path: root/Ada95/src/terminal_interface-curses-menus.adb
diff options
authorEd Schouten <ed@FreeBSD.org>2011-04-30 10:55:14 +0000
committerEd Schouten <ed@FreeBSD.org>2011-04-30 10:55:14 +0000
commit0294a182a1629b1d854b84906e73487d6cb75fba (patch)
treee563e21bcc0164ba11452983316bda26eebb1d3c /Ada95/src/terminal_interface-curses-menus.adb
parent22b11c4db16996bf8d4878fab98762c348676df3 (diff)
Import a stock copy of ncurses 5.8 into the vendor space.vendor/ncurses/5.8-20110226
It seems both local changes we made to 5.7 have already been fixed upstream properly, so there is no need to preserve the changes. Also, with SVN we import full source trees. Unlike CVS, where we removed unneeded cruft.
Notes: svn path=/vendor/ncurses/dist/; revision=221243 svn path=/vendor/ncurses/5.8-20110226/; revision=221244; tag=vendor/ncurses/5.8-20110226
Diffstat (limited to 'Ada95/src/terminal_interface-curses-menus.adb')
1 files changed, 1022 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Ada95/src/terminal_interface-curses-menus.adb b/Ada95/src/terminal_interface-curses-menus.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9fce6de6d9fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Ada95/src/terminal_interface-curses-menus.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,1022 @@
+-- --
+-- GNAT ncurses Binding --
+-- --
+-- Terminal_Interface.Curses.Menus --
+-- --
+-- B O D Y --
+-- --
+-- Copyright (c) 1998-2008,2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
+-- --
+-- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a --
+-- copy of this software and associated documentation files (the --
+-- "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including --
+-- without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, --
+-- distribute, distribute with modifications, sublicense, and/or sell --
+-- copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is --
+-- furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: --
+-- --
+-- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included --
+-- in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. --
+-- --
+-- --
+-- Except as contained in this notice, the name(s) of the above copyright --
+-- holders shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the --
+-- sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written --
+-- authorization. --
+-- Author: Juergen Pfeifer, 1996
+-- Version Control:
+-- $Revision: 1.27 $
+-- $Date: 2009/12/26 17:38:58 $
+-- Binding Version 01.00
+with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
+with Terminal_Interface.Curses.Aux; use Terminal_Interface.Curses.Aux;
+with Interfaces.C; use Interfaces.C;
+with Interfaces.C.Strings; use Interfaces.C.Strings;
+with Interfaces.C.Pointers;
+with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
+package body Terminal_Interface.Curses.Menus is
+ type C_Item_Array is array (Natural range <>) of aliased Item;
+ package I_Array is new
+ Interfaces.C.Pointers (Natural, Item, C_Item_Array, Null_Item);
+ use type System.Bit_Order;
+ subtype chars_ptr is Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr;
+ function MOS_2_CInt is new
+ Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Menu_Option_Set,
+ C_Int);
+ function CInt_2_MOS is new
+ Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (C_Int,
+ Menu_Option_Set);
+ function IOS_2_CInt is new
+ Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Item_Option_Set,
+ C_Int);
+ function CInt_2_IOS is new
+ Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (C_Int,
+ Item_Option_Set);
+ procedure Request_Name (Key : Menu_Request_Code;
+ Name : out String)
+ is
+ function Request_Name (Key : C_Int) return chars_ptr;
+ pragma Import (C, Request_Name, "menu_request_name");
+ begin
+ Fill_String (Request_Name (C_Int (Key)), Name);
+ end Request_Name;
+ function Request_Name (Key : Menu_Request_Code) return String
+ is
+ function Request_Name (Key : C_Int) return chars_ptr;
+ pragma Import (C, Request_Name, "menu_request_name");
+ begin
+ return Fill_String (Request_Name (C_Int (Key)));
+ end Request_Name;
+ function Create (Name : String;
+ Description : String := "") return Item
+ is
+ type Char_Ptr is access all Interfaces.C.char;
+ function Newitem (Name, Desc : Char_Ptr) return Item;
+ pragma Import (C, Newitem, "new_item");
+ type Name_String is new char_array (0 .. Name'Length);
+ type Name_String_Ptr is access Name_String;
+ pragma Controlled (Name_String_Ptr);
+ type Desc_String is new char_array (0 .. Description'Length);
+ type Desc_String_Ptr is access Desc_String;
+ pragma Controlled (Desc_String_Ptr);
+ Name_Str : constant Name_String_Ptr := new Name_String;
+ Desc_Str : constant Desc_String_Ptr := new Desc_String;
+ Name_Len, Desc_Len : size_t;
+ Result : Item;
+ begin
+ To_C (Name, Name_Str.all, Name_Len);
+ To_C (Description, Desc_Str.all, Desc_Len);
+ Result := Newitem (Name_Str.all (Name_Str.all'First)'Access,
+ Desc_Str.all (Desc_Str.all'First)'Access);
+ if Result = Null_Item then
+ raise Eti_System_Error;
+ end if;
+ return Result;
+ end Create;
+ procedure Delete (Itm : in out Item)
+ is
+ function Descname (Itm : Item) return chars_ptr;
+ pragma Import (C, Descname, "item_description");
+ function Itemname (Itm : Item) return chars_ptr;
+ pragma Import (C, Itemname, "item_name");
+ function Freeitem (Itm : Item) return C_Int;
+ pragma Import (C, Freeitem, "free_item");
+ Res : Eti_Error;
+ Ptr : chars_ptr;
+ begin
+ Ptr := Descname (Itm);
+ if Ptr /= Null_Ptr then
+ Interfaces.C.Strings.Free (Ptr);
+ end if;
+ Ptr := Itemname (Itm);
+ if Ptr /= Null_Ptr then
+ Interfaces.C.Strings.Free (Ptr);
+ end if;
+ Res := Freeitem (Itm);
+ if Res /= E_Ok then
+ Eti_Exception (Res);
+ end if;
+ Itm := Null_Item;
+ end Delete;
+ procedure Set_Value (Itm : Item;
+ Value : Boolean := True)
+ is
+ function Set_Item_Val (Itm : Item;
+ Val : C_Int) return C_Int;
+ pragma Import (C, Set_Item_Val, "set_item_value");
+ Res : constant Eti_Error := Set_Item_Val (Itm, Boolean'Pos (Value));
+ begin
+ if Res /= E_Ok then
+ Eti_Exception (Res);
+ end if;
+ end Set_Value;
+ function Value (Itm : Item) return Boolean
+ is
+ function Item_Val (Itm : Item) return C_Int;
+ pragma Import (C, Item_Val, "item_value");
+ begin
+ if Item_Val (Itm) = Curses_False then
+ return False;
+ else
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ end Value;
+ function Visible (Itm : Item) return Boolean
+ is
+ function Item_Vis (Itm : Item) return C_Int;
+ pragma Import (C, Item_Vis, "item_visible");
+ begin
+ if Item_Vis (Itm) = Curses_False then
+ return False;
+ else
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ end Visible;
+ procedure Set_Options (Itm : Item;
+ Options : Item_Option_Set)
+ is
+ function Set_Item_Opts (Itm : Item;
