[ from the website ] Introduction ============ FormAlchemy greatly speeds development with SQLAlchemy mapped classes (models) in a HTML forms environment. FormAlchemy eliminates boilerplate by autogenerating HTML input fields from a given model. FormAlchemy will try to figure out what kind of HTML code should be returned by introspecting the model's properties and generate ready-to-use HTML code that will fit the developer's application. Of course, FormAlchemy can't figure out everything, i.e, the developer might want to display only a few columns from the given model. Thus, FormAlchemy is also highly customizable. Features ======== - Generates HTML form fields and tables from SQLAlchemy mapped classes or manually added Fields - Works with declarative or classic mapper definitions - Render and edits single objects or collections (grids) - Handles object relationships (including many-to-many), not just simple data types - Synonym support - Composite and custom type support - Supports all composite primary keys and most CFKs - Pre-fills input fields with current or default value - Highly customizable HTML output - Validates input and displays errors in-line - Syncs model instances with input data - Easy-to-use, extensible API - SQLAlchemy 0.4 (0.4.5 or later) and 0.5 compatible Limitations =========== - Currently, only handles composite foreign keys of primitive Python types WWW: http://code.google.com/p/formalchemy/