# New ports collection makefile for: xpi-firebug # Date created: 10 Otcober 2010 # Whom: Lapo Luchini # # $FreeBSD$ # PORTNAME= tagzilla PORTVERSION= 0.066.2 CATEGORIES= www MASTER_SITES= http://downloads.mozdev.org/xsidebar/mods/ # Origin: http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?p=8467965#p8467965 MAINTAINER= lapo@lapo.it COMMENT= Lets you add a tagline to the end of an email or newsgroup posting RUN_DEPENDS= ${LOCALBASE}/lib/xpi/{DF8E5247-8E0A-4de6-B393-0735A39DFD80}/install.rdf:${PORTSDIR}/www/xpi-jslib LICENSE= MPL # also "GPL" but doesn't specify version and doesn't contain license text FETCH_ARGS= "-pRr" # without "-A" as MASTER_SITE uses redirect to send to different mirrors XPI_ID= {4eac6fec-f68b-4797-be7a-ffeea73e1495} XPI_FILES= chrome/tagzilla.jar chrome.manifest components/tzprefs-service.js defaults/preferences/tagzilla_prefs.js install.js install.rdf release-notes.txt translator.credits.txt XPI_DIRS= chrome components defaults/preferences defaults .include "${.CURDIR}/../xpi-adblock/Makefile.xpi" .include