path: root/apps
diff options
authorSimon L. B. Nielsen <simon@FreeBSD.org>2008-09-21 14:12:30 +0000
committerSimon L. B. Nielsen <simon@FreeBSD.org>2008-09-21 14:12:30 +0000
commit11bac091f5e8d9f8137f53dbdc1866e325f5e8b6 (patch)
tree8f1cbe1be25c02e20dbda875ad63916ded36906a /apps
parent9d8854235be91bc390d1722ec8151ae08a9efb34 (diff)
Remove files from vendor tree which were not part of OpenSSL 0.9.8e
(last vendor import). The file were removed in different earlier releases, but were not removed from the CVS vendor branch at the time.
Notes: svn path=/vendor-crypto/openssl/dist/; revision=183231
Diffstat (limited to 'apps')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 610 deletions
diff --git a/apps/der_chop b/apps/der_chop
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ee9d6bfd44b..000000000000
--- a/apps/der_chop
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,305 +0,0 @@
-# der_chop ... this is one total hack that Eric is really not proud of
-# so don't look at it and don't ask for support
-# The "documentation" for this (i.e. all the comments) are my fault --tjh
-# This program takes the "raw" output of derparse/asn1parse and
-# converts it into tokens and then runs regular expression matches
-# to try to figure out what to grab to get the things that are needed
-# and it is possible that this will do the wrong thing as it is a *hack*
-# SSLeay 0.5.2+ should have direct read support for x509 (via -inform NET)
-# [I know ... promises promises :-)]
-# To convert a Netscape Certificate:
-# der_chop < ServerCert.der > cert.pem
-# To convert a Netscape Key (and encrypt it again to protect it)
-# rsa -inform NET -in ServerKey.der -des > key.pem
-# 23-Apr-96 eay Added the extra ASN.1 string types, I still think this
-# is an evil hack. If nothing else the parsing should
-# be relative, not absolute.
-# 19-Apr-96 tjh hacked (with eay) into 0.5.x format
-# Tim Hudson
-# tjh@cryptsoft.com
-require 'getopts.pl';
-# this was the 0.4.x way of doing things ...
-$rsa_cmd="rsa -des -inform der ";
-# this was the 0.5.x way of doing things ...
-$cmd="openssl asn1parse";
-$x509_cmd="openssl x509";
-$crl_cmd="openssl crl";
-$rc4_cmd="openssl rc4";
-$md2_cmd="openssl md2";
-$md4_cmd="openssl md4";
-$rsa_cmd="openssl rsa -des -inform der ";
-&Getopts('vd:') || die "usage:$0 [-v] [-d num] file";
-$depth=($opt_d =~ /^\d+$/)?$opt_d:0;
-if ($#ARGV != -1)
- {
- foreach $file (@ARGV)
- {
- print STDERR "doing $file\n";
- &dofile($file);
- }
- }
- {
- $file="/tmp/a$$.DER";
- open(OUT,">$file") || die "unable to open $file:$!\n";
- for (;;)
- {
- $i=sysread(STDIN,$b,1024*10);
- last if ($i <= 0);
- $i=syswrite(OUT,$b,$i);
- }
- &dofile($file);
- unlink($file);
- }
-sub dofile
- {
- local($file)=@_;
- local(@p);
- $b=&load_file($file);
- @p=&load_file_parse($file);
- foreach $_ (@p)
- {
- ($off,$d,$hl,$len)=&parse_line($_);
