diff options
authorCy Schubert <cy@FreeBSD.org>2024-10-28 16:33:30 +0000
committerCy Schubert <cy@FreeBSD.org>2024-11-12 03:10:04 +0000
commitc607b3258f15d4ea1710bc3cdbab05c9355c2828 (patch)
parent195402c5c5b7b3236c0680f06b60b7f9465982c8 (diff)
ntp: Switch to upstream man pages
The downstream (FreeBSD) ntp man pages are out of date. Switch to those provided by ntp.org (nwtime.org). PR: 104493 Differential Revision: https://reviews.freebsd.org/D47319
8 files changed, 38 insertions, 7764 deletions
diff --git a/usr.sbin/ntp/doc/Makefile b/usr.sbin/ntp/doc/Makefile
index 2da65eccc1f0..b122df4f095b 100644
--- a/usr.sbin/ntp/doc/Makefile
+++ b/usr.sbin/ntp/doc/Makefile
@@ -24,9 +24,46 @@ FILES= access.html accopt.html assoc.html audio.html authentic.html \
MAN= ntp.conf.5 ntp.keys.5
MAN+= ntp-keygen.8 ntpd.8 ntpdate.8 ntpdc.8 ntpq.8 ntptime.8 sntp.8
+CLEANFILES= ntp.conf.5 ntp.keys.5
+CLEANFILES+= ntp-keygen.8 ntpd.8 ntpdc.8 ntpq.8 sntp.8
+SUFFIXES8= .1ntp-keygenmdoc \
+ .1ntpdmdoc \
+ .1ntpdcmdoc \
+ .1ntpqmdoc \
+ .1sntpmdoc
+.SUFFIXES: .html .5 .8 .5mdoc ${SUFFIXES8}
+ sed '/^\.Dt /s/5mdoc/5/' ${.ALLSRC} > ${.TARGET}
+.for s in ${SUFFIXES8}
+ sed '/^\.Dt /s/1[a-z-][a-z-]*/8/' ${.ALLSRC} > ${.TARGET}
+ntp.conf.5: ntp.conf.5mdoc
+ntp.keys.5: ntp.keys.5mdoc
+ntp-keygen.8: ntp-keygen.1ntp-keygenmdoc
+ntpd.8: ntpd.1ntpdmdoc
+ntpdc.8: ntpdc.1ntpdcmdoc
+ntpq.8: ntpq.1ntpqmdoc
+sntp.8: sntp.1sntpmdoc
.PATH: ${SRCTOP}/contrib/ntp/html \
${SRCTOP}/contrib/ntp/util \
${SRCTOP}/contrib/ntp/ntpd \
- ${SRCTOP}/contrib/ntp/ntpsnmpd
+ ${SRCTOP}/contrib/ntp/ntpdc \
+ ${SRCTOP}/contrib/ntp/ntpq \
+ ${SRCTOP}/contrib/ntp/ntpsnmpd \
+ ${SRCTOP}/contrib/ntp/sntp \
+ ${SRCTOP}/contrib/ntp/util
.include <bsd.prog.mk>
diff --git a/usr.sbin/ntp/doc/ntp-keygen.8 b/usr.sbin/ntp/doc/ntp-keygen.8
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e8ffd9dbf58..000000000000
--- a/usr.sbin/ntp/doc/ntp-keygen.8
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1223 +0,0 @@
-.Dd August 14 2018
-.Dt NTP_KEYGEN 8 User Commands
-.\" EDIT THIS FILE WITH CAUTION (ntp-keygen-opts.mdoc)
-.\" It has been AutoGen-ed August 14, 2018 at 08:30:38 AM by AutoGen 5.18.5
-.\" From the definitions ntp-keygen-opts.def
-.\" and the template file agmdoc-cmd.tpl
-.Nm ntp-keygen
-.Nd create a Network Time Protocol host key
-.\" Mixture of short (flag) options and long options
-.Op Fl flags
-.Op Fl flag Op Ar value
-.Op Fl \-option\-name Ns Oo Oo Ns "=| " Oc Ns Ar value Oc
-All arguments must be options.
-This program generates cryptographic data files used by the NTPv4
-authentication and identification schemes.
-It can generate message digest keys used in symmetric key cryptography and,
-if the OpenSSL software library has been installed, it can generate host keys,
-signing keys, certificates, and identity keys and parameters used in Autokey
-public key cryptography.
-These files are used for cookie encryption,
-digital signature, and challenge/response identification algorithms
-compatible with the Internet standard security infrastructure.
-The message digest symmetric keys file is generated in a format
-compatible with NTPv3.
-All other files are in PEM\-encoded printable ASCII format,
-so they can be embedded as MIME attachments in email to other sites
-and certificate authorities.
-By default, files are not encrypted.
-When used to generate message digest symmetric keys, the program
-produces a file containing ten pseudo\-random printable ASCII strings
-suitable for the MD5 message digest algorithm included in the
-If the OpenSSL library is installed, it produces an additional ten
-hex\-encoded random bit strings suitable for SHA1, AES\-128\-CMAC, and
-other message digest algorithms.
-The message digest symmetric keys file must be distributed and stored
-using secure means beyond the scope of NTP itself.
-Besides the keys used for ordinary NTP associations, additional keys
-can be defined as passwords for the
-.Xr ntpq 8
-.Xr ntpdc 8
-utility programs.
-The remaining generated files are compatible with other OpenSSL
-applications and other Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) resources.
-Certificates generated by this program are compatible with extant
-industry practice, although some users might find the interpretation of
-X509v3 extension fields somewhat liberal.
-However, the identity keys are probably not compatible with anything
-other than Autokey.
-Some files used by this program are encrypted using a private password.
-.Fl p
-option specifies the read password for local encrypted files and the
-.Fl q
-option the write password for encrypted files sent to remote sites.
-If no password is specified, the host name returned by the Unix
-.Xr hostname 1
-command, normally the DNS name of the host, is used as the the default read
-password, for convenience.
-program prompts for the password if it reads an encrypted file
-and the password is missing or incorrect.
-If an encrypted file is read successfully and
-no write password is specified, the read password is used
-as the write password by default.
-.Cm pw
-option of the
-.Ic crypto
-.Xr ntpd 8
-configuration command specifies the read
-password for previously encrypted local files.
-This must match the local read password used by this program.
-If not specified, the host name is used.
-Thus, if files are generated by this program without an explicit password,
-they can be read back by
-.Xr ntpd 8
-without specifying an explicit password but only on the same host.
-If the write password used for encryption is specified as the host name,
-these files can be read by that host with no explicit password.
-Normally, encrypted files for each host are generated by that host and
-used only by that host, although exceptions exist as noted later on
-this page.
-The symmetric keys file, normally called
-.Pa ntp.keys ,
-is usually installed in
-.Pa /etc .
-Other files and links are usually installed in
-.Pa /usr/local/etc ,
-which is normally in a shared filesystem in
-NFS\-mounted networks and cannot be changed by shared clients.
-In these cases, NFS clients can specify the files in another
-directory such as
-.Pa /etc
-using the
-.Ic keysdir
-.Xr ntpd 8
-configuration file command.
-This program directs commentary and error messages to the standard
-error stream
-.Pa stderr
-and remote files to the standard output stream
-.Pa stdout
-where they can be piped to other applications or redirected to files.
-The names used for generated files and links all begin with the
-.Pa ntpkey\&*
-and include the file type, generating host and filestamp,
-as described in the
-.Sx "Cryptographic Data Files"
-section below.
-.Ss Running the Program
-The safest way to run the
-program is logged in directly as root.
-The recommended procedure is change to the
-.Ar keys
-directory, usually
-.Pa /usr/local/etc ,
-then run the program.
-To test and gain experience with Autokey concepts, log in as root and
-change to the
-.Ar keys
-directory, usually
-.Pa /usr/local/etc .
-When run for the first time, or if all files with names beginning with
-.Pa ntpkey\&*
-have been removed, use the
-command without arguments to generate a default
-.Cm RSA
-host key and matching
-.Cm RSA\-MD5
-certificate file with expiration date one year hence,
-which is all that is necessary in many cases.
-The program also generates soft links from the generic names
-to the respective files.
-If run again without options, the program uses the
-existing keys and parameters and generates a new certificate file with
-new expiration date one year hence, and soft link.
-The host key is used to encrypt the cookie when required and so must be
-.Cm RSA
-By default, the host key is also the sign key used to encrypt signatures.
-When necessary, a different sign key can be specified and this can be
-.Cm RSA
-.Cm DSA
-By default, the message digest type is
-.Cm MD5 ,
-but any combination
-of sign key type and message digest type supported by the OpenSSL library
-can be specified, including those using the
-.Cm AES128CMAC , MD2 , MD5 , MDC2 , SHA , SHA1
-.Cm RIPE160
-message digest algorithms.
-However, the scheme specified in the certificate must be compatible
-with the sign key.
-Certificates using any digest algorithm are compatible with
-.Cm RSA
-sign keys;
-however, only
-.Cm SHA
-.Cm SHA1
-certificates are compatible with
-.Cm DSA
-sign keys.
-Private/public key files and certificates are compatible with
-other OpenSSL applications and very likely other libraries as well.
-Certificates or certificate requests derived from them should be compatible
-with extant industry practice, although some users might find
-the interpretation of X509v3 extension fields somewhat liberal.
-However, the identification parameter files, although encoded
-as the other files, are probably not compatible with anything other than Autokey.
-Running the program as other than root and using the Unix
-.Xr su 1
-to assume root may not work properly, since by default the OpenSSL library
-looks for the random seed file
-.Pa .rnd
-in the user home directory.
-However, there should be only one
-.Pa .rnd ,
-most conveniently
-in the root directory, so it is convenient to define the
-environment variable used by the OpenSSL library as the path to
-.Pa .rnd .
-Installing the keys as root might not work in NFS\-mounted
-shared file systems, as NFS clients may not be able to write
-to the shared keys directory, even as root.
-In this case, NFS clients can specify the files in another
-directory such as
-.Pa /etc
-using the
-.Ic keysdir
-.Xr ntpd 8
-configuration file command.
-There is no need for one client to read the keys and certificates
-of other clients or servers, as these data are obtained automatically
-by the Autokey protocol.
-Ordinarily, cryptographic files are generated by the host that uses them,
-but it is possible for a trusted agent (TA) to generate these files
-for other hosts; however, in such cases files should always be encrypted.
-The subject name and trusted name default to the hostname
-of the host generating the files, but can be changed by command line options.
-It is convenient to designate the owner name and trusted name
-as the subject and issuer fields, respectively, of the certificate.
-The owner name is also used for the host and sign key files,
-while the trusted name is used for the identity files.
-All files are installed by default in the keys directory
-.Pa /usr/local/etc ,
-which is normally in a shared filesystem
-in NFS\-mounted networks.
-The actual location of the keys directory
-and each file can be overridden by configuration commands,
-but this is not recommended.
-Normally, the files for each host are generated by that host
-and used only by that host, although exceptions exist
-as noted later on this page.
-Normally, files containing private values,
-including the host key, sign key and identification parameters,
-are permitted root read/write\-only;
-while others containing public values are permitted world readable.
-Alternatively, files containing private values can be encrypted
-and these files permitted world readable,
-which simplifies maintenance in shared file systems.
-Since uniqueness is insured by the
-.Ar hostname
-.Ar filestamp
-file name extensions, the files for an NTP server and
-dependent clients can all be installed in the same shared directory.
-The recommended practice is to keep the file name extensions
-when installing a file and to install a soft link
-from the generic names specified elsewhere on this page
-to the generated files.
-This allows new file generations to be activated simply
-by changing the link.
-If a link is present,
-.Xr ntpd 8
-follows it to the file name to extract the
-.Ar filestamp .
-If a link is not present,
-.Xr ntpd 8
-extracts the
-.Ar filestamp
-from the file itself.
-This allows clients to verify that the file and generation times
-are always current.
-program uses the same
-.Ar filestamp
-extension for all files generated
-at one time, so each generation is distinct and can be readily
-recognized in monitoring data.
-Run the command on as many hosts as necessary.
-Designate one of them as the trusted host (TH) using
-with the
-.Fl T
-option and configure it to synchronize from reliable Internet servers.
-Then configure the other hosts to synchronize to the TH directly or
-A certificate trail is created when Autokey asks the immediately
-ascendant host towards the TH to sign its certificate, which is then
-provided to the immediately descendant host on request.
-All group hosts should have acyclic certificate trails ending on the TH.
-The host key is used to encrypt the cookie when required and so must be
-RSA type.
-By default, the host key is also the sign key used to encrypt
-A different sign key can be assigned using the
-.Fl S
-option and this can be either
-.Cm RSA
-.Cm DSA
-By default, the signature
-message digest type is
-.Cm MD5 ,
-but any combination of sign key type and
-message digest type supported by the OpenSSL library can be specified
-using the
-.Fl c
-The rules say cryptographic media should be generated with proventic
-filestamps, which means the host should already be synchronized before
-this program is run.
-This of course creates a chicken\-and\-egg problem
-when the host is started for the first time.
-Accordingly, the host time
-should be set by some other means, such as eyeball\-and\-wristwatch, at
-least so that the certificate lifetime is within the current year.
-After that and when the host is synchronized to a proventic source, the
-certificate should be re\-generated.
-Additional information on trusted groups and identity schemes is on the
-.Dq Autokey Public\-Key Authentication
-File names begin with the prefix
-.Pa ntpkey Ns _
-and end with the suffix
-.Pa _ Ns Ar hostname . Ar filestamp ,
-.Ar hostname
-is the owner name, usually the string returned
-by the Unix
-.Xr hostname 1
-command, and
-.Ar filestamp
-is the NTP seconds when the file was generated, in decimal digits.
-This both guarantees uniqueness and simplifies maintenance
-procedures, since all files can be quickly removed
-by a
-.Ic rm Pa ntpkey\&*
-command or all files generated
-at a specific time can be removed by a
-.Ic rm Pa \&* Ns Ar filestamp
-To further reduce the risk of misconfiguration,
-the first two lines of a file contain the file name
-and generation date and time as comments.
-.Ss Trusted Hosts and Groups
-Each cryptographic configuration involves selection of a signature scheme
-and identification scheme, called a cryptotype,
-as explained in the
-.Sx Authentication Options
-section of
-.Xr ntp.conf 5 .
-The default cryptotype uses
-.Cm RSA
-.Cm MD5
-message digest
-.Cm TC
-First, configure a NTP subnet including one or more low\-stratum
-trusted hosts from which all other hosts derive synchronization
-directly or indirectly.
-Trusted hosts have trusted certificates;
-all other hosts have nontrusted certificates.
-These hosts will automatically and dynamically build authoritative
-certificate trails to one or more trusted hosts.
-A trusted group is the set of all hosts that have, directly or indirectly,
-a certificate trail ending at a trusted host.
-The trail is defined by static configuration file entries
-or dynamic means described on the
-.Sx Automatic NTP Configuration Options
-section of
-.Xr ntp.conf 5 .
-On each trusted host as root, change to the keys directory.
-To insure a fresh fileset, remove all
-.Pa ntpkey
-Then run
-.Fl T
-to generate keys and a trusted certificate.
-On all other hosts do the same, but leave off the
-.Fl T
-flag to generate keys and nontrusted certificates.
-When complete, start the NTP daemons beginning at the lowest stratum
-and working up the tree.
-It may take some time for Autokey to instantiate the certificate trails
-throughout the subnet, but setting up the environment is completely automatic.
-If it is necessary to use a different sign key or different digest/signature
-scheme than the default, run
-with the
-.Fl S Ar type
-option, where
-.Ar type
-is either
-.Cm RSA
-.Cm DSA .
-The most frequent need to do this is when a
-.Cm DSA Ns \-signed
-certificate is used.
-If it is necessary to use a different certificate scheme than the default,
-with the
-.Fl c Ar scheme
-option and selected
-.Ar scheme
-as needed.
-is run again without these options, it generates a new certificate
-using the same scheme and sign key, and soft link.
-After setting up the environment it is advisable to update certificates
-from time to time, if only to extend the validity interval.
-Simply run
-with the same flags as before to generate new certificates
-using existing keys, and soft links.
-However, if the host or sign key is changed,
-.Xr ntpd 8
-should be restarted.
-.Xr ntpd 8
-is restarted, it loads any new files and restarts the protocol.
-Other dependent hosts will continue as usual until signatures are refreshed,
-at which time the protocol is restarted.
-.Ss Identity Schemes
-As mentioned on the Autonomous Authentication page,
-the default
-.Cm TC
-identity scheme is vulnerable to a middleman attack.
-However, there are more secure identity schemes available,
-.Cm PC , IFF , GQ
-.Cm MV
-schemes described below.
-These schemes are based on a TA, one or more trusted hosts
-and some number of nontrusted hosts.
-Trusted hosts prove identity using values provided by the TA,
-while the remaining hosts prove identity using values provided
-by a trusted host and certificate trails that end on that host.
-The name of a trusted host is also the name of its sugroup
-and also the subject and issuer name on its trusted certificate.
-The TA is not necessarily a trusted host in this sense, but often is.
-In some schemes there are separate keys for servers and clients.
-A server can also be a client of another server,
-but a client can never be a server for another client.
-In general, trusted hosts and nontrusted hosts that operate
-as both server and client have parameter files that contain
-both server and client keys.
-Hosts that operate
-only as clients have key files that contain only client keys.
-The PC scheme supports only one trusted host in the group.
-On trusted host alice run
-.Fl P
-.Fl p Ar password
-to generate the host key file
-.Pa ntpkey Ns _ Cm RSA Pa key_alice. Ar filestamp
-and trusted private certificate file
-.Pa ntpkey Ns _ Cm RSA\-MD5 _ Pa cert_alice. Ar filestamp ,
-and soft links.
-Copy both files to all group hosts;
-they replace the files which would be generated in other schemes.
-On each host
-.Ar bob
-install a soft link from the generic name
-.Pa ntpkey_host_ Ns Ar bob
-to the host key file and soft link
-.Pa ntpkey_cert_ Ns Ar bob
-to the private certificate file.
-Note the generic links are on bob, but point to files generated
-by trusted host alice.
-In this scheme it is not possible to refresh
-either the keys or certificates without copying them
-to all other hosts in the group, and recreating the soft links.
-For the
-.Cm IFF
-scheme proceed as in the
-.Cm TC
-scheme to generate keys
-and certificates for all group hosts, then for every trusted host in the group,
-generate the
-.Cm IFF
-parameter file.
-On trusted host alice run
-.Fl T
-.Fl I
-.Fl p Ar password
-to produce her parameter file
-.Pa ntpkey_IFFpar_alice. Ns Ar filestamp ,
-which includes both server and client keys.
-Copy this file to all group hosts that operate as both servers
-and clients and install a soft link from the generic
-.Pa ntpkey_iff_alice
-to this file.
-If there are no hosts restricted to operate only as clients,
-there is nothing further to do.
-As the
-.Cm IFF
-scheme is independent
-of keys and certificates, these files can be refreshed as needed.
-If a rogue client has the parameter file, it could masquerade
-as a legitimate server and present a middleman threat.
-To eliminate this threat, the client keys can be extracted
-from the parameter file and distributed to all restricted clients.
-After generating the parameter file, on alice run
-.Fl e
-and pipe the output to a file or email program.
-Copy or email this file to all restricted clients.
-On these clients install a soft link from the generic
-.Pa ntpkey_iff_alice
-to this file.
-To further protect the integrity of the keys,
-each file can be encrypted with a secret password.
-For the
-.Cm GQ
-scheme proceed as in the
-.Cm TC
-scheme to generate keys
-and certificates for all group hosts, then for every trusted host
-in the group, generate the
-.Cm IFF
-parameter file.
-On trusted host alice run
-.Fl T
-.Fl G
-.Fl p Ar password
-to produce her parameter file
-.Pa ntpkey_GQpar_alice. Ns Ar filestamp ,
-which includes both server and client keys.
-Copy this file to all group hosts and install a soft link
-from the generic
-.Pa ntpkey_gq_alice
-to this file.
-In addition, on each host
-.Ar bob
-install a soft link
-from generic
-.Pa ntpkey_gq_ Ns Ar bob
-to this file.
-As the
-.Cm GQ
-scheme updates the
-.Cm GQ
-parameters file and certificate
-at the same time, keys and certificates can be regenerated as needed.
-For the
-.Cm MV
-scheme, proceed as in the
-.Cm TC
-scheme to generate keys
-and certificates for all group hosts.
-For illustration assume trish is the TA, alice one of several trusted hosts
-and bob one of her clients.
-On TA trish run
-.Fl V Ar n
-.Fl p Ar password ,
-.Ar n
-is the number of revokable keys (typically 5) to produce
-the parameter file
-.Pa ntpkeys_MVpar_trish. Ns Ar filestamp
-and client key files
-.Pa ntpkeys_MVkey Ns Ar d _ Pa trish. Ar filestamp
-.Ar d
-is the key number (0 \&<
-.Ar d
-.Ar n ) .
-Copy the parameter file to alice and install a soft link
-from the generic
-.Pa ntpkey_mv_alice
-to this file.
-Copy one of the client key files to alice for later distribution
-to her clients.
-It does not matter which client key file goes to alice,
-since they all work the same way.
-Alice copies the client key file to all of her clients.
-On client bob install a soft link from generic
-.Pa ntpkey_mvkey_bob
-to the client key file.
-As the
-.Cm MV
-scheme is independent of keys and certificates,
-these files can be refreshed as needed.
-.Ss Command Line Options
-.Bl -tag -width indent
-.It Fl b Fl \-imbits Ns = Ar modulus
-Set the number of bits in the identity modulus for generating identity keys to
-.Ar modulus
-The number of bits in the identity modulus defaults to 256, but can be set to
-values from 256 to 2048 (32 to 256 octets).
-Use the larger moduli with caution, as this can consume considerable computing
-resources and increases the size of authenticated packets.
-.It Fl c Fl \-certificate Ns = Ar scheme
-Select certificate signature encryption/message digest scheme.
-.Ar scheme
-can be one of the following:
-.Cm RSA\-MD2 , RSA\-MD5 , RSA\-MDC2 , RSA\-SHA , RSA\-SHA1 , RSA\-RIPEMD160 , DSA\-SHA ,
-.Cm DSA\-SHA1 .
-Note that
-.Cm RSA
-schemes must be used with an
-.Cm RSA
-sign key and
-.Cm DSA
-schemes must be used with a
-.Cm DSA
-sign key.
-The default without this option is
-.Cm RSA\-MD5 .
-If compatibility with FIPS 140\-2 is required, either the
-.Cm DSA\-SHA1
-scheme must be used.
-.It Fl C Fl \-cipher Ns = Ar cipher
-Select the OpenSSL cipher to encrypt the files containing private keys.
-The default without this option is three\-key triple DES in CBC mode,
-.Cm des\-ede3\-cbc .
-.Ic openssl Fl h
-command provided with OpenSSL displays available ciphers.
-.It Fl d Fl \-debug\-level
-Increase debugging verbosity level.
-This option displays the cryptographic data produced in eye\-friendly billboards.
-.It Fl D Fl \-set\-debug\-level Ns = Ar level
-Set the debugging verbosity to
-.Ar level .
-This option displays the cryptographic data produced in eye\-friendly billboards.
-.It Fl e Fl \-id\-key
-Write the
-.Cm IFF
-.Cm GQ
-public parameters from the
-.Ar IFFkey or GQkey
-client keys file previously specified
-as unencrypted data to the standard output stream
-.Pa stdout .
-This is intended for automatic key distribution by email.
-.It Fl G Fl \-gq\-params
-Generate a new encrypted
-.Cm GQ
-parameters and key file for the Guillou\-Quisquater (GQ) identity scheme.
-This option is mutually exclusive with the
-.Fl I
-.Fl V
-.It Fl H Fl \-host\-key
-Generate a new encrypted
-.Cm RSA
-public/private host key file.
-.It Fl I Fl \-iffkey
-Generate a new encrypted
-.Cm IFF
-key file for the Schnorr (IFF) identity scheme.
-This option is mutually exclusive with the
-.Fl G
-Fl V
-.It Fl i Fl \-ident Ns = Ar group
-Set the optional Autokey group name to
-.Ar group .
-This is used in the identity scheme parameter file names of
-.Cm IFF , GQ ,
-.Cm MV
-client parameters files.
-In that role, the default is the host name if no group is provided.
-The group name, if specified using
-.Fl i
-.Fl s
-following an
-.Ql @
-character, is also used in certificate subject and issuer names in the form
-.Ar host @ group
-and should match the group specified via
-.Ic crypto Cm ident
-.Ic server Cm ident
-in the ntpd configuration file.
-.It Fl l Fl \-lifetime Ns = Ar days
-Set the lifetime for certificate expiration to
-.Ar days .
-The default lifetime is one year (365 days).
-.It Fl m Fl \-modulus Ns = Ar bits
-Set the number of bits in the prime modulus for generating files to
-.Ar bits .
-The modulus defaults to 512, but can be set from 256 to 2048 (32 to 256 octets).
-Use the larger moduli with caution, as this can consume considerable computing
-resources and increases the size of authenticated packets.
-.It Fl M Fl \-md5key
-Generate a new symmetric keys file containing 10
-.Cm MD5
-keys, and if OpenSSL is available, 10
-.Cm SHA
-.Cm MD5
-key is a string of 20 random printable ASCII characters, while a
-.Cm SHA
-key is a string of 40 random hex digits.
-The file can be edited using a text editor to change the key type or key content.
-This option is mutually exclusive with all other options.
-.It Fl p Fl \-password Ns = Ar passwd
-Set the password for reading and writing encrypted files to
-.Ar passwd .
-These include the host, sign and identify key files.
-By default, the password is the string returned by the Unix
-.Ic hostname
-.It Fl P Fl \-pvt\-cert
-Generate a new private certificate used by the
-.Cm PC
-identity scheme.
-By default, the program generates public certificates.
-Note: the PC identity scheme is not recommended for new installations.
-.It Fl q Fl \-export\-passwd Ns = Ar passwd
-Set the password for writing encrypted
-.Cm IFF , GQ and MV
-identity files redirected to
-.Pa stdout
-.Ar passwd .
-In effect, these files are decrypted with the
-.Fl p
-password, then encrypted with the
-.Fl q
-By default, the password is the string returned by the Unix
-.Ic hostname
-.It Fl s Fl \-subject\-key Ns = Ar Oo host Oc Op @ Ar group
-Specify the Autokey host name, where
-.Ar host
-is the optional host name and
-.Ar group
-is the optional group name.
-The host name, and if provided, group name are used in
-.Ar host @ group
-form as certificate subject and issuer.
-.Fl s @ Ar group
-is allowed, and results in leaving the host name unchanged, as with
-.Fl i Ar group .
-The group name, or if no group is provided, the host name are also used in the
-file names of
-.Cm IFF , GQ ,
-.Cm MV
-identity scheme client parameter files.
-.Ar host
-is not specified, the default host name is the string returned by the Unix
-.Ic hostname
-.It Fl S Fl \-sign\-key Ns = Op Cm RSA | DSA
-Generate a new encrypted public/private sign key file of the specified type.
-By default, the sign key is the host key and has the same type.
-If compatibility with FIPS 140\-2 is required, the sign key type must be
-.Cm DSA .
-.It Fl T Fl \-trusted\-cert
-Generate a trusted certificate.
-By default, the program generates a non\-trusted certificate.
-.It Fl V Fl \-mv\-params Ar nkeys
-.Ar nkeys
-encrypted server keys and parameters for the Mu\-Varadharajan (MV)
-identity scheme.
-This option is mutually exclusive with the
-.Fl I
-.Fl G
-Note: support for this option should be considered a work in progress.
-.Ss Random Seed File
-All cryptographically sound key generation schemes must have means
-to randomize the entropy seed used to initialize
-the internal pseudo\-random number generator used
-by the library routines.
-The OpenSSL library uses a designated random seed file for this purpose.
-The file must be available when starting the NTP daemon and
-If a site supports OpenSSL or its companion OpenSSH,
-it is very likely that means to do this are already available.
-It is important to understand that entropy must be evolved
-for each generation, for otherwise the random number sequence
-would be predictable.
-Various means dependent on external events, such as keystroke intervals,
-can be used to do this and some systems have built\-in entropy sources.
-Suitable means are described in the OpenSSL software documentation,
-but are outside the scope of this page.
-The entropy seed used by the OpenSSL library is contained in a file,
-usually called
-.Pa .rnd ,
-which must be available when starting the NTP daemon
-or the
-The NTP daemon will first look for the file
-using the path specified by the
-.Cm randfile
-subcommand of the
-.Ic crypto
-configuration command.
-If not specified in this way, or when starting the
-the OpenSSL library will look for the file using the path specified
-by the
-environment variable in the user home directory,
-whether root or some other user.
-If the
-environment variable is not present,
-the library will look for the
-.Pa .rnd
-file in the user home directory.
-Since both the
-program and
-.Xr ntpd 8
-daemon must run as root, the logical place to put this file is in
-.Pa /.rnd
-.Pa /root/.rnd .
-If the file is not available or cannot be written,
-the daemon exits with a message to the system log and the program
-exits with a suitable error message.
-.Ss Cryptographic Data Files
-All file formats begin with two nonencrypted lines.
-The first line contains the file name, including the generated host name
-and filestamp, in the format
-.Pa ntpkey_ Ns Ar key _ Ar name . Ar filestamp ,
-.Ar key
-is the key or parameter type,
-.Ar name
-is the host or group name and
-.Ar filestamp
-is the filestamp (NTP seconds) when the file was created.