+ Opt : C_Int) return C_Int;
+ pragma Import (C, Set_Item_Opts, "set_item_opts");
+ Opt : constant C_Int := IOS_2_CInt (Options);
+ Res : Eti_Error;
+ begin
+ Res := Set_Item_Opts (Itm, Opt);
+ if Res /= E_Ok then
+ Eti_Exception (Res);
+ end if;
+ end Set_Options;
+ procedure Switch_Options (Itm : Item;
+ Options : Item_Option_Set;
+ On : Boolean := True)
+ is
+ function Item_Opts_On (Itm : Item;
+ Opt : C_Int) return C_Int;
+ pragma Import (C, Item_Opts_On, "item_opts_on");
+ function Item_Opts_Off (Itm : Item;
+ Opt : C_Int) return C_Int;
+ pragma Import (C, Item_Opts_Off, "item_opts_off");
+ Opt : constant C_Int := IOS_2_CInt (Options);
+ Err : Eti_Error;
+ begin
+ if On then
+ Err := Item_Opts_On (Itm, Opt);
+ else
+ Err := Item_Opts_Off (Itm, Opt);
+ end if;
+ if Err /= E_Ok then
+ Eti_Exception (Err);
+ end if;
+ end Switch_Options;
+ procedure Get_Options (Itm : Item;
+ Options : out Item_Option_Set)
+ is
+ function Item_Opts (Itm : Item) return C_Int;
+ pragma Import (C, Item_Opts, "item_opts");
+ Res : constant C_Int := Item_Opts (Itm);
+ begin
+ Options := CInt_2_IOS (Res);
+ end Get_Options;
+ function Get_Options (Itm : Item := Null_Item) return Item_Option_Set
+ is
+ Ios : Item_Option_Set;
+ begin
+ Get_Options (Itm, Ios);
+ return Ios;
+ end Get_Options;
+ procedure Name (Itm : Item;
+ Name : out String)
+ is
+ function Itemname (Itm : Item) return chars_ptr;
+ pragma Import (C, Itemname, "item_name");
+ begin
+ Fill_String (Itemname (Itm), Name);
+ end Name;
+ function Name (Itm : Item) return String
+ is
+ function Itemname (Itm : Item) return chars_ptr;
+ pragma Import (C, Itemname, "item_name");
+ begin
+ return Fill_String (Itemname (Itm));
+ end Name;
+ procedure Description (Itm : Item;
+ Description : out String)
+ is
+ function Descname (Itm : Item) return chars_ptr;
+ pragma Import (C, Descname, "item_description");
+ begin
+ Fill_String (Descname (Itm), Description);
+ end Description;
+ function Description (Itm : Item) return String
+ is
+ function Descname (Itm : Item) return chars_ptr;
+ pragma Import (C, Descname, "item_description");
+ begin
+ return Fill_String (Descname (Itm));
+ end Description;
+ procedure Set_Current (Men : Menu;
+ Itm : Item)
+ is
+ function Set_Curr_Item (Men : Menu;
+ Itm : Item) return C_Int;
+ pragma Import (C, Set_Curr_Item, "set_current_item");
+ Res : constant Eti_Error := Set_Curr_Item (Men, Itm);
+ begin
+ if Res /= E_Ok then
+ Eti_Exception (Res);
+ end if;
+ end Set_Current;
+ function Current (Men : Menu) return Item
+ is
+ function Curr_Item (Men : Menu) return Item;
+ pragma Import (C, Curr_Item, "current_item");
+ Res : constant Item := Curr_Item (Men);
+ begin
+ if Res = Null_Item then
+ raise Menu_Exception;
+ end if;
+ return Res;
+ end Current;
+ procedure Set_Top_Row (Men : Menu;
+ Line : Line_Position)
+ is
+ function Set_Toprow (Men : Menu;
+ Line : C_Int) return C_Int;
+ pragma Import (C, Set_Toprow, "set_top_row");
+ Res : constant Eti_Error := Set_Toprow (Men, C_Int (Line));
+ begin
+ if Res /= E_Ok then
+ Eti_Exception (Res);
+ end if;
+ end Set_Top_Row;
+ function Top_Row (Men : Menu) return Line_Position
+ is
+ function Toprow (Men : Menu) return C_Int;
+ pragma Import (C, Toprow, "top_row");
+ Res : constant C_Int := Toprow (Men);
+ begin
+ if Res = Curses_Err then
+ raise Menu_Exception;
+ end if;
+ return Line_Position (Res);
+ end Top_Row;
