path: root/contrib/ncurses/progs/dump_entry.c
diff options
authorPeter Wemm <peter@FreeBSD.org>1999-08-24 01:06:48 +0000
committerPeter Wemm <peter@FreeBSD.org>1999-08-24 01:06:48 +0000
commit0e3d540892016a47f6a68ec9ba2879d35ce5f7c2 (patch)
treead214c5b2c8142ad6dc6d2ce3a9c83e6317d7f77 /contrib/ncurses/progs/dump_entry.c
Import unmodified (but trimmed) ncurses 5.0 prerelease 990821.vendor/ncurses/5.0-19990821
This contains the full eti (panel, form, menu) extensions. bmake glue to follow. Obtained from: ftp://ftp.clark.net/pub/dickey/ncurses
Notes: svn path=/vendor/ncurses/dist/; revision=50276 svn path=/vendor/ncurses/5.0-19990821/; revision=50278; tag=vendor/ncurses/5.0-19990821
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/ncurses/progs/dump_entry.c')
1 files changed, 913 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/ncurses/progs/dump_entry.c b/contrib/ncurses/progs/dump_entry.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8324fe225228
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/ncurses/progs/dump_entry.c
@@ -0,0 +1,913 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 1998,1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc. *
+ * *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a *
+ * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the *
+ * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including *
+ * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, *
+ * distribute, distribute with modifications, sublicense, and/or sell *
+ * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is *
+ * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: *
+ * *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included *
+ * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. *
+ * *
+ * *
+ * Except as contained in this notice, the name(s) of the above copyright *
+ * holders shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the *
+ * sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written *
+ * authorization. *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+ * Author: Zeyd M. Ben-Halim <zmbenhal@netcom.com> 1992,1995 *
+ * and: Eric S. Raymond <esr@snark.thyrsus.com> *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+#include <progs.priv.h>
+#include "dump_entry.h"
+#include "termsort.c" /* this C file is generated */
+#include <parametrized.h> /* so is this */
+MODULE_ID("$Id: dump_entry.c,v 1.37 1999/03/14 12:29:30 tom Exp $")
+#define INDENT 8
+#define DISCARD(string) string = ABSENT_STRING
+static int tversion; /* terminfo version */
+static int outform; /* output format to use */
+static int sortmode; /* sort mode to use */
+static int width = 60; /* max line width for listings */
+static int column; /* current column, limited by 'width' */
+static int oldcol; /* last value of column before wrap */
+static int tracelevel; /* level of debug output */
+static bool pretty; /* true if we format if-then-else strings */
+static char *outbuf; /* the output-buffer */
+static size_t out_used; /* ...its current length */
+static size_t out_size; /* ...and its allocated length */
+/* indirection pointers for implementing sort and display modes */
+static const int *bool_indirect, *num_indirect, *str_indirect;
+static NCURSES_CONST char * const *bool_names;
+static NCURSES_CONST char * const *num_names;
+static NCURSES_CONST char * const *str_names;
+static const char *separator, *trailer;
+/* cover various ports and variants of terminfo */
+#define V_ALLCAPS 0 /* all capabilities (SVr4, XSI, ncurses) */
