********************************************************************* Sample %%PREFIX%%/etc/apache22/Includes/pivotx.conf for the module version of PHP: Alias /%%BLOGURL%% "%%WWWDIR%%" AddType application/x-httpd-php .php DirectoryIndex index.php Options SymLinksIfOwnerMatch AllowOverride Indexes FileInfo Limit Order Deny,Allow Deny from All Allow from localhost ### Change above ACL properly after adding the first user. Order Deny,Allow Deny from all Allow from localhost ### Change above ACL properly for loginable users. Adding the above alias allows you to access the admin page at http://localhost/%%BLOGURL%%/pivotx/ Use usernames that are hard to guess. %%EXAMPLESDIR%%/example.htaccess is a sample .htaccess for %%WWWDIR%%. Setting date.timezone of %%PREFIX%%/etc/php.ini in POSIX style may ease your life. To use MySQL, connect to the MySQL server and create a database, for example "pivotx", with CREATE DATABASE pivotx DEFAULT CHARSET utf8 DEFAULT COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci; and specify preferences on the page of adding the first user, or on http://localhost/%%BLOGURL%%/pivotx/index.php?page=configuration#section-2 See http://book.pivotx.net/ and http://forum.pivotx.net/ to continue the setup. *********************************************************************