+ function Get_Index (Itm : Item) return Positive
+ is
+ function Get_Itemindex (Itm : Item) return C_Int;
+ pragma Import (C, Get_Itemindex, "item_index");
+ Res : constant C_Int := Get_Itemindex (Itm);
+ begin
+ if Res = Curses_Err then
+ raise Menu_Exception;
+ end if;
+ return Positive (Natural (Res) + Positive'First);
+ end Get_Index;
+ procedure Post (Men : Menu;
+ Post : Boolean := True)
+ is
+ function M_Post (Men : Menu) return C_Int;
+ pragma Import (C, M_Post, "post_menu");
+ function M_Unpost (Men : Menu) return C_Int;
+ pragma Import (C, M_Unpost, "unpost_menu");
+ Res : Eti_Error;
+ begin
+ if Post then
+ Res := M_Post (Men);
+ else
+ Res := M_Unpost (Men);
+ end if;
+ if Res /= E_Ok then
+ Eti_Exception (Res);
+ end if;
+ end Post;
+ procedure Set_Options (Men : Menu;
+ Options : Menu_Option_Set)
+ is
+ function Set_Menu_Opts (Men : Menu;
+ Opt : C_Int) return C_Int;
+ pragma Import (C, Set_Menu_Opts, "set_menu_opts");
+ Opt : constant C_Int := MOS_2_CInt (Options);
+ Res : Eti_Error;
+ begin
+ Res := Set_Menu_Opts (Men, Opt);
+ if Res /= E_Ok then
+ Eti_Exception (Res);
+ end if;
+ end Set_Options;
+ procedure Switch_Options (Men : Menu;
+ Options : Menu_Option_Set;
+ On : Boolean := True)
+ is
+ function Menu_Opts_On (Men : Menu;
+ Opt : C_Int) return C_Int;
+ pragma Import (C, Menu_Opts_On, "menu_opts_on");
+ function Menu_Opts_Off (Men : Menu;
+ Opt : C_Int) return C_Int;
+ pragma Import (C, Menu_Opts_Off, "menu_opts_off");
+ Opt : constant C_Int := MOS_2_CInt (Options);
+ Err : Eti_Error;
+ begin
+ if On then
+ Err := Menu_Opts_On (Men, Opt);
+ else
+ Err := Menu_Opts_Off (Men, Opt);
+ end if;
+ if Err /= E_Ok then
+ Eti_Exception (Err);
+ end if;
+ end Switch_Options;
+ procedure Get_Options (Men : Menu;
+ Options : out Menu_Option_Set)
+ is
+ function Menu_Opts (Men : Menu) return C_Int;
+ pragma Import (C, Menu_Opts, "menu_opts");
+ Res : constant C_Int := Menu_Opts (Men);
+ begin
+ Options := CInt_2_MOS (Res);
+ end Get_Options;
+ function Get_Options (Men : Menu := Null_Menu) return Menu_Option_Set
+ is
+ Mos : Menu_Option_Set;
+ begin
+ Get_Options (Men, Mos);
+ return Mos;
+ end Get_Options;
+ procedure Set_Window (Men : Menu;
+ Win : Window)
+ is
+ function Set_Menu_Win (Men : Menu;
+ Win : Window) return C_Int;
+ pragma Import (C, Set_Menu_Win, "set_menu_win");
+ Res : constant Eti_Error := Set_Menu_Win (Men, Win);
+ begin
+ if Res /= E_Ok then
+ Eti_Exception (Res);
+ end if;
+ end Set_Window;
+ function Get_Window (Men : Menu) return Window
+ is
+ function Menu_Win (Men : Menu) return Window;
+ pragma Import (C, Menu_Win, "menu_win");
+ W : constant Window := Menu_Win (Men);
+ begin
+ return W;
+ end Get_Window;
+ procedure Set_Sub_Window (Men : Menu;
+ Win : Window)
+ is
+ function Set_Menu_Sub (Men : Menu;
+ Win : Window) return C_Int;
+ pragma Import (C, Set_Menu_Sub, "set_menu_sub");
+ Res : constant Eti_Error := Set_Menu_Sub (Men, Win);
+ begin
+ if Res /= E_Ok then
+ Eti_Exception (Res);
+ end if;
+ end Set_Sub_Window;
+ function Get_Sub_Window (Men : Menu) return Window
+ is
+ function Menu_Sub (Men : Menu) return Window;
+ pragma Import (C, Menu_Sub, "menu_sub");
+ W : constant Window := Menu_Sub (Men);
+ begin
+ return W;
+ end Get_Sub_Window;
+ procedure Scale (Men : Menu;
+ Lines : out Line_Count;
+ Columns : out Column_Count)
+ is
+ type C_Int_Access is access all C_Int;
+ function M_Scale (Men : Menu;
