path: root/tools/lldb-mi/MICmnLLDBDebugSessionInfo.h
blob: e2463f1c89cadb1839940d123eb2b0db29999f37 (plain) (tree)

















//===-- MICmnLLDBDebugSessionInfo.h -----------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.

// File:        MICmnLLDBDebugSessionInfo.h
// Overview:    CMICmnLLDBDebugSessionInfo interface.
// Environment: Compilers:  Visual C++ 12.
//                          gcc (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.8.1-10ubuntu9) 4.8.1
//              Libraries:  See MIReadmetxt.
// Copyright:   None.

#pragma once

// Third party headers:
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <lldb/API/SBDebugger.h>
#include <lldb/API/SBListener.h>
#include <lldb/API/SBProcess.h>
#include <lldb/API/SBTarget.h>

// In-house headers:
#include "MICmnBase.h"
#include "MIUtilSingletonBase.h"
#include "MICmnLLDBDebugSessionInfoVarObj.h"
#include "MICmnMIValueTuple.h"
#include "MIUtilMapIdToVariant.h"

// Declarations:
class CMICmnLLDBDebugger;
struct SMICmdData;
class CMICmnMIValueTuple;
class CMICmnMIValueList;

//++ ============================================================================
// Details: MI debug session object that holds debugging information between
//          instances of MI commands executing their work and producing MI
//          result records. Information/data is set by one or many commands then
//          retrieved by the same or other sebsequent commands.
//          It primarily to hold LLDB type objects.
//          A singleton class.
// Gotchas: None.
// Authors: Illya Rudkin 04/03/2014.
// Changes: None.
class CMICmnLLDBDebugSessionInfo : public CMICmnBase, public MI::ISingleton<CMICmnLLDBDebugSessionInfo>
    friend class MI::ISingleton<CMICmnLLDBDebugSessionInfo>;

    // Structs:
    //++ ============================================================================
    // Details: Break point information object. Used to easily pass information about
    //          a break around and record break point information to be recalled by
    //          other commands or LLDB event handling functions.
    struct SBrkPtInfo
            : m_id(0)
            , m_bDisp(false)
            , m_bEnabled(false)
            , m_pc(0)
            , m_nLine(0)
            , m_bHaveArgOptionThreadGrp(false)
            , m_nTimes(0)
            , m_bPending(false)
            , m_nIgnore(0)
            , m_bCondition(false)
            , m_bBrkPtThreadId(false)
            , m_nBrkPtThreadId(0)

        MIuint m_id;                    // LLDB break point ID.
        CMIUtilString m_strType;        // Break point type.
        bool m_bDisp;                   // True = "del", false = "keep".
        bool m_bEnabled;                // True = enabled, false = disabled break point.
        MIuint m_pc;                    // Address number.
        CMIUtilString m_fnName;         // Function name.
        CMIUtilString m_fileName;       // File name text.
        CMIUtilString m_path;           // Full file name and path text.
        MIuint m_nLine;                 // File line number.
        bool m_bHaveArgOptionThreadGrp; // True = include MI field, false = do not include "thread-groups".
        CMIUtilString m_strOptThrdGrp;  // Thread group number.
        MIuint m_nTimes;                // The count of the breakpoint existence.
        CMIUtilString m_strOrigLoc;     // The name of the break point.
        bool m_bPending;                // True = the breakpoint has not been established yet, false = location found
        MIuint m_nIgnore;               // The number of time the breakpoint is run over before it is stopped on a hit
        bool m_bCondition;              // True = break point is conditional, use condition expression, false = no condition
        CMIUtilString m_strCondition;   // Break point condition expression
        bool m_bBrkPtThreadId;          // True = break point is specified to work with a specific thread, false = no specified thread given
        MIuint m_nBrkPtThreadId;        // Restrict the breakpoint to the specified thread-id

    // Enumerations:
    //++ ===================================================================
    // Details: The type of variable used by MIResponseFormVariableInfo family functions.
    enum VariableType_e
        eVariableType_InScope   = (1u << 0), // In scope only.
        eVariableType_Statics   = (1u << 1), // Statics.
        eVariableType_Locals    = (1u << 2), // Locals.
        eVariableType_Arguments = (1u << 3)  // Arguments.