-By convention,
-.Ar key
-names in generated file names include both upper and lower case
-characters, while
-.Ar key
-names in generated link names include only lower case characters.
-The filestamp is not used in generated link names.
-The second line contains the datestamp in conventional Unix
-.Pa date
-Lines beginning with
-.Ql #
-are considered comments and ignored by the
-program and
-.Xr ntpd 8
-The remainder of the file contains cryptographic data, encoded first using ASN.1
-rules, then encrypted if necessary, and finally written in PEM\-encoded
-printable ASCII text, preceded and followed by MIME content identifier lines.
-The format of the symmetric keys file, ordinarily named
-.Pa ntp.keys ,
-is somewhat different than the other files in the interest of backward compatibility.
-Ordinarily, the file is generated by this program, but it can be constructed
-and edited using an ordinary text editor.
-.Bd -literal -unfilled -offset center
-# ntpkey_MD5key_bk.ntp.org.3595864945
-# Thu Dec 12 19:22:25 2013
-1 MD5 L";Nw<\`.I<f4U0)247"i # MD5 key
-2 MD5 &>l0%XXK9O'51VwV<xq~ # MD5 key
-3 MD5 lb4zLW~d^!K:]RsD'qb6 # MD5 key
-4 MD5 Yue:tL[+vR)M\`n~bY,'? # MD5 key
-5 MD5 B;fx'Kgr/&4ZTbL6=RxA # MD5 key
-6 MD5 4eYwa\`o}3i@@V@..R9!l # MD5 key
-7 MD5 \`A.([h+;wTQ|xfi%Sn_! # MD5 key
-8 MD5 45:V,r4]l6y^JH6"Sh?F # MD5 key
-9 MD5 3\-5vcn*6l29DS?Xdsg)* # MD5 key
-10 MD5 2late4Me # MD5 key
-11 SHA1 a27872d3030a9025b8446c751b4551a7629af65c # SHA1 key
-12 SHA1 21bc3b4865dbb9e920902abdccb3e04ff97a5e74 # SHA1 key
-13 SHA1 2b7736fe24fef5ba85ae11594132ab5d6f6daba9 # SHA1 key
-14 SHA a5332809c8878dd3a5b918819108a111509aeceb # SHA key
-15 MD2 2fe16c88c760ff2f16d4267e36c1aa6c926e6964 # MD2 key
-16 MD4 b2691811dc19cfc0e2f9bcacd74213f29812183d # MD4 key
-17 MD5 e4d6735b8bdad58ec5ffcb087300a17f7fef1f7c # MD5 key
-18 MDC2 a8d5e2315c025bf3a79174c87fbd10477de2eabc # MDC2 key
-19 RIPEMD160 77ca332cafb30e3cafb174dcd5b80ded7ba9b3d2 # RIPEMD160 key
-20 AES128CMAC f92ff73eee86c1e7dc638d6489a04e4e555af878 # AES128CMAC key
-.D1 Figure 1. Typical Symmetric Key File
-Figure 1 shows a typical symmetric keys file used by the reference
-Following the header the keys are entered one per line in the format
-.D1 Ar keyno Ar type Ar key
-.Ar keyno
-is a positive integer in the range 1\-65535;
-.Ar type
-is the key type for the message digest algorithm, which in the absence of the
-OpenSSL library must be
-.Cm MD5
-to designate the MD5 message digest algorithm;
-if the OpenSSL library is installed, the key type can be any
-message digest algorithm supported by that library;
-however, if compatibility with FIPS 140\-2 is required,
-the key type must be either
-.Cm SHA
-.Cm SHA1 ;
-.Ar key
-is the key itself,
-which is a printable ASCII string 20 characters or less in length:
-each character is chosen from the 93 printable characters
-in the range 0x21 through 0x7e (
-.Ql !
-.Ql ~
-\&) excluding space and the
-.Ql #
-character, and terminated by whitespace or a
-.Ql #
-An OpenSSL key consists of a hex\-encoded ASCII string of 40 characters, which
-is truncated as necessary.
-Note that the keys used by the
-.Xr ntpq 8
-.Xr ntpdc 8
-are checked against passwords requested by the programs
-and entered by hand, so it is generally appropriate to specify these keys
-in human readable ASCII format.
-program generates a symmetric keys file
-.Pa ntpkey_MD5key_ Ns Ar hostname Ns . Ns Ar filestamp .
-Since the file contains private shared keys,
-it should be visible only to root and distributed by secure means
-to other subnet hosts.
-The NTP daemon loads the file
-.Pa ntp.keys ,
-installs a soft link from this name to the generated file.
-Subsequently, similar soft links must be installed by manual
-or automated means on the other subnet hosts.
-While this file is not used with the Autokey Version 2 protocol,
-it is needed to authenticate some remote configuration commands
-used by the
-.Xr ntpq 8
-.Xr ntpdc 8
-.Bl -tag
-.It Fl b Ar imbits , Fl \-imbits Ns = Ns Ar imbits
-identity modulus bits.
-This option takes an integer number as its argument.
-The value of
-.Ar imbits
-is constrained to being:
-.in +4
-in the range 256 through 2048
-.in -4
-The number of bits in the identity modulus. The default is 256.
-.It Fl c Ar scheme , Fl \-certificate Ns = Ns Ar scheme
-certificate scheme.
-scheme is one of
-DSA\-SHA, or DSA\-SHA1.
-Select the certificate signature encryption/message digest scheme.
-Note that RSA schemes must be used with a RSA sign key and DSA
-schemes must be used with a DSA sign key. The default without
-this option is RSA\-MD5.
-.It Fl C Ar cipher , Fl \-cipher Ns = Ns Ar cipher
-privatekey cipher.
-Select the cipher which is used to encrypt the files containing
-private keys. The default is three\-key triple DES in CBC mode,
-equivalent to "\fB\-C des\-ede3\-cbc\fP". The openssl tool lists ciphers
-available in "\fBopenssl \-h\fP" output.
-.It Fl d , Fl \-debug\-level
-Increase debug verbosity level.
-This option may appear an unlimited number of times.
-.It Fl D Ar number , Fl \-set\-debug\-level Ns = Ns Ar number
-Set the debug verbosity level.
-This option may appear an unlimited number of times.
-This option takes an integer number as its argument.
-.It Fl e , Fl \-id\-key
-Write IFF or GQ identity keys.
-Write the public parameters from the IFF or GQ client keys to
-the standard output.
-This is intended for automatic key distribution by email.
-.It Fl G , Fl \-gq\-params
-Generate GQ parameters and keys.
-Generate parameters and keys for the GQ identification scheme,
-obsoleting any that may exist.
-.It Fl H , Fl \-host\-key
-generate RSA host key.
-Generate new host keys, obsoleting any that may exist.
-.It Fl I , Fl \-iffkey
-generate IFF parameters.
-Generate parameters for the IFF identification scheme, obsoleting
-any that may exist.
-.It Fl i Ar group , Fl \-ident Ns = Ns Ar group
-set Autokey group name.
-Set the optional Autokey group name to name. This is used in
-the file name of IFF, GQ, and MV client parameters files. In
-that role, the default is the host name if this option is not
-provided. The group name, if specified using \fB\-i/\-\-ident\fP or
-using \fB\-s/\-\-subject\-name\fP following an '\fB@\fP' character,
-is also a part of the self\-signed host certificate subject and
-issuer names in the form \fBhost@group\fP and should match the
-\'\fBcrypto ident\fP' or '\fBserver ident\fP' configuration in the
-\fBntpd\fP configuration file.
-.It Fl l Ar lifetime , Fl \-lifetime Ns = Ns Ar lifetime
-set certificate lifetime.
-This option takes an integer number as its argument.
-Set the certificate expiration to lifetime days from now.
-.It Fl m Ar modulus , Fl \-modulus Ns = Ns Ar modulus
-prime modulus.
-This option takes an integer number as its argument.
-The value of
-.Ar modulus
-is constrained to being:
-.in +4
-in the range 256 through 2048
-.in -4
-The number of bits in the prime modulus. The default is 512.
-.It Fl M , Fl \-md5key
-generate symmetric keys.
-Generate symmetric keys, obsoleting any that may exist.
-.It Fl P , Fl \-pvt\-cert
-generate PC private certificate.
-Generate a private certificate. By default, the program generates
-public certificates.
-.It Fl p Ar passwd , Fl \-password Ns = Ns Ar passwd
-local private password.
-Local files containing private data are encrypted with the
-DES\-CBC algorithm and the specified password. The same password
-must be specified to the local ntpd via the "crypto pw password"
-configuration command. The default password is the local
-.It Fl q Ar passwd , Fl \-export\-passwd Ns = Ns Ar passwd
-export IFF or GQ group keys with password.
-Export IFF or GQ identity group keys to the standard output,
-encrypted with the DES\-CBC algorithm and the specified password.
-The same password must be specified to the remote ntpd via the
-"crypto pw password" configuration command. See also the option
--\-id\-key (\-e) for unencrypted exports.
-.It Fl s Ar host@group , Fl \-subject\-name Ns = Ns Ar host@group
-set host and optionally group name.
-Set the Autokey host name, and optionally, group name specified
-following an '\fB@\fP' character. The host name is used in the file
-name of generated host and signing certificates, without the
-group name. The host name, and if provided, group name are used
-in \fBhost@group\fP form for the host certificate subject and issuer
-fields. Specifying '\fB\-s @group\fP' is allowed, and results in
-leaving the host name unchanged while appending \fB@group\fP to the
-subject and issuer fields, as with \fB\-i group\fP. The group name, or
-if not provided, the host name are also used in the file names
-of IFF, GQ, and MV client parameter files.
-.It Fl S Ar sign , Fl \-sign\-key Ns = Ns Ar sign
-generate sign key (RSA or DSA).
-Generate a new sign key of the designated type, obsoleting any
-that may exist. By default, the program uses the host key as the
-sign key.
-.It Fl T , Fl \-trusted\-cert
-trusted certificate (TC scheme).
-Generate a trusted certificate. By default, the program generates
-a non\-trusted certificate.
-.It Fl V Ar num , Fl \-mv\-params Ns = Ns Ar num
-generate <num> MV parameters.
-This option takes an integer number as its argument.
-Generate parameters and keys for the Mu\-Varadharajan (MV)
-identification scheme.
-.It Fl v Ar num , Fl \-mv\-keys Ns = Ns Ar num
-update <num> MV keys.
-This option takes an integer number as its argument.
-This option has not been fully documented.
-.It Fl \&? , Fl \-help
-Display usage information and exit.
-.It Fl \&! , Fl \-more\-help
-Pass the extended usage information through a pager.
-.It Fl > Oo Ar cfgfile Oc , Fl \-save\-opts Oo Ns = Ns Ar cfgfile Oc
-Save the option state to \fIcfgfile\fP. The default is the \fIlast\fP
-configuration file listed in the \fBOPTION PRESETS\fP section, below.
-The command will exit after updating the config file.
-.It Fl < Ar cfgfile , Fl \-load\-opts Ns = Ns Ar cfgfile , Fl \-no\-load\-opts
-Load options from \fIcfgfile\fP.
-The \fIno\-load\-opts\fP form will disable the loading
-of earlier config/rc/ini files. \fI\-\-no\-load\-opts\fP is handled early,
-out of order.
-.It Fl \-version Op Brq Ar v|c|n
-Output version of program and exit. The default mode is `v', a simple
-version. The `c' mode will print copyright information and `n' will
-print the full copyright notice.
-Any option that is not marked as \fInot presettable\fP may be preset
-by loading values from configuration ("RC" or ".INI") file(s) and values from
-environment variables named:
- \fBNTP_KEYGEN_<option\-name>\fP or \fBNTP_KEYGEN\fP
-The environmental presets take precedence (are processed later than)
-the configuration files.
-The \fIhomerc\fP files are "\fI$HOME\fP", and "\fI.\fP".
-If any of these are directories, then the file \fI.ntprc\fP
-is searched for within those directories.
-See \fBOPTION PRESETS\fP for configuration environment variables.
-.Sh "FILES"
-See \fBOPTION PRESETS\fP for configuration files.
-One of the following exit values will be returned:
-.Bl -tag
-.It 0 " (EXIT_SUCCESS)"
-Successful program execution.
-.It 1 " (EXIT_FAILURE)"
-The operation failed or the command syntax was not valid.
-.It 66 " (EX_NOINPUT)"
-A specified configuration file could not be loaded.
-.It 70 " (EX_SOFTWARE)"
-libopts had an internal operational error. Please report
-it to autogen\-users@lists.sourceforge.net. Thank you.
-The University of Delaware and Network Time Foundation
-Copyright (C) 1992\-2017 The University of Delaware and Network Time Foundation all rights reserved.
-This program is released under the terms of the NTP license, <http://ntp.org/license>.
-It can take quite a while to generate some cryptographic values.
-Please report bugs to http://bugs.ntp.org .
-Please send bug reports to: http://bugs.ntp.org, bugs@ntp.org
-Portions of this document came from FreeBSD.
-This manual page was \fIAutoGen\fP\-erated from the \fBntp\-keygen\fP
-option definitions.
diff --git a/usr.sbin/ntp/doc/ntp.conf.5 b/usr.sbin/ntp/doc/ntp.conf.5
deleted file mode 100644
index 71fb7c668db2..000000000000
--- a/usr.sbin/ntp/doc/ntp.conf.5
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3277 +0,0 @@
-.Dd August 14 2018
-.Dt NTP_CONF 5 File Formats
-.\" It has been AutoGen-ed August 14, 2018 at 08:29:15 AM by AutoGen 5.18.5
-.\" From the definitions ntp.conf.def
-.\" and the template file agmdoc-cmd.tpl
-.Nm ntp.conf
-.Nd Network Time Protocol daemon (ntpd) configuration format
-.Op Fl \-option\-name
-.Op Fl \-option\-name Ar value
-All arguments must be options.
-configuration file is read at initial startup by the
-.Xr ntpd 8
-daemon in order to specify the synchronization sources,
-modes and other related information.
-Usually, it is installed in the
-.Pa /etc
-but could be installed elsewhere
-(see the daemon's
-.Fl c
-command line option).
-The file format is similar to other
-configuration files.
-Comments begin with a
-.Ql #
-character and extend to the end of the line;
-blank lines are ignored.
-Configuration commands consist of an initial keyword
-followed by a list of arguments,
-some of which may be optional, separated by whitespace.
-Commands may not be continued over multiple lines.
-Arguments may be host names,
-host addresses written in numeric, dotted\-quad form,
-integers, floating point numbers (when specifying times in seconds)
-and text strings.
-The rest of this page describes the configuration and control options.
-.Qq Notes on Configuring NTP and Setting up an NTP Subnet
-(available as part of the HTML documentation
-provided in
-.Pa /usr/share/doc/ntp )
-contains an extended discussion of these options.
-In addition to the discussion of general
-.Sx Configuration Options ,
-there are sections describing the following supported functionality
-and the options used to control it:
-.Bl -bullet -offset indent
-.Sx Authentication Support
-.Sx Monitoring Support
-.Sx Access Control Support
-.Sx Automatic NTP Configuration Options
-.Sx Reference Clock Support
-.Sx Miscellaneous Options
-Following these is a section describing
-.Sx Miscellaneous Options .
-While there is a rich set of options available,
-the only required option is one or more
-.Ic pool ,
-.Ic server ,
-.Ic peer ,
-.Ic broadcast
-.Ic manycastclient
-.Sh Configuration Support
-Following is a description of the configuration commands in
-These commands have the same basic functions as in NTPv3 and
-in some cases new functions and new arguments.
-There are two
-classes of commands, configuration commands that configure a
-persistent association with a remote server or peer or reference
-clock, and auxiliary commands that specify environmental variables
-that control various related operations.
-.Ss Configuration Commands
-The various modes are determined by the command keyword and the
-type of the required IP address.
-Addresses are classed by type as
-(s) a remote server or peer (IPv4 class A, B and C), (b) the
-broadcast address of a local interface, (m) a multicast address (IPv4
-class D), or (r) a reference clock address (127.127.x.x).
-Note that
-only those options applicable to each command are listed below.
-of options not listed may not be caught as an error, but may result
-in some weird and even destructive behavior.
-If the Basic Socket Interface Extensions for IPv6 (RFC\-2553)
-is detected, support for the IPv6 address family is generated
-in addition to the default support of the IPv4 address family.
-In a few cases, including the
-.Cm reslist
-billboard generated
-.Xr ntpq 8
-.Xr ntpdc 8 ,
-IPv6 addresses are automatically generated.
-IPv6 addresses can be identified by the presence of colons
-.Dq \&:
-in the address field.
-IPv6 addresses can be used almost everywhere where
-IPv4 addresses can be used,
-with the exception of reference clock addresses,
-which are always IPv4.
-Note that in contexts where a host name is expected, a
-.Fl 4
-qualifier preceding
-the host name forces DNS resolution to the IPv4 namespace,
-while a
-.Fl 6
-qualifier forces DNS resolution to the IPv6 namespace.
-See IPv6 references for the
-equivalent classes for that address family.
-.Bl -tag -width indent
-.It Xo Ic pool Ar address
-.Op Cm burst
-.Op Cm iburst
-.Op Cm version Ar version
-.Op Cm prefer
-.Op Cm minpoll Ar minpoll
-.Op Cm maxpoll Ar maxpoll
-.It Xo Ic server Ar address
-.Op Cm key Ar key \&| Cm autokey
-.Op Cm burst
-.Op Cm iburst
-.Op Cm version Ar version
-.Op Cm prefer
-.Op Cm minpoll Ar minpoll
-.Op Cm maxpoll Ar maxpoll
-.Op Cm true
-.It Xo Ic peer Ar address
-.Op Cm key Ar key \&| Cm autokey
-.Op Cm version Ar version
-.Op Cm prefer
-.Op Cm minpoll Ar minpoll
-.Op Cm maxpoll Ar maxpoll
-.Op Cm true
-.Op Cm xleave
-.It Xo Ic broadcast Ar address
-.Op Cm key Ar key \&| Cm autokey
-.Op Cm version Ar version
-.Op Cm prefer
-.Op Cm minpoll Ar minpoll
-.Op Cm ttl Ar ttl
-.Op Cm xleave
-.It Xo Ic manycastclient Ar address
-.Op Cm key Ar key \&| Cm autokey
-.Op Cm version Ar version
-.Op Cm prefer
-.Op Cm minpoll Ar minpoll
-.Op Cm maxpoll Ar maxpoll
-.Op Cm ttl Ar ttl
-These five commands specify the time server name or address to
-be used and the mode in which to operate.
-.Ar address
-can be
-either a DNS name or an IP address in dotted\-quad notation.
-Additional information on association behavior can be found in the
-.Qq Association Management
-(available as part of the HTML documentation
-provided in
-.Pa /usr/share/doc/ntp ) .
-.Bl -tag -width indent
-.It Ic pool
-For type s addresses, this command mobilizes a persistent
-client mode association with a number of remote servers.
-In this mode the local clock can synchronized to the
-remote server, but the remote server can never be synchronized to
-the local clock.
-.It Ic server
-For type s and r addresses, this command mobilizes a persistent
-client mode association with the specified remote server or local
-radio clock.
-In this mode the local clock can synchronized to the
-remote server, but the remote server can never be synchronized to
-the local clock.
-This command should
-.Em not
-be used for type
-b or m addresses.
-.It Ic peer
-For type s addresses (only), this command mobilizes a
-persistent symmetric\-active mode association with the specified
-remote peer.
-In this mode the local clock can be synchronized to
-the remote peer or the remote peer can be synchronized to the local
-This is useful in a network of servers where, depending on
-various failure scenarios, either the local or remote peer may be
-the better source of time.
-This command should NOT be used for type
-b, m or r addresses.
-.It Ic broadcast
-For type b and m addresses (only), this
-command mobilizes a persistent broadcast mode association.
-commands can be used to specify multiple local broadcast interfaces
-(subnets) and/or multiple multicast groups.
-Note that local
-broadcast messages go only to the interface associated with the
-subnet specified, but multicast messages go to all interfaces.
-In broadcast mode the local server sends periodic broadcast
-messages to a client population at the
-.Ar address
-specified, which is usually the broadcast address on (one of) the
-local network(s) or a multicast address assigned to NTP.
-has assigned the multicast group address IPv4 and
-IPv6 ff05::101 (site local) exclusively to
-NTP, but other nonconflicting addresses can be used to contain the
-messages within administrative boundaries.
-Ordinarily, this
-specification applies only to the local server operating as a
-sender; for operation as a broadcast client, see the
-.Ic broadcastclient
-.Ic multicastclient
-.It Ic manycastclient
-For type m addresses (only), this command mobilizes a
-manycast client mode association for the multicast address
-In this case a specific address must be supplied which
-matches the address used on the
-.Ic manycastserver
-command for
-the designated manycast servers.
-The NTP multicast address
- assigned by the IANA should NOT be used, unless specific
-means are taken to avoid spraying large areas of the Internet with
-these messages and causing a possibly massive implosion of replies
-at the sender.
-.Ic manycastserver
-command specifies that the local server
-is to operate in client mode with the remote servers that are
-discovered as the result of broadcast/multicast messages.
-client broadcasts a request message to the group address associated
-with the specified
-.Ar address
-and specifically enabled
-servers respond to these messages.
-The client selects the servers
-providing the best time and continues as with the
-.Ic server
-The remaining servers are discarded as if never
-.Bl -tag -width indent
-.It Cm autokey
-All packets sent to and received from the server or peer are to
-include authentication fields encrypted using the autokey scheme
-described in
-.Sx Authentication Options .
-.It Cm burst
-when the server is reachable, send a burst of eight packets
-instead of the usual one.
-The packet spacing is normally 2 s;
-however, the spacing between the first and second packets
-can be changed with the
-.Ic calldelay
-command to allow
-additional time for a modem or ISDN call to complete.
-This is designed to improve timekeeping quality
-with the
-.Ic server
-command and s addresses.
-.It Cm iburst
-When the server is unreachable, send a burst of eight packets
-instead of the usual one.
-The packet spacing is normally 2 s;
-however, the spacing between the first two packets can be
-changed with the
-.Ic calldelay
-command to allow
-additional time for a modem or ISDN call to complete.
-This is designed to speed the initial synchronization
-acquisition with the
-.Ic server
-command and s addresses and when
-.Xr ntpd 8
-is started with the
-.Fl q
-.It Cm key Ar key
-All packets sent to and received from the server or peer are to
-include authentication fields encrypted using the specified
-.Ar key
-identifier with values from 1 to 65535, inclusive.
-default is to include no encryption field.
-.It Cm minpoll Ar minpoll
-.It Cm maxpoll Ar maxpoll
-These options specify the minimum and maximum poll intervals
-for NTP messages, as a power of 2 in seconds
-The maximum poll
-interval defaults to 10 (1,024 s), but can be increased by the
-.Cm maxpoll
-option to an upper limit of 17 (36.4 h).
-minimum poll interval defaults to 6 (64 s), but can be decreased by
-.Cm minpoll
-option to a lower limit of 4 (16 s).
-.It Cm noselect
-Marks the server as unused, except for display purposes.
-The server is discarded by the selection algroithm.
-.It Cm preempt
-Says the association can be preempted.
-.It Cm true
-Marks the server as a truechimer.
-Use this option only for testing.
-.It Cm prefer
-Marks the server as preferred.
-All other things being equal,
-this host will be chosen for synchronization among a set of
-correctly operating hosts.
-See the
-.Qq Mitigation Rules and the prefer Keyword
-(available as part of the HTML documentation
-provided in
-.Pa /usr/share/doc/ntp )
-for further information.
-.It Cm true
-Forces the association to always survive the selection and clustering algorithms.
-This option should almost certainly
-.Em only
-be used while testing an association.
-.It Cm ttl Ar ttl
-This option is used only with broadcast server and manycast
-client modes.
-It specifies the time\-to\-live
-.Ar ttl
-use on broadcast server and multicast server and the maximum
-.Ar ttl
-for the expanding ring search with manycast
-client packets.
-Selection of the proper value, which defaults to
-127, is something of a black art and should be coordinated with the
-network administrator.
-.It Cm version Ar version
-Specifies the version number to be used for outgoing NTP
-Versions 1\-4 are the choices, with version 4 the
-.It Cm xleave
-Valid in
-.Cm peer
-.Cm broadcast
-modes only, this flag enables interleave mode.
-.Ss Auxiliary Commands
-.Bl -tag -width indent
-.It Ic broadcastclient
-This command enables reception of broadcast server messages to
-any local interface (type b) address.
-Upon receiving a message for
-the first time, the broadcast client measures the nominal server
-propagation delay using a brief client/server exchange with the
-server, then enters the broadcast client mode, in which it
-synchronizes to succeeding broadcast messages.
-Note that, in order
-to avoid accidental or malicious disruption in this mode, both the
-server and client should operate using symmetric\-key or public\-key
-authentication as described in
-.Sx Authentication Options .
-.It Ic manycastserver Ar address ...
-This command enables reception of manycast client messages to
-the multicast group address(es) (type m) specified.
-At least one
-address is required, but the NTP multicast address
-assigned by the IANA should NOT be used, unless specific means are
-taken to limit the span of the reply and avoid a possibly massive
-implosion at the original sender.
-Note that, in order to avoid
-accidental or malicious disruption in this mode, both the server
-and client should operate using symmetric\-key or public\-key
-authentication as described in
-.Sx Authentication Options .
-.It Ic multicastclient Ar address ...
-This command enables reception of multicast server messages to
-the multicast group address(es) (type m) specified.
-Upon receiving
-a message for the first time, the multicast client measures the
-nominal server propagation delay using a brief client/server
-exchange with the server, then enters the broadcast client mode, in
-which it synchronizes to succeeding multicast messages.
-Note that,
-in order to avoid accidental or malicious disruption in this mode,
-both the server and client should operate using symmetric\-key or
-public\-key authentication as described in
-.Sx Authentication Options .
-.It Ic mdnstries Ar number
-If we are participating in mDNS,
-after we have synched for the first time
-we attempt to register with the mDNS system.
-If that registration attempt fails,
-we try again at one minute intervals for up to
-.Ic mdnstries
-After all,
-.Ic ntpd
-may be starting before mDNS.
-The default value for
-.Ic mdnstries
-is 5.
-.Sh Authentication Support
-Authentication support allows the NTP client to verify that the
-server is in fact known and trusted and not an intruder intending
-accidentally or on purpose to masquerade as that server.
-The NTPv3
-specification RFC\-1305 defines a scheme which provides
-cryptographic authentication of received NTP packets.
-this was done using the Data Encryption Standard (DES) algorithm
-operating in Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode, commonly called
-Subsequently, this was replaced by the RSA Message Digest
-5 (MD5) algorithm using a private key, commonly called keyed\-MD5.
-Either algorithm computes a message digest, or one\-way hash, which
-can be used to verify the server has the correct private key and
-key identifier.
-NTPv4 retains the NTPv3 scheme, properly described as symmetric key
-cryptography and, in addition, provides a new Autokey scheme
-based on public key cryptography.
-Public key cryptography is generally considered more secure
-than symmetric key cryptography, since the security is based
-on a private value which is generated by each server and
-never revealed.
-With Autokey all key distribution and
-management functions involve only public values, which
-considerably simplifies key distribution and storage.
-Public key management is based on X.509 certificates,
-which can be provided by commercial services or
-produced by utility programs in the OpenSSL software library
-or the NTPv4 distribution.
-While the algorithms for symmetric key cryptography are
-included in the NTPv4 distribution, public key cryptography
-requires the OpenSSL software library to be installed
-before building the NTP distribution.
-Directions for doing that
-are on the Building and Installing the Distribution page.
-Authentication is configured separately for each association
-using the
-.Cm key
-.Cm autokey
-subcommand on the
-.Ic peer ,
-.Ic server ,
-.Ic broadcast
-.Ic manycastclient
-configuration commands as described in
-.Sx Configuration Options
-The authentication
-options described below specify the locations of the key files,
-if other than default, which symmetric keys are trusted
-and the interval between various operations, if other than default.
-Authentication is always enabled,
-although ineffective if not configured as
-described below.
-If a NTP packet arrives
-including a message authentication
-code (MAC), it is accepted only if it
-passes all cryptographic checks.
-checks require correct key ID, key value
-and message digest.
-If the packet has
-been modified in any way or replayed
-by an intruder, it will fail one or more
-of these checks and be discarded.
-Furthermore, the Autokey scheme requires a
-preliminary protocol exchange to obtain
-the server certificate, verify its
-credentials and initialize the protocol
-.Cm auth
-flag controls whether new associations or
-remote configuration commands require cryptographic authentication.
-This flag can be set or reset by the
-.Ic enable
-.Ic disable
-commands and also by remote
-configuration commands sent by a
-.Xr ntpdc 8
-program running on
-another machine.
-If this flag is enabled, which is the default
-case, new broadcast client and symmetric passive associations and
-remote configuration commands must be cryptographically
-authenticated using either symmetric key or public key cryptography.
-If this
-flag is disabled, these operations are effective
-even if not cryptographic
-It should be understood
-that operating with the
-.Ic auth
-flag disabled invites a significant vulnerability
-where a rogue hacker can
-masquerade as a falseticker and seriously
-disrupt system timekeeping.
-It is
-important to note that this flag has no purpose
-other than to allow or disallow
-a new association in response to new broadcast
-and symmetric active messages
-and remote configuration commands and, in particular,
-the flag has no effect on
-the authentication process itself.