+#define V_SVR1 1 /* SVR1, Ultrix */
+#define V_HPUX 2 /* HP/UX */
+#define V_AIX 3 /* AIX */
+#define V_BSD 4 /* BSD */
+#define OBSOLETE(n) (n[0] == 'O' && n[1] == 'T')
+#define BoolIndirect(j) ((j >= BOOLCOUNT) ? (j) : ((sortmode == S_NOSORT) ? j : bool_indirect[j]))
+#define NumIndirect(j) ((j >= NUMCOUNT) ? (j) : ((sortmode == S_NOSORT) ? j : num_indirect[j]))
+#define StrIndirect(j) ((j >= STRCOUNT) ? (j) : ((sortmode == S_NOSORT) ? j : str_indirect[j]))
+#define BoolIndirect(j) ((sortmode == S_NOSORT) ? (j) : bool_indirect[j])
+#define NumIndirect(j) ((sortmode == S_NOSORT) ? (j) : num_indirect[j])
+#define StrIndirect(j) ((sortmode == S_NOSORT) ? (j) : str_indirect[j])
+void _nc_leaks_dump_entry(void)
+ if (outbuf != 0) {
+ free(outbuf);
+ outbuf = 0;
+ }
+NCURSES_CONST char *nametrans(const char *name)
+/* translate a capability name from termcap to terminfo */
+ const struct name_table_entry *np;
+ if ((np = _nc_find_entry(name, _nc_get_hash_table(0))) != 0)
+ switch(np->nte_type)
+ {
+ case BOOLEAN:
+ if (bool_from_termcap[np->nte_index])
+ return(boolcodes[np->nte_index]);
+ break;
+ case NUMBER:
+ if (num_from_termcap[np->nte_index])
+ return(numcodes[np->nte_index]);
+ break;
+ case STRING:
+ if (str_from_termcap[np->nte_index])
+ return(strcodes[np->nte_index]);
+ break;
+ }
+ return(0);
+void dump_init(const char *version, int mode, int sort, int twidth, int traceval, bool formatted)
+/* set up for entry display */
+ width = twidth;
+ pretty = formatted;
+ tracelevel = traceval;
+ /* versions */
+ if (version == 0)
+ tversion = V_ALLCAPS;
+ else if (!strcmp(version, "SVr1") || !strcmp(version, "SVR1")
+ || !strcmp(version, "Ultrix"))
+ tversion = V_SVR1;
+ else if (!strcmp(version, "HP"))
+ tversion = V_HPUX;
+ else if (!strcmp(version, "AIX"))
+ tversion = V_AIX;
+ else if (!strcmp(version, "BSD"))
+ tversion = V_BSD;
+ else
+ tversion = V_ALLCAPS;
+ /* implement display modes */
+ switch (outform = mode)
+ {
+ case F_LITERAL:
+ case F_TERMINFO:
+ bool_names = boolnames;
+ num_names = numnames;
+ str_names = strnames;
+ separator = twidth ? ", " : ",";
+ trailer = "\n\t";
+ break;
+ case F_VARIABLE:
+ bool_names = boolfnames;
+ num_names = numfnames;
+ str_names = strfnames;
+ separator = twidth ? ", " : ",";
+ trailer = "\n\t";
+ break;
+ case F_TERMCAP:
+ case F_TCONVERR:
+ bool_names = boolcodes;
+ num_names = numcodes;
+ str_names = strcodes;
+ separator = ":";
+ trailer = "\\\n\t:";
+ break;
+ }
+ /* implement sort modes */
+ switch(sortmode = sort)
+ {
+ case S_NOSORT:
+ if (traceval)
+ (void) fprintf(stderr,
+ "%s: sorting by term structure order\n", _nc_progname);
+ break;
+ case S_TERMINFO:
+ if (traceval)
+ (void) fprintf(stderr,
+ "%s: sorting by terminfo name order\n", _nc_progname);
+ bool_indirect = bool_terminfo_sort;
+ num_indirect = num_terminfo_sort;
+ str_indirect = str_terminfo_sort;
+ break;
+ case S_VARIABLE:
+ if (traceval)
+ (void) fprintf(stderr,
+ "%s: sorting by C variable order\n", _nc_progname);
+ bool_indirect = bool_variable_sort;
+ num_indirect = num_variable_sort;
+ str_indirect = str_variable_sort;
+ break;
+ case S_TERMCAP:
+ if (traceval)
+ (void) fprintf(stderr,
+ "%s: sorting by termcap name order\n", _nc_progname);
+ bool_indirect = bool_termcap_sort;
+ num_indirect = num_termcap_sort;
+ str_indirect = str_termcap_sort;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (traceval)
+ (void) fprintf(stderr,
+ "%s: width = %d, tversion = %d, outform = %d\n",
+ _nc_progname, width, tversion, outform);
