# $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= oxygen-icons5 DISTVERSION= ${KDE_FRAMEWORKS_VERSION} PORTREVISION= 1 CATEGORIES= x11-themes kde kde-frameworks MAINTAINER= kde@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= The Oxygen icon theme for KDE USES= cmake kde:5 qt:5 tar:xz USE_KDE= ecm_build # We only install icons. # The qmake dependency is only needed so that kf5-e-c-m can query qmake for # some installation directories. # We explicitly prevent it from looking for qt5-core and specify qmake's path # to avoid needlessly depending on qt5-core; we're just installing a ton of # icon files and do not even use the paths queried from qmake. USE_QT= qmake_build CMAKE_ARGS= -DCMAKE_DISABLE_FIND_PACKAGE_Qt5Core=TRUE \ -DQMAKE_EXECUTABLE:PATH=${QMAKE} NO_ARCH= yes CONFLICTS_INSTALL= kde4-oxygen-icons-* .include