-An attractive alternative where multicast support is available
-is manycast mode, in which clients periodically troll
-for servers as described in the
-.Sx Automatic NTP Configuration Options
-Either symmetric key or public key
-cryptographic authentication can be used in this mode.
-The principle advantage
-of manycast mode is that potential servers need not be
-configured in advance,
-since the client finds them during regular operation,
-and the configuration
-files for all clients can be identical.
-The security model and protocol schemes for
-both symmetric key and public key
-cryptography are summarized below;
-further details are in the briefings, papers
-and reports at the NTP project page linked from
-.Li http://www.ntp.org/ .
-.Ss Symmetric\-Key Cryptography
-The original RFC\-1305 specification allows any one of possibly
-65,535 keys, each distinguished by a 32\-bit key identifier, to
-authenticate an association.
-The servers and clients involved must
-agree on the key and key identifier to
-authenticate NTP packets.
-Keys and
-related information are specified in a key
-file, usually called
-.Pa ntp.keys ,
-which must be distributed and stored using
-secure means beyond the scope of the NTP protocol itself.
-Besides the keys used
-for ordinary NTP associations,
-additional keys can be used as passwords for the
-.Xr ntpq 8
-.Xr ntpdc 8
-utility programs.
-.Xr ntpd 8
-is first started, it reads the key file specified in the
-.Ic keys
-configuration command and installs the keys
-in the key cache.
-individual keys must be activated with the
-.Ic trusted
-command before use.
-allows, for instance, the installation of possibly
-several batches of keys and
-then activating or deactivating each batch
-remotely using
-.Xr ntpdc 8 .
-This also provides a revocation capability that can be used
-if a key becomes compromised.
-.Ic requestkey
-command selects the key used as the password for the
-.Xr ntpdc 8
-utility, while the
-.Ic controlkey
-command selects the key used as the password for the
-.Xr ntpq 8
-.Ss Public Key Cryptography
-NTPv4 supports the original NTPv3 symmetric key scheme
-described in RFC\-1305 and in addition the Autokey protocol,
-which is based on public key cryptography.
-The Autokey Version 2 protocol described on the Autokey Protocol
-page verifies packet integrity using MD5 message digests
-and verifies the source with digital signatures and any of several
-digest/signature schemes.
-Optional identity schemes described on the Identity Schemes
-page and based on cryptographic challenge/response algorithms
-are also available.
-Using all of these schemes provides strong security against
-replay with or without modification, spoofing, masquerade
-and most forms of clogging attacks.
-.\" .Pp
-.\" The cryptographic means necessary for all Autokey operations
-.\" is provided by the OpenSSL software library.
-.\" This library is available from http://www.openssl.org/
-.\" and can be installed using the procedures outlined
-.\" in the Building and Installing the Distribution page.
-.\" Once installed,
-.\" the configure and build
-.\" process automatically detects the library and links
-.\" the library routines required.
-The Autokey protocol has several modes of operation
-corresponding to the various NTP modes supported.
-Most modes use a special cookie which can be
-computed independently by the client and server,
-but encrypted in transmission.
-All modes use in addition a variant of the S\-KEY scheme,
-in which a pseudo\-random key list is generated and used
-in reverse order.
-These schemes are described along with an executive summary,
-current status, briefing slides and reading list on the
-.Sx Autonomous Authentication
-The specific cryptographic environment used by Autokey servers
-and clients is determined by a set of files
-and soft links generated by the
-.Xr ntp\-keygen 1ntpkeygenmdoc
-This includes a required host key file,
-required certificate file and optional sign key file,
-leapsecond file and identity scheme files.
-digest/signature scheme is specified in the X.509 certificate
-along with the matching sign key.
-There are several schemes
-available in the OpenSSL software library, each identified
-by a specific string such as
-.Cm md5WithRSAEncryption ,
-which stands for the MD5 message digest with RSA
-encryption scheme.
-The current NTP distribution supports
-all the schemes in the OpenSSL library, including
-those based on RSA and DSA digital signatures.
-NTP secure groups can be used to define cryptographic compartments
-and security hierarchies.
-It is important that every host
-in the group be able to construct a certificate trail to one
-or more trusted hosts in the same group.
-Each group
-host runs the Autokey protocol to obtain the certificates
-for all hosts along the trail to one or more trusted hosts.
-This requires the configuration file in all hosts to be
-engineered so that, even under anticipated failure conditions,
-the NTP subnet will form such that every group host can find
-a trail to at least one trusted host.
-.Ss Naming and Addressing
-It is important to note that Autokey does not use DNS to
-resolve addresses, since DNS can't be completely trusted
-until the name servers have synchronized clocks.
-The cryptographic name used by Autokey to bind the host identity
-credentials and cryptographic values must be independent
-of interface, network and any other naming convention.
-The name appears in the host certificate in either or both
-the subject and issuer fields, so protection against
-DNS compromise is essential.
-By convention, the name of an Autokey host is the name returned
-by the Unix
-.Xr gethostname 2
-system call or equivalent in other systems.
-By the system design
-model, there are no provisions to allow alternate names or aliases.
-However, this is not to say that DNS aliases, different names
-for each interface, etc., are constrained in any way.
-It is also important to note that Autokey verifies authenticity
-using the host name, network address and public keys,
-all of which are bound together by the protocol specifically
-to deflect masquerade attacks.
-For this reason Autokey
-includes the source and destination IP addresses in message digest
-computations and so the same addresses must be available
-at both the server and client.
-For this reason operation
-with network address translation schemes is not possible.
-This reflects the intended robust security model where government
-and corporate NTP servers are operated outside firewall perimeters.
-.Ss Operation
-A specific combination of authentication scheme (none,
-symmetric key, public key) and identity scheme is called
-a cryptotype, although not all combinations are compatible.
-There may be management configurations where the clients,
-servers and peers may not all support the same cryptotypes.
-A secure NTPv4 subnet can be configured in many ways while
-keeping in mind the principles explained above and
-in this section.
-Note however that some cryptotype
-combinations may successfully interoperate with each other,
-but may not represent good security practice.
-The cryptotype of an association is determined at the time
-of mobilization, either at configuration time or some time
-later when a message of appropriate cryptotype arrives.
-When mobilized by a
-.Ic server
-.Ic peer
-configuration command and no
-.Ic key
-.Ic autokey
-subcommands are present, the association is not
-authenticated; if the
-.Ic key
-subcommand is present, the association is authenticated
-using the symmetric key ID specified; if the
-.Ic autokey
-subcommand is present, the association is authenticated
-using Autokey.
-When multiple identity schemes are supported in the Autokey
-protocol, the first message exchange determines which one is used.
-The client request message contains bits corresponding
-to which schemes it has available.
-The server response message
-contains bits corresponding to which schemes it has available.
-Both server and client match the received bits with their own
-and select a common scheme.
-Following the principle that time is a public value,
-a server responds to any client packet that matches
-its cryptotype capabilities.
-Thus, a server receiving
-an unauthenticated packet will respond with an unauthenticated
-packet, while the same server receiving a packet of a cryptotype
-it supports will respond with packets of that cryptotype.
-However, unconfigured broadcast or manycast client
-associations or symmetric passive associations will not be
-mobilized unless the server supports a cryptotype compatible
-with the first packet received.
-By default, unauthenticated associations will not be mobilized
-unless overridden in a decidedly dangerous way.
-Some examples may help to reduce confusion.
-Client Alice has no specific cryptotype selected.
-Server Bob has both a symmetric key file and minimal Autokey files.
-Alice's unauthenticated messages arrive at Bob, who replies with
-unauthenticated messages.
-Cathy has a copy of Bob's symmetric
-key file and has selected key ID 4 in messages to Bob.
-Bob verifies the message with his key ID 4.
-If it's the
-same key and the message is verified, Bob sends Cathy a reply
-authenticated with that key.
-If verification fails,
-Bob sends Cathy a thing called a crypto\-NAK, which tells her
-something broke.
-She can see the evidence using the
-.Xr ntpq 8
-Denise has rolled her own host key and certificate.
-She also uses one of the identity schemes as Bob.
-She sends the first Autokey message to Bob and they
-both dance the protocol authentication and identity steps.
-If all comes out okay, Denise and Bob continue as described above.
-It should be clear from the above that Bob can support
-all the girls at the same time, as long as he has compatible
-authentication and identity credentials.
-Now, Bob can act just like the girls in his own choice of servers;
-he can run multiple configured associations with multiple different
-servers (or the same server, although that might not be useful).
-But, wise security policy might preclude some cryptotype
-combinations; for instance, running an identity scheme
-with one server and no authentication with another might not be wise.
-.Ss Key Management
-The cryptographic values used by the Autokey protocol are
-incorporated as a set of files generated by the
-.Xr ntp\-keygen 1ntpkeygenmdoc
-utility program, including symmetric key, host key and
-public certificate files, as well as sign key, identity parameters
-and leapseconds files.
-Alternatively, host and sign keys and
-certificate files can be generated by the OpenSSL utilities
-and certificates can be imported from public certificate
-Note that symmetric keys are necessary for the
-.Xr ntpq 8
-.Xr ntpdc 8
-utility programs.
-The remaining files are necessary only for the
-Autokey protocol.
-Certificates imported from OpenSSL or public certificate
-authorities have certain limitations.
-The certificate should be in ASN.1 syntax, X.509 Version 3
-format and encoded in PEM, which is the same format
-used by OpenSSL.
-The overall length of the certificate encoded
-in ASN.1 must not exceed 1024 bytes.
-The subject distinguished
-name field (CN) is the fully qualified name of the host
-on which it is used; the remaining subject fields are ignored.
-The certificate extension fields must not contain either
-a subject key identifier or a issuer key identifier field;
-however, an extended key usage field for a trusted host must
-contain the value
-.Cm trustRoot ; .
-Other extension fields are ignored.
-.Ss Authentication Commands
-.Bl -tag -width indent
-.It Ic autokey Op Ar logsec
-Specifies the interval between regenerations of the session key
-list used with the Autokey protocol.
-Note that the size of the key
-list for each association depends on this interval and the current
-poll interval.
-The default value is 12 (4096 s or about 1.1 hours).
-For poll intervals above the specified interval, a session key list
-with a single entry will be regenerated for every message
-.It Ic controlkey Ar key
-Specifies the key identifier to use with the
-.Xr ntpq 8
-utility, which uses the standard
-protocol defined in RFC\-1305.
-.Ar key
-argument is
-the key identifier for a trusted key, where the value can be in the
-range 1 to 65,535, inclusive.
-.It Xo Ic crypto
-.Op Cm cert Ar file
-.Op Cm leap Ar file
-.Op Cm randfile Ar file
-.Op Cm host Ar file
-.Op Cm sign Ar file
-.Op Cm gq Ar file
-.Op Cm gqpar Ar file
-.Op Cm iffpar Ar file
-.Op Cm mvpar Ar file
-.Op Cm pw Ar password
-This command requires the OpenSSL library.
-It activates public key
-cryptography, selects the message digest and signature
-encryption scheme and loads the required private and public
-values described above.
-If one or more files are left unspecified,
-the default names are used as described above.
-Unless the complete path and name of the file are specified, the
-location of a file is relative to the keys directory specified
-in the
-.Ic keysdir
-command or default
-.Pa /usr/local/etc .
-Following are the subcommands:
-.Bl -tag -width indent
-.It Cm cert Ar file
-Specifies the location of the required host public certificate file.
-This overrides the link
-.Pa ntpkey_cert_ Ns Ar hostname
-in the keys directory.
-.It Cm gqpar Ar file
-Specifies the location of the optional GQ parameters file.
-overrides the link
-.Pa ntpkey_gq_ Ns Ar hostname
-in the keys directory.
-.It Cm host Ar file
-Specifies the location of the required host key file.
-This overrides
-the link
-.Pa ntpkey_key_ Ns Ar hostname
-in the keys directory.
-.It Cm iffpar Ar file
-Specifies the location of the optional IFF parameters file.
-This overrides the link
-.Pa ntpkey_iff_ Ns Ar hostname
-in the keys directory.
-.It Cm leap Ar file
-Specifies the location of the optional leapsecond file.
-This overrides the link
-.Pa ntpkey_leap
-in the keys directory.
-.It Cm mvpar Ar file
-Specifies the location of the optional MV parameters file.
-This overrides the link
-.Pa ntpkey_mv_ Ns Ar hostname
-in the keys directory.
-.It Cm pw Ar password
-Specifies the password to decrypt files containing private keys and
-identity parameters.
-This is required only if these files have been
-.It Cm randfile Ar file
-Specifies the location of the random seed file used by the OpenSSL
-The defaults are described in the main text above.
-.It Cm sign Ar file
-Specifies the location of the optional sign key file.
-This overrides
-the link
-.Pa ntpkey_sign_ Ns Ar hostname
-in the keys directory.
-If this file is
-not found, the host key is also the sign key.
-.It Ic keys Ar keyfile
-Specifies the complete path and location of the MD5 key file
-containing the keys and key identifiers used by
-.Xr ntpd 8 ,
-.Xr ntpq 8
-.Xr ntpdc 8
-when operating with symmetric key cryptography.
-This is the same operation as the
-.Fl k
-command line option.
-.It Ic keysdir Ar path
-This command specifies the default directory path for
-cryptographic keys, parameters and certificates.
-The default is
-.Pa /usr/local/etc/ .
-.It Ic requestkey Ar key
-Specifies the key identifier to use with the
-.Xr ntpdc 8
-utility program, which uses a
-proprietary protocol specific to this implementation of
-.Xr ntpd 8 .
-.Ar key
-argument is a key identifier
-for the trusted key, where the value can be in the range 1 to
-65,535, inclusive.
-.It Ic revoke Ar logsec
-Specifies the interval between re\-randomization of certain
-cryptographic values used by the Autokey scheme, as a power of 2 in
-These values need to be updated frequently in order to
-deflect brute\-force attacks on the algorithms of the scheme;
-however, updating some values is a relatively expensive operation.
-The default interval is 16 (65,536 s or about 18 hours).
-For poll
-intervals above the specified interval, the values will be updated
-for every message sent.
-.It Ic trustedkey Ar key ...
-Specifies the key identifiers which are trusted for the
-purposes of authenticating peers with symmetric key cryptography,
-as well as keys used by the
-.Xr ntpq 8
-.Xr ntpdc 8
-The authentication procedures require that both the local
-and remote servers share the same key and key identifier for this
-purpose, although different keys can be used with different
-.Ar key
-arguments are 32\-bit unsigned
-integers with values from 1 to 65,535.
-.Ss Error Codes
-The following error codes are reported via the NTP control
-and monitoring protocol trap mechanism.
-.Bl -tag -width indent
-.It 101
-.Pq bad field format or length
-The packet has invalid version, length or format.
-.It 102
-.Pq bad timestamp
-The packet timestamp is the same or older than the most recent received.
-This could be due to a replay or a server clock time step.
-.It 103
-.Pq bad filestamp
-The packet filestamp is the same or older than the most recent received.
-This could be due to a replay or a key file generation error.
-.It 104
-.Pq bad or missing public key
-The public key is missing, has incorrect format or is an unsupported type.
-.It 105
-.Pq unsupported digest type
-The server requires an unsupported digest/signature scheme.
-.It 106
-.Pq mismatched digest types
-Not used.
-.It 107
-.Pq bad signature length
-The signature length does not match the current public key.
-.It 108
-.Pq signature not verified
-The message fails the signature check.
-It could be bogus or signed by a
-different private key.
-.It 109
-.Pq certificate not verified
-The certificate is invalid or signed with the wrong key.
-.It 110
-.Pq certificate not verified
-The certificate is not yet valid or has expired or the signature could not
-be verified.
-.It 111
-.Pq bad or missing cookie
-The cookie is missing, corrupted or bogus.
-.It 112
-.Pq bad or missing leapseconds table
-The leapseconds table is missing, corrupted or bogus.
-.It 113
-.Pq bad or missing certificate
-The certificate is missing, corrupted or bogus.
-.It 114
-.Pq bad or missing identity
-The identity key is missing, corrupt or bogus.
-.Sh Monitoring Support
-.Xr ntpd 8
-includes a comprehensive monitoring facility suitable
-for continuous, long term recording of server and client
-timekeeping performance.
-See the
-.Ic statistics
-command below
-for a listing and example of each type of statistics currently
-Statistic files are managed using file generation sets
-and scripts in the
-.Pa ./scripts
-directory of the source code distribution.
-these facilities and
-.Xr cron 8
-jobs, the data can be
-automatically summarized and archived for retrospective analysis.
-.Ss Monitoring Commands
-.Bl -tag -width indent
-.It Ic statistics Ar name ...
-Enables writing of statistics records.
-Currently, eight kinds of
-.Ar name
-statistics are supported.
-.Bl -tag -width indent
-.It Cm clockstats
-Enables recording of clock driver statistics information.
-Each update
-received from a clock driver appends a line of the following form to
-the file generation set named
-.Cm clockstats :
-.Bd -literal
-49213 525.624 93 226 00:08:29.606 D
-The first two fields show the date (Modified Julian Day) and time
-(seconds and fraction past UTC midnight).
-The next field shows the
-clock address in dotted\-quad notation.
-The final field shows the last
-timecode received from the clock in decoded ASCII format, where
-In some clock drivers a good deal of additional information
-can be gathered and displayed as well.
-See information specific to each
-clock for further details.
-.It Cm cryptostats
-This option requires the OpenSSL cryptographic software library.
-enables recording of cryptographic public key protocol information.
-Each message received by the protocol module appends a line of the
-following form to the file generation set named
-.Cm cryptostats :
-.Bd -literal
-49213 525.624 message
-The first two fields show the date (Modified Julian Day) and time
-(seconds and fraction past UTC midnight).
-The next field shows the peer
-address in dotted\-quad notation, The final message field includes the
-message type and certain ancillary information.
-See the
-.Sx Authentication Options
-section for further information.
-.It Cm loopstats
-Enables recording of loop filter statistics information.
-update of the local clock outputs a line of the following form to
-the file generation set named
-.Cm loopstats :
-.Bd -literal
-50935 75440.031 0.000006019 13.778190 0.000351733 0.0133806
-The first two fields show the date (Modified Julian Day) and
-time (seconds and fraction past UTC midnight).
-The next five fields
-show time offset (seconds), frequency offset (parts per million \-
-PPM), RMS jitter (seconds), Allan deviation (PPM) and clock
-discipline time constant.
-.It Cm peerstats
-Enables recording of peer statistics information.
-This includes
-statistics records of all peers of a NTP server and of special
-signals, where present and configured.
-Each valid update appends a
-line of the following form to the current element of a file
-generation set named
-.Cm peerstats :
-.Bd -literal
-48773 10847.650 9714 \-0.001605376 0.000000000 0.001424877 0.000958674
-The first two fields show the date (Modified Julian Day) and
-time (seconds and fraction past UTC midnight).
-The next two fields
-show the peer address in dotted\-quad notation and status,
-The status field is encoded in hex in the format
-described in Appendix A of the NTP specification RFC 1305.
-The final four fields show the offset,
-delay, dispersion and RMS jitter, all in seconds.
-.It Cm rawstats
-Enables recording of raw\-timestamp statistics information.
-includes statistics records of all peers of a NTP server and of
-special signals, where present and configured.
-Each NTP message
-received from a peer or clock driver appends a line of the
-following form to the file generation set named
-.Cm rawstats :
-.Bd -literal
-50928 2132.543 3102453281.584327000 3102453281.58622800031 02453332.540806000 3102453332.541458000
-The first two fields show the date (Modified Julian Day) and
-time (seconds and fraction past UTC midnight).
-The next two fields
-show the remote peer or clock address followed by the local address
-in dotted\-quad notation.
-The final four fields show the originate,
-receive, transmit and final NTP timestamps in order.
-The timestamp
-values are as received and before processing by the various data
-smoothing and mitigation algorithms.
-.It Cm sysstats
-Enables recording of ntpd statistics counters on a periodic basis.
-hour a line of the following form is appended to the file generation
-set named
-.Cm sysstats :
-.Bd -literal
-50928 2132.543 36000 81965 0 9546 56 71793 512 540 10 147
-The first two fields show the date (Modified Julian Day) and time
-(seconds and fraction past UTC midnight).
-The remaining ten fields show
-the statistics counter values accumulated since the last generated
-.Bl -tag -width indent
-.It Time since restart Cm 36000
-Time in hours since the system was last rebooted.
-.It Packets received Cm 81965
-Total number of packets received.
-.It Packets processed Cm 0
-Number of packets received in response to previous packets sent
-.It Current version Cm 9546
-Number of packets matching the current NTP version.
-.It Previous version Cm 56
-Number of packets matching the previous NTP version.
-.It Bad version Cm 71793
-Number of packets matching neither NTP version.
-.It Access denied Cm 512
-Number of packets denied access for any reason.
-.It Bad length or format Cm 540
-Number of packets with invalid length, format or port number.
-.It Bad authentication Cm 10
-Number of packets not verified as authentic.
-.It Rate exceeded Cm 147
-Number of packets discarded due to rate limitation.
-.It Cm statsdir Ar directory_path
-Indicates the full path of a directory where statistics files
-should be created (see below).
-This keyword allows
-the (otherwise constant)
-.Cm filegen
-filename prefix to be modified for file generation sets, which
-is useful for handling statistics logs.
-.It Cm filegen Ar name Xo
-.Op Cm file Ar filename
-.Op Cm type Ar typename
-.Op Cm link | nolink
-.Op Cm enable | disable
-Configures setting of generation file set name.
-file sets provide a means for handling files that are
-continuously growing during the lifetime of a server.
-Server statistics are a typical example for such files.
-Generation file sets provide access to a set of files used
-to store the actual data.
-At any time at most one element
-of the set is being written to.
-The type given specifies
-when and how data will be directed to a new element of the set.
-This way, information stored in elements of a file set
-that are currently unused are available for administrational
-operations without the risk of disturbing the operation of ntpd.
-(Most important: they can be removed to free space for new data
-Note that this command can be sent from the
-.Xr ntpdc 8
-program running at a remote location.
-.Bl -tag -width indent
-.It Cm name
-This is the type of the statistics records, as shown in the
-.Cm statistics
-.It Cm file Ar filename
-This is the file name for the statistics records.
-Filenames of set
-members are built from three concatenated elements
-.Ar Cm prefix ,
-.Ar Cm filename
-.Ar Cm suffix :
-.Bl -tag -width indent
-.It Cm prefix
-This is a constant filename path.
-It is not subject to
-modifications via the
-.Ar filegen
-It is defined by the
-server, usually specified as a compile\-time constant.
-It may,
-however, be configurable for individual file generation sets
-via other commands.
-For example, the prefix used with
-.Ar loopstats
-.Ar peerstats
-generation can be configured using the
-.Ar statsdir
-option explained above.
-.It Cm filename
-This string is directly concatenated to the prefix mentioned
-above (no intervening
-.Ql / ) .
-This can be modified using
-the file argument to the
-.Ar filegen
-.Pa ..
-elements are
-allowed in this component to prevent filenames referring to
-parts outside the filesystem hierarchy denoted by
-.Ar prefix .
-.It Cm suffix
-This part is reflects individual elements of a file set.
-It is
-generated according to the type of a file set.
-.It Cm type Ar typename
-A file generation set is characterized by its type.
-The following
-types are supported:
-.Bl -tag -width indent
-.It Cm none
-The file set is actually a single plain file.
-.It Cm pid
-One element of file set is used per incarnation of a ntpd
-This type does not perform any changes to file set
-members during runtime, however it provides an easy way of
-separating files belonging to different
-.Xr ntpd 8
-server incarnations.
-The set member filename is built by appending a
-.Ql \&.
-to concatenated
-.Ar prefix
-.Ar filename
-strings, and
-appending the decimal representation of the process ID of the
-.Xr ntpd 8
-server process.
-.It Cm day
-One file generation set element is created per day.
-A day is
-defined as the period between 00:00 and 24:00 UTC.
-The file set
-member suffix consists of a
-.Ql \&.
-and a day specification in
-the form
-.Cm YYYYMMdd .
-is a 4\-digit year number (e.g., 1992).
-.Cm MM
-is a two digit month number.
-.Cm dd
-is a two digit day number.
-Thus, all information written at 10 December 1992 would end up
-in a file named
-.Ar prefix
-.Ar filename Ns .19921210 .
-.It Cm week
-Any file set member contains data related to a certain week of
-a year.
-The term week is defined by computing day\-of\-year
-modulo 7.
-Elements of such a file generation set are
-distinguished by appending the following suffix to the file set
-filename base: A dot, a 4\-digit year number, the letter
-.Cm W ,
-and a 2\-digit week number.
-For example, information from January,
-10th 1992 would end up in a file with suffix
-.No . Ns Ar 1992W1 .
-.It Cm month
-One generation file set element is generated per month.
-file name suffix consists of a dot, a 4\-digit year number, and
-a 2\-digit month.
-.It Cm year
-One generation file element is generated per year.
-The filename
-suffix consists of a dot and a 4 digit year number.
-.It Cm age
-This type of file generation sets changes to a new element of
-the file set every 24 hours of server operation.
-The filename
-suffix consists of a dot, the letter
-.Cm a ,
-and an 8\-digit number.
-This number is taken to be the number of seconds the server is
-running at the start of the corresponding 24\-hour period.
-Information is only written to a file generation by specifying
-.Cm enable ;
-output is prevented by specifying
-.Cm disable .
-.It Cm link | nolink
-It is convenient to be able to access the current element of a file
-generation set by a fixed name.
-This feature is enabled by
-.Cm link
-and disabled using
-.Cm nolink .
-If link is specified, a
-hard link from the current file set element to a file without
-suffix is created.
-When there is already a file with this name and
-the number of links of this file is one, it is renamed appending a
-dot, the letter
-.Cm C ,
-and the pid of the
-.Xr ntpd 8
-server process.
-When the
-number of links is greater than one, the file is unlinked.
-allows the current file to be accessed by a constant name.
-.It Cm enable \&| Cm disable
-Enables or disables the recording function.
-.Sh Access Control Support
-.Xr ntpd 8
-daemon implements a general purpose address/mask based restriction
-The list contains address/match entries sorted first
-by increasing address values and and then by increasing mask values.
-A match occurs when the bitwise AND of the mask and the packet
-source address is equal to the bitwise AND of the mask and
-address in the list.
-The list is searched in order with the
-last match found defining the restriction flags associated
-with the entry.
-Additional information and examples can be found in the
-.Qq Notes on Configuring NTP and Setting up a NTP Subnet
-(available as part of the HTML documentation
-provided in
-.Pa /usr/share/doc/ntp ) .
-The restriction facility was implemented in conformance
-with the access policies for the original NSFnet backbone
-time servers.
-Later the facility was expanded to deflect
-cryptographic and clogging attacks.
-While this facility may
-be useful for keeping unwanted or broken or malicious clients
-from congesting innocent servers, it should not be considered
-an alternative to the NTP authentication facilities.
-Source address based restrictions are easily circumvented
-by a determined cracker.
-Clients can be denied service because they are explicitly
-included in the restrict list created by the
-.Ic restrict
-or implicitly as the result of cryptographic or rate limit
-Cryptographic violations include certificate
-or identity verification failure; rate limit violations generally
-result from defective NTP implementations that send packets
-at abusive rates.
-Some violations cause denied service
-only for the offending packet, others cause denied service
-for a timed period and others cause the denied service for
-an indefinite period.
-When a client or network is denied access
-for an indefinite period, the only way at present to remove
-the restrictions is by restarting the server.
-.Ss The Kiss\-of\-Death Packet
-Ordinarily, packets denied service are simply dropped with no
-further action except incrementing statistics counters.
-Sometimes a
-more proactive response is needed, such as a server message that
-explicitly requests the client to stop sending and leave a message
-for the system operator.
-A special packet format has been created
-for this purpose called the "kiss\-of\-death" (KoD) packet.
-KoD packets have the leap bits set unsynchronized and stratum set
-to zero and the reference identifier field set to a four\-byte
-ASCII code.
-If the
-.Cm noserve
-.Cm notrust
-flag of the matching restrict list entry is set,
-the code is "DENY"; if the
-.Cm limited
-flag is set and the rate limit
-is exceeded, the code is "RATE".
-Finally, if a cryptographic violation occurs, the code is "CRYP".
-A client receiving a KoD performs a set of sanity checks to
-minimize security exposure, then updates the stratum and
-reference identifier peer variables, sets the access
-denied (TEST4) bit in the peer flash variable and sends
-a message to the log.
-As long as the TEST4 bit is set,
-the client will send no further packets to the server.
-The only way at present to recover from this condition is
-to restart the protocol at both the client and server.
-happens automatically at the client when the association times out.
-It will happen at the server only if the server operator cooperates.
-.Ss Access Control Commands
-.Bl -tag -width indent
-.It Xo Ic discard
-.Op Cm average Ar avg
-.Op Cm minimum Ar min
-.Op Cm monitor Ar prob
-Set the parameters of the
-.Cm limited
-facility which protects the server from
-client abuse.
-.Cm average
-subcommand specifies the minimum average packet
-spacing, while the
-.Cm minimum
-subcommand specifies the minimum packet spacing.
-Packets that violate these minima are discarded
-and a kiss\-o'\-death packet returned if enabled.
-The default
-minimum average and minimum are 5 and 2, respectively.
-.Ic monitor
-subcommand specifies the probability of discard
-for packets that overflow the rate\-control window.