+static TERMTYPE *cur_type;
+static int dump_predicate(int type, int idx)
+/* predicate function to use for ordinary decompilation */
+ switch(type) {
+ case BOOLEAN:
+ return (cur_type->Booleans[idx] == FALSE)
+ ? FAIL : cur_type->Booleans[idx];
+ case NUMBER:
+ return (cur_type->Numbers[idx] == ABSENT_NUMERIC)
+ ? FAIL : cur_type->Numbers[idx];
+ case STRING:
+ return (cur_type->Strings[idx] != ABSENT_STRING)
+ ? (int)TRUE : FAIL;
+ }
+ return(FALSE); /* pacify compiler */
+static void set_obsolete_termcaps(TERMTYPE *tp);
+static void repair_acsc(TERMTYPE *tp);
+/* is this the index of a function key string? */
+#define FNKEY(i) (((i)<= 65 && (i)>= 75) || ((i)<= 216 && (i)>= 268))
+static bool version_filter(int type, int idx)
+/* filter out capabilities we may want to suppress */
+ switch (tversion)
+ {
+ case V_ALLCAPS: /* SVr4, XSI Curses */
+ return(TRUE);
+ case V_SVR1: /* System V Release 1, Ultrix */
+ switch (type)
+ {
+ case BOOLEAN:
+ /* below and including xon_xoff */
+ return ((idx <= 20) ? TRUE : FALSE);
+ case NUMBER:
+ /* below and including width_status_line */
+ return ((idx <= 7) ? TRUE : FALSE);
+ case STRING:
+ /* below and including prtr_non */
+ return ((idx <= 144) ? TRUE : FALSE);
+ }
+ break;
+ case V_HPUX: /* Hewlett-Packard */
+ switch (type)
+ {
+ case BOOLEAN:
+ /* below and including xon_xoff */
+ return ((idx <= 20) ? TRUE : FALSE);
+ case NUMBER:
+ /* below and including label_width */
+ return ((idx <= 10) ? TRUE : FALSE);
+ case STRING:
+ if (idx <= 144) /* below and including prtr_non */
+ return(TRUE);
+ else if (FNKEY(idx)) /* function keys */
+ return(TRUE);
+ else if (idx==147||idx==156||idx==157) /* plab_norm,label_on,label_off */
+ return(TRUE);
+ else
+ return(FALSE);
+ }
+ break;
+ case V_AIX: /* AIX */
+ switch (type)
+ {
+ case BOOLEAN:
+ /* below and including xon_xoff */
+ return ((idx <= 20) ? TRUE : FALSE);
+ case NUMBER:
+ /* below and including width_status_line */
+ return ((idx <= 7) ? TRUE : FALSE);
+ case STRING:
+ if (idx <= 144) /* below and including prtr_non */
+ return(TRUE);
+ else if (FNKEY(idx)) /* function keys */
+ return(TRUE);
+ else
+ return(FALSE);
+ }
+ break;
+ case V_BSD: /* BSD */
+ switch (type)
+ {
+ case BOOLEAN:
+ return bool_from_termcap[idx];
+ case NUMBER:
+ return num_from_termcap[idx];
+ case STRING:
+ return str_from_termcap[idx];
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return(FALSE); /* pacify the compiler */
+void append_output (const char *src)
+ if (src == 0) {
+ out_used = 0;
+ append_output("");
+ } else {
+ size_t need = strlen(src);
+ size_t want = need + out_used + 1;
+ if (want > out_size) {
+ out_size += want; /* be generous */
+ if (outbuf == 0)
+ outbuf = malloc(out_size);
+ else
+ outbuf = realloc(outbuf, out_size);
+ }
+ (void)strcpy(outbuf + out_used, src);
+ out_used += need;
+ }
+void force_wrap(void)
+ oldcol = column;
+ append_output(trailer);
+ column = INDENT;
+void wrap_concat(const char *src)
+ int need = strlen(src);
+ int want = strlen(separator) + need;
+ if (column > INDENT
+ && column + want > width) {
+ force_wrap();
+ }
+ append_output(src);
+ append_output(separator);
+ column += need;
+#define IGNORE_SEP_TRAIL(first,last,sep_trail) \
+ if ((size_t)(last - first) > sizeof(sep_trail)-1 \
+ && !strncmp(first, sep_trail, sizeof(sep_trail)-1)) \
+ first += sizeof(sep_trail)-2
+/* Returns the nominal length of the buffer assuming it is termcap format,
+ * i.e., the continuation sequence is treated as a single character ":".