+ Yp, Xp : C_Int_Access) return C_Int;
+ pragma Import (C, M_Scale, "scale_menu");
+ X, Y : aliased C_Int;
+ Res : constant Eti_Error := M_Scale (Men, Y'Access, X'Access);
+ begin
+ if Res /= E_Ok then
+ Eti_Exception (Res);
+ end if;
+ Lines := Line_Count (Y);
+ Columns := Column_Count (X);
+ end Scale;
+ procedure Position_Cursor (Men : Menu)
+ is
+ function Pos_Menu_Cursor (Men : Menu) return C_Int;
+ pragma Import (C, Pos_Menu_Cursor, "pos_menu_cursor");
+ Res : constant Eti_Error := Pos_Menu_Cursor (Men);
+ begin
+ if Res /= E_Ok then
+ Eti_Exception (Res);
+ end if;
+ end Position_Cursor;
+ procedure Set_Mark (Men : Menu;
+ Mark : String)
+ is
+ type Char_Ptr is access all Interfaces.C.char;
+ function Set_Mark (Men : Menu;
+ Mark : Char_Ptr) return C_Int;
+ pragma Import (C, Set_Mark, "set_menu_mark");
+ Txt : char_array (0 .. Mark'Length);
+ Len : size_t;
+ Res : Eti_Error;
+ begin
+ To_C (Mark, Txt, Len);
+ Res := Set_Mark (Men, Txt (Txt'First)'Access);
+ if Res /= E_Ok then
+ Eti_Exception (Res);
+ end if;
+ end Set_Mark;
+ procedure Mark (Men : Menu;
+ Mark : out String)
+ is
+ function Get_Menu_Mark (Men : Menu) return chars_ptr;
+ pragma Import (C, Get_Menu_Mark, "menu_mark");
+ begin
+ Fill_String (Get_Menu_Mark (Men), Mark);
+ end Mark;
+ function Mark (Men : Menu) return String
+ is
+ function Get_Menu_Mark (Men : Menu) return chars_ptr;
+ pragma Import (C, Get_Menu_Mark, "menu_mark");
+ begin
+ return Fill_String (Get_Menu_Mark (Men));
+ end Mark;
+ procedure Set_Foreground
+ (Men : Menu;
+ Fore : Character_Attribute_Set := Normal_Video;
+ Color : Color_Pair := Color_Pair'First)
+ is
+ function Set_Menu_Fore (Men : Menu;
+ Attr : C_Chtype) return C_Int;
+ pragma Import (C, Set_Menu_Fore, "set_menu_fore");
+ Ch : constant Attributed_Character := (Ch => Character'First,
+ Color => Color,
+ Attr => Fore);
+ Res : constant Eti_Error := Set_Menu_Fore (Men, AttrChar_To_Chtype (Ch));
+ begin
+ if Res /= E_Ok then
+ Eti_Exception (Res);
+ end if;
+ end Set_Foreground;
+ procedure Foreground (Men : Menu;
+ Fore : out Character_Attribute_Set)
+ is
+ function Menu_Fore (Men : Menu) return C_Chtype;
+ pragma Import (C, Menu_Fore, "menu_fore");
+ begin
+ Fore := Chtype_To_AttrChar (Menu_Fore (Men)).Attr;
+ end Foreground;
+ procedure Foreground (Men : Menu;
+ Fore : out Character_Attribute_Set;
+ Color : out Color_Pair)
+ is
+ function Menu_Fore (Men : Menu) return C_Chtype;
+ pragma Import (C, Menu_Fore, "menu_fore");
+ begin
+ Fore := Chtype_To_AttrChar (Menu_Fore (Men)).Attr;
+ Color := Chtype_To_AttrChar (Menu_Fore (Men)).Color;
+ end Foreground;
+ procedure Set_Background
+ (Men : Menu;
+ Back : Character_Attribute_Set := Normal_Video;
+ Color : Color_Pair := Color_Pair'First)
+ is
+ function Set_Menu_Back (Men : Menu;
+ Attr : C_Chtype) return C_Int;
+ pragma Import (C, Set_Menu_Back, "set_menu_back");
+ Ch : constant Attributed_Character := (Ch => Character'First,
+ Color => Color,
+ Attr => Back);
+ Res : constant Eti_Error := Set_Menu_Back (Men, AttrChar_To_Chtype (Ch));
+ begin
+ if Res /= E_Ok then
+ Eti_Exception (Res);
+ end if;
+ end Set_Background;
+ procedure Background (Men : Menu;
+ Back : out Character_Attribute_Set)
+ is
+ function Menu_Back (Men : Menu) return C_Chtype;
+ pragma Import (C, Menu_Back, "menu_back");
+ begin
+ Back := Chtype_To_AttrChar (Menu_Back (Men)).Attr;
+ end Background;