-.It Xo Ic restrict address
-.Op Cm mask Ar mask
-.Op Cm ippeerlimit Ar int
-.Op Ar flag ...
-.Ar address
-argument expressed in
-dotted\-quad form is the address of a host or network.
-Alternatively, the
-.Ar address
-argument can be a valid host DNS name.
-.Ar mask
-argument expressed in dotted\-quad form defaults to
-.Cm ,
-meaning that the
-.Ar address
-is treated as the address of an individual host.
-A default entry (address
-.Cm ,
-.Cm )
-is always included and is always the first entry in the list.
-Note that text string
-.Cm default ,
-with no mask option, may
-be used to indicate the default entry.
-.Cm ippeerlimit
-directive limits the number of peer requests for each IP to
-.Ar int ,
-where a value of \-1 means "unlimited", the current default.
-A value of 0 means "none".
-There would usually be at most 1 peering request per IP,
-but if the remote peering requests are behind a proxy
-there could well be more than 1 per IP.
-In the current implementation,
-.Cm flag
-restricts access, i.e., an entry with no flags indicates that free
-access to the server is to be given.
-The flags are not orthogonal,
-in that more restrictive flags will often make less restrictive
-ones redundant.
-The flags can generally be classed into two
-categories, those which restrict time service and those which
-restrict informational queries and attempts to do run\-time
-reconfiguration of the server.
-One or more of the following flags
-may be specified:
-.Bl -tag -width indent
-.It Cm ignore
-Deny packets of all kinds, including
-.Xr ntpq 8
-.Xr ntpdc 8
-.It Cm kod
-If this flag is set when an access violation occurs, a kiss\-o'\-death
-(KoD) packet is sent.
-KoD packets are rate limited to no more than one
-per second.
-If another KoD packet occurs within one second after the
-last one, the packet is dropped.
-.It Cm limited
-Deny service if the packet spacing violates the lower limits specified
-in the
-.Ic discard
-A history of clients is kept using the
-monitoring capability of
-.Xr ntpd 8 .
-Thus, monitoring is always active as
-long as there is a restriction entry with the
-.Cm limited
-.It Cm lowpriotrap
-Declare traps set by matching hosts to be low priority.
-number of traps a server can maintain is limited (the current limit
-is 3).
-Traps are usually assigned on a first come, first served
-basis, with later trap requestors being denied service.
-This flag
-modifies the assignment algorithm by allowing low priority traps to
-be overridden by later requests for normal priority traps.
-.It Cm noepeer
-Deny ephemeral peer requests,
-even if they come from an authenticated source.
-Note that the ability to use a symmetric key for authentication may be restricted to
-one or more IPs or subnets via the third field of the
-.Pa ntp.keys
-This restriction is not enabled by default,
-to maintain backward compatibility.
-.Cm noepeer
-to become the default in ntp\-4.4.
-.It Cm nomodify
-.Xr ntpq 8
-.Xr ntpdc 8
-queries which attempt to modify the state of the
-server (i.e., run time reconfiguration).
-Queries which return
-information are permitted.
-.It Cm noquery
-.Xr ntpq 8
-.Xr ntpdc 8
-Time service is not affected.
-.It Cm nopeer
-Deny unauthenticated packets which would result in mobilizing a new association.
-This includes
-broadcast and symmetric active packets
-when a configured association does not exist.
-It also includes
-.Cm pool
-associations, so if you want to use servers from a
-.Cm pool
-directive and also want to use
-.Cm nopeer
-by default, you'll want a
-.Cm "restrict source ..."
-line as well that does
-.Em not
-include the
-.Cm nopeer
-.It Cm noserve
-Deny all packets except
-.Xr ntpq 8
-.Xr ntpdc 8
-.It Cm notrap
-Decline to provide mode 6 control message trap service to matching
-The trap service is a subsystem of the
-.Xr ntpq 8
-control message
-protocol which is intended for use by remote event logging programs.
-.It Cm notrust
-Deny service unless the packet is cryptographically authenticated.
-.It Cm ntpport
-This is actually a match algorithm modifier, rather than a
-restriction flag.
-Its presence causes the restriction entry to be
-matched only if the source port in the packet is the standard NTP
-UDP port (123).
-.Cm ntpport
-.Cm non\-ntpport
-be specified.
-.Cm ntpport
-is considered more specific and
-is sorted later in the list.
-.It Cm version
-Deny packets that do not match the current NTP version.
-Default restriction list entries with the flags ignore, interface,
-ntpport, for each of the local host's interface addresses are
-inserted into the table at startup to prevent the server
-from attempting to synchronize to its own time.
-A default entry is also always present, though if it is
-otherwise unconfigured; no flags are associated
-with the default entry (i.e., everything besides your own
-NTP server is unrestricted).
-.Sh Automatic NTP Configuration Options
-.Ss Manycasting
-Manycasting is a automatic discovery and configuration paradigm
-new to NTPv4.
-It is intended as a means for a multicast client
-to troll the nearby network neighborhood to find cooperating
-manycast servers, validate them using cryptographic means
-and evaluate their time values with respect to other servers
-that might be lurking in the vicinity.
-The intended result is that each manycast client mobilizes
-client associations with some number of the "best"
-of the nearby manycast servers, yet automatically reconfigures
-to sustain this number of servers should one or another fail.
-Note that the manycasting paradigm does not coincide
-with the anycast paradigm described in RFC\-1546,
-which is designed to find a single server from a clique
-of servers providing the same service.
-The manycast paradigm is designed to find a plurality
-of redundant servers satisfying defined optimality criteria.
-Manycasting can be used with either symmetric key
-or public key cryptography.
-The public key infrastructure (PKI)
-offers the best protection against compromised keys
-and is generally considered stronger, at least with relatively
-large key sizes.
-It is implemented using the Autokey protocol and
-the OpenSSL cryptographic library available from
-.Li http://www.openssl.org/ .
-The library can also be used with other NTPv4 modes
-as well and is highly recommended, especially for broadcast modes.
-A persistent manycast client association is configured
-using the
-.Ic manycastclient
-command, which is similar to the
-.Ic server
-command but with a multicast (IPv4 class
-.Cm D
-or IPv6 prefix
-.Cm FF )
-group address.
-The IANA has designated IPv4 address
-and IPv6 address FF05::101 (site local) for NTP.
-When more servers are needed, it broadcasts manycast
-client messages to this address at the minimum feasible rate
-and minimum feasible time\-to\-live (TTL) hops, depending
-on how many servers have already been found.
-There can be as many manycast client associations
-as different group address, each one serving as a template
-for a future ephemeral unicast client/server association.
-Manycast servers configured with the
-.Ic manycastserver
-command listen on the specified group address for manycast
-client messages.
-Note the distinction between manycast client,
-which actively broadcasts messages, and manycast server,
-which passively responds to them.
-If a manycast server is
-in scope of the current TTL and is itself synchronized
-to a valid source and operating at a stratum level equal
-to or lower than the manycast client, it replies to the
-manycast client message with an ordinary unicast server message.
-The manycast client receiving this message mobilizes
-an ephemeral client/server association according to the
-matching manycast client template, but only if cryptographically
-authenticated and the server stratum is less than or equal
-to the client stratum.
-Authentication is explicitly required
-and either symmetric key or public key (Autokey) can be used.
-Then, the client polls the server at its unicast address
-in burst mode in order to reliably set the host clock
-and validate the source.
-This normally results
-in a volley of eight client/server at 2\-s intervals
-during which both the synchronization and cryptographic
-protocols run concurrently.
-Following the volley,
-the client runs the NTP intersection and clustering
-algorithms, which act to discard all but the "best"
-associations according to stratum and synchronization
-The surviving associations then continue
-in ordinary client/server mode.
-The manycast client polling strategy is designed to reduce
-as much as possible the volume of manycast client messages
-and the effects of implosion due to near\-simultaneous
-arrival of manycast server messages.
-The strategy is determined by the
-.Ic manycastclient ,
-.Ic tos
-.Ic ttl
-configuration commands.
-The manycast poll interval is
-normally eight times the system poll interval,
-which starts out at the
-.Cm minpoll
-value specified in the
-.Ic manycastclient ,
-command and, under normal circumstances, increments to the
-.Cm maxpolll
-value specified in this command.
-Initially, the TTL is
-set at the minimum hops specified by the
-.Ic ttl
-At each retransmission the TTL is increased until reaching
-the maximum hops specified by this command or a sufficient
-number client associations have been found.
-Further retransmissions use the same TTL.
-The quality and reliability of the suite of associations
-discovered by the manycast client is determined by the NTP
-mitigation algorithms and the
-.Cm minclock
-.Cm minsane
-values specified in the
-.Ic tos
-configuration command.
-At least
-.Cm minsane
-candidate servers must be available and the mitigation
-algorithms produce at least
-.Cm minclock
-survivors in order to synchronize the clock.
-Byzantine agreement principles require at least four
-candidates in order to correctly discard a single falseticker.
-For legacy purposes,
-.Cm minsane
-defaults to 1 and
-.Cm minclock
-defaults to 3.
-For manycast service
-.Cm minsane
-should be explicitly set to 4, assuming at least that
-number of servers are available.
-If at least
-.Cm minclock
-servers are found, the manycast poll interval is immediately
-set to eight times
-.Cm maxpoll .
-If less than
-.Cm minclock
-servers are found when the TTL has reached the maximum hops,
-the manycast poll interval is doubled.
-For each transmission
-after that, the poll interval is doubled again until
-reaching the maximum of eight times
-.Cm maxpoll .
-Further transmissions use the same poll interval and
-TTL values.
-Note that while all this is going on,
-each client/server association found is operating normally
-it the system poll interval.
-Administratively scoped multicast boundaries are normally
-specified by the network router configuration and,
-in the case of IPv6, the link/site scope prefix.
-By default, the increment for TTL hops is 32 starting
-from 31; however, the
-.Ic ttl
-configuration command can be
-used to modify the values to match the scope rules.
-It is often useful to narrow the range of acceptable
-servers which can be found by manycast client associations.
-Because manycast servers respond only when the client
-stratum is equal to or greater than the server stratum,
-primary (stratum 1) servers fill find only primary servers
-in TTL range, which is probably the most common objective.
-However, unless configured otherwise, all manycast clients
-in TTL range will eventually find all primary servers
-in TTL range, which is probably not the most common
-objective in large networks.
-.Ic tos
-command can be used to modify this behavior.
-Servers with stratum below
-.Cm floor
-or above
-.Cm ceiling
-specified in the
-.Ic tos
-command are strongly discouraged during the selection
-process; however, these servers may be temporally
-accepted if the number of servers within TTL range is
-less than
-.Cm minclock .
-The above actions occur for each manycast client message,
-which repeats at the designated poll interval.
-However, once the ephemeral client association is mobilized,
-subsequent manycast server replies are discarded,
-since that would result in a duplicate association.
-If during a poll interval the number of client associations
-falls below
-.Cm minclock ,
-all manycast client prototype associations are reset
-to the initial poll interval and TTL hops and operation
-resumes from the beginning.
-It is important to avoid
-frequent manycast client messages, since each one requires
-all manycast servers in TTL range to respond.
-The result could well be an implosion, either minor or major,
-depending on the number of servers in range.
-The recommended value for
-.Cm maxpoll
-is 12 (4,096 s).
-It is possible and frequently useful to configure a host
-as both manycast client and manycast server.
-A number of hosts configured this way and sharing a common
-group address will automatically organize themselves
-in an optimum configuration based on stratum and
-synchronization distance.
-For example, consider an NTP
-subnet of two primary servers and a hundred or more
-dependent clients.
-With two exceptions, all servers
-and clients have identical configuration files including both
-.Ic multicastclient
-.Ic multicastserver
-commands using, for instance, multicast group address
-The only exception is that each primary server
-configuration file must include commands for the primary
-reference source such as a GPS receiver.
-The remaining configuration files for all secondary
-servers and clients have the same contents, except for the
-.Ic tos
-command, which is specific for each stratum level.
-For stratum 1 and stratum 2 servers, that command is
-not necessary.
-For stratum 3 and above servers the
-.Cm floor
-value is set to the intended stratum number.
-Thus, all stratum 3 configuration files are identical,
-all stratum 4 files are identical and so forth.
-Once operations have stabilized in this scenario,
-the primary servers will find the primary reference source
-and each other, since they both operate at the same
-stratum (1), but not with any secondary server or client,
-since these operate at a higher stratum.
-The secondary
-servers will find the servers at the same stratum level.
-If one of the primary servers loses its GPS receiver,
-it will continue to operate as a client and other clients
-will time out the corresponding association and
-re\-associate accordingly.
-Some administrators prefer to avoid running
-.Xr ntpd 8
-continuously and run either
-.Xr sntp 8
-.Xr ntpd 8
-.Fl q
-as a cron job.
-In either case the servers must be
-configured in advance and the program fails if none are
-available when the cron job runs.
-A really slick
-application of manycast is with
-.Xr ntpd 8
-.Fl q .
-The program wakes up, scans the local landscape looking
-for the usual suspects, selects the best from among
-the rascals, sets the clock and then departs.
-Servers do not have to be configured in advance and
-all clients throughout the network can have the same
-configuration file.
-.Ss Manycast Interactions with Autokey
-Each time a manycast client sends a client mode packet
-to a multicast group address, all manycast servers
-in scope generate a reply including the host name
-and status word.
-The manycast clients then run
-the Autokey protocol, which collects and verifies
-all certificates involved.
-Following the burst interval
-all but three survivors are cast off,
-but the certificates remain in the local cache.
-It often happens that several complete signing trails
-from the client to the primary servers are collected in this way.
-About once an hour or less often if the poll interval
-exceeds this, the client regenerates the Autokey key list.
-This is in general transparent in client/server mode.
-However, about once per day the server private value
-used to generate cookies is refreshed along with all
-manycast client associations.
-In this case all
-cryptographic values including certificates is refreshed.
-If a new certificate has been generated since
-the last refresh epoch, it will automatically revoke
-all prior certificates that happen to be in the
-certificate cache.
-At the same time, the manycast
-scheme starts all over from the beginning and
-the expanding ring shrinks to the minimum and increments
-from there while collecting all servers in scope.
-.Ss Broadcast Options
-.Bl -tag -width indent
-.It Xo Ic tos
-.Cm bcpollbstep Ar gate
-This command provides a way to delay,
-by the specified number of broadcast poll intervals,
-believing backward time steps from a broadcast server.
-Broadcast time networks are expected to be trusted.
-In the event a broadcast server's time is stepped backwards,
-there is clear benefit to having the clients notice this change
-as soon as possible.
-Attacks such as replay attacks can happen, however,
-and even though there are a number of protections built in to
-broadcast mode, attempts to perform a replay attack are possible.
-This value defaults to 0, but can be changed
-to any number of poll intervals between 0 and 4.
-.Ss Manycast Options
-.Bl -tag -width indent
-.It Xo Ic tos
-.Cm ceiling Ar ceiling |
-.Cm cohort { 0 | 1 } |
-.Cm floor Ar floor |
-.Cm minclock Ar minclock |
-.Cm minsane Ar minsane
-This command affects the clock selection and clustering
-It can be used to select the quality and
-quantity of peers used to synchronize the system clock
-and is most useful in manycast mode.
-The variables operate
-as follows:
-.Bl -tag -width indent
-.It Cm ceiling Ar ceiling
-Peers with strata above
-.Cm ceiling
-will be discarded if there are at least
-.Cm minclock
-peers remaining.
-This value defaults to 15, but can be changed
-to any number from 1 to 15.
-.It Cm cohort Bro 0 | 1 Brc
-This is a binary flag which enables (0) or disables (1)
-manycast server replies to manycast clients with the same
-stratum level.
-This is useful to reduce implosions where
-large numbers of clients with the same stratum level
-are present.
-The default is to enable these replies.
-.It Cm floor Ar floor
-Peers with strata below
-.Cm floor
-will be discarded if there are at least
-.Cm minclock
-peers remaining.
-This value defaults to 1, but can be changed
-to any number from 1 to 15.
-.It Cm minclock Ar minclock
-The clustering algorithm repeatedly casts out outlier
-associations until no more than
-.Cm minclock
-associations remain.
-This value defaults to 3,
-but can be changed to any number from 1 to the number of
-configured sources.
-.It Cm minsane Ar minsane
-This is the minimum number of candidates available
-to the clock selection algorithm in order to produce
-one or more truechimers for the clustering algorithm.
-If fewer than this number are available, the clock is
-undisciplined and allowed to run free.
-The default is 1
-for legacy purposes.
-However, according to principles of
-Byzantine agreement,
-.Cm minsane
-should be at least 4 in order to detect and discard
-a single falseticker.
-.It Cm ttl Ar hop ...
-This command specifies a list of TTL values in increasing
-order, up to 8 values can be specified.
-In manycast mode these values are used in turn
-in an expanding\-ring search.
-The default is eight
-multiples of 32 starting at 31.
-.Sh Reference Clock Support
-The NTP Version 4 daemon supports some three dozen different radio,
-satellite and modem reference clocks plus a special pseudo\-clock
-used for backup or when no other clock source is available.
-Detailed descriptions of individual device drivers and options can
-be found in the
-.Qq Reference Clock Drivers
-(available as part of the HTML documentation
-provided in
-.Pa /usr/share/doc/ntp ) .
-Additional information can be found in the pages linked
-there, including the
-.Qq Debugging Hints for Reference Clock Drivers
-.Qq How To Write a Reference Clock Driver
-(available as part of the HTML documentation
-provided in
-.Pa /usr/share/doc/ntp ) .
-In addition, support for a PPS
-signal is available as described in the
-.Qq Pulse\-per\-second (PPS) Signal Interfacing
-(available as part of the HTML documentation
-provided in
-.Pa /usr/share/doc/ntp ) .
-drivers support special line discipline/streams modules which can
-significantly improve the accuracy using the driver.
-These are
-described in the
-.Qq Line Disciplines and Streams Drivers
-(available as part of the HTML documentation
-provided in
-.Pa /usr/share/doc/ntp ) .
-A reference clock will generally (though not always) be a radio
-timecode receiver which is synchronized to a source of standard
-time such as the services offered by the NRC in Canada and NIST and
-USNO in the US.
-The interface between the computer and the timecode
-receiver is device dependent, but is usually a serial port.
-device driver specific to each reference clock must be selected and
-compiled in the distribution; however, most common radio, satellite
-and modem clocks are included by default.
-Note that an attempt to
-configure a reference clock when the driver has not been compiled
-or the hardware port has not been appropriately configured results
-in a scalding remark to the system log file, but is otherwise non
-For the purposes of configuration,
-.Xr ntpd 8
-reference clocks in a manner analogous to normal NTP peers as much
-as possible.
-Reference clocks are identified by a syntactically
-correct but invalid IP address, in order to distinguish them from
-normal NTP peers.
-Reference clock addresses are of the form
-.Sm off
-.Li 127.127. Ar t . Ar u ,
-.Sm on
-.Ar t
-is an integer
-denoting the clock type and
-.Ar u
-indicates the unit
-number in the range 0\-3.
-While it may seem overkill, it is in fact
-sometimes useful to configure multiple reference clocks of the same
-type, in which case the unit numbers must be unique.
-.Ic server
-command is used to configure a reference
-clock, where the
-.Ar address
-argument in that command
-is the clock address.
-.Cm key ,
-.Cm version
-.Cm ttl
-options are not used for reference clock support.
-.Cm mode
-option is added for reference clock support, as
-described below.
-.Cm prefer
-option can be useful to
-persuade the server to cherish a reference clock with somewhat more
-enthusiasm than other reference clocks or peers.
-information on this option can be found in the
-.Qq Mitigation Rules and the prefer Keyword
-(available as part of the HTML documentation
-provided in
-.Pa /usr/share/doc/ntp )
-.Cm minpoll
-.Cm maxpoll
-options have
-meaning only for selected clock drivers.
-See the individual clock
-driver document pages for additional information.
-.Ic fudge
-command is used to provide additional
-information for individual clock drivers and normally follows
-immediately after the
-.Ic server
-.Ar address
-argument specifies the clock address.
-.Cm refid
-.Cm stratum
-options can be used to
-override the defaults for the device.
-There are two optional
-device\-dependent time offsets and four flags that can be included
-in the
-.Ic fudge
-command as well.
-The stratum number of a reference clock is by default zero.
-Since the
-.Xr ntpd 8
-daemon adds one to the stratum of each
-peer, a primary server ordinarily displays an external stratum of
-In order to provide engineered backups, it is often useful to
-specify the reference clock stratum as greater than zero.
-.Cm stratum
-option is used for this purpose.
-Also, in cases
-involving both a reference clock and a pulse\-per\-second (PPS)
-discipline signal, it is useful to specify the reference clock
-identifier as other than the default, depending on the driver.
-.Cm refid
-option is used for this purpose.
-Except where noted,
-these options apply to all clock drivers.
-.Ss Reference Clock Commands
-.Bl -tag -width indent
-.It Xo Ic server
-.Sm off
-.Li 127.127. Ar t . Ar u
-.Sm on
-.Op Cm prefer
-.Op Cm mode Ar int
-.Op Cm minpoll Ar int
-.Op Cm maxpoll Ar int
-This command can be used to configure reference clocks in
-special ways.
-The options are interpreted as follows:
-.Bl -tag -width indent
-.It Cm prefer
-Marks the reference clock as preferred.
-All other things being
-equal, this host will be chosen for synchronization among a set of
-correctly operating hosts.
-See the
-.Qq Mitigation Rules and the prefer Keyword
-(available as part of the HTML documentation
-provided in
-.Pa /usr/share/doc/ntp )
-for further information.
-.It Cm mode Ar int
-Specifies a mode number which is interpreted in a
-device\-specific fashion.
-For instance, it selects a dialing
-protocol in the ACTS driver and a device subtype in the
-.It Cm minpoll Ar int
-.It Cm maxpoll Ar int
-These options specify the minimum and maximum polling interval
-for reference clock messages, as a power of 2 in seconds
-most directly connected reference clocks, both
-.Cm minpoll
-.Cm maxpoll
-default to 6 (64 s).
-For modem reference clocks,
-.Cm minpoll
-defaults to 10 (17.1 m) and
-.Cm maxpoll
-defaults to 14 (4.5 h).
-The allowable range is 4 (16 s) to 17 (36.4 h) inclusive.
-.It Xo Ic fudge
-.Sm off
-.Li 127.127. Ar t . Ar u
-.Sm on
-.Op Cm time1 Ar sec
-.Op Cm time2 Ar sec
-.Op Cm stratum Ar int
-.Op Cm refid Ar string
-.Op Cm mode Ar int
-.Op Cm flag1 Cm 0 \&| Cm 1
-.Op Cm flag2 Cm 0 \&| Cm 1
-.Op Cm flag3 Cm 0 \&| Cm 1
-.Op Cm flag4 Cm 0 \&| Cm 1
-This command can be used to configure reference clocks in
-special ways.
-It must immediately follow the
-.Ic server
-command which configures the driver.
-Note that the same capability
-is possible at run time using the
-.Xr ntpdc 8
-The options are interpreted as
-.Bl -tag -width indent
-.It Cm time1 Ar sec
-Specifies a constant to be added to the time offset produced by
-the driver, a fixed\-point decimal number in seconds.
-This is used
-as a calibration constant to adjust the nominal time offset of a
-particular clock to agree with an external standard, such as a
-precision PPS signal.
-It also provides a way to correct a
-systematic error or bias due to serial port or operating system
-latencies, different cable lengths or receiver internal delay.
-specified offset is in addition to the propagation delay provided
-by other means, such as internal DIPswitches.
-Where a calibration
-for an individual system and driver is available, an approximate
-correction is noted in the driver documentation pages.
-Note: in order to facilitate calibration when more than one
-radio clock or PPS signal is supported, a special calibration
-feature is available.
-It takes the form of an argument to the
-.Ic enable
-command described in
-.Sx Miscellaneous Options
-page and operates as described in the
-.Qq Reference Clock Drivers
-(available as part of the HTML documentation
-provided in
-.Pa /usr/share/doc/ntp ) .
-.It Cm time2 Ar secs
-Specifies a fixed\-point decimal number in seconds, which is
-interpreted in a driver\-dependent way.
-See the descriptions of
-specific drivers in the
-.Qq Reference Clock Drivers
-(available as part of the HTML documentation
-provided in
-.Pa /usr/share/doc/ntp ).
-.It Cm stratum Ar int
-Specifies the stratum number assigned to the driver, an integer
-between 0 and 15.
-This number overrides the default stratum number
-ordinarily assigned by the driver itself, usually zero.
-.It Cm refid Ar string
-Specifies an ASCII string of from one to four characters which
-defines the reference identifier used by the driver.
-This string
-overrides the default identifier ordinarily assigned by the driver
-.It Cm mode Ar int
-Specifies a mode number which is interpreted in a
-device\-specific fashion.
-For instance, it selects a dialing
-protocol in the ACTS driver and a device subtype in the
-.It Cm flag1 Cm 0 \&| Cm 1
-.It Cm flag2 Cm 0 \&| Cm 1
-.It Cm flag3 Cm 0 \&| Cm 1
-.It Cm flag4 Cm 0 \&| Cm 1
-These four flags are used for customizing the clock driver.
-interpretation of these values, and whether they are used at all,
-is a function of the particular clock driver.
-However, by
-.Cm flag4
-is used to enable recording monitoring
-data to the
-.Cm clockstats
-file configured with the
-.Ic filegen
-Further information on the
-.Ic filegen
-command can be found in
-.Sx Monitoring Options .
-.Sh Miscellaneous Options
-.Bl -tag -width indent
-.It Ic broadcastdelay Ar seconds
-The broadcast and multicast modes require a special calibration
-to determine the network delay between the local and remote
-Ordinarily, this is done automatically by the initial
-protocol exchanges between the client and server.
-In some cases,
-the calibration procedure may fail due to network or server access
-controls, for example.
-This command specifies the default delay to
-be used under these circumstances.
-Typically (for Ethernet), a
-number between 0.003 and 0.007 seconds is appropriate.
-The default
-when this command is not used is 0.004 seconds.
-.It Ic calldelay Ar delay
-This option controls the delay in seconds between the first and second
-packets sent in burst or iburst mode to allow additional time for a modem
-or ISDN call to complete.
-.It Ic driftfile Ar driftfile
-This command specifies the complete path and name of the file used to
-record the frequency of the local clock oscillator.
-This is the same
-operation as the
-.Fl f
-command line option.
-If the file exists, it is read at
-startup in order to set the initial frequency and then updated once per
-hour with the current frequency computed by the daemon.
-If the file name is
-specified, but the file itself does not exist, the starts with an initial
-frequency of zero and creates the file when writing it for the first time.
-If this command is not given, the daemon will always start with an initial
-frequency of zero.
-The file format consists of a single line containing a single
-floating point number, which records the frequency offset measured
-in parts\-per\-million (PPM).
-The file is updated by first writing
-the current drift value into a temporary file and then renaming
-this file to replace the old version.
-This implies that
-.Xr ntpd 8
-must have write permission for the directory the
-drift file is located in, and that file system links, symbolic or
-otherwise, should be avoided.
-.It Ic dscp Ar value
-This option specifies the Differentiated Services Control Point (DSCP) value,
-a 6\-bit code.
-The default value is 46, signifying Expedited Forwarding.
-.It Xo Ic enable
-.Cm auth | Cm bclient |
-.Cm calibrate | Cm kernel |
-.Cm mode7 | Cm monitor |
-.Cm ntp | Cm stats |
-.Cm peer_clear_digest_early |
-.Cm unpeer_crypto_early | Cm unpeer_crypto_nak_early | Cm unpeer_digest_early
-.It Xo Ic disable
-.Cm auth | Cm bclient |
-.Cm calibrate | Cm kernel |
-.Cm mode7 | Cm monitor |
-.Cm ntp | Cm stats |
-.Cm peer_clear_digest_early |
-.Cm unpeer_crypto_early | Cm unpeer_crypto_nak_early | Cm unpeer_digest_early
-Provides a way to enable or disable various server options.
-Flags not mentioned are unaffected.
-Note that all of these flags
-can be controlled remotely using the
-.Xr ntpdc 8
-utility program.
-.Bl -tag -width indent
-.It Cm auth
-Enables the server to synchronize with unconfigured peers only if the
-peer has been correctly authenticated using either public key or
-private key cryptography.
-The default for this flag is
-.Ic enable .
-.It Cm bclient
-Enables the server to listen for a message from a broadcast or
-multicast server, as in the
-.Ic multicastclient
-command with default
-The default for this flag is
-.Ic disable .
-.It Cm calibrate
-Enables the calibrate feature for reference clocks.
-The default for
-this flag is
-.Ic disable .
-.It Cm kernel
-Enables the kernel time discipline, if available.
-The default for this
-flag is
-.Ic enable
-if support is available, otherwise
-.Ic disable .
-.It Cm mode7
-Enables processing of NTP mode 7 implementation\-specific requests
-which are used by the deprecated
-.Xr ntpdc 8
-The default for this flag is disable.
-This flag is excluded from runtime configuration using
-.Xr ntpq 8 .
-.Xr ntpq 8
-program provides the same capabilities as
-.Xr ntpdc 8
-using standard mode 6 requests.
-.It Cm monitor
-Enables the monitoring facility.
-See the
-.Xr ntpdc 8
-and the
-.Ic monlist
-command or further information.
-default for this flag is
-.Ic enable .
-.It Cm ntp
-Enables time and frequency discipline.
-In effect, this switch opens and
-closes the feedback loop, which is useful for testing.