+ *
+ * There are several implementations of termcap which read the text into a
+ * fixed-size buffer. Generally they strip the newlines from the text, but may
+ * not do it until after the buffer is read. Also, "tc=" resolution may be
+ * expanded in the same buffer. This function is useful for measuring the size
+ * of the best fixed-buffer implementation; the worst case may be much worse.
+ */
+static int termcap_length(const char *src)
+ static const char pattern[] = ":\\\n\t:";
+ int len = 0;
+ const char *const t = src + strlen(src);
+ while (*src != '\0') {
+ IGNORE_SEP_TRAIL(src, t, pattern);
+ src++;
+ len++;
+ }
+ return len;
+#define termcap_length(src) strlen(src)
+static char * fmt_complex(char *dst, char *src, int level)
+ int percent = 0;
+ int n;
+ dst += strlen(dst);
+ while (*src != '\0') {
+ switch (*src) {
+ case '\\':
+ percent = 0;
+ *dst++ = *src++;
+ break;
+ case '%':
+ percent = 1;
+ break;
+ case '?': /* "if" */
+ case 't': /* "then" */
+ case 'e': /* "else" */
+ if (percent) {
+ percent = 0;
+ dst[-1] = '\n';
+ for (n = 0; n <= level; n++)
+ *dst++ = '\t';
+ *dst++ = '%';
+ *dst++ = *src;
+ *dst = '\0';
+ if (*src++ == '?') {
+ src = fmt_complex(dst, src, level+1);
+ dst += strlen(dst);
+ } else if (level == 1) {
+ _nc_warning("%%%c without %%?", *src);
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ case ';': /* "endif" */
+ if (percent) {
+ percent = 0;
+ if (level > 1) {
+ dst[-1] = '\n';
+ for (n = 0; n < level; n++)
+ *dst++ = '\t';
+ *dst++ = '%';
+ *dst++ = *src++;
+ *dst = '\0';
+ return src;
+ }
+ _nc_warning("%%; without %%?");
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ percent = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ *dst++ = *src++;
+ }
+ *dst = '\0';
+ return src;
+int fmt_entry(TERMTYPE *tterm,
+ int (*pred)(int type, int idx),
+ bool suppress_untranslatable,
+ bool infodump,
+ int numbers)
+int i, j;
+char buffer[MAX_TERMINFO_LENGTH];
+NCURSES_CONST char *name;
+int predval, len;
+int num_bools = 0;
+int num_values = 0;
+int num_strings = 0;
+bool outcount = 0;
+#define WRAP_CONCAT \
+ wrap_concat(buffer); \
+ outcount = TRUE
+ len = 12; /* terminfo file-header */
+ if (pred == 0) {
+ cur_type = tterm;
+ pred = dump_predicate;
+ }
+ append_output(0);
+ append_output(tterm->term_names);
+ append_output(separator);
+ column = out_used;
+ force_wrap();
+ for_each_boolean(j,tterm) {
+ i = BoolIndirect(j);
+ name = ExtBoolname(tterm,i,bool_names);
+ if (!version_filter(BOOLEAN, i))
+ continue;
+ else if ((outform == F_LITERAL || outform == F_TERMINFO || outform == F_VARIABLE)
+ && (OBSOLETE(name) && outform != F_LITERAL))
+ continue;
+ predval = pred(BOOLEAN, i);
+ if (predval != FAIL) {
+ (void) strcpy(buffer, name);
+ if (predval <= 0)
+ (void) strcat(buffer, "@");
+ else if (i + 1 > num_bools)
+ num_bools = i + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (column != INDENT)
+ force_wrap();
+ for_each_number(j,tterm) {
+ i = NumIndirect(j);
