usr/local/bricolage'; ! $opt_w = catdir($ENV{BRICOLAGE_ROOT}, 'sql', DBD); } # Print a usage message unless all required args are included or if -h has --- 189,198 ---- if ($opt_w) { # Add on the location of the SQL. ! $opt_w = catdir($opt_w); } else { ! $ENV{BRICOLAGE_ROOT} ||= '%%SQLDIR%%'; ! $opt_w = catdir($ENV{BRICOLAGE_ROOT}); } # Print a usage message unless all required args are included or if -h has *************** *** 252,258 **** This should work if psql is in your path. -w The directory with the Subversion SQL files. Defaults to lib subdirectory of BRICOLAGE_ROOT environment variable, which itself defaults to ! /usr/local/bricolage. -u Database user login. Defaults to PGUSER environment variable. -p Database user password. Defaults to PGPASSWORD environment variable. -d Database name. Defaults to PGDATABASE environment variable. --- 252,258 ---- This should work if psql is in your path. -w The directory with the Subversion SQL files. Defaults to lib subdirectory of BRICOLAGE_ROOT environment variable, which itself defaults to ! %%SQLDIR%%. -u Database user login. Defaults to PGUSER environment variable. -p Database user password. Defaults to PGPASSWORD environment variable. -d Database name. Defaults to PGDATABASE environment variable.