+ procedure Background (Men : Menu;
+ Back : out Character_Attribute_Set;
+ Color : out Color_Pair)
+ is
+ function Menu_Back (Men : Menu) return C_Chtype;
+ pragma Import (C, Menu_Back, "menu_back");
+ begin
+ Back := Chtype_To_AttrChar (Menu_Back (Men)).Attr;
+ Color := Chtype_To_AttrChar (Menu_Back (Men)).Color;
+ end Background;
+ procedure Set_Grey (Men : Menu;
+ Grey : Character_Attribute_Set := Normal_Video;
+ Color : Color_Pair := Color_Pair'First)
+ is
+ function Set_Menu_Grey (Men : Menu;
+ Attr : C_Chtype) return C_Int;
+ pragma Import (C, Set_Menu_Grey, "set_menu_grey");
+ Ch : constant Attributed_Character := (Ch => Character'First,
+ Color => Color,
+ Attr => Grey);
+ Res : constant Eti_Error := Set_Menu_Grey (Men, AttrChar_To_Chtype (Ch));
+ begin
+ if Res /= E_Ok then
+ Eti_Exception (Res);
+ end if;
+ end Set_Grey;
+ procedure Grey (Men : Menu;
+ Grey : out Character_Attribute_Set)
+ is
+ function Menu_Grey (Men : Menu) return C_Chtype;
+ pragma Import (C, Menu_Grey, "menu_grey");
+ begin
+ Grey := Chtype_To_AttrChar (Menu_Grey (Men)).Attr;
+ end Grey;
+ procedure Grey (Men : Menu;
+ Grey : out Character_Attribute_Set;
+ Color : out Color_Pair)
+ is
+ function Menu_Grey (Men : Menu) return C_Chtype;
+ pragma Import (C, Menu_Grey, "menu_grey");
+ begin
+ Grey := Chtype_To_AttrChar (Menu_Grey (Men)).Attr;
+ Color := Chtype_To_AttrChar (Menu_Grey (Men)).Color;
+ end Grey;
+ procedure Set_Pad_Character (Men : Menu;
+ Pad : Character := Space)
+ is
+ function Set_Menu_Pad (Men : Menu;
+ Ch : C_Int) return C_Int;
+ pragma Import (C, Set_Menu_Pad, "set_menu_pad");
+ Res : constant Eti_Error := Set_Menu_Pad (Men,
+ C_Int (Character'Pos (Pad)));
+ begin
+ if Res /= E_Ok then
+ Eti_Exception (Res);
+ end if;
+ end Set_Pad_Character;
+ procedure Pad_Character (Men : Menu;
+ Pad : out Character)
+ is
+ function Menu_Pad (Men : Menu) return C_Int;
+ pragma Import (C, Menu_Pad, "menu_pad");
+ begin
+ Pad := Character'Val (Menu_Pad (Men));
+ end Pad_Character;
+ procedure Set_Spacing (Men : Menu;
+ Descr : Column_Position := 0;
+ Row : Line_Position := 0;
+ Col : Column_Position := 0)
+ is
+ function Set_Spacing (Men : Menu;
+ D, R, C : C_Int) return C_Int;
+ pragma Import (C, Set_Spacing, "set_menu_spacing");
+ Res : constant Eti_Error := Set_Spacing (Men,
+ C_Int (Descr),
+ C_Int (Row),
+ C_Int (Col));
+ begin
+ if Res /= E_Ok then
+ Eti_Exception (Res);
+ end if;
+ end Set_Spacing;
+ procedure Spacing (Men : Menu;
+ Descr : out Column_Position;
+ Row : out Line_Position;
+ Col : out Column_Position)
+ is
+ type C_Int_Access is access all C_Int;
+ function Get_Spacing (Men : Menu;
+ D, R, C : C_Int_Access) return C_Int;
+ pragma Import (C, Get_Spacing, "menu_spacing");
+ D, R, C : aliased C_Int;
+ Res : constant Eti_Error := Get_Spacing (Men,
+ D'Access,
+ R'Access,
+ C'Access);
+ begin
+ if Res /= E_Ok then
+ Eti_Exception (Res);
+ else
+ Descr := Column_Position (D);
+ Row := Line_Position (R);
+ Col := Column_Position (C);
+ end if;
+ end Spacing;
+ function Set_Pattern (Men : Menu;
+ Text : String) return Boolean
+ is
+ type Char_Ptr is access all Interfaces.C.char;
+ function Set_Pattern (Men : Menu;
+ Pattern : Char_Ptr) return C_Int;
+ pragma Import (C, Set_Pattern, "set_menu_pattern");
+ S : char_array (0 .. Text'Length);
+ L : size_t;
+ Res : Eti_Error;
+ begin
+ To_C (Text, S, L);
+ Res := Set_Pattern (Men, S (S'First)'Access);