+ name = ExtNumname(tterm,i,num_names);
+ if (!version_filter(NUMBER, i))
+ continue;
+ else if ((outform == F_LITERAL || outform == F_TERMINFO || outform == F_VARIABLE)
+ && (OBSOLETE(name) && outform != F_LITERAL))
+ continue;
+ predval = pred(NUMBER, i);
+ if (predval != FAIL) {
+ if (tterm->Numbers[i] < 0) {
+ sprintf(buffer, "%s@", name);
+ } else {
+ sprintf(buffer, "%s#%d", name, tterm->Numbers[i]);
+ if (i + 1 > num_values)
+ num_values = i + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (column != INDENT)
+ force_wrap();
+ len += num_bools
+ + num_values * 2
+ + strlen(tterm->term_names) + 1;
+ if (len & 1)
+ len++;
+ repair_acsc(tterm);
+ for_each_string(j, tterm) {
+ i = StrIndirect(j);
+ name = ExtStrname(tterm,i,str_names);
+ if (!version_filter(STRING, i))
+ continue;
+ else if ((outform == F_LITERAL || outform == F_TERMINFO || outform == F_VARIABLE)
+ && (OBSOLETE(name) && outform != F_LITERAL))
+ continue;
+ /*
+ * Some older versions of vi want rmir/smir to be defined
+ * for ich/ich1 to work. If they're not defined, force
+ * them to be output as defined and empty.
+ */
+ if (outform==F_TERMCAP)
+ {
+#undef CUR
+#define CUR tterm->
+ if (insert_character || parm_ich)
+ {
+ if (&tterm->Strings[i] == &enter_insert_mode
+ && enter_insert_mode == ABSENT_STRING)
+ {
+ (void) strcpy(buffer, "im=");
+ goto catenate;
+ }
+ if (&tterm->Strings[i] == &exit_insert_mode
+ && exit_insert_mode == ABSENT_STRING)
+ {
+ (void) strcpy(buffer, "ei=");
+ goto catenate;
+ }
+ }
+ if (init_3string != 0
+ && termcap_reset != 0
+ && !strcmp(init_3string, termcap_reset))
+ DISCARD(init_3string);
+ if (reset_2string != 0
+ && termcap_reset != 0
+ && !strcmp(reset_2string, termcap_reset))
+ DISCARD(reset_2string);
+ }
+ predval = pred(STRING, i);
+ buffer[0] = '\0';
+ if (predval != FAIL) {
+ if (tterm->Strings[i] != ABSENT_STRING
+ && i + 1 > num_strings)
+ num_strings = i + 1;
+ if (!VALID_STRING(tterm->Strings[i]))
+ sprintf(buffer, "%s@", name);
+ else if (outform == F_TERMCAP || outform == F_TCONVERR)
+ {
+ char *srccap = _nc_tic_expand(tterm->Strings[i], FALSE, numbers);
+ char *cv = _nc_infotocap(name, srccap, parametrized[i]);
+ if (cv == 0)
+ {
+ if (outform == F_TCONVERR)
+ sprintf(buffer, "%s=!!! %s WILL NOT CONVERT !!!", name, srccap);
+ else if (suppress_untranslatable)
+ continue;
+ else
+ sprintf(buffer, "..%s=%s", name, srccap);
+ }
+ else
+ sprintf(buffer, "%s=%s", name, cv);
+ len += strlen(tterm->Strings[i]) + 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ char *src = _nc_tic_expand(tterm->Strings[i], outform==F_TERMINFO, numbers);
+ sprintf(buffer, "%s=", name);
+ if (pretty && outform==F_TERMINFO)
+ fmt_complex(buffer + strlen(buffer), src, 1);
+ else
+ strcat(buffer, src);
+ len += strlen(tterm->Strings[i]) + 1;
+ }
+ catenate:
+ }
+ }
+ len += num_strings * 2;
+ /*
+ * This piece of code should be an effective inverse of the functions
+ * postprocess_terminfo and postprocess_terminfo in parse_entry.c.