- $d-=$depth;
- next if ($d != 0);
- next if ($len == 0);
- $o=substr($b,$off,$len+$hl);
- ($str,@data)=&der_str($o);
- print "$str\n" if ($opt_v);
- if ($str =~ /^$crl/)
- {
- open(OUT,"|$crl_cmd -inform d -hash -issuer") ||
- die "unable to run $crl_cmd:$!\n";
- print OUT $o;
- close(OUT);
- }
- elsif ($str =~ /^$x509/)
- {
- open(OUT,"|$x509_cmd -inform d -hash -subject -issuer")
- || die "unable to run $x509_cmd:$!\n";
- print OUT $o;
- close(OUT);
- }
- elsif ($str =~ /^$rsa/)
- {
- ($type)=($data[3] =~ /OBJECT_IDENTIFIER :(.*)\s*$/);
- next unless ($type eq "rsaEncryption");
- ($off,$d,$hl,$len)=&parse_line($data[5]);
- $os=substr($o,$off+$hl,$len);
- open(OUT,"|$rsa_cmd")
- || die "unable to run $rsa_cmd:$!\n";
- print OUT $os;
- close(OUT);
- }
- elsif ($str =~ /^0G-1D-1G/)
- {
- ($off,$d,$hl,$len)=&parse_line($data[1]);
- $os=substr($o,$off+$hl,$len);
- print STDERR "<$os>\n" if $opt_v;
- &do_certificate($o,@data)
- if (($os eq "certificate") &&
- ($str =! /^0G-1D-1G-2G-3F-3E-2D/));
- &do_private_key($o,@data)
- if (($os eq "private-key") &&
- ($str =! /^0G-1D-1G-2G-3F-3E-2D/));
- }
- }
- }
-sub der_str
- {
- local($str)=@_;
- local(*OUT,*IN,@a,$t,$d,$ret);
- local($file)="/tmp/b$$.DER";
- local(@ret);
- open(OUT,">$file");
- print OUT $str;
- close(OUT);
- open(IN,"$cmd -inform 'd' -in $file |") ||
- die "unable to run $cmd:$!\n";
- $ret="";
- while (<IN>)
- {
- chop;
- push(@ret,$_);
- print STDERR "$_\n" if ($debug);
- @a=split(/\s*:\s*/);
- ($d)=($a[1] =~ /d=\s*(\d+)/);
- $a[2] =~ s/\s+$//;
- $t=$DER_s2i{$a[2]};
- $ret.="$d$t-";
- }
- close(IN);
- unlink($file);
- chop $ret;
- $ret =~ s/(-3H(-4G-5F-5[IJKMQRS])+)+/-NAME/g;
- $ret =~ s/(-3G-4B-4L)+/-RCERT/g;
- return($ret,@ret);
- }
-sub init_der
- {
- $crl= "0G-1G-2G-3F-3E-2G-NAME-2L-2L-2G-RCERT-1G-2F-2E-1C";
- $x509="0G-1G-2B-2G-3F-3E-2G-NAME-2G-3L-3L-2G-NAME-2G-3G-4F-4E-3C-1G-2F-2E-1C";
- $rsa= "0G-1B-1G-2F-2E-1D";
- %DER_i2s=(
- # SSLeay 0.4.x has this list
- "A","EOC",
- "B","INTEGER",
- "E","NULL",
- "F","OBJECT",
- "H","SET",
- "J","T61STRING",
- "K","IA5STRING",
- "L","UTCTIME",
- "Q","ISO64STRING",
- # SSLeay 0.5.x changed some things ... and I'm
- # leaving in the old stuff but adding in these
- # to handle the new as well --tjh
- # - Well I've just taken them out and added the extra new
- # ones :-) - eay
- );
- foreach (keys %DER_i2s)
- { $DER_s2i{$DER_i2s{$_}}=$_; }
- }
-sub parse_line
- {
- local($_)=@_;
- return(/\s*(\d+):d=\s*(\d+)\s+hl=\s*(\d+)\s+l=\s*(\d+|inf)\s/);
- }
-# 0:d=0 hl=4 l=377 cons: univ: SEQUENCE
-# 4:d=1 hl=2 l= 11 prim: univ: OCTET_STRING
-# 17:d=1 hl=4 l=360 cons: univ: SEQUENCE
-# 21:d=2 hl=2 l= 12 cons: univ: SEQUENCE
-# 23:d=3 hl=2 l= 8 prim: univ: OBJECT_IDENTIFIER :rc4
-# 33:d=3 hl=2 l= 0 prim: univ: NULL
-# 35:d=2 hl=4 l=342 prim: univ: OCTET_STRING
-sub do_private_key
- {
- local($data,@struct)=@_;