-The default for
-this flag is
-.Ic enable .
-.It Cm peer_clear_digest_early
-By default, if
-.Xr ntpd 8
-is using autokey and it
-receives a crypto\-NAK packet that
-passes the duplicate packet and origin timestamp checks
-the peer variables are immediately cleared.
-While this is generally a feature
-as it allows for quick recovery if a server key has changed,
-a properly forged and appropriately delivered crypto\-NAK packet
-can be used in a DoS attack.
-If you have active noticeable problems with this type of DoS attack
-then you should consider
-disabling this option.
-You can check your
-.Cm peerstats
-file for evidence of any of these attacks.
-default for this flag is
-.Ic enable .
-.It Cm stats
-Enables the statistics facility.
-See the
-.Sx Monitoring Options
-section for further information.
-The default for this flag is
-.Ic disable .
-.It Cm unpeer_crypto_early
-By default, if
-.Xr ntpd 8
-receives an autokey packet that fails TEST9,
-a crypto failure,
-the association is immediately cleared.
-This is almost certainly a feature,
-but if, in spite of the current recommendation of not using autokey,
-you are
-.B still
-using autokey
-.B and
-you are seeing this sort of DoS attack
-disabling this flag will delay
-tearing down the association until the reachability counter
-becomes zero.
-You can check your
-.Cm peerstats
-file for evidence of any of these attacks.
-default for this flag is
-.Ic enable .
-.It Cm unpeer_crypto_nak_early
-By default, if
-.Xr ntpd 8
-receives a crypto\-NAK packet that
-passes the duplicate packet and origin timestamp checks
-the association is immediately cleared.
-While this is generally a feature
-as it allows for quick recovery if a server key has changed,
-a properly forged and appropriately delivered crypto\-NAK packet
-can be used in a DoS attack.
-If you have active noticeable problems with this type of DoS attack
-then you should consider
-disabling this option.
-You can check your
-.Cm peerstats
-file for evidence of any of these attacks.
-default for this flag is
-.Ic enable .
-.It Cm unpeer_digest_early
-By default, if
-.Xr ntpd 8
-receives what should be an authenticated packet
-that passes other packet sanity checks but
-contains an invalid digest
-the association is immediately cleared.
-While this is generally a feature
-as it allows for quick recovery,
-if this type of packet is carefully forged and sent
-during an appropriate window it can be used for a DoS attack.
-If you have active noticeable problems with this type of DoS attack
-then you should consider
-disabling this option.
-You can check your
-.Cm peerstats
-file for evidence of any of these attacks.
-default for this flag is
-.Ic enable .
-.It Ic includefile Ar includefile
-This command allows additional configuration commands
-to be included from a separate file.
-Include files may
-be nested to a depth of five; upon reaching the end of any
-include file, command processing resumes in the previous
-configuration file.
-This option is useful for sites that run
-.Xr ntpd 8
-on multiple hosts, with (mostly) common options (e.g., a
-restriction list).
-.It Xo Ic interface
-.Cm listen | Cm ignore | Cm drop
-.Cm all | Cm ipv4 | Cm ipv6 | Cm wildcard
-.Ar name | Ar address
-.Oo Cm / Ar prefixlen
-.Cm interface
-directive controls which network addresses
-.Xr ntpd 8
-opens, and whether input is dropped without processing.
-The first parameter determines the action for addresses
-which match the second parameter.
-The second parameter specifies a class of addresses,
-or a specific interface name,
-or an address.
-In the address case,
-.Ar prefixlen
-determines how many bits must match for this rule to apply.
-.Cm ignore
-prevents opening matching addresses,
-.Cm drop
-.Xr ntpd 8
-to open the address and drop all received packets without examination.
-.Cm interface
-directives can be used.
-The last rule which matches a particular address determines the action for it.
-.Cm interface
-directives are disabled if any
-.Fl I ,
-.Fl \-interface ,
-.Fl L ,
-.Fl \-novirtualips
-command\-line options are specified in the configuration file,
-all available network addresses are opened.
-.Cm nic
-directive is an alias for
-.Cm interface .
-.It Ic leapfile Ar leapfile
-This command loads the IERS leapseconds file and initializes the
-leapsecond values for the next leapsecond event, leapfile expiration
-time, and TAI offset.
-The file can be obtained directly from the IERS at
-.Li https://hpiers.obspm.fr/iers/bul/bulc/ntp/leap\-seconds.list
-.Li ftp://hpiers.obspm.fr/iers/bul/bulc/ntp/leap\-seconds.list .
-.Cm leapfile
-is scanned when
-.Xr ntpd 8
-processes the
-.Cm leapfile directive or when
-.Cm ntpd detects that the
-.Ar leapfile
-has changed.
-.Cm ntpd
-checks once a day to see if the
-.Ar leapfile
-has changed.
-.Xr update\-leap 1update_leapmdoc
-script can be run to see if the
-.Ar leapfile
-should be updated.
-.It Ic leapsmearinterval Ar seconds
-This EXPERIMENTAL option is only available if
-.Xr ntpd 8
-was built with the
-.Cm \-\-enable\-leap\-smear
-option to the
-.Cm configure
-It specifies the interval over which a leap second correction will be applied.
-Recommended values for this option are between
-7200 (2 hours) and 86400 (24 hours).
-See http://bugs.ntp.org/2855 for more information.
-.It Ic logconfig Ar configkeyword
-This command controls the amount and type of output written to
-the system
-.Xr syslog 3
-facility or the alternate
-.Ic logfile
-log file.
-By default, all output is turned on.
-.Ar configkeyword
-keywords can be prefixed with
-.Ql = ,
-.Ql +
-.Ql \- ,
-.Ql =
-sets the
-.Xr syslog 3
-priority mask,
-.Ql +
-adds and
-.Ql \-
-.Xr syslog 3
-messages can be controlled in four
-.Cm clock ,
-.Cm peer ,
-.Cm sys
-.Cm sync
-.Pc .
-Within these classes four types of messages can be
-controlled: informational messages
-.Cm info
-.Pc ,
-event messages
-.Cm events
-.Pc ,
-statistics messages
-.Cm statistics
-status messages
-.Cm status
-.Pc .
-Configuration keywords are formed by concatenating the message class with
-the event class.
-.Cm all
-prefix can be used instead of a message class.
-message class may also be followed by the
-.Cm all
-keyword to enable/disable all
-messages of the respective message class.
-Thus, a minimal log configuration
-could look like this:
-.Bd -literal
-logconfig =syncstatus +sysevents
-This would just list the synchronizations state of
-.Xr ntpd 8
-and the major system events.
-For a simple reference server, the
-following minimum message configuration could be useful:
-.Bd -literal
-logconfig =syncall +clockall
-This configuration will list all clock information and
-synchronization information.
-All other events and messages about
-peers, system events and so on is suppressed.
-.It Ic logfile Ar logfile
-This command specifies the location of an alternate log file to
-be used instead of the default system
-.Xr syslog 3
-This is the same operation as the
-.Fl l
-command line option.
-.It Xo Ic mru
-.Cm maxdepth Ar count | Cm maxmem Ar kilobytes |
-.Cm mindepth Ar count | Cm maxage Ar seconds |
-.Cm initialloc Ar count | Cm initmem Ar kilobytes |
-.Cm incalloc Ar count | Cm incmem Ar kilobytes
-Controls size limit of the monitoring facility's Most Recently Used
-(MRU) list
-of client addresses, which is also used by the
-rate control facility.
-.Bl -tag -width indent
-.It Ic maxdepth Ar count
-.It Ic maxmem Ar kilobytes
-Equivalent upper limits on the size of the MRU list, in terms of entries or kilobytes.
-The actual limit will be up to
-.Cm incalloc
-entries or
-.Cm incmem
-kilobytes larger.
-As with all of the
-.Cm mru
-options offered in units of entries or kilobytes, if both
-.Cm maxdepth
-.Cm maxmem are used, the last one used controls.
-The default is 1024 kilobytes.
-.It Cm mindepth Ar count
-Lower limit on the MRU list size.
-When the MRU list has fewer than
-.Cm mindepth
-entries, existing entries are never removed to make room for newer ones,
-regardless of their age.
-The default is 600 entries.
-.It Cm maxage Ar seconds
-Once the MRU list has
-.Cm mindepth
-entries and an additional client is to be added to the list,
-if the oldest entry was updated more than
-.Cm maxage
-seconds ago, that entry is removed and its storage is reused.
-If the oldest entry was updated more recently the MRU list is grown,
-subject to
-.Cm maxdepth / moxmem .
-The default is 64 seconds.
-.It Cm initalloc Ar count
-.It Cm initmem Ar kilobytes
-Initial memory allocation at the time the monitoringfacility is first enabled,
-in terms of the number of entries or kilobytes.
-The default is 4 kilobytes.
-.It Cm incalloc Ar count
-.It Cm incmem Ar kilobytes
-Size of additional memory allocations when growing the MRU list, in entries or kilobytes.
-The default is 4 kilobytes.
-.It Ic nonvolatile Ar threshold
-Specify the
-.Ar threshold
-delta in seconds before an hourly change to the
-.Cm driftfile
-(frequency file) will be written, with a default value of 1e\-7 (0.1 PPM).
-The frequency file is inspected each hour.
-If the difference between the current frequency and the last value written
-exceeds the threshold, the file is written and the
-.Cm threshold
-becomes the new threshold value.
-If the threshold is not exceeeded, it is reduced by half.
-This is intended to reduce the number of file writes
-for embedded systems with nonvolatile memory.
-.It Ic phone Ar dial ...
-This command is used in conjunction with
-the ACTS modem driver (type 18)
-or the JJY driver (type 40, mode 100 \- 180).
-For the ACTS modem driver (type 18), the arguments consist of
-a maximum of 10 telephone numbers used to dial USNO, NIST, or European
-time service.
-For the JJY driver (type 40 mode 100 \- 180), the argument is
-one telephone number used to dial the telephone JJY service.
-The Hayes command ATDT is normally prepended to the number.
-The number can contain other modem control codes as well.
-.It Xo Ic reset
-.Ic allpeers
-.Ic auth
-.Ic ctl
-.Ic io
-.Ic mem
-.Ic sys
-.Ic timer
-Reset one or more groups of counters maintained by
-.Cm ntpd
-and exposed by
-.Cm ntpq
-.Cm ntpdc .
-.It Xo Ic rlimit
-.Cm memlock Ar Nmegabytes |
-.Cm stacksize Ar N4kPages
-.Cm filenum Ar Nfiledescriptors
-.Bl -tag -width indent
-.It Cm memlock Ar Nmegabytes
-Specify the number of megabytes of memory that should be
-allocated and locked.
-Probably only available under Linux, this option may be useful
-when dropping root (the
-.Fl i
-The default is \-1.
--1 means "do not lock the process into memory".
-0 means "lock whatever memory the process wants into memory".
-.It Cm stacksize Ar N4kPages
-Specifies the maximum size of the process stack on systems with the
-.Fn mlockall
-Defaults to 50 4k pages (200 4k pages in OpenBSD).
-.It Cm filenum Ar Nfiledescriptors
-Specifies the maximum number of file descriptors ntpd may have open at once.
-Defaults to the system default.
-.It Ic saveconfigdir Ar directory_path
-Specify the directory in which to write configuration snapshots
-requested with
-.Cm ntpq 's
-.Cm saveconfig
-.Cm saveconfigdir
-does not appear in the configuration file,
-.Cm saveconfig
-requests are rejected by
-.Cm ntpd .
-.It Ic saveconfig Ar filename
-Write the current configuration, including any runtime
-modifications given with
-.Cm :config
-.Cm config\-from\-file
-to the
-.Cm ntpd
-.Ar filename
-in the
-.Cm saveconfigdir .
-This command will be rejected unless the
-.Cm saveconfigdir
-directive appears in
-.Cm ntpd 's
-configuration file.
-.Ar filename
-can use
-.Xr strftime 3
-format directives to substitute the current date and time,
-for example,
-.Cm saveconfig\ ntp\-%Y%m%d\-%H%M%S.conf .
-The filename used is stored in the system variable
-.Cm savedconfig .
-Authentication is required.
-.It Ic setvar Ar variable Op Cm default
-This command adds an additional system variable.
-variables can be used to distribute additional information such as
-the access policy.
-If the variable of the form
-.Sm off
-.Va name = Ar value
-.Sm on
-is followed by the
-.Cm default
-keyword, the
-variable will be listed as part of the default system variables
-.Xr ntpq 8
-.Ic rv
-.Pc ) .
-These additional variables serve
-informational purposes only.
-They are not related to the protocol
-other that they can be listed.
-The known protocol variables will
-always override any variables defined via the
-.Ic setvar
-There are three special variables that contain the names
-of all variable of the same group.
-.Va sys_var_list
-the names of all system variables.
-.Va peer_var_list
-the names of all peer variables and the
-.Va clock_var_list
-holds the names of the reference clock variables.
-.It Cm sysinfo
-Display operational summary.
-.It Cm sysstats
-Show statistics counters maintained in the protocol module.
-.It Xo Ic tinker
-.Cm allan Ar allan |
-.Cm dispersion Ar dispersion |
-.Cm freq Ar freq |
-.Cm huffpuff Ar huffpuff |
-.Cm panic Ar panic |
-.Cm step Ar step |
-.Cm stepback Ar stepback |
-.Cm stepfwd Ar stepfwd |
-.Cm stepout Ar stepout
-This command can be used to alter several system variables in
-very exceptional circumstances.
-It should occur in the
-configuration file before any other configuration options.
-default values of these variables have been carefully optimized for
-a wide range of network speeds and reliability expectations.
-general, they interact in intricate ways that are hard to predict
-and some combinations can result in some very nasty behavior.
-rarely is it necessary to change the default values; but, some
-folks cannot resist twisting the knobs anyway and this command is
-for them.
-Emphasis added: twisters are on their own and can expect
-no help from the support group.
-The variables operate as follows:
-.Bl -tag -width indent
-.It Cm allan Ar allan
-The argument becomes the new value for the minimum Allan
-intercept, which is a parameter of the PLL/FLL clock discipline
-The value in log2 seconds defaults to 7 (1024 s), which is also the lower
-.It Cm dispersion Ar dispersion
-The argument becomes the new value for the dispersion increase rate,
-normally .000015 s/s.
-.It Cm freq Ar freq
-The argument becomes the initial value of the frequency offset in
-This overrides the value in the frequency file, if
-present, and avoids the initial training state if it is not.
-.It Cm huffpuff Ar huffpuff
-The argument becomes the new value for the experimental
-huff\-n'\-puff filter span, which determines the most recent interval
-the algorithm will search for a minimum delay.
-The lower limit is
-900 s (15 m), but a more reasonable value is 7200 (2 hours).
-is no default, since the filter is not enabled unless this command
-is given.
-.It Cm panic Ar panic
-The argument is the panic threshold, normally 1000 s.
-If set to zero,
-the panic sanity check is disabled and a clock offset of any value will
-be accepted.
-.It Cm step Ar step
-The argument is the step threshold, which by default is 0.128 s.
-It can
-be set to any positive number in seconds.
-If set to zero, step
-adjustments will never occur.
-Note: The kernel time discipline is
-disabled if the step threshold is set to zero or greater than the
-.It Cm stepback Ar stepback
-The argument is the step threshold for the backward direction,
-which by default is 0.128 s.
-It can
-be set to any positive number in seconds.
-If both the forward and backward step thresholds are set to zero, step
-adjustments will never occur.
-Note: The kernel time discipline is
-disabled if
-each direction of step threshold are either
-set to zero or greater than .5 second.
-.It Cm stepfwd Ar stepfwd
-As for stepback, but for the forward direction.
-.It Cm stepout Ar stepout
-The argument is the stepout timeout, which by default is 900 s.
-It can
-be set to any positive number in seconds.
-If set to zero, the stepout
-pulses will not be suppressed.
-.It Cm writevar Ar assocID\ name = value [,...]
-Write (create or update) the specified variables.
-If the
-.Cm assocID
-is zero, the variablea re from the
-system variables
-name space, otherwise they are from the
-peer variables
-name space.
-.Cm assocID
-is required, as the same name can occur in both name spaces.
-.It Xo Ic trap Ar host_address
-.Op Cm port Ar port_number
-.Op Cm interface Ar interface_address
-This command configures a trap receiver at the given host
-address and port number for sending messages with the specified
-local interface address.
-If the port number is unspecified, a value
-of 18447 is used.
-If the interface address is not specified, the
-message is sent with a source address of the local interface the
-message is sent through.
-Note that on a multihomed host the
-interface used may vary from time to time with routing changes.
-.It Cm ttl Ar hop ...
-This command specifies a list of TTL values in increasing order.
-Up to 8 values can be specified.
-.Cm manycast
-mode these values are used in\-turn in an expanding\-ring search.
-The default is eight multiples of 32 starting at 31.
-The trap receiver will generally log event messages and other
-information from the server in a log file.
-While such monitor
-programs may also request their own trap dynamically, configuring a
-trap receiver will ensure that no messages are lost when the server
-is started.
-.It Cm hop Ar ...
-This command specifies a list of TTL values in increasing order, up to 8
-values can be specified.
-In manycast mode these values are used in turn in
-an expanding\-ring search.
-The default is eight multiples of 32 starting at
-.Bl -tag
-.It Fl \-help
-Display usage information and exit.
-.It Fl \-more\-help
-Pass the extended usage information through a pager.
-.It Fl \-version Op Brq Ar v|c|n
-Output version of program and exit. The default mode is `v', a simple
-version. The `c' mode will print copyright information and `n' will
-print the full copyright notice.
-Any option that is not marked as \fInot presettable\fP may be preset
-by loading values from environment variables named:
- \fBNTP_CONF_<option\-name>\fP or \fBNTP_CONF\fP
-See \fBOPTION PRESETS\fP for configuration environment variables.
-.Bl -tag -width /etc/ntp.drift -compact
-.It Pa /etc/ntp.conf
-the default name of the configuration file
-.It Pa ntp.keys
-private MD5 keys
-.It Pa ntpkey
-RSA private key
-.It Pa ntpkey_ Ns Ar host
-RSA public key
-.It Pa ntp_dh
-Diffie\-Hellman agreement parameters
-One of the following exit values will be returned:
-.Bl -tag
-.It 0 " (EXIT_SUCCESS)"
-Successful program execution.
-.It 1 " (EXIT_FAILURE)"
-The operation failed or the command syntax was not valid.
-.It 70 " (EX_SOFTWARE)"
-libopts had an internal operational error. Please report
-it to autogen\-users@lists.sourceforge.net. Thank you.
-.Xr ntpd 8 ,
-.Xr ntpdc 8 ,
-.Xr ntpq 8
-In addition to the manual pages provided,
-comprehensive documentation is available on the world wide web
-.Li http://www.ntp.org/ .
-A snapshot of this documentation is available in HTML format in
-.Pa /usr/share/doc/ntp .
-.%A David L. Mills
-.%T Network Time Protocol (Version 4)
-.%O RFC5905
-The University of Delaware and Network Time Foundation
-Copyright (C) 1992\-2017 The University of Delaware and Network Time Foundation all rights reserved.
-This program is released under the terms of the NTP license, <http://ntp.org/license>.
-The syntax checking is not picky; some combinations of
-ridiculous and even hilarious options and modes may not be
-.Pa ntpkey_ Ns Ar host
-files are really digital
-These should be obtained via secure directory
-services when they become universally available.
-Please send bug reports to: http://bugs.ntp.org, bugs@ntp.org
-This document was derived from FreeBSD.
-This manual page was \fIAutoGen\fP\-erated from the \fBntp.conf\fP
-option definitions.
diff --git a/usr.sbin/ntp/doc/ntp.keys.5 b/usr.sbin/ntp/doc/ntp.keys.5
deleted file mode 100644
index 6bec2880163e..000000000000
--- a/usr.sbin/ntp/doc/ntp.keys.5
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-.Dd August 14 2018
-.Dt NTP_KEYS 5 File Formats
-.Os SunOS 5.10
-.\" It has been AutoGen-ed August 14, 2018 at 08:29:18 AM by AutoGen 5.18.5
-.\" From the definitions ntp.keys.def
-.\" and the template file agmdoc-file.tpl
-.Nm ntp.keys
-.Nd NTP symmetric key file format
-.Nm ntp.keys
-.Nd Network Time Protocol symmetric key format
-.Op Fl \-option\-name
-.Op Fl \-option\-name Ar value
-All arguments must be options.
-This document describes the format of an NTP symmetric key file.
-For a description of the use of this type of file, see the
-.Qq Authentication Support
-section of the
-.Xr ntp.conf 5
-.Xr ntpd 8
-reads its keys from a file specified using the
-.Fl k
-command line option or the
-.Ic keys
-statement in the configuration file.
-While key number 0 is fixed by the NTP standard
-(as 56 zero bits)
-and may not be changed,
-one or more keys numbered between 1 and 65535
-may be arbitrarily set in the keys file.
-The key file uses the same comment conventions
-as the configuration file.
-Key entries use a fixed format of the form
-.D1 Ar keyno type key opt_IP_list
-.Ar keyno
-is a positive integer (between 1 and 65535),
-.Ar type
-is the message digest algorithm,
-.Ar key
-is the key itself, and
-.Ar opt_IP_list
-is an optional comma\-separated list of IPs
-where the
-.Ar keyno
-should be trusted.
-that are allowed to serve time.
-Each IP in
-.Ar opt_IP_list
-may contain an optional
-.Cm /subnetbits
-specification which identifies the number of bits for
-the desired subnet of trust.
-.Ar opt_IP_list
-is empty,
-any properly\-authenticated message will be
-.Ar key
-may be given in a format
-controlled by the
-.Ar type
-.Ar type
-.Li MD5
-is always supported.
-.Li ntpd
-was built with the OpenSSL library
-then any digest library supported by that library may be specified.
-However, if compliance with FIPS 140\-2 is required the
-.Ar type
-must be either
-.Li SHA
-.Li SHA1 .
-What follows are some key types, and corresponding formats:
-.Bl -tag -width RMD160 -compact
-.It Li MD5
-The key is 1 to 16 printable characters terminated by
-an EOL,
-.Li #
-(which is the "start of comment" character).
-.It Li SHA
-.It Li SHA1
-.It Li RMD160
-The key is a hex\-encoded ASCII string of 40 characters,
-which is truncated as necessary.
-Note that the keys used by the
-.Xr ntpq 8
-.Xr ntpdc 8
-programs are checked against passwords
-requested by the programs and entered by hand,
-so it is generally appropriate to specify these keys in ASCII format.
-.Bl -tag
-.It Fl \-help
-Display usage information and exit.
-.It Fl \-more\-help
-Pass the extended usage information through a pager.
-.It Fl \-version Op Brq Ar v|c|n
-Output version of program and exit. The default mode is `v', a simple
-version. The `c' mode will print copyright information and `n' will
-print the full copyright notice.
-Any option that is not marked as \fInot presettable\fP may be preset
-by loading values from environment variables named:
- \fBNTP_KEYS_<option\-name>\fP or \fBNTP_KEYS\fP
-See \fBOPTION PRESETS\fP for configuration environment variables.
-.Bl -tag -width /etc/ntp.keys -compact
-.It Pa /etc/ntp.keys
-the default name of the configuration file
-One of the following exit values will be returned:
-.Bl -tag
-.It 0 " (EXIT_SUCCESS)"
-Successful program execution.
-.It 1 " (EXIT_FAILURE)"
-The operation failed or the command syntax was not valid.
-.It 70 " (EX_SOFTWARE)"
-libopts had an internal operational error. Please report
-it to autogen\-users@lists.sourceforge.net. Thank you.
-.Xr ntp.conf 5 ,
-.Xr ntpd 8 ,
-.Xr ntpdate 8 ,
-.Xr ntpdc 8 ,
-.Xr sntp 8
-The University of Delaware and Network Time Foundation
-Copyright (C) 1992\-2017 The University of Delaware and Network Time Foundation all rights reserved.
-This program is released under the terms of the NTP license, <http://ntp.org/license>.
-.Sh "BUGS"
-Please send bug reports to: http://bugs.ntp.org, bugs@ntp.org
-This document was derived from FreeBSD.
-This manual page was \fIAutoGen\fP\-erated from the \fBntp.keys\fP
-option definitions.
diff --git a/usr.sbin/ntp/doc/ntpd.8 b/usr.sbin/ntp/doc/ntpd.8
deleted file mode 100644
index 83beac3632a9..000000000000
--- a/usr.sbin/ntp/doc/ntpd.8
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,908 +0,0 @@
-.Dd August 14 2018
-.Dt NTPD 8 User Commands
-.\" EDIT THIS FILE WITH CAUTION (ntpd-opts.mdoc)
-.\" It has been AutoGen-ed August 14, 2018 at 08:29:20 AM by AutoGen 5.18.5
-.\" From the definitions ntpd-opts.def
-.\" and the template file agmdoc-cmd.tpl
-.Nm ntpd
-.Nd set clock via Network Time Protocol daemon
-.\" Mixture of short (flag) options and long options
-.Op Fl flags
-.Op Fl flag Op Ar value
-.Op Fl \-option\-name Ns Oo Oo Ns "=| " Oc Ns Ar value Oc
-[ <server1> ... <serverN> ]
-utility is an operating system daemon which sets
-and maintains the system time of day in synchronism with Internet
-standard time servers.
-It is a complete implementation of the
-Network Time Protocol (NTP) version 4, as defined by RFC\-5905,
-but also retains compatibility with
-version 3, as defined by RFC\-1305, and versions 1
-and 2, as defined by RFC\-1059 and RFC\-1119, respectively.
-utility does most computations in 64\-bit floating point
-arithmetic and does relatively clumsy 64\-bit fixed point operations
-only when necessary to preserve the ultimate precision, about 232
-While the ultimate precision is not achievable with
-ordinary workstations and networks of today, it may be required
-with future gigahertz CPU clocks and gigabit LANs.
-reads the
-.Xr ntp.conf 5
-configuration file at startup time in order to determine the
-synchronization sources and operating modes.
-It is also possible to
-specify a working, although limited, configuration entirely on the
-command line, obviating the need for a configuration file.
-This may
-be particularly useful when the local host is to be configured as a
-broadcast/multicast client, with all peers being determined by
-listening to broadcasts at run time.
-If NetInfo support is built into
-.Nm ,
-will attempt to read its configuration from the
-NetInfo if the default
-.Xr ntp.conf 5
-file cannot be read and no file is
-specified by the
-.Fl c
-Various internal
-variables can be displayed and
-configuration options altered while the
-is running
-using the
-.Xr ntpq 8
-.Xr ntpdc 8
-utility programs.
-starts it looks at the value of
-.Xr umask 2 ,
-and if zero
-will set the
-.Xr umask 2
-to 022.
-.Bl -tag
-.It Fl 4 , Fl \-ipv4
-Force IPv4 DNS name resolution.
-This option must not appear in combination with any of the following options:
-Force DNS resolution of following host names on the command line
-to the IPv4 namespace.
-.It Fl 6 , Fl \-ipv6
-Force IPv6 DNS name resolution.
-This option must not appear in combination with any of the following options:
-Force DNS resolution of following host names on the command line
-to the IPv6 namespace.
-.It Fl a , Fl \-authreq
-Require crypto authentication.
-This option must not appear in combination with any of the following options:
-Require cryptographic authentication for broadcast client,
-multicast client and symmetric passive associations.
-This is the default.
-.It Fl A , Fl \-authnoreq
-Do not require crypto authentication.
-This option must not appear in combination with any of the following options:
-Do not require cryptographic authentication for broadcast client,
-multicast client and symmetric passive associations.
-This is almost never a good idea.
-.It Fl b , Fl \-bcastsync
-Allow us to sync to broadcast servers.
-.It Fl c Ar string , Fl \-configfile Ns = Ns Ar string
-configuration file name.
-The name and path of the configuration file,
-by default.
-.It Fl d , Fl \-debug\-level
-Increase debug verbosity level.
-This option may appear an unlimited number of times.
-.It Fl D Ar number , Fl \-set\-debug\-level Ns = Ns Ar number
-Set the debug verbosity level.
-This option may appear an unlimited number of times.
-This option takes an integer number as its argument.
-.It Fl f Ar string , Fl \-driftfile Ns = Ns Ar string
-frequency drift file name.
-The name and path of the frequency file,
-by default.
-This is the same operation as the
-\fBdriftfile\fP \fIdriftfile\fP
-configuration specification in the
-.It Fl g , Fl \-panicgate
-Allow the first adjustment to be Big.
-This option may appear an unlimited number of times.
-exits with a message to the system log if the offset exceeds the panic threshold, which is 1000 s by default. This option allows the time to be set to any value without restriction; however, this can happen only once. If the threshold is exceeded after that,
-will exit with a message to the system log. This option can be used with the
-See the
-configuration file directive for other options.
-.It Fl G , Fl \-force\-step\-once
-Step any initial offset correction..
-steps the time if the time offset exceeds the step threshold,
-which is 128 ms by default, and otherwise slews the time.
-This option forces the initial offset correction to be stepped,
-so the highest time accuracy can be achieved quickly.
-However, this may also cause the time to be stepped back
-so this option must not be used if
-applications requiring monotonic time are running.
-See the \fBtinker\fP configuration file directive for other options.
-.It Fl i Ar string , Fl \-jaildir Ns = Ns Ar string
-Jail directory.
-Chroot the server to the directory
-This option also implies that the server attempts to drop root privileges at startup.