+ * Much more work should be done on this to support dumping termcaps.
+ */
+ if (tversion == V_HPUX)
+ {
+ if (memory_lock)
+ {
+ (void) sprintf(buffer, "meml=%s", memory_lock);
+ }
+ if (memory_unlock)
+ {
+ (void) sprintf(buffer, "memu=%s", memory_unlock);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (tversion == V_AIX)
+ {
+ if (VALID_STRING(acs_chars))
+ {
+ bool box_ok = TRUE;
+ const char *acstrans = "lqkxjmwuvtn";
+ const char *cp;
+ char *tp, *sp, boxchars[11];
+ tp = boxchars;
+ for (cp = acstrans; *cp; cp++)
+ {
+ sp = strchr(acs_chars, *cp);
+ if (sp)
+ *tp++ = sp[1];
+ else
+ {
+ box_ok = FALSE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ tp[0] = '\0';
+ if (box_ok)
+ {
+ (void) strcpy(buffer, "box1=");
+ (void) strcat(buffer, _nc_tic_expand(boxchars, outform==F_TERMINFO, numbers));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * kludge: trim off trailer to avoid an extra blank line
+ * in infocmp -u output when there are no string differences
+ */
+ if (outcount)
+ {
+ j = out_used;
+ if (j >= 2
+ && outbuf[j-1] == '\t'
+ && outbuf[j-2] == '\n') {
+ out_used -= 2;
+ } else if (j >= 4
+ && outbuf[j-1] == ':'
+ && outbuf[j-2] == '\t'
+ && outbuf[j-3] == '\n'
+ && outbuf[j-4] == '\\') {
+ out_used -= 4;
+ }
+ outbuf[out_used] = '\0';
+ column = oldcol;
+ }
+#if 0
+ fprintf(stderr, "num_bools = %d\n", num_bools);
+ fprintf(stderr, "num_values = %d\n", num_values);
+ fprintf(stderr, "num_strings = %d\n", num_strings);
+ fprintf(stderr, "term_names=%s, len=%d, strlen(outbuf)=%d, outbuf=%s\n",
+ tterm->term_names, len, out_used, outbuf);
+ /*
+ * Here's where we use infodump to trigger a more stringent length check
+ * for termcap-translation purposes.
+ * Return the length of the raw entry, without tc= expansions,
+ * It gives an idea of which entries are deadly to even *scan past*,
+ * as opposed to *use*.
+ */
+ return(infodump ? len : termcap_length(outbuf));
+int dump_entry(TERMTYPE *tterm, bool limited, int numbers, int (*pred)(int type, int idx))
+/* dump a single entry */
+ int len, critlen;
+ const char *legend;
+ bool infodump;
+ if (outform==F_TERMCAP || outform==F_TCONVERR)
+ {
+ legend = "older termcap";
+ infodump = FALSE;
+ set_obsolete_termcaps(tterm);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ legend = "terminfo";
+ infodump = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (((len = fmt_entry(tterm, pred, FALSE, infodump, numbers)) > critlen) && limited)
+ {
+ (void) printf("# (untranslatable capabilities removed to fit entry within %d bytes)\n",
+ critlen);
+ if ((len = fmt_entry(tterm, pred, TRUE, infodump, numbers)) > critlen)
+ {
+ /*
+ * We pick on sgr because it's a nice long string capability that
+ * is really just an optimization hack.