- local($file)="/tmp/b$$.DER";
- local($off,$d,$hl,$len,$_,$b,@p,$s);
- ($type)=($struct[4] =~ /OBJECT_IDENTIFIER :(.*)\s*$/);
- if ($type eq "rc4")
- {
- ($off,$d,$hl,$len)=&parse_line($struct[6]);
- open(OUT,"|$rc4_cmd >$file") ||
- die "unable to run $rc4_cmd:$!\n";
- print OUT substr($data,$off+$hl,$len);
- close(OUT);
- $b=&load_file($file);
- unlink($file);
- ($s,@p)=&der_str($b);
- die "unknown rsa key type\n$s\n"
- if ($s ne '0G-1B-1G-2F-2E-1D');
- local($off,$d,$hl,$len)=&parse_line($p[5]);
- $b=substr($b,$off+$hl,$len);
- ($s,@p)=&der_str($b);
- open(OUT,"|$rsa_cmd") || die "unable to run $rsa_cmd:$!\n";
- print OUT $b;
- close(OUT);
- }
- else
- {
- print "'$type' is unknown\n";
- exit(1);
- }
- }
-sub do_certificate
- {
- local($data,@struct)=@_;
- local($file)="/tmp/b$$.DER";
- local($off,$d,$hl,$len,$_,$b,@p,$s);
- ($off,$d,$hl,$len)=&parse_line($struct[2]);
- $b=substr($data,$off,$len+$hl);
- open(OUT,"|$x509_cmd -inform d") || die "unable to run $x509_cmd:$!\n";
- print OUT $b;
- close(OUT);
- }
-sub load_file
- {
- local($file)=@_;
- local(*IN,$r,$b,$i);
- $r="";
- open(IN,"<$file") || die "unable to open $file:$!\n";
- for (;;)
- {
- $i=sysread(IN,$b,10240);
- last if ($i <= 0);
- $r.=$b;
- }
- close(IN);
- return($r);
- }
-sub load_file_parse
- {
- local($file)=@_;
- local(*IN,$r,@ret,$_,$i,$n,$b);
- open(IN,"$cmd -inform d -in $file|")
- || die "unable to run der_parse\n";
- while (<IN>)
- {
- chop;
- push(@ret,$_);
- }
- return($r,@ret);
- }
diff --git a/apps/der_chop.in b/apps/der_chop.in
deleted file mode 100644
index 9070b032fc38..000000000000
--- a/apps/der_chop.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,305 +0,0 @@
-# der_chop ... this is one total hack that Eric is really not proud of
-# so don't look at it and don't ask for support
-# The "documentation" for this (i.e. all the comments) are my fault --tjh
-# This program takes the "raw" output of derparse/asn1parse and
-# converts it into tokens and then runs regular expression matches
-# to try to figure out what to grab to get the things that are needed
-# and it is possible that this will do the wrong thing as it is a *hack*
-# SSLeay 0.5.2+ should have direct read support for x509 (via -inform NET)
-# [I know ... promises promises :-)]
-# To convert a Netscape Certificate:
-# der_chop < ServerCert.der > cert.pem
-# To convert a Netscape Key (and encrypt it again to protect it)
-# rsa -inform NET -in ServerKey.der -des > key.pem
-# 23-Apr-96 eay Added the extra ASN.1 string types, I still think this
-# is an evil hack. If nothing else the parsing should
-# be relative, not absolute.
-# 19-Apr-96 tjh hacked (with eay) into 0.5.x format
-# Tim Hudson
-# tjh@cryptsoft.com
-require 'getopts.pl';
-# this was the 0.4.x way of doing things ...
-$rsa_cmd="rsa -des -inform der ";
-# this was the 0.5.x way of doing things ...