-You may need to also specify a
-This option is only available if the OS supports adjusting the clock
-without full root privileges.
-This option is supported under NetBSD (configure with
-\fB\-\-enable\-clockctl\fP) or Linux (configure with
-\fB\-\-enable\-linuxcaps\fP) or Solaris (configure with \fB\-\-enable\-solarisprivs\fP).
-.It Fl I Ar iface , Fl \-interface Ns = Ns Ar iface
-Listen on an interface name or address.
-This option may appear an unlimited number of times.
-Open the network address given, or all the addresses associated with the
-given interface name. This option may appear multiple times. This option
-also implies not opening other addresses, except wildcard and localhost.
-This option is deprecated. Please consider using the configuration file
-\fBinterface\fP command, which is more versatile.
-.It Fl k Ar string , Fl \-keyfile Ns = Ns Ar string
-path to symmetric keys.
-Specify the name and path of the symmetric key file.
-is the default.
-This is the same operation as the
-\fBkeys\fP \fIkeyfile\fP
-configuration file directive.
-.It Fl l Ar string , Fl \-logfile Ns = Ns Ar string
-path to the log file.
-Specify the name and path of the log file.
-The default is the system log file.
-This is the same operation as the
-\fBlogfile\fP \fIlogfile\fP
-configuration file directive.
-.It Fl L , Fl \-novirtualips
-Do not listen to virtual interfaces.
-Do not listen to virtual interfaces, defined as those with
-names containing a colon. This option is deprecated. Please
-consider using the configuration file \fBinterface\fP command, which
-is more versatile.
-.It Fl M , Fl \-modifymmtimer
-Modify Multimedia Timer (Windows only).
-Set the Windows Multimedia Timer to highest resolution. This
-ensures the resolution does not change while ntpd is running,
-avoiding timekeeping glitches associated with changes.
-.It Fl n , Fl \-nofork
-Do not fork.
-This option must not appear in combination with any of the following options:
-.It Fl N , Fl \-nice
-Run at high priority.
-To the extent permitted by the operating system, run
-at the highest priority.
-.It Fl p Ar string , Fl \-pidfile Ns = Ns Ar string
-path to the PID file.
-Specify the name and path of the file used to record
-process ID.
-This is the same operation as the
-\fBpidfile\fP \fIpidfile\fP
-configuration file directive.
-.It Fl P Ar number , Fl \-priority Ns = Ns Ar number
-Process priority.
-This option takes an integer number as its argument.
-To the extent permitted by the operating system, run
-at the specified
-.It Fl q , Fl \-quit
-Set the time and quit.
-This option must not appear in combination with any of the following options:
-saveconfigquit, wait\-sync.
-will not daemonize and will exit after the clock is first
-synchronized. This behavior mimics that of the
-program, which will soon be replaced with a shell script.
-options can be used with this option.
-Note: The kernel time discipline is disabled with this option.
-.It Fl r Ar string , Fl \-propagationdelay Ns = Ns Ar string
-Broadcast/propagation delay.
-Specify the default propagation delay from the broadcast/multicast server to this client. This is necessary only if the delay cannot be computed automatically by the protocol.
-.It Fl \-saveconfigquit Ns = Ns Ar string
-Save parsed configuration and quit.
-This option must not appear in combination with any of the following options:
-quit, wait\-sync.
-Cause \fBntpd\fP to parse its startup configuration file and save an
-equivalent to the given filename and exit. This option was
-designed for automated testing.
-.It Fl s Ar string , Fl \-statsdir Ns = Ns Ar string
-Statistics file location.
-Specify the directory path for files created by the statistics facility.
-This is the same operation as the
-\fBstatsdir\fP \fIstatsdir\fP
-configuration file directive.
-.It Fl t Ar tkey , Fl \-trustedkey Ns = Ns Ar tkey
-Trusted key number.
-This option may appear an unlimited number of times.
-Add the specified key number to the trusted key list.
-.It Fl u Ar string , Fl \-user Ns = Ns Ar string
-Run as userid (or userid:groupid).
-Specify a user, and optionally a group, to switch to.
-This option is only available if the OS supports adjusting the clock
-without full root privileges.
-This option is supported under NetBSD (configure with
-\fB\-\-enable\-clockctl\fP) or Linux (configure with
-\fB\-\-enable\-linuxcaps\fP) or Solaris (configure with \fB\-\-enable\-solarisprivs\fP).
-.It Fl U Ar number , Fl \-updateinterval Ns = Ns Ar number
-interval in seconds between scans for new or dropped interfaces.
-This option takes an integer number as its argument.
-Give the time in seconds between two scans for new or dropped interfaces.
-For systems with routing socket support the scans will be performed shortly after the interface change
-has been detected by the system.
-Use 0 to disable scanning. 60 seconds is the minimum time between scans.
-.It Fl \-var Ns = Ns Ar nvar
-make ARG an ntp variable (RW).
-This option may appear an unlimited number of times.
-.It Fl \-dvar Ns = Ns Ar ndvar
-make ARG an ntp variable (RW|DEF).
-This option may appear an unlimited number of times.
-.It Fl w Ar number , Fl \-wait\-sync Ns = Ns Ar number
-Seconds to wait for first clock sync.
-This option must not appear in combination with any of the following options:
-nofork, quit, saveconfigquit.
-This option takes an integer number as its argument.
-If greater than zero, alters \fBntpd\fP's behavior when forking to
-daemonize. Instead of exiting with status 0 immediately after
-the fork, the parent waits up to the specified number of
-seconds for the child to first synchronize the clock. The exit
-status is zero (success) if the clock was synchronized,
-otherwise it is \fBETIMEDOUT\fP.
-This provides the option for a script starting \fBntpd\fP to easily
-wait for the first set of the clock before proceeding.
-.It Fl x , Fl \-slew
-Slew up to 600 seconds.
-Normally, the time is slewed if the offset is less than the step threshold, which is 128 ms by default, and stepped if above the threshold.
-This option sets the threshold to 600 s, which is well within the accuracy window to set the clock manually.
-Note: Since the slew rate of typical Unix kernels is limited to 0.5 ms/s, each second of adjustment requires an amortization interval of 2000 s.
-Thus, an adjustment as much as 600 s will take almost 14 days to complete.
-This option can be used with the
-See the
-configuration file directive for other options.
-Note: The kernel time discipline is disabled with this option.
-.It Fl \-usepcc
-Use CPU cycle counter (Windows only).
-Attempt to substitute the CPU counter for \fBQueryPerformanceCounter\fP.
-The CPU counter and \fBQueryPerformanceCounter\fP are compared, and if
-they have the same frequency, the CPU counter (RDTSC on x86) is
-used directly, saving the overhead of a system call.
-.It Fl \-pccfreq Ns = Ns Ar string
-Force CPU cycle counter use (Windows only).
-Force substitution the CPU counter for \fBQueryPerformanceCounter\fP.
-The CPU counter (RDTSC on x86) is used unconditionally with the
-given frequency (in Hz).
-.It Fl m , Fl \-mdns
-Register with mDNS as a NTP server.
-Registers as an NTP server with the local mDNS server which allows
-the server to be discovered via mDNS client lookup.
-.It Fl \&? , Fl \-help
-Display usage information and exit.
-.It Fl \&! , Fl \-more\-help
-Pass the extended usage information through a pager.
-.It Fl \-version Op Brq Ar v|c|n
-Output version of program and exit. The default mode is `v', a simple
-version. The `c' mode will print copyright information and `n' will
-print the full copyright notice.
-Any option that is not marked as \fInot presettable\fP may be preset
-by loading values from environment variables named:
- \fBNTPD_<option\-name>\fP or \fBNTPD\fP
-.Ss "How NTP Operates"
-utility operates by exchanging messages with
-one or more configured servers over a range of designated poll intervals.
-started, whether for the first or subsequent times, the program
-requires several exchanges from the majority of these servers so
-the signal processing and mitigation algorithms can accumulate and
-groom the data and set the clock.
-In order to protect the network
-from bursts, the initial poll interval for each server is delayed
-an interval randomized over a few seconds.
-At the default initial poll
-interval of 64s, several minutes can elapse before the clock is
-This initial delay to set the clock
-can be safely and dramatically reduced using the
-.Cm iburst
-keyword with the
-.Ic server
-command, as described in
-.Xr ntp.conf 5 .
-Most operating systems and hardware of today incorporate a
-time\-of\-year (TOY) chip to maintain the time during periods when
-the power is off.
-When the machine is booted, the chip is used to
-initialize the operating system time.
-After the machine has
-synchronized to a NTP server, the operating system corrects the
-chip from time to time.
-In the default case, if
-detects that the time on the host
-is more than 1000s from the server time,
-assumes something must be terribly wrong and the only
-reliable action is for the operator to intervene and set the clock
-by hand.
-(Reasons for this include there is no TOY chip,
-or its battery is dead, or that the TOY chip is just of poor quality.)
-This causes
-to exit with a panic message to
-the system log.
-.Fl g
-option overrides this check and the
-clock will be set to the server time regardless of the chip time
-(up to 68 years in the past or future \(em
-this is a limitation of the NTPv4 protocol).
-However, and to protect against broken hardware, such as when the
-CMOS battery fails or the clock counter becomes defective, once the
-clock has been set an error greater than 1000s will cause
-to exit anyway.
-Under ordinary conditions,
-adjusts the clock in
-small steps so that the timescale is effectively continuous and
-without discontinuities.
-Under conditions of extreme network
-congestion, the roundtrip delay jitter can exceed three seconds and
-the synchronization distance, which is equal to one\-half the
-roundtrip delay plus error budget terms, can become very large.
-algorithms discard sample offsets exceeding 128 ms,
-unless the interval during which no sample offset is less than 128
-ms exceeds 900s.
-The first sample after that, no matter what the
-offset, steps the clock to the indicated time.
-In practice this
-reduces the false alarm rate where the clock is stepped in error to
-a vanishingly low incidence.
-As the result of this behavior, once the clock has been set it
-very rarely strays more than 128 ms even under extreme cases of
-network path congestion and jitter.
-Sometimes, in particular when
-is first started without a valid drift file
-on a system with a large intrinsic drift
-the error might grow to exceed 128 ms,
-which would cause the clock to be set backwards
-if the local clock time is more than 128 s
-in the future relative to the server.
-In some applications, this behavior may be unacceptable.
-There are several solutions, however.
-If the
-.Fl x
-option is included on the command line, the clock will
-never be stepped and only slew corrections will be used.
-But this choice comes with a cost that
-should be carefully explored before deciding to use
-.Fl x
-The maximum slew rate possible is limited
-to 500 parts\-per\-million (PPM) as a consequence of the correctness
-principles on which the NTP protocol and algorithm design are
-As a result, the local clock can take a long time to
-converge to an acceptable offset, about 2,000 s for each second the
-clock is outside the acceptable range.
-During this interval the
-local clock will not be consistent with any other network clock and
-the system cannot be used for distributed applications that require
-correctly synchronized network time.
-In spite of the above precautions, sometimes when large
-frequency errors are present the resulting time offsets stray
-outside the 128\-ms range and an eventual step or slew time
-correction is required.
-If following such a correction the
-frequency error is so large that the first sample is outside the
-acceptable range,
-enters the same state as when the
-.Pa ntp.drift
-file is not present.
-The intent of this behavior
-is to quickly correct the frequency and restore operation to the
-normal tracking mode.
-In the most extreme cases
-(the host
-.Cm time.ien.it
-comes to mind), there may be occasional
-step/slew corrections and subsequent frequency corrections.
-helps in these cases to use the
-.Cm burst
-keyword when
-configuring the server, but
-when you have permission to do so from the owner of the target host.
-in the past many startup scripts would run
-.Xr ntpdate 8
-.Xr sntp 8
-to get the system clock close to correct before starting
-.Xr ntpd 8 ,
-but this was never more than a mediocre hack and is no longer needed.
-If you are following the instructions in
-.Sx "Starting NTP (Best Current Practice)"
-and you still need to set the system time before starting
-.Nm ,
-please open a bug report and document what is going on,
-and then look at using
-.Xr sntp 8
-if you really need to set the clock before starting
-.Nm .
-There is a way to start
-.Xr ntpd 8
-that often addresses all of the problems mentioned above.
-.Ss "Starting NTP (Best Current Practice)"
-First, use the
-.Cm iburst
-option on your
-.Cm server
-If you can also keep a good
-.Pa ntp.drift
-file then
-.Xr ntpd 8
-will effectively "warm\-start" and your system's clock will
-be stable in under 11 seconds' time.
-As soon as possible in the startup sequence, start
-.Xr ntpd 8
-with at least the
-.Fl g
-and perhaps the
-.Fl N
-start the rest of your "normal" processes.
-This will give
-.Xr ntpd 8
-as much time as possible to get the system's clock synchronized and stable.
-if you have processes like
-.Cm dovecot
-or database servers
-that require
-monotonically\-increasing time,
-.Xr ntp\-wait 1ntp\-waitmdoc
-as late as possible in the boot sequence
-(perhaps with the
-.Fl v
-and after
-.Xr ntp\-wait 1ntp\-waitmdoc
-exits successfully
-it is as safe as it will ever be to start any process that require
-stable time.
-.Ss "Frequency Discipline"
-behavior at startup depends on whether the
-frequency file, usually
-.Pa ntp.drift ,
-This file
-contains the latest estimate of clock frequency error.
-When the
-is started and the file does not exist, the
-enters a special mode designed to quickly adapt to
-the particular system clock oscillator time and frequency error.
-This takes approximately 15 minutes, after which the time and
-frequency are set to nominal values and the
-normal mode, where the time and frequency are continuously tracked
-relative to the server.
-After one hour the frequency file is
-created and the current frequency offset written to it.
-When the
-is started and the file does exist, the
-frequency is initialized from the file and enters normal mode
-After that the current frequency offset is written to
-the file at hourly intervals.
-.Ss "Operating Modes"
-utility can operate in any of several modes, including
-symmetric active/passive, client/server broadcast/multicast and
-manycast, as described in the
-.Qq Association Management
-(available as part of the HTML documentation
-provided in
-.Pa /usr/share/doc/ntp ) .
-It normally operates continuously while
-monitoring for small changes in frequency and trimming the clock
-for the ultimate precision.
-However, it can operate in a one\-time
-mode where the time is set from an external server and frequency is
-set from a previously recorded frequency file.
-broadcast/multicast or manycast client can discover remote servers,
-compute server\-client propagation delay correction factors and
-configure itself automatically.
-This makes it possible to deploy a
-fleet of workstations without specifying configuration details
-specific to the local environment.
-By default,
-runs in continuous mode where each of
-possibly several external servers is polled at intervals determined
-by an intricate state machine.
-The state machine measures the
-incidental roundtrip delay jitter and oscillator frequency wander
-and determines the best poll interval using a heuristic algorithm.
-Ordinarily, and in most operating environments, the state machine
-will start with 64s intervals and eventually increase in steps to
-A small amount of random variation is introduced in order to
-avoid bunching at the servers.
-In addition, should a server become
-unreachable for some time, the poll interval is increased in steps
-to 1024s in order to reduce network overhead.
-In some cases it may not be practical for
-to run continuously.
-A common workaround has been to run the
-.Xr ntpdate 8
-.Xr sntp 8
-programs from a
-.Xr cron 8
-job at designated
-However, these programs do not have the crafted signal
-processing, error checking or mitigation algorithms of
-.Nm .
-.Fl q
-option is intended for this purpose.
-Setting this option will cause
-to exit just after
-setting the clock for the first time.
-The procedure for initially
-setting the clock is the same as in continuous mode; most
-applications will probably want to specify the
-.Cm iburst
-keyword with the
-.Ic server
-configuration command.
-With this
-keyword a volley of messages are exchanged to groom the data and
-the clock is set in about 10 s.
-If nothing is heard after a
-couple of minutes, the daemon times out and exits.
-After a suitable
-period of mourning, the
-.Xr ntpdate 8
-program will be
-When kernel support is available to discipline the clock
-frequency, which is the case for stock Solaris, Tru64, Linux and
-.Fx ,
-a useful feature is available to discipline the clock
-is run in continuous mode with
-selected servers in order to measure and record the intrinsic clock
-frequency offset in the frequency file.
-It may take some hours for
-the frequency and offset to settle down.
-Then the
-stopped and run in one\-time mode as required.
-At each startup, the
-frequency is read from the file and initializes the kernel
-.Ss "Poll Interval Control"
-This version of NTP includes an intricate state machine to
-reduce the network load while maintaining a quality of
-synchronization consistent with the observed jitter and wander.
-There are a number of ways to tailor the operation in order enhance
-accuracy by reducing the interval or to reduce network overhead by
-increasing it.
-However, the user is advised to carefully consider
-the consequences of changing the poll adjustment range from the
-default minimum of 64 s to the default maximum of 1,024 s.
-default minimum can be changed with the
-.Ic tinker
-.Cm minpoll
-command to a value not less than 16 s.
-This value is used for all
-configured associations, unless overridden by the
-.Cm minpoll
-option on the configuration command.
-Note that most device drivers
-will not operate properly if the poll interval is less than 64 s
-and that the broadcast server and manycast client associations will
-also use the default, unless overridden.
-In some cases involving dial up or toll services, it may be
-useful to increase the minimum interval to a few tens of minutes
-and maximum interval to a day or so.
-Under normal operation
-conditions, once the clock discipline loop has stabilized the
-interval will be increased in steps from the minimum to the
-However, this assumes the intrinsic clock frequency error
-is small enough for the discipline loop correct it.
-The capture
-range of the loop is 500 PPM at an interval of 64s decreasing by a
-factor of two for each doubling of interval.
-At a minimum of 1,024
-s, for example, the capture range is only 31 PPM.
-If the intrinsic
-error is greater than this, the drift file
-.Pa ntp.drift
-have to be specially tailored to reduce the residual error below
-this limit.
-Once this is done, the drift file is automatically
-updated once per hour and is available to initialize the frequency
-on subsequent daemon restarts.
-.Ss "The huff\-n'\-puff Filter"
-In scenarios where a considerable amount of data are to be
-downloaded or uploaded over telephone modems, timekeeping quality
-can be seriously degraded.
-This occurs because the differential
-delays on the two directions of transmission can be quite large.
-many cases the apparent time errors are so large as to exceed the
-step threshold and a step correction can occur during and after the
-data transfer is in progress.
-The huff\-n'\-puff filter is designed to correct the apparent time
-offset in these cases.
-It depends on knowledge of the propagation
-delay when no other traffic is present.
-In common scenarios this
-occurs during other than work hours.
-The filter maintains a shift
-register that remembers the minimum delay over the most recent
-interval measured usually in hours.
-Under conditions of severe
-delay, the filter corrects the apparent offset using the sign of
-the offset and the difference between the apparent delay and
-minimum delay.
-The name of the filter reflects the negative (huff)
-and positive (puff) correction, which depends on the sign of the
-The filter is activated by the
-.Ic tinker
-command and
-.Cm huffpuff
-keyword, as described in
-.Xr ntp.conf 5 .
-See \fBOPTION PRESETS\fP for configuration environment variables.
-.Bl -tag -width /etc/ntp.drift -compact
-.It Pa /etc/ntp.conf
-the default name of the configuration file
-.It Pa /etc/ntp.drift
-the default name of the drift file
-.It Pa /etc/ntp.keys
-the default name of the key file
-One of the following exit values will be returned:
-.Bl -tag
-.It 0 " (EXIT_SUCCESS)"
-Successful program execution.
-.It 1 " (EXIT_FAILURE)"
-The operation failed or the command syntax was not valid.
-.It 70 " (EX_SOFTWARE)"
-libopts had an internal operational error. Please report
-it to autogen\-users@lists.sourceforge.net. Thank you.
-.Xr ntp.conf 5 ,
-.Xr ntpdate 8 ,
-.Xr ntpdc 8 ,
-.Xr ntpq 8 ,
-.Xr sntp 8
-In addition to the manual pages provided,
-comprehensive documentation is available on the world wide web
-.Li http://www.ntp.org/ .
-A snapshot of this documentation is available in HTML format in
-.Pa /usr/share/doc/ntp .
-.%A David L. Mills
-.%T Network Time Protocol (Version 1)
-.%O RFC1059
-.%A David L. Mills
-.%T Network Time Protocol (Version 2)
-.%O RFC1119
-.%A David L. Mills
-.%T Network Time Protocol (Version 3)
-.%O RFC1305
-.%A David L. Mills
-.%A J. Martin, Ed.
-.%A J. Burbank
-.%A W. Kasch
-.%T Network Time Protocol Version 4: Protocol and Algorithms Specification
-.%O RFC5905
-.%A David L. Mills
-.%A B. Haberman, Ed.
-.%T Network Time Protocol Version 4: Autokey Specification
-.%O RFC5906
-.%A H. Gerstung
-.%A C. Elliott
-.%A B. Haberman, Ed.
-.%T Definitions of Managed Objects for Network Time Protocol Version 4: (NTPv4)
-.%O RFC5907
-.%A R. Gayraud
-.%A B. Lourdelet
-.%T Network Time Protocol (NTP) Server Option for DHCPv6
-.%O RFC5908
-The University of Delaware and Network Time Foundation
-Copyright (C) 1992\-2017 The University of Delaware and Network Time Foundation all rights reserved.
-This program is released under the terms of the NTP license, <http://ntp.org/license>.
-utility has gotten rather fat.
-While not huge, it has gotten
-larger than might be desirable for an elevated\-priority
-running on a workstation, particularly since many of
-the fancy features which consume the space were designed more with
-a busy primary server, rather than a high stratum workstation in
-Please send bug reports to: http://bugs.ntp.org, bugs@ntp.org
-Portions of this document came from FreeBSD.
-This manual page was \fIAutoGen\fP\-erated from the \fBntpd\fP
-option definitions.
diff --git a/usr.sbin/ntp/doc/ntpdc.8 b/usr.sbin/ntp/doc/ntpdc.8
deleted file mode 100644
index af4190f31553..000000000000
--- a/usr.sbin/ntp/doc/ntpdc.8
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,809 +0,0 @@
-.Dd August 14 2018
-.Dt NTPDC 8 User Commands
-.\" EDIT THIS FILE WITH CAUTION (ntpdc-opts.mdoc)
-.\" It has been AutoGen-ed August 14, 2018 at 08:29:43 AM by AutoGen 5.18.5
-.\" From the definitions ntpdc-opts.def
-.\" and the template file agmdoc-cmd.tpl
-.Nm ntpdc
-.Nd vendor-specific NTPD control program
-.\" Mixture of short (flag) options and long options
-.Op Fl flags
-.Op Fl flag Op Ar value
-.Op Fl \-option\-name Ns Oo Oo Ns "=| " Oc Ns Ar value Oc
-[ host ...]
-is deprecated.
-Please use
-.Xr ntpq 8 instead \- it can do everything
-used to do, and it does so using a much more sane interface.
-is a utility program used to query
-.Xr ntpd 8
-about its
-current state and to request changes in that state.
-It uses NTP mode 7 control message formats described in the source code.
-The program may
-be run either in interactive mode or controlled using command line
-Extensive state and statistics information is available
-through the
-In addition, nearly all the
-configuration options which can be specified at startup using
-ntpd's configuration file may also be specified at run time using
-.Nm .
-.Bl -tag
-.It Fl 4 , Fl \-ipv4
-Force IPv4 DNS name resolution.
-This option must not appear in combination with any of the following options:
-Force DNS resolution of following host names on the command line
-to the IPv4 namespace.
-.It Fl 6 , Fl \-ipv6
-Force IPv6 DNS name resolution.
-This option must not appear in combination with any of the following options:
-Force DNS resolution of following host names on the command line
-to the IPv6 namespace.
-.It Fl c Ar cmd , Fl \-command Ns = Ns Ar cmd
-run a command and exit.
-This option may appear an unlimited number of times.
-The following argument is interpreted as an interactive format command
-and is added to the list of commands to be executed on the specified
-.It Fl d , Fl \-debug\-level
-Increase debug verbosity level.
-This option may appear an unlimited number of times.
-.It Fl D Ar number , Fl \-set\-debug\-level Ns = Ns Ar number
-Set the debug verbosity level.
-This option may appear an unlimited number of times.
-This option takes an integer number as its argument.
-.It Fl i , Fl \-interactive
-Force ntpq to operate in interactive mode.
-This option must not appear in combination with any of the following options:
-command, listpeers, peers, showpeers.
-Force ntpq to operate in interactive mode. Prompts will be written
-to the standard output and commands read from the standard input.
-.It Fl l , Fl \-listpeers
-Print a list of the peers.
-This option must not appear in combination with any of the following options:
-Print a list of the peers known to the server as well as a summary of
-their state. This is equivalent to the 'listpeers' interactive command.
-.It Fl n , Fl \-numeric
-numeric host addresses.
-Output all host addresses in dotted\-quad numeric format rather than
-converting to the canonical host names.
-.It Fl p , Fl \-peers
-Print a list of the peers.
-This option must not appear in combination with any of the following options:
-Print a list of the peers known to the server as well as a summary
-of their state. This is equivalent to the 'peers' interactive command.
-.It Fl s , Fl \-showpeers
-Show a list of the peers.
-This option must not appear in combination with any of the following options:
-Print a list of the peers known to the server as well as a summary
-of their state. This is equivalent to the 'dmpeers' interactive command.
-.It Fl \&? , Fl \-help
-Display usage information and exit.
-.It Fl \&! , Fl \-more\-help
-Pass the extended usage information through a pager.
-.It Fl > Oo Ar cfgfile Oc , Fl \-save\-opts Oo Ns = Ns Ar cfgfile Oc
-Save the option state to \fIcfgfile\fP. The default is the \fIlast\fP
-configuration file listed in the \fBOPTION PRESETS\fP section, below.
-The command will exit after updating the config file.
-.It Fl < Ar cfgfile , Fl \-load\-opts Ns = Ns Ar cfgfile , Fl \-no\-load\-opts
-Load options from \fIcfgfile\fP.
-The \fIno\-load\-opts\fP form will disable the loading
-of earlier config/rc/ini files. \fI\-\-no\-load\-opts\fP is handled early,
-out of order.
-.It Fl \-version Op Brq Ar v|c|n
-Output version of program and exit. The default mode is `v', a simple
-version. The `c' mode will print copyright information and `n' will
-print the full copyright notice.
-Any option that is not marked as \fInot presettable\fP may be preset
-by loading values from configuration ("RC" or ".INI") file(s) and values from
-environment variables named:
- \fBNTPDC_<option\-name>\fP or \fBNTPDC\fP
-The environmental presets take precedence (are processed later than)
-the configuration files.
-The \fIhomerc\fP files are "\fI$HOME\fP", and "\fI.\fP".
-If any of these are directories, then the file \fI.ntprc\fP
-is searched for within those directories.
-If one or more request options are included on the command line
-is executed, each of the requests will be sent
-to the NTP servers running on each of the hosts given as command
-line arguments, or on localhost by default.
-If no request options
-are given,
-will attempt to read commands from the
-standard input and execute these on the NTP server running on the
-first host given on the command line, again defaulting to localhost
-when no other host is specified.
-utility will prompt for
-commands if the standard input is a terminal device.
-utility uses NTP mode 7 packets to communicate with the
-NTP server, and hence can be used to query any compatible server on
-the network which permits it.
-Note that since NTP is a UDP protocol
-this communication will be somewhat unreliable, especially over
-large distances in terms of network topology.
-utility makes
-no attempt to retransmit requests, and will time requests out if
-the remote host is not heard from within a suitable timeout
-The operation of
-are specific to the particular
-implementation of the
-.Xr ntpd 8
-daemon and can be expected to
-work only with this and maybe some previous versions of the daemon.
-Requests from a remote
-utility which affect the
-state of the local server must be authenticated, which requires
-both the remote program and local server share a common key and key
-Note that in contexts where a host name is expected, a
-.Fl 4
-qualifier preceding the host name forces DNS resolution to the IPv4 namespace,
-while a
-.Fl 6
-qualifier forces DNS resolution to the IPv6 namespace.
-Specifying a command line option other than
-.Fl i
-.Fl n
-will cause the specified query (queries) to be sent to
-the indicated host(s) immediately.
-attempt to read interactive format commands from the standard
-.Ss "Interactive Commands"
-Interactive format commands consist of a keyword followed by zero
-to four arguments.
-Only enough characters of the full keyword to
-uniquely identify the command need be typed.
-The output of a
-command is normally sent to the standard output, but optionally the
-output of individual commands may be sent to a file by appending a
-.Ql \&> ,
-followed by a file name, to the command line.
-A number of interactive format commands are executed entirely
-within the
-utility itself and do not result in NTP
-mode 7 requests being sent to a server.
-These are described
-.Bl -tag -width indent
-.It Ic \&? Ar command_keyword
-.It Ic help Ar command_keyword
-.Sq Ic \&?
-will print a list of all the command
-keywords known to this incarnation of
-.Nm .
-.Sq Ic \&?
-followed by a command keyword will print function and usage
-information about the command.
-This command is probably a better
-source of information about
-.Xr ntpq 8
-than this manual
-.It Ic delay Ar milliseconds
-Specify a time interval to be added to timestamps included in
-requests which require authentication.
-This is used to enable
-(unreliable) server reconfiguration over long delay network paths
-or between machines whose clocks are unsynchronized.
-Actually the
-server does not now require timestamps in authenticated requests,
-so this command may be obsolete.
-.It Ic host Ar hostname
-Set the host to which future queries will be sent.
-Hostname may
-be either a host name or a numeric address.