    // Typedefs:
    typedef std::vector<uint32_t> VecActiveThreadId_t;

    // Methods:
    bool Initialize(void);
    bool Shutdown(void);

    // Variant type data which can be assigned and retrieved across all command instances
    template <typename T> bool SharedDataAdd(const CMIUtilString &vKey, const T &vData);
    template <typename T> bool SharedDataRetrieve(const CMIUtilString &vKey, T &vwData);
    bool SharedDataDestroy(void);

    //  Common command required functionality
    bool AccessPath(const CMIUtilString &vPath, bool &vwbYesAccessible);
    bool GetFrameInfo(const lldb::SBFrame &vrFrame, lldb::addr_t &vwPc, CMIUtilString &vwFnName, CMIUtilString &vwFileName,
                      CMIUtilString &vwPath, MIuint &vwnLine);
    bool GetThreadFrames(const SMICmdData &vCmdData, const MIuint vThreadIdx, CMIUtilString &vwrThreadFrames);
    bool GetThreadFrames2(const SMICmdData &vCmdData, const MIuint vThreadIdx, CMIUtilString &vwrThreadFrames);
    bool ResolvePath(const SMICmdData &vCmdData, const CMIUtilString &vPath, CMIUtilString &vwrResolvedPath);
    bool ResolvePath(const CMIUtilString &vstrUnknown, CMIUtilString &vwrResolvedPath);
    bool MIResponseFormFrameInfo(const lldb::SBThread &vrThread, const MIuint vnLevel, CMICmnMIValueTuple &vwrMiValueTuple);
    bool MIResponseFormFrameInfo(const lldb::addr_t vPc, const CMIUtilString &vFnName, const CMIUtilString &vFileName,
                                 const CMIUtilString &vPath, const MIuint vnLine, CMICmnMIValueTuple &vwrMiValueTuple);
    bool MIResponseFormFrameInfo2(const lldb::addr_t vPc, const CMIUtilString &vArgInfo, const CMIUtilString &vFnName,
                                  const CMIUtilString &vFileName, const CMIUtilString &vPath, const MIuint vnLine,
                                  CMICmnMIValueTuple &vwrMiValueTuple);
    bool MIResponseFormThreadInfo(const SMICmdData &vCmdData, const lldb::SBThread &vrThread, CMICmnMIValueTuple &vwrMIValueTuple);
    bool MIResponseFormThreadInfo2(const SMICmdData &vCmdData, const lldb::SBThread &vrThread, CMICmnMIValueTuple &vwrMIValueTuple);
    bool MIResponseFormThreadInfo3(const SMICmdData &vCmdData, const lldb::SBThread &vrThread, CMICmnMIValueTuple &vwrMIValueTuple);
    bool MIResponseFormVariableInfo(const lldb::SBFrame &vrFrame, const MIuint vMaskVarTypes, CMICmnMIValueList &vwrMiValueList);
    bool MIResponseFormVariableInfo2(const lldb::SBFrame &vrFrame, const MIuint vMaskVarTypes, CMICmnMIValueList &vwrMiValueList);
    bool MIResponseFormVariableInfo3(const lldb::SBFrame &vrFrame, const MIuint vMaskVarTypes, CMICmnMIValueList &vwrMiValueList);
    bool MIResponseFormBrkPtFrameInfo(const SBrkPtInfo &vrBrkPtInfo, CMICmnMIValueTuple &vwrMiValueTuple);
    bool MIResponseFormBrkPtInfo(const SBrkPtInfo &vrBrkPtInfo, CMICmnMIValueTuple &vwrMiValueTuple);
    bool GetBrkPtInfo(const lldb::SBBreakpoint &vBrkPt, SBrkPtInfo &vrwBrkPtInfo) const;
    bool RecordBrkPtInfo(const MIuint vnBrkPtId, const SBrkPtInfo &vrBrkPtInfo);
    bool RecordBrkPtInfoGet(const MIuint vnBrkPtId, SBrkPtInfo &vrwBrkPtInfo) const;
    bool RecordBrkPtInfoDelete(const MIuint vnBrkPtId);