-$cmd="openssl asn1parse";
-$x509_cmd="openssl x509";
-$crl_cmd="openssl crl";
-$rc4_cmd="openssl rc4";
-$md2_cmd="openssl md2";
-$md4_cmd="openssl md4";
-$rsa_cmd="openssl rsa -des -inform der ";
-&Getopts('vd:') || die "usage:$0 [-v] [-d num] file";
-$depth=($opt_d =~ /^\d+$/)?$opt_d:0;
-if ($#ARGV != -1)
- {
- foreach $file (@ARGV)
- {
- print STDERR "doing $file\n";
- &dofile($file);
- }
- }
- {
- $file="/tmp/a$$.DER";
- open(OUT,">$file") || die "unable to open $file:$!\n";
- for (;;)
- {
- $i=sysread(STDIN,$b,1024*10);
- last if ($i <= 0);
- $i=syswrite(OUT,$b,$i);
- }
- &dofile($file);
- unlink($file);
- }
-sub dofile
- {
- local($file)=@_;
- local(@p);
- $b=&load_file($file);
- @p=&load_file_parse($file);
- foreach $_ (@p)
- {
- ($off,$d,$hl,$len)=&parse_line($_);
- $d-=$depth;
- next if ($d != 0);
- next if ($len == 0);
- $o=substr($b,$off,$len+$hl);
- ($str,@data)=&der_str($o);
- print "$str\n" if ($opt_v);
- if ($str =~ /^$crl/)
- {
- open(OUT,"|$crl_cmd -inform d -hash -issuer") ||
- die "unable to run $crl_cmd:$!\n";
- print OUT $o;
- close(OUT);
- }
- elsif ($str =~ /^$x509/)
- {
- open(OUT,"|$x509_cmd -inform d -hash -subject -issuer")
- || die "unable to run $x509_cmd:$!\n";
- print OUT $o;
- close(OUT);
- }
- elsif ($str =~ /^$rsa/)
- {
- ($type)=($data[3] =~ /OBJECT_IDENTIFIER :(.*)\s*$/);
- next unless ($type eq "rsaEncryption");
- ($off,$d,$hl,$len)=&parse_line($data[5]);
- $os=substr($o,$off+$hl,$len);
- open(OUT,"|$rsa_cmd")
- || die "unable to run $rsa_cmd:$!\n";
- print OUT $os;
- close(OUT);
- }
- elsif ($str =~ /^0G-1D-1G/)
- {
- ($off,$d,$hl,$len)=&parse_line($data[1]);
- $os=substr($o,$off+$hl,$len);
- print STDERR "<$os>\n" if $opt_v;
- &do_certificate($o,@data)
- if (($os eq "certificate") &&
- ($str =! /^0G-1D-1G-2G-3F-3E-2D/));
- &do_private_key($o,@data)
- if (($os eq "private-key") &&
- ($str =! /^0G-1D-1G-2G-3F-3E-2D/));
- }
- }
- }
-sub der_str
- {
- local($str)=@_;
- local(*OUT,*IN,@a,$t,$d,$ret);
- local($file)="/tmp/b$$.DER";
- local(@ret);
- open(OUT,">$file");
- print OUT $str;
- close(OUT);
- open(IN,"$cmd -inform 'd' -in $file |") ||
- die "unable to run $cmd:$!\n";
- $ret="";
- while (<IN>)
- {
- chop;
- push(@ret,$_);
- print STDERR "$_\n" if ($debug);
- @a=split(/\s*:\s*/);
- ($d)=($a[1] =~ /d=\s*(\d+)/);
- $a[2] =~ s/\s+$//;
- $t=$DER_s2i{$a[2]};
- $ret.="$d$t-";
- }
- close(IN);
- unlink($file);
- chop $ret;
- $ret =~ s/(-3H(-4G-5F-5[IJKMQRS])+)+/-NAME/g;
- $ret =~ s/(-3G-4B-4L)+/-RCERT/g;
- return($ret,@ret);
- }
-sub init_der
- {
- $crl= "0G-1G-2G-3F-3E-2G-NAME-2L-2L-2G-RCERT-1G-2F-2E-1C";