-.It Ic hostnames Op Cm yes | Cm no
-.Cm yes
-is specified, host names are printed in
-information displays.
-.Cm no
-is specified, numeric
-addresses are printed instead.
-The default is
-.Cm yes ,
-modified using the command line
-.Fl n
-.It Ic keyid Ar keyid
-This command allows the specification of a key number to be
-used to authenticate configuration requests.
-This must correspond
-to a key number the server has been configured to use for this
-.It Ic quit
-.Nm .
-.It Ic passwd
-This command prompts you to type in a password (which will not
-be echoed) which will be used to authenticate configuration
-The password must correspond to the key configured for
-use by the NTP server for this purpose if such requests are to be
-.It Ic timeout Ar milliseconds
-Specify a timeout period for responses to server queries.
-default is about 8000 milliseconds.
-Note that since
-retries each query once after a timeout, the total waiting time for
-a timeout will be twice the timeout value set.
-.Ss "Control Message Commands"
-Query commands result in NTP mode 7 packets containing requests for
-information being sent to the server.
-These are read\-only commands
-in that they make no modification of the server configuration
-.Bl -tag -width indent
-.It Ic listpeers
-Obtains and prints a brief list of the peers for which the
-server is maintaining state.
-These should include all configured
-peer associations as well as those peers whose stratum is such that
-they are considered by the server to be possible future
-synchronization candidates.
-.It Ic peers
-Obtains a list of peers for which the server is maintaining
-state, along with a summary of that state.
-Summary information
-includes the address of the remote peer, the local interface
-address ( if a local address has yet to be determined), the
-stratum of the remote peer (a stratum of 16 indicates the remote
-peer is unsynchronized), the polling interval, in seconds, the
-reachability register, in octal, and the current estimated delay,
-offset and dispersion of the peer, all in seconds.
-The character in the left margin indicates the mode this peer
-entry is operating in.
-.Ql \&+
-denotes symmetric active, a
-.Ql \&\-
-indicates symmetric passive, a
-.Ql \&=
-means the
-remote server is being polled in client mode, a
-.Ql \&^
-indicates that the server is broadcasting to this address, a
-.Ql \&~
-denotes that the remote peer is sending broadcasts and a
-.Ql \&~
-denotes that the remote peer is sending broadcasts and a
-.Ql \&*
-marks the peer the server is currently synchronizing
-The contents of the host field may be one of four forms.
-It may
-be a host name, an IP address, a reference clock implementation
-name with its parameter or
-.Fn REFCLK "implementation_number" "parameter" .
-.Ic hostnames
-.Cm no
-only IP\-addresses
-will be displayed.
-.It Ic dmpeers
-A slightly different peer summary list.
-Identical to the output
-of the
-.Ic peers
-command, except for the character in the
-leftmost column.
-Characters only appear beside peers which were
-included in the final stage of the clock selection algorithm.
-.Ql \&.
-indicates that this peer was cast off in the falseticker
-detection, while a
-.Ql \&+
-indicates that the peer made it
-.Ql \&*
-denotes the peer the server is currently
-synchronizing with.
-.It Ic showpeer Ar peer_address Oo Ar ... Oc
-Shows a detailed display of the current peer variables for one
-or more peers.
-Most of these values are described in the NTP
-Version 2 specification.
-.It Ic pstats Ar peer_address Oo Ar ... Oc
-Show per\-peer statistic counters associated with the specified
-.It Ic clockstat Ar clock_peer_address Oo Ar ... Oc
-Obtain and print information concerning a peer clock.
-values obtained provide information on the setting of fudge factors
-and other clock performance information.
-.It Ic kerninfo
-Obtain and print kernel phase\-lock loop operating parameters.
-This information is available only if the kernel has been specially
-modified for a precision timekeeping function.
-.It Ic loopinfo Op Cm oneline | Cm multiline
-Print the values of selected loop filter variables.
-The loop
-filter is the part of NTP which deals with adjusting the local
-system clock.
-.Sq offset
-is the last offset given to the
-loop filter by the packet processing code.
-.Sq frequency
-is the frequency error of the local clock in parts\-per\-million
-.Sq time_const
-controls the stiffness of the
-phase\-lock loop and thus the speed at which it can adapt to
-oscillator drift.
-.Sq watchdog timer
-value is the number
-of seconds which have elapsed since the last sample offset was
-given to the loop filter.
-.Cm oneline
-.Cm multiline
-options specify the format in which this
-information is to be printed, with
-.Cm multiline
-as the
-.It Ic sysinfo
-Print a variety of system state variables, i.e., state related
-to the local server.
-All except the last four lines are described
-in the NTP Version 3 specification, RFC\-1305.
-.Sq system flags
-show various system flags, some of
-which can be set and cleared by the
-.Ic enable
-.Ic disable
-configuration commands, respectively.
-These are
-.Cm auth ,
-.Cm bclient ,
-.Cm monitor ,
-.Cm pll ,
-.Cm pps
-.Cm stats
-See the
-.Xr ntpd 8
-documentation for the meaning of these flags.
-are two additional flags which are read only, the
-.Cm kernel_pll
-.Cm kernel_pps .
-These flags indicate
-the synchronization status when the precision time kernel
-modifications are in use.
-.Sq kernel_pll
-indicates that
-the local clock is being disciplined by the kernel, while the
-.Sq kernel_pps
-indicates the kernel discipline is provided by the PPS
-.Sq stability
-is the residual frequency error remaining
-after the system frequency correction is applied and is intended for
-maintenance and debugging.
-In most architectures, this value will
-initially decrease from as high as 500 ppm to a nominal value in
-the range .01 to 0.1 ppm.
-If it remains high for some time after
-starting the daemon, something may be wrong with the local clock,
-or the value of the kernel variable
-.Va kern.clockrate.tick
-may be
-.Sq broadcastdelay
-shows the default broadcast delay,
-as set by the
-.Ic broadcastdelay
-configuration command.
-.Sq authdelay
-shows the default authentication delay,
-as set by the
-.Ic authdelay
-configuration command.
-.It Ic sysstats
-Print statistics counters maintained in the protocol
-.It Ic memstats
-Print statistics counters related to memory allocation
-.It Ic iostats
-Print statistics counters maintained in the input\-output
-.It Ic timerstats
-Print statistics counters maintained in the timer/event queue
-support code.
-.It Ic reslist
-Obtain and print the server's restriction list.
-This list is
-(usually) printed in sorted order and may help to understand how
-the restrictions are applied.
-.It Ic monlist Op Ar version
-Obtain and print traffic counts collected and maintained by the
-monitor facility.
-The version number should not normally need to be
-.It Ic clkbug Ar clock_peer_address Oo Ar ... Oc
-Obtain debugging information for a reference clock driver.
-information is provided only by some clock drivers and is mostly
-undecodable without a copy of the driver source in hand.
-.Ss "Runtime Configuration Requests"
-All requests which cause state changes in the server are
-authenticated by the server using a configured NTP key (the
-facility can also be disabled by the server by not configuring a
-The key number and the corresponding key must also be made
-known to
-.Nm .
-This can be done using the
-.Ic keyid
-.Ic passwd
-commands, the latter of which will prompt at the terminal for a
-password to use as the encryption key.
-You will also be prompted
-automatically for both the key number and password the first time a
-command which would result in an authenticated request to the
-server is given.
-Authentication not only provides verification that
-the requester has permission to make such changes, but also gives
-an extra degree of protection again transmission errors.
-Authenticated requests always include a timestamp in the packet
-data, which is included in the computation of the authentication
-This timestamp is compared by the server to its receive time
-If they differ by more than a small amount the request is
-This is done for two reasons.
-First, it makes simple
-replay attacks on the server, by someone who might be able to
-overhear traffic on your LAN, much more difficult.
-Second, it makes
-it more difficult to request configuration changes to your server
-from topologically remote hosts.
-While the reconfiguration facility
-will work well with a server on the local host, and may work
-adequately between time\-synchronized hosts on the same LAN, it will
-work very poorly for more distant hosts.
-As such, if reasonable
-passwords are chosen, care is taken in the distribution and
-protection of keys and appropriate source address restrictions are
-applied, the run time reconfiguration facility should provide an
-adequate level of security.
-The following commands all make authenticated requests.
-.Bl -tag -width indent
-.It Xo Ic addpeer Ar peer_address
-.Op Ar keyid
-.Op Ar version
-.Op Cm prefer
-Add a configured peer association at the given address and
-operating in symmetric active mode.
-Note that an existing
-association with the same peer may be deleted when this command is
-executed, or may simply be converted to conform to the new
-configuration, as appropriate.
-If the optional
-.Ar keyid
-is a
-nonzero integer, all outgoing packets to the remote server will
-have an authentication field attached encrypted with this key.
-the value is 0 (or not given) no authentication will be done.
-.Ar version
-can be 1, 2 or 3 and defaults to 3.
-.Cm prefer
-keyword indicates a preferred peer (and thus will
-be used primarily for clock synchronisation if possible).
-preferred peer also determines the validity of the PPS signal \- if
-the preferred peer is suitable for synchronisation so is the PPS
-.It Xo Ic addserver Ar peer_address
-.Op Ar keyid
-.Op Ar version
-.Op Cm prefer
-Identical to the addpeer command, except that the operating
-mode is client.
-.It Xo Ic broadcast Ar peer_address
-.Op Ar keyid
-.Op Ar version
-.Op Cm prefer
-Identical to the addpeer command, except that the operating
-mode is broadcast.
-In this case a valid key identifier and key are
-.Ar peer_address
-parameter can be the broadcast
-address of the local network or a multicast group address assigned
-to NTP.
-If a multicast address, a multicast\-capable kernel is
-.It Ic unconfig Ar peer_address Oo Ar ... Oc
-This command causes the configured bit to be removed from the
-specified peer(s).
-In many cases this will cause the peer
-association to be deleted.
-When appropriate, however, the
-association may persist in an unconfigured mode if the remote peer
-is willing to continue on in this fashion.
-.It Xo Ic fudge Ar peer_address
-.Op Cm time1
-.Op Cm time2
-.Op Ar stratum
-.Op Ar refid
-This command provides a way to set certain data for a reference
-See the source listing for further information.
-.It Xo Ic enable
-.Cm auth | Cm bclient |
-.Cm calibrate | Cm kernel |
-.Cm monitor | Cm ntp |
-.Cm pps | Cm stats
-.It Xo Ic disable
-.Cm auth | Cm bclient |
-.Cm calibrate | Cm kernel |
-.Cm monitor | Cm ntp |
-.Cm pps | Cm stats
-These commands operate in the same way as the
-.Ic enable
-.Ic disable
-configuration file commands of
-.Xr ntpd 8 .
-.Bl -tag -width indent
-.It Cm auth
-Enables the server to synchronize with unconfigured peers only
-if the peer has been correctly authenticated using either public key
-or private key cryptography.
-The default for this flag is enable.
-.It Cm bclient
-Enables the server to listen for a message from a broadcast or
-multicast server, as in the multicastclient command with
-default address.
-The default for this flag is disable.
-.It Cm calibrate
-Enables the calibrate feature for reference clocks.
-The default for this flag is disable.
-.It Cm kernel
-Enables the kernel time discipline, if available.
-The default for this flag is enable if support is available, otherwise disable.
-.It Cm monitor
-Enables the monitoring facility.
-See the documentation here about the
-.Cm monlist
-command or further information.
-The default for this flag is enable.
-.It Cm ntp
-Enables time and frequency discipline.
-In effect, this switch opens and closes the feedback loop,
-which is useful for testing.
-The default for this flag is enable.
-.It Cm pps
-Enables the pulse\-per\-second (PPS) signal when frequency
-and time is disciplined by the precision time kernel modifications.
-See the
-.Qq A Kernel Model for Precision Timekeeping
-(available as part of the HTML documentation
-provided in
-.Pa /usr/share/doc/ntp )
-page for further information.
-The default for this flag is disable.
-.It Cm stats
-Enables the statistics facility.
-See the
-.Sx Monitoring Options
-section of
-.Xr ntp.conf 5
-for further information.
-The default for this flag is disable.
-.It Xo Ic restrict Ar address Ar mask
-.Ar flag Oo Ar ... Oc
-This command operates in the same way as the
-.Ic restrict
-configuration file commands of
-.Xr ntpd 8 .
-.It Xo Ic unrestrict Ar address Ar mask
-.Ar flag Oo Ar ... Oc
-Unrestrict the matching entry from the restrict list.
-.It Xo Ic delrestrict Ar address Ar mask
-.Op Cm ntpport
-Delete the matching entry from the restrict list.
-.It Ic readkeys
-Causes the current set of authentication keys to be purged and
-a new set to be obtained by rereading the keys file (which must
-have been specified in the
-.Xr ntpd 8
-configuration file).
-allows encryption keys to be changed without restarting the
-.It Ic trustedkey Ar keyid Oo Ar ... Oc
-.It Ic untrustedkey Ar keyid Oo Ar ... Oc
-These commands operate in the same way as the
-.Ic trustedkey
-.Ic untrustedkey
-configuration file
-commands of
-.Xr ntpd 8 .
-.It Ic authinfo
-Returns information concerning the authentication module,
-including known keys and counts of encryptions and decryptions
-which have been done.
-.It Ic traps
-Display the traps set in the server.
-See the source listing for
-further information.
-.It Xo Ic addtrap Ar address
-.Op Ar port
-.Op Ar interface
-Set a trap for asynchronous messages.
-See the source listing
-for further information.
-.It Xo Ic clrtrap Ar address
-.Op Ar port
-.Op Ar interface
-Clear a trap for asynchronous messages.
-See the source listing
-for further information.
-.It Ic reset
-Clear the statistics counters in various modules of the server.
-See the source listing for further information.
-See \fBOPTION PRESETS\fP for configuration environment variables.
-.Sh "FILES"
-See \fBOPTION PRESETS\fP for configuration files.
-One of the following exit values will be returned:
-.Bl -tag
-.It 0 " (EXIT_SUCCESS)"
-Successful program execution.
-.It 1 " (EXIT_FAILURE)"
-The operation failed or the command syntax was not valid.
-.It 66 " (EX_NOINPUT)"
-A specified configuration file could not be loaded.
-.It 70 " (EX_SOFTWARE)"
-libopts had an internal operational error. Please report
-it to autogen\-users@lists.sourceforge.net. Thank you.
-.Xr ntp.conf 5 ,
-.Xr ntpd 8
-.%A David L. Mills
-.%T Network Time Protocol (Version 3)
-.%O RFC1305
-The formatting directives in this document came from FreeBSD.
-Copyright (C) 1992\-2017 The University of Delaware and Network Time Foundation all rights reserved.
-This program is released under the terms of the NTP license, <http://ntp.org/license>.
-utility is a crude hack.
-Much of the information it shows is
-deadly boring and could only be loved by its implementer.
-program was designed so that new (and temporary) features were easy
-to hack in, at great expense to the program's ease of use.
-this, the program is occasionally useful.
-Please report bugs to http://bugs.ntp.org .
-Please send bug reports to: http://bugs.ntp.org, bugs@ntp.org
-.Sh "NOTES"
-This manual page was \fIAutoGen\fP\-erated from the \fBntpdc\fP
-option definitions.
diff --git a/usr.sbin/ntp/doc/ntpq.8 b/usr.sbin/ntp/doc/ntpq.8
deleted file mode 100644
index 21f15926a0ab..000000000000
--- a/usr.sbin/ntp/doc/ntpq.8
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1055 +0,0 @@
-.Dd August 14 2018
-.Dt NTPQ 8 User Commands
-.\" EDIT THIS FILE WITH CAUTION (ntpq-opts.mdoc)
-.\" It has been AutoGen-ed August 14, 2018 at 08:30:05 AM by AutoGen 5.18.5
-.\" From the definitions ntpq-opts.def
-.\" and the template file agmdoc-cmd.tpl
-.Nm ntpq
-.Nd query Network Time Protocol servers
-.\" Mixture of short (flag) options and long options
-.Op Fl flags
-.Op Fl flag Op Ar value
-.Op Fl \-option\-name Ns Oo Oo Ns "=| " Oc Ns Ar value Oc
-[ host ...]
-utility program is used to query NTP servers to monitor NTP operations
-and performance, requesting
-information about current state and/or changes in that state.
-The program may be run either in interactive mode or controlled using
-command line arguments.
-Requests to read and write arbitrary
-variables can be assembled, with raw and pretty\-printed output
-options being available.
-utility can also obtain and print a
-list of peers in a common format by sending multiple queries to the
-If one or more request options is included on the command line
-is executed, each of the requests will be sent
-to the NTP servers running on each of the hosts given as command
-line arguments, or on localhost by default.
-If no request options
-are given,
-will attempt to read commands from the
-standard input and execute these on the NTP server running on the
-first host given on the command line, again defaulting to localhost
-when no other host is specified.
-utility will prompt for
-commands if the standard input is a terminal device.
-uses NTP mode 6 packets to communicate with the
-NTP server, and hence can be used to query any compatible server on
-the network which permits it.
-Note that since NTP is a UDP protocol
-this communication will be somewhat unreliable, especially over
-large distances in terms of network topology.
-utility makes
-one attempt to retransmit requests, and will time requests out if
-the remote host is not heard from within a suitable timeout
-Note that in contexts where a host name is expected, a
-.Fl 4
-qualifier preceding the host name forces resolution to the IPv4
-namespace, while a
-.Fl 6
-qualifier forces resolution to the IPv6 namespace.
-For examples and usage, see the
-.Dq NTP Debugging Techniques
-Specifying a
-command line option other than
-.Fl i
-.Fl n
-cause the specified query (queries) to be sent to the indicated
-host(s) immediately.
-will attempt to read
-interactive format commands from the standard input.
-.Ss "Internal Commands"
-Interactive format commands consist of a keyword followed by zero
-to four arguments.
-Only enough characters of the full keyword to
-uniquely identify the command need be typed.
-number of interactive format commands are executed entirely within
-utility itself and do not result in NTP
-requests being sent to a server.
-These are described following.
-.Bl -tag -width "help [command]" -compact -offset indent
-.It Ic ? Op Ar command
-.It Ic help Op Ar command
-.Ql \&?
-by itself will print a list of all the commands
-known to
-.Nm .
-.Ql \&?
-followed by a command name will print function and usage
-information about the command.
-.It Ic addvars Ar name Ns Oo \&= Ns Ar value Oc Ns Op ,...
-.It Ic rmvars Ar name Ns Op ,...
-.It Ic clearvars
-.It Ic showvars
-The arguments to this command consist of a list of
-items of the form
-.Ar name Ns Op \&= Ns Ar value ,
-where the
-.No \&= Ns Ar value
-is ignored, and can be omitted,
-in requests to the server to read variables.
-utility maintains an internal list in which data to be included in
-messages can be assembled, and displayed or set using the
-.Ic readlist
-.Ic writelist
-commands described below.
-.Ic addvars
-command allows variables and their optional values to be added to
-the list.
-If more than one variable is to be added, the list should
-be comma\-separated and not contain white space.
-.Ic rmvars
-command can be used to remove individual variables from the list,
-while the
-.Ic clearvars
-command removes all variables from the
-.Ic showvars
-command displays the current list of optional variables.
-.It Ic authenticate Op Cm yes Ns | Ns Cm no
-does not authenticate requests unless
-they are write requests.
-The command
-.Ic authenticate Cm yes
-to send authentication with all requests it
-Authenticated requests causes some servers to handle
-requests slightly differently.
-The command
-.Ic authenticate
-to display whether or not
-it is currently authenticating requests.
-.It Ic cooked
-Causes output from query commands to be "cooked", so that
-variables which are recognized by
-will have their
-values reformatted for human consumption.
-Variables which
-could not decode completely are
-marked with a trailing
-.Ql \&? .
-.It Ic debug Op Cm more Ns | Ns Cm less Ns | Ns Cm off
-With no argument, displays the current debug level.
-Otherwise, the debugging level is changed as indicated.
-.It Ic delay Op Ar milliseconds
-Specify a time interval to be added to timestamps included in
-requests which require authentication.
-This is used to enable
-(unreliable) server reconfiguration over long delay network paths
-or between machines whose clocks are unsynchronized.
-Actually the
-server does not now require timestamps in authenticated requests,
-so this command may be obsolete.
-Without any arguments, displays the current delay.
-.It Ic drefid Op Cm hash Ns | Ns Cm ipv4
-Display refids as IPv4 or hash.
-Without any arguments, displays whether refids are shown as IPv4
-addresses or hashes.
-.It Ic exit
-.Nm .
-.It Ic host Op Ar name
-Set the host to which future queries will be sent.
-.Ar name
-may be either a host name or a numeric address.
-Without any arguments, displays the current host.
-.It Ic hostnames Op Cm yes Ns | Ns Cm no
-.Cm yes
-is specified, host names are printed in
-information displays.
-.Cm no
-is specified, numeric
-addresses are printed instead.
-The default is
-.Cm yes ,
-modified using the command line
-.Fl n
-Without any arguments, displays whether host names or numeric addresses
-are shown.
-.It Ic keyid Op Ar keyid
-This command allows the specification of a key number to be
-used to authenticate configuration requests.
-This must correspond
-to the
-.Cm controlkey
-key number the server has been configured to use for this
-Without any arguments, displays the current
-.Ar keyid .
-.It Ic keytype Op Ar digest
-Specify the digest algorithm to use for authenticating requests, with default
-.Cm MD5 .
-was built with OpenSSL support, and OpenSSL is installed,
-.Ar digest
-can be any message digest algorithm supported by OpenSSL.
-If no argument is given, the current
-.Ic keytype Ar digest
-algorithm used is displayed.
-.It Ic ntpversion Op Cm 1 Ns | Ns Cm 2 Ns | Ns Cm 3 Ns | Ns Cm 4
-Sets the NTP version number which
-claims in
-Defaults to 3, and note that mode 6 control messages (and
-modes, for that matter) didn't exist in NTP version 1.
-There appear
-to be no servers left which demand version 1.
-With no argument, displays the current NTP version that will be used
-when communicating with servers.
-.It Ic passwd
-This command prompts you to type in a password (which will not
-be echoed) which will be used to authenticate configuration
-The password must correspond to the key configured for
-use by the NTP server for this purpose if such requests are to be
-.It Ic poll Oo Ar n Oc Op Cm verbose
-Poll an NTP server in client mode
-.Ar n
-Poll not implemented yet.
-.It Ic quit
-.Nm .
-.It Ic raw
-Causes all output from query commands is printed as received
-from the remote server.
-The only formating/interpretation done on
-the data is to transform nonascii data into a printable (but barely
-understandable) form.
-.It Ic timeout Op Ar milliseconds
-Specify a timeout period for responses to server queries.
-default is about 5000 milliseconds.
-Without any arguments, displays the current timeout period.
-Note that since
-retries each query once after a timeout, the total waiting time for
-a timeout will be twice the timeout value set.
-.It Ic version
-Display the version of the
-.Ss "Control Message Commands"
-Association ids are used to identify system, peer and clock variables.
-System variables are assigned an association id of zero and system name
-space, while each association is assigned a nonzero association id and
-peer namespace.
-Most control commands send a single message to the server and expect a
-single response message.
-The exceptions are the
-.Ic peers
-command, which sends a series of messages,
-and the
-.Ic mreadlist
-.Ic mreadvar
-commands, which iterate over a range of associations.
-.Bl -tag -width "something" -compact -offset indent
-.It Ic apeers
-Display a list of peers in the form:
-.Dl [tally]remote refid assid st t when pool reach delay offset jitter
-where the output is just like the
-.Ic peers
-command except that the
-.Cm refid
-is displayed in hex format and the association number is also displayed.
-.It Ic associations
-Display a list of mobilized associations in the form:
-.Dl ind assid status conf reach auth condition last_event cnt
-.Bl -column -offset indent ".Sy Variable" "see the select field of the peer status word"
-.It Sy Variable Ta Sy Description
-.It Cm ind Ta index on this list
-.It Cm assid Ta association id
-.It Cm status Ta peer status word
-.It Cm conf Ta Cm yes : No persistent, Cm no : No ephemeral
-.It Cm reach Ta Cm yes : No reachable, Cm no : No unreachable
-.It Cm auth Ta Cm ok , Cm yes , Cm bad No and Cm none
-.It Cm condition Ta selection status \&(see the Cm select No field of the peer status word\&)
-.It Cm last_event Ta event report \&(see the Cm event No field of the peer status word\&)
-.It Cm cnt Ta event count \&(see the Cm count No field of the peer status word\&)
-.It Ic authinfo
-Display the authentication statistics counters:
-time since reset, stored keys, free keys, key lookups, keys not found,
-uncached keys, expired keys, encryptions, decryptions.
-.It Ic clocklist Op Ar associd
-.It Ic cl Op Ar associd
-Display all clock variables in the variable list for those associations
-supporting a reference clock.
-.It Ic clockvar Oo Ar associd Oc Oo Ar name Ns Oo \&= Ns Ar value Oc Ns Oc Ns Op ,...
-.It Ic cv Oo Ar associd Oc Oo Ar name Ns Oo \&= Ns Ar value Oc Ns Oc Ns Op ,...
-Display a list of clock variables for those associations supporting a
-reference clock.
-.It Ic :config Ar "configuration command line"
-Send the remainder of the command line, including whitespace, to the
-server as a run\-time configuration command in the same format as a line
-in the configuration file.
-This command is experimental until further notice and clarification.
-Authentication is of course required.
-.It Ic config\-from\-file Ar filename
-Send each line of
-.Ar filename
-to the server as run\-time configuration commands in the same format as
-lines in the configuration file.
-This command is experimental until further notice and clarification.
-Authentication is required.
-.It Ic ifstats
-Display status and statistics counters for each local network interface address:
-interface number, interface name and address or broadcast, drop, flag,
-ttl, mc, received, sent, send failed, peers, uptime.
-Authentication is required.
-.It Ic iostats
-Display network and reference clock I/O statistics:
-time since reset, receive buffers, free receive buffers, used receive buffers,
-low water refills, dropped packets, ignored packets, received packets,
-packets sent, packet send failures, input wakeups, useful input wakeups.
-.It Ic kerninfo
-Display kernel loop and PPS statistics:
-associd, status, pll offset, pll frequency, maximum error,
-estimated error, kernel status, pll time constant, precision,
-frequency tolerance, pps frequency, pps stability, pps jitter,
-calibration interval, calibration cycles, jitter exceeded,
-stability exceeded, calibration errors.
-As with other ntpq output, times are in milliseconds; very small values
-may be shown as exponentials.
-The precision value displayed is in milliseconds as well, unlike the
-precision system variable.
-.It Ic lassociations
-Perform the same function as the associations command, except display
-mobilized and unmobilized associations, including all clients.
-.It Ic lopeers Op Fl 4 Ns | Ns Fl 6
-Display a list of all peers and clients showing
-.Cm dstadr
-(associated with the given IP version).
-.It Ic lpassociations
-Display the last obtained list of associations, including all clients.
-.It Ic lpeers Op Fl 4 Ns | Ns Fl 6
-Display a list of all peers and clients (associated with the given IP version).
-.It Ic monstats
-Display monitor facility status, statistics, and limits:
-enabled, addresses, peak addresses, maximum addresses,
-reclaim above count, reclaim older than, kilobytes, maximum kilobytes.
-.It Ic mreadlist Ar associdlo Ar associdhi
-.It Ic mrl Ar associdlo Ar associdhi
-Perform the same function as the
-.Ic readlist
-command for a range of association ids.
-.It Ic mreadvar Ar associdlo Ar associdhi Oo Ar name Oc Ns Op ,...
-This range may be determined from the list displayed by any
-command showing associations.
-.It Ic mrv Ar associdlo Ar associdhi Oo Ar name Oc Ns Op ,...
-Perform the same function as the
-.Ic readvar
-command for a range of association ids.
-This range may be determined from the list displayed by any
-command showing associations.
-.It Xo Ic mrulist Oo Cm limited | Cm kod | Cm mincount Ns \&= Ns Ar count |
-.Cm laddr Ns \&= Ns Ar localaddr | Cm sort Ns \&= Ns Oo \&\- Oc Ns Ar sortorder |
-.Cm resany Ns \&= Ns Ar hexmask | Cm resall Ns \&= Ns Ar hexmask Oc
-Display traffic counts of the most recently seen source addresses
-collected and maintained by the monitor facility.
-With the exception of
-.Cm sort Ns \&= Ns Oo \&\- Oc Ns Ar sortorder ,
-the options filter the list returned by
-.Xr ntpd 8 .
-.Cm limited
-.Cm kod
-options return only entries representing client addresses from which the
-last packet received triggered either discarding or a KoD response.
-.Cm mincount Ns = Ns Ar count
-option filters entries representing less than
-.Ar count
-.Cm laddr Ns = Ns Ar localaddr
-option filters entries for packets received on any local address other than
-.Ar localaddr .
-.Cm resany Ns = Ns Ar hexmask
-.Cm resall Ns = Ns Ar hexmask
-filter entries containing none or less than all, respectively, of the bits in
-.Ar hexmask ,
-which must begin with
-.Cm 0x .
-.Ar sortorder
-defaults to
-.Cm lstint
-and may be
-.Cm addr ,
-.Cm avgint ,
-.Cm count ,
-.Cm lstint ,
-or any of those preceded by
-.Ql \&\-
-to reverse the sort order.
-The output columns are:
-.Bl -tag -width "something" -compact -offset indent
-.It Column
-.It Ic lstint
-Interval in seconds between the receipt of the most recent packet from
-this address and the completion of the retrieval of the MRU list by
-.Nm .
