path: root/contrib/llvm-project/lldb/source/Plugins/Process/Utility/MipsLinuxSignals.cpp
blob: fb51c56953f8574a57eaeeb484d0941242debb2b (plain) (tree)





//===-- MipsLinuxSignals.cpp ----------------------------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception

#include "MipsLinuxSignals.h"

using namespace lldb_private;

MipsLinuxSignals::MipsLinuxSignals() : UnixSignals() { Reset(); }

void MipsLinuxSignals::Reset() {
  // clang-format off
  //        ======  ==============  ========  ======  ======  ===================================================
  AddSignal(1, "SIGHUP",            false,    true,   true,   "hangup");
  AddSignal(2, "SIGINT",            true,     true,   true,   "interrupt");
  AddSignal(3, "SIGQUIT",           false,    true,   true,   "quit");
  AddSignal(4, "SIGILL",            false,    true,   true,   "illegal instruction");
  AddSignal(5, "SIGTRAP",           true,     true,   true,   "trace trap (not reset when caught)");
  AddSignal(6, "SIGABRT",           false,    true,   true,   "abort()/IOT trap", "SIGIOT");
  AddSignal(7, "SIGEMT",            false,    true,   true,   "terminate process with core dump");
  AddSignal(8, "SIGFPE",            false,    true,   true,   "floating point exception");
  AddSignal(9, "SIGKILL",           false,    true,   true,   "kill");
  AddSignal(10, "SIGBUS",           false,    true,   true,   "bus error");
  AddSignal(11, "SIGSEGV",          false,    true,   true,   "segmentation violation");
  AddSignal(12, "SIGSYS",           false,    true,   true,   "invalid system call");
  AddSignal(13, "SIGPIPE",          false,    true,   true,   "write to pipe with reading end closed");
  AddSignal(14, "SIGALRM",          false,    false,  false,  "alarm");
  AddSignal(15, "SIGTERM",          false,    true,   true,   "termination requested");
  AddSignal(16, "SIGUSR1",          false,    true,   true,   "user defined signal 1");
  AddSignal(17, "SIGUSR2",          false,    true,   true,   "user defined signal 2");
  AddSignal(18, "SIGCHLD",          false,    false,  true,   "child status has changed", "SIGCLD");
  AddSignal(19, "SIGPWR",           false,    true,   true,   "power failure");
  AddSignal(20, "SIGWINCH",         false,    true,   true,   "window size changes");
  AddSignal(21, "SIGURG",           false,    true,   true,   "urgent data on socket");
  AddSignal(22, "SIGIO",            false,    true,   true,   "input/output ready/Pollable event", "SIGPOLL");
  AddSignal(23, "SIGSTOP",          true,     true,   true,   "process stop");
  AddSignal(24, "SIGTSTP",          false,    true,   true,   "tty stop");
  AddSignal(25, "SIGCONT",          false,    false,  true,   "process continue");
  AddSignal(26, "SIGTTIN",          false,    true,   true,   "background tty read");
  AddSignal(27, "SIGTTOU",          false,    true,   true,   "background tty write");
  AddSignal(28, "SIGVTALRM",        false,    true,   true,   "virtual time alarm");
  AddSignal(29, "SIGPROF",          false,    false,  false,  "profiling time alarm");
  AddSignal(30, "SIGXCPU",          false,    true,   true,   "CPU resource exceeded");
  AddSignal(31, "SIGXFSZ",          false,    true,   true,   "file size limit exceeded");
  AddSignal(32, "SIG32",            false,    false,  false,  "threading library internal signal 1");
  AddSignal(33, "SIG33",            false,    false,  false,  "threading library internal signal 2");
  AddSignal(34, "SIGRTMIN",         false,    false,  false,  "real time signal 0");
  AddSignal(35, "SIGRTMIN+1",       false,    false,  false,  "real time signal 1");
  AddSignal(36, "SIGRTMIN+2",       false,    false,  false,  "real time signal 2");
  AddSignal(37, "SIGRTMIN+3",       false,    false,  false,  "real time signal 3");
  AddSignal(38, "SIGRTMIN+4",       false,    false,  false,  "real time signal 4");
  AddSignal(39, "SIGRTMIN+5",       false,    false,  false,  "real time signal 5");
  AddSignal(40, "SIGRTMIN+6",       false,    false,  false,  "real time signal 6");
  AddSignal(41, "SIGRTMIN+7",       false,    false,  false,  "real time signal 7");
  AddSignal(42, "SIGRTMIN+8",       false,    false,  false,  "real time signal 8");
  AddSignal(43, "SIGRTMIN+9",       false,    false,  false,  "real time signal 9");
  AddSignal(44, "SIGRTMIN+10",      false,    false,  false,  "real time signal 10");
  AddSignal(45, "SIGRTMIN+11",      false,    false,  false,  "real time signal 11");
  AddSignal(46, "SIGRTMIN+12",      false,    false,  false,  "real time signal 12");
  AddSignal(47, "SIGRTMIN+13",      false,    false,  false,  "real time signal 13");
  AddSignal(48, "SIGRTMIN+14",      false,    false,  false,  "real time signal 14");
  AddSignal(49, "SIGRTMIN+15",      false,    false,  false,  "real time signal 15");
  AddSignal(50, "SIGRTMAX-14",      false,    false,  false,  "real time signal 16"); // switching to SIGRTMAX-xxx to match "kill -l" output
  AddSignal(51, "SIGRTMAX-13",      false,    false,  false,  "real time signal 17");
  AddSignal(52, "SIGRTMAX-12",      false,    false,  false,  "real time signal 18");
  AddSignal(53, "SIGRTMAX-11",      false,    false,  false,  "real time signal 19");
  AddSignal(54, "SIGRTMAX-10",      false,    false,  false,  "real time signal 20");
  AddSignal(55, "SIGRTMAX-9",       false,    false,  false,  "real time signal 21");
  AddSignal(56, "SIGRTMAX-8",       false,    false,  false,  "real time signal 22");
  AddSignal(57, "SIGRTMAX-7",       false,    false,  false,  "real time signal 23");
  AddSignal(58, "SIGRTMAX-6",       false,    false,  false,  "real time signal 24");
  AddSignal(59, "SIGRTMAX-5",       false,    false,  false,  "real time signal 25");
  AddSignal(60, "SIGRTMAX-4",       false,    false,  false,  "real time signal 26");
  AddSignal(61, "SIGRTMAX-3",       false,    false,  false,  "real time signal 27");
  AddSignal(62, "SIGRTMAX-2",       false,    false,  false,  "real time signal 28");
  AddSignal(63, "SIGRTMAX-1",       false,    false,  false,  "real time signal 29");
  AddSignal(64, "SIGRTMAX",         false,    false,  false,  "real time signal 30");
  // clang-format on