- $x509="0G-1G-2B-2G-3F-3E-2G-NAME-2G-3L-3L-2G-NAME-2G-3G-4F-4E-3C-1G-2F-2E-1C";
- $rsa= "0G-1B-1G-2F-2E-1D";
- %DER_i2s=(
- # SSLeay 0.4.x has this list
- "A","EOC",
- "B","INTEGER",
- "E","NULL",
- "F","OBJECT",
- "H","SET",
- "J","T61STRING",
- "K","IA5STRING",
- "L","UTCTIME",
- "Q","ISO64STRING",
- # SSLeay 0.5.x changed some things ... and I'm
- # leaving in the old stuff but adding in these
- # to handle the new as well --tjh
- # - Well I've just taken them out and added the extra new
- # ones :-) - eay
- );
- foreach (keys %DER_i2s)
- { $DER_s2i{$DER_i2s{$_}}=$_; }
- }
-sub parse_line
- {
- local($_)=@_;
- return(/\s*(\d+):d=\s*(\d+)\s+hl=\s*(\d+)\s+l=\s*(\d+|inf)\s/);
- }
-# 0:d=0 hl=4 l=377 cons: univ: SEQUENCE
-# 4:d=1 hl=2 l= 11 prim: univ: OCTET_STRING
-# 17:d=1 hl=4 l=360 cons: univ: SEQUENCE
-# 21:d=2 hl=2 l= 12 cons: univ: SEQUENCE
-# 23:d=3 hl=2 l= 8 prim: univ: OBJECT_IDENTIFIER :rc4
-# 33:d=3 hl=2 l= 0 prim: univ: NULL
-# 35:d=2 hl=4 l=342 prim: univ: OCTET_STRING
-sub do_private_key
- {
- local($data,@struct)=@_;
- local($file)="/tmp/b$$.DER";
- local($off,$d,$hl,$len,$_,$b,@p,$s);
- ($type)=($struct[4] =~ /OBJECT_IDENTIFIER :(.*)\s*$/);
- if ($type eq "rc4")
- {
- ($off,$d,$hl,$len)=&parse_line($struct[6]);
- open(OUT,"|$rc4_cmd >$file") ||
- die "unable to run $rc4_cmd:$!\n";
- print OUT substr($data,$off+$hl,$len);
- close(OUT);
- $b=&load_file($file);
- unlink($file);
- ($s,@p)=&der_str($b);
- die "unknown rsa key type\n$s\n"
- if ($s ne '0G-1B-1G-2F-2E-1D');
- local($off,$d,$hl,$len)=&parse_line($p[5]);
- $b=substr($b,$off+$hl,$len);
- ($s,@p)=&der_str($b);
- open(OUT,"|$rsa_cmd") || die "unable to run $rsa_cmd:$!\n";
- print OUT $b;
- close(OUT);
- }
- else
- {
- print "'$type' is unknown\n";
- exit(1);
- }
- }
-sub do_certificate
- {
- local($data,@struct)=@_;
- local($file)="/tmp/b$$.DER";
- local($off,$d,$hl,$len,$_,$b,@p,$s);
- ($off,$d,$hl,$len)=&parse_line($struct[2]);
- $b=substr($data,$off,$len+$hl);
- open(OUT,"|$x509_cmd -inform d") || die "unable to run $x509_cmd:$!\n";
- print OUT $b;
- close(OUT);
- }
-sub load_file
- {
- local($file)=@_;
- local(*IN,$r,$b,$i);
- $r="";
- open(IN,"<$file") || die "unable to open $file:$!\n";
- for (;;)
- {
- $i=sysread(IN,$b,10240);
- last if ($i <= 0);
- $r.=$b;
- }
- close(IN);
- return($r);
- }
-sub load_file_parse
- {
- local($file)=@_;
- local(*IN,$r,@ret,$_,$i,$n,$b);
- open(IN,"$cmd -inform d -in $file|")
- || die "unable to run der_parse\n";
- while (<IN>)
- {
- chop;
- push(@ret,$_);
- }
- return($r,@ret);
- }