+ case Res is
+ when E_No_Match => return False;
+ when E_Ok => return True;
+ when others =>
+ Eti_Exception (Res);
+ return False;
+ end case;
+ end Set_Pattern;
+ procedure Pattern (Men : Menu;
+ Text : out String)
+ is
+ function Get_Pattern (Men : Menu) return chars_ptr;
+ pragma Import (C, Get_Pattern, "menu_pattern");
+ begin
+ Fill_String (Get_Pattern (Men), Text);
+ end Pattern;
+ procedure Set_Format (Men : Menu;
+ Lines : Line_Count;
+ Columns : Column_Count)
+ is
+ function Set_Menu_Fmt (Men : Menu;
+ Lin : C_Int;
+ Col : C_Int) return C_Int;
+ pragma Import (C, Set_Menu_Fmt, "set_menu_format");
+ Res : constant Eti_Error := Set_Menu_Fmt (Men,
+ C_Int (Lines),
+ C_Int (Columns));
+ begin
+ if Res /= E_Ok then
+ Eti_Exception (Res);
+ end if;
+ end Set_Format;
+ procedure Format (Men : Menu;
+ Lines : out Line_Count;
+ Columns : out Column_Count)
+ is
+ type C_Int_Access is access all C_Int;
+ function Menu_Fmt (Men : Menu;
+ Y, X : C_Int_Access) return C_Int;
+ pragma Import (C, Menu_Fmt, "menu_format");
+ L, C : aliased C_Int;
+ Res : constant Eti_Error := Menu_Fmt (Men, L'Access, C'Access);
+ begin
+ if Res /= E_Ok then
+ Eti_Exception (Res);
+ else
+ Lines := Line_Count (L);
+ Columns := Column_Count (C);
+ end if;
+ end Format;
+ procedure Set_Item_Init_Hook (Men : Menu;
+ Proc : Menu_Hook_Function)
+ is
+ function Set_Item_Init (Men : Menu;
+ Proc : Menu_Hook_Function) return C_Int;
+ pragma Import (C, Set_Item_Init, "set_item_init");
+ Res : constant Eti_Error := Set_Item_Init (Men, Proc);
+ begin
+ if Res /= E_Ok then
+ Eti_Exception (Res);
+ end if;
+ end Set_Item_Init_Hook;
+ procedure Set_Item_Term_Hook (Men : Menu;
+ Proc : Menu_Hook_Function)
+ is
+ function Set_Item_Term (Men : Menu;
+ Proc : Menu_Hook_Function) return C_Int;
+ pragma Import (C, Set_Item_Term, "set_item_term");
+ Res : constant Eti_Error := Set_Item_Term (Men, Proc);
+ begin
+ if Res /= E_Ok then
+ Eti_Exception (Res);
+ end if;
+ end Set_Item_Term_Hook;
+ procedure Set_Menu_Init_Hook (Men : Menu;
+ Proc : Menu_Hook_Function)
+ is
+ function Set_Menu_Init (Men : Menu;
+ Proc : Menu_Hook_Function) return C_Int;
+ pragma Import (C, Set_Menu_Init, "set_menu_init");
+ Res : constant Eti_Error := Set_Menu_Init (Men, Proc);
+ begin
+ if Res /= E_Ok then
+ Eti_Exception (Res);
+ end if;
+ end Set_Menu_Init_Hook;
+ procedure Set_Menu_Term_Hook (Men : Menu;
+ Proc : Menu_Hook_Function)
+ is
+ function Set_Menu_Term (Men : Menu;
+ Proc : Menu_Hook_Function) return C_Int;
+ pragma Import (C, Set_Menu_Term, "set_menu_term");
+ Res : constant Eti_Error := Set_Menu_Term (Men, Proc);
+ begin
+ if Res /= E_Ok then
+ Eti_Exception (Res);
+ end if;
+ end Set_Menu_Term_Hook;
+ function Get_Item_Init_Hook (Men : Menu) return Menu_Hook_Function
+ is
+ function Item_Init (Men : Menu) return Menu_Hook_Function;
+ pragma Import (C, Item_Init, "item_init");
+ begin
+ return Item_Init (Men);
+ end Get_Item_Init_Hook;
+ function Get_Item_Term_Hook (Men : Menu) return Menu_Hook_Function
+ is
+ function Item_Term (Men : Menu) return Menu_Hook_Function;
+ pragma Import (C, Item_Term, "item_term");
+ begin
+ return Item_Term (Men);
+ end Get_Item_Term_Hook;
+ function Get_Menu_Init_Hook (Men : Menu) return Menu_Hook_Function
+ is
+ function Menu_Init (Men : Menu) return Menu_Hook_Function;
+ pragma Import (C, Menu_Init, "menu_init");
+ begin