+ */
+ char *oldsgr = set_attributes;
+ set_attributes = ABSENT_STRING;
+ (void) printf("# (sgr removed to fit entry within %d bytes)\n",
+ critlen);
+ if ((len = fmt_entry(tterm, pred, TRUE, infodump, numbers)) > critlen)
+ {
+ int oldversion = tversion;
+ tversion = V_BSD;
+ (void) printf("# (terminfo-only capabilities suppressed to fit entry within %d bytes)\n",
+ critlen);
+ if ((len = fmt_entry(tterm, pred, TRUE, infodump, numbers)) > critlen)
+ {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr,
+ "warning: %s entry is %d bytes long\n",
+ _nc_first_name(tterm->term_names),
+ len);
+ (void) printf(
+ "# WARNING: this entry, %d bytes long, may core-dump %s libraries!\n",
+ len, legend);
+ }
+ tversion = oldversion;
+ }
+ set_attributes = oldsgr;
+ }
+ }
+ (void) fputs(outbuf, stdout);
+ return len;
+int dump_uses(const char *name, bool infodump)
+/* dump "use=" clauses in the appropriate format */
+ char buffer[MAX_TERMINFO_LENGTH];
+ append_output(0);
+ (void)sprintf(buffer, "%s%s", infodump ? "use=" : "tc=", name);
+ wrap_concat(buffer);
+ (void) fputs(outbuf, stdout);
+ return out_used;
+void compare_entry(void (*hook)(int t, int i, const char *name), TERMTYPE *tp GCC_UNUSED)
+/* compare two entries */
+ int i, j;
+ NCURSES_CONST char * name;
+ (void) fputs(" comparing booleans.\n", stdout);
+ for_each_boolean(j,tp)
+ {
+ i = BoolIndirect(j);
+ name = ExtBoolname(tp,i,bool_names);
+ if ((outform == F_LITERAL || outform == F_TERMINFO || outform == F_VARIABLE)
+ && (OBSOLETE(name) && outform != F_LITERAL))
+ continue;
+ (*hook)(BOOLEAN, i, name);
+ }
+ (void) fputs(" comparing numbers.\n", stdout);
+ for_each_number(j,tp)
+ {
+ i = NumIndirect(j);
+ name = ExtNumname(tp,i,num_names);
+ if ((outform==F_LITERAL || outform==F_TERMINFO || outform==F_VARIABLE)
+ && (OBSOLETE(name) && outform != F_LITERAL))
+ continue;
+ (*hook)(NUMBER, i, name);
+ }
+ (void) fputs(" comparing strings.\n", stdout);
+ for_each_string(j,tp)
+ {
+ i = StrIndirect(j);
+ name = ExtStrname(tp,i,str_names);
+ if ((outform==F_LITERAL || outform==F_TERMINFO || outform==F_VARIABLE)
+ && (OBSOLETE(name) && outform != F_LITERAL))
+ continue;
+ (*hook)(STRING, i, name);
+ }
+#define NOTSET(s) ((s) == 0)
+ * This bit of legerdemain turns all the terminfo variable names into
+ * references to locations in the arrays Booleans, Numbers, and Strings ---
+ * precisely what's needed.
+ */
+#undef CUR
+#define CUR tp->
+static void set_obsolete_termcaps(TERMTYPE *tp)
+#include "capdefaults.c"
+ * Convert an alternate-character-set string to canonical form: sorted and
+ * unique.
+ */
+static void repair_acsc(TERMTYPE *tp)
+ if (VALID_STRING(acs_chars)) {
+ size_t n, m;
+ char mapped[256];
+ char extra = 0;
+ unsigned source;
+ unsigned target;
+ bool fix_needed = FALSE;
+ for (n = 0, source = 0; acs_chars[n] != 0; n++) {
+ target = acs_chars[n];
+ if (source >= target) {
+ fix_needed = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ source = target;
+ if (acs_chars[n+1])
+ n++;
+ }
+ if (fix_needed) {
+ memset(mapped, 0, sizeof(mapped));
+ for (n = 0; acs_chars[n] != 0; n++) {
+ source = acs_chars[n];
+ if ((target = (unsigned char)acs_chars[n+1]) != 0) {
+ mapped[source] = target;
+ n++;
+ } else {
+ extra = source;
+ }
+ }
+ for (n = m = 0; n < sizeof(mapped); n++) {
+ if (mapped[n]) {
+ acs_chars[m++] = n;
+ acs_chars[m++] = mapped[n];
+ }
+ }
+ if (extra)
+ acs_chars[m++] = extra; /* garbage in, garbage out */
+ acs_chars[m] = 0;
+ }
+ }