    // Attributes:
    // The following are available to all command instances
    lldb::SBDebugger &m_rLldbDebugger;
    lldb::SBListener &m_rLlldbListener;
    lldb::SBTarget m_lldbTarget;
    lldb::SBProcess m_lldbProcess;
    const MIuint m_nBrkPointCntMax;
    VecActiveThreadId_t m_vecActiveThreadId;
    lldb::tid_t m_currentSelectedThread;

    // These are keys that can be used to access the shared data map
    // Note: This list is expected to grow and will be moved and abstracted in the future.
    const CMIUtilString m_constStrSharedDataKeyWkDir;
    const CMIUtilString m_constStrSharedDataSolibPath;

    // Typedefs:
    typedef std::vector<CMICmnLLDBDebugSessionInfoVarObj> VecVarObj_t;
    typedef std::map<MIuint, SBrkPtInfo> MapBrkPtIdToBrkPtInfo_t;
    typedef std::pair<MIuint, SBrkPtInfo> MapPairBrkPtIdToBrkPtInfo_t;

    // Methods:
    /* ctor */ CMICmnLLDBDebugSessionInfo(void);
    /* ctor */ CMICmnLLDBDebugSessionInfo(const CMICmnLLDBDebugSessionInfo &);
    void operator=(const CMICmnLLDBDebugSessionInfo &);
    bool GetVariableInfo(const MIuint vnMaxDepth, const lldb::SBValue &vrValue, const bool vbIsChildValue,
                         CMICmnMIValueList &vwrMiValueList, MIuint &vrwnDepth);
    bool GetVariableInfo2(const MIuint vnMaxDepth, const lldb::SBValue &vrValue, const bool vbIsChildValue,
                          CMICmnMIValueList &vwrMiValueList, MIuint &vrwnDepth);

    // Overridden:
    // From CMICmnBase
    /* dtor */ virtual ~CMICmnLLDBDebugSessionInfo(void);

    // Attributes:
    CMIUtilMapIdToVariant m_mapIdToSessionData; // Hold and retrieve key to value data available across all commands
    VecVarObj_t m_vecVarObj;                    // Vector of session variable objects
    MapBrkPtIdToBrkPtInfo_t m_mapBrkPtIdToBrkPtInfo;

//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Details: Command instances can create and share data between other instances of commands.
//          This function adds new data to the shared data. Using the same ID more than
//          once replaces any previous matching data keys.
// Type:    Template method.
// Args:    T       - The type of the object to be stored.
//          vKey    - (R) A non empty unique data key to retrieve the data by.
//          vData   - (R) Data to be added to the share.
// Return:  MIstatus::success - Functional succeeded.
//          MIstatus::failure - Functional failed.
// Throws:  None.
template <typename T>
CMICmnLLDBDebugSessionInfo::SharedDataAdd(const CMIUtilString &vKey, const T &vData)
    if (!m_mapIdToSessionData.Add<T>(vKey, vData))
        return MIstatus::failure;

    return MIstatus::success;

//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Details: Command instances can create and share data between other instances of commands.
//          This function retrieves data from the shared data container.
// Type:    Method.
// Args:    T     - The type of the object being retrieved.
//          vKey  - (R) A non empty unique data key to retrieve the data by.
//          vData - (W) The data.
// Return:  bool  - True = data found, false = data not found or an error occurred trying to fetch.
// Throws:  None.
template <typename T>
CMICmnLLDBDebugSessionInfo::SharedDataRetrieve(const CMIUtilString &vKey, T &vwData)
    bool bDataFound = false;

    if (!m_mapIdToSessionData.Get<T>(vKey, vwData, bDataFound))
        return MIstatus::failure;

    return bDataFound;