-.It Ic avgint
-Average interval in s between packets from this address.
-.It Ic rstr
-Restriction flags associated with this address.
-Most are copied unchanged from the matching
-.Ic restrict
-command, however 0x400 (kod) and 0x20 (limited) flags are cleared unless
-the last packet from this address triggered a rate control response.
-.It Ic r
-Rate control indicator, either
-a period,
-.Ic L
-.Ic K
-for no rate control response,
-rate limiting by discarding, or rate limiting with a KoD response, respectively.
-.It Ic m
-Packet mode.
-.It Ic v
-Packet version number.
-.It Ic count
-Packets received from this address.
-.It Ic rport
-Source port of last packet from this address.
-.It Ic remote address
-host or DNS name, numeric address, or address followed by
-claimed DNS name which could not be verified in parentheses.
-.It Ic opeers Op Fl 4 | Fl 6
-Obtain and print the old\-style list of all peers and clients showing
-.Cm dstadr
-(associated with the given IP version),
-rather than the
-.Cm refid .
-.It Ic passociations
-Perform the same function as the
-.Ic associations
-except that it uses previously stored data rather than making a new query.
-.It Ic peers
-Display a list of peers in the form:
-.Dl [tally]remote refid st t when pool reach delay offset jitter
-.Bl -tag -width "something" -compact -offset indent
-.It Variable
-.It Cm [tally]
-single\-character code indicating current value of the
-.Ic select
-field of the
-.Lk decode.html#peer "peer status word"
-.It Cm remote
-host name (or IP number) of peer.
-The value displayed will be truncated to 15 characters unless the
-.Fl w
-option is given, in which case the full value will be displayed
-on the first line, and if too long,
-the remaining data will be displayed on the next line.
-.It Cm refid
-source IP address or
-.Lk decode.html#kiss "'kiss code"
-.It Cm st
-stratum: 0 for local reference clocks, 1 for servers with local
-reference clocks, ..., 16 for unsynchronized server clocks
-.It Cm t
-.Ic u :
-unicast or manycast client,
-.Ic b :
-broadcast or multicast client,
-.Ic p :
-pool source,
-.Ic l :
-local (reference clock),
-.Ic s :
-symmetric (peer),
-.Ic A :
-manycast server,
-.Ic B :
-broadcast server,
-.Ic M :
-multicast server
-.It Cm when
-time in seconds, minutes, hours, or days since the last packet
-was received, or
-.Ql \&\-
-if a packet has never been received
-.It Cm poll
-poll interval (s)
-.It Cm reach
-reach shift register (octal)
-.It Cm delay
-roundtrip delay
-.It Cm offset
-offset of server relative to this host
-.It Cm jitter
-offset RMS error estimate.
-.It Ic pstats Ar associd
-Display the statistics for the peer with the given
-.Ar associd :
-associd, status, remote host, local address, time last received,
-time until next send, reachability change, packets sent,
-packets received, bad authentication, bogus origin, duplicate,
-bad dispersion, bad reference time, candidate order.
-.It Ic readlist Op Ar associd
-.It Ic rl Op Ar associd
-Display all system or peer variables.
-If the
-.Ar associd
-is omitted, it is assumed to be zero.
-.It Ic readvar Op Ar associd Ar name Ns Oo Ns = Ns Ar value Oc Op , ...
-.It Ic rv Op Ar associd Ar name Ns Oo Ns = Ns Ar value Oc Op , ...
-Display the specified system or peer variables.
-.Ar associd
-is zero, the variables are from the
-.Sx System Variables
-name space, otherwise they are from the
-.Sx Peer Variables
-name space.
-.Ar associd
-is required, as the same name can occur in both spaces.
-If no
-.Ar name
-is included, all operative variables in the name space are displayed.
-In this case only, if the
-.Ar associd
-is omitted, it is assumed to be zero.
-Multiple names are specified with comma separators and without whitespace.
-Note that time values are represented in milliseconds
-and frequency values in parts\-per\-million (PPM).
-Some NTP timestamps are represented in the format
-.Ar YYYY Ns Ar MM Ar DD Ar TTTT ,
-is the year,
-.Ar MM
-the month of year,
-.Ar DD
-the day of month and
-the time of day.
-.It Ic reslist
-Display the access control (restrict) list for
-.Nm .
-Authentication is required.
-.It Ic saveconfig Ar filename
-Save the current configuration,
-including any runtime modifications made by
-.Ic :config
-.Ic config\-from\-file ,
-to the NTP server host file
-.Ar filename .
-This command will be rejected by the server unless
-.Lk miscopt.html#saveconfigdir "saveconfigdir"
-appears in the
-.Xr ntpd 8
-configuration file.
-.Ar filename
-can use
-.Xr date 1
-format specifiers to substitute the current date and time, for
-.D1 Ic saveconfig Pa ntp\-%Y%m%d\-%H%M%S.conf .
-The filename used is stored in system variable
-.Cm savedconfig .
-Authentication is required.
-.It Ic sysinfo
-Display system operational summary:
-associd, status, system peer, system peer mode, leap indicator,
-stratum, log2 precision, root delay, root dispersion,
-reference id, reference time, system jitter, clock jitter,
-clock wander, broadcast delay, symm. auth. delay.
-.It Ic sysstats
-Display system uptime and packet counts maintained in the
-protocol module:
-uptime, sysstats reset, packets received, current version,
-older version, bad length or format, authentication failed,
-declined, restricted, rate limited, KoD responses,
-processed for time.
-.It Ic timerstats
-Display interval timer counters:
-time since reset, timer overruns, calls to transmit.
-.It Ic writelist Ar associd
-Set all system or peer variables included in the variable list.
-.It Ic writevar Ar associd Ar name Ns = Ns Ar value Op , ...
-Set the specified variables in the variable list.
-If the
-.Ar associd
-is zero, the variables are from the
-.Sx System Variables
-name space, otherwise they are from the
-.Sx Peer Variables
-name space.
-.Ar associd
-is required, as the same name can occur in both spaces.
-Authentication is required.
-.Ss Status Words and Kiss Codes
-The current state of the operating program is shown
-in a set of status words
-maintained by the system.
-Status information is also available on a per\-association basis.
-These words are displayed by the
-.Ic readlist
-.Ic associations
-commands both in hexadecimal and in decoded short tip strings.
-The codes, tips and short explanations are documented on the
-.Lk decode.html "Event Messages and Status Words"
-The page also includes a list of system and peer messages,
-the code for the latest of which is included in the status word.
-Information resulting from protocol machine state transitions
-is displayed using an informal set of ASCII strings called
-.Lk decode.html#kiss "kiss codes" .
-The original purpose was for kiss\-o'\-death (KoD) packets
-sent by the server to advise the client of an unusual condition.
-They are now displayed, when appropriate,
-in the reference identifier field in various billboards.
-.Ss System Variables
-The following system variables appear in the
-.Ic readlist
-Not all variables are displayed in some configurations.
-.Bl -tag -width "something" -compact -offset indent
-.It Variable
-.It Cm status
-.Lk decode.html#sys "system status word"
-.It Cm version
-NTP software version and build time
-.It Cm processor
-hardware platform and version
-.It Cm system
-operating system and version
-.It Cm leap
-leap warning indicator (0\-3)
-.It Cm stratum
-stratum (1\-15)
-.It Cm precision
-precision (log2 s)
-.It Cm rootdelay
-total roundtrip delay to the primary reference clock
-.It Cm rootdisp
-total dispersion to the primary reference clock
-.It Cm refid
-reference id or
-.Lk decode.html#kiss "kiss code"
-.It Cm reftime
-reference time
-.It Ic clock
-date and time of day
-.It Cm peer
-system peer association id
-.It Cm tc
-time constant and poll exponent (log2 s) (3\-17)
-.It Cm mintc
-minimum time constant (log2 s) (3\-10)
-.It Cm offset
-combined offset of server relative to this host
-.It Cm frequency
-frequency drift (PPM) relative to hardware clock
-.It Cm sys_jitter
-combined system jitter
-.It Cm clk_wander
-clock frequency wander (PPM)
-.It Cm clk_jitter
-clock jitter
-.It Cm tai
-TAI\-UTC offset (s)
-.It Cm leapsec
-NTP seconds when the next leap second is/was inserted
-.It Cm expire
-NTP seconds when the NIST leapseconds file expires
-The jitter and wander statistics are exponentially\-weighted RMS averages.
-The system jitter is defined in the NTPv4 specification;
-the clock jitter statistic is computed by the clock discipline module.
-When the NTPv4 daemon is compiled with the OpenSSL software library,
-additional system variables are displayed,
-including some or all of the following,
-depending on the particular Autokey dance:
-.Bl -tag -width "something" -compact -offset indent
-.It Variable
-.It Cm host
-Autokey host name for this host
-.It Cm ident
-Autokey group name for this host
-.It Cm flags
-host flags (see Autokey specification)
-.It Cm digest
-OpenSSL message digest algorithm
-.It Cm signature
-OpenSSL digest/signature scheme
-.It Cm update
-NTP seconds at last signature update
-.It Cm cert
-certificate subject, issuer and certificate flags
-.It Cm until
-NTP seconds when the certificate expires
-.Ss Peer Variables
-The following peer variables appear in the
-.Ic readlist
-billboard for each association.
-Not all variables are displayed in some configurations.
-.Bl -tag -width "something" -compact -offset indent
-.It Variable
-.It Cm associd
-association id
-.It Cm status
-.Lk decode.html#peer "peer status word"
-.It Cm srcadr
-source (remote) IP address
-.It Cm srcport
-source (remote) port
-.It Cm dstadr
-destination (local) IP address
-.It Cm dstport
-destination (local) port
-.It Cm leap
-leap indicator (0\-3)
-.It Cm stratum
-stratum (0\-15)
-.It Cm precision
-precision (log2 s)
-.It Cm rootdelay
-total roundtrip delay to the primary reference clock
-.It Cm rootdisp
-total root dispersion to the primary reference clock
-.It Cm refid
-reference id or
-.Lk decode.html#kiss "kiss code"
-.It Cm reftime
-reference time
-.It Cm rec
-last packet received time
-.It Cm reach
-reach register (octal)
-.It Cm unreach
-unreach counter
-.It Cm hmode
-host mode (1\-6)
-.It Cm pmode
-peer mode (1\-5)
-.It Cm hpoll
-host poll exponent (log2 s) (3\-17)
-.It Cm ppoll
-peer poll exponent (log2 s) (3\-17)
-.It Cm headway
-headway (see
-.Lk rate.html "Rate Management and the Kiss\-o'\-Death Packet" )
-.It Cm flash
-.Lk decode.html#flash "flash status word"
-.It Cm keyid
-symmetric key id
-.It Cm offset
-filter offset
-.It Cm delay
-filter delay
-.It Cm dispersion
-filter dispersion
-.It Cm jitter
-filter jitter
-.It Cm bias
-unicast/broadcast bias
-.It Cm xleave
-interleave delay (see
-.Lk xleave.html "NTP Interleaved Modes" )
-.Cm bias
-variable is calculated when the first broadcast packet is received
-after the calibration volley.
-It represents the offset of the broadcast subgraph relative to the
-unicast subgraph.
-.Cm xleave
-variable appears only for the interleaved symmetric and interleaved modes.
-It represents the internal queuing, buffering and transmission delays
-for the preceding packet.
-When the NTPv4 daemon is compiled with the OpenSSL software library,
-additional peer variables are displayed, including the following:
-.Bl -tag -width "something" -compact -offset indent
-.It Variable
-.It Cm flags
-peer flags (see Autokey specification)
-.It Cm host
-Autokey server name
-.It Cm flags
-peer flags (see Autokey specification)
-.It Cm signature
-OpenSSL digest/signature scheme
-.It Cm initsequence
-initial key id
-.It Cm initkey
-initial key index
-.It Cm timestamp
-Autokey signature timestamp
-.It Cm ident
-Autokey group name for this association
-.Ss Clock Variables
-The following clock variables appear in the
-.Ic clocklist
-billboard for each association with a reference clock.
-Not all variables are displayed in some configurations.
-.Bl -tag -width "something" -compact -offset indent
-.It Variable
-.It Cm associd
-association id
-.It Cm status
-.Lk decode.html#clock "clock status word"
-.It Cm device
-device description
-.It Cm timecode
-ASCII time code string (specific to device)
-.It Cm poll
-poll messages sent
-.It Cm noreply
-no reply
-.It Cm badformat
-bad format
-.It Cm baddata
-bad date or time
-.It Cm fudgetime1
-fudge time 1
-.It Cm fudgetime2
-fudge time 2
-.It Cm stratum
-driver stratum
-.It Cm refid
-driver reference id
-.It Cm flags
-driver flags
-.Bl -tag
-.It Fl 4 , Fl \-ipv4
-Force IPv4 name resolution.
-This option must not appear in combination with any of the following options:
-Force resolution of following host names on the command line
-to the IPv4 namespace.
-.It Fl 6 , Fl \-ipv6
-Force IPv6 name resolution.
-This option must not appear in combination with any of the following options:
-Force resolution of following host names on the command line
-to the IPv6 namespace.
-.It Fl c Ar cmd , Fl \-command Ns = Ns Ar cmd
-run a command and exit.
-This option may appear an unlimited number of times.
-The following argument is interpreted as an interactive format command
-and is added to the list of commands to be executed on the specified
-.It Fl d , Fl \-debug\-level
-Increase debug verbosity level.
-This option may appear an unlimited number of times.
-.It Fl D Ar number , Fl \-set\-debug\-level Ns = Ns Ar number
-Set the debug verbosity level.
-This option may appear an unlimited number of times.
-This option takes an integer number as its argument.
-.It Fl i , Fl \-interactive
-Force ntpq to operate in interactive mode.
-This option must not appear in combination with any of the following options:
-command, peers.
-Force \fBntpq\fP to operate in interactive mode.
-Prompts will be written to the standard output and
-commands read from the standard input.
-.It Fl n , Fl \-numeric
-numeric host addresses.
-Output all host addresses in dotted\-quad numeric format rather than
-converting to the canonical host names.
-.It Fl \-old\-rv
-Always output status line with readvar.
-By default, \fBntpq\fP now suppresses the \fBassocid=...\fP
-line that precedes the output of \fBreadvar\fP
-(alias \fBrv\fP) when a single variable is requested, such as
-\fBntpq \-c "rv 0 offset"\fP.
-This option causes \fBntpq\fP to include both lines of output
-for a single\-variable \fBreadvar\fP.
-Using an environment variable to
-preset this option in a script will enable both older and
-newer \fBntpq\fP to behave identically in this regard.
-.It Fl p , Fl \-peers
-Print a list of the peers.
-This option must not appear in combination with any of the following options:
-Print a list of the peers known to the server as well as a summary
-of their state. This is equivalent to the 'peers' interactive command.
-.It Fl r Ar keyword , Fl \-refid Ns = Ns Ar keyword
-Set default display type for S2+ refids.
-This option takes a keyword as its argument. The argument sets an enumeration value that can
-be tested by comparing them against the option value macro.
-The available keywords are:
-.in +4
-hash ipv4
-or their numeric equivalent.
-.in -4
-The default
-.Ar keyword
-for this option is:
-.ti +4
- ipv4
-Set the default display format for S2+ refids.
-.It Fl w , Fl \-wide
-Display the full 'remote' value.
-Display the full value of the 'remote' value. If this requires
-more than 15 characters, display the full value, emit a newline,
-and continue the data display properly indented on the next line.
-.It Fl \&? , Fl \-help
-Display usage information and exit.
-.It Fl \&! , Fl \-more\-help
-Pass the extended usage information through a pager.
-.It Fl > Oo Ar cfgfile Oc , Fl \-save\-opts Oo Ns = Ns Ar cfgfile Oc
-Save the option state to \fIcfgfile\fP. The default is the \fIlast\fP
-configuration file listed in the \fBOPTION PRESETS\fP section, below.
-The command will exit after updating the config file.
-.It Fl < Ar cfgfile , Fl \-load\-opts Ns = Ns Ar cfgfile , Fl \-no\-load\-opts
-Load options from \fIcfgfile\fP.
-The \fIno\-load\-opts\fP form will disable the loading
-of earlier config/rc/ini files. \fI\-\-no\-load\-opts\fP is handled early,
-out of order.
-.It Fl \-version Op Brq Ar v|c|n
-Output version of program and exit. The default mode is `v', a simple
-version. The `c' mode will print copyright information and `n' will
-print the full copyright notice.
-Any option that is not marked as \fInot presettable\fP may be preset
-by loading values from configuration ("RC" or ".INI") file(s) and values from
-environment variables named:
- \fBNTPQ_<option\-name>\fP or \fBNTPQ\fP
-The environmental presets take precedence (are processed later than)
-the configuration files.
-The \fIhomerc\fP files are "\fI$HOME\fP", and "\fI.\fP".
-If any of these are directories, then the file \fI.ntprc\fP
-is searched for within those directories.
-See \fBOPTION PRESETS\fP for configuration environment variables.
-.Sh "FILES"
-See \fBOPTION PRESETS\fP for configuration files.
-One of the following exit values will be returned:
-.Bl -tag
-.It 0 " (EXIT_SUCCESS)"
-Successful program execution.
-.It 1 " (EXIT_FAILURE)"
-The operation failed or the command syntax was not valid.
-.It 66 " (EX_NOINPUT)"
-A specified configuration file could not be loaded.
-.It 70 " (EX_SOFTWARE)"
-libopts had an internal operational error. Please report
-it to autogen\-users@lists.sourceforge.net. Thank you.
-The University of Delaware and Network Time Foundation
-Copyright (C) 1992\-2017 The University of Delaware and Network Time Foundation all rights reserved.
-This program is released under the terms of the NTP license, <http://ntp.org/license>.
-.Sh "BUGS"
-Please send bug reports to: http://bugs.ntp.org, bugs@ntp.org
-.Sh "NOTES"
-This manual page was \fIAutoGen\fP\-erated from the \fBntpq\fP
-option definitions.
diff --git a/usr.sbin/ntp/doc/sntp.8 b/usr.sbin/ntp/doc/sntp.8
deleted file mode 100644
index 4509b6efa222..000000000000
--- a/usr.sbin/ntp/doc/sntp.8
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,317 +0,0 @@
-.Dd August 14 2018
-.Dt SNTP 8 User Commands
-.\" EDIT THIS FILE WITH CAUTION (sntp-opts.mdoc)
-.\" It has been AutoGen-ed August 14, 2018 at 08:27:40 AM by AutoGen 5.18.5
-.\" From the definitions sntp-opts.def
-.\" and the template file agmdoc-cmd.tpl
-.Nm sntp
-.Nd reference Simple Network Time Protocol client
-.\" Mixture of short (flag) options and long options
-.Op Fl flags
-.Op Fl flag Op Ar value
-.Op Fl \-option\-name Ns Oo Oo Ns "=| " Oc Ns Ar value Oc
-[ hostname\-or\-IP ...]
-can be used as an SNTP client to query a NTP or SNTP server and either display
-the time or set the local system's time (given suitable privilege). It can be
-run as an interactive command or from a
-.Ic cron
-NTP (the Network Time Protocol) and SNTP (the Simple Network Time Protocol)
-are defined and described by RFC 5905.
-The default is to write the estimated correct local date and time (i.e. not
-UTC) to the standard output in a format like:
-.Ic "'1996\-10\-15 20:17:25.123 (+0800) +4.567 +/\- 0.089 [host] IP sN'"
-where the
-.Ic "'(+0800)'"
-means that to get to UTC from the reported local time one must
-add 8 hours and 0 minutes,
-.Ic "'+4.567'"
-indicates the local clock is 4.567 seconds behind the correct time
-(so 4.567 seconds must be added to the local clock to get it to be correct).
-Note that the number of decimals printed for this value will change
-based on the reported precision of the server.
-.Ic "'+/\- 0.089'"
-is the reported
-.Em synchronization distance
-(in seconds), which represents the maximum error due to all causes.
-If the server does not report valid data needed to calculate the
-synchronization distance, this will be reported as
-.Ic "'+/\- ?'" .
-If the
-.Em host
-is different from the
-.Em IP ,
-both will be displayed.
-Otherwise, only the
-.Em IP
-is displayed.
-Finally, the
-.Em stratum
-of the host is reported
-and the leap indicator is decoded and displayed.
-.Bl -tag
-.It Fl 4 , Fl \-ipv4
-Force IPv4 DNS name resolution.
-This option must not appear in combination with any of the following options:
-Force DNS resolution of the following host names on the command line
-to the IPv4 namespace.
-.It Fl 6 , Fl \-ipv6
-Force IPv6 DNS name resolution.
-This option must not appear in combination with any of the following options:
-Force DNS resolution of the following host names on the command line
-to the IPv6 namespace.
-.It Fl a Ar auth\-keynumber , Fl \-authentication Ns = Ns Ar auth\-keynumber
-Enable authentication with the key \fBauth\-keynumber\fP.
-This option takes an integer number as its argument.
-Enable authentication using the key specified in this option's
-argument. The argument of this option is the \fBkeyid\fP, a
-number specified in the \fBkeyfile\fP as this key's identifier.
-See the \fBkeyfile\fP option (\fB\-k\fP) for more details.
-.It Fl b Ar broadcast\-address , Fl \-broadcast Ns = Ns Ar broadcast\-address
-Listen to the address specified for broadcast time sync.
-This option may appear an unlimited number of times.
-If specified \fBsntp\fP will listen to the specified address
-for NTP broadcasts. The default maximum wait time
-can (and probably should) be modified with \fB\-t\fP.
-.It Fl c Ar host\-name , Fl \-concurrent Ns = Ns Ar host\-name
-Concurrently query all IPs returned for host\-name.
-This option may appear an unlimited number of times.
-Requests from an NTP "client" to a "server" should never be sent
-more rapidly than one every 2 seconds. By default, any IPs returned
-as part of a DNS lookup are assumed to be for a single instance of
-\fBntpd\fP, and therefore \fBsntp\fP will send queries to these IPs
-one after another, with a 2\-second gap in between each query.
-The \fB\-c\fP or \fB\-\-concurrent\fP flag says that any IPs
-returned for the DNS lookup of the supplied host\-name are on
-different machines, so we can send concurrent queries.
-.It Fl d , Fl \-debug\-level
-Increase debug verbosity level.
-This option may appear an unlimited number of times.
-.It Fl D Ar number , Fl \-set\-debug\-level Ns = Ns Ar number
-Set the debug verbosity level.
-This option may appear an unlimited number of times.
-This option takes an integer number as its argument.
-.It Fl g Ar milliseconds , Fl \-gap Ns = Ns Ar milliseconds
-The gap (in milliseconds) between time requests.
-This option takes an integer number as its argument.
-The default
-.Ar milliseconds
-for this option is:
-.ti +4
- 50
-Since we're only going to use the first valid response we get and
-there is benefit to specifying a good number of servers to query,
-separate the queries we send out by the specified number of
-.It Fl K Ar file\-name , Fl \-kod Ns = Ns Ar file\-name
-KoD history filename.
-The default
-.Ar file\-name
-for this option is:
-.ti +4
- /var/db/ntp\-kod
-Specifies the filename to be used for the persistent history of KoD
-responses received from servers. If the file does not exist, a
-warning message will be displayed. The file will not be created.
-.It Fl k Ar file\-name , Fl \-keyfile Ns = Ns Ar file\-name
-Look in this file for the key specified with \fB\-a\fP.
-The default
-.Ar file\-name
-for this option is:
-.ti +4
- /etc/ntp.keys
-This option specifies the keyfile.
-\fBsntp\fP will search for the key specified with \fB\-a\fP
-\fIkeyno\fP in this file. See \fBntp.keys(5)\fP for more
-.It Fl l Ar file\-name , Fl \-logfile Ns = Ns Ar file\-name
-Log to specified logfile.
-This option causes the client to write log messages to the specified
-.It Fl M Ar number , Fl \-steplimit Ns = Ns Ar number
-Adjustments less than \fBsteplimit\fP msec will be slewed.
-This option takes an integer number as its argument.
-The value of
-.Ar number
-is constrained to being:
-.in +4
-greater than or equal to 0
-.in -4
-If the time adjustment is less than \fIsteplimit\fP milliseconds,
-slew the amount using \fBadjtime(2)\fP. Otherwise, step the
-correction using \fBsettimeofday(2)\fP. The default value is 0,
-which means all adjustments will be stepped. This is a feature, as
-different situations demand different values.
-.It Fl o Ar number , Fl \-ntpversion Ns = Ns Ar number
-Send \fBint\fP as our NTP protocol version.
-This option takes an integer number as its argument.
-The value of
-.Ar number
-is constrained to being:
-.in +4
-in the range 0 through 7
-.in -4
-The default
-.Ar number
-for this option is:
-.ti +4
- 4
-When sending requests to a remote server, tell them we are running
-NTP protocol version \fIntpversion\fP .
-.It Fl r , Fl \-usereservedport
-Use the NTP Reserved Port (port 123).
-Use port 123, which is reserved for NTP, for our network
-.It Fl S , Fl \-step
-OK to 'step' the time with \fBsettimeofday(2)\fP.
-.It Fl s , Fl \-slew
-OK to 'slew' the time with \fBadjtime(2)\fP.
-.It Fl t Ar seconds , Fl \-timeout Ns = Ns Ar seconds
-The number of seconds to wait for responses.
-This option takes an integer number as its argument.
-The default
-.Ar seconds
-for this option is:
-.ti +4
- 5
-When waiting for a reply, \fBsntp\fP will wait the number
-of seconds specified before giving up. The default should be
-more than enough for a unicast response. If \fBsntp\fP is
-only waiting for a broadcast response a longer timeout is
-likely needed.
-.It Fl \-wait , Fl \-no\-wait
-Wait for pending replies (if not setting the time).
-The \fIno\-wait\fP form will disable the option.
-This option is enabled by default.
-If we are not setting the time, wait for all pending responses.
-.It Fl \&? , Fl \-help
-Display usage information and exit.
-.It Fl \&! , Fl \-more\-help
-Pass the extended usage information through a pager.
-.It Fl > Oo Ar cfgfile Oc , Fl \-save\-opts Oo Ns = Ns Ar cfgfile Oc
-Save the option state to \fIcfgfile\fP. The default is the \fIlast\fP
-configuration file listed in the \fBOPTION PRESETS\fP section, below.
-The command will exit after updating the config file.
-.It Fl < Ar cfgfile , Fl \-load\-opts Ns = Ns Ar cfgfile , Fl \-no\-load\-opts
-Load options from \fIcfgfile\fP.
-The \fIno\-load\-opts\fP form will disable the loading
-of earlier config/rc/ini files. \fI\-\-no\-load\-opts\fP is handled early,
-out of order.
-.It Fl \-version Op Brq Ar v|c|n
-Output version of program and exit. The default mode is `v', a simple
-version. The `c' mode will print copyright information and `n' will
-print the full copyright notice.
-Any option that is not marked as \fInot presettable\fP may be preset
-by loading values from configuration ("RC" or ".INI") file(s) and values from
-environment variables named:
- \fBSNTP_<option\-name>\fP or \fBSNTP\fP
-The environmental presets take precedence (are processed later than)
-the configuration files.
-The \fIhomerc\fP files are "\fI$HOME\fP", and "\fI.\fP".
-If any of these are directories, then the file \fI.ntprc\fP
-is searched for within those directories.
-.Bl -tag -width indent
-.It Li "sntp ntpserver.somewhere"
-is the simplest use of this program
-and can be run as an unprivileged command
-to check the current time and error in the local clock.
-.It Li "sntp \-Ss \-M 128 ntpserver.somewhere"
-With suitable privilege,
-run as a command
-or from a
-.Xr cron 8
-.Ic "sntp \-Ss \-M 128 ntpserver.somewhere"
-will request the time from the server,
-and if that server reports that it is synchronized
-then if the offset adjustment is less than 128 milliseconds
-the correction will be slewed,
-and if the correction is more than 128 milliseconds
-the correction will be stepped.
-.It Li "sntp \-S ntpserver.somewhere"
-With suitable privilege,
-run as a command
-or from a
-.Xr cron 8
-.Ic "sntp \-S ntpserver.somewhere"
-will set (step) the local clock from a synchronized specified server,
-like the (deprecated)
-.Xr ntpdate 8 ,
-.Xr rdate 8
-See \fBOPTION PRESETS\fP for configuration environment variables.
-.Sh "FILES"
-See \fBOPTION PRESETS\fP for configuration files.
-One of the following exit values will be returned:
-.Bl -tag
-.It 0 " (EXIT_SUCCESS)"
-Successful program execution.
-.It 1 " (EXIT_FAILURE)"
-The operation failed or the command syntax was not valid.
-.It 66 " (EX_NOINPUT)"
-A specified configuration file could not be loaded.
-.It 70 " (EX_SOFTWARE)"
-libopts had an internal operational error. Please report
-it to autogen\-users@lists.sourceforge.net. Thank you.
-.An "Johannes Maximilian Kuehn"
-.An "Harlan Stenn"
-.An "Dave Hart"
-Copyright (C) 1992\-2017 The University of Delaware and Network Time Foundation all rights reserved.
-This program is released under the terms of the NTP license, <http://ntp.org/license>.
-.Sh "BUGS"
-Please send bug reports to: http://bugs.ntp.org, bugs@ntp.org
-.Sh "NOTES"
-This manual page was \fIAutoGen\fP\-erated from the \fBsntp\fP
-option definitions.