+ return Menu_Init (Men);
+ end Get_Menu_Init_Hook;
+ function Get_Menu_Term_Hook (Men : Menu) return Menu_Hook_Function
+ is
+ function Menu_Term (Men : Menu) return Menu_Hook_Function;
+ pragma Import (C, Menu_Term, "menu_term");
+ begin
+ return Menu_Term (Men);
+ end Get_Menu_Term_Hook;
+ procedure Redefine (Men : Menu;
+ Items : Item_Array_Access)
+ is
+ function Set_Items (Men : Menu;
+ Items : System.Address) return C_Int;
+ pragma Import (C, Set_Items, "set_menu_items");
+ Res : Eti_Error;
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (Items (Items'Last) = Null_Item);
+ if Items (Items'Last) /= Null_Item then
+ raise Menu_Exception;
+ else
+ Res := Set_Items (Men, Items.all'Address);
+ if Res /= E_Ok then
+ Eti_Exception (Res);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Redefine;
+ function Item_Count (Men : Menu) return Natural
+ is
+ function Count (Men : Menu) return C_Int;
+ pragma Import (C, Count, "item_count");
+ begin
+ return Natural (Count (Men));
+ end Item_Count;
+ function Items (Men : Menu;
+ Index : Positive) return Item
+ is
+ use I_Array;
+ function C_Mitems (Men : Menu) return Pointer;
+ pragma Import (C, C_Mitems, "menu_items");
+ P : Pointer := C_Mitems (Men);
+ begin
+ if P = null or else Index > Item_Count (Men) then
+ raise Menu_Exception;
+ else
+ P := P + ptrdiff_t (C_Int (Index) - 1);
+ return P.all;
+ end if;
+ end Items;
+ function Create (Items : Item_Array_Access) return Menu
+ is
+ function Newmenu (Items : System.Address) return Menu;
+ pragma Import (C, Newmenu, "new_menu");
+ M : Menu;
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (Items (Items'Last) = Null_Item);
+ if Items (Items'Last) /= Null_Item then
+ raise Menu_Exception;
+ else
+ M := Newmenu (Items.all'Address);
+ if M = Null_Menu then
+ raise Menu_Exception;
+ end if;
+ return M;
+ end if;
+ end Create;
+ procedure Delete (Men : in out Menu)
+ is
+ function Free (Men : Menu) return C_Int;
+ pragma Import (C, Free, "free_menu");
+ Res : constant Eti_Error := Free (Men);
+ begin
+ if Res /= E_Ok then
+ Eti_Exception (Res);
+ end if;
+ Men := Null_Menu;
+ end Delete;
+ function Driver (Men : Menu;
+ Key : Key_Code) return Driver_Result
+ is
+ function Driver (Men : Menu;
+ Key : C_Int) return C_Int;
+ pragma Import (C, Driver, "menu_driver");
+ R : constant Eti_Error := Driver (Men, C_Int (Key));
+ begin
+ if R /= E_Ok then
+ case R is
+ when E_Unknown_Command => return Unknown_Request;
+ when E_No_Match => return No_Match;
+ when E_Request_Denied |
+ E_Not_Selectable => return Request_Denied;
+ when others =>
+ Eti_Exception (R);
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ return Menu_Ok;
+ end Driver;
+ procedure Free (IA : in out Item_Array_Access;
+ Free_Items : Boolean := False)
+ is
+ procedure Release is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
+ (Item_Array, Item_Array_Access);
+ begin
+ if IA /= null and then Free_Items then
+ for I in IA'First .. (IA'Last - 1) loop
+ if IA (I) /= Null_Item then
+ Delete (IA (I));
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ Release (IA);
+ end Free;
+ function Default_Menu_Options return Menu_Option_Set
+ is
+ begin
+ return Get_Options (Null_Menu);
+ end Default_Menu_Options;
+ function Default_Item_Options return Item_Option_Set
+ is
+ begin
+ return Get_Options (Null_Item);
+ end Default_Item_Options;
+end Terminal_Interface.